
Kitguns, blasters, plasma throwers! Whatever you need to do horrible things to horrible people!
A custom weapon made from many possible parts. Assembled by Rude Zuud in Fortuna or Father in the Necralisk.
—In-Game Description

Kitguns are modular primary and secondary firearms. As modular weapons, Kitguns are formed from three different components that can be mixed and matched before assembly, allowing players to create different combinations of parts with the stats and abilities that they desire. Additionally, Kitguns can be given custom names when created to further personalize the weapon. Like Zaws, gilded Kitguns can be further upgraded with Pax Arcanes and Residual Arcanes. Rude Zuud of Solaris United sells Corpus-like Kitgun parts, while Father of the Entrati has Infested-like Kitgun parts.


A Kitgun consists of three different components, the Chamber, the Grip, and the Loader. Each component is centered around a particular aspect of the weapon, and these components can each have various parts to choose from, which changes the type of functionality that the component provides.


The Chamber represents the primary component of the Kitgun that forms its barrel, which determines the form of the weapon's unique damage properties ranging from large energy projectiles to beams, as well as its trigger type. These are the components that earn Mastery Rank points for the weapon. Note that the primary and secondary variants of each chamber share the same Mastery progression, so leveling both the primary and secondary variant of the chamber will not give more Mastery.


The Grip is a Kitgun component that forms the main handle, which determines whether the weapon is a primary or a secondary type weapon, as well as the balance between the weapon's base damage, fire rate, and the amount of recoil, usually resulting in a tradeoff between these stats. For beam-type chambers like the Gaze, the Grip will only determine the weapon's base damage and maximum range, and not the fire rate or recoil.

Primary Catchmoon and Sporelacer[]

For Primary Projectile Shotguns (Catchmoon Catchmoon (Primary) and Sporelacer Sporelacer (Primary))
Grip Type Base Damage Bonus Fire Rate Range Recoil Bonus Charge Rate Bonus Donation Standing Bonus
Brash Primary -24 5.6667 N/A -20% +59% +200
Shrewd Primary -12 4.6667 N/A +0% +0% +200
Steadyslam Primary +41 3.3333 N/A +10% -27% +200
Tremor Primary +82 3.0000 N/A +20% -43% +200
Palmaris Primary -18 5.1667 N/A -20% +59% +200
  • Note that Charge Rate Bonus is not actually applied for this chamber since it is not a Charge trigger weapon.

Primary Tombfinger[]

For Primary Projectile Rifles (Tombfinger Tombfinger (Primary))
Grip Type Base Damage Bonus Fire Rate Range Recoil Bonus Charge Rate Bonus Donation Standing Bonus
Brash Primary -20 3.7667 N/A -20% +59% +200
Shrewd Primary -10 3.1333 N/A +0% +0% +200
Steadyslam Primary +29 2.3167 N/A +10% -27% +200
Tremor Primary +58 2.1333 N/A +20% -43% +200
Palmaris Primary -15 3.4500 N/A -20% +59% +200

Primary Rattleguts[]

For Primary Auto Hitscan Rifles (Rattleguts Rattleguts (Primary))
Grip Type Base Damage Bonus Fire Rate Range Recoil Bonus Charge Rate Bonus Donation Standing Bonus
Brash Primary -2 17.0000 N/A -20% +59% +200
Shrewd Primary -1 14.0000 N/A +0% +0% +200
Steadyslam Primary +9 10.0000 N/A +10% -27% +200
Tremor Primary +18 9.0000 N/A +20% -43% +200
Palmaris Primary -1.5 15.5000 N/A -20% +59% +200
  • Note that Charge Rate Bonus is not actually applied for this chamber since it is not a Charge trigger weapon.

Primary Gaze and Vermisplicer[]

For Primary Beam Rifles (Gaze Gaze (Primary) and Vermisplicer Vermisplicer (Primary))
Grip Type Base Damage Bonus Fire Rate Range Recoil Bonus Charge Rate Bonus Donation Standing Bonus
Brash Primary -4 8.0000 30m -20% +59% +200
Shrewd Primary -2 8.0000 26m +0% +0% +200
Steadyslam Primary +2 8.0000 20m +10% -27% +200
Tremor Primary +4 8.0000 16m +20% -43% +200
Palmaris Primary -3 8.0000 28m -20% +59% +200
  • Note that Charge Rate Bonus is not actually applied for this chamber since it is not a Charge trigger weapon.
  • Note that Beam weapons have non-existent recoil.

Secondary Catchmoon and Sporelacer[]

For Secondary Projectile Shotguns (Catchmoon Catchmoon (Secondary) and Sporelacer Sporelacer (Secondary))
Grip Type Base Damage Bonus Fire Rate Range Recoil Bonus Charge Rate Bonus Donation Standing Bonus
Ramble Secondary -48 2.5000 N/A +0% +0% +200
Lovetap Secondary +102 1.5000 N/A +50% +0% +200
Haymaker Secondary +204 1.1667 N/A +100% +0% +200
Gibber Secondary -96 3.1667 N/A -50% +0% +200
Ulnaris Secondary +34 1.8333 N/A +0% +0% +200

Secondary Tombfinger[]

For Secondary Projectile Pistols (Tombfinger Tombfinger (Secondary))
Grip Type Base Damage Bonus Fire Rate Range Recoil Bonus Charge Rate Bonus Donation Standing Bonus
Ramble Secondary -12 3.6667 N/A +0% +0% +200
Lovetap Secondary +24 2.5000 N/A +50% +0% +200
Haymaker Secondary +48 2.1667 N/A +100% +0% +200
Gibber Secondary -24 4.5000 N/A -50% +0% +200
Ulnaris Secondary +8 2.8333 N/A +0% +0% +200

Secondary Rattleguts[]

For Secondary Auto Hitscan Pistols (Rattleguts Rattleguts (Secondary))
Grip Type Base Damage Bonus Fire Rate Range Recoil Bonus Charge Rate Bonus Donation Standing Bonus
Ramble Secondary -6 8.8333 N/A +0% +0% +200
Lovetap Secondary +19 5.1667 N/A +50% +0% +200
Haymaker Secondary +38 3.6667 N/A +100% +0% +200
Gibber Secondary -12 12.0000 N/A -50% +0% +200
Ulnaris Secondary +6 6.6667 N/A +0% +0% +200

Secondary Gaze and Vermisplicer[]

For Secondary Beam Pistols (Gaze Gaze (Secondary) and Vermisplicer Vermisplicer (Secondary))
Grip Type Base Damage Bonus Fire Rate Range Recoil Bonus Charge Rate Bonus Donation Standing Bonus
Ramble Secondary -1 12.0000 37m +0% +0% +200
Lovetap Secondary +1 12.0000 24m +50% +0% +200
Haymaker Secondary +2 12.0000 21m +100% +0% +200
Gibber Secondary -2 12.0000 40m -50% +0% +200
Ulnaris Secondary +0 12.0000 30m +0% +0% +200
  • Note that Beam weapons have non-existent recoil.


Loaders are tertiary components representing the Kitgun's receiver and magazine assembly, and is responsible for the balance of the weapon's secondary stats including Critical Hit and Status Effect stats, as well as magazine size and reload speeds.

Primary/Secondary Catchmoon and Sporelacer[]

For Projectile Shotguns (Catchmoon Catchmoon (Primary), Catchmoon Catchmoon (Secondary), Sporelacer Sporelacer (Primary), and Sporelacer Sporelacer (Secondary))
Grip Critical Chance Critical Multiplier Status Chance Magazine Reload Time Donation Standing Bonus
Macro Thymoid 24% 2.0x 24% 23 2.9s +200
Macro Arcroid 21% 2.0x 21% 39 3.1s +200
Arcroid 24% 2.0x 24% 9 1.5s +200
Thymoid 21% 2.0x 21% 17 2.3s +200
Deepbreath 21% 2.0x 21% 11 1.7s +200
Bellows 21% 2.0x 21% 13 2.1s +200
Bashrack 28% 2.1x 17% 11 1.7s +200
Stitch 28% 2.1x 17% 13 2.1s +200
Splat 35% 2.3x 13% 11 1.7s +200
Killstream 35% 2.3x 13% 7 1.3s +200
Slapneedle 28% 2.1x 17% 7 1.3s +200
Zipneedle 28% 2.1x 17% 5 0.9s +200
Slap 21% 2.0x 21% 7 1.3s +200
Zip 21% 2.0x 21% 5 0.9s +200
Sparkfire 17% 1.9x 28% 11 1.7s +200
Thunderdrum 17% 1.9x 28% 13 2.1s +200
Ramflare 13% 1.7x 35% 11 1.7s +200
Flutterfire 13% 1.7x 35% 7 1.3s +200
Swiftfire 17% 1.9x 28% 7 1.3s +200
Zipfire 17% 1.9x 28% 5 0.9s +200

Primary/Secondary Tombfinger[]

For Projectile Rifles (Tombfinger Tombfinger (Primary) and Tombfinger Tombfinger (Secondary))
Grip Critical Chance Critical Multiplier Status Chance Magazine Reload Time Donation Standing Bonus
Macro Thymoid 27% 2.0x 27% 35 2.9s +200
Macro Arcroid 24% 2.0x 24% 49 3.1s +200
Arcroid 27% 2.0x 27% 19 1.5s +200
Thymoid 24% 2.0x 24% 31 2.3s +200
Deepbreath 24% 2.0x 24% 23 1.7s +200
Bellows 24% 2.0x 24% 29 2.1s +200
Bashrack 31% 2.1x 20% 23 1.7s +200
Stitch 31% 2.1x 20% 29 2.1s +200
Splat 38% 2.3x 16% 23 1.7s +200
Killstream 38% 2.3x 16% 15 1.3s +200
Slapneedle 31% 2.1x 20% 15 1.3s +200
Zipneedle 31% 2.1x 20% 9 0.9s +200
Slap 24% 2.0x 24% 15 1.3s +200
Zip 24% 2.0x 24% 9 0.9s +200
Sparkfire 20% 1.9x 31% 23 1.7s +200
Thunderdrum 20% 1.9x 31% 29 2.1s +200
Ramflare 16% 1.7x 38% 23 1.7s +200
Flutterfire 16% 1.7x 38% 15 1.3s +200
Swiftfire 20% 1.9x 31% 15 1.3s +200
Zipfire 20% 1.9x 31% 9 0.9s +200

Primary/Secondary Rattleguts[]

For Auto Hitscan Rifles (Rattleguts Rattleguts (Primary) and Rattleguts Rattleguts (Secondary))
Grip Critical Chance Critical Multiplier Status Chance Magazine Reload Time Donation Standing Bonus
Macro Thymoid 22% 2.0x 22% 111 2.9s +200
Macro Arcroid 19% 2.0x 19% 153 3.1s +200
Arcroid 22% 2.0x 22% 57 1.5s +200
Thymoid 19% 2.0x 19% 75 2.3s +200
Deepbreath 19% 2.0x 19% 67 1.7s +200
Bellows 19% 2.0x 19% 83 2.1s +200
Bashrack 26% 2.1x 15% 67 1.7s +200
Stitch 26% 2.1x 15% 83 2.1s +200
Splat 33% 2.3x 11% 67 1.7s +200
Killstream 33% 2.3x 11% 45 1.3s +200
Slapneedle 26% 2.1x 15% 45 1.3s +200
Zipneedle 26% 2.1x 15% 29 0.9s +200
Slap 19% 2.0x 19% 45 1.3s +200
Zip 19% 2.0x 19% 29 0.9s +200
Sparkfire 15% 1.9x 26% 67 1.7s +200
Thunderdrum 15% 1.9x 26% 83 2.1s +200
Ramflare 11% 1.7x 33% 67 1.7s +200
Flutterfire 11% 1.7x 33% 45 1.3s +200
Swiftfire 15% 1.9x 26% 45 1.3s +200
Zipfire 15% 1.9x 26% 29 0.9s +200

Primary/Secondary Gaze and Vermisplicer[]

For Beam Weapons (Gaze Gaze (Primary), Gaze Gaze (Secondary), Vermisplicer Vermisplicer (Primary), and Vermisplicer Vermisplicer (Secondary))
Grip Critical Chance Critical Multiplier Status Chance Magazine Reload Time Donation Standing Bonus
Macro Thymoid 28% 2.0x 28% 85 2.9s +200
Macro Arcroid 25% 2.0x 25% 113 3.1s +200
Arcroid 28% 2.0x 28% 37 1.5s +200
Thymoid 25% 2.0x 25% 49 2.3s +200
Deepbreath 25% 2.0x 25% 43 1.7s +200
Bellows 25% 2.0x 25% 51 2.1s +200
Bashrack 32% 2.1x 21% 43 1.7s +200
Stitch 32% 2.1x 21% 51 2.1s +200
Splat 39% 2.3x 17% 43 1.7s +200
Killstream 39% 2.3x 17% 31 1.3s +200
Slapneedle 32% 2.1x 21% 31 1.3s +200
Zipneedle 32% 2.1x 21% 23 0.9s +200
Slap 25% 2.0x 25% 31 1.3s +200
Zip 25% 2.0x 25% 23 0.9s +200
Sparkfire 21% 1.9x 32% 43 1.7s +200
Thunderdrum 21% 1.9x 32% 51 2.1s +200
Ramflare 17% 1.7x 39% 43 1.7s +200
Flutterfire 17% 1.7x 39% 31 1.3s +200
Swiftfire 21% 1.9x 32% 31 1.3s +200
Zipfire 21% 1.9x 32% 23 0.9s +200



Before players can craft a Kitgun, they must first purchase the blueprints for the parts they desire from Rude Zuud or Father, which is available for Standing, after which these parts must then be constructed at the Foundry.

Once the component parts have been crafted, players must return to Rude Zuud or Father and select the Build Kitgun option. Here, players must choose the crafted components they have available to form the weapon. Once a Chamber, Grip, and Loader are selected, the player will be shown a preview of the weapon's appearance, along with the weapon's stats. If the weapon is satisfactory, players can then proceed with the Build Weapon action, which will instantly craft the weapon for Credits64 4,000. Players can also use the Build Kitgun screen to preview builds of Kitgun components they do not yet own.

A newly built Kitgun cannot be renamed, customized, Polarized, equipped with a Focus Lens, have Kitgun Arcanes installed, or earn Mastery Rank experience. However, they can be equipped with an Orokin Catalyst.

Once built, a Kitgun cannot be disassembled to return its components parts.


In order to fully unlock all of a Kitgun's features, players must gild their weapon. To gild a weapon, players must have a reputation rank of at least Doer with Solaris United, and the desired Kitgun must first be leveled up to Rank 30. Afterwards, players must return to Rude Zuud or Father and select the Gild option under Other Services, which will cost 10 Shelter Debt-Bonds (Rude Zuud) or 25 Father Tokens (Father) and ReputationLarge 5,000. Upon gilding the weapon, players will be asked to first add a Polarity to the weapon, and then finally give it a custom name. This process will reset the weapon's level back to Rank 0.

A Gilded Kitgun will have all of the functionality available to other weapons. A Kitgun will only give Mastery Rank points once gilded.

Visually, the Gilded Kitgun will have a modified appearance over a newly-built one.

Pax Arcanes[]

Gilded Kitguns can be further improved through the installation of Pax Arcanes, that grant special conditional abilities to the Kitgun. These can be bought from Rude Zuud once a player has achieved the rank of Old Mate with Solaris United.



View Kitgun Secondary Build Table List

This section is transcluded from Catchmoon/Table § Secondary. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Grip Loader Damage Impact Heat Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Gibber Bashrack 160 41 119 28% 2.1x 17% 3.17 11 1.7s
Gibber Bellows 160 41 119 21% 2x 21% 3.17 13 2.1s
Gibber Deepbreath 160 41 119 21% 2x 21% 3.17 11 1.7s
Gibber Flutterfire 160 41 119 13% 1.7x 35% 3.17 7 1.3s
Gibber Killstream 160 41 119 35% 2.3x 13% 3.17 7 1.3s
Gibber Ramflare 160 41 119 13% 1.7x 35% 3.17 11 1.7s
Gibber Slap 160 41 119 21% 2x 21% 3.17 7 1.3s
Gibber Slapneedle 160 41 119 28% 2.1x 17% 3.17 7 1.3s
Gibber Sparkfire 160 41 119 17% 1.9x 28% 3.17 11 1.7s
Gibber Splat 160 41 119 35% 2.3x 13% 3.17 11 1.7s
Gibber Stitch 160 41 119 28% 2.1x 17% 3.17 13 2.1s
Gibber Swiftfire 160 41 119 17% 1.9x 28% 3.17 7 1.3s
Gibber Thunderdrum 160 41 119 17% 1.9x 28% 3.17 13 2.1s
Gibber Zip 160 41 119 21% 2x 21% 3.17 5 0.9s
Gibber Zipfire 160 41 119 17% 1.9x 28% 3.17 5 0.9s
Gibber Zipneedle 160 41 119 28% 2.1x 17% 3.17 5 0.9s
Gibber Arcroid 160 41 119 24% 2x 24% 3.17 9 2.1s
Gibber Macro Arcroid 160 41 119 21% 2x 21% 3.17 39 3.1s
Gibber Macro Thymoid 160 41 119 24% 2x 24% 3.17 23 2.9s
Gibber Thymoid 160 41 119 21% 2x 21% 3.17 17 2.3s
Ramble Bashrack 208 65 143 28% 2.1x 17% 2.5 11 1.7s
Ramble Bellows 208 65 143 21% 2x 21% 2.5 13 2.1s
Ramble Deepbreath 208 65 143 21% 2x 21% 2.5 11 1.7s
Ramble Flutterfire 208 65 143 13% 1.7x 35% 2.5 7 1.3s
Ramble Killstream 208 65 143 35% 2.3x 13% 2.5 7 1.3s
Ramble Ramflare 208 65 143 13% 1.7x 35% 2.5 11 1.7s
Ramble Slap 208 65 143 21% 2x 21% 2.5 7 1.3s
Ramble Slapneedle 208 65 143 28% 2.1x 17% 2.5 7 1.3s
Ramble Sparkfire 208 65 143 17% 1.9x 28% 2.5 11 1.7s
Ramble Splat 208 65 143 35% 2.3x 13% 2.5 11 1.7s
Ramble Stitch 208 65 143 28% 2.1x 17% 2.5 13 2.1s
Ramble Swiftfire 208 65 143 17% 1.9x 28% 2.5 7 1.3s
Ramble Thunderdrum 208 65 143 17% 1.9x 28% 2.5 13 2.1s
Ramble Zip 208 65 143 21% 2x 21% 2.5 5 0.9s
Ramble Zipfire 208 65 143 17% 1.9x 28% 2.5 5 0.9s
Ramble Zipneedle 208 65 143 28% 2.1x 17% 2.5 5 0.9s
Ramble Arcroid 208 65 143 24% 2x 24% 2.5 9 2.1s
Ramble Macro Arcroid 208 65 143 21% 2x 21% 2.5 39 3.1s
Ramble Macro Thymoid 208 65 143 24% 2x 24% 2.5 23 2.9s
Ramble Thymoid 208 65 143 21% 2x 21% 2.5 17 2.3s
Lovetap Bashrack 358 140 218 28% 2.1x 17% 1.5 11 1.7s
Lovetap Bellows 358 140 218 21% 2x 21% 1.5 13 2.1s
Lovetap Deepbreath 358 140 218 21% 2x 21% 1.5 11 1.7s
Lovetap Flutterfire 358 140 218 13% 1.7x 35% 1.5 7 1.3s
Lovetap Killstream 358 140 218 35% 2.3x 13% 1.5 7 1.3s
Lovetap Ramflare 358 140 218 13% 1.7x 35% 1.5 11 1.7s
Lovetap Slap 358 140 218 21% 2x 21% 1.5 7 1.3s
Lovetap Slapneedle 358 140 218 28% 2.1x 17% 1.5 7 1.3s
Lovetap Sparkfire 358 140 218 17% 1.9x 28% 1.5 11 1.7s
Lovetap Splat 358 140 218 35% 2.3x 13% 1.5 11 1.7s
Lovetap Stitch 358 140 218 28% 2.1x 17% 1.5 13 2.1s
Lovetap Swiftfire 358 140 218 17% 1.9x 28% 1.5 7 1.3s
Lovetap Thunderdrum 358 140 218 17% 1.9x 28% 1.5 13 2.1s
Lovetap Zip 358 140 218 21% 2x 21% 1.5 5 0.9s
Lovetap Zipfire 358 140 218 17% 1.9x 28% 1.5 5 0.9s
Lovetap Zipneedle 358 140 218 28% 2.1x 17% 1.5 5 0.9s
Lovetap Arcroid 358 140 218 24% 2x 24% 1.5 9 2.1s
Lovetap Macro Arcroid 358 140 218 21% 2x 21% 1.5 39 3.1s
Lovetap Macro Thymoid 358 140 218 24% 2x 24% 1.5 23 2.9s
Lovetap Thymoid 358 140 218 21% 2x 21% 1.5 17 2.3s
Haymaker Bashrack 460 191 269 28% 2.1x 17% 1.17 11 1.7s
Haymaker Bellows 460 191 269 21% 2x 21% 1.17 13 2.1s
Haymaker Deepbreath 460 191 269 21% 2x 21% 1.17 11 1.7s
Haymaker Flutterfire 460 191 269 13% 1.7x 35% 1.17 7 1.3s
Haymaker Killstream 460 191 269 35% 2.3x 13% 1.17 7 1.3s
Haymaker Ramflare 460 191 269 13% 1.7x 35% 1.17 11 1.7s
Haymaker Slap 460 191 269 21% 2x 21% 1.17 7 1.3s
Haymaker Slapneedle 460 191 269 28% 2.1x 17% 1.17 7 1.3s
Haymaker Sparkfire 460 191 269 17% 1.9x 28% 1.17 11 1.7s
Haymaker Splat 460 191 269 35% 2.3x 13% 1.17 11 1.7s
Haymaker Stitch 460 191 269 28% 2.1x 17% 1.17 13 2.1s
Haymaker Swiftfire 460 191 269 17% 1.9x 28% 1.17 7 1.3s
Haymaker Thunderdrum 460 191 269 17% 1.9x 28% 1.17 13 2.1s
Haymaker Zip 460 191 269 21% 2x 21% 1.17 5 0.9s
Haymaker Zipfire 460 191 269 17% 1.9x 28% 1.17 5 0.9s
Haymaker Zipneedle 460 191 269 28% 2.1x 17% 1.17 5 0.9s
Haymaker Arcroid 460 191 269 24% 2x 24% 1.17 9 2.1s
Haymaker Macro Arcroid 460 191 269 21% 2x 21% 1.17 39 3.1s
Haymaker Macro Thymoid 460 191 269 24% 2x 24% 1.17 23 2.9s
Haymaker Thymoid 460 191 269 21% 2x 21% 1.17 17 2.3s
Ulnaris Bashrack 290 106 184 28% 2.1x 17% 1.83 11 1.7s
Ulnaris Bellows 290 106 184 21% 2x 21% 1.83 13 2.1s
Ulnaris Deepbreath 290 106 184 21% 2x 21% 1.83 11 1.7s
Ulnaris Flutterfire 290 106 184 13% 1.7x 35% 1.83 7 1.3s
Ulnaris Killstream 290 106 184 35% 2.3x 13% 1.83 7 1.3s
Ulnaris Ramflare 290 106 184 13% 1.7x 35% 1.83 11 1.7s
Ulnaris Slap 290 106 184 21% 2x 21% 1.83 7 1.3s
Ulnaris Slapneedle 290 106 184 28% 2.1x 17% 1.83 7 1.3s
Ulnaris Sparkfire 290 106 184 17% 1.9x 28% 1.83 11 1.7s
Ulnaris Splat 290 106 184 35% 2.3x 13% 1.83 11 1.7s
Ulnaris Stitch 290 106 184 28% 2.1x 17% 1.83 13 2.1s
Ulnaris Swiftfire 290 106 184 17% 1.9x 28% 1.83 7 1.3s
Ulnaris Thunderdrum 290 106 184 17% 1.9x 28% 1.83 13 2.1s
Ulnaris Zip 290 106 184 21% 2x 21% 1.83 5 0.9s
Ulnaris Zipfire 290 106 184 17% 1.9x 28% 1.83 5 0.9s
Ulnaris Zipneedle 290 106 184 28% 2.1x 17% 1.83 5 0.9s
Ulnaris Arcroid 290 106 184 24% 2x 24% 1.83 9 2.1s
Ulnaris Macro Arcroid 290 106 184 21% 2x 21% 1.83 39 3.1s
Ulnaris Macro Thymoid 290 106 184 24% 2x 24% 1.83 23 2.9s
Ulnaris Thymoid 290 106 184 21% 2x 21% 1.83 17 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Heat Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 160 41 119 28% 2.1x 17% 3.17 11 1.7s
Bellows 160 41 119 21% 2x 21% 3.17 13 2.1s
Deepbreath 160 41 119 21% 2x 21% 3.17 11 1.7s
Flutterfire 160 41 119 13% 1.7x 35% 3.17 7 1.3s
Killstream 160 41 119 35% 2.3x 13% 3.17 7 1.3s
Ramflare 160 41 119 13% 1.7x 35% 3.17 11 1.7s
Slap 160 41 119 21% 2x 21% 3.17 7 1.3s
Slapneedle 160 41 119 28% 2.1x 17% 3.17 7 1.3s
Sparkfire 160 41 119 17% 1.9x 28% 3.17 11 1.7s
Splat 160 41 119 35% 2.3x 13% 3.17 11 1.7s
Stitch 160 41 119 28% 2.1x 17% 3.17 13 2.1s
Swiftfire 160 41 119 17% 1.9x 28% 3.17 7 1.3s
Thunderdrum 160 41 119 17% 1.9x 28% 3.17 13 2.1s
Zip 160 41 119 21% 2x 21% 3.17 5 0.9s
Zipfire 160 41 119 17% 1.9x 28% 3.17 5 0.9s
Zipneedle 160 41 119 28% 2.1x 17% 3.17 5 0.9s
Arcroid 160 41 119 24% 2x 24% 3.17 9 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 160 41 119 21% 2x 21% 3.17 39 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 160 41 119 24% 2x 24% 3.17 23 2.9s
Thymoid 160 41 119 21% 2x 21% 3.17 17 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Heat Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 208 65 143 28% 2.1x 17% 2.5 11 1.7s
Bellows 208 65 143 21% 2x 21% 2.5 13 2.1s
Deepbreath 208 65 143 21% 2x 21% 2.5 11 1.7s
Flutterfire 208 65 143 13% 1.7x 35% 2.5 7 1.3s
Killstream 208 65 143 35% 2.3x 13% 2.5 7 1.3s
Ramflare 208 65 143 13% 1.7x 35% 2.5 11 1.7s
Slap 208 65 143 21% 2x 21% 2.5 7 1.3s
Slapneedle 208 65 143 28% 2.1x 17% 2.5 7 1.3s
Sparkfire 208 65 143 17% 1.9x 28% 2.5 11 1.7s
Splat 208 65 143 35% 2.3x 13% 2.5 11 1.7s
Stitch 208 65 143 28% 2.1x 17% 2.5 13 2.1s
Swiftfire 208 65 143 17% 1.9x 28% 2.5 7 1.3s
Thunderdrum 208 65 143 17% 1.9x 28% 2.5 13 2.1s
Zip 208 65 143 21% 2x 21% 2.5 5 0.9s
Zipfire 208 65 143 17% 1.9x 28% 2.5 5 0.9s
Zipneedle 208 65 143 28% 2.1x 17% 2.5 5 0.9s
Arcroid 208 65 143 24% 2x 24% 2.5 9 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 208 65 143 21% 2x 21% 2.5 39 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 208 65 143 24% 2x 24% 2.5 23 2.9s
Thymoid 208 65 143 21% 2x 21% 2.5 17 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Heat Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 358 140 218 28% 2.1x 17% 1.5 11 1.7s
Bellows 358 140 218 21% 2x 21% 1.5 13 2.1s
Deepbreath 358 140 218 21% 2x 21% 1.5 11 1.7s
Flutterfire 358 140 218 13% 1.7x 35% 1.5 7 1.3s
Killstream 358 140 218 35% 2.3x 13% 1.5 7 1.3s
Ramflare 358 140 218 13% 1.7x 35% 1.5 11 1.7s
Slap 358 140 218 21% 2x 21% 1.5 7 1.3s
Slapneedle 358 140 218 28% 2.1x 17% 1.5 7 1.3s
Sparkfire 358 140 218 17% 1.9x 28% 1.5 11 1.7s
Splat 358 140 218 35% 2.3x 13% 1.5 11 1.7s
Stitch 358 140 218 28% 2.1x 17% 1.5 13 2.1s
Swiftfire 358 140 218 17% 1.9x 28% 1.5 7 1.3s
Thunderdrum 358 140 218 17% 1.9x 28% 1.5 13 2.1s
Zip 358 140 218 21% 2x 21% 1.5 5 0.9s
Zipfire 358 140 218 17% 1.9x 28% 1.5 5 0.9s
Zipneedle 358 140 218 28% 2.1x 17% 1.5 5 0.9s
Arcroid 358 140 218 24% 2x 24% 1.5 9 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 358 140 218 21% 2x 21% 1.5 39 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 358 140 218 24% 2x 24% 1.5 23 2.9s
Thymoid 358 140 218 21% 2x 21% 1.5 17 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Heat Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 460 191 269 28% 2.1x 17% 1.17 11 1.7s
Bellows 460 191 269 21% 2x 21% 1.17 13 2.1s
Deepbreath 460 191 269 21% 2x 21% 1.17 11 1.7s
Flutterfire 460 191 269 13% 1.7x 35% 1.17 7 1.3s
Killstream 460 191 269 35% 2.3x 13% 1.17 7 1.3s
Ramflare 460 191 269 13% 1.7x 35% 1.17 11 1.7s
Slap 460 191 269 21% 2x 21% 1.17 7 1.3s
Slapneedle 460 191 269 28% 2.1x 17% 1.17 7 1.3s
Sparkfire 460 191 269 17% 1.9x 28% 1.17 11 1.7s
Splat 460 191 269 35% 2.3x 13% 1.17 11 1.7s
Stitch 460 191 269 28% 2.1x 17% 1.17 13 2.1s
Swiftfire 460 191 269 17% 1.9x 28% 1.17 7 1.3s
Thunderdrum 460 191 269 17% 1.9x 28% 1.17 13 2.1s
Zip 460 191 269 21% 2x 21% 1.17 5 0.9s
Zipfire 460 191 269 17% 1.9x 28% 1.17 5 0.9s
Zipneedle 460 191 269 28% 2.1x 17% 1.17 5 0.9s
Arcroid 460 191 269 24% 2x 24% 1.17 9 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 460 191 269 21% 2x 21% 1.17 39 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 460 191 269 24% 2x 24% 1.17 23 2.9s
Thymoid 460 191 269 21% 2x 21% 1.17 17 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Heat Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 290 106 184 28% 2.1x 17% 1.83 11 1.7s
Bellows 290 106 184 21% 2x 21% 1.83 13 2.1s
Deepbreath 290 106 184 21% 2x 21% 1.83 11 1.7s
Flutterfire 290 106 184 13% 1.7x 35% 1.83 7 1.3s
Killstream 290 106 184 35% 2.3x 13% 1.83 7 1.3s
Ramflare 290 106 184 13% 1.7x 35% 1.83 11 1.7s
Slap 290 106 184 21% 2x 21% 1.83 7 1.3s
Slapneedle 290 106 184 28% 2.1x 17% 1.83 7 1.3s
Sparkfire 290 106 184 17% 1.9x 28% 1.83 11 1.7s
Splat 290 106 184 35% 2.3x 13% 1.83 11 1.7s
Stitch 290 106 184 28% 2.1x 17% 1.83 13 2.1s
Swiftfire 290 106 184 17% 1.9x 28% 1.83 7 1.3s
Thunderdrum 290 106 184 17% 1.9x 28% 1.83 13 2.1s
Zip 290 106 184 21% 2x 21% 1.83 5 0.9s
Zipfire 290 106 184 17% 1.9x 28% 1.83 5 0.9s
Zipneedle 290 106 184 28% 2.1x 17% 1.83 5 0.9s
Arcroid 290 106 184 24% 2x 24% 1.83 9 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 290 106 184 21% 2x 21% 1.83 39 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 290 106 184 24% 2x 24% 1.83 23 2.9s
Thymoid 290 106 184 21% 2x 21% 1.83 17 2.3s

Grip Damage Impact Heat Fire Rate
Gibber 160 41 119 3.17
Ramble 208 65 143 2.5
Lovetap 358 140 218 1.5
Haymaker 460 191 269 1.17
Ulnaris 290 106 184 1.83

Loader Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 28% 2.1x 17% 11 1.7s
Bellows 21% 2x 21% 13 2.1s
Deepbreath 21% 2x 21% 11 1.7s
Flutterfire 13% 1.7x 35% 7 1.3s
Killstream 35% 2.3x 13% 7 1.3s
Ramflare 13% 1.7x 35% 11 1.7s
Slap 21% 2x 21% 7 1.3s
Slapneedle 28% 2.1x 17% 7 1.3s
Sparkfire 17% 1.9x 28% 11 1.7s
Splat 35% 2.3x 13% 11 1.7s
Stitch 28% 2.1x 17% 13 2.1s
Swiftfire 17% 1.9x 28% 7 1.3s
Thunderdrum 17% 1.9x 28% 13 2.1s
Zip 21% 2x 21% 5 0.9s
Zipfire 17% 1.9x 28% 5 0.9s
Zipneedle 28% 2.1x 17% 5 0.9s
Arcroid 24% 2x 24% 9 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 21% 2x 21% 39 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 24% 2x 24% 23 2.9s
Thymoid 21% 2x 21% 17 2.3s

This section is transcluded from Gaze/Table § Secondary. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Grip Loader Damage Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Beam Range Magazine Size Reload Time
Gibber Bashrack 16 6 10 32% 2.1x 21% 40 43 1.7s
Gibber Bellows 16 6 10 25% 2x 25% 40 51 2.1s
Gibber Deepbreath 16 6 10 25% 2x 25% 40 43 1.7s
Gibber Flutterfire 16 6 10 17% 1.7x 39% 40 31 1.3s
Gibber Killstream 16 6 10 39% 2.3x 17% 40 31 1.3s
Gibber Ramflare 16 6 10 17% 1.7x 39% 40 43 1.7s
Gibber Slap 16 6 10 25% 2x 25% 40 31 1.3s
Gibber Slapneedle 16 6 10 32% 2.1x 21% 40 31 1.3s
Gibber Sparkfire 16 6 10 21% 1.9x 32% 40 43 1.7s
Gibber Splat 16 6 10 39% 2.3x 17% 40 43 1.7s
Gibber Stitch 16 6 10 32% 2.1x 21% 40 51 2.1s
Gibber Swiftfire 16 6 10 21% 1.9x 32% 40 31 1.3s
Gibber Thunderdrum 16 6 10 21% 1.9x 32% 40 51 2.1s
Gibber Zip 16 6 10 25% 2x 25% 40 23 0.9s
Gibber Zipfire 16 6 10 21% 1.9x 32% 40 23 0.9s
Gibber Zipneedle 16 6 10 32% 2.1x 21% 40 23 0.9s
Gibber Arcroid 16 6 10 28% 2x 28% 40 37 2.1s
Gibber Macro Arcroid 16 6 10 25% 2x 25% 40 113 3.1s
Gibber Macro Thymoid 16 6 10 28% 2x 28% 40 85 2.9s
Gibber Thymoid 16 6 10 25% 2x 25% 40 49 2.3s
Ramble Bashrack 17 6.5 10.5 32% 2.1x 21% 37 43 1.7s
Ramble Bellows 17 6.5 10.5 25% 2x 25% 37 51 2.1s
Ramble Deepbreath 17 6.5 10.5 25% 2x 25% 37 43 1.7s
Ramble Flutterfire 17 6.5 10.5 17% 1.7x 39% 37 31 1.3s
Ramble Killstream 17 6.5 10.5 39% 2.3x 17% 37 31 1.3s
Ramble Ramflare 17 6.5 10.5 17% 1.7x 39% 37 43 1.7s
Ramble Slap 17 6.5 10.5 25% 2x 25% 37 31 1.3s
Ramble Slapneedle 17 6.5 10.5 32% 2.1x 21% 37 31 1.3s
Ramble Sparkfire 17 6.5 10.5 21% 1.9x 32% 37 43 1.7s
Ramble Splat 17 6.5 10.5 39% 2.3x 17% 37 43 1.7s
Ramble Stitch 17 6.5 10.5 32% 2.1x 21% 37 51 2.1s
Ramble Swiftfire 17 6.5 10.5 21% 1.9x 32% 37 31 1.3s
Ramble Thunderdrum 17 6.5 10.5 21% 1.9x 32% 37 51 2.1s
Ramble Zip 17 6.5 10.5 25% 2x 25% 37 23 0.9s
Ramble Zipfire 17 6.5 10.5 21% 1.9x 32% 37 23 0.9s
Ramble Zipneedle 17 6.5 10.5 32% 2.1x 21% 37 23 0.9s
Ramble Arcroid 17 6.5 10.5 28% 2x 28% 37 37 2.1s
Ramble Macro Arcroid 17 6.5 10.5 25% 2x 25% 37 113 3.1s
Ramble Macro Thymoid 17 6.5 10.5 28% 2x 28% 37 85 2.9s
Ramble Thymoid 17 6.5 10.5 25% 2x 25% 37 49 2.3s
Lovetap Bashrack 19 7.5 11.5 32% 2.1x 21% 24 43 1.7s
Lovetap Bellows 19 7.5 11.5 25% 2x 25% 24 51 2.1s
Lovetap Deepbreath 19 7.5 11.5 25% 2x 25% 24 43 1.7s
Lovetap Flutterfire 19 7.5 11.5 17% 1.7x 39% 24 31 1.3s
Lovetap Killstream 19 7.5 11.5 39% 2.3x 17% 24 31 1.3s
Lovetap Ramflare 19 7.5 11.5 17% 1.7x 39% 24 43 1.7s
Lovetap Slap 19 7.5 11.5 25% 2x 25% 24 31 1.3s
Lovetap Slapneedle 19 7.5 11.5 32% 2.1x 21% 24 31 1.3s
Lovetap Sparkfire 19 7.5 11.5 21% 1.9x 32% 24 43 1.7s
Lovetap Splat 19 7.5 11.5 39% 2.3x 17% 24 43 1.7s
Lovetap Stitch 19 7.5 11.5 32% 2.1x 21% 24 51 2.1s
Lovetap Swiftfire 19 7.5 11.5 21% 1.9x 32% 24 31 1.3s
Lovetap Thunderdrum 19 7.5 11.5 21% 1.9x 32% 24 51 2.1s
Lovetap Zip 19 7.5 11.5 25% 2x 25% 24 23 0.9s
Lovetap Zipfire 19 7.5 11.5 21% 1.9x 32% 24 23 0.9s
Lovetap Zipneedle 19 7.5 11.5 32% 2.1x 21% 24 23 0.9s
Lovetap Arcroid 19 7.5 11.5 28% 2x 28% 24 37 2.1s
Lovetap Macro Arcroid 19 7.5 11.5 25% 2x 25% 24 113 3.1s
Lovetap Macro Thymoid 19 7.5 11.5 28% 2x 28% 24 85 2.9s
Lovetap Thymoid 19 7.5 11.5 25% 2x 25% 24 49 2.3s
Haymaker Bashrack 20 8 12 32% 2.1x 21% 21 43 1.7s
Haymaker Bellows 20 8 12 25% 2x 25% 21 51 2.1s
Haymaker Deepbreath 20 8 12 25% 2x 25% 21 43 1.7s
Haymaker Flutterfire 20 8 12 17% 1.7x 39% 21 31 1.3s
Haymaker Killstream 20 8 12 39% 2.3x 17% 21 31 1.3s
Haymaker Ramflare 20 8 12 17% 1.7x 39% 21 43 1.7s
Haymaker Slap 20 8 12 25% 2x 25% 21 31 1.3s
Haymaker Slapneedle 20 8 12 32% 2.1x 21% 21 31 1.3s
Haymaker Sparkfire 20 8 12 21% 1.9x 32% 21 43 1.7s
Haymaker Splat 20 8 12 39% 2.3x 17% 21 43 1.7s
Haymaker Stitch 20 8 12 32% 2.1x 21% 21 51 2.1s
Haymaker Swiftfire 20 8 12 21% 1.9x 32% 21 31 1.3s
Haymaker Thunderdrum 20 8 12 21% 1.9x 32% 21 51 2.1s
Haymaker Zip 20 8 12 25% 2x 25% 21 23 0.9s
Haymaker Zipfire 20 8 12 21% 1.9x 32% 21 23 0.9s
Haymaker Zipneedle 20 8 12 32% 2.1x 21% 21 23 0.9s
Haymaker Arcroid 20 8 12 28% 2x 28% 21 37 2.1s
Haymaker Macro Arcroid 20 8 12 25% 2x 25% 21 113 3.1s
Haymaker Macro Thymoid 20 8 12 28% 2x 28% 21 85 2.9s
Haymaker Thymoid 20 8 12 25% 2x 25% 21 49 2.3s
Ulnaris Bashrack 18 7 11 32% 2.1x 21% 29 43 1.7s
Ulnaris Bellows 18 7 11 25% 2x 25% 29 51 2.1s
Ulnaris Deepbreath 18 7 11 25% 2x 25% 29 43 1.7s
Ulnaris Flutterfire 18 7 11 17% 1.7x 39% 29 31 1.3s
Ulnaris Killstream 18 7 11 39% 2.3x 17% 29 31 1.3s
Ulnaris Ramflare 18 7 11 17% 1.7x 39% 29 43 1.7s
Ulnaris Slap 18 7 11 25% 2x 25% 29 31 1.3s
Ulnaris Slapneedle 18 7 11 32% 2.1x 21% 29 31 1.3s
Ulnaris Sparkfire 18 7 11 21% 1.9x 32% 29 43 1.7s
Ulnaris Splat 18 7 11 39% 2.3x 17% 29 43 1.7s
Ulnaris Stitch 18 7 11 32% 2.1x 21% 29 51 2.1s
Ulnaris Swiftfire 18 7 11 21% 1.9x 32% 29 31 1.3s
Ulnaris Thunderdrum 18 7 11 21% 1.9x 32% 29 51 2.1s
Ulnaris Zip 18 7 11 25% 2x 25% 29 23 0.9s
Ulnaris Zipfire 18 7 11 21% 1.9x 32% 29 23 0.9s
Ulnaris Zipneedle 18 7 11 32% 2.1x 21% 29 23 0.9s
Ulnaris Arcroid 18 7 11 28% 2x 28% 29 37 2.1s
Ulnaris Macro Arcroid 18 7 11 25% 2x 25% 29 113 3.1s
Ulnaris Macro Thymoid 18 7 11 28% 2x 28% 29 85 2.9s
Ulnaris Thymoid 18 7 11 25% 2x 25% 29 49 2.3s

Loader Damage Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Beam Range Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 16 6 10 32% 2.1x 21% 40 43 1.7s
Bellows 16 6 10 25% 2x 25% 40 51 2.1s
Deepbreath 16 6 10 25% 2x 25% 40 43 1.7s
Flutterfire 16 6 10 17% 1.7x 39% 40 31 1.3s
Killstream 16 6 10 39% 2.3x 17% 40 31 1.3s
Ramflare 16 6 10 17% 1.7x 39% 40 43 1.7s
Slap 16 6 10 25% 2x 25% 40 31 1.3s
Slapneedle 16 6 10 32% 2.1x 21% 40 31 1.3s
Sparkfire 16 6 10 21% 1.9x 32% 40 43 1.7s
Splat 16 6 10 39% 2.3x 17% 40 43 1.7s
Stitch 16 6 10 32% 2.1x 21% 40 51 2.1s
Swiftfire 16 6 10 21% 1.9x 32% 40 31 1.3s
Thunderdrum 16 6 10 21% 1.9x 32% 40 51 2.1s
Zip 16 6 10 25% 2x 25% 40 23 0.9s
Zipfire 16 6 10 21% 1.9x 32% 40 23 0.9s
Zipneedle 16 6 10 32% 2.1x 21% 40 23 0.9s
Arcroid 16 6 10 28% 2x 28% 40 37 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 16 6 10 25% 2x 25% 40 113 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 16 6 10 28% 2x 28% 40 85 2.9s
Thymoid 16 6 10 25% 2x 25% 40 49 2.3s

Loader Damage Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Beam Range Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 17 6.5 10.5 32% 2.1x 21% 37 43 1.7s
Bellows 17 6.5 10.5 25% 2x 25% 37 51 2.1s
Deepbreath 17 6.5 10.5 25% 2x 25% 37 43 1.7s
Flutterfire 17 6.5 10.5 17% 1.7x 39% 37 31 1.3s
Killstream 17 6.5 10.5 39% 2.3x 17% 37 31 1.3s
Ramflare 17 6.5 10.5 17% 1.7x 39% 37 43 1.7s
Slap 17 6.5 10.5 25% 2x 25% 37 31 1.3s
Slapneedle 17 6.5 10.5 32% 2.1x 21% 37 31 1.3s
Sparkfire 17 6.5 10.5 21% 1.9x 32% 37 43 1.7s
Splat 17 6.5 10.5 39% 2.3x 17% 37 43 1.7s
Stitch 17 6.5 10.5 32% 2.1x 21% 37 51 2.1s
Swiftfire 17 6.5 10.5 21% 1.9x 32% 37 31 1.3s
Thunderdrum 17 6.5 10.5 21% 1.9x 32% 37 51 2.1s
Zip 17 6.5 10.5 25% 2x 25% 37 23 0.9s
Zipfire 17 6.5 10.5 21% 1.9x 32% 37 23 0.9s
Zipneedle 17 6.5 10.5 32% 2.1x 21% 37 23 0.9s
Arcroid 17 6.5 10.5 28% 2x 28% 37 37 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 17 6.5 10.5 25% 2x 25% 37 113 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 17 6.5 10.5 28% 2x 28% 37 85 2.9s
Thymoid 17 6.5 10.5 25% 2x 25% 37 49 2.3s

Loader Damage Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Beam Range Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 19 7.5 11.5 32% 2.1x 21% 24 43 1.7s
Bellows 19 7.5 11.5 25% 2x 25% 24 51 2.1s
Deepbreath 19 7.5 11.5 25% 2x 25% 24 43 1.7s
Flutterfire 19 7.5 11.5 17% 1.7x 39% 24 31 1.3s
Killstream 19 7.5 11.5 39% 2.3x 17% 24 31 1.3s
Ramflare 19 7.5 11.5 17% 1.7x 39% 24 43 1.7s
Slap 19 7.5 11.5 25% 2x 25% 24 31 1.3s
Slapneedle 19 7.5 11.5 32% 2.1x 21% 24 31 1.3s
Sparkfire 19 7.5 11.5 21% 1.9x 32% 24 43 1.7s
Splat 19 7.5 11.5 39% 2.3x 17% 24 43 1.7s
Stitch 19 7.5 11.5 32% 2.1x 21% 24 51 2.1s
Swiftfire 19 7.5 11.5 21% 1.9x 32% 24 31 1.3s
Thunderdrum 19 7.5 11.5 21% 1.9x 32% 24 51 2.1s
Zip 19 7.5 11.5 25% 2x 25% 24 23 0.9s
Zipfire 19 7.5 11.5 21% 1.9x 32% 24 23 0.9s
Zipneedle 19 7.5 11.5 32% 2.1x 21% 24 23 0.9s
Arcroid 19 7.5 11.5 28% 2x 28% 24 37 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 19 7.5 11.5 25% 2x 25% 24 113 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 19 7.5 11.5 28% 2x 28% 24 85 2.9s
Thymoid 19 7.5 11.5 25% 2x 25% 24 49 2.3s

Loader Damage Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Beam Range Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 20 8 12 32% 2.1x 21% 21 43 1.7s
Bellows 20 8 12 25% 2x 25% 21 51 2.1s
Deepbreath 20 8 12 25% 2x 25% 21 43 1.7s
Flutterfire 20 8 12 17% 1.7x 39% 21 31 1.3s
Killstream 20 8 12 39% 2.3x 17% 21 31 1.3s
Ramflare 20 8 12 17% 1.7x 39% 21 43 1.7s
Slap 20 8 12 25% 2x 25% 21 31 1.3s
Slapneedle 20 8 12 32% 2.1x 21% 21 31 1.3s
Sparkfire 20 8 12 21% 1.9x 32% 21 43 1.7s
Splat 20 8 12 39% 2.3x 17% 21 43 1.7s
Stitch 20 8 12 32% 2.1x 21% 21 51 2.1s
Swiftfire 20 8 12 21% 1.9x 32% 21 31 1.3s
Thunderdrum 20 8 12 21% 1.9x 32% 21 51 2.1s
Zip 20 8 12 25% 2x 25% 21 23 0.9s
Zipfire 20 8 12 21% 1.9x 32% 21 23 0.9s
Zipneedle 20 8 12 32% 2.1x 21% 21 23 0.9s
Arcroid 20 8 12 28% 2x 28% 21 37 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 20 8 12 25% 2x 25% 21 113 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 20 8 12 28% 2x 28% 21 85 2.9s
Thymoid 20 8 12 25% 2x 25% 21 49 2.3s

Loader Damage Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Beam Range Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 18 7 11 32% 2.1x 21% 29 43 1.7s
Bellows 18 7 11 25% 2x 25% 29 51 2.1s
Deepbreath 18 7 11 25% 2x 25% 29 43 1.7s
Flutterfire 18 7 11 17% 1.7x 39% 29 31 1.3s
Killstream 18 7 11 39% 2.3x 17% 29 31 1.3s
Ramflare 18 7 11 17% 1.7x 39% 29 43 1.7s
Slap 18 7 11 25% 2x 25% 29 31 1.3s
Slapneedle 18 7 11 32% 2.1x 21% 29 31 1.3s
Sparkfire 18 7 11 21% 1.9x 32% 29 43 1.7s
Splat 18 7 11 39% 2.3x 17% 29 43 1.7s
Stitch 18 7 11 32% 2.1x 21% 29 51 2.1s
Swiftfire 18 7 11 21% 1.9x 32% 29 31 1.3s
Thunderdrum 18 7 11 21% 1.9x 32% 29 51 2.1s
Zip 18 7 11 25% 2x 25% 29 23 0.9s
Zipfire 18 7 11 21% 1.9x 32% 29 23 0.9s
Zipneedle 18 7 11 32% 2.1x 21% 29 23 0.9s
Arcroid 18 7 11 28% 2x 28% 29 37 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 18 7 11 25% 2x 25% 29 113 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 18 7 11 28% 2x 28% 29 85 2.9s
Thymoid 18 7 11 25% 2x 25% 29 49 2.3s

Grip Damage Puncture Radiation Beam Range
Gibber 16 6 10 40
Ramble 17 6.5 10.5 37
Lovetap 19 7.5 11.5 24
Haymaker 20 8 12 21
Ulnaris 18 7 11 29

Loader Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 32% 2.1x 21% 43 1.7s
Bellows 25% 2x 25% 51 2.1s
Deepbreath 25% 2x 25% 43 1.7s
Flutterfire 17% 1.7x 39% 31 1.3s
Killstream 39% 2.3x 17% 31 1.3s
Ramflare 17% 1.7x 39% 43 1.7s
Slap 25% 2x 25% 31 1.3s
Slapneedle 32% 2.1x 21% 31 1.3s
Sparkfire 21% 1.9x 32% 43 1.7s
Splat 39% 2.3x 17% 43 1.7s
Stitch 32% 2.1x 21% 51 2.1s
Swiftfire 21% 1.9x 32% 31 1.3s
Thunderdrum 21% 1.9x 32% 51 2.1s
Zip 25% 2x 25% 23 0.9s
Zipfire 21% 1.9x 32% 23 0.9s
Zipneedle 32% 2.1x 21% 23 0.9s
Arcroid 28% 2x 28% 37 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 25% 2x 25% 113 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 28% 2x 28% 85 2.9s
Thymoid 25% 2x 25% 49 2.3s

This section is transcluded from Rattleguts/Table § Secondary. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Grip Loader Damage Impact Puncture Slash Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Gibber Bashrack 22 0 7 5 10 26% 2.1x 15% 11 64 1.7s
Gibber Bellows 22 0 7 5 10 19% 2x 19% 11 83 2.1s
Gibber Deepbreath 22 0 7 5 10 19% 2x 19% 11 64 1.7s
Gibber Flutterfire 22 0 7 5 10 11% 1.7x 33% 11 45 1.3s
Gibber Killstream 22 0 7 5 10 33% 2.3x 11% 11 45 1.3s
Gibber Ramflare 22 0 7 5 10 11% 1.7x 33% 11 64 1.7s
Gibber Slap 22 0 7 5 10 19% 2x 19% 11 45 1.3s
Gibber Slapneedle 22 0 7 5 10 26% 2.1x 15% 11 45 1.3s
Gibber Sparkfire 22 0 7 5 10 15% 1.9x 26% 11 64 1.7s
Gibber Splat 22 0 7 5 10 33% 2.3x 11% 11 64 1.7s
Gibber Stitch 22 0 7 5 10 26% 2.1x 15% 11 83 2.1s
Gibber Swiftfire 22 0 7 5 10 15% 1.9x 26% 11 45 1.3s
Gibber Thunderdrum 22 0 7 5 10 15% 1.9x 26% 11 83 2.1s
Gibber Zip 22 0 7 5 10 19% 2x 19% 11 29 0.9s
Gibber Zipfire 22 0 7 5 10 15% 1.9x 26% 11 29 0.9s
Gibber Zipneedle 22 0 7 5 10 26% 2.1x 15% 11 29 0.9s
Gibber Arcroid 22 0 7 5 10 22% 2x 22% 11 57 2.1s
Gibber Macro Arcroid 22 0 7 5 10 19% 2x 19% 11 153 3.1s
Gibber Macro Thymoid 22 0 7 5 10 22% 2x 22% 11 111 2.9s
Gibber Thymoid 22 0 7 5 10 19% 2x 19% 11 75 2.3s
Ramble Bashrack 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 26% 2.1x 15% 8.83 64 1.7s
Ramble Bellows 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 19% 2x 19% 8.83 83 2.1s
Ramble Deepbreath 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 19% 2x 19% 8.83 64 1.7s
Ramble Flutterfire 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 11% 1.7x 33% 8.83 45 1.3s
Ramble Killstream 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 33% 2.3x 11% 8.83 45 1.3s
Ramble Ramflare 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 11% 1.7x 33% 8.83 64 1.7s
Ramble Slap 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 19% 2x 19% 8.83 45 1.3s
Ramble Slapneedle 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 26% 2.1x 15% 8.83 45 1.3s
Ramble Sparkfire 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 15% 1.9x 26% 8.83 64 1.7s
Ramble Splat 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 33% 2.3x 11% 8.83 64 1.7s
Ramble Stitch 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 26% 2.1x 15% 8.83 83 2.1s
Ramble Swiftfire 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 15% 1.9x 26% 8.83 45 1.3s
Ramble Thunderdrum 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 15% 1.9x 26% 8.83 83 2.1s
Ramble Zip 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 19% 2x 19% 8.83 29 0.9s
Ramble Zipfire 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 15% 1.9x 26% 8.83 29 0.9s
Ramble Zipneedle 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 26% 2.1x 15% 8.83 29 0.9s
Ramble Arcroid 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 22% 2x 22% 8.83 57 2.1s
Ramble Macro Arcroid 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 19% 2x 19% 8.83 153 3.1s
Ramble Macro Thymoid 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 22% 2x 22% 8.83 111 2.9s
Ramble Thymoid 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 19% 2x 19% 8.83 75 2.3s
Lovetap Bashrack 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 26% 2.1x 15% 5.17 64 1.7s
Lovetap Bellows 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 19% 2x 19% 5.17 83 2.1s
Lovetap Deepbreath 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 19% 2x 19% 5.17 64 1.7s
Lovetap Flutterfire 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 11% 1.7x 33% 5.17 45 1.3s
Lovetap Killstream 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 33% 2.3x 11% 5.17 45 1.3s
Lovetap Ramflare 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 11% 1.7x 33% 5.17 64 1.7s
Lovetap Slap 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 19% 2x 19% 5.17 45 1.3s
Lovetap Slapneedle 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 26% 2.1x 15% 5.17 45 1.3s
Lovetap Sparkfire 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 15% 1.9x 26% 5.17 64 1.7s
Lovetap Splat 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 33% 2.3x 11% 5.17 64 1.7s
Lovetap Stitch 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 26% 2.1x 15% 5.17 83 2.1s
Lovetap Swiftfire 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 15% 1.9x 26% 5.17 45 1.3s
Lovetap Thunderdrum 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 15% 1.9x 26% 5.17 83 2.1s
Lovetap Zip 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 19% 2x 19% 5.17 29 0.9s
Lovetap Zipfire 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 15% 1.9x 26% 5.17 29 0.9s
Lovetap Zipneedle 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 26% 2.1x 15% 5.17 29 0.9s
Lovetap Arcroid 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 22% 2x 22% 5.17 57 2.1s
Lovetap Macro Arcroid 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 19% 2x 19% 5.17 153 3.1s
Lovetap Macro Thymoid 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 22% 2x 22% 5.17 111 2.9s
Lovetap Thymoid 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 19% 2x 19% 5.17 75 2.3s
Haymaker Bashrack 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 26% 2.1x 15% 3.67 64 1.7s
Haymaker Bellows 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 19% 2x 19% 3.67 83 2.1s
Haymaker Deepbreath 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 19% 2x 19% 3.67 64 1.7s
Haymaker Flutterfire 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 11% 1.7x 33% 3.67 45 1.3s
Haymaker Killstream 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 33% 2.3x 11% 3.67 45 1.3s
Haymaker Ramflare 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 11% 1.7x 33% 3.67 64 1.7s
Haymaker Slap 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 19% 2x 19% 3.67 45 1.3s
Haymaker Slapneedle 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 26% 2.1x 15% 3.67 45 1.3s
Haymaker Sparkfire 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 15% 1.9x 26% 3.67 64 1.7s
Haymaker Splat 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 33% 2.3x 11% 3.67 64 1.7s
Haymaker Stitch 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 26% 2.1x 15% 3.67 83 2.1s
Haymaker Swiftfire 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 15% 1.9x 26% 3.67 45 1.3s
Haymaker Thunderdrum 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 15% 1.9x 26% 3.67 83 2.1s
Haymaker Zip 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 19% 2x 19% 3.67 29 0.9s
Haymaker Zipfire 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 15% 1.9x 26% 3.67 29 0.9s
Haymaker Zipneedle 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 26% 2.1x 15% 3.67 29 0.9s
Haymaker Arcroid 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 22% 2x 22% 3.67 57 2.1s
Haymaker Macro Arcroid 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 19% 2x 19% 3.67 153 3.1s
Haymaker Macro Thymoid 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 22% 2x 22% 3.67 111 2.9s
Haymaker Thymoid 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 19% 2x 19% 3.67 75 2.3s
Ulnaris Bashrack 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 26% 2.1x 15% 6.67 64 1.7s
Ulnaris Bellows 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 19% 2x 19% 6.67 83 2.1s
Ulnaris Deepbreath 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 19% 2x 19% 6.67 64 1.7s
Ulnaris Flutterfire 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 11% 1.7x 33% 6.67 45 1.3s
Ulnaris Killstream 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 33% 2.3x 11% 6.67 45 1.3s
Ulnaris Ramflare 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 11% 1.7x 33% 6.67 64 1.7s
Ulnaris Slap 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 19% 2x 19% 6.67 45 1.3s
Ulnaris Slapneedle 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 26% 2.1x 15% 6.67 45 1.3s
Ulnaris Sparkfire 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 15% 1.9x 26% 6.67 64 1.7s
Ulnaris Splat 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 33% 2.3x 11% 6.67 64 1.7s
Ulnaris Stitch 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 26% 2.1x 15% 6.67 83 2.1s
Ulnaris Swiftfire 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 15% 1.9x 26% 6.67 45 1.3s
Ulnaris Thunderdrum 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 15% 1.9x 26% 6.67 83 2.1s
Ulnaris Zip 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 19% 2x 19% 6.67 29 0.9s
Ulnaris Zipfire 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 15% 1.9x 26% 6.67 29 0.9s
Ulnaris Zipneedle 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 26% 2.1x 15% 6.67 29 0.9s
Ulnaris Arcroid 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 22% 2x 22% 6.67 57 2.1s
Ulnaris Macro Arcroid 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 19% 2x 19% 6.67 153 3.1s
Ulnaris Macro Thymoid 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 22% 2x 22% 6.67 111 2.9s
Ulnaris Thymoid 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 19% 2x 19% 6.67 75 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Slash Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 22 0 7 5 10 26% 2.1x 15% 11 64 1.7s
Bellows 22 0 7 5 10 19% 2x 19% 11 83 2.1s
Deepbreath 22 0 7 5 10 19% 2x 19% 11 64 1.7s
Flutterfire 22 0 7 5 10 11% 1.7x 33% 11 45 1.3s
Killstream 22 0 7 5 10 33% 2.3x 11% 11 45 1.3s
Ramflare 22 0 7 5 10 11% 1.7x 33% 11 64 1.7s
Slap 22 0 7 5 10 19% 2x 19% 11 45 1.3s
Slapneedle 22 0 7 5 10 26% 2.1x 15% 11 45 1.3s
Sparkfire 22 0 7 5 10 15% 1.9x 26% 11 64 1.7s
Splat 22 0 7 5 10 33% 2.3x 11% 11 64 1.7s
Stitch 22 0 7 5 10 26% 2.1x 15% 11 83 2.1s
Swiftfire 22 0 7 5 10 15% 1.9x 26% 11 45 1.3s
Thunderdrum 22 0 7 5 10 15% 1.9x 26% 11 83 2.1s
Zip 22 0 7 5 10 19% 2x 19% 11 29 0.9s
Zipfire 22 0 7 5 10 15% 1.9x 26% 11 29 0.9s
Zipneedle 22 0 7 5 10 26% 2.1x 15% 11 29 0.9s
Arcroid 22 0 7 5 10 22% 2x 22% 11 57 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 22 0 7 5 10 19% 2x 19% 11 153 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 22 0 7 5 10 22% 2x 22% 11 111 2.9s
Thymoid 22 0 7 5 10 19% 2x 19% 11 75 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Slash Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 26% 2.1x 15% 8.83 64 1.7s
Bellows 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 19% 2x 19% 8.83 83 2.1s
Deepbreath 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 19% 2x 19% 8.83 64 1.7s
Flutterfire 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 11% 1.7x 33% 8.83 45 1.3s
Killstream 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 33% 2.3x 11% 8.83 45 1.3s
Ramflare 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 11% 1.7x 33% 8.83 64 1.7s
Slap 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 19% 2x 19% 8.83 45 1.3s
Slapneedle 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 26% 2.1x 15% 8.83 45 1.3s
Sparkfire 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 15% 1.9x 26% 8.83 64 1.7s
Splat 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 33% 2.3x 11% 8.83 64 1.7s
Stitch 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 26% 2.1x 15% 8.83 83 2.1s
Swiftfire 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 15% 1.9x 26% 8.83 45 1.3s
Thunderdrum 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 15% 1.9x 26% 8.83 83 2.1s
Zip 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 19% 2x 19% 8.83 29 0.9s
Zipfire 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 15% 1.9x 26% 8.83 29 0.9s
Zipneedle 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 26% 2.1x 15% 8.83 29 0.9s
Arcroid 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 22% 2x 22% 8.83 57 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 19% 2x 19% 8.83 153 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 22% 2x 22% 8.83 111 2.9s
Thymoid 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 19% 2x 19% 8.83 75 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Slash Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 26% 2.1x 15% 5.17 64 1.7s
Bellows 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 19% 2x 19% 5.17 83 2.1s
Deepbreath 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 19% 2x 19% 5.17 64 1.7s
Flutterfire 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 11% 1.7x 33% 5.17 45 1.3s
Killstream 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 33% 2.3x 11% 5.17 45 1.3s
Ramflare 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 11% 1.7x 33% 5.17 64 1.7s
Slap 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 19% 2x 19% 5.17 45 1.3s
Slapneedle 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 26% 2.1x 15% 5.17 45 1.3s
Sparkfire 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 15% 1.9x 26% 5.17 64 1.7s
Splat 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 33% 2.3x 11% 5.17 64 1.7s
Stitch 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 26% 2.1x 15% 5.17 83 2.1s
Swiftfire 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 15% 1.9x 26% 5.17 45 1.3s
Thunderdrum 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 15% 1.9x 26% 5.17 83 2.1s
Zip 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 19% 2x 19% 5.17 29 0.9s
Zipfire 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 15% 1.9x 26% 5.17 29 0.9s
Zipneedle 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 26% 2.1x 15% 5.17 29 0.9s
Arcroid 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 22% 2x 22% 5.17 57 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 19% 2x 19% 5.17 153 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 22% 2x 22% 5.17 111 2.9s
Thymoid 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 19% 2x 19% 5.17 75 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Slash Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 26% 2.1x 15% 3.67 64 1.7s
Bellows 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 19% 2x 19% 3.67 83 2.1s
Deepbreath 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 19% 2x 19% 3.67 64 1.7s
Flutterfire 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 11% 1.7x 33% 3.67 45 1.3s
Killstream 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 33% 2.3x 11% 3.67 45 1.3s
Ramflare 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 11% 1.7x 33% 3.67 64 1.7s
Slap 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 19% 2x 19% 3.67 45 1.3s
Slapneedle 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 26% 2.1x 15% 3.67 45 1.3s
Sparkfire 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 15% 1.9x 26% 3.67 64 1.7s
Splat 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 33% 2.3x 11% 3.67 64 1.7s
Stitch 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 26% 2.1x 15% 3.67 83 2.1s
Swiftfire 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 15% 1.9x 26% 3.67 45 1.3s
Thunderdrum 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 15% 1.9x 26% 3.67 83 2.1s
Zip 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 19% 2x 19% 3.67 29 0.9s
Zipfire 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 15% 1.9x 26% 3.67 29 0.9s
Zipneedle 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 26% 2.1x 15% 3.67 29 0.9s
Arcroid 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 22% 2x 22% 3.67 57 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 19% 2x 19% 3.67 153 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 22% 2x 22% 3.67 111 2.9s
Thymoid 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 19% 2x 19% 3.67 75 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Slash Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 26% 2.1x 15% 6.67 64 1.7s
Bellows 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 19% 2x 19% 6.67 83 2.1s
Deepbreath 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 19% 2x 19% 6.67 64 1.7s
Flutterfire 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 11% 1.7x 33% 6.67 45 1.3s
Killstream 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 33% 2.3x 11% 6.67 45 1.3s
Ramflare 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 11% 1.7x 33% 6.67 64 1.7s
Slap 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 19% 2x 19% 6.67 45 1.3s
Slapneedle 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 26% 2.1x 15% 6.67 45 1.3s
Sparkfire 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 15% 1.9x 26% 6.67 64 1.7s
Splat 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 33% 2.3x 11% 6.67 64 1.7s
Stitch 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 26% 2.1x 15% 6.67 83 2.1s
Swiftfire 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 15% 1.9x 26% 6.67 45 1.3s
Thunderdrum 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 15% 1.9x 26% 6.67 83 2.1s
Zip 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 19% 2x 19% 6.67 29 0.9s
Zipfire 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 15% 1.9x 26% 6.67 29 0.9s
Zipneedle 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 26% 2.1x 15% 6.67 29 0.9s
Arcroid 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 22% 2x 22% 6.67 57 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 19% 2x 19% 6.67 153 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 22% 2x 22% 6.67 111 2.9s
Thymoid 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 19% 2x 19% 6.67 75 2.3s

Grip Damage Impact Puncture Slash Radiation Fire Rate
Gibber 22 0 7 5 10 11
Ramble 27 0.5 8.5 6.5 11.5 8.83
Lovetap 52 6.8 14.8 12.8 17.8 5.17
Haymaker 71 11.5 19.5 17.5 22.5 3.67
Ulnaris 39 3.5 11.5 9.5 14.5 6.67

Loader Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 26% 2.1x 15% 64 1.7s
Bellows 19% 2x 19% 83 2.1s
Deepbreath 19% 2x 19% 64 1.7s
Flutterfire 11% 1.7x 33% 45 1.3s
Killstream 33% 2.3x 11% 45 1.3s
Ramflare 11% 1.7x 33% 64 1.7s
Slap 19% 2x 19% 45 1.3s
Slapneedle 26% 2.1x 15% 45 1.3s
Sparkfire 15% 1.9x 26% 64 1.7s
Splat 33% 2.3x 11% 64 1.7s
Stitch 26% 2.1x 15% 83 2.1s
Swiftfire 15% 1.9x 26% 45 1.3s
Thunderdrum 15% 1.9x 26% 83 2.1s
Zip 19% 2x 19% 29 0.9s
Zipfire 15% 1.9x 26% 29 0.9s
Zipneedle 26% 2.1x 15% 29 0.9s
Arcroid 22% 2x 22% 57 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 19% 2x 19% 153 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 22% 2x 22% 111 2.9s
Thymoid 19% 2x 19% 75 2.3s

This section is transcluded from Tombfinger/Table § Secondary. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Grip Loader Damage Impact Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Gibber Bashrack 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 23 1.7s
Gibber Bellows 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 29 2.1s
Gibber Deepbreath 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 23 1.7s
Gibber Flutterfire 36 8 1 27 16% 1.7x 38% 4.5 15 1.3s
Gibber Killstream 36 8 1 27 38% 2.3x 16% 4.5 15 1.3s
Gibber Ramflare 36 8 1 27 16% 1.7x 38% 4.5 23 1.7s
Gibber Slap 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 15 1.3s
Gibber Slapneedle 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 15 1.3s
Gibber Sparkfire 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 23 1.7s
Gibber Splat 36 8 1 27 38% 2.3x 16% 4.5 23 1.7s
Gibber Stitch 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 29 2.1s
Gibber Swiftfire 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 15 1.3s
Gibber Thunderdrum 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 29 2.1s
Gibber Zip 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 9 0.9s
Gibber Zipfire 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 9 0.9s
Gibber Zipneedle 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 9 0.9s
Gibber Arcroid 36 8 1 27 27% 2x 27% 4.5 19 2.1s
Gibber Macro Arcroid 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 49 3.1s
Gibber Macro Thymoid 36 8 1 27 27% 2x 27% 4.5 35 2.9s
Gibber Thymoid 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 31 2.3s
Ramble Bashrack 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 23 1.7s
Ramble Bellows 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 29 2.1s
Ramble Deepbreath 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 23 1.7s
Ramble Flutterfire 60 12 5 43 16% 1.7x 38% 3.67 15 1.3s
Ramble Killstream 60 12 5 43 38% 2.3x 16% 3.67 15 1.3s
Ramble Ramflare 60 12 5 43 16% 1.7x 38% 3.67 23 1.7s
Ramble Slap 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 15 1.3s
Ramble Slapneedle 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 15 1.3s
Ramble Sparkfire 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 23 1.7s
Ramble Splat 60 12 5 43 38% 2.3x 16% 3.67 23 1.7s
Ramble Stitch 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 29 2.1s
Ramble Swiftfire 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 15 1.3s
Ramble Thunderdrum 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 29 2.1s
Ramble Zip 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 9 0.9s
Ramble Zipfire 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 9 0.9s
Ramble Zipneedle 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 9 0.9s
Ramble Arcroid 60 12 5 43 27% 2x 27% 3.67 19 2.1s
Ramble Macro Arcroid 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 49 3.1s
Ramble Macro Thymoid 60 12 5 43 27% 2x 27% 3.67 35 2.9s
Ramble Thymoid 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 31 2.3s
Lovetap Bashrack 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 23 1.7s
Lovetap Bellows 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 29 2.1s
Lovetap Deepbreath 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 23 1.7s
Lovetap Flutterfire 132 24 17 91 16% 1.7x 38% 2.5 15 1.3s
Lovetap Killstream 132 24 17 91 38% 2.3x 16% 2.5 15 1.3s
Lovetap Ramflare 132 24 17 91 16% 1.7x 38% 2.5 23 1.7s
Lovetap Slap 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 15 1.3s
Lovetap Slapneedle 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 15 1.3s
Lovetap Sparkfire 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 23 1.7s
Lovetap Splat 132 24 17 91 38% 2.3x 16% 2.5 23 1.7s
Lovetap Stitch 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 29 2.1s
Lovetap Swiftfire 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 15 1.3s
Lovetap Thunderdrum 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 29 2.1s
Lovetap Zip 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 9 0.9s
Lovetap Zipfire 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 9 0.9s
Lovetap Zipneedle 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 9 0.9s
Lovetap Arcroid 132 24 17 91 27% 2x 27% 2.5 19 2.1s
Lovetap Macro Arcroid 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 49 3.1s
Lovetap Macro Thymoid 132 24 17 91 27% 2x 27% 2.5 35 2.9s
Lovetap Thymoid 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 31 2.3s
Haymaker Bashrack 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 23 1.7s
Haymaker Bellows 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 29 2.1s
Haymaker Deepbreath 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 23 1.7s
Haymaker Flutterfire 180 32 25 123 16% 1.7x 38% 2.17 15 1.3s
Haymaker Killstream 180 32 25 123 38% 2.3x 16% 2.17 15 1.3s
Haymaker Ramflare 180 32 25 123 16% 1.7x 38% 2.17 23 1.7s
Haymaker Slap 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 15 1.3s
Haymaker Slapneedle 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 15 1.3s
Haymaker Sparkfire 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 23 1.7s
Haymaker Splat 180 32 25 123 38% 2.3x 16% 2.17 23 1.7s
Haymaker Stitch 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 29 2.1s
Haymaker Swiftfire 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 15 1.3s
Haymaker Thunderdrum 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 29 2.1s
Haymaker Zip 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 9 0.9s
Haymaker Zipfire 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 9 0.9s
Haymaker Zipneedle 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 9 0.9s
Haymaker Arcroid 180 32 25 123 27% 2x 27% 2.17 19 2.1s
Haymaker Macro Arcroid 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 49 3.1s
Haymaker Macro Thymoid 180 32 25 123 27% 2x 27% 2.17 35 2.9s
Haymaker Thymoid 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 31 2.3s
Ulnaris Bashrack 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 23 1.7s
Ulnaris Bellows 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 29 2.1s
Ulnaris Deepbreath 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 23 1.7s
Ulnaris Flutterfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 16% 1.7x 38% 2.83 15 1.3s
Ulnaris Killstream 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 38% 2.3x 16% 2.83 15 1.3s
Ulnaris Ramflare 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 16% 1.7x 38% 2.83 23 1.7s
Ulnaris Slap 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 15 1.3s
Ulnaris Slapneedle 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 15 1.3s
Ulnaris Sparkfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 23 1.7s
Ulnaris Splat 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 38% 2.3x 16% 2.83 23 1.7s
Ulnaris Stitch 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 29 2.1s
Ulnaris Swiftfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 15 1.3s
Ulnaris Thunderdrum 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 29 2.1s
Ulnaris Zip 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 9 0.9s
Ulnaris Zipfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 9 0.9s
Ulnaris Zipneedle 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 9 0.9s
Ulnaris Arcroid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 27% 2x 27% 2.83 19 2.1s
Ulnaris Macro Arcroid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 49 3.1s
Ulnaris Macro Thymoid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 27% 2x 27% 2.83 35 2.9s
Ulnaris Thymoid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 31 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 23 1.7s
Bellows 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 36 8 1 27 16% 1.7x 38% 4.5 15 1.3s
Killstream 36 8 1 27 38% 2.3x 16% 4.5 15 1.3s
Ramflare 36 8 1 27 16% 1.7x 38% 4.5 23 1.7s
Slap 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 23 1.7s
Splat 36 8 1 27 38% 2.3x 16% 4.5 23 1.7s
Stitch 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 29 2.1s
Zip 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 9 0.9s
Zipfire 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 9 0.9s
Arcroid 36 8 1 27 27% 2x 27% 4.5 19 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 36 8 1 27 27% 2x 27% 4.5 35 2.9s
Thymoid 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 31 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 23 1.7s
Bellows 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 60 12 5 43 16% 1.7x 38% 3.67 15 1.3s
Killstream 60 12 5 43 38% 2.3x 16% 3.67 15 1.3s
Ramflare 60 12 5 43 16% 1.7x 38% 3.67 23 1.7s
Slap 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 23 1.7s
Splat 60 12 5 43 38% 2.3x 16% 3.67 23 1.7s
Stitch 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 29 2.1s
Zip 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 9 0.9s
Zipfire 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 9 0.9s
Arcroid 60 12 5 43 27% 2x 27% 3.67 19 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 60 12 5 43 27% 2x 27% 3.67 35 2.9s
Thymoid 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 31 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 23 1.7s
Bellows 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 132 24 17 91 16% 1.7x 38% 2.5 15 1.3s
Killstream 132 24 17 91 38% 2.3x 16% 2.5 15 1.3s
Ramflare 132 24 17 91 16% 1.7x 38% 2.5 23 1.7s
Slap 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 23 1.7s
Splat 132 24 17 91 38% 2.3x 16% 2.5 23 1.7s
Stitch 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 29 2.1s
Zip 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 9 0.9s
Zipfire 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 9 0.9s
Arcroid 132 24 17 91 27% 2x 27% 2.5 19 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 132 24 17 91 27% 2x 27% 2.5 35 2.9s
Thymoid 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 31 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 23 1.7s
Bellows 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 180 32 25 123 16% 1.7x 38% 2.17 15 1.3s
Killstream 180 32 25 123 38% 2.3x 16% 2.17 15 1.3s
Ramflare 180 32 25 123 16% 1.7x 38% 2.17 23 1.7s
Slap 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 23 1.7s
Splat 180 32 25 123 38% 2.3x 16% 2.17 23 1.7s
Stitch 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 29 2.1s
Zip 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 9 0.9s
Zipfire 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 9 0.9s
Arcroid 180 32 25 123 27% 2x 27% 2.17 19 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 180 32 25 123 27% 2x 27% 2.17 35 2.9s
Thymoid 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 31 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 23 1.7s
Bellows 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 16% 1.7x 38% 2.83 15 1.3s
Killstream 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 38% 2.3x 16% 2.83 15 1.3s
Ramflare 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 16% 1.7x 38% 2.83 23 1.7s
Slap 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 23 1.7s
Splat 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 38% 2.3x 16% 2.83 23 1.7s
Stitch 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 29 2.1s
Zip 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 9 0.9s
Zipfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 9 0.9s
Arcroid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 27% 2x 27% 2.83 19 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 27% 2x 27% 2.83 35 2.9s
Thymoid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 31 2.3s

Grip Damage Impact Puncture Radiation Fire Rate
Gibber 36 8 1 27 4.5
Ramble 60 12 5 43 3.67
Lovetap 132 24 17 91 2.5
Haymaker 180 32 25 123 2.17
Ulnaris 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 2.83

Loader Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 31% 2.1x 20% 23 1.7s
Bellows 24% 2x 24% 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 24% 2x 24% 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 16% 1.7x 38% 15 1.3s
Killstream 38% 2.3x 16% 15 1.3s
Ramflare 16% 1.7x 38% 23 1.7s
Slap 24% 2x 24% 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 31% 2.1x 20% 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 20% 1.9x 31% 23 1.7s
Splat 38% 2.3x 16% 23 1.7s
Stitch 31% 2.1x 20% 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 20% 1.9x 31% 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 20% 1.9x 31% 29 2.1s
Zip 24% 2x 24% 9 0.9s
Zipfire 20% 1.9x 31% 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 31% 2.1x 20% 9 0.9s
Arcroid 27% 2x 27% 19 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 24% 2x 24% 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 27% 2x 27% 35 2.9s
Thymoid 24% 2x 24% 31 2.3s

This section is transcluded from Sporelacer/Table § Secondary. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Grip Loader Damage Impact Toxin Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Gibber Bashrack 103 0 103 28% 3.1x 17% 3.17 11 1.7s
Gibber Bellows 103 0 103 21% 3x 21% 3.17 13 2.1s
Gibber Deepbreath 103 0 103 21% 3x 21% 3.17 11 1.7s
Gibber Flutterfire 103 0 103 13% 2.7x 35% 3.17 7 1.3s
Gibber Killstream 103 0 103 35% 3.3x 13% 3.17 7 1.3s
Gibber Ramflare 103 0 103 13% 2.7x 35% 3.17 11 1.7s
Gibber Slap 103 0 103 21% 3x 21% 3.17 7 1.3s
Gibber Slapneedle 103 0 103 28% 3.1x 17% 3.17 7 1.3s
Gibber Sparkfire 103 0 103 17% 2.9x 28% 3.17 11 1.7s
Gibber Splat 103 0 103 35% 3.3x 13% 3.17 11 1.7s
Gibber Stitch 103 0 103 28% 3.1x 17% 3.17 13 2.1s
Gibber Swiftfire 103 0 103 17% 2.9x 28% 3.17 7 1.3s
Gibber Thunderdrum 103 0 103 17% 2.9x 28% 3.17 13 2.1s
Gibber Zip 103 0 103 21% 3x 21% 3.17 5 0.9s
Gibber Zipfire 103 0 103 17% 2.9x 28% 3.17 5 0.9s
Gibber Zipneedle 103 0 103 28% 3.1x 17% 3.17 5 0.9s
Gibber Arcroid 103 0 103 24% 3x 24% 3.17 9 2.1s
Gibber Macro Arcroid 103 0 103 21% 3x 21% 3.17 39 3.1s
Gibber Macro Thymoid 103 0 103 24% 3x 24% 3.17 23 2.9s
Gibber Thymoid 103 0 103 21% 3x 21% 3.17 17 2.3s
Ramble Bashrack 160 9 151 28% 3.1x 17% 2.5 11 1.7s
Ramble Bellows 160 9 151 21% 3x 21% 2.5 13 2.1s
Ramble Deepbreath 160 9 151 21% 3x 21% 2.5 11 1.7s
Ramble Flutterfire 160 9 151 13% 2.7x 35% 2.5 7 1.3s
Ramble Killstream 160 9 151 35% 3.3x 13% 2.5 7 1.3s
Ramble Ramflare 160 9 151 13% 2.7x 35% 2.5 11 1.7s
Ramble Slap 160 9 151 21% 3x 21% 2.5 7 1.3s
Ramble Slapneedle 160 9 151 28% 3.1x 17% 2.5 7 1.3s
Ramble Sparkfire 160 9 151 17% 2.9x 28% 2.5 11 1.7s
Ramble Splat 160 9 151 35% 3.3x 13% 2.5 11 1.7s
Ramble Stitch 160 9 151 28% 3.1x 17% 2.5 13 2.1s
Ramble Swiftfire 160 9 151 17% 2.9x 28% 2.5 7 1.3s
Ramble Thunderdrum 160 9 151 17% 2.9x 28% 2.5 13 2.1s
Ramble Zip 160 9 151 21% 3x 21% 2.5 5 0.9s
Ramble Zipfire 160 9 151 17% 2.9x 28% 2.5 5 0.9s
Ramble Zipneedle 160 9 151 28% 3.1x 17% 2.5 5 0.9s
Ramble Arcroid 160 9 151 24% 3x 24% 2.5 9 2.1s
Ramble Macro Arcroid 160 9 151 21% 3x 21% 2.5 39 3.1s
Ramble Macro Thymoid 160 9 151 24% 3x 24% 2.5 23 2.9s
Ramble Thymoid 160 9 151 21% 3x 21% 2.5 17 2.3s
Lovetap Bashrack 460 159 301 28% 3.1x 17% 1.5 11 1.7s
Lovetap Bellows 460 159 301 21% 3x 21% 1.5 13 2.1s
Lovetap Deepbreath 460 159 301 21% 3x 21% 1.5 11 1.7s
Lovetap Flutterfire 460 159 301 13% 2.7x 35% 1.5 7 1.3s
Lovetap Killstream 460 159 301 35% 3.3x 13% 1.5 7 1.3s
Lovetap Ramflare 460 159 301 13% 2.7x 35% 1.5 11 1.7s
Lovetap Slap 460 159 301 21% 3x 21% 1.5 7 1.3s
Lovetap Slapneedle 460 159 301 28% 3.1x 17% 1.5 7 1.3s
Lovetap Sparkfire 460 159 301 17% 2.9x 28% 1.5 11 1.7s
Lovetap Splat 460 159 301 35% 3.3x 13% 1.5 11 1.7s
Lovetap Stitch 460 159 301 28% 3.1x 17% 1.5 13 2.1s
Lovetap Swiftfire 460 159 301 17% 2.9x 28% 1.5 7 1.3s
Lovetap Thunderdrum 460 159 301 17% 2.9x 28% 1.5 13 2.1s
Lovetap Zip 460 159 301 21% 3x 21% 1.5 5 0.9s
Lovetap Zipfire 460 159 301 17% 2.9x 28% 1.5 5 0.9s
Lovetap Zipneedle 460 159 301 28% 3.1x 17% 1.5 5 0.9s
Lovetap Arcroid 460 159 301 24% 3x 24% 1.5 9 2.1s
Lovetap Macro Arcroid 460 159 301 21% 3x 21% 1.5 39 3.1s
Lovetap Macro Thymoid 460 159 301 24% 3x 24% 1.5 23 2.9s
Lovetap Thymoid 460 159 301 21% 3x 21% 1.5 17 2.3s
Haymaker Bashrack 664 261 403 28% 3.1x 17% 1.17 11 1.7s
Haymaker Bellows 664 261 403 21% 3x 21% 1.17 13 2.1s
Haymaker Deepbreath 664 261 403 21% 3x 21% 1.17 11 1.7s
Haymaker Flutterfire 664 261 403 13% 2.7x 35% 1.17 7 1.3s
Haymaker Killstream 664 261 403 35% 3.3x 13% 1.17 7 1.3s
Haymaker Ramflare 664 261 403 13% 2.7x 35% 1.17 11 1.7s
Haymaker Slap 664 261 403 21% 3x 21% 1.17 7 1.3s
Haymaker Slapneedle 664 261 403 28% 3.1x 17% 1.17 7 1.3s
Haymaker Sparkfire 664 261 403 17% 2.9x 28% 1.17 11 1.7s
Haymaker Splat 664 261 403 35% 3.3x 13% 1.17 11 1.7s
Haymaker Stitch 664 261 403 28% 3.1x 17% 1.17 13 2.1s
Haymaker Swiftfire 664 261 403 17% 2.9x 28% 1.17 7 1.3s
Haymaker Thunderdrum 664 261 403 17% 2.9x 28% 1.17 13 2.1s
Haymaker Zip 664 261 403 21% 3x 21% 1.17 5 0.9s
Haymaker Zipfire 664 261 403 17% 2.9x 28% 1.17 5 0.9s
Haymaker Zipneedle 664 261 403 28% 3.1x 17% 1.17 5 0.9s
Haymaker Arcroid 664 261 403 24% 3x 24% 1.17 9 2.1s
Haymaker Macro Arcroid 664 261 403 21% 3x 21% 1.17 39 3.1s
Haymaker Macro Thymoid 664 261 403 24% 3x 24% 1.17 23 2.9s
Haymaker Thymoid 664 261 403 21% 3x 21% 1.17 17 2.3s
Ulnaris Bashrack 324 91 233 28% 3.1x 17% 1.83 11 1.7s
Ulnaris Bellows 324 91 233 21% 3x 21% 1.83 13 2.1s
Ulnaris Deepbreath 324 91 233 21% 3x 21% 1.83 11 1.7s
Ulnaris Flutterfire 324 91 233 13% 2.7x 35% 1.83 7 1.3s
Ulnaris Killstream 324 91 233 35% 3.3x 13% 1.83 7 1.3s
Ulnaris Ramflare 324 91 233 13% 2.7x 35% 1.83 11 1.7s
Ulnaris Slap 324 91 233 21% 3x 21% 1.83 7 1.3s
Ulnaris Slapneedle 324 91 233 28% 3.1x 17% 1.83 7 1.3s
Ulnaris Sparkfire 324 91 233 17% 2.9x 28% 1.83 11 1.7s
Ulnaris Splat 324 91 233 35% 3.3x 13% 1.83 11 1.7s
Ulnaris Stitch 324 91 233 28% 3.1x 17% 1.83 13 2.1s
Ulnaris Swiftfire 324 91 233 17% 2.9x 28% 1.83 7 1.3s
Ulnaris Thunderdrum 324 91 233 17% 2.9x 28% 1.83 13 2.1s
Ulnaris Zip 324 91 233 21% 3x 21% 1.83 5 0.9s
Ulnaris Zipfire 324 91 233 17% 2.9x 28% 1.83 5 0.9s
Ulnaris Zipneedle 324 91 233 28% 3.1x 17% 1.83 5 0.9s
Ulnaris Arcroid 324 91 233 24% 3x 24% 1.83 9 2.1s
Ulnaris Macro Arcroid 324 91 233 21% 3x 21% 1.83 39 3.1s
Ulnaris Macro Thymoid 324 91 233 24% 3x 24% 1.83 23 2.9s
Ulnaris Thymoid 324 91 233 21% 3x 21% 1.83 17 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Toxin Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 103 0 103 28% 3.1x 17% 3.17 11 1.7s
Bellows 103 0 103 21% 3x 21% 3.17 13 2.1s
Deepbreath 103 0 103 21% 3x 21% 3.17 11 1.7s
Flutterfire 103 0 103 13% 2.7x 35% 3.17 7 1.3s
Killstream 103 0 103 35% 3.3x 13% 3.17 7 1.3s
Ramflare 103 0 103 13% 2.7x 35% 3.17 11 1.7s
Slap 103 0 103 21% 3x 21% 3.17 7 1.3s
Slapneedle 103 0 103 28% 3.1x 17% 3.17 7 1.3s
Sparkfire 103 0 103 17% 2.9x 28% 3.17 11 1.7s
Splat 103 0 103 35% 3.3x 13% 3.17 11 1.7s
Stitch 103 0 103 28% 3.1x 17% 3.17 13 2.1s
Swiftfire 103 0 103 17% 2.9x 28% 3.17 7 1.3s
Thunderdrum 103 0 103 17% 2.9x 28% 3.17 13 2.1s
Zip 103 0 103 21% 3x 21% 3.17 5 0.9s
Zipfire 103 0 103 17% 2.9x 28% 3.17 5 0.9s
Zipneedle 103 0 103 28% 3.1x 17% 3.17 5 0.9s
Arcroid 103 0 103 24% 3x 24% 3.17 9 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 103 0 103 21% 3x 21% 3.17 39 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 103 0 103 24% 3x 24% 3.17 23 2.9s
Thymoid 103 0 103 21% 3x 21% 3.17 17 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Toxin Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 160 9 151 28% 3.1x 17% 2.5 11 1.7s
Bellows 160 9 151 21% 3x 21% 2.5 13 2.1s
Deepbreath 160 9 151 21% 3x 21% 2.5 11 1.7s
Flutterfire 160 9 151 13% 2.7x 35% 2.5 7 1.3s
Killstream 160 9 151 35% 3.3x 13% 2.5 7 1.3s
Ramflare 160 9 151 13% 2.7x 35% 2.5 11 1.7s
Slap 160 9 151 21% 3x 21% 2.5 7 1.3s
Slapneedle 160 9 151 28% 3.1x 17% 2.5 7 1.3s
Sparkfire 160 9 151 17% 2.9x 28% 2.5 11 1.7s
Splat 160 9 151 35% 3.3x 13% 2.5 11 1.7s
Stitch 160 9 151 28% 3.1x 17% 2.5 13 2.1s
Swiftfire 160 9 151 17% 2.9x 28% 2.5 7 1.3s
Thunderdrum 160 9 151 17% 2.9x 28% 2.5 13 2.1s
Zip 160 9 151 21% 3x 21% 2.5 5 0.9s
Zipfire 160 9 151 17% 2.9x 28% 2.5 5 0.9s
Zipneedle 160 9 151 28% 3.1x 17% 2.5 5 0.9s
Arcroid 160 9 151 24% 3x 24% 2.5 9 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 160 9 151 21% 3x 21% 2.5 39 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 160 9 151 24% 3x 24% 2.5 23 2.9s
Thymoid 160 9 151 21% 3x 21% 2.5 17 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Toxin Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 460 159 301 28% 3.1x 17% 1.5 11 1.7s
Bellows 460 159 301 21% 3x 21% 1.5 13 2.1s
Deepbreath 460 159 301 21% 3x 21% 1.5 11 1.7s
Flutterfire 460 159 301 13% 2.7x 35% 1.5 7 1.3s
Killstream 460 159 301 35% 3.3x 13% 1.5 7 1.3s
Ramflare 460 159 301 13% 2.7x 35% 1.5 11 1.7s
Slap 460 159 301 21% 3x 21% 1.5 7 1.3s
Slapneedle 460 159 301 28% 3.1x 17% 1.5 7 1.3s
Sparkfire 460 159 301 17% 2.9x 28% 1.5 11 1.7s
Splat 460 159 301 35% 3.3x 13% 1.5 11 1.7s
Stitch 460 159 301 28% 3.1x 17% 1.5 13 2.1s
Swiftfire 460 159 301 17% 2.9x 28% 1.5 7 1.3s
Thunderdrum 460 159 301 17% 2.9x 28% 1.5 13 2.1s
Zip 460 159 301 21% 3x 21% 1.5 5 0.9s
Zipfire 460 159 301 17% 2.9x 28% 1.5 5 0.9s
Zipneedle 460 159 301 28% 3.1x 17% 1.5 5 0.9s
Arcroid 460 159 301 24% 3x 24% 1.5 9 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 460 159 301 21% 3x 21% 1.5 39 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 460 159 301 24% 3x 24% 1.5 23 2.9s
Thymoid 460 159 301 21% 3x 21% 1.5 17 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Toxin Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 664 261 403 28% 3.1x 17% 1.17 11 1.7s
Bellows 664 261 403 21% 3x 21% 1.17 13 2.1s
Deepbreath 664 261 403 21% 3x 21% 1.17 11 1.7s
Flutterfire 664 261 403 13% 2.7x 35% 1.17 7 1.3s
Killstream 664 261 403 35% 3.3x 13% 1.17 7 1.3s
Ramflare 664 261 403 13% 2.7x 35% 1.17 11 1.7s
Slap 664 261 403 21% 3x 21% 1.17 7 1.3s
Slapneedle 664 261 403 28% 3.1x 17% 1.17 7 1.3s
Sparkfire 664 261 403 17% 2.9x 28% 1.17 11 1.7s
Splat 664 261 403 35% 3.3x 13% 1.17 11 1.7s
Stitch 664 261 403 28% 3.1x 17% 1.17 13 2.1s
Swiftfire 664 261 403 17% 2.9x 28% 1.17 7 1.3s
Thunderdrum 664 261 403 17% 2.9x 28% 1.17 13 2.1s
Zip 664 261 403 21% 3x 21% 1.17 5 0.9s
Zipfire 664 261 403 17% 2.9x 28% 1.17 5 0.9s
Zipneedle 664 261 403 28% 3.1x 17% 1.17 5 0.9s
Arcroid 664 261 403 24% 3x 24% 1.17 9 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 664 261 403 21% 3x 21% 1.17 39 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 664 261 403 24% 3x 24% 1.17 23 2.9s
Thymoid 664 261 403 21% 3x 21% 1.17 17 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Toxin Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 324 91 233 28% 3.1x 17% 1.83 11 1.7s
Bellows 324 91 233 21% 3x 21% 1.83 13 2.1s
Deepbreath 324 91 233 21% 3x 21% 1.83 11 1.7s
Flutterfire 324 91 233 13% 2.7x 35% 1.83 7 1.3s
Killstream 324 91 233 35% 3.3x 13% 1.83 7 1.3s
Ramflare 324 91 233 13% 2.7x 35% 1.83 11 1.7s
Slap 324 91 233 21% 3x 21% 1.83 7 1.3s
Slapneedle 324 91 233 28% 3.1x 17% 1.83 7 1.3s
Sparkfire 324 91 233 17% 2.9x 28% 1.83 11 1.7s
Splat 324 91 233 35% 3.3x 13% 1.83 11 1.7s
Stitch 324 91 233 28% 3.1x 17% 1.83 13 2.1s
Swiftfire 324 91 233 17% 2.9x 28% 1.83 7 1.3s
Thunderdrum 324 91 233 17% 2.9x 28% 1.83 13 2.1s
Zip 324 91 233 21% 3x 21% 1.83 5 0.9s
Zipfire 324 91 233 17% 2.9x 28% 1.83 5 0.9s
Zipneedle 324 91 233 28% 3.1x 17% 1.83 5 0.9s
Arcroid 324 91 233 24% 3x 24% 1.83 9 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 324 91 233 21% 3x 21% 1.83 39 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 324 91 233 24% 3x 24% 1.83 23 2.9s
Thymoid 324 91 233 21% 3x 21% 1.83 17 2.3s

Grip Damage Impact Toxin Fire Rate
Gibber 103 0 103 3.17
Ramble 160 9 151 2.5
Lovetap 460 159 301 1.5
Haymaker 664 261 403 1.17
Ulnaris 324 91 233 1.83

Loader Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 28% 3.1x 17% 11 1.7s
Bellows 21% 3x 21% 13 2.1s
Deepbreath 21% 3x 21% 11 1.7s
Flutterfire 13% 2.7x 35% 7 1.3s
Killstream 35% 3.3x 13% 7 1.3s
Ramflare 13% 2.7x 35% 11 1.7s
Slap 21% 3x 21% 7 1.3s
Slapneedle 28% 3.1x 17% 7 1.3s
Sparkfire 17% 2.9x 28% 11 1.7s
Splat 35% 3.3x 13% 11 1.7s
Stitch 28% 3.1x 17% 13 2.1s
Swiftfire 17% 2.9x 28% 7 1.3s
Thunderdrum 17% 2.9x 28% 13 2.1s
Zip 21% 3x 21% 5 0.9s
Zipfire 17% 2.9x 28% 5 0.9s
Zipneedle 28% 3.1x 17% 5 0.9s
Arcroid 24% 3x 24% 9 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 21% 3x 21% 39 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 24% 3x 24% 23 2.9s
Thymoid 21% 3x 21% 17 2.3s

This section is transcluded from Vermisplicer/Table § Secondary. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Grip Loader Damage Impact Puncture Slash Toxin Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Beam Range Magazine Size Reload Time
Gibber Bashrack 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 32% 2.1x 21% 31 43 1.7s
Gibber Bellows 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 25% 2x 25% 31 51 2.1s
Gibber Deepbreath 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 25% 2x 25% 31 43 1.7s
Gibber Flutterfire 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 17% 1.7x 39% 31 31 1.3s
Gibber Killstream 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 39% 2.3x 17% 31 31 1.3s
Gibber Ramflare 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 17% 1.7x 39% 31 43 1.7s
Gibber Slap 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 25% 2x 25% 31 31 1.3s
Gibber Slapneedle 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 32% 2.1x 21% 31 31 1.3s
Gibber Sparkfire 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 21% 1.9x 32% 31 43 1.7s
Gibber Splat 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 39% 2.3x 17% 31 43 1.7s
Gibber Stitch 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 32% 2.1x 21% 31 51 2.1s
Gibber Swiftfire 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 21% 1.9x 32% 31 31 1.3s
Gibber Thunderdrum 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 21% 1.9x 32% 31 51 2.1s
Gibber Zip 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 25% 2x 25% 31 23 0.9s
Gibber Zipfire 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 21% 1.9x 32% 31 23 0.9s
Gibber Zipneedle 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 32% 2.1x 21% 31 23 0.9s
Gibber Arcroid 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 28% 2x 28% 31 37 2.1s
Gibber Macro Arcroid 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 25% 2x 25% 31 113 3.1s
Gibber Macro Thymoid 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 28% 2x 28% 31 85 2.9s
Gibber Thymoid 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 25% 2x 25% 31 49 2.3s
Ramble Bashrack 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 32% 2.1x 21% 28 43 1.7s
Ramble Bellows 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 25% 2x 25% 28 51 2.1s
Ramble Deepbreath 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 25% 2x 25% 28 43 1.7s
Ramble Flutterfire 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 17% 1.7x 39% 28 31 1.3s
Ramble Killstream 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 39% 2.3x 17% 28 31 1.3s
Ramble Ramflare 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 17% 1.7x 39% 28 43 1.7s
Ramble Slap 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 25% 2x 25% 28 31 1.3s
Ramble Slapneedle 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 32% 2.1x 21% 28 31 1.3s
Ramble Sparkfire 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 21% 1.9x 32% 28 43 1.7s
Ramble Splat 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 39% 2.3x 17% 28 43 1.7s
Ramble Stitch 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 32% 2.1x 21% 28 51 2.1s
Ramble Swiftfire 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 21% 1.9x 32% 28 31 1.3s
Ramble Thunderdrum 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 21% 1.9x 32% 28 51 2.1s
Ramble Zip 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 25% 2x 25% 28 23 0.9s
Ramble Zipfire 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 21% 1.9x 32% 28 23 0.9s
Ramble Zipneedle 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 32% 2.1x 21% 28 23 0.9s
Ramble Arcroid 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 28% 2x 28% 28 37 2.1s
Ramble Macro Arcroid 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 25% 2x 25% 28 113 3.1s
Ramble Macro Thymoid 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 28% 2x 28% 28 85 2.9s
Ramble Thymoid 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 25% 2x 25% 28 49 2.3s
Lovetap Bashrack 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 32% 2.1x 21% 15 43 1.7s
Lovetap Bellows 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 25% 2x 25% 15 51 2.1s
Lovetap Deepbreath 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 25% 2x 25% 15 43 1.7s
Lovetap Flutterfire 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 17% 1.7x 39% 15 31 1.3s
Lovetap Killstream 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 39% 2.3x 17% 15 31 1.3s
Lovetap Ramflare 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 17% 1.7x 39% 15 43 1.7s
Lovetap Slap 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 25% 2x 25% 15 31 1.3s
Lovetap Slapneedle 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 32% 2.1x 21% 15 31 1.3s
Lovetap Sparkfire 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 21% 1.9x 32% 15 43 1.7s
Lovetap Splat 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 39% 2.3x 17% 15 43 1.7s
Lovetap Stitch 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 32% 2.1x 21% 15 51 2.1s
Lovetap Swiftfire 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 21% 1.9x 32% 15 31 1.3s
Lovetap Thunderdrum 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 21% 1.9x 32% 15 51 2.1s
Lovetap Zip 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 25% 2x 25% 15 23 0.9s
Lovetap Zipfire 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 21% 1.9x 32% 15 23 0.9s
Lovetap Zipneedle 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 32% 2.1x 21% 15 23 0.9s
Lovetap Arcroid 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 28% 2x 28% 15 37 2.1s
Lovetap Macro Arcroid 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 25% 2x 25% 15 113 3.1s
Lovetap Macro Thymoid 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 28% 2x 28% 15 85 2.9s
Lovetap Thymoid 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 25% 2x 25% 15 49 2.3s
Haymaker Bashrack 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 32% 2.1x 21% 12 43 1.7s
Haymaker Bellows 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 25% 2x 25% 12 51 2.1s
Haymaker Deepbreath 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 25% 2x 25% 12 43 1.7s
Haymaker Flutterfire 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 17% 1.7x 39% 12 31 1.3s
Haymaker Killstream 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 39% 2.3x 17% 12 31 1.3s
Haymaker Ramflare 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 17% 1.7x 39% 12 43 1.7s
Haymaker Slap 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 25% 2x 25% 12 31 1.3s
Haymaker Slapneedle 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 32% 2.1x 21% 12 31 1.3s
Haymaker Sparkfire 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 21% 1.9x 32% 12 43 1.7s
Haymaker Splat 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 39% 2.3x 17% 12 43 1.7s
Haymaker Stitch 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 32% 2.1x 21% 12 51 2.1s
Haymaker Swiftfire 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 21% 1.9x 32% 12 31 1.3s
Haymaker Thunderdrum 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 21% 1.9x 32% 12 51 2.1s
Haymaker Zip 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 25% 2x 25% 12 23 0.9s
Haymaker Zipfire 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 21% 1.9x 32% 12 23 0.9s
Haymaker Zipneedle 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 32% 2.1x 21% 12 23 0.9s
Haymaker Arcroid 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 28% 2x 28% 12 37 2.1s
Haymaker Macro Arcroid 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 25% 2x 25% 12 113 3.1s
Haymaker Macro Thymoid 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 28% 2x 28% 12 85 2.9s
Haymaker Thymoid 18 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 25% 2x 25% 12 49 2.3s
Ulnaris Bashrack 16 2 4 5 5 32% 2.1x 21% 21 43 1.7s
Ulnaris Bellows 16 2 4 5 5 25% 2x 25% 21 51 2.1s
Ulnaris Deepbreath 16 2 4 5 5 25% 2x 25% 21 43 1.7s
Ulnaris Flutterfire 16 2 4 5 5 17% 1.7x 39% 21 31 1.3s
Ulnaris Killstream 16 2 4 5 5 39% 2.3x 17% 21 31 1.3s
Ulnaris Ramflare 16 2 4 5 5 17% 1.7x 39% 21 43 1.7s
Ulnaris Slap 16 2 4 5 5 25% 2x 25% 21 31 1.3s
Ulnaris Slapneedle 16 2 4 5 5 32% 2.1x 21% 21 31 1.3s
Ulnaris Sparkfire 16 2 4 5 5 21% 1.9x 32% 21 43 1.7s
Ulnaris Splat 16 2 4 5 5 39% 2.3x 17% 21 43 1.7s
Ulnaris Stitch 16 2 4 5 5 32% 2.1x 21% 21 51 2.1s
Ulnaris Swiftfire 16 2 4 5 5 21% 1.9x 32% 21 31 1.3s
Ulnaris Thunderdrum 16 2 4 5 5 21% 1.9x 32% 21 51 2.1s
Ulnaris Zip 16 2 4 5 5 25% 2x 25% 21 23 0.9s
Ulnaris Zipfire 16 2 4 5 5 21% 1.9x 32% 21 23 0.9s
Ulnaris Zipneedle 16 2 4 5 5 32% 2.1x 21% 21 23 0.9s
Ulnaris Arcroid 16 2 4 5 5 28% 2x 28% 21 37 2.1s
Ulnaris Macro Arcroid 16 2 4 5 5 25% 2x 25% 21 113 3.1s
Ulnaris Macro Thymoid 16 2 4 5 5 28% 2x 28% 21 85 2.9s
Ulnaris Thymoid 16 2 4 5 5 25% 2x 25% 21 49 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Slash Toxin Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Beam Range Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 32% 2.1x 21% 31 43 1.7s
Bellows 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 25% 2x 25% 31 51 2.1s
Deepbreath 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 25% 2x 25% 31 43 1.7s
Flutterfire 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 17% 1.7x 39% 31 31 1.3s
Killstream 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 39% 2.3x 17% 31 31 1.3s
Ramflare 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 17% 1.7x 39% 31 43 1.7s
Slap 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 25% 2x 25% 31 31 1.3s
Slapneedle 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 32% 2.1x 21% 31 31 1.3s
Sparkfire 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 21% 1.9x 32% 31 43 1.7s
Splat 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 39% 2.3x 17% 31 43 1.7s
Stitch 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 32% 2.1x 21% 31 51 2.1s
Swiftfire 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 21% 1.9x 32% 31 31 1.3s
Thunderdrum 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 21% 1.9x 32% 31 51 2.1s
Zip 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 25% 2x 25% 31 23 0.9s
Zipfire 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 21% 1.9x 32% 31 23 0.9s
Zipneedle 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 32% 2.1x 21% 31 23 0.9s
Arcroid 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 28% 2x 28% 31 37 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 25% 2x 25% 31 113 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 28% 2x 28% 31 85 2.9s
Thymoid 14 1.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 25% 2x 25% 31 49 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Slash Toxin Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Beam Range Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 32% 2.1x 21% 28 43 1.7s
Bellows 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 25% 2x 25% 28 51 2.1s
Deepbreath 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 25% 2x 25% 28 43 1.7s
Flutterfire 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 17% 1.7x 39% 28 31 1.3s
Killstream 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 39% 2.3x 17% 28 31 1.3s
Ramflare 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 17% 1.7x 39% 28 43 1.7s
Slap 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 25% 2x 25% 28 31 1.3s
Slapneedle 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 32% 2.1x 21% 28 31 1.3s
Sparkfire 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 21% 1.9x 32% 28 43 1.7s
Splat 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 39% 2.3x 17% 28 43 1.7s
Stitch 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 32% 2.1x 21% 28 51 2.1s
Swiftfire 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 21% 1.9x 32% 28 31 1.3s
Thunderdrum 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 21% 1.9x 32% 28 51 2.1s
Zip 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 25% 2x 25% 28 23 0.9s
Zipfire 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 21% 1.9x 32% 28 23 0.9s
Zipneedle 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 32% 2.1x 21% 28 23 0.9s
Arcroid 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 28% 2x 28% 28 37 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 25% 2x 25% 28 113 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 28% 2x 28% 28 85 2.9s
Thymoid 15.2 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 25% 2x 25% 28 49 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Slash Toxin Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Beam Range Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 32% 2.1x 21% 15 43 1.7s
Bellows 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 25% 2x 25% 15 51 2.1s
Deepbreath 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 25% 2x 25% 15 43 1.7s
Flutterfire 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 17% 1.7x 39% 15 31 1.3s
Killstream 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 39% 2.3x 17% 15 31 1.3s
Ramflare 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 17% 1.7x 39% 15 43 1.7s
Slap 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 25% 2x 25% 15 31 1.3s
Slapneedle 17.2 2.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 32%