“It's taking longer than I calculated.”
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Flowcharts for all Quincy conversations can be found here.
- All ending conversations (where the Hex goes offline) will be marked as {Convo. Ends}
- A flow chart will be included after all possible choices in the conversation are noted in this page
- Any glowing, golden text marked in-game will be highlighted here in bold+underlined
- Indented messages are the continuation after the Drifter (you) selected the chat option
- All user's choices to be made are marked with a '>' for clarity. Note that available choices in-game are not written in order on this page.
Quincy: “oi, u there?”[]
- Quincy: oi, u there?
- > … Oh look, Arthur needs me for something. {Convo. Ends}
- > What’s up, Q?
- Quincy: i see u sniffin’ around with the crew, tryin’a figure out where u land with us all. so i figure i‘ll make it easy on u n start us off, yeah?
- Quincy: gimme something greazy about u n i‘ll give u something ‘bout me
- > Is everything a trade with you?. {Convo. Ends}
- > I would if I knew what “greazy” meant.
- Quincy: yeah i do that, hard habit to break. sorry m8. means serious. tell me something heavy.
- > I escaped a personal hell only to wind up in a system where the universe was overtaken by a madman bent on total domination.
- > I was trapped for untold centuries in an infinitely looping dimension where I was subject to torture and murder at the hands of a child despot.
- Who, by the way, was a creation of my own memories when the Void reached into my mind and pulled out fragments of a storybook.
- How’s that for “greazy”?
- Quincy: i… yep
- Quincy: holy shit, cuz. u so full of space trauma it could be ur fking name
- Quincy: n that shit is so far past greazy. its bare mental is what it is
- Quincy: no wonder u took 2 all this bullshit like it was nbd
- > It’s definitely not the weirdest or worst thing I’ve dealt with.
- > Add it to pile of… “space trauma” I guess.
- Quincy:fkin‘ srsly m8. respect where respect is due. n i know we’re just getting’ started
- Quincy: so here’s what u need 2 know 2 get ur head wrapped around ur 1 and only quincy-k
- Quincy: i grew up hard, read me? fought 4 everything i got to take home 2 nan ‘n sis w/ tooth n nail. bc whatever u don’t take 4 urself somebody takes from u
- Quincy: gotta do a little hustle 2 get by at the end of the day if u wanna survive, read me?
- > It’s not a life I’m personally familiar with… but I understand you. And I respect it.
- > But I also think there's more to you than just a guy whustling to get by.
- > Quincy: mebbe. mebbe not. u stick along 4 long enough, maybe u'll find out. maybe u won't. but good on u 4 respecting what u don't know [Continues as below.]
- > I wish I could say things have changed much in the future. Been there. Done that.
- Things have just gotten more complicated, but the bas problems are all the same. People are still people.
- Quincy: really hoping the future wasn’t a pile of shit, cuz. sorry 2 hear ur past ain’t much diff than mine. we can trade more shit stories later, huh?
- Quincy: gtg. time 2 shoot some scaldra.
- > Have fun.
- Quincy: fking oodles {Convo. Ends}
- > Stay safe.
- > I don’t really buy into that kind of “winner takes all” philosophy, personally. There has to be more to…{... incomplete!}
- > The only place I’ve ever really known as home is a derelict ship trapped like a cork in a rift in dimension…{... incomplete!}
Quincy: “oi”[]
- Quincy: oi
- > Sorry, brb [End]
- > Um… is that a hello?
- Quincy: u muppet lol. yeah it’s me seeing if ur there
- > I’m… not exactly up on all my lingo. From the future, remember?
- > Give me a little time to catch up. How can I help you?
- Quincy: stick w/ me, ‘n i‘ll be happy to show u the ropes ;)
- Quincy: it‘s y i wanted 2 talk 2 u anyway
- Quincy: ur from space. like… space space.
- > As opposed to non-space “space”?
- > Well, technically I was from Earth, first.
- Quincy: shiiiit hold up. rq - am i famous in the future? gotta know
- > You might have been for a while. But I'm from the *really far* future.
- Quincy: how far we talking? (continues as below)
- > Functionally? Yes.
- Quincy: fking MENTAL lol
- Quincy: not gonna lie, hard 2 wrap my head around that
- Quincy: not only r u from space, but from the future
- Quincy: how far we talking?
- > Your guess is as good as mine.
- > I have no clue. The Orokin destroyed all records of Ancient Earth.
- Quincy: that‘s some next shit. who tf are orokin?
- > It’s… a long story. What did you want to talk about?
- > Assholes who thought they were gods and acted accordingly.
- Quincy: sounds like the more things change, the more they stay the same, huh. dissapointing
- Quincy: well, here’s the sitch. ur from out of town. n i‘ve been here 4 about 2 years now getting’ the lay of the land ‘n the trust of the ppl on the ground, get me?
- > I… don’t get you, no.
- > Are you threatening me?
- > I think I follow…
- Quincy: lol let me spell it out 4 u just in case, k?
- Quincy: what i‘m saying is this: u gotta learn the ropes, future space freak. n i‘m offering 2 take u under my wing
- > Pardon me while I try *desperately* not to laugh.
- > Teach… me… how to exits in this year? Or…?
- Quincy: u ever been to a warzone like this? u ever deal with scared civvies, fighting 4 their homes, just trying 2 survive?
- > I admit the technology – or, um, lack thereof – is weirding me out.
- > Actually… yes. And it was terrible.
- > Similar, but different… All warzones suck.
- Quincy: u been to war, space freak? srsly?
- Quincy: ok, ok… we getting in2 that…
- Quincy: but i see u trying 2 waving ur hands over the tv remote like its some kinda notion detector light lol
- Quincy: u need a guide, chief. or u gonna get ur face stuck in a toaster oven if ur not careful.
- > I… see your point.
- Quincy: so. u help me, i help u, yeah?
- > Nope. I’m out. I don’t work for you, Quincy.
- > I should’ve known it was going to come with a fee.
- > What do you want in exchange?
- Quincy: mmmmm tbd. a favour. nothing big. promise.
- > No. Pass.
- > … Fine. But don’t make me regret this.
- Quincy: BOOM there we gooo, cuz. now we talking
- Quincy: i‘ll be in touch 4 that favor when i need it {Convo. Ends}
- > I appreciate that, but I don’t think I need your help.
- > Take me under your wing *how* exactly?
- Quincy: u really are PROPER dense. look, m8, this ain't ur time. this ain't ur ppl
- Quincy: u ever been to a warzone like this? u ever deal with scared civvies, fighting 4 their homes, just trying 2 survive? (continues as above)
- > Yeah?
Quincy: "oi" (R3C6)[]
- Quincy: oi
- > Yes?
- Quincy: I got an offer 2 make u, bc i know ur all 'don't get outta the fked up dimension of murder' much
- Quincy: and ur mans here, ur quincy-k, is just the lux player 2 set u up with the inside scoop* on whoever u got ur eye on**
- Quincy: *beside me ofc
- Quincy: **nd for a fee, ofc
- > You... want to give me dating advice... on the other Hex... for. A *another* fee?
- > What's the fee *this* time?
- Quincy: same as last. a lil favour 4 a special friend ;)
- > But you haven't used the first favour yet.
- Quincy: then whats the harm in owning me a 2nd one?
- > I don't... I don't think that's how that works... No. I'm out.
- Quincy: suit urself. offer stands while supplies last. lemme know when u change ur mind. nobody knows these losers like i do {Convo. Ends}
- > I don't... I don't think that's how that works... No. I'm out.
- Quincy: then whats the harm in owning me a 2nd one?
- > Okay, fine. I can use the advice.
- > Lettie.
- Quincy: ha. oh guv u gonna get ur ass HANDED but ok lol
- Quincy: my advice? respect the rats respect her time
- Quincy: respect in gen lol
- Quincy: nah but she dont take herself too seriously either tho
- Quincy: girl like that knows when she needs to get called out on her bs
- Quincy: don't be gentle w/ her. she HAAATES that
- Quincy: gotta run guv. solspeed. u gonna need it. {Convo. Ends}
- > Arthur.
- Quincy: u going for knockoff when u got the real thing right here? disappoint. lol kiddin u do u guv.
- Quincy: Arthur? serious shit. no sense of humor on the outside. but i think he's dyin' for a smile. u gotta just take ur time with it
- Quincy: no bullshit, not he knows u 4 real. then u can tell him what 4. he don't take no shit from people he doesn't trust. patience with that 1
- Quincy: gotta run guv. solspeed. u gonna need it.
- > Amir.
- Quincy: ...
- Quincy: ok. charitys ur thing. enough said lmao
- Quincy: nah that boi just needs some1 to play with i think. he's lonely. thinks nobody sees him. play along n ur in
- Quincy: easy peasy
- Quincy: gotta run guv. solspeed. u gonna need it.
- > Eleanor.
- Quincy: u into the weeeeeeeeird shit n i like it, cuz lolol. more power 2 u
- Quincy: that lady wants 2 play chess. wants a challenge. wants 2 be made 2 think
- Quincy: u want in with her? u gonna have 2 work 4 it. listen. pay attention. care. oh n one other thing
- Quincy: u gotta be into that tongue lol
- Quincy: 2 freaky 4 me... or is it ;)
- Quincy: gotta run, guv. solspeed. u gonna need it
- > Aoi.
- Quincy: she's got a kind heart. u do her dirty tho, u gonna make a lotta enemies
- Quincy: ok ok. so. that girls afraid no1 takes her serious. thinks every1 thinks shes dumb
- Quincy: just a pretty face. show her u wanna know who she really is, yeah?
- Quincy: n find joy in what she finds joy in. appreciate her 4 who she REALLY is. not who u THINK she is
- Quincy: gotta run, guv. solspeed. u gonna need it
- > Lettie.
- > But you haven't used the first favour yet.
- > This is making me nervous. No. I'm out.
- > Fine... I could use the help...
- Quincy: same as last. a lil favour 4 a special friend ;)
- > This is such a bizarre and honestly gross situation. I'm out. And. Honestly? No more flirting. Done. We're done.
- > But the one I have feelings for is *you*, Quincy...
- Quincy: of COURSE it is, i mean look at me. i got it all. the swagger, the looks, the garms, the charms...
- Quincy: y wouldn't u pick me? all class, right here
- > No, I mean I have *feelings* for you, not just an attraction to you.
- Quincy: n u and I look pretty great 2gether, even if u are still kinda dressing like a freak half the time. its okay. my style got thrown a bit 4 a loop with all this weird plating i got going on now
- Quincy: glad u made the right choice, sexy thing. if u ever want some advice on the other losers, tho, u let me know. (it'll still cost u tho)
- > Quincy, did you read what I said? {Convo. Ends}
- > No, I mean I have *feelings* for you, not just an attraction to you.
- >BRB [End]
Quincy: “got something 4 u {...}” (R2C1)[]
- Quincy: got something 4 u if u got a sec. something u can help me with
- > Oh? What’s up?
- Quincy: yeah see i got me a riddle. real head scratcher. n i think u got the answer.
- Quincy: see, i see u walkin’ around in those luxed up meatsuits of urs, feel me?
- Quincy: n, i‘m thinking 2 myself, u gotta know what’s up. so spill it, chief
- > You’re a smart guy. You can’t figure it out?
- > I’m afraid I’m not following. But what do you want to know?
- > What exactly about my warframes are you asking me about?
- Quincy: something. ANYTHING. we didn’t exactly get a fking manual when entrati turned us into FREAKS, m8
- Quincy: i see u struttin’ around in shit that looks llike us, but ain’t thinking, feeling, breathing
- Quincy: n u can pop in n out of them like they’re just a set of wheels to use n ditch like a tommy
- Quincy: so… wtf, m8. is that what we r 2 that dutty ‘doktor?’ or 2 u?! just something 2 use n throw away when ur done?!
- > Well… I’d hardly describe *you* as a cheap ride, though… I would love to take you around the block…
- > Quincy, don’t worry… you’re not a cheap ride… You’re at *least* mid-grade :P
- > You mean Transference? I know it’s weird. But the warframes I have are… very different than the Hex.
- Quincy: just tell me this. those frames of urs.
- Quincy: were they ppl once?
- > I’m not doing this. {Convo. Ends}
- > No.
- > Um… yes.
- > Mine aren’t. Well…not really? Mostly aren’t.
- It’s complicated, but mine are replicated from blueprints. So they aren’t the originals.
- Quincy: i don’t give a fk if ur meatsuits r ethically sourced or w/e u gotta tell urself
- Quincy: point is, the OGs used to BE PPL, n i don’t wanna be no zombie meatsuit, chief
- > Not so tough now, are you?
- > Hey hey, easy – relax. I don’t think that’s going to happen to you.
- > Calm down, Quincy. You aren’t going to turn into a zombie.
- Quincy: n u know this 4 sure exactly how?!
- > Your infestation has stopped progressing. I don’t know if that’s for a fact that the year is looping, or the strain Entrati used.
- Quincy: so we’re stuck like this bc we’re stuck in time. we ever leave this stupid loop n what? we turn into those blank-ass mfers u got hangin’ in ur closet?!
- > I don’t have the answers for what Entrati did. Why, or if it could get fixed, or what happens next. I’m doing the best I can here, Quincy.
- Quincy: just know this. u ain’t getting quincy-k easy, u read me? u might have future me like u got future arthur or future aoi
- Quincy: but i‘m not giving up my mind w/o a fight
- > Turning you into a mindless warframe is the last thing I want, Quincy.
- Quincy: i ain't being nobody's toy soldier. never again {Convo Ends}
- > Why do you assume that’s what I want to do?
- > You really think I’d make that kind of effort? Have you seen my rigs? lol
- Quincy: PISS. OFF. {Convo. Ends}
- > Turning you into a mindless warframe is the last thing I want, Quincy.
- > I said don’t know. And I mean that. But I think if you were going to get hollowed out like a festive gourd, it would've happened by now.
- Quincy: just know this. u ain’t getting quincy-k easy, u read me? u might have future me like u got future arthur or future aoi
- Quincy: but i‘m not giving up my mind w/o a fight
- > Turning you into a mindless warframe is the last thing I want, Quincy.
- Quincy: i ain't being nobody's toy soldier. never again {Convo Ends}
- > Why do you assume that’s what I want to do?
- > You really think I’d make that kind of effort? Have you seen my rigs? lol
- Quincy: PISS. OFF. {Convo. Ends}
- > Turning you into a mindless warframe is the last thing I want, Quincy.
- > Because if I pop into your heads once and a while, you won’t go insane. That’s what Transference is…
Quincy: “hey famalam, u got a second?” (R2C4)[]
- Quincy: hey famalam, u got a second?
- > Famalam, huh? I got promoted.
- Quincy: hahaha yeah
- Quincy: i was wondering, while ur running 4 every1 doing the bitchwork, if u could do something 4 ur favorite mans over here
- > Of course. What do you need?
- Quincy: see, there r easier tracks for all this hit, but His Maj heroboy won’t believe me so he got u running laps
- Quincy: so here’s the sitch, yeah? moneys no good on the street. but is good in this stupid K.O.L thing
- Quincy: world might be going to fk but there’s still a buck to be made, so the feds gonna keep pushin’ that buy buy buy
- Quincy: dont u look at the monster under ur bed that ate ur brotha, naaah fam, buy buy buy, read me? u happy if u got that sweet stereo. distract. divert. spend spend spend
- Quincy: fking same story everywhere. every time
- Quincy: but u look like u can get urself some hard cash. n u can get u goods shipped straight to ur mans quincy-k
- Quincy: then i turn n trade that to the ppl who still think it’ll make their lives a lil less shit. they start seeing us like young loxey, givin 2 the needy
- Quincy: so what do u say? u buy me some things i can trade, n i make sure the ppl know who got them the goods?
- > I’ll see what I can do. If it helps.
- Quincy: yeeeaah that’s what i‘m talking about. knew i could count on u to come thru for ur mans {Convo. Ends}
- > I know a guy who thinks money is the answer to everything. You two would love each other. Parvos Granum.
- Quincy: i know when ur insulting me, m8. don't need the nae 2 know when ur calling me greed. u wanna cling to ur teddy n tell urself stories of good guys n bad guys? u du u
- Quincy: the rest of us live in the real world. n the real world runs on the haves n have nots. who got money n goods? they rule the streets, n u think they lose sleep over it? nah
- Quincy: if this parvos guy agrees with me? that means he seen some shit n knows how life rly goes. so get ur head outta yer arse b4 u turn into His Maj over there. {Convo. Ends}
- > Wait. Are you just flattering me to ask me for something?
- > I sense you’re about to ask for something…
- Quincy: what, i can't just say hi 2 my new favorite resident space freak?
- Quincy: see, don't think it's fair they got u running around doing everybodys bitchwork, is all. i'm tryina do *u* a favour, really, by asking u to 2 some little things 4 me.
- > I was right. You *are* after something.
- Quincy: look just bc i need something doesn't mean we can't be helping each other out, u know?
- Quincy: so here’s the sitch, yeah? moneys no good on the street. but is good in this stupid K.O.L thing
- Quincy: world might be going to fk but there’s still a buck to be made, so the feds gonna keep pushin’ that buy buy buy
- Quincy: dont u look at the monster under ur bed that ate ur brotha, naaah fam, buy buy buy, read me? u happy if u got that sweet stereo. distract. divert. spend spend spend
- Quincy: fking same story everywhere. every time
- Quincy: but u look like u can get urself some hard cash. n u can get u goods shipped straight to ur mans quincy-k
- Quincy: then i turn n trade that to the ppl who still think it’ll make their lives a lil less shit. they start seeing us like young loxey, givin 2 the needy
- Quincy: so what do u say? u buy me some things i can trade, n i make sure the ppl know who got them the goods?
- > I’ll see what I can do. If it helps.
- Quincy: yeeeaah that’s what i‘m talking about. knew i could count on u to come thru for ur mans {Convo. Ends}
- > I know a guy who thinks money is the answer to everything. You two would love each other. Parvos Granum.
- Quincy: i know when ur insulting me, m8. don't need the nae 2 know when ur calling me greed. u wanna cling to ur teddy n tell urself stories of good guys n bad guys? u du u
- Quincy: the rest of us live in the real world. n the real world runs on the haves n have nots. who got money n goods? they rule the streets, n u think they lose sleep over it? nah
- Quincy: if this parvos guy agrees with me? that means he seen some shit n knows how life rly goes. so get ur head outta yer arse b4 u turn into His Maj over there. {Convo. Ends}
- > You can just ask me for things, Quincy. You don't need the fake flattery.
- > I was right. You *are* after something.
Quincy: “hey <space trauma / sexy thing>, u there? {…}” / also "question 4 u. personal 1" (R3C2)[]
[If Quincy is not currently flirting with the Drifter][]
- Quincy: hey space trauma, u there? u remember when u were telling me about that war u went thru? wondering if u got the time 2 talk war stories with ur favorite lux sniper
- > [Ignore.]
- > I’ll tell you. But what’s in it for me?
- > I mean. Sure. But it’s a lot to get into at once.
- Quincy: no worries m8, u got ur speed, i just know a soldier when i see 1 and i‘m curious is all
- > I’m not in the mood for this right now.
- > Sure.
- Quincy: BOOM. take it away, bozz
- > When I wound up in the Origin system – things were… completely taken over by this psychopath Orokin and a Sentient.
- > Let’s start at the beginning. With Ballas, the Orokin, and the Sentients.
- The Orokin Empire were – are? – responsible for a lot of the mess we’re dealing with now. Either directly or indirectly.
- Earth and the rest of the system was becoming uninhabitable. And they wanted to ensure the survival of the human race. So they decided to terraform a new solar system and its main planet, Tau.
- In order to do that, they created a synthetic race. The Sentients. And then the Sentients came back and waged war on the Orokin Empire about it.
- Quincy: whoawhoa hol up hol tf up. u gotta give me a 2nd 2 process all that fking nonsense
- Quincy: … w8 did i just read that right?! lmaooo
- Quincy: oh no, the free labor rose up n didn’t wanna be pissed on anymore? boo fking hoo. good. hope the orokin ate shit 4 it
- > Didn’t give them the right to come back and start slaughtering innocents over it.
- > I hate the Orokin Empire as much as the next person. Trust me. But the Sentients aren’t saints, either.
- Quincy: not sayin’ they are, m8. just sayin’ this world got a LOTTA history using people it sees as ‘less than’ as expendable, read me?
- Quincy: in the future apparently they just come outta… whatever sentients come outta…
- > I try not to think too hard about how they get made, actually… but anyway. You’re right. They shouldn’t have been exploited. But they also shouldn’t have waged war.
- One of them named Erra – the brother to the lotus who sent me here – teamed up with Ballas, chief asshole Orokin, and took over the Origin System.
- Created these veils that literally brainwashed people. Turned them all into mindless servants to “Narmer”.
- Quincy: just like what they said tv n games were gonna do 2 us, …tbf, i guess they were kinda right about the techrot lmao
- Quincy: but ur here, so u won the war. how?
- > Little by little. One by one. One veil at a time. One city at a time. One planet at a time.
- Quincy: always how its done. everybody forgets the lil guy in the war. thinks the ppl in the boardrooms making the power moves
- Quincy: nah. 1 bullet becomes 2. becomes 2000. bullets kill armies, m8. its about mass n inertiad
- Quincy: look at us, getting’ deep. lmao. ugh i hate this serious shit, dontchu? lets call this good 4 now. we‘ll pick this up l8r
- Quincy: see ya, cuz {Convo. Ends}
- > I didn’t do it alone. Even enemies like the Corpus or Grineer realized we all had a common foe. Even Erra's father helped me. Hunhow.
- Quincy: shit. his own dad. that's messed... war does that 2 families, sometimes tho, dunnit. but i bet it's all forgotten now, innit? u all back 2 clappin' each other like its any other day o the week'
- > Some friendships have stayed strong.
- Quincy: always the case. u end up with a few strays but the course of the river doesn't change does it? that takes real work. real power
- Quincy: look at us, getting’ deep. lmao. ugh i hate this serious shit, dontchu? lets call this good 4 now. we‘ll pick this up l8r
- Quincy: see ya, cuz {Convo. Ends}
[If Quincy is currently flirting with the Drifter][]
- Quincy: hey sexy thing, u there? wondering if u got the time 2 talk war stories with ur favorite lux sniper. u started 2 tell me about u saving the universe from some crazies
- > [Ignore.]
- > I’ll tell you. But what’s in it for me?
- > I mean. Sure. But it’s a lot to get into at once.
- Quincy: then we take it slow, no pressure. i know how 2 be gentle when its needed. ;) u tell me only whatchu wanna tell, ur mans is patient
- > I’m not in the mood for this right now.
- > Sure.
- Quincy: then take it away, sexy thing ;)
- > When I wound up in the Origin system – things were… completely taken over by this psychopath Orokin and a Sentient.
- > Let’s start at the beginning. With Ballas, the Orokin, and the Sentients.
- The Orokin Empire were – are? – responsible for a lot of the mess we’re dealing with now. Either directly or indirectly.
- Earth and the rest of the system was becoming uninhabitable. And they wanted to ensure the survival of the human race. So they decided to terraform a new solar system and its main planet, Tau.
- In order to do that, they created a synthetic race. The Sentients. And then the Sentients came back and waged war on the Orokin Empire about it.
- Quincy: whoawhoa hol up hol tf up. u gotta give me a 2nd 2 process all that fking nonsense
- Quincy: … w8 did i just read that right?! lmaooo
- Quincy: oh no, the free labor rose up n didn’t wanna be pissed on anymore? boo fking hoo. good. hope the orokin ate shit 4 it
- > Didn’t give them the right to come back and start slaughtering innocents over it.
- > I hate the Orokin Empire as much as the next person. Trust me. But the Sentients aren’t saints, either.
- Quincy: not sayin’ they are, m8. just sayin’ this world got a LOTTA history using people it sees as ‘less than’ as expendable, read me?
- Quincy: in the future apparently they just come outta… whatever sentients come outta…
- > I try not to think too hard about how they get made, actually… but anyway. You’re right. They shouldn’t have been exploited. But they also shouldn’t have waged war.
- One of them named Erra – the brother to the lotus who sent me here – teamed up with Ballas, chief asshole Orokin, and took over the Origin System.
- Created these veils that literally brainwashed people. Turned them all into mindless servants to “Narmer”.
- Quincy: just like what they said tv n games were gonna do 2 us, …tbf, i guess they were kinda right about the techrot lmao
- Quincy: but ur here, so u won the war. how?
- > Little by little. One by one. One veil at a time. One city at a time. One planet at a time.
- > I didn’t do it alone. Even enemies like the Corpus or Grineer realized we all had a common foe. Even Erra's father helped me. Hunhow.
- Quincy: shit. his own dad. that's messed... war does that 2 families, sometimes tho, dunnit. but i bet it's all forgotten now, innit? u all back 2 clappin' each other like its any other day o' the week
- > ... The more things change, the more they stay the same...
- Quincy: u could tattoo that on my soul, m8. fk. look at us, gettin' deep. lmao. ugh i hate this serious shit, dontchu? lets call this good 4 now. we'll pick this up l8r
- Quincy: see ya, gorgeous ;) {Convo. Ends}
Quincy: “oi. space trauma. u there?”[]
- Quincy: “oi. space trauma. u there?”
- > Hey regular trauma. What's up?
- Quincy: lmao nah see i'm fine. i been thru shit like this b4. well. ok. i mean not this weird
- Quincy: not with the fking techrot monsters n space travel n future whatever but u get the idea
- Quincy: when u grow up dealing with bullshit n chaos all around u? u learn 2 take things in stride
- Quincy: so ur not gonna find ur mans here rocking in a corner crying n praging out like some ppl
- Quincy: but talking about my shitty neighbourhood growing up ain't why i hit u up, cuz. lol
- > What did you want to talk about.
- Quincy: pretty on topic already actually lmao. wanted 2 talk 2 u about that weird world u got stuck in
- Quincy: i hear every1 else talking about what u've told them about duviri, and now i'm strating 2 feel left out lol. u haven't told me much
- > I haven't been avoiding it on purpose. What do you want to know?
- Quincy: i'm glad you trust me, fam :)
- Quincy: so. i hear a lot about all the weird shit there, bu i also hear a name
- Quincy: thrax
- Quincy: i wanna know who he was 2 u
- Quincy: do i gotta go play big brother? 'u hurt my lil cuz, imma make you regret it' lol
- > No it's fine. Thrax is just a kid.
- > Dominus Thrax and I... used to be friends, long ago. When I was closer to his "age".
- > At first, he was the best friend a kid could have. He was the KING of the WORLD. And I was his best friend in the universe. He gave me everything I could ever want.
- > I felt safe. I had a community around me. I felt valued. Cared for.
- > And Thrax was the avatar of all of that. But as I grew older and changed... he didn't. I needed him less. But the little kid's storybook he was based on didn't evolve.
- > *Couldn't* evolve. I... wanted to leave Duviri. He didn't take it well, to say the least. And that's when the executions started.
- > All because a spoiled brat of a king couldn't take "no" for an answer.
- > All because of a storybook that the Void couldn't turn the page on like a CD on repeat.
- > All because one scared kid, imaginary or not, was afraid of being left alone in the dark by his best friend.
- Quincy: and would u have? left him in the dark alone 4ever?
- > No. I would've gone back. I still go back fairly frequently to Duviri, even after all he's done.
- Quincy: y? i mean... i'm glad you do, but i'm curious as 2 y?
- > Because... I guess part of me understands. I was that scared kid, screaming in the dark. Begging not to be abandonned.
- Quincy: then u get where i was goin' with all this... that kid is just a kid
- Quincy: and kids r gonna be stupid n rash n terrible n break things n scream and cry when they scared
- Quincy: i was a piece of shit after mom died n dad n i went 2 live with nan. talking proper nightmare
- Quincy: n it was because i was so afraid they were gonna leave me 2. dunno why i thought being a turd was gonna keep 'em close lol
- Quincy: kids have no logic, is the point. they don't think. n ur thrax was made that way
- Quincy: so... take some pity on him in ur head, sometimes, even if u can't take some pity on him when u go there, yeah?
- Quincy: don't hate him 4 being lonely. does scary things 2 ppl, dunnit
- > I... get what you're saying, but I still have to disagree. Sorry. But thanks for the talk.
- > Yeah... yeah it does. Thanks Quincy. I'll remember this.
- Quincy: quincy-k, servin' up the best advice
- Quincy: ttys
- > I honestly don't know. Maybe it's pity. Or maybe it's because in some sick way, it feels like home.
- > Teshin is trapped there. I feel bad abandoning him. Everybody else I care less about.
- > Yeah. I mean. He's not *real.* Once you finish a book, do you feel bad for it when you put it on a shelf?
- > I honestly don't know. Life went a different way. It's impossible to say what I would or wouldn't have done.
- > I hate Dominus Thrax. And I think a part of me, somwhere deep down, always knew he was going to hurt me.
- > Dominus Thrax and I... used to be friends, long ago. When I was closer to his "age".
- > It's because I am *so sick* of talking about Duviri.
- > It made you who you are, so I appreciate hearing about it, though.
- > Hey. :)
- Quincy: i had some questions 4 u if u had the time
- >Sure. Fire away.
- Quincy: fisrt question, what kinda neighborhood did u grow up in, btw? safe? dangerous? crowded? quiet?
- >Safe. But crowded. Even before the Zariman we had almost no room to ourselves. But we were a community
- Quincy: i met ppl in the army who grew up in places like that. all crammed in, but every1 looking out for every1
- Quincy: that's kinda the dream 4 me. ppl around u, nobody afraid 2 walk home alone at night. ngl, i'm jelly
- Quincy: so this gets to the other half of my question
- Quincy: i hear every1 else talking about what u've told them about duviri, and now i'm starting 2 feel left out lol. u haven't told me much
- >I haven't been avoiding it on purpose. What do you want to know? (look up)
- > It's because I am *so sick* of talking about Duviri.
- >Dangerous. And crowded. We were all packed in tight, and everybody was after what everyone else had.
- >Dangerous. But quiet. It wasn't the people we worried about - it was the *other* things that scared us more.
- >Safe and quiet. But I didn't really know anybody. We lived pretty remote from everyone else.
- >Okay, but it'll cost you. ;)
- >Not at the moment. {Convo. Ends}
- > Can't chat right now, sorry. {Convo. Ends}
Quincy: "space trauma, heads up" (R2C2)[]
- Quincy: space trauma. heads up
- Quincy: who in the future do i gotta blame 4 this massive fk up we dealing with rn?
- > Why, are you planning on sending them a bill?
- Quincy: actually yeh i was gunna, u see these garms? these threads take WORK
- Quincy: nah, cuz. i just like 2 know who i'm supposed 2 hate just 'n case i find the fker at some point
- Quincy: tho now that i think 'bout it, we stuck here, the hex 'n me yeah?
- > I think so....
- Quincy: n the whole outside world? outside this shithole? just stuck loopin' with us? trapped in time...4ever?
- > I'm making this shit up as I go, Quincy. Your guess is as good as mine.
- Quincy: glad 2 know u dont think ur the boss of everything. well. i guess got a lot of time 2 get perfect at...well...everything. figure thats why u got so many good moves...
- Quincy: even if it does mean im never going home again, does it...
- > I... I've learned that home is relative.
- Quincy: yeah, except i got a fam back home waiting 4 me. u got that?
- > I have people who have become family to me.
- Quincy: then y r u still here? nah, calling bullshit on that, m8, sorry. u don't make it subtle. ur name gives it away
- Quincy: but whatever u gotta tell urself. won't judge. been there
- > ...No.
- Quincy: i know ur trying 2 cheer me up. tell me 2 appreciate what i got. don't need the help. i know how 2 make the best of things
- Quincy: what else r u gonna do when the world ruins ur life? i didn't choose this. this path was picked 4 me
- Quincy: all that matters now is what i'm gonna do with what was done 2 me
- Quincy: what i'm sayin' is this, cuz. when someboy's done u dirty? u decide how u cope. nobody else
- >Yeah. I've had to learn that lesson... a few times.
- Quincy: ssaaaame. just bc i know it doesn't mean i don't forget 2 follow it
- >Yeah. I've had to learn that lesson... a few times.
- > I have people who have become family to me.
- Quincy: yeah, except i got a fam back home waiting 4 me. u got that?
- > I... I've learned that home is relative.
- > I'm making this shit up as I go, Quincy. Your guess is as good as mine.
- Quincy: n the whole outside world? outside this shithole? just stuck loopin' with us? trapped in time...4ever?
- > I think so....
- > Why, are you planning on sending them a bill?
Quincy: hey. serious question 4 u if u got a sec (R4C5)[]
- Quincy: hey. serious question 4 u if u got a sec
- > Yeah? What've you got for me today?
- Quincy: u think we got a soul? fkin' deep k know, especially from ur mans here
- Quincy: after all our talk about "transference" n this bullshit about us being hollowed out ppl
- Quincy: i hear lettie talkin' about how we're nothing but 'fantasmas' now or w/e
- Quincy: n the lil speedster is cracked outta his gourd obsessed about something 2 do with glass brains that live 4 ever or somethin'
- Quincy: i guess it comes down 2 the fact that i never hadda really think about this b4, u know? it never REALLY mattered? n now it REALLY does
- Quincy: so what is it chief? is there a soul r not? that what u turn into when u jump into my head?
- > I think so, yeah.
- Quincy: cool. cool. cool
- Quincy: fk
- Quincy: FK
- > Having an existential crisis?
- > You okay? (look down to "I... honestly don't know, Q.")
- > Q?
- > No. This is just Void science.
- > I... honestly don't know, Q.
- Quincy: suppose it doesn't matter if its science or religion or fking magic. u CAN exist outside ur body
- Quincy: that means u COULD exist 4ever without ur body
- Quincy: which means u got a fkin' soul, m8, no matter what name u wanna call it
- Quincy: cool. cool. cool
- Quincy: fk
- Quincy: FK
- > Having an existential crisis?
- > You okay?
- Quincy: gave my auntie so much shit fer draggin' me to church every sunday, kept sayin' lua and sol were just some waste of time
- Quincy: guess i gotta call her 'n say i owe her a big ol apology 4 that one don't i lol
- > Whatever you call it, whatever the explanation, I'm kind of living proof that consciousness exists without a body, yeah.
- Quincy: same. dunno how else 2 explain what u do short of weird superposition quantum physics shit
- Quincy: n before u make that face, i like to read books believe it or not, ok? i like to know how the world works lol
- > I've got a few tablets you can borrow if you want, from the Zariman. Science advanced a bit between now and my time.
- Quincy: srsly? that'd be great, yeah. love 2 see how things have changed in the however-tf-far-in-the-future ur from {Convo. ends}
- > What other kinds of books do you like to read?
- Quincy: all kinds, mostly on audio tho. when ur on a sustained observation - meaning one of those 2-3 day long snipers posts, u gotta stay in one place for a real long time
- Quincy: it. gets. SO. BORING. so i like 2 sit up there n just put on one headphone n listen to books on tape yeah?
- Quincy: n i figure if i'm gonna be up there i might as well b using the time 2 learn somethig useful, so i go through finance books, statistics, science, physics...
- Quincy: y'know, shit like that
- Quincy: tho funny story one time my squadmates played a prank on me n changed the label n put in some raunchy romance book lmaooo
- >LOL! That's hysterical.
- >Well? What's you think? LOL
- Quincy: at 1st i laughed my ass off, thats some NEXT shit 4 a prank lmao
- Quincy: but then i figured i'm fuggin' stuck here for 3 days n i've got nothin' better 2 do, i'll give it a listen
- Quincy: n first i couldn't stop snickering at all the sexy bits right? i dunno how many times a man's 'burgeoning desire' has to get 'freed' but damn there's a fkin' fire sale on that shit
- Quincy: can't just say any of it like normal people, either. noooo gotta use all euphemisms n shit like JUST SAY IT. I DARE U. UR NOT GONNA DIE IF U DO
- Quincy: then i realize like seven hours in i'm like... super into the story. LIKE WHAT, M8?! LMAOOO
- Quincy: i'm hittin' FF thru the sex bits 2 get to the plot like 'bruhhh what happens neeeext!!'
- Quincy: telln' u my squad got me good that day ROFLMAO
- >Do you still read romance stories now?
- Quincy: wouldn't u like 2 know lol
- Quincy: alright, i gotta split. thanks 4 cheering me up {Convo. Ends}
- >That's the best story I've literally ever heard. LOL.
- > Do people tend to assume you aren't well read or something?
- Quincy: lmao u really ARE from fkin' space. yeah. u could say most ppl do lol. either because of the way i am or the way i type, they think they know what i'm capable of
- Quincy: n they assume its very little. me n aoi have that in common. everybody looks at her n sees a pretty face n think she's dumb as a brick
- Quincy: she's tougher than any of us put 2gether n she's a master tactician on the field. lady is a THREAT. n me? pl wanna think i'm just some 2-bit thug? fine. let 'em
- Quincy: that way they won't see me comin'
- > Have I ever treated you that way?
- Quincy: if u did i would've told u. nah. ur good. i don't waste time on ppl i don't think r worth it
- Quincy: i'd say life was 2 short but... hey. not so much anymore, is it? LMAO
- > Can I just say that I'm glad we're friends?
- Quincy: yeah, cuz... me 2. me 2 {Convo. Ends}
- > {incomplete!}
- > {incomplete!}
- Again, I don't *know* if there's a soul. You're jumping to conclusions. There's a lot about how all this "works" that we don't understand.
- > I still don't think there's a soul, Q. I think my body just take a different form - matter turning into energy temporarily. Otherwise how would i get it back.
- Quincy: maybe u borrow the matter from things around u, bits n pieces. bodies aren't that complicated chemically n i've seen u stompin' around in weirder shit
- Quincy: n befure u make that face, i like 2 read books believe it or not, ok? i like 2 know how the worlds works
- {Continues the branch "Whatever you call it, whatever the explanation ..."}
- > Q?
- > I don't, sorry. {Convo. Ends}
Quincy: "i feel like we gotta work out safewords or something" (R3C4)[]
- Quincy: "i feel like we gotta work out safewords or something"
- Quincy: "thats what they call it, innit?"
- > Did... you mean to click on Lettie?
- Quincy: ROFLMAOO
- Quincy: naaah m8 lmaooo
- Quincy: thats funny as shit tho
- > Great. Um... What're we talking about?
- (continue as below Quincy: u bein in my head, cuz.)
- > You've lost me, Q. What're we talking about?
- Quincy: u bein in my head, cuz.
- Quincy: i dont like the fact that u can pop in n out of me like im some cheap rental car.
- Quincy: n i want 2 set some boundaries on that.
- > {...incomplete! something about taking him for a ride around the block?}
- > Nah. You're a classy rental. At least mid-grade.
- Quincy: oh thx
- Quincy: but i see those frames u ride around, n i know they used 2b ppl like me
- Quincy: n look i know u use them 2 save lives n all. i get it
- Quincy: but i just keep thinking about the ppl those frames used 2 be..
- Quincy: n the fact that their minds r gone now... is there really nothing left of them? nothing at all?
- > {incomplete!}
- > There's... something left of them. It's hard to describe.
- > Memores, almost? Bits and pieces of a personality.
- >When I inhabit them, I can feel myself taking on... parts of who they used to be.
- > Mannerisms. The way they used to stand. Move Things like that. It's strange.
- Quincy: gotta a trip when u change genders lol
- > Least weird thing about this.
- > Lines like that are pretty blurry anyway, when you get down to it.
- Quincy: but thats it tho? just... bits n pieces?! everything else... gone?!
- Quincy: and y? if u got ur own ppl suits, y do u even need us?
- Quincy: y did Entrati even bother w/ making us?
- > I can only guess but... I'm betting he wanted to make sure I had warframes in this timeline that I could use.
- >Just in case mine didn't come through or... something. He always has backup plans on backup plans.
- Quincy: ...spares. we're just SPARES?! in case ur other meat suits didn't come thru the talking monster thing?!
- Quincy: oh thats NEXT MESSED UP
- Quincy: we r PPL not THINGS
- Quincy: this is why i left the army in the first place
- Quincy: 2 get away from assholes like him
- Quincy: but 1 got me in the end anyway
- > Could be worse. You're a sexy, badass, *sniper* with *super powers.*
- Quincy: LMAO! look at u appreciating top shelf quality goods here
- Quincy: yeah. everything about what u make of it. thanks 4 cheking me
- Quincy: but pls. i still want u staying out of my head if i say so when i say so
- Quincy: n if i'm having *ahem* private time with a friend or 2 u stay outta my head, u read me?
- >What's the protoframe equivalent of a sock on a doorknob?
- Quincy: LMAO ur smart u can figure something out {Convo. Ends}
- > Could be worse. You're a sexy, badass, *sniper* with *super powers.*
- Quincy: thanks 4 trying 2 cheer up ur top shelf goods here, i appreciate that
- Quincy: yeah. everythings what u make of it. thanks 4 checking me
- Quincy: but pls. i still want u staying out of my head if i say so when i say so
- Quincy: otherwise u might catch me having dirty fantasies about u and we cant have that. cheating, innit? ;)
- >...I have never wanted to use Transference more in my life...
- >Awwuh... fine. You're seriously no fun.
- lesson number 1: always leave them wanting more ;)
- >... No promises.
- >Lol. Yessir {Convo. Ends}
- > What *did* happen to you in the army, anyway? You have this whole... "toy soldier" thing you keep bringing up.
- > Probably for the same reason he does anything- scientific curiosity.
- Quincy: w/e
- Quincy: clear that we werent ppl 2 him only THINGS
- Quincy: shit he could use n discard
- Quincy: this is why i left the army in the first place
- Quincy: 2 get away from assholes like him
- Quincy: but 1 got me in the end anyway
- > Could be worse. You're a sexy, badass, *sniper* with *super powers*
- > What *did* happen to you in the army, anyway? You have this whole... "toy soldier" thing you keep bringing up.
- Quincy: its a long story
- Quincy: tell it to u another time
- Quincy: i gotta go sit n have a think n a drink
- Quincy: lmao. a think n drink {Convo. Ends}
- >He's trying to save the world. The Origin System. Hell, the *universe*. It's going to requiew a little spilled milk.
- > You're asking me to try and guess why Entrati does anything? Might as well ask Eleanor to read your cards.
- > I can only guess but... I'm betting he wanted to make sure I had warframes in this timeline that I could use.
- Nope I'm out. {Convo. Ends}
- > Did... you mean to click on Lettie?
Quincy: "Hey. talked to the lil speedster like u said"[]
- Quincy: hey
- Quincy: talked to the lil speedster like u said
- > How'd it go?
- Quincy: first he thought i was gonna punch him in the face lmao. but i took him up onto the roof n we sat down n we talked
- Quincy: i told him about when i joined the army n how i became a sniper
- > How *did* you become a sniper, anyway?
- Quincy: not important rn
- (Jump to below branch with 'told him bout the first time i had to kill somebody)
- > And?
- Quincy: told him bout the first time i had to kill somebody
- Quincy: about the first time i had 2 look down that sight n take a life
- Quincy: its 1 thing when ur in the heat of battle...some goon is coming at u with a gun or a knife or w/e...
- Quincy: another thing entirely when ur on a roof 300 yrds away n they dont even know ur there...
- Quincy: n u got time to *think* about them. who they r. why they r there. do they got a family? kids?
- Quincy: n... then u squeeze the trigger. BOOM
- Quincy: doesnt matter now
- Quincy: they dead, n i took that life
- Quincy: n that face lives in my head
- Quincy: n so does every single 1 thats come after
- > How'd he react...?
- Quincy: didnt say anything 4 the longest time. we just sat there in silence
- Quincy: then he...told me about the nightmares hes been getting
- Quincy: n how he feels like hes not really part of the group bc hes not a soldier
- Quincy: so i told him about how horrifying it was 4 me when i first had 2 kill as a soldier
- Quincy: n how i used 2 get nightmares over it, worse than the ones even when i was a lil kid
- Quincy: but i told him sorry that id been treating him like such a plumsack this whole time
- Quincy: n that he belonged with us just as much as anybody does. n that i just got a way 'bout me, just like he's got a way 'bout him, n its just who we r, u know?
- Quincy: n then u know what he said...?
- > What?
- Quincy: "ur right, ur a dickhead"
- Quincy: but just as i was about 2 push him off the roof?
- Quincy: he hugged me. fking hugged me. n said 'but ur also my big brother'
- Quincy: wtf
- Quincy: but... nah. worth. think it meant something 2 him, really... n... meant somethin' 2 me, 2. i guess
- Quincy: so... thnx
- > No? (look at up branch: What?)
- > Sounds... uplifting.
- > Wow. You actually listened to me?
- > In the middle of something, sorry. {Convo. Ends}
Quincy: "we gotta work on ur garms, m8. can't have my new project runnin' around looking like a sideshow" (Flowchart R2C5)[]
- > Garms?
- Quincy: garms. garments. clothes. whatchu wear when u go out. u know, when ur not wearing a meatsuit
- Quincy: now we can't all look as good as ur mans here, bc u only have so much to work with, but we can polish u up
- Quincy: u bring me what i need, n i set u up with somethin' that makes u look less like ur out of one of amirs scifi movies
- Quincy: i just wanna make sure that ur comfy in ur new digs, n what goes with new digs is new garms. id be a shit guide i didn't
- > Yeah, but here we are with you asking something exchange.
- Quincy: law of the world. u do things 4 me, i do things 4 u. can't be the first time u run into that
- Quincy: i mean, look at urself. all ur fancy space toys. n did you get any of it 4 free? any of that given 2 u by ppl out of the kindness of their hearts? or did u trade 4 it?
- Quincy: maybe u did errands. maybe u got goods. maybe u killed. doesn't matter. u provided services. n now look at u
- Quincy: haves. have nots. like gravity. can't escape it
- Quincy: sooner u accept that the world only wants 2 buy n sell u, the sooner u stop being so butthurt when the world smacks u with its dick
- > Accepting that's the way the world works means being complicit in it. And I can't do that.
- n then ur gonna just be some miserable fk like His Maj over there. u want that? u do u. not the life 4 me {Convo. Ends}
- > Accepting that's the way the world works means being complicit in it. And I can't do that.
- > Yeah, but here we are with you asking something exchange.
- >What's wrong with my clothes?
- Quincy: oh lmao m8. thats so sad it's almost cute
- Quincy: now we can't all look as good as your mans here, bc u only have so much to work with, but we can polish u up
- Quincy: u bring me what i need, n i set u up with somethin' that makes u look less like ur out of one of amirs science movies
- Quincy: i just wanna make sure ur comfy here in ur new digs, n what goes with new digs is new garms. id be a shit guide if i didn't
- > I was wondering why everyone was looking at me funny...
- Quincy: lmaooo i didn't know how 2 tell u at first. look, look... its gonna be ok. u might not be able 2 wear it with the same smoothness, but we'll get u sorted.
- Quincy: but the garms i get ain't cheap. so, u know the drill. u bring me the goods, i get u new threads.
- > On it. I could use a new wardrobe anyway. :)
- Quincy: sweeeeet. bc if ur rolling with me, can't have u looking like ur out of one of amirs freaky scifi movies, read me?
- Quincy: got me some rep to maintain lmao {Convo. Ends}
Quincy: "got a question 4 u" (R4C4)[]
- Quincy: got a question 4 u
- Quincy: is there somebody in ur future world who is like... major corpo?
- > Major corpo? What do you mean?
- Quincy: corpo. corporate. carrying fat P's. the money man
- > Actually, yes. Parvos Granum, the head of the Corpus.
- Quincy: do you think he's happy with his life? content even?
- > I don't think money can buy you happiness.
- > I think the people who say money doesn't buy happiness aren't being creative enough.
- Quincy: RIGHT. u get it. they ain't trying hard enough lmao
- Quincy: does he have family, tho? ppl around him who support him?
- > There's a lady, Vala Glarios. Was just one of his underlings, originally. But she went down with her ships, canons blazing, screaming defiance.
- He opened up a pocket of the Void that he, well, it's a long story, not important. He saved her life. I think he honestly appreciates her. Values her. Thinks of her as a sister.
- And I think she looks at him like family in return.
- Quincy: nobody is ever pure evil or pure good, u know? sounds like this guy knows who his gangdem is, read me?
- Quincy: he's got the resources 2 take care of those he care about, n ppl around him recognize that
- > He's doing what he has to do to survive. I can respect that. Even if it usually means we're on opposite sides.
- Quincy: thats what i'm saying. he ain't no hero, there r no heroes in this world. he's just got the MEANS to be HAPPY n take care of the ppl he cares about
- (Jump to below branch with 'n 4 me? thats the friggin' dream right there. ...')
- > He only keeps people around him for as long as those people maintain value. I'm sure they'll be gone the moment they're a burden.
- Quincy: i'm not saying the mfer is the hero here, cuz. lmao. there ain't no heroes in this world. i'm saying he's got the MEANS to be HAPPY n take care of the ppl he cares about
- Quincy: n 4 me? thats the friggin' dream right there. set 4 life 4 me n my m8s n my famalam. nobody goes without. n 2 to that? u need STACKS
- > So you'd want to be rich for other people?
- Quincy: exactly! that's where all the power is. once ur there, u can set ppl up. then u can really change things. until then? ur just labeled a troublemaker, get me?
- Quincy: anyways, gtg
- Quincy: do kinda wanna meet this parvos guy tho
- Quincy: sound interesting. if kind of like a dick. but all major corpo r like that at the end of the day
- Quincy: b/c thats how u get ahead, innit {Convo Ends}
- > So you'd want to be rich for yourself?
- (Incomplete)
- > This all still just comes down to sheer greed.
- (Incomplete)
- > It doesn't mean he isn't a cutthroat and an asshole. I don't trust him as far as I can throw him, and his people are always getting in the way of my guns.
- > I really don't agree with his position on strip-mining the universe. I prefer trying to help out the people who need it rather than focusing on pure greed.
- > He has theses sisters that he trains up to surround himself with. And I can tell he actually takes pride in them. Thinks of them as family.
- (Jump to below branch with '> It's a little culty, honestly' )
- > Seems to be from what I can tell. He has some people to support him for more reasons than seemingly *just* the cash.
- Quincy: oh yeah? talk
- > He has these sisters that he trains up to surround himself with. And I can tell he actually takes pride in them. Thinks of them as family.
- It's a little culty, honestly. But what're you going to do? That's how money is.
- Quincy: money buys loyalty 4 as long as u got it. n there ain't no cult older than the cult of gold
- > I really don't like how much you sound like this guy. There's more to life than money.
- (Jump to above branch with 'Quincy: i'm not saying the mfer is the hero here, cuz. lmao.' )
- > I don't have time to get into this, sorry. {Convo Ends}
- > Corpo, meaning corporate?
- Quincy: yeah. u know. carrying fat P's. the money man
- > Actually, yes. Parvos Granum, the head of the Corpus.
- (Jump to above branch with 'Quincy: do u think he's happy with his life? content even?' )
Quincy: "so... what's up with the freaky {...} (R3C3)[]
- Quincy: so... what's up with the freaky hairless cat monster?
- > Do you mean the fact that she's a giant cat monster, or her deal specifically?
- Quincy: ok, well, now that u say it? lol. both
- > So, as far as I can tell, kavats, which is what Kalymos is, evolved from your "cats", which are smaller.
- Quincy: awesome. giant murder cat.
- Quincy: but like i still gotta be concerned that its still working for entrati
- > If you were Entrati's pet, wouldn't you be over his shit, too?
- Quincy: which means shes smarter than a normal cat tho, doesnt it
- Quincy: like r we talking human level intelligence here? level with me
- > I mean... Entrati has made animals with human intelligence before. But usually they talk.
- > They're called the Cavia. But I'm sure if Kalymos was one of them, she'd have let us know by now... right?
- Quincy: lol i could tell u stories about an ex of mine
- Quincy: used 2 play coy like this all the time. purr purr. then when u least expect it...? MURDER. everybody underestimated her. including me
- Quincy: never gonna make the same mistake twice. not with a person, not with a giant monster cat.
- Quincy: i dont plan 2 turn my back on that thing lol, u better keep ur eyes open 2
- > Sage advice. Thanks. {Convo. Ends}
- > I don't know. I know what it's like to be used and neglected. If she wants to stay? She has a warm bed and as many scritches from me as she wants.
- Quincy: ... yeah you got a point. we all strays abandoned by that mfer to some degree huh
- Quincy: just another thing used n thrown away, even if she is a freaky mutant cat. ...if she eats me tho, i want u 2 know its all your fault {Convo. Ends}
- > I mean... Entrati has made animals with human intelligence before. But usually they talk.
Quincy: "hey, fam? can i ask u a bit of a rough q?"[]
- Quincy: hey, fam? can i ask u a bit of a rough q?
- > Depends..? Is this going to end in a fight?
- Quincy: nah, nah. i'm not like that. i get u, n we good 4 life, now
- Quincy: my question si just... so.. ur here right now. but u got ur nickname 4 a reason
- Quincy: someday - somehow - the future is gonna call u like the past did. n ur gonna go off 2 save it
- Quincy: a drifter gonna drift, am i right?
- Quincy: n i get the real feeling that no matter what, ur story doesn't end here
- > Oh, boy. I... honestly don't know. I can't predict the future, ironically.
- > All I can say is that I don't *want* to leave you behind.
- > I would never leave you behind.
- > I might have to leave for a little while... but this is my home, now.
- Quincy: yeah... i hope u get to come back. or i hope u get to bring us with u. one way or another. but i know u'll try
- Quincy: i just get this terrible feeling when i think about u being in trouble somewhere or some*when* we can't help u
- Quincy: entrati n that freak from the Void r still out there n who knows what they're after. but i do know this
- Quincy: that if they call u to help stop them? u'll answer it. but i know this, 2...
- Quincy: there will have 2 be something greater than the Void between u n us to keep the hex from riding out 4 u
- Quincy: mark me on that {Convo. Ends}
- > I don't think I'll have a choice when it comes down to it.
- Quincy: preaching 2 sol's choir here. i know how that story goes. but i know u'll try 2 come back if you can
- Quincy: i just get this terrible feeling when i think about u being in trouble somewhere or some*when* we can't help u
- Quincy: entrati n that freak from the Void r still out there n who knows what they're after. but i do know this
- Quincy: that if they call u to help stop them? u'll answer it. but i know this, 2...
- Quincy: there will have 2 be something greater than the Void between u n us to keep the hex from riding out 4 u
- Quincy: mark me on that. {Convo. Ends}
- > Sure. I have time.
- > Sorry, I can't right now. {Convo. Ends}
Quincy: "i'm calling in that favour u owe me. n ur paying up right now" / "i'm calling them in. both the favours u owe me. n ur paying up right now" / "i'm calling them in. by my count? u owe me three favours. n ur paying up right now" (R5C1)[]
- Quincy: i'm calling in that favour u owe me. n ur paying up right now // OR // i'm calling them in. both the favours u owe me. n ur paying up right now // OR // i'm calling them in. by my count? u owe me three favours. n ur paying up right now
- > You're worrying me, what's going on?
- (Same as below branch)
- > Okay... What do you need?
- Quincy: i need you to tell me the story of the worst thing u've ever done in ur life
- Quincy: i want u to sit down n right now, in writing, tell me a story of the thing that'll make me fkin' HATE U
- Quincy: n u are gonna make this good. no coward shit. tell me the real deal
- Quincy: b/c u owe me n i made good. so now U make good, see me?! // OR // b/c u owe me all those favours. n i made good on ALL 3 OF them. so now U make good, see me?!
- > Why do you want to hate me?
- Quincy: not about hate. its about knowing
- > Bullshit. You want to make you hate me. Why?
- Quincy: it's not what this is about
- > Either you're lying to me or yourself. Which is it?
- > There's more to you than you like to let people see. You want people to think you're cold. But you're not.
- Quincy: say ur right. say u got the read on me, n there's more here than meets the eye. so what? so fkin' what? doesn't change ANYTHING
- Quincy: i keep tryina get u to understand. the world is full of the haves n the have nots. the owes-u and the owes-me
- Quincy: debtors and debited
- Quincy: Quincy-K. Owes. Nobody. Nothing. u read?!
- Quincy: so either give me what i want or we done
- > So you feel like if you let someone in far enough to see the real you, you... owe them? You're in debt to them? Is that it?
- Quincy: yeah it is. b/c i'm not stupid. look around you! it's just the way life works. if ppl know u, they can USE u. they get in ur head n they can push ur buttons
- Quincy: n i'm not gonna let myself get played by anybody ever again. NEVER. FKING. AGAIN. read me?! not even by u. especially not by u
- > Fine. Fine! You want to hate me? Hate me. You want to know the worst thing I've ever done? I'll tell you. If it'll make you happy.
- (Jump to below branch with '> You want the story of the absolute worst thing...' )
- > You want to hate me? You want to drive me away? All right. I'll give you a reason to have me.
- (Jump to below branch with '> You want the story of the absolute worst thing...' )
- > You would make one *hell* of a Corpus commander. They'd love you. You'd have no problem crushing Solari under your boot and collecting their limbs for debts.
- (Line required)
- > I don't know why you want to hate me , but it's clear that you *do.* So fine. Fine. Let's go.
- > You want the story of the absolute worst thing I've ever done in my life? The most reprehensible and unforgivable thing?
- > The thing that keeps me up at night, makes me stare at the ceiling and wonder if i didn't deserve all those executions in Duviri?
- > And if that wasn't some part of my mind punishing me, over and over again, for what I'd done?
- > Here it is.
- > I stood by and watched as my friends killed my parents.
- (Line required)
- > I locked my parents up in a makeshift prison... and waited for them to die.
- > When I was onboard the Zariman, and the Indifference arrived, it decided it wanted to perform a little experiment.
- > Could you really do the unthinkable? Make *parents* want to murder their own *children?*
- > And... what would happen if you then armed the children with Void powers...?
- > Would the children kill their own parents in self defense? Or would they let nature take its course? Would they rather rely on others to do the deed?
- > Or would they just... let their parents rip them to pieces like the blood-crazed creatures they'd been reduced to?
- > Sometimes I wonder if I was the coward. For locking them up and hoping they'd snap out of it. For watching themselves claw their hands to bone trying to escape their cage.
- > But then I realize that a quick death for them would've been a mercy for me. Watching them slowly die... as they screamed and foamed at the mouth and wore their limbs to bloody stumps in their desperate attempt to kill me...?
- > I don't know if I regret not making it quick for them or not. Sometimes I do. Soemtimes I think... no. I would have always given them that chance to snap out of it.
- (Jump to below line with '> But that's the thing about life isn't it?' )
- > I killed my parents.
- > When I was onboard the Zariman, and the Indifference arrived, it decided it wanted to perform a little experiment.
- > Could you really do the unthinkable? Make *parents* want to murder their own *children?*
- > And... what would happen if you then armed the children with Void powers...?
- > Would the children kill their own parents in self defense? Or would they let nature take its course? Would they rather rely on others to do the deed?
- > Or would they just... let their parents rip them to pieces like the blood-crazed creatures they'd been reduced to?
- > Sometimes I wonder what kind of monster a person has to be to kill their own parents. To look at their faces, twisted in anger and monstruous hunger and to end their lives.
- > But then I remembered all the kids who couldn't do it, and left their parents moldering in cages for however long it was until they got rescued. Watching them tear themselves to pieces like feral, mad animals. I don't know which is worse.
- > I don't know if I regret killing them quickly. And not trying to save them like other people did. Or... letting someone else do the deed for me. Sometimes I think I do.
- > But that's the thing about life, isn't it? You make choices. And you're always left wondering if you made the right ones. I do know this much - there's no world in which they survived the indifference.
- > But there is one where I did. Two, if you want to be exact. And in those two worlds... we can still make a difference for people. We can still help them.
- > That's why I dedicate my life to doing exactly what you're afraid to do, Quincy. I let people in, when you shut people out.
- > Because this connection? This is what the Indifference is trying to murder from the world.
- > This is what it took from me that day. And that is what I will fight to keep alive. One idiot at a time, if I have to.
- > So. Do you hate me yet?
- Quincy: ...we r not done here {Convo Ends}
- > How was that? Or should I come kick you in the balls to top it off?
- Quincy: ...we r not done here {Convo Ends}
- > Tah-dah.
- > [End.] {Convo. Ends}
- > Honesty is important to you, isn't it? Has been from the start. I've shown you honesty. So show me some in return.
- Quincy: nothing about what i'm doing right now has anything 2 do w/ me bein' real, cuz
- (Jump to above line 'Quincy: i keep tryina get u to understand.' )
- Quincy: nothing about what i'm doing right now has anything 2 do w/ me bein' real, cuz
- > There's more to you than you like to let people see. You want people to think you're cold. But you're not.
- > So this is *really* just about petty blackmail. I'm dissapointed.
- (Line required)
- > So this is about you having a story to use against me? Seriously?
- (Jump to above branch with 'Quincy: it's not what this is about' )
- > Are you trying to get blackmail on me..?
- (Line required)
- > What in the name of the Void is wrong with you? Why?!
- (Line required)
- > Ok.
- Quincy: ... what? that's it? just ok?
- > What? If you've decided you want to hate me, for whatever reason, that's your right. So. Ok.
- (Line required)
- > Yep.
- Quincy: ..... fkin' weirdo...
- Quincy: go on then
- (Jump to above branch with '> You want the story of the absolute worst thing...' )
- >
- > What? If you've decided you want to hate me, for whatever reason, that's your right. So. Ok.
- Quincy: ... what? that's it? just ok?
- > No. Screw this. I'm out. If this ends our conversations, I don't care. {Convo. Ends}
- > I don't deal well with being cornered. {Convo. Ends}
Quincy: "u failed" (day2)[]
[If Quincy is not currently dating the Drifter][]
- Quincy: u failed
- > Ok.
- (Same as below branch)
- > At what?
- Quincy: u were supposed 2 make me hate u
- Quincy: that was the whol fkin POINT of this FKING EXERCICE N U FAILED
- Quincy: n now. FK. FK...
- Quincy: now it's my turn 2 tell u the story that'll make u hate me
- Quincy: bc somebody's gotta do the job RIGHT n if it's not gonna be u? it's gonna come down 2 me. like it always fkin does
- > All right. I'm listening.
- Quincy: maybe once u hear what i've got 2 say, maybe u'll FINALLY understand
- Quincy: i told u why i joined the army. how i wanted 2 make a better life 4 me and my fam
- Quincy: and how everything went tits up before i got that chance
- (Jump to below line 'Quincy: doesn't take a genius 2 put it together...' )
- > You don't need to do this Quincy.
- Quincy: yeah. i do. n once u listen 2 what i've got 2 say, maybe u'll FINALLY understand y
- Quincy: never told u why i got in the army. i'll make it quick. it's simple. wanted 2 make a better life for me n my fam
- Quincy: n where i grew up? u don't get free opportunities 2 do that. nah, u gotta get out 2 do that
- Quincy: n the easiest way 4 someone like me 2 get out? army. they got bursaries- scholarships - 2 pay for soldiers to go to college
- Quincy: so i figured i'd go kill 4 them 4 a few years, n then i'd get a nice ride 2 business school. major in finance or maybe an MBA or somethin'
- Quincy: come back home n set my family up real nice, make a difference the way that matters
- Quincy: but everything went tits up before i got that chance
- Quincy: doesn't take a genius 2 put it together that His Maj is the reason y things went wrong 4 me in my life. n why i've vowed 2 never let anyone in like that ever again
- Quincy: so
- Quincy: just by chance, random roll of the dice, i end up joinin' the same regiment as His Maj. 3rd battalion, crimson watch
- Quincy: he's already commander, yeah? n i join fresh out of academy
- Quincy: n for a while i'm trying 2 play by the rules, be a good little soldier. but as I go on... i realize the deck is stacked against me
- Quincy: life ain't fair. no matter where u go. nepotism. favouritism. bigotry. everywhere. people looking down there nose at me bc of where i'm from
- Quincy: bc of who i am
- Quincy: so i... started 2 get stupid. started 2 do things i regret now. started 2 lash out in stupid ways. if they wanted 2 take from me? i'd take from them
- Quincy: bc if they weren't watching my back, why was i gonna watch theirs? so i was looking out for myself, and myself ONLY, read me?
- Quincy: i wasn't stealing shit. wasn't breaking protocol. i was a good lil soldier. but if u've ever heard the phrase 'malicious compliance' u get my vibe
- Quincy: there wasn't a 2nd of my life that i was gonna spend going above or beyond for nobody, ever. i wanted 2 do my time n get out with my checks
- Quincy: then it all went wrong. we're on a mission. n i'm on observation. i can see from my POV that the opps - the opposition - they suddenly start scrambling 4 us. they know we're there
- Quincy: arthur n the rest of the troops r down on the field, n i have a split second 2 decide. i can give away my position 'n fire on the scrambling opps 2 give His Maj n company warning n time 2 get 2 safety
- Quincy: but doing that puts me in real shit. guarantees those opps r comin' for my dumb arse real fast. so...
- Quincy: i pack up my shit n radio that we've been compromised... figured His Maj and the others r toast anyway...
- Quincy: i go to leave the room where i've been hiding out n i turn a corner right into the business end of some opp's rifle
- Quincy: nah, cuz. they knew i was there the whole time. they had the read on me from the start
- Quincy: they drag my ass out 2 the street. shove me 2 my knees n shove a pistol 2 the back of my head
- Quincy: BLAP BLAP
- Quincy: it's fkin' arthur. fkin' His Maj rollin' out of nowhere 2 save me
- Quincy: n i was SO FKIN' MAD at him 4 it. got up 2 my feet n told him off right there
- > Because you were willing to leave him to die, but he wasn't willing to leave you?
- Quincy: YES
- Quincy: FK
- Quincy: don't u GET IT?! i was living my life 4 me n my fam. that's what mattered 2 me. the only thing that mattered 2 me
- Quincy: n now... now i got this mfer - this MFER - and now i have 2 CARE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS 2 HIM
- Quincy: so when his ass GETS US INTO SERIOUS SHIT A FEW MONTH LATER, n he's about to get DISCHARGED?!
- Quincy: I GOTTA CHOOSE. do i fkin' tell the brass a bunch of lies? do i throw him under the bus like i did b4? or do i do the RIGHT THING
- Quincy: i do the RIGHT FKIN THING BECAUSE I OWE HIM n i... i leave the army w/ him, n... n kiss that dream of college goodbye
- Quincy: that whole dream of mine of making a better life 4 me n my fam? gone. but arthur says 'naaaaah m8, it'll be ok'
- Quincy: 'i got us set up with this new position with a peacekeeping org. n they pay better, n up front. ur gonna be ok'
- Quincy: so off i went 2 join the ICR with him LIFE THE IDIOT I WAS
- > And then the Techrot...
- Quincy: yeah N THEN THE TECHROT... things went to REAL hell, n that's... when he needed me even more than be4
- Quincy: but i can't just... walk away. that time's long gone, innit? couldn't walk away then... can't walk away now...
- Quincy: every time i let someone in, i end up their lil toy soldier...
- Quincy: so when u showed up... n stomped right in...
- Quincy: kicked in the doors i'd bolted shut...
- Quincy: n went 'nah, i care about u even though there's no good reason'
- Quincy: wtf was i supposed 2 do? last time that happened it... it ruined my fkin life...
- > I'm sorry you feel like you have to go through life like that. But what happened before isn't my fault.
- (Line required)
- > I understand why you felt you needed to protect yourself.
- Quincy: ... thnx. that means a lot. doesn't mean it's right, tho. n i'm sorry. i'm... scared, i think, deep down, that 'us' - whatever 'us' is? is gonna just ruin me again
- Quincy: either when u reset the world n make me forget u - which don't you DARE claim u can't do - or u leg it 2 the future when shit gets deep or ur needed
- Quincy: but that's life, innit. life is... is like what u said about... 1 relationship at a time
- Quincy: i guess what i wanna know is, can u forgive me? can we keep going, 4 real this time?
- > Of course I forgive you.
- Quincy: thnx, fam... srsly {Convo Ends}
- > I... can't. I'm sorry.
- (Line required)
- > I was really expecting something more impressive than that. After my story, that's all you've got? {Convo Ends}
- > Oh no...
- (Line required)
- > Because you owed him your life, now?
- (Jump to above branch with 'Quincy: YES' 'Quincy: FK' )
- > I'm walking away. I'm not playing this game. [End.] {Convo. Ends}
- > Oh good, we're still going.
- (Line required)
[If Quincy is currently dating the Drifter][]
- Quincy: u failed
- > Ok.
- (Same as below branch)
- > At what?
- Quincy: u were supposed 2 make me hate u
- Quincy: that was the whol fkin POINT of this FKING EXERCICE N U FAILED
- Quincy: n now. FK. FK...
- Quincy: now it's my turn 2 tell u the story that'll make u hate me
- Quincy: bc somebody's gotta do the job RIGHT n if it's not gonna be u? it's gonna come down 2 me. like it always fkin does
- > All right. I'm listening.
- Quincy: maybe once u hear what i've got 2 say, maybe u'll FINALLY understand
- Quincy: i told u why i joined the army. how i wanted 2 make a better life 4 me and my fam
- Quincy: and how everything went tits up before i got that chance
- (Jump to below line 'Quincy: doesn't take a genius 2 put it together...' )
- > You don't need to do this Quincy.
- Quincy: yeah. i do. n once u listen 2 what i've got 2 say, maybe u'll FINALLY understand y
- Quincy: never told u why i got in the army. i'll make it quick. it's simple. wanted 2 make a better life for me n my fam
- Quincy: n where i grew up? u don't get free opportunities 2 do that. nah, u gotta get out 2 do that
- Quincy: n the easiest way 4 someone like me 2 get out? army. they got bursaries- scholarships - 2 pay for soldiers to go to college
- Quincy: so i figured i'd go kill 4 them 4 a few years, n then i'd get a nice ride 2 business school. major in finance or maybe an MBA or somethin'
- Quincy: come back home n set my family up real nice, make a difference the way that matters
- Quincy: but everything went tits up before i got that chance
- Quincy: doesn't take a genius 2 put it together that His Maj is the reason y things went wrong 4 me in my life. n why i've vowed 2 never let anyone in like that ever again
- Quincy: so
- Quincy: just by chance, random roll of the dice, i end up joinin' the same regiment as His Maj. 3rd battalion, crimson watch
- Quincy: he's already commander, yeah? n i join fresh out of academy
- Quincy: n for a while i'm trying 2 play by the rules, be a good little soldier. but as I go on... i realize the deck is stacked against me
- Quincy: life ain't fair. no matter where u go. nepotism. favouritism. bigotry. everywhere. people looking down there nose at me bc of where i'm from
- Quincy: bc of who i am
- Quincy: so i... started 2 get stupid. started 2 do things i regret now. started 2 lash out in stupid ways. if they wanted 2 take from me? i'd take from them
- Quincy: bc if they weren't watching my back, why was i gonna watch theirs? so i was looking out for myself, and myself ONLY, read me?
- Quincy: i wasn't stealing shit. wasn't breaking protocol. i was a good lil soldier. but if u've ever heard the phrase 'malicious compliance' u get my vibe
- Quincy: there wasn't a 2nd of my life that i was gonna spend going above or beyond for nobody, ever. i wanted 2 do my time n get out with my checks
- Quincy: then it all went wrong. we're on a mission. n i'm on observation. i can see from my POV that the opps - the opposition - they suddenly start scrambling 4 us. they know we're there
- Quincy: arthur n the rest of the troops r down on the field, n i have a split second 2 decide. i can give away my position 'n fire on the scrambling opps 2 give His Maj n company warning n time 2 get 2 safety
- Quincy: but doing that puts me in real shit. guarantees those opps r comin' for my dumb arse real fast. so...
- Quincy: i pack up my shit n radio that we've been compromised... figured His Maj and the others r toast anyway...
- Quincy: i go to leave the room where i've been hiding out n i turn a corner right into the business end of some opp's rifle
- Quincy: nah, cuz. they knew i was there the whole time. they had the read on me from the start
- Quincy: they drag my ass out 2 the street. shove me 2 my knees n shove a pistol 2 the back of my head
- Quincy: BLAP BLAP
- Quincy: it's fkin' arthur. fkin' His Maj rollin' out of nowhere 2 save me
- Quincy: n i was SO FKIN' MAD at him 4 it. got up 2 my feet n told him off right there
- > Because you were willing to leave him to die, but he wasn't willing to leave you?
- Quincy: YES
- Quincy: FK
- Quincy: don't u GET IT?! i was living my life 4 me n my fam. that's what mattered 2 me. the only thing that mattered 2 me
- Quincy: n now... now i got this mfer - this MFER - and now i have 2 CARE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS 2 HIM
- Quincy: so when his ass GETS US INTO SERIOUS SHIT A FEW MONTH LATER, n he's about to get DISCHARGED?!
- Quincy: I GOTTA CHOOSE. do i fkin' tell the brass a bunch of lies? do i throw him under the bus like i did b4? or do i do the RIGHT THING
- Quincy: i do the RIGHT FKIN THING BECAUSE I OWE HIM n i... i leave the army w/ him, n... n kiss that dream of college goodbye
- Quincy: that whole dream of mine of making a better life 4 me n my fam? gone. but arthur says 'naaaaah m8, it'll be ok'
- Quincy: 'i got us set up with this new position with a peacekeeping org. n they pay better, n up front. ur gonna be ok'
- Quincy: so off i went 2 join the ICR with him LIFE THE IDIOT I WAS
- > And then the Techrot...
- Quincy: yeah N THEN THE TECHROT... things went to REAL hell, n that's... when he needed me even more than be4
- Quincy: but i can't just... walk away. that time's long gone, innit? couldn't walk away then... can't walk away now...
- Quincy: every time i let someone in, i end up their lil toy soldier...
- Quincy: so when u showed up... n stomped right in...
- Quincy: kicked in the doors i'd bolted shut...
- Quincy: n went 'nah, m8, u n me are gonna b 2gether now, that's the end of the story even though there's no good reason'
- Quincy: wtf was i supposed 2 do? last time that happened it... it ruined my fkin life...
- > I'm sorry you feel like you have to go through life like that. But what happened before isn't my fault.
- (Line required)
- > I understand why you felt you needed to protect yourself.
- Quincy: ... thnx. that means a lot. doesn't mean it's right, tho. n i'm sorry. i'm... scared, i think, deep down, that 'us' - whatever 'us' is? is gonna just ruin me again
- Quincy: either when u reset the world n make me forget u - which don't you DARE claim u can't do - or u leg it 2 the future when shit gets deep or ur needed
- Quincy: but that's life, innit. life is... is like what u said about... 1 relationship at a time
- Quincy: i guess what i wanna know is, babes, can u forgive me? can we keep going, 4 real this time?
- > Of course I forgive you. You mean so much to me.
- Quincy: thnx, babes... srsly {Convo Ends}
- > I... can't. I'm sorry.
- (Line required)
- > I was really expecting something more impressive than that. After my story, that's all you've got?
- (Line required)
- > Oh no...
- (Line required)
- > Because you owed him your life, now?
- (Jump to above branch with 'Quincy: YES' 'Quincy: FK' )
- > I'm walking away. I'm not playing this game. [End.] {Convo. Ends}
- > Oh good, we're still going.
- (Line required)
Quincy: “hey <cuz / babes>, u there? got something 4 u” (R6C1)[]
[If Quincy is not currently dating the Drifter][]
- Quincy: hey cuz, u there? got something 4 u
- > Yeah? What's up? :)
- Quincy: so i've been thinking 4 a while, about... well, everything, really. 'bout u, me, the team, everything since u showed up
- Quincy: n how mad i was at everything n everybody 4 taking my future, my dreams away from me, yeah?
- Quincy: thinking i had no way forward, no hope for... anything that i wanted
- Quincy: n i never stopped 2 think that maybe, hey... knobhead? what u want can change. n maybe what u got *is what u've been dreamin' of this whole time*
- Quincy: i look around now n i see... i see community. n yeah, sure, fine, we still got techrot buzzin' us like flies, n there's still viktor out there bein' a proper plumsack
- Quincy: but none of that ain't shit we can't handle. because of u. because u made US something REAL
- Quincy: i get 2 take care of the kids around here, got eleanor telling 'em stories, aoi's given 'em toys - got speedster making lil gadgets for em now...
- Quincy: even His Maj looks happy 4 the first time in... maybe ever
- Quincy: n i realized if i hadn't stomped outta that tent with him that day, n followed him here, i never would've had all this
- Quincy: this... love
- Quincy: that's what this is, innit?
- Quincy: love
- Quincy: so i uh... just wanted 2 tell u that i... told arthur i was sorry. 4 treating him like shit. n that i was just angry 'n scared
- Quincy: n that i knew he was only ever trying 2 do the right thing 4 me n everybody else. n i respected that the whole time, even if i didn't know how 2 show it
- Quincy: arthur n i ain't never gonna be huggers, m8. u never gonna see us pull one in. but we shook hands. n he smiled at me
- Quincy: n i smiled back and said
- Quincy: 'ur still a plonker tho'
- Quincy: lmaooo
- > Oh, Quincy. lol
- Quincy: he laughed! finally got that's my sense of humor, yeah?
- Quincy: patted me on the shoulder n off we went
- Quincy: n... that felt good. real good. don't got that hanging over me anymore
- Quincy: n that's all because of u
- Quincy: so, cuz? i just wanted 2 say... u got a m8 for life in me, now
- Quincy: we're not just besties, we're fam. thnx. for being here. for all that u do
- Quincy: i owe you 1. ;) {Convo. Ends}
- > I'm sure he was thrilled.
- (Jump to above branch starting with 'Quincy: he laughed! finally got that's my sense of humor, yeah?' )
- > I can't right now, sorry. [End.] {Convo. Ends.}
[If Quincy is currently dating the Drifter][]
- Quincy: hey babes, u there? got something 4 u
- > Yeah? What's up? :)
- Quincy: so i've been thinking 4 a while, about... well, everything, really. 'bout u, me, the team, everything since u showed up
- Quincy: n how mad i was at everything n everybody 4 taking my future, my dreams away from me, yeah?
- Quincy: thinking i had no way forward, no hope for... anything that i wanted
- Quincy: n i never stopped 2 think that maybe, hey... knobhead? what u want can change. n maybe what u got *is what u've been dreamin' of this whole time*
- Quincy: i look around now n i see... i see community. n yeah, sure, fine, we still got techrot buzzin' us like flies, n there's still viktor out there bein' a proper plumsack
- Quincy: but none of that ain't shit we can't handle. because of u. because u made US something REAL
- Quincy: i get 2 take care of the kids around here, got eleanor telling 'em stories, aoi's given 'em toys - got speedster making lil gadgets for em now...
- Quincy: even His Maj looks happy 4 the first time in... maybe ever
- Quincy: n i realized if i hadn't stomped outta that tent with him that day, n followed him here, i never would've had all this
- Quincy: this... love
- Quincy: that's what this is, innit?
- Quincy: love
- Quincy: so i uh... just wanted 2 tell u that i... told arthur i was sorry. 4 treating him like shit. n that i was just angry 'n scared
- Quincy: n that i knew he was only ever trying 2 do the right thing 4 me n everybody else. n i respected that the whole time, even if i didn't know how 2 show it
- Quincy: arthur n i ain't never gonna be huggers, m8. u never gonna see us pull one in. but we shook hands. n he smiled at me
- Quincy: n i smiled back and said
- Quincy: 'ur still a plonker tho'
- Quincy: lmaooo
- > Oh, Quincy. lol
- Quincy: he laughed! finally got that's my sense of humor, yeah?
- Quincy: patted me on the shoulder n off we went
- Quincy: n... that felt good. real good. don't got that hanging over me anymore
- Quincy: n that's all because of u
- Quincy: so, babes? i just... wanted 2 say... thnx. n that... well?
- Quincy: i love u
- > I love you, too, Quincy <3
- Quincy: of all the times n places of all the ppl... u n me. never woulda dreamed it. but i wouldn't trade it 4 the world
- or the future lol
- so... thnx, babes. for being u. n for all that u do
- Quincy: i owe you 1. ;) {Convo. Ends}
- > I'm sure he was thrilled.
- (Jump to above branch starting with 'Quincy: he laughed! finally got that's my sense of humor, yeah?' )
- > I can't right now, sorry. [End.] {Convo. Ends.}
[Trusted] Quincy: "checking in on my lil romantic protege"[]
[If you asked Quincy advices for romancing Arthur in the "Oi" conversation]
- Quincy: checking in on my lil romantic protege
- Quincy: how's it goin' with His Maj?
- >It's going great, actually.
- >It's... not going great, actually.
- Quincy: not surprised man hasnt laughed in 587 years
- Quincy: what he needs is some1 2 show him not 2 take himself so fking seriously
- Quincy: but he gotta know u first, so b4 that is all the yessir nosirr shit
- Quincy: respect. fall in line. no flirting til he knows u either mean it or thats ur humor
- Quincy: n i hope u change ur mind lol {Convo. Ends}
[If you asked Quincy advices for romancing Eleanor in the "Oi" conversation]
- Quincy: checking in on my lil romantic protege
- Quincy: how's it goin' with scary lady?
- >It's going great, actually.
- >It's... not going great, actually.
- Quincy: got so many questions about that tongue lol
- Quincy: u gotta play chess wit her
- Quincy: its not about winning tho, its about playing long enuff
- Quincy: u gotta survive long enough to get 2 the good bits. she doesn't just let any1 in
- Quincy: needs a challenge that 1. {Convo. Ends}
[If you asked Quincy advices for romancing Aoi in the "Oi" conversation]
- Quincy: checking in on my lil romantic protege
- Quincy: how's it going with aoi? u haven't made enemies of the team yet, have u?
- >It's going great, actually.
- srsly, u need to see her 4 what she is. don't try 2 define her or box her in
- who doesnt just see a pretty girl in2 boybands n cute things and sees stupid
- or who doesn't see her big heart n see weakness {Convo. Ends}
- >It's... not going great, actually.
(Drifter Initiates the conversation)[]
(Happy Birthday)[]
- > Hey Quincy! I talked Arthur into giving you the night off for your birthday.
- Quincy: sweeeeeeet, ur the best, m8 {Convo. Ends}
- > Have a good shift tonight on your birthday, Quincy.
- Quincy: yea love freezing my plums off on the roof on my bday thnx {Convo. Ends}
[Best Friends] (Happy Birthday)[]
- > Want to hit the clubs tonight for your birthday?
- Quincy: hahahaha u kno it, lets light this city UP, cuz! {Convo. Ends}
- How about we do a quiet night in for your birthday with the Hex?
What brought you to Hollvania?[]
- Quincy: same thing as most of the others.
- Quincy: ICR like lettie, arthur, 'n aoi
- > ICR?
- Quincy: international crisis response. peacekeeping military organization.
- > Why'd you end up joining a peacekeeping organization?
- Quincy: what're you trying to say, m8 ?
- Quincy: be careful with ur next words.
- > Honestly? I see you as someone who could've been a model. Or running a business somewhere.
- Quincy: heh either ur trying 2 flatter me or u got a brain in ur head, either way. not bad
- Quincy: reasons i went in2 the army have 2 do with my fam. looking out 4 them. its complicated
- Quincy: not sure if u know what having that kinda family is like.
- > I had a family once. They're all dead now.
- Quincy: .....that got deep real fast didn't it
- Quincy: wish i could say ur the first person ive met with no fam
- Quincy: but u ain't even close. cost of living is dying
- Quincy: i'd ask what happened 2 em but i feel like it's a longass story
- > Long and traumatic.
- Quincy: y do i get the feeling ur so full of space trauma it could be ur name
- > I. Well.. You're not wrong.
- Quincy: i know how to read a fellow soldier lol, u seen some serious shit
- Quincy: n im sure we're gonna get into it
- Quincy: but i gotta go out on patrol, sry. take it up w/ heroboy
- > I. Well.. You're not wrong.
- Quincy: y do i get the feeling ur so full of space trauma it could be ur name
- > Long and traumatic.
- > Honestly? I see you as someone who could've been a model. Or running a business somewhere.
Can... I ask what your problem is with Arthur?[]
- > Can.. I ask what your problem is with Arthur?
- Quincy: lmao. u just did u knobhead
- Quincy: you wanna know what the beef is between me n His Maj? I'll tell u. its 3 things
- Quincy: 1. heroboy takes himself way 2 fking seriously
- Quincy: thinks he's still in the army. man has to step back n realize there r no rules in a place like this
- Quincy: n would it kill him to LAUGH once n a while?! sols tits! n people think I've got a problem
- > It's a lot of stress, being in charge.
- Quincy: u don't think i don't see that?! I'm not a fool, chief. don't assume shit just by lookin' at me
- Quincy: what i'm sayin' is that heroboy needs 2 take that stick outta his fking arse
- Quincy: it ain't doing NOBODY no favours. n is sure as shit driving me mental
- Quincy: hero boy respects this lux set of skills, get me? its y he keeps me around, otherwise he wouldn't put up with my shit, still
- Quincy: but he doesn't LISTEN 2 me. thinks i'm only good 4 1 thing. shooting 'n killing
- Quincy: thinks im just some yute ready to dash at the first sign of trouble. nah, cuz. not about that
- > He does like to brood...
- Quincy: I KNOW. just bc the world's gone 2 shit doesn't mean u can't let off a little steam now n then
- Quincy: hero boy respects this lux set of skills, get me? its y he keeps me around, otherwise he wouldn't put up with my shit, still
- Quincy: but he doesn't LISTEN 2 me. thinks i'm only good 4 1 thing. shooting 'n killing
- Quincy: thinks im just some yute ready to dash at the first sign of trouble. nah, cuz. not about that
- > Why *did* you stick around, when things started to get ugly here?
- Quincy: when the techrot started? shit. u jumping right 2 the deep end first thing.
- Quincy: nah. u gotta get up nice n close with me first b4 i start telling u all my secrets. gotta have a good reason 2 whisper in ur ear ;)
- > Bit fast to start flirting with me, don't you think?
- Quincy: u really are a muppet, u know that? lol. u srsly don't know how to chill, do u
- > My life hasn't exactly been relaxing.
- Quincy: n u think mine's been, m8?! lmao u don't know the first thing bout me
- > My life hasn't exactly been relaxing.
- Quincy: u really are a muppet, u know that? lol. u srsly don't know how to chill, do u
- > Are... you flirting with me?
- Quincy: u really are a muppet, u know that? lol. mebbe. mebbe not. which do u want it 2 be?
- > I'm certainly not going to turn it down.
- Quincy: i knew u saw u some peng goods when u rolled up. n not gonna lie...
- Quincy: don't mind me the view too much either...
- Quincy: but we take this slow, yeah? plenty 2 do around here besides each other LMAO {Convo. Ends}
- > (Line required)
- > I'm certainly not going to turn it down.
- Quincy: u really are a muppet, u know that? lol. mebbe. mebbe not. which do u want it 2 be?
- > We just met and you want to start flirting with me?
- Quincy: we just met n u wanna start asking me personal questions?
- > Very different.
- Quincy: rly not {Convo. Ends}
- > Very different.
- Quincy: we just met n u wanna start asking me personal questions?
- > Bit fast to start flirting with me, don't you think?
- > Why *did* you stick around, when things started to get ugly here?
- > It's a lot of stress, being in charge.
Hey Quincy, I know you're not a huge fan of Amir and all, but.. I have a favor to ask. (flowchart R2C6)[]
- > Hey Quincy, I know you're not a huge fan of Amir and all, but.. I have a favor to ask.
- Quincy: oh yeah? intrigued
- > Okay, so... wait to hear me out before you make up your mind, ok? So.. there's this game.
- > It's all an excuse to chill, lay low, and maybe drink a few beers.
- > So.. it's a really dorky board game. Like *really dorky*.
- Quincy: like how dorky r we talking?
- > "Rolling dice and pretending to be mages", dorky.
- Quincy: LMAOOO!! take a look at me m8, do i look like the type 2 wanna do that?
- > No..but.. I can make it worth your while?
- Quincy: bribing me 2 play some stupid game?! ur seriously mental
- Quincy: money not good 4 much, n u know that. so if u want me 2 play this silly game with u yutes? ur gunna have to make it somethin' interesting lol. like a favor
- Quincy: nature tbd, to be collected at a time and place of my choosin', read me?
- > Agghhhhh...fine...
- Quincy: lmaooo BOOM now we talkin'
- Quincy: tho. now i gotta do this stupid game, don't i? shit
- Quincy: not sure who just played who lol
- Quincy: don't forget about that favor, tho
- > Agghhhhh...fine...
- > No..but.. I can make it worth your while?
- Quincy: LMAOOO!! take a look at me m8, do i look like the type 2 wanna do that?
- > "Rolling dice and pretending to be mages", dorky.
- Quincy: like how dorky r we talking?
- Quincy: oh yeah? intrigued
[Liked] What do you listen to for music, Quincy? (R3C1)[]
- > You seem to be the guy to ask about this. Is there more music in this era besides On-Lyne?
- (Line required)
- > What do you listen to for music, Quincy?
- Quincy: y? u sick of the booooys n the bars they throwin'? lolol
- Quincy: no shame to it, srsly tho. not gonna throw shade at nobody who gets 2 do that 4 a livin'
- Quincy: i know fame n fortune comes at a price, nothin' in life is free, but man. looks nice tho
- > I just need something else to listen to. It's just... not my thing.
- (Line required)
- > I don't think I'd want to do that for a living... too much pressure. Too public.
- Quincy: srsly? naaah thats the dream 4 me. standing in the lights? mandem, galdem all droolin' over me. money rollin' in, shoobz every night
- Quincy: fk yes, m8. not gonna happen now tho is it. not unless u got some serious magic tricks up ur sleeve
- > I mean, there is a stage here in the mall...
- Quincy: lmao im not talkin' about open mic night, but thnx 4 ur vote of confidence...besides, i can't sing 4 shit lmao. got me some rhythm but i know where my skills r
- Quincy: theres a reason y i got me a gig at the end of a scope lmaooo u don't wanna hear me on a mic. aoi got me proper wavey 1 time in the ICR b4 we all wound up here. we were all on leave, lettie, arthur, aoi, few others, n i. n we did... kereoke? dunno how 2 spell it
- Quincy: I EMPTIED THE PLACE lmaoooo. u know whose got a set of lungs tho? heroboy. so here's a good story. after every 1 had left.. he's like 5 pints in, yeah?
- Quincy: he starts thumpin' his fist on his thigh n starts singin' w/o the mic. eyes shut. dunno the tune. but got shivers hearin' the lyrics. like some spook had come back n touched me.
- Quincy: 'why does u sit upon my gave, an will dead lips 2 speak? why does u weep upon my grave and will not let me sleep?'
- Quincy: 'my breast it is as cold as clay, my breath is earthly strong. n if u kiss my cold clay lips ur days they won't be long'
- Quincy: ...fking shivers again just thinkin' about it, shit
- Quincy: we all just fkin sat there in silence.. starin' at him 4 MINUTES after he finished, not knowing what 2 do
- Quincy: i was the first 2 say something. i hadda speak up. tell him what i was thinkin
- > What were you thinking?
- (Line required)
- > What'd you say?
- Quincy: 'BUZZKILL!!'
- Quincy: lmaooo he looked so pissed. laws of the universe, m8. gravity, taxes, money man gonna get his money...
- Quincy: n His Maj cant take a fkin' joke lol
- Quincy: speakin' of. he's paging me. gotta dash. ttys
- > What were you thinking?
- > I don't think I have *that* kind of magic trick. Sorry.
- Quincy: eh is ok. just pipe dream shit anyway. i can't sing 4 shit lmao. got me some rhythm but i know where my skills r (Jump to above branch starting 'theres a reason y i got me a gig...')
- > I mean, there is a stage here in the mall...
- > All those adoring fans? All those people wanting a piece of you? That'd be amazing.
- Quincy: U READ ME. thats the DREAM. standing in the lights. mandem, galdem all droolin' over me? money rollin' in, shoobz every night? (Jump to above branch starting 'fk yes, m8. not gonna happen...')
- > I just wish I could tune them out. I don't know how Aoi stands them.
- (Line required)
- > I just need something else to listen to. It's just... not my thing.
All right. Gotta finally ask. What's up with the photography? (R3C5)[]
- > All right. Gotta finally ask. What's up with the photography?
- Quincy: ur boi cant have hobbies? everybody got hobbies, m8 lol
- > I just really love some of the pictures you've taken. They're gorgeous work.
- (Line required)
- > I was wondering where you picked it up from, is all.
- Quincy: my dad. we had all his stuff, yeah? lua don't let you take luggage.
- Quincy: we sold everything of decent value, ofc. gotta make the rent, cuz. but there were still some boxes of random stuff kickin' around
- Quincy: 1 day, when i was a kid, im rootin' thru a box n i find this lil neon green rectangular camera
- Quincy: flash used to make this horrible noise when it charged. think it was the capacitor or w/e
- Quincy: took shit pictures. sol i loved it tho
- Quincy: used 2 run round takin shots of EVERYTHING. drove my auntie NUTS lol! best time
- Quincy: guess i just got the bug then. ever since it's just a thing 2 do when i got the time. takes me mind off the job.
- Quincy: looking down a scope n looking thru a lense aint 2 diff... cept for the endings
- Quincy: i get 2 capture moments tho. i think i wanted 2 show the world things people might not want 2 see. things they forgot or didnt wanna look at
- > I think that's... really cool, actually.
- [...incomplete!]
- Quincy: thnks m8. ill show u some of my stuff l8r maybe. {Convo. Ends)
- > You should take my picture sometime.
- > With or without clothes is your call. ;)
- Quincy: HAHAHAAA ooh that was PROPER smooth
- Quincy: lets see if we cant get some quiet time just 2 ourselves 4 a photoshoot, huh? ;) {Convo. Ends}
- > You just don't strike me as the photography type.
- Quincy: what i gotta be all street all the time?
- Quincy: shit, cuz. see some depth will u? {Convo. Ends}
- > I just really love some of the pictures you've taken. They're gorgeous work.
- > I'm just really curious.
- (Line required)
- Quincy: ur boi cant have hobbies? everybody got hobbies, m8 lol
- > What did you want to do? Back before... all this happened?
- Quincy: eeeh i dunno if a man like me ever gets 2 really have dreams 4 the future, m8
- Quincy: it's not really how life goes 4 ppl like me if u read me. i dreamed of bein' famous someday. of goin' home with fat stacks of Ps for nan and sis
- but now neither of those r gonna happen, r they? i'm here. we're here. loopin'. forever. or until something gets unstuck 'n things fall apart, who knows.
- > You seem to be taking the whole "stuck here forever" thing well.
- Quincy: can't fix it, y get bent outta shape? n we got things 2 do. n there are upsides
- Quincy: i'm sure i'll get sick of it n loose my shit eventually but nah. 4 now i'm good. ur mans is tough
- Quincy: don't think lettie's handling it 2 well tho... or His Maj 4 that matter.
- > At least you all have each other.
- Quincy: yeh. we do. n ppl adapt, that's the thing innit? no matter what. u drop bombs n ppl n they still like 'oop off 2 go buy bread doo de doo'
- Quincy: nan showed me pictures of the war when they were all gettin shit dropped on 'em nightly n it's all like 'yeh we just went on like nothin' was wrong'
- Quincy: n i thought that was PROPER MENTAL when i was a yute, how is that even possible?! then i grew up n went to war n... then i saw all this
- Quincy: ppl just try to go on livin' even when everything goes tits up
- Quincy: its the 1 thingu can always count on
- Quincy: eeeehh fk here i am all waxin' off poetic again y u gotta do this to me, m8? i hate this deep shit lmao
- > LOL. Sorry. Wasn't my intention.
- Quincy: psshh sure, sure. i see u, pumpin' me for all the juicy deets. :P
- > I'll try to avoid heavy subjects next time.
- (line required)
- > LOL. Sorry. Wasn't my intention.
- > They'll... settle. I'm sure.
- (line required)
- > At least you all have each other.
- > You haven't talked much about your family.
- (line required)
- > You seem to be taking the whole "stuck here forever" thing well.
Hey, Quincy - how're you holding up? (R4C1)[]
- > Hey, Quincy - how're you holding up?
- Quincy: rn? kinda meh, if i'm gonna be honest with u?
- > What's wrong?
- > Anything I can help with?
- Quincy: maybe u can talk 2 the little hyper shithead 4 me
- > Who?
- > I assume you're talking about Amir?
- Quincy: how many of them do we got kickin' around in here, m8? yeah im talkin' about amir lol
- >I thought you two were doing better, now?
- Quincy: Quincy: yeah i mean i thought things were better since... u know... all that... whatever tf that was... but he still keeps lookin' at me like some kinda wounded puppy u know? (See branch below)
- > What's going on between you two?
- Quincy: i dunno!! i mean i thought things were better since... u know... all that... whatever tf that was... but he still keeps lookin' at me like some kinda wounded puppy u know?
- >Well, have you actually sat down and *talked* to him?
- >You two are adults. Work it out between yourselves. I'm not your babysitter.
- > How can I help? Talk me through it. I'll even listen for free.
- Quincy: do u do this everywhere? fix ppls problems? make life better one freaky fking family at a time?
- >I try to. If I can. Sometimes, it's easier than others.
- Quncy: ur gonna have ur work cut out 4 u with the lil hyper freak n me
- Quincy: so. u want me to go make nicey-nice with amir? that what u asking me 2 do?
- >Basically my thought process
- > I think you're still just a little harsh on him, honestly. (look branch below)
- >I can't tell if you're making funof me or not.
- > It's the only way I know how to really make a difference in the world. Because no matter how many times I shoot people, they just seem to keep coming back. So...
- Quincy: ikr? must have a vending machine or somethin'. or a cloning machine. do they got those in the future?
- > Yep. But Amir was showing me how copy machines work. You know how when you copy a copy it comes out a little worse?
- Quincy: ...gross
- Quincy: speakin' of the freak
- Quincy: so. u want me to go make nicey-nice with amir? that what u asking me 2 do?
- > I think you're still just a little harsh on him, honestly.
- Quincy: i know i havent been the nicest to him all the time. ill give u that. but when it matters he comes thru. i dont hate him.
- Quincy: even find some of his jokes funny sometimes.
- Quincy: but if u ever tell him that i WILL make u pay for it. he doesn't need the encouragement lol
- >You're no fun.
- > LOL. Noted. Secret's safe with me.
- Quincy: dont need him thinking hes got permission 2 distract me more than he already does
- Quincy: heres the thing w/ that boy. n let me finish b4 u jump down my throat
- Quincy: he doesnt belong here. literally doesn't belong here. all the rest of us r from war or have seen some serious shit, yeah?
- Quincy: lettie, aoi, arthur, n myself are all army. n eleanor is a war journo, seen everything u can see n had 2 take that in
- Quincy: amir? hes just a guy whos supposed to be behind a desk typing or whatever
- Quincy: hes not supposed 2 hold a gun n shoot ppl. n ive seen what happens to ppl like that when they become killers
- Quincy: either they become monsters... liabilities... or dead. n i'm worried about him
- Quincy: seen the liability side plenty of times. have memories of... winding up dead... when it went wrong, u know?
- Quincy: now we just gotta sit an wait 2 see if the darkness i see in him sometimes catches up in enough of these stupid loops of urs or if he pulls thru
- > Well, I'm hoping that the people who care about him can help him through that.
- Quincy: yeah guess we r all stuck here 4... y'know... ever
- Quincy: might not be a bad idea 2 see if the hyper lil shits ok
- Quincy: i remember what it was like, when i first got deployed
- Quincy: u come out of basic and ur all excited, thinking its some kind of game or ur gonna get a medal or w/e
- Quincy: n then the first time u gotta snipe somebody n take them out? shit gets real dark real fast
- Quincy: at least he doesn't kill in cold blood like i got 2. that might really mess him up
- Quincy: he tries to not let it get 2 him n i think he's doing alright but i can see when he cracks
- > Would you ever be willing to talk to him about what you went through? It might help him.
- Quincy: u think itd help?
- > I honestly think it might. Just try not to be *too* much of your usual self while you're talking to him. Lol.
- Quincy: worth a shot i guess.
- Quincy: stuck with the kid for... eternity... might as well try to play nice {Convo. Ends}
- >On second thought... no, it might be patronizing.
- >Well, at least you've moved past making fun of him about it.
- >Darkness?
- >Amir is a grown adult, Quincy. You don't need to constantly belittle him.
- >So. Have you and Amir settled your differences?
- >[Ignore]
Hey Quincy, you... like me, right...?[]
- > Hey Quincy, you... like me, right...?
- Quincy: (Line required)
- > So, how much social currency have I built up with you?
- Quincy: i spy with my little eye... a favour about 2 be asked 4 lol
- Quincy: whats up, famalam?
- > Amir's trying to run a game of Fables & Frontiers... {...incomplete, may be incorrectly transcribed!}
- > Amir's putting together a tabletop game, and it's an excuse for us all to hang out and be together.
- > I know the dorky shit isn't your speed, but I bet you'd have more fun than you think you would if you tried it.
- > Can I try and talk you into it for one night? Then if you hate it, you can stop.
- Quincy: uuugghhh.. i rly dont want 2
- Quincy: who else u tlked into this shit?
- > Eleanor. {Note: Had convinced Eleanor earlier}
- Quincy: this is my shocked face :|
- unimpressed
- > Aoi. {Note: Had convinced Aoi earlier}
- Quincy: lol shed eat her own fingernails if she thought it'd cheer some1 up
- Quincy: not convinced.
- > Lettie's playing. {Note: Had convinced Lettie earlier}
- Quincy: ... srsly?!
- Quincy: u talked LETTIE into this shit?!
- Quincy: how TF did u manage that?!
- Quincy: no no dont tell me i dont wanna know
- Quincy: ok im in. i gotta see this shit
- Quincy: but if it sucks im out, get me? n u owe me a favour 4 it
- > Arthur's in. {Note: Had convinced Arthur earlier}
- Quincy: ROFL shhiiitt hes so playing a paladin u mark my words
- Quincy: not that i know what a pal- never mind
- Quincy: fine, fine, w/e ill play the stupid game
- Quincy: but if it sucks im out, get me? n u owe me a favour 4 it {Convo. Ends}
- > I'm hoping I can convince you to change your mind about Amir's RPG Game. (If had previous failed to convince him)
- > So, look... I know I asked you before, but things have changed with the team. This is about Amir and his F&F game. (If had previous failed to convince him)
- > You know. Laugh, hang out, drink, eat some snacks, have a good time. And it'd mean a lot to him.
- > (Don't tell him I said this but I think he looks up to you in secret.)
- Quincy: (dont tell him i said this but its fking obvious lol)
- Quincy: n...any excuse 2 get off patrol
- Quincy: heroboys ok with this nonsense?
- > LOL. Arthur's playing.
- Quincy: ROFL shhiiitt hes so playing a paladin u mark my words
- Quincy: not that i know what a pal- never mind
- Quincy: fine, fine, w/e ill play the stupid game
- Quincy: but if it sucks im out, get me? n u owe me a favour 4 it {Convo. Ends}
- > LOL. Arthur's playing.
So. What made you want to {...} / So... is now a good time to ask {...}[]
- > So. What made you want to go into the army and become a sniper?
- Quincy: n how are u this fine day?
- >Good. You?
- Quincy: great. so im hopin' things aren't about 2 go downhill
- > We don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to.
- Quincy: lmao i know that. ur not my drill sergeant n im not under investigation. but if u wanna know, ill tell u
- Quincy: but it WILL cost u tho lol
- > *More* favors? What would this be now, three?!
- Quincy: u already owe me {Current Favours Owed to Quincy} favour(s), whats 1 more? :P
- > Sure. We've gotten this far. What's the worst that can happen?
- Quincy: thats the spirit.
- Quincy: so. why'd ur quincy-k go into the army? same reason most ppl like me go into the army
- Quincy: but u have no idea what its like here, so... i get it. u have no idea what i'm talkin' about, so i'll do my best 2 explain
- Quincy: i didn't grow up with a whole lotta resources, get me? i had what mattered when it mattered. i had friends. family. community.
- Quincy: but it was a lot of wheel-spinning. lotta scraping by. making the best of things. what i wanted was 2 get ahead. not just 4 me but 4 the ppl who mattered 2 me
- Quincy: in order 2 do that? id need to get a 'real' education. get a 'real' job. decided i was gonna go to university. make a real something of myself 4 my fam
- > What did you want to study?
- Quincy: something that'd get not just me ahead but would support the ppl i cared about.
- Quincy: i was thinkin' buisiness. finance. can u picture me in a suit? mmm something crisp n slick? high end? hair tied back? i'd clean up PROPER nice
- Quincy: them sharks wouldn't stand a CHANCE. but we didn't have the funds 2 put me through uni, yeah?
- Quincy: but the army does. n they tell u that if u sign up, u get to apply 4 a bursary. u fight 4 them for a couple years, kill 4 em, n... then they pay 4 u 2 start a new life
- Quincy: thats if shit doesn't go tits up b4 u get the chance...
- > Who screwed it up for you?
- Quincy: oh u do learn quick. who do u THINK screwed it up 4 me? who do you think screws up EVERYTHNIG 4 me?!
- Quincy: His Maj just can't leave well enough alone sometimes, can he?
- > What'd Arthur do...?
- Quincy: u paid 4 the story of why i joined not how i left. u want that story? u gotta be like amir with 1 of his arcade machines
- Quincy: insert another coin :P
- > I don't charge you favors when I tell you things.
- Quincy: thats a u problem lol
- Quincy: everything is give n take. everything is about exchange under the surface.
- Quincy: either u owe me or i owe u, fact of life.
- > But we're friends, aren't we? Doesn't that change anything?
- Quincy: oh u sweet child, this is how *eveything* works
- Quincy: i'm just brave enough 2 be honest with u, thats all. u gotta decide if u want that in ur life or not
- Quincy: also 'cuz i gtg. see ya fam {Convo. Ends}
- > But we're friends, aren't we? Doesn't that change anything?
- > I don't charge you favors when I tell you things.
- > Did you want to study photography?
- Quincy: LMAO u mental?! ur not listening 2 me. there ain't no money in the arts. naaah (Jump to above branch starting 'something that'd get not just me ahead...')
- > What did you want to study?
- > I still can't quite figure out what you *are* going to use them for...
- Quincy: that is 4 me 2 know and 4 u 2 find out :P
- > You better not make me regret this later.... Fine. (Jump to above branch 'thats the spirit')
- Quincy: that is 4 me 2 know and 4 u 2 find out :P
- > Sure. We've gotten this far. What's the worst that can happen?
- Quincy: u already owe me {Current Favours Owed to Quincy} favour(s), whats 1 more? :P
- > Another favor? This makes two? (Jump to above branch starting 'u already owe me...')
- > *More* favors? What would this be now, three?!
- > We don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to.
- Quincy: great. so im hopin' things aren't about 2 go downhill
- > I'm suspicious, now.
- > Great! Are you gonna answer my question lol
- >Good. You?
- Quincy: n how are u this fine day?
- >So... is now a good time to ask about how you ended up as one of the Hex?
- Quincy: oh hey sexy {Note: Received only if Quincy is currently flirting with the Drifter}
- Quincy: story's 2 long 2 tell right now, i don't have that much time, sorry
- Quincy: i'll tell it 2 u tomorrow
- > *More* favors?! What would this be now, four?!
- Quincy: u already owe me 3 favours, whats 1 more? :P
- > Sure. We've gotten this far. What's the worst that can happen?
- Quincy: thats the spirit
- so. why'd ur quincy-k go into the army? same reason most ppl like me go into the army
- Quincy: but u have no idea what its like here, so... i get it. u have no idea what i'm talkin' about, so i'll do my best 2 explain
- Quincy: i didn't grow up with a whole lotta resources, get me? i had what mattered when it mattered. i had family. friends. community
- Quincy: but it was a lot of wheel-spinning. lotta scraping by. making the best of things. what i wanted was 2 get ahead. not just 4 me for 4 the ppl that mattered 2 me.
- Quincy: in order 2 do that? id need a 'real' education. get a 'real' job. decided i was gonna go to university. make a real something of myself 4 my fam
- > What did you want to study?
- Quincy: something that'd get not just me ahead but that'd let me support the ppl i cared about
- Quincy: i was thinkin' business. finance. can u picture me in a suit? mmm something crisp n slick? high end? hair tied back? i'd clean up PROPER nice
- Quincy: them sharks wouldn't stand a CHANCE. but we didn't have the funds 2 put me through uni, yeah?
- Quincy: but the army does. n they tell u that if u sign up, u get to apply 4 a bursary. u fight 4 them 4 a couple years, kill 4 them, n... then they pay 4 u 2 start a new life
- Quincy: thats if shit doesn't go tits up b4 u get the chance...
- > Who screwed it up for you?
- Quincy: oh u do learn quick. who do u THINK screwed it up 4 me? who do u think screws EVERYTHING up 4 me?!
- Quincy: His Maj just can't leave well enough alone sometimes, can he?
- > What'd Arthur do...?
- Quincy: u paid 4 the story of why i joined not how i left. u want that story? u gotta be like amir with 1 of his arcade machines
- Quincy: insert another coin :P
- > Why do you keep doing this? Seriously? Can't we just *talk?*
- Quincy: everything is give n take. everything is about exchange under the surface
- Quincy: either u owe me or i owe u, fact of life
- > But we're friends, aren't we? Doesn't that change anything?
- Quincy: oh u sweet chind, this is how *everything* works
- Quincy: i'm just brave enough 2 be honest with u, thats all. u gotta decide if u want that in ur life or not
- Quincy: also 'cuz i gtg. see ya fam {Convo Ends}
- > But we're friends, aren't we? Doesn't that change anything?
- > Why do you keep doing this? Seriously? Can't we just *talk?*
- > What'd Arthur do...?
- > Who screwed it up for you?
- > What did you want to study?
- > Sure. We've gotten this far. What's the worst that can happen?
- Quincy: u already owe me 3 favours, whats 1 more? :P
- > Are you sure? I feel like I've heard that before.
- Quincy: u keep flipping a coin and it keeps coming up tails. doesn't mean the coin is magic
- Quincy: statistics says it'll comes 2 a 50/50 split but it doesn't mean it do that in practice, does it? pick a better time, m8 lol
- > Doesn't mean the coin is magic, But it might mean it's weighted.
- Quincy: fk off {Convo ends}
"weird-ass magical guns" (R5C2)[]
- > which ones
- > more specific
- >BRB, one sec (Ends)