The formatting is as follows:
- Drifter's choice is marked as '>'. It is noted that the flow of conversation is the same no matter the player's choice.
- Paragraph marking (i.e. {P1}, {P2}...) is included in Lettie's replies where applicable.
- The emojis used in Aoi's reply is in image format, and shall be noted as <EMOJI-NAME> for reference.
- Conversation is ended with {Convo. Ends}
To Rank 1[]
- Broadsword: We’re stuck here, get it? So clean up after yourselves - the Food Court is dirtier than the streets. This isn’t a bleeding zoo.
- Salem: Lettie may see to it that it is-
- Belladonna ~{@: Enough.
- Soldja1Shot1kil: ha, baited.
- H16h V0l7463: woah you guys are finally using my group chat?! THIS IS SO EXCITING!!
- xX GLIMMER Xx: :) <3 Told ya, Amir!
- > I actually have something that could help clean up - Meet Domestik Drone.
- > I actually have something that could help clean up - Meet Domestik Badboi Drone.
- > I actually have something that could help clean up - Meet Domestik Zoney Drone.
- H16h V0l7463: what do you mean you have a FREAKING CLEANING ROBOT
- Broadsword: Fine. But Aoi turns it into scrap if it keeps me awake.
- Soldja1Shot1kil: nah, target practice 4 me first, m8
- Belladonna ~{@: Arthur is saying what I’ve been thinking
Clean up after yourselves
There might come a time where we’re using that food court as an operating room
¿Entendieron? - Salem: My, Lettie, have some optimism. We’ve a new player on the board.
- xX GLIMMER Xx: right!? optimism! right! so, drifter, u have fresh eyes. what do u think of the food court?
- > Looks like there’s enough room for all of us to eat there.
- > Reminds me of something, being able to have a spot to eat for fun, almost.
- H16h V0l7463: wellllllll ok, but if you see Arthur in there stay away. fair warning: helikeshisalonetime…
- Broadsword: Amir.
- xX GLIMMER Xx: ^_^ it is a nice spot, this whole mall is. and it’s ours.
- Soldja1Shot1kil: not. by. choice. {Convo. Ends}
To Rank 2[]
- xX GLIMMER Xx: do we have to… feed it?
- H16h V0l7463snacks?! WHERE. foodfoodfood--
- Belladonna ~{@: {P1} It? {P2} ¿Qué?
- > The Drone?
- > Feed What?
- > The Techrot?
- Salem: Aoi means our jolly little Drone.
- Soldja1Shot1kil: future's drone, u’ll b meaning. not mine, not ours
- > It was a gift.
- > Belongs to the mall now.
- > Next one won't be free if you break this one.
- Soldja1Shot1kil: hahah figures
- Broadsword: We’ve got enough gear to maintain. It’s yours, Drifter. If it breaks down, you’re paying for repairs. Or disposal.
- H16h V0l7463: theAMIR repair di$count coming right up, but pay in coins please.
- xX GLIMMER Xx: helloooo? feed it? the Question? i’m not sure how future… things work....
- > Nope, pretend it's magic.
- > Not a crumb, but some by proxy, I guess.
- > Nope, but Amir can probably make it go faster.
- H16h V0l7463: 0v3rCl0ck!!!!
- Belladonna ~{@: A relief
We have enough trouble feeding ourselves without another mouth
Otherwise it would be “return to Sender” - Soldja1Shot1kil: ain’t it right that u’ve added 4 mouths, tho, let? ur rats n all
- H16h V0l7463: weeeeeelll *technically* 5 because there’s the giant cat that wants to eat the rats...
- xX GLIMMER Xx: amir! no one’s eating anyone!
- Salem: Pity.
- Broadsword: Sol be damned, I can’t type as fas
- H16h V0l7463: as memememe? Mememe? Meee?
- Broadsword: t. STOP!
- Broadsword: We’ve got plenty of food. I’ve counted. And I’ve noticed the lunch patrols: Quincy eats lunch first, alone. Then Lettie, alone enough, the rats don’t count. Amir, Fast eater, alone. Aoi and I always eat after Amir, but usually her before me. Eleanor eats last, always. Alone.
- > And me?
- > And have you been watching my schedule?
- > And I’ve only eaten alone.
- xX GLIMMER Xx: maybe you could join me next time? anyone is welcome to grab lunch with me… i just thought everyone wanted their alone time…
- H16h V0l7463: i loooove to eat, I’ll eat with everyone, 6 slices for Amir! lmao
- Soldja1Shot1kil: well if Arthur says we’ve enough food, got 2 feed that growing lil boy
- H16h V0l7463: HEY I think I’m actually taller than you so anyway so whyyyyy say that? then I could grow BIGGER! Ha!
- > If we all eat together, might be nice team moment.
- > I’d love a team lunch.
- > Who wants to be there for my first team lunch?
- Salem: Team?
- Belladonna ~{@: Team?
- H16h V0l7463: omg twins? triplets? Arthur! you never said Lettie was the THIRD Nightingale…
- Broadsword: Amir, I swear it, I know where you are *right now.*
- xX GLIMMER Xx: count me in, D! team lunch! ^.^
- Soldja1Shot1kil: soz, busy times. places 2 be
- Broadsword: Drifter, it’s a nice idea, but we’re all busy.
- Salem: I'll be there.
- Belladonna ~{@: I won't {Convo. Ends}
To Rank 3[]
- Soldja1Shot1kil: say a man is peckish…
- H16h V0l7463: ha! hungryhungryQuincy. y'know i had a board game like that growing up, and i bet I could -
- > Team Lunch?
- > Offer is always open to join me.
- > It's a big food court, join in.
- Soldja1Shot1kil: let me finish. say a man is peckish, but that sugar-coated corpo advertising vomit keeps playing in our ears in that food court. what would u say 2 me shooting hardware pumping the droning?
- xX GLIMMER Xx: oo oo let me crush them. i’ll be careful not to damage Zeke!
- Belladonna ~{@: ¡Ay, no!
I told you we might need to put patients there, from outside these walls
No shrapnel, no debris
I need space that's clean - Salem: Now now, dear Lettie. Hasn’t anyone noticed?
- Broadsword: Noticed what, El?
- Salem: It’s not patients that have surrounded the mall’s walls out there, but inquisitive citizens who seem to feel… safer around here.
- H16h V0l7463: waitwaitwait. you mean we're... actually making a difference here?
- > Of course we are.
- > We are.
- > I like to think so.
- Broadsword: We aren't a bad T
- Broadsword: ...Team.
- Soldja1Shot1kil: more mouths 2 feed... even if His Maj think's we're good n'cozy? not a good idea
- Salem: I could dismiss them. It would take but a thought…
- xX GLIMMER Xx: i can’t help but feel like...even if we try our best, why give the people a false comfort that we can save any of them? it’s not going to end up good for anyone.
- > What if it wasn’t false?
- > Maybe that’s what this is about. Knowing WE can change things.
- > The more people here, right now, that feel hope, the better.
- H16h V0l7463: hmm, not to be a downer? but, I get the feeling we’d be inviting more people to the disappoint party.
- Salem: But shouldn’t we tip the scales of fate? Even a tickle on the scale could be most interesting.
- Belladonna ~{@: Sure then I’m the one responsible for runny noses and amputations?
My aunt always said "no big decisions on an empty stomach"
Let’s meet in the Food Court and discuss what to do - xX GLIMMER Xx: ooooh! team lunch!
- Broadsword: Team lunch.
- Soldja1Shot1kil: in. and ur all welcome for kickin' this off
- > I’m glad we’re all doing something together.
- > Let’s protect them and each other.
- > Thanks Quincy, thanks everyone. Guess it's bonding time.
- {Convo. Ends After player selects any 1 of the 3 choices.}
To Rank 4[]
- H16h V0l7463: is this like a sequel!? am I Amir 2: the search for more Amir?! what happened to Amir 1?!
- Salem: My Drifter.
- Belladonna ~{@: It even feels brighter in here
Sol truly is happy - Soldja1Shot1kil: now that's style. seen.
- Broadsword: Sol. What did you *do?*
- > Just did what felt right.
- > The only thing I know how.
- H16h V0l7463: butwhoami? who are you? WHAT IS HAPPENING
- Soldja1Shot1kil: oi, sekkle. we’re still us. look, bruv. that lil drone is even still here cleaning our mess
- Salem: Much as our dear Drifter did. Cleaned up a hell of mess.
- xX GLIMMER Xx: i look at it more like maybe, u remastered our song? hm?
- > Think of it like the best defensive play.
- > Think of it like a rebrand.
- > I did things our way.
- Broadsword: But how?
- Salem: Brother, that’s the easy question, the harder one is why?
- > Because we're a team.
- > Haven't you noticed we're a team?
- > There's no future alone.
- xX GLIMMER Xx: we're a team, yeah!
- Soldja1Shot1kil: but what the game, m8?
- H16h V0l7463: maybe the game is SAVIIIINGGG Höllvania! and we can collect NPCs!!
- Belladonna ~{@: Ay, Lua, sálvame
You mean people, Amir- > If it’s a game, all I did was reset the pieces.
- Soldja1Shot1kil: nah, cuz. sounds like u changed the rules of the game. respect
- > I just made a move in whatever game this is.
- > Entrati always seems one move ahead.
- > If it’s a game, all I did was reset the pieces.
- Broadsword: Whoever else is on the board, I think we’ve made this year, this place, this time ours. Let’s never let go. Let’s protect the people here and each other.
- xX GLIMMER Xx: yeah, let’s make things happen! things to look forward to, memories. more. save others, not just ourselves.
- Salem: We begin, not end.
- Belladonna ~{@: For once, Bruja?
I agree. {Convo. Ends}
To Rank 5[]
- H16h V0l7463: ::clears throat:: ahem ahem! ATTENTION ALL! Invitations to one and all to the Hexiest Pizza Party known to tastebuds.
- xX GLIMMER Xx: amir hold on i didn’t finish the poster…!
- Belladonna ~{@: I think I have enough antacids for this
I *think* - Soldja1Shot1kil: u think the people will feel welcome? eleanor not scarin’ them away w her bite? lol ;)
- Broadsword: Focus. Is everything ready?
- > Yes, we can open this place to civvies.
- > Civvies should have heard that this is somewhere under Hex protection.
- > I hope civvies come, we have to give them anything to look forward to.
- H16h V0l7463: more newbies to milk coins from. sweet, sweet coins.
- xX GLIMMER Xx: ewiw. gross Amir.
- xX GLIMMER Xx: but - more people! maybe we should welcome them with a playlist? what song should we put on?
- > Let’s do Party of your Lifetime.
- > Oh, ‘The Call’, love it.
- > Let’s be ironic, how about ‘Rotten Lives’.
- Salem: Mmm, nice choice.
- Soldja1Shot1kil: back 2 facts - we ready 2 open the gates? i can b on best behaviour. mostly
- Belladonna ~{@: Enough chatter
¡Vamos! Let’s get moving
Can't wait to talk to someone about something other than Arthur’s fighting stance - Salem: Oh Lettie, we *all* know you could take him.
- xX GLIMMER Xx: lettie? u mean it? u actually sound excited!
- Broadsword: Right, I’m opening the mall. No turning back. No second guessing. Remember: it means something to these people to have somewhere to feel safe. But we can do better. Let’s have fun again. {Convo. Ends}