“It's taking longer than I calculated.”
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Flowcharts for all Lettie conversations can be found here.


  • All ending conversations (where the Hex goes offline) will be marked as {Convo. Ends}
  • A flow chart will be included after all possible choices in the conversation are noted in this page
  • Any glowing, golden text marked in-game will be highlighted here in bold+underlined
  • Indented messages are the continuation after the Drifter (you) selected the chat option
  • All user's choices to be made are marked with a '>' for clarity. Note that available choices in-game are not written in order on this page.

Special Note for Leticia: Her messages use multiple paragraph spacings. As such, the following convention shall be used due to formatting issues:


Lettie KIM 1

This page

Lettie: {P1} Are there gods still {P2} Or have you forgotten them all

Lettie: “Are there gods still {...}" (chart R1C4)[]

  • Lettie: {P1} Are there gods still {P2} Or have you forgotten them all
  • > You have a hell of a way of starting a conversation, you know that?
    • Lettie: {P1} Heh, sí {P2} You'll get used to it {P3} Or not
    • Lettie: {P1} Well? {P2} Are they still worshipped?
    • (Jump down to choices from "{P1} ¿Neta, babas? {P2} The gods, babas – Sol and Lua {P3} Are they remembered?")
  • > I’m sorry, back up, what?
    • Lettie: {P1} ¿Neta, babas? {P2} The gods, babas – Sol and Lua {P3} Are they remembered?
    • > I… hate to break it to you, but Sol and Lua aren’t gods. One’s a star and the other is a rock that’s…
    • > They aren’t worshipped as gods anymore, I’m sorry. But Lua is still considered kind of sacred.
    • > I can only speak for myself, and I was raised to worship the Orokin. And then I learned better.
  • > Haven’t forgotten them, we didn’t have any. I don’t count the Orokin.
    • Lettie: {P1} You didn't have gods... {P2} Who're the orokin?
    • > They were assholes who thought they were above everyone else. Enough said.
    • > They were a group of people who ruled over the Origin system. Who thought of themselves as gods.
      • Lettie: {P1} Not the first time men dressed themselves as kings {P2} And thought themselves divine
      • Lettie: {P1} Won’t be the last {P2} Talk to me more of them another time {P3} I have work to do {Convo. Ends}
  • > Not touching THIS with a ten foot pole… [End]

Lettie: “These orokin, Entrati was one {...}”[]

  • Lettie: {P1} These orokin, Entrati was one {P2} Yeah? {P3} Makes sense, him thinking he’s some kinda god, ruining lives
  • > I gotta go, sorry. [End]
  • > Kind of? Halfway. After his void experiments, they adored him. But he was bitter about how they treated him before, so… it’s hard to explain.
    • > I think it’s just how he is. You should meet the Cavia.
      • Lettie: Who’re the cavia
      • Friends of mine. Animals that Entrati experimented on by sending them into the void.
      • Lettie: {P1} As if I didn’t need a reason to HATE him more… {P2} LAB ANIMALS?!
      • They were sent into the void and came out with intelligence.
      • Lettie: {P1} And let me guess, he just abandoned them {P2} Saw what he’d done and walked away because he didn’t need them anymore
      • > He’s trying to stop the Man in the Wall. It’s important.
        • Lettie: {P1} Not saying it isn’t {P2} But pendejos like him always do the worst things in the name of doing the ultimate good {P3} They don’t care who they hurt or how bad, as long as they WIN and get their way
        • Lettie: People like him get people like us murdered
        • Lettie: {P1} You’ll never see HIM die for his cause {P2} He’ll never sacrifice HIS life {P3} Just the ones around him
        • Lettie: Makes you wonder which one the monster is in the end
        • > I get why he’d do anything to stop the Man in the Wall.
        • > In order to stop the Man in the Wall, we need him. But that doesn’t mean I trust him. Or like him.
          • Lettie: {P1} Good {P2} Don’t turn your back on that pendejo {P3} But be careful that you don’t pretend to know the nature of the gods
          • Lettie: {P1} This THING he’s chasing after {P2} It wears human skin like the ancient bloody gods of old
          • Lettie: {P1} Xipe Totec the Flayed One would wear the skin of his enemies {P2} And so does your Man in the Wall
          • Lettie: {P1} So be careful what you do {P2} Or else it might wear your face next {P3} ¿Yeah, babas?
          • Lettie: I might be a tiny bit sad
          • > D’aw, thanks.
            • Lettie: {P1} I should go back to work {P2} Nos vemos, babas {Convo. Ends}
          • > Love you too, Lettie.
            • Lettie: {P1} Muah {P2} I should go back to work {P3} Nos vemos, babas {Convo. Ends}
      • > Yep, you got it. Now they’re a… bunch of traumatized animals with human intelligence.
        • Lettie: {P1} Oh, pobres ángeles inocentes {P2} I would love them, you're right... {P3} We do not deserve animals {P4} Their love for us is pure and only asks for love in return
        • > I do everything I can to help the Cavia. Honestly, I prefer them to most people. lol
          • Lettie: {P1} That's why I keep pets {P2} My rats keep me company when I'm lonely {P3} When I can't stand people, they're there {P4} Sweet little souls, just wanting love
          • Lettie: {P1} And cheddar crowns jaja {P2} But mostly love
          • Lettie: {P1} But if I ever meet Entrati again {P2} I am going to make him HURT {P3} I am going to make him pay for every ounce of pain he paid those animals {P4} And I am going to make sure he knows why
          • > I'll be there to help you do it.
            • Lettie: Transference will finally be good for something, eh
            • Lettie: {P1} Or maybe you can hold him down {P2} Heh, here I am getting all excited about something that'll never happen
            • Lettie: {P1} I should go back to work {P2} Nos vemos {Convo. Ends}
    • > But he thinks he’s doing all this for the greater good.
      • Lettie: Greater good, my ass
        • > I dunno, your ass *is* pretty good. ;)
        • > Stopping the Man in the Wall is a pretty important problem, to be fair.
          • Lettie: {P1} Doesn't mean he's doing the right thing {P2} Pendejos like him are all the same {P3} Bullheadedly charging at their problem {P4} Everyone else is collateral damage
          • Lettie: {P1} He doesn't care who he hurts or how bad {P2} Everyone is just collateral damage to him in the name of his mission
          • Lettie: People like him get people like us murdered
          • Lettie: {P1} You’ll never see HIM die for his cause {P2} He’ll never sacrifice HIS life {P3} Just the ones around him
          • Lettie: Makes you wonder which one the monster is in the end
          • > I get why he’d do anything to stop the Man in the Wall.
          • > In order to stop the Man in the Wall, we need him. But that doesn’t mean I trust him. Or like him.
            • Lettie: {P1} Good {P2} Don’t turn your back on that pendejo {P3} But be careful that you don’t pretend to know the nature of the gods
            • Lettie: {P1} This THING he’s chasing after {P2} It wears human skin like the ancient bloody gods of old
            • Lettie: {P1} Xipe Totec the Flayed One would wear the skin of his enemies {P2} And so does your Man in the Wall
            • Lettie: {P1} So be careful what you do {P2} Or else it might wear your face next {P3} ¿Yeah, babas?
            • Lettie: I might be a tiny bit sad
            • > D’aw, thanks.
              • Lettie: {P1} I should go back to work {P2} Nos vemos, babas {Convo. Ends}
            • > Love you too, Lettie.
              • Lettie: {P1} Muah {P2} I should go back to work {P3} Nos vemos, babas {Convo. Ends}

Lettie: “Give me a reason not to hate Entrati {...}" (R3C2)[]

  • Lettie: {P1} Give me a reason not to hate Entrati {P2} And the whole damn future you come from
    • Lettie: {P1} Because from where I sit {P2} That cabron thinks he is a god and he let one loose {P3} And now it's all our problem to deal with {P4} So him and his future can get screwed as far as I'm concerned
    • Lettie: {P1} Because as far as I can tell {P2} He’s an animal abusing cabrón {P3} And your whole stinking future can get screwed as far as I’m concerned
      • > Yikes. I know when a conversation is going to go poorly. I’m out. [End]
      • > I don’t disagree. I hate Entrati as much as you do. But the future is worth fighting for, even if it’d be better without him.
        • Lettie: {P1} He's TRASH. {P2} And the future is TRASH.
          • >I’m from the future. Do you think I’m trash?
            • Lettie: {P1} it may not be ugly to you {P2} But it is WRONG {P3} It is not what the gods intended {P4} He tampered with it all
            • Lettie: If he never unleashed this Man in the Wall, none of your future would exist.
            • Lettie: {P1} The void would not have been unleashed, ¿no? {P2} You would never have been trapped {P3} Your life would have been happier {continues same as below)
  • > Just because you hate a person doesn't mean that all the future is trash.
    • Lettie: {P1} it may not be ugly to you {P2} But it is WRONG {P3} It is not what the gods intended {P4} He tampered with it all
    • Lettie: If he never unleashed this Man in the Wall, none of your future would exist.
    • Lettie: {P1} The void would not have been unleashed, ¿no? {P2} Duvri would never have been created {P3} Your life would have been happier.
    • > There’s no way of knowing what could have been. In fact, without the Tenno, all of humanity might be gone by now, wiped out by the Sentients.
      • Lettie: Sentients?
      • > A synthetic race made by the Orokin and the future human society to terraform a planet called Tau, because we were ruining Earth.
      • > A synthetic race made by the Orokin and the future human society who waged war on us after they were created.
        • Lettie: {P1} More mortals playing at being gods {P2} These orokin are trash {P3} The sentients lashed out at their creators
        • Lettie: Why?
        • >Because the Orokin had sent them there to terraform a new planet, Tau, and the Sentients feared we would ruin that too.
        • Lettie: {P1} More mortals playing at being gods {P2} These orokin are trash {P3} All that power and technology {P4} And they could not save our planet
        • Lettie: {P1} Instead they wanted to make a golden home somewhere else {P2} Where they could be the only gods, far away from the Father and Mother
        • > Father and Mother? You mean Sol and Lua?
          • Lettie: {P1} Sí {P2} They are something special, deep down, something more to us than just what they are at first glance
          • Lettie: {P1} Do you believe on the unseen, ¿babas? {P2} Do you believe in something beyond the world we can measure?
            • > No. If you can’t measure it, it doesn’t exist.
            • > Of course I do. I’m a product of the Void
              • Lettie: {P1}Ay, sì {P2} You are touched by what you cannot see more than many others {P3} For better or for worse {Convo. ends}
          • > Maybe? I think it’s just science we don’t understand yet.
          • > Because they are as selfish, violent and evil as the Orokin
    • > You’re right, but I can’t change what’s been done. Not at that scale. I’m doing my best to save who and what I can.
      • Lettie: {P1}Sí {P2}I am just angry, lo siento {P3} This is not your fault, and you are not garbage
      • Lettie: {P1}You are like me {P2}Just a medic keeping as many lives from joining La Flaca too early as possible
      • Lettie: Entrati can go screw a brick sideways{Convo. Ends}
  • > Entrati isn’t all bad, he’s trying to fix his mistake. And anybody who’s capable of love has something worth saving in them, IMO.
    • Lettie: {P1} Love? {P2} Who could possibly love someone like that
    • > He had a family. Wife, kids, grandkids now.
      • Lettie: {P1} You said HAD {P2} What do you mean, HAD
        • > Well, the issue is, his daughter thinks he's lost, and is searching for him. It's complicated.
          • Lettie: {P1} He abandoned his family {P2} Let me guess {P3} He's done it another time hasn't he
            • > Yeah... he abandoned the Cavia, the animals he experimented on and accidentally made intelligent.
              • Lettie: {P1} ?!?!?!??! {P2} If I ever see him again - {P3} I am going to KILL him, and let you reset the world so I can do it AGAIN.
              • Lettie: {P1} He is TRASH {P2} And the future is TRASH
                • > I’m from the future. Do you think I’m trash?
                • > Just because you hate one guy doesn’t mean the whole future is garbage.
                  • Lettie: {P1} it may not be ugly to you {P2} But it is WRONG {P3} It is not what the gods intended {P4} He tampered with it all
                  • Lettie: If he never unleashed this Man in the Wall, none of your future would exist.
                  • Lettie: {P1} The void would not have been unleashed, ¿no? {P2} You never would have been trapped {P3} Your life would have been happier
                    • > There’s no way of knowing what could have been. In fact, without the Tenno, all of humanity might be gone by now, wiped out by the Sentients.
                    • > You’re right, but I can’t change what’s been done. Not at that scale. I’m doing my best to save who and what I can.
                      • Lettie: {P1} Sí {P2} I am just angry, lo siento {P3} This is not your fault, and you are not garbage
                      • Lettie: {P1}You are like me {P2}Just a medic keeping as many lives from joining La Flaca too early as possible
                      • Lettie: Entrati can go screw a brick sideways {Convo. Ends}
        • > I mean, I'm sure he loved them at one point...
        • > I've got a wrong light going off in - um - I have to go [End.]
    • > His name’s Loid. Sort of a… workplace romance, you could say.
      • Lettie: {P1} ¿Ay, si? {P2} I did not see Loid here with him.
      • > Loid is still in the future, guarding Entrati’s lab. He’s been there for centuries.
        • Lettie: {P1} Used and tossed away {P2} I bet not the first time he’s done it {P3} ¿Verdad?
          • > Look, it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t define the future.
          • > Yeah… he abandoned his family. He had a wife, kids, and now grandkids.
            • Lettie: {P1} You are making my point, ¿no? {P2} He is trash and the future is trash
              • > Just because you hate one guy doesn’t mean the whole future is garbage.
              • > I’m from the future. Do you think I’m trash?
                • Lettie: {P1} it may not be ugly to you {P2} But it is WRONG {P3} It is not what the gods intended {P4} He tampered with it all
                • Lettie: If he never unleashed this Man in the Wall, none of your future would exist.
                • Lettie: {P1} The void would not have been unleashed, ¿no? {P2} You never would have been trapped {P3} Your life would have been happier
                • > There’s no way of knowing what could have been. In fact, without the Tenno, all of humanity might be gone by now, wiped out by the Sentients.
                  • Lettie: Sentients?
                  • > A synthetic race made by the Orokin and the future human society to terraform a planet called Tau, because we were ruining Earth.
                    • Lettie: {P1} More mortals playing at being gods {P2} These orokin are trash {P3} All that power and technology {P4} And they could not save our planet
                    • Lettie: {P1} Instead they wanted to make a golden home somewhere else {P2} Where they could be the only gods, far away from the Father and Mother
                    • > Father and Mother? You mean Sol and Lua?
                      • Lettie: {P1} Sí {P2} They are something special, deep down, something more to us than just what they are at first glance
                      • Lettie: {P1} Do you believe on the unseen, ¿babas? {P2} Do you believe in something beyond the world we can measure?
                      • > No. If you can’t measure it, it doesn’t exist.
                      • > Of course I do. I’m a product of the Void
                      • > Maybe? I think it’s just science we don’t understand yet.
                        • Lettie: {P1} Ay, sí {P2} Don’t think I disagree {P3} You know what we do not know and admit it {P4} I like that {Convo. ends}
                    • > Sol and Lua aren’t gods, Lettie… they’re just a star and a rock…
                  • > A synthetic race made by the Orokin and the future human society who waged war on us after they were…{... incomplete!}
                • > You’re right, but I can’t change what’s been done. Not at that scale. I’m doing my best to save who and what I can.
      • > Entrati abandoned Loid like he abandons everybody.

Lettie: “Tell me of this terrible god you have unleashed {...}" (R4C2)[]

  • Lettie: {P1} Tell me of this terrible god you have unleashed {P2} Your Xipe Totec, your flayed god {P3} What does he want?
  • > Huh? What're you talking about?
    • Lettie: This void creature that sacrifices others and wears their skin like ancient flayed god of old, Xipe Totec
    • Lettie: What does he want
    • > Freedom?
      • Lettie: {P1} You think but do you not know {P2} Its motivations are not clear {P3} But yet you think its an enemy ¿Por qué?
      • > That THING decided it'd be a fun experiment to turn the parents on the Zariman against their children -
        • And then gave the children magical void powers so they could murder their own parents so it could LEARN from the slaughter.
        • > It's had an opportunity to learn from love, from sacrifice, from kindness. But it seems to CHOOSE to seek out chaos and murder.
        • > Even if it's just a toddler smashing toys together to understand the world around it, we're those toys. It has to be stopped.
          • I refuse to believe it's benign after all I've seen. After all it's done to me.
          • Lettie: And you think you can stop a god.
          • I have faith.
          • Lettie: {P1} Ay, sí {P2} Faith in what does not matter I suppose {P3} AS long as it gets you through {Convo. ends}
      • > All it does is leave death and destruction in its wake. No matter what it's motivations are, it doesn't matter. Trust me.
    • > Knowledge?
      • Lettie: {P1} You think but do you not know {P2} Its motivations are not clear {P3} But yet you think its an enemy ¿Por qué?
      • > That THING decided it'd be a fun experiment to turn the parents on the Zariman against their children -
      • > All it does is leave death and destruction in its wake. No matter what it's motivations are, it doesn't matter. Trust me.
        • Lettie : {P1} No {P2} Trust you to understand the mind of a god {P3} Don't care how old you are {P4} How much you've seen
        • Lettie : {P1} You are not a god babas {P2} Don't pretend you think like one {Convo. ends}
    • > I don't know.
      • (Same as the other answers up)
  • > BRB [End]

Lettie: "How do you do it, babas" (R3C1)[]

  • Lettie: {P1} How do you do it, babas {P2} No entiendo
  • >You forgot to tell me what you're talking about.
    • Lettie: Jaja,si /Lo Siento, too much time in my head alone / Though less so recently between you and the bruja
  • >Do what?
    • Lettie: {P1} Being trapped for centuries without time {P2} Without change, without movement {P3} We are fantasmas haunting this place
    • Lettie: {P1} You say you've done it in Duviri {P2} That Kingdom of Death and Stories {P3} Yo me habrìa vuelto loca {P4} I'm worried I will lose my mind, now
    • >Honestly? I almostdid. I chose to go numb instead.
    • >I... think I did lose my mind for a little while. I don't remember whole chunks of it.
      • Lettie: {P1}I've seen that in soldiers after bad battles, blocking it all out {P2} The mind protects itself from the worst sometimes {P3} It's for the best, babas, trust me {P4} Well? How did you survive?
      • >Once I realized what was happening, I fought like hell to keep from letting it consume me.
      • >I had help from friends to pull me out of it
        • Lettie:{P1} Bueno, I'm screwed then {P2} Jaja
        • >Well, *I* like you
        • >You think the other Hex don't like you?
          • Lettie:Eh know me well enough {P2} But we are not close {P3} Except maybe me and Arthur
          • >You're afraid to trust people
          • >You don't want to get hurt if you lose them.
            • Lettie: {P1} ¡No maches, babas! {P2} Do you know how long rats live? {P3} 2-3 years at most {P4} I am used to losing my little panquecitos
            • Lettie: {P1} And I love them more than humans {P2} I am comfortable with grief and loss, more than you know {P3} Do not pretend you know me babas {P4} Làrgate {Convo. Ends}
        • >Well, maybe if you weren't so bitchy...
    • >What happened to me in Duviri is very different to whats happening here. You're not alone like I was.
      • Lettie: Si, como no / Not the people i'd want to spend eternity with, babas / No offense, look around
      • Lettie: I was only around to stitch them back together, before we were turned into monsters /Now we don't have a choice / You think they want me here?
        • >Well, you aren't exactly "approachable", Lettie.
          • Lettie: You think i don't know that, babas?
          • >Why don't you let people get close?
            • Lettie: Because i choose not to / Because i've learned better / It's safer this way for everybody
            • >Just as a warning, i'm really stubborn, and i want to get to know you better.
              • Ay, si / Someone like you would need to be to survive / Maybe that's your secret / I like the stubborn ones, though / They're harder to break
              • >Challenge accepted.
                • Lettie: Jaja, we'll see, babas / We'll see {Convo. Ends}
              • >I just want to be your friend,Lettie. No offense.
                • Lettie: Jaja, none taken / Si, friends is fine by me / That's more then enough for most people {Convo. Ends}
  • >Magic

Lettie: "Babas" (R1C3)[]

  • Lettie: {P1} Babas. {P2} Heads up.
  • > Is that a hello?
    • Lettie: {P1} Yes, yeah, hello, *good morning*. {P2} Or whatever time it is. {P3} Need you to get more gauze. {P4} Running low on supplies. {P5} Anita got into a box and chewed through some.
    • > Who's Anita?
      • Lettie: {P1} Lo siento, right. {P2} My new corazoncito, my new rat. {P3} SH is still learning to behave.
      • > I'm curious, why do you keep rats as pets?
        • Lettie: You tell me
        • > Huh?
          • Lettie: {P1} I want to know why you think I like rats. {P2} Go on.
          • > Because they're intelligent, affectionate, and playful?
            • Lettie: {P1} Ay, Lua salvame {P2} No
            • Lettie: {P1} Didn't grow up with a lot of money as a kid {P2} Not a bad neighborhood, really {P3} Not a great one either {P4} Rats were easy to keep, mi mama didn't mind
            • Lettie: You want to get those bandages?
            • > Sure, I'll see what I can do.
              • Lettie: {P1} Gracias {P2} Owe you one {P3} A small one {Convo. Ends}
      • > If I see any, I'll grab some.
        • Lettie: {P1} Gracias {P2} Owe you one {P3} A small one {Convo. Ends}

Lettie: "I want to know where Entrati gets off." (R2C3 alt "These orokin")[]

  • Lettie: {P1}I want to know where Entrati gets off. {P2} Coming here and ruining lives. {P3} Who does he this pinche thinks he is?!
  • > But he thinks he's doing all this for the greater good.
    • Lettie: Greater good my ass.
    • >Stopping the Man in the Wall is a pretty important problem, to be fair.
      • Lettie:{P1} Doesn't mean he's doing the right thing. {P2} Pendejos like him are all the same. {P3} Bullheadedly charging at their problem. {P4} Everyone else is collateral damage.
      • Lettie: {P1} He doesn't care who he hurts or how bad. {P2} Everyone is just collateral damage to him in the name of his mission.
      • Lettie: People like him get people like us murdered.
      • Lettie: {P1} You'll never see HIM die for his cause. {P2} He'll never sacrifice HIS life. {P3} Just the ones around him.
      • Lettie: Makes you wonder which one the monster is in the end.
      • > In order to stop the Man in the Wall, we need him. But that doesn't mean I trust him. Or like him.
        • Lettie: {P1} Good. {P2} Don't turn your back on that pendejo. {P3} But be careful that you don't pretend to know the nature of the gods.
        • Lettie: {P1} This THING he's chasing after.{P2} It wears human skin like the ancient bloody gods of old.
        • Lettie: {P1} Xipe Totec the Flayed One would wear the skin of his enemies. {P2} And so does your Man in the Wall.
        • Lettie: {P1} So be careful what you do. {P2} Or else it might wear your face next. {P3} ¿Yeah, babas?
        • Lettie: I might be a tiny bit sad.
        • > Love you too, Lettie.
          • Lettie: {P1} Muah. {P2} I should go back to work. {P3} Nos vemos, babas. {Convo.Ends}
  • > He's used to rubbing shoulders with the Orokin. He's used to thinking he's a god.
    • Lettie: Orokin?
    • > The ruling class of people in the future I come from. They made people worship them as gods
      • Lettie: {P1} Not the first time men dressed themselves as kings {P2} And then thought themselves divine
      • Lettie: {P1} That explains Entrati {P2} He thinks he is a god and acts accordingly {P3} Pendejos like him are all the same {P4} Bullheadedly charging at their problem {P5} Everyone else is collateral damage
      • Lettie: {P1} He doesn't care who he hurts or how bad {P2} Everyone is just collateral damage to him in the name of his mission
      • Lettie: People like him get people like us murdered
      • Lettie: {P1} You'll never see HIM die for his cause {P2} He'll never sacrifice HIS life {P3} Just the ones around him
      • Lettie: Makes you wonder which one the monster is in the end
      • > In order to stop the Man in the Wall, we need him. But that doesnt mean I trust him. Or like him.
        • Lettie: {P1} Good. {P2} Don't turn your back on that pendejo. {P3} But be careful that you don't pretend to know the nature of the gods.
        • Lettie: {P1} This THING he's chasing after {P2} It wears human skin like the ancient bloody gods of old
        • Lettie: {P1} Xipe Totec the Flayed One would wear the skin of his enemies {P2} And so does your Man in the Wall
        • Lettie: {P1} So be careful what you do {P2} Or else it might wear your face next {P3} Yeah, babas?
        • Lettie: I might be a tiny bit sad
        • >D'aw Thanks.
          • Lettie: {P1} I should go back to work {P2} Nos vemos, babas {Convo.Ends}
        • >Love you too, Lettie.
          • Lettie: {P1} Muah {P2} I should go back to work {P3} Nos vemos, babas {Convo.Ends}

Lettie: "These deaths you had" (R2C1)[]

  • Lettie: {P1} This deaths you had. {P2} Did they hurt?
  • >And here I thought *I* was morbid... Are you okay?
    • Lettie: La Flaca and I know each other well.
    • >La Flaca is death?
      • Lettie:{P1}Sì. {P2} Surprised you caught on.
      • Lettie: {P1} I respect her. {P2} Even if sometimes I don't want to like her. {P3} But she sheperds the one I care for.
      • >But you're a medic. Don't you heal people? How can you "respect" death?
        • Lettie: You're thinking about it all wrong.
        • Lettie: {P1} All those times you died. {P2} Do you blame her for ending your pain? {P3} Was it her fault you suffered or was it the ones who hurt you to blame?
        • Lettie: {P1} But when she does come. {P2} I make sure she knows she is welcome. {P3} She takes away pain, babas. {P4} She is not to be feared, but respected.
        • >When I was in Duviri, and knew I was about to die, sometimes it was a relief to know it'd be over soon. That no matter how badly it was about to hurt, the darkness would come and it'd be done.
          • Lettie: {P1} ¿Sì, see? {P2} You get it.
          • >But I don't think it means everybody should die. lol
            • Lettie: {P1} That's why I heal {P2} To make sure La Flaca is certain in who she is taking {P3} And that she ONLY gets who she needs {P4} And no one else.
            • > I could toast to that.
              • Lettie:

Lettie: "Before all this nonsense" (R3C3)[]

  • Lettie:{P1} Before all this nonsense {P2} Where did you come from, ¿babas?
  • >Sorry can't chat. [End]
  • >The nonsense started pretty early. Do you mean pre-Now, pre-Duviri, or pre-Zariman?
    • Lettie: {P1} Jajaja {P2} You're right it did start early. {P3} But where do you FEEL like you come from
    • >Duviri, I guess.
    • >The Zariman, I guess.
      • Lettie: {P1}That's the ship, ¿no? {P2} Isn't it abandoned now?
      • > That's... a complicated question. It has its own ghosts. {Continues same as the Zariman option below}
    • > You're going to laugh at me... but this is the closest to a "home" as I've ever felt I've had.
      • Lettie: Why would you think I would laugh at you.
      • Lettie: {P1} It must be hard. {P2} To feel like you come from no place and no time.
      • Lettie: {P1} My family moved a lot then I joined the army. {P2} Then with the ICR I fit with no one and nowhere. {P3} So I understand, in a way, feeling displaced.
      • Lettie: {P1} But I have a people and a culture I can call my own. {P2} Even if they are far away.
      • >My other option is Duviri and... no. My history with that place is... too complicated.
      • >My other option is the Zariman and it's not any kinder. It's filled with just as many ghosts and night...{...}
        • Lettie:{P1} More fantasmas, more death that follows you. {P2} And I thought I knew La Flaca well.
        • > She's got me on speed dial.
          • Lettie: {P1} Jaja seems it {P2} But your ghosts give me hope
          • >How does my being haunted bring you hope?
            • Lettie: {P1} I see you with the other hex. {P2} I see you laughing and finding happiness. {P3} You are a fantasma, like me, like us. {P4} But you still find MEANING.
            • Lettie: {P1} There is hope in that. {P2} And I will take what little I can get. {P3} Gracias, babas.
        • >Ghosts follow me wherever I go. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just a ghost myself.
          • Lettie: {P1} Poor haunted babas {P2} But you give me hope
          • > I'm glad my suffering brings you joy
            • Lettie: {P1} Oh, babas, don't worry {P2} We would take turns
            • > What?
            • > I - Oh. *Oh.* Heh. Well.
              • Lettie: {P1} But this is not about your suffering {P2} Not today
              • Lettie: {P1} I see you with the other hex. {P2} I see you laughing and finding happiness. {P3} You are a fantasma, like me, like us. {P4} But you still find MEANING.
              • Lettie: {P1} There is hope in that. {P2} And I will take what little I can get. {P3} Gracias, babas. {Convo.Ends}
            • > I... don't like you like that, I'm sorry, Lettie.
    • > I don't really "come from" anywhere.
    • > Honestly? I...don't know. The Orokin kind of erased most of Ancient Earth's records. So I have no way of knowing how far in the future exactly I'm from.
      • Lettie: {P1} It must be hard {P2} To feel like you come from no place and no time
      • Lettie: {P1} My family moved a lot then i joined the army {P2} Then with the ICR I fit in with no one and nowhere {P3} So I understand, in a way, feeling displaced
      • Lettie: {P1} But i have a people and a culture I can call my own {P2} Even if they are far away

Lettie: “You there? I have a few minutes to spare and I wanted to talk" (R5C2)[]

  • Lettie: {P1} Hey {P2} You there? {P3} I have a few minutes to spare and I wanted to talk
  • > YOU want to talk...? Are you feeling okay? Did somebody die?
    • Lettie: {P1} Jaja very funny {P2} And who hasn't died once at this point {P3} Ay, no, what I wanted to talk about {P4} Is serious {P5} And something I've been avoiding
    • > All right. I'm listening.
      • Lettie: {P1} I told you how Arthur and I became hermanos {P2} But not how we got turned into these monstruos {P3} You should know what that pinche cabrón did to us {P4} Why I hate him so much {P5} What that piece of shit made us do
      • Lettie: {P1} So {P2} I followed Arthur into the ICR {P3} Got sent here to this cuchitril to deal with some weird plague nobody'd seen before
      • Lettie: {P1} A disease that chews up people {P2} Spits them out half person half machine {P3} Or some things that weren't ever human beings at all, más bien computadoras
      • Lettie: {P1} We get deployed to "deal with it" {P2} Best way we know how {P3} Half bandages {P4} Half bullets
      • Lettie: {P1} This was early 1998 {P2} Before you came {P3} That Entrati cabrón was already here {P4} selling his MENTIRAS
      • Lettie: {P1} But the best lies are the ones you want to believe, ¿verdad? {P2} We had no cure for this disease except a dance with La Flaca {P3} But here he comes {P4} Doktor F and his magical bag of miracles will cure what ails you {P5} Saying he can fix it all with his medicina milagrosa
      • Lettie: {P1} And we bought it como una bola de mensos {P2} And when the ICR stomps its feet and says "nonono, you cannot help him distribute his drug" should have listened {P3} Vaccines come from scientists not an old man in some ugly-ass trench coat {P4} Selling lies like some old world snake oil {P5} But people are dying all around you? {P6} You help him anyway because you signed up to HELP people
      • Lettie: {P1} So we helped him inject the people of this city with his drug {P2} Lined them up in our tents and that cabrön and I shot them full of it one after another {P3} And the others kept the operation safe while we worked
      • Lettie: {P1} NOSOTROS CREÍMOS EN ÉL {P2} We trusted him {P3} ¿Y por tan poco? {P4} It seemed like it was working {P5} The people we were shooting up weren't getting sick {P6} The problem...?
      • Lettie: {P1} Everybody around them WAS {P2} Do you know what "silent carriers" are? {P3} Volunteered in an animal shelter one summer cuando estaba chiquita {P4} Had all these raccoons {P5} Couldn't release them, because they might be silent carriers of rabies {P6} THEY looked healthy, seemed healthy, seemed normal...
      • Lettie: {P1} But if we let them go? {P2} They'd infect everything they come across... {P3} That's what we were doing to people {P4} THAT'S WHAT HE WAS MAKING US DO TO PEOPLE {P5} ¡LO HIZO A PROPÓSITO! {P6} This place is the edge of Mictlán POR SU CULPA
      • Lettie: {P1} Even when we started to suspect {P2} We could not believe {P3} We whispered to each other {P4} But shook our heads and said {P5} Nonono, it cannot be {P6} Not him {P7} Not us
      • Lettie: {P1} We did not want to believe {P2} That our trust had been broken {P3} We... we had taken the drug too... {P4} We were spreading the plague...
      • Lettie: {P1} So when he said the Techrot strain had mutated... and we were no longer safe...
      • Lettie: {P1} We lined right up {P2} Like good little soldaditos
      • Lettie: {P1} Lua, it hurt {P2} Wasn't the fun kind, either... {P3} Aoi's screams were the worst {P4} I could not help her, I was too busy dying too {P5} She wept in fear and all I wanted to do was hold her
      • Lettie: {P1} Tell her it would be okay {P2} That the pain would pass and La Flaca would take her home {P3} She was so afraid and I could not help her {P4} My legs would not work...
      • Lettie: {P1} And I will hate that piece of shit {P2} Every day of my endless life {P3} For that betrayal
      • Lettie: {P1} And if I ever see him again? {P2} You better be there to hold me back {P3} Or I will teach him what real hurt is like
      • > Holding a grudge like that isn't healthy, even if what he did to you was wrong.
      • > Holy shit... I didn't realize. I - I'm so sorry he used you like that. Yeah... I'd hate him, too.
        • Lettie: {P1} Sí {P2} I do not take betrayal well {P3} But we wanted to believe him and it made us stupid {P4} If you do not want to be around us anymore, I understand {P5} The others will, too
        • > I'm not here to tell you what you did can be forgiven or not. That's not something I can do, and honestly - I don't think what you're describing is something that CAN be forgiven.
        • > Entrati came here and found exactly what he was looking for - useful, skilled people he could trick into doing what he wanted. Who wouldn't think too hard about it. You fell for his shtick like so many people who came before you.
          • > You wanted to believe his lies. so you did. And that's on you. And all the people who got sick because of it? That's also on you.
          • ? But people make mistakes. And people own up to them. And you're here, trying to own up to them. So... I see people trying to do what's right with what they did wrong.
          • > And I don't think a reasonable person can ask for much more than that. I don't think less of you. I see people who failed. But were willing to try again. And I know what that's like. Trust me.
          • Lettie: {P1} I'm calling it for the day, friend {P2} Gracias {P3} Thanks for listening to me and... {P4} Not thinking less of us {Convo. Ends}
        • > What happened wasn't your fault. You were lied to. Yeah, sure - maybe you were a little willingly blind after things started to go wrong. But who can blame you? Hope is a dangerous drug. And he shot you full of it.
          • > So of course, you went along with it. Of course, you wanted to believe there was a chance.
          • > I would have done the same thing.
          • Lettie: {P1} ¿Sí? {P2} Ay... then we're both idiots jajaja {P3} Maybe you DO belong here with us {P4} Sigh {P5} My feet hurt {P6} Mierda, everything hurts
          • Lettie: {P1} I'm calling it for the day, friend {P2} Gracias {P3} Thanks for listening to me and... {P4} Not thinking less of us {Convo. Ends}
      • > l- so - wait. You all are partially to blame for the Techrot spreading?
      • > Sorry I fell asleep there for a second. What were you saying?
    • > Okay... What's this about?

Lettie: "Ay, friend You got a second?" (R4C5)[]

  • Lettie: {P1} Ay, friend {P2} You got a second?
  • > You're usually the super busy one. :)
    • Lettie: {P1} Ay, sí, jajaja I usually am {P2} Just had a question {P3} Someone like you {P4} Do you ever feel homesick?
    • > I've never had a real home, Lettie.
    • > What do you mean, "someone like me?"
      • Lettie: Someone with no real home
      • > Way to rub it in, Lettie. Thanks.
      • > Can't miss what you've never had.
        • Lettie: {P1} No {P2} That's a lie {P3} I grew up without a home and I get homesick
        • Lettie {P1} Details are different but you and me {P2} Neither of us has a real home {P3} Bouncing from place to place, base to base {P4} Never settling, never making friends for long {P5} Never knowing where I'd be in six months, a year, two
        • > At least you had your family, though. I didn't even have that.
          • Lettie: {P1} Sí {P2} You're right {P3} How you aren't licking the wallpaper jaja {P4} I have no idea I would have lost my mind
          • Lettie: {P1} Maybe I still will {P2} Trapped here como un fantasma {P3} Ay, equis, I'm babbling
          • Lettie: {P1} I miss a place and a thing I never had {P2} I wonder if it's genetics {P3} Something raised in us {P4} Makes no sense
          • Lettie: {P1} That's why I was asking {P2} See if you had it too {P3} But you're from the future {P4} Maybe they fixed it by then
          • > No, I think I know how you feel. I... get these bouts of sadness where I get an urge to go somewhere that doesn't exist.
            • Lettie: {P1} Sí {P2} That's what I mean {P3} Or maybe we both have the same kind of depression jaja {P4} Stupid spiders
            • Lettie: {P1} Ehn, gracias {P2} Speaking of spiders, time to put them and me to sleep {Convo. ends}
          • > Maybe. I really don't get homesick. I get sad and lonely sometimes, but it isn't homesickness.
        • > At least you weren't alone.
    • > The only places I've ever had to call "home" have tried to KILL me. Why would I miss them?
  • > Yeah, what's up?
  • > Sorry, just about to go. [End.]

Lettie: "How did you do it, friend?"[]

  • Lettie: {P1} How did you do it, friend? {P2} How did you spend all that time alone {P3} And not go demente
  • Lettie: {P1} How long did you spend in that place where you danced with La Flaca {P2} Do you even know?
  • > You mean Duviri? I have no idea... Time lost all meaning.
    • > I kind of blocked it out and went numb. So... I guess I did kind of lose my mind.
    • Lettie: {P1} Sí {P2} Maybe you did jaja {P3} But you came back and that gives me hope {P4} Or at least you are high-functioning crazy jaja {P5} And I could be happy with that
    • > It got *so* lonely, though... even if I had "people" to talk to. It wasn't enough.
      • Lettie: {P1} Sí {P2} I used to think all I needed was my panquecitos {P3} A good cup of coffee {P4} And a day or two off a week {P5} Now I'm not sure
      • > What do you mean?
      • > What's wrong?
      • Lettie: {P1} Loneliness is a sadness that comes like rainstorms {P2} Or like seasons {P3} It arrives and leaves a mark that fades {P4} But it will come again in time
      • > You don't have to be alone. You're surrounded by people who care about you.
      • > You never struck me as a poet.
      • > l... well... you don't *have* to be alone... [Confess Feelings.]
        • Lettie: {P1} ¿Oué? {P2} ¿En serio?
        • > Before you tell me I'm stupid, or whatever - or that I can't handle you, just wait, and let me talk.
          • > You're drop-dead gorgeous. You're fiercely intelligent. And you could kick my ass. But that's not the only reasons you've become so important to me.
            • > You're one of the kindest, most caring people I've ever met. The way you tend to your animals and the way you'll go out of your way for people makes my heart melt.
              • > Point is... I care about you, Lettie. A lot. And more than just as friend, and I understand if it isn't mutual, but -
                • Lettie: {P1} Shut up {P2} Aguántame tantito
                • > I'm sorry if I upset you...
                • > I understand if you don't feel the same way, I get it.
                  • Lettie: {P1} ¡Neta, ya cállate! {P2} I need a second to think {P3} To breathe {P4} Can't process when I'm tearing up
                  • Lettie: {P1} I don't DO compliments, solecito {P2} Never take them well {P3} Talk tomorrow, sort this shit out then {P4} Lo siento {Convo. Ends}
            • > You're made of iron. And I know that no matter what they throw at you - Entrati, the Man in the Wall, Viktor and the Scaldra - it doesn't matter. They don't stand a chance.
          • > Deep down beneath all the layers of armor you've built over yourself, is one of the kindest, most compassionate people I've ever met. But that's not all.
          • > You're unstoppable. Unbreakable. Unflinching. Nothing seems to slow you down. You're one of the toughest people I've ever met. And -
  • > You mean Duviri? I wasn't... I mean, I guess I was *technically* alone.
    • > I had people to talk to, even if they weren't ... real.
    • Lettie: {P1} Ay sí {P2} Talking to imaginary friends {P3} I used to do that when estaba chiquita {P4} Talking to my panquecitos is much more acceptable jaja
    • > I still talk to myself if I'm not careful. That *really* makes people nervous.
    • Lettie: {P1} ¡Jajaja! {P2} Cuss myself out in Tenochtitlán slang all the time {P3} Always spooks Arthur {P4} Thinks I'm gonna stab him or something {P5} Silly gringo it'd just make a mess
    • > To be fair you can be *pretty* scary when you get going.
    • > Right? You'd just be making more work for yourself.
      • Lettie: {P1} JAJAJA {P2} Aaay, friend {P3} This is what I'm talking about {P4} How did you get on without this
      • > Get on without what?
        • Lettie: {P1} People {P2} Being with them {P3} Around them {P4} Simple shit
        • > Loneliness is a sadness that comes and goes in waves. Or like seasons. So it's an easier pain to ignore.
          • > And I think when loneliness really gets into you, it doesn't ever let you go, even when you're no longer alone.
          • > I feel it still, even when I'm sitting around the table with the Hex, laughing and drinking. I'm happy. I'm with everyone. But it's there.
          • > Like someone removed a kidney or a rib from me once, a long time ago. A hollowness that aches a little on rainy days.
          • Lettie: {P1} Sí, you understand {P2} Sometimes I can enjoy it almost {P3} Like a beautiful sadness {P4} Sometimes you bleed enough and then the bleeding stops
          • Lettie: {P1} Speaking of {P2} Someone is bleeding all over the floor and needs my help {P3} Mierda, back to work I go.
        • > You don't have to be alone anymore. If you don't want to be. You can let people in for real.
          • Lettie: {P1} Sí, sí {P2} I know, "just don't be so sad, Lettie" {P3} You sound like mi mamá
          • > Sounds like you need to cheer up and allow yourself to be happy.
          • > I think that when loneliness really gets into you, it doesn't ever let you go, even when you're no longer alone.
            • > (jump above to "I feel it still, even when I'm sitting around the table with the Hex...")
      • > I didn't have a choice.
  • > I can't chat right now, sorry. [End.]

Lettie: "So, where's home for you?" (R3C4)[]

  • >So, where's home for you?
    • Lettie: {P1} Tenochtitlan City, originally {P2} But we moved to Livertatia when I was young {P3} You wouldn't know where either place is {P4}Big sprawling place overseas from here
    • >Do you have family missing you?
      • Lettie: {P1} Doesn't matter {P2} Can't leave this cuchitril {P3} So why think about them
      • >Sometimes painful memories are all that get us through.
        • Lettie: {P1} Si? {P2} What do you know of pain?
        • >Do you know what it feels like to get your head cut off? I do. I've died a thousand times. And it *hurts,* lady.
          • Lettie: {P1} Touched by La Flaca {P2} Another fantasma like the rest of us {P3} Reliving their deaths again and again and again
          • Lettie: {P1} Yeah, there is family at home {P2} Better they think I am already dead {P3} I will carry this pain for them
          • >Do you take the pain for other people by choice, or because it's your duty?
            • Lettie: {P1} Both I suppose {P2} I chose a long time ago {P3} Now it's too late to go back
            • Lettie: I have work to do {Convo. Ends}
      • >We're talking on the *internet* and you know the *phone* exists, yeah?
        • Lettie: {P1} Bien podria ser un pinche fantasma {P2} Call from beyond the grave, can't change, can't live, can't die
        • Lettie: {P1} What are we?! {P2} FANTASMAS nothing more {P3} Like shadows on a VHS tape used one to many times
        • Lettie: {P1} No, better they think I am already dead {P2} I take this pain for them
        • >Do you take the pain for other people by choice, or because it's your duty?
        • >There's still life worth living, here.
          • Lettie: {P1} Suure, suure {P2} With Amir's games and Arthur's drinking and Aoi's music and Quincy's pictures
          • Lettie: {P1} Empty hobbies {P2} Empty souls {P3} Passing time through eternity
          • Lettie: {P1} I have work to do {P2} Vete

Lettie: "Esa gata, that freaky mutant cat" (R4C6)[]

  • Lettie: {P1} Esa gata, that freaky mutant cat {P2} Keeps looking at my panquecitos like they're lunch {P3} I don't like it
  • > You mean Kalymos? I'll make sure she leaves your rats alone.
  • > Kalymos won't hurt your rats.
    • Lettie: {P1} ¿Si? {P2} How are you so sure? {P3} That thing is entrati's pet not yours {P4} It does his bidding {P5} It looks at me just like he did
    • > She's a kavat, Lettie, not a person.
      • Lettie: {P1} Are you so sure {P2} Esa gata, it seems too smart to me {P3} Looks at me with human intelligence {P4} Does the future have smart animals?
      • >There are the Cavia, who are these lab animals that were sent into the Void and came out intelligent...
      • >Yes, but - oh, this is going to piss you off already, I can tell.
        • Lettie: {P1} ¿Ay, sí? {P2} Does it have to do with entrati?
        • >You guessed it.
          • Lettie: {P1} Then you're right {P2} It will piss me off {P3} But tell me anyway
          • >He took these lab animals and sent them into the Void. They came out with the intelligence of people - it nearly killed them. They're called the Cavia.
            • Lettie: {P1} LAB ANIMALS?!
            • Lettie: {P1} I AM GOING to make that cabron HURT {P2} Next time I see him I will torture him like he tortured those poor angelitos {P3} And he will NOT like it, I PROMISE you THAT
            • Lettie: {P1} And how are you so sure that this gata mutante is not one of these cavia
            • > I mean, she's never said anything. (Down below has the rest of the responses filled out).
      • Lettie: {P1} Are you sure {P2} You told me about the cavia {P3} Those poor animals that cabrón gave intelligence to and abandonned?!
      • Lettie: How do you know she isn't one, too?
      • > I mean, she's never said anything.
        • Lettie: {P1} So what? {P2} Smart enough to play dumb {P3} But she spies on us for him I know it {P4} We shouldn't trust her
        • > Entrati left, and she stayed. I don't think she's still working for him.
          • Lettie: {P1} No, see {P2} It's exactly that reason why I think she is {P3} He's gone and needs eyes here on us, ¿no? {P4} Don't know why, pero no me gusta
          • > Either way, she's smart enough to understand "If you mess with Lettie's rats, you sleep outside." Is that good enough?
          • > I'm not kicking her out. Even if she's working for Entrati, it's not her fault. She's an animal being loyal to the one who loves her. I can't be cruel to her.
            • Lettie: {P1} AGGGHHHH {P2} Why did you have to put it like that {P3} Aaayyyyyyy babaaaas {P4} Fight fair!
            • Lettie: {P1} No me gusta cuando te pasas de listo, babas {P2} Fine, FINE {P3} She stays but if she hurts one of my bebecitos {P4} It means war {Convo Ends}
        • > Do you really think she's spying on us for him? Why?
      • > I guess I don't really know.

Lettie: "Solecito Tell me more of this future" (R5C6)[]

  • Lettie: {P1} Solecito {P2} Tell me more of this future
  • Lettie: {P1} The one where the gods are hungry but have no meaning to you {P2} The future you claim you've given up for us {P3} Of these wars and distance worlds
  • > You doing okay, Lettie?
  • > You're going to have to narrow it down a bit...
    • Lettie: {P1} Ay, lo siento {P2} The spiders are at it again {P3} Making me melancholy {P4} And apparently dramatic jajaja {P5} No importa, ya no te molesto
    • > You've mentioned the spiders before, a metaphor for depression, I assume?
      • Lettie: {P1} Ay si {P2} Something I've had all my life {P3} Stupid little things in my head that tell me lies
      • Lettie: {P1} Little things that whisper to me things that I believe when I am too stupid and fall for it
      • > What do they whisper to you?
        • Lettie: {P1} You will fail {P2} Nobody likes you {P3} You are ugly {P4} You are fat {P5} You have no talent {P6} You have no skill {P7} This happiness will end soon {P8} You don't deserve this
        • > At least you know the spiders are liars, but... they sound like total assholes.
        • > Mine say meaner things... you're lucky.
          • Lettie: {P1} Then you truly understand what it's like, mi corazon {P2} They are little pinches cabronas {P3} But they are liars remember that always {P4} This kind of sadness is small but it can be a poison if you let it get too strong {P5} Mi mama had it all her life so I have seen the toll it takes
          • Lettie: {P2} But here is why I call them spiders {P2} Because you can take a newspaper can roll it up into a tube {P3} And CRUSH THEM {P4} They are small and easily broken
          • > You're not going to like Venus...
            • Lettie: {P1} Que?
            • > Nevermind. At least now, we can crush the spiders together.
              • Lettie: {P1} Si, mi corazon, exactly {P2} COme what may between us {P3} Thank you for this moment {P4} But now I have to go back to work as always {Convo Ends}
          • > Very fair. And now, we can help each other crush the spiders.
        • > Have you considered medication or treatment for it? Depression can be serious.
      • > That sounds miserable... I'm sorry.
    • > Proof that spiders make shitty pets, I guess?
    • > Okay, no problem.

Lettie: "Friend, I have a confession" (R6C1)[]

  • Lettie: {P1} Friend {P2} I have a confession
  • > What's up, L?
    • Lettie: {P1} When you came here {P2} I knew you were going to be trouble {P3} A new impossible problem to add to our growing pile of mierda to deal with
    • > Gee, thanks.
      • Lettie: {P1} Then things went from bad to worse {P2} From shit to more shit {P3} As the nightmare grew darker {P4} And ANYONE with half a brain would have run back to the future
      • Lettie: {P1} But you didn't {P2} You stayed for some stupid reason {P3} You stayed with us and you fought and helped us put ourselves back together
      • Lettie: {P1} Ay Lua sálvame {P2} I still do not know why {P3} You had no reason to stay for strangers
      • Lettie: I have seen the face of your Xipe Totec and I would have run to the farthest corner and prayed it did not wear mine next
      • Lettie: {P1} I would have called the Cavia my family and stayed with them instead {P2} They seem FAR less broken and far more deserving of love
      • Lettie: {P1} But you DID stay {P2} And for me I find a dear friend I never would have expected {P3} One I do not know how I survived without
      • Lettie: {P1} With you around ... we are not fantasmas {P2} Without you we would be lost and adrift {P3} We would be sleepwalking through our deaths again and again, meaningless and empty {P4} At the edge of Mictlán
      • Lettie: {P1} But you showed me why it does not matter {P2} Because it is the company we keep not our destination {P3} It is the trust, the love, and the kindness we share {P4} And it is all thanks to you
      • Lettie: {P1} I hate all this sappy feely shit {P2} Drives me crazy {P3} I'm bad at it {P4} So I'm going to wrap this up
      • > Lol. You're doing great.
      • > I don't know, I'm enjoying Sweet Lettie.
        • Lettie: {P1} Don't get used to it {P2} I'll still kick your ass {P3} Point is, I've gotten used to having you underfoot {P4} I like having you around
        • Lettie: {P1} Your friendship is so valuable to me {P2} And I rely on you in ways I don't rely on anyone else {P3} I trust you and that is not something I do lightly
        • Lettie: {P1} Here's to us my friend {P2} And here is to the future {P3} Filled with fantasmas and endless futures and gods and demons as they may be {P4} We have each other {P5} And that is plenty good enough {Convo Ends}
      • > Hmm? I dozed off again.
    • > I mean... sure, but...
    • (Same as Gee, thanks)
  • > Uh oh...
  • > I'm sorry, Kalymos is chewing on the power cord, and - [End]

(Drifter Initiates the conversation)[]

(About Lettie "Hey Lettie") (chart R1C1)[]

  • > Hey Lettie, how’d you get into being a medic?
    • Lettie: {P1} It’s my job {P2} Why’d you get into {P3} Whatever it is you do
    • > I didn’t really have a choice.
      • Lettie: {P1} Then we have that in common {P2} And you shouldn't ask stupid questions, babas {Continues the same as "Am I bothering you" below}
    • > Am I bothering you?
      • Lettie: {P1} Why {P2} What gives you that idea {P3} It’s not like I’m busy or anything {P4} Trying to stitch people together
      • > Just trying to be friendly, sorry.
        • Lettie: {P1} Ay, equis {P2} It’s fine {P3} Didn’t get much sleep last night
        • > Me neither.
        • > Why not?
          • Lettie: Never do
          • Lettie: {P1} Do you want something {P2} Or are you just killing time
          • > Just trying to say hello, is all.
          • > Just killing time.
          • > I just wanted to see how you were doing.
            • Lettie: {P1} Busy {P2} Tired {P3} Stressed
            • Lettie: The usual
            • > I’ll stop bothering you, then.
            • > Anything I can help with?
              • Lettie: {P1} Convince the locals to stop getting in between Techrot and scaldra {P2} Eso sería genial
              • Lettie: {P1} Other than that? {P2} I’ll think {Convo. Ends}
      • > What should I talk to you about instead?
        • Lettie: {P1} Eh, lo siento {P2} Didn't get much sleep last night {P3} So i dont have much patience for bad questions
        • > They *were* bad questions, though. lol. I just don't know what else to talk about
          • Lettie: {P1} A hint then {P2} If you're gunna interrupt my day {P3} Make it interesting, si?
          • >Make it interesting. Roger. I'll... go... think up... interesting things...
            • Lettie: Buena suerte {Convo. Ends}
    • > I’m clearly bugging you. I’ll leave you alone.
  • > Hey, Lettie, what brought you to Höllvania?
    • Lettie: Eh?
    • Lettie: Why'd you come here
    • > I didn't really have a choice.
      • {P1} Then we have that in common {P2} And you shouldn't ask stupid questions, babas
      • > What should I talk to you about instead?
        • (Dialogue continues as above)

(About Eleanor) (R2C5)[]

  • > So... what's your problem with Eleanor, anyway?
    • Lettie: {P1} We all wound up as monsters {P2} But that bruja delights in what we've become {P3} Gets a sick glee out of messing about in my head {P4} Sees too much and thinks she knows everything
    • Lettie: {P1} Even if she never devolves into the Techrot {P2} And she stays like she is now I don't care {P3} That bruja still enjoys this shit too much
    • > Just because she embraces what's happened to her doesn't make her a bad person.
      • Lettie: {P1} It's one thing to accept it {P2} It's another thing to enjoy it {P3} And she can learn to not be a metiche and stay the hell out of my DAMN head
      • > She's lost her voice. She has to listen to everybody's thoughts all the time. She gets weird flashes of things she doesn't understand.
        • > And she has all of YOU treating her like she's the real monster. Can you imagine what that must feel like?
        • > Can you blame her for meeting that kind of disgust with defiance instead of shame?
        • Lettie: {P1} Mierda... {P2} I do not like her in my head, babas {P3} But when you put it like that... no I do not blame her {P4} It is how I would handle it, too
        • Lettie: {P1} I tell you what {P2} You have the bruja metiche work on staying out of my head {P3} And... I will work on cutting her some slack, ¿sí?
  • > I think you need to cut Eleanor some slack.
    • ¿Ay, sí? And why is that? Did the bruja send you to talk to me?
    • > No, she didn't. I'm here on my own accord.
      • > I just don't think you're being fair to her, Lettie.
        • ¿Ay, sí, verdad? Do tell
        • > She's lost her voice. She has to listen to everybody's thoughts all the time. She gets weird flashes of things she doesn't understand.
          • > And she's the one who's closest to the Techrot. Can you imagine what that must feel like, to hear them all the time?
            • That is exactly the problem You keep making my arguments for me, babas
            • Someday they will consume her And you will be gone and not able to save her
            • Vete Go away Too much to do to waste time on this {Convo. Ends}
          • > And she has all of YOU treating her like she's the real monster. Can you imagine what that must feel like?
        • > She's one of your teammates, Lettie. And like it or not, you're stuck with her.You need to work on letting go of your grudges.
      • > Just because she embraces what's happened to her doesn't make her a bad person.
    • > It doesn't matter if she did or not, I still think you should ease up.
  • > [Ignore.]

(So, I never got the whole story of how you met Arthur...) (R4C1)[]

  • >So, I never got the whole story of how you met Arthur. (Jump down to {P1} Eh, it was messy)
  • > Do you have a second to chat, Lettie? Or are you busy?
    • Lettie: {P1} Always busy {P2} But I can take a break {P3} ¿Qué onda?
    • > I was wondering how you and Arthur met.
      • Lettie: {P1} Eh, it was messy {P2} Figured you didn't want the gory details {P3} But, sí, if you want to know {P4} I'll tell you
      • Lettie: {P1} We were stationed together in the same base {P2} Him in the Britannic and me with the Libertarian Army {P3} Different countries, same enemies
      • Lettie: {P1} I was the field medic for my regiment {P2} We were deployed in next to his {P3} The place went real cagadero {P4} Real fast
      • Lettie: {P1} Most of my crew didn't make it {P2} Most of his didn't either {P3} We held each other together {P4} Literally {P5} I stitched his arm up good jaja {P6} When he retired and went into the ICR {P7} I followed him without question {P8} I was sick of all the drama that goes in the army anyway
      • Lettie: {P1} I told him I'd follow him to the ends of the earth {P2} Didn't realize I'd follow him to the edge of Mictlán
      • Lettie: {P1} It must seem so small to you {P2} A story like that {P3} You fight monsters and gods {P4} You have danced with La Flaca so many times
      • >Just because my fights are a bit spectacular doesn't mean I can't appreciate how horrible it must've been.
      • > All war is shit, end of story.
        • Lettie: {P1} Sí, It's all the same {P2} No matter how big and stupid the guns {Convo Ends}
      • >Eh, little people, little stories.
  • >[End]

(So how'd you end up getting involved in the whole Arthur/Hex thing?) (R4C7)[]

  • > So how'd you end up getting involved in the whole Arthur/Hex thing?
    • Lettie: {P1} Somos hermanos, Arthur and I {P2} We go way back {P3} I promised to follow him anywhere {P4} Seems like he meant to the edge of Mitclán.
    • Lettie: {P1} We were stationned together, in the same base {P2} Him in the Britannic and me with the Libertatian Army {P3} Different countries, same enemies
    • Lettie: {P1} I was the field medic for my regiment {P2} We were deployed in next to his {P3} The place went real cagadero {P4} Real fast
    • Lettie: {P1} Most of my crew didn't make it {P2} Most of his didn't either {P3} We held each other together {P4} Literally {P5} I stitched his arm up good jaja {P6} When he retired and went into the ICR {P7} I followed him without question {P8} I was sick of all the drama that goes on in the army anyway
    • > Then what? How'd you get to be...
    • > War sucks. No matter when, no matter how.
      • Lettie: {P1} Appreciate that {P2} Our wars must seem so small {P3} Yours sound tan espectaculares y llamativas {P4} Filled with dioses, ángeles y demonios
      • Lettie: {P1} But I guess in the end it's all the same {P2} People dying in the muck and mud {P3} Trust broken and lives lost {P4} And La Flaca takes them home
      • > How'd you wind up meeting Entrati, though?
      • > Can I ask what happened next?
        • Lettie: {P1} Sí, you just did jajaja {P2} But I get what you're asking {P3} And you've been dancing around the subject like you want to do the tango {P4} You know I don't want to talk about it {P5} Has no one told you what happened?
        • > I'm just trying to get the whole picture.
        • > No one else will tell me. They just avoid the subject.
          • Lettie: {P1} Mmm and you wonder why {P2} And figure Mamá Lettie would tell you the truth {P3} Normaly you'd be right, babas {P4} But this one I don't like to tell {P5} Especially because I've gotten used to having you underfoot
          • Lettie: {P1} Might miss you if you leave {P2} And this story might make you turn and go {P3} So a story for another day {P4} Oh and babas {P5} No dejes que se te suba a la cabeza {Convo. Ends}
        • > I figured you'd be the one to give me a straight answer.
          • Lettie: {P1} JAJAJA Sííí {P2} Normally you'd be right {P3} But this one? {P4} This one I don't like to tell {P5} Especially because I've gotten used to having you underfoot
          • Lettie: {P1} Might miss you if you leave {P2} And this story might make you turn and go {P3} So a story for another day {P4} Oh and babas {P5} No dejes que se te suba a la cabeza {Convo. Ends}

(For someone who's job is to prevent death, you seem pretty chill with it.) (R4C3)[]

  • >For someone who's job is to prevent death, you seem pretty chill with it.
  • >I'd love to know more about how you became a medic
    • Lettie: {P1} Jaja how is the easy part, babas {P2} I enlisted and was bad at it {P3} Then I got good at it
    • >Okay, *why* did you end up becoming a medic?
      • Lettie: {P1} Mi papà was in the army {P2} We traveled a lot, from base to base {P3} But when mi tìa got sick she moved in with us {P4} And I learned to take care of her until she passed
      • > Oh... I'm sorry
        • Lettie: {P1} Eh, està bien {P2} It happens, ¿no? {P3} Heart troubles made her sicker {P4} Good practice for the future, being a set of hands for mi mamà
        • >Do you miss your aunt?
          • Lettie: {P1} No {P2} I see her once a year at te festival of the dead {P3} ¡Mierda! Before you ask no, it's not like what it sounds {P4} We do not dig them up we celebrate their souls jajaja {P5} Well, some do - but we do not, depends on where you're from
          • >Phew. I was going to say. lol
          • >LOL! It sounds like a cool holiday, though.
            • Lettie: {P1} We build ofrendas to our loved ones and make pan de muerto, and calaveritas de azùcar, and set our marigolds to invite them home {P2} We eat what we bring for them, with them {P3} We sit at their graves and we tell stories of them {P4} We talk to them and we laugh with them
            • Lettie: {P1} Mi tìa comes to me every year, pats me on the shoulder and says "Buen trabajo, amorcito, sigue asì" {P2} And it makes me smile not scream and run away in fear
            • Lettie: {P1} I hope she comes out this far... {P2} I'll have to make her paper marigolds {P3} Maybe Arthur will help me make some pan de muerto I am a shit baker jajaja
            • >I'm sure he'd love to help.
            • >I'd love to help, too.
              • Lettie: {P1} You are sweet {P2} Sì, maybe we can work together
              • Lettie: {P1} If you want, we could build an ofrenda to your family {P2} Maybe they would come to see thwir babas after so long {P3} I am sure they are so proud of you
              • >I... would love that, actually. Thank you, Lettie.
                • Lettie: {P1} Claro, friend {P2} Mm, now that I think {P3} Can souls travel through time? {P4} Ay, equis, is the thought that counts sometimes {Convo. Ends}
              • >I'd love to help you, but let's leave my family in the future where they belong.
              • >Um... I don't think they'd want to see me...
                • Lettie: {P1} Because of what your Xipe Totec made you do {P2} It was not your fault, they were driven mad {P3} Sometimes you need to cauterize the wound {P4} You put them down, it was not murder
                • >That's not how it felt.
                • Lettie: {P1} Sì, I can't imagine how it felt {P2} To have to hurt your own family like that {P3} But you had no choice, solecito {P4} They were rabid animals and had no control
                • Lettie: {P1} And that kind of choice I *do* understand {P2} But that is a story for another time {P3} La Flaca waits for no one and not our conversations and I have a line {Convo. Ends}
        • >I know what it's like to lose family early in life.
          • Lettie: {P1}Sí, but I do not miss them. {P2} They are gone from my day to day but not from my soul they still visit me once a year at the festival of the dead {P3} We do not dig them up we celebrate their souls jajaja {P4} Well, some do - but we do not, depends on where you're from
            • LOL! It sounds like a cool holiday, though.
              • Lettie: We build ofrendas to our loved ones and make pan de muerto, and calaveritas de azucar, and set out our marigolds to invite them home {P1} We eat what we bring for them, with them {P2} We sit at their graves and we tell stories of them {P3} We talk and we laugh with them
              • Lettie: Mi tia comes to me every year, pats me on the shoulder, and says "Buen trabajao, amorcito, sigue asi" {P1} And it makes me smile not scream and run away in fear
              • Lettie: I hope she comes out this far... {P1} I'll have to make her paper marigolds {P2} Maybe Arthur will help me make some pan de muerto I am a shit baker jajaja
                • > I'd love to help, too.
                  • Lettie: You are sweet. {P1} Si, maybe we can work together
                  • Lettie: If you want, maybe we can build an ofrenda to your family {P1} Maybe they would come to see their babas after so long {P2} I am sure they are so proud of you
                    • > I... would love that, actually. Thank you, Lettie.
                      • Lettie: Claro, friend. {P1} Mm, now that I think {P2} Can souls travel through time? {P3} Ay, equis, is the thought that counts sometimes. {Convo Ends}
        • >How old were you when you joined the army?
      • >How old were you?
    • >Thanks. Good talk. [End]

(Drifter Initiates the conversation) R4C4[]

  • > Hey Lettie, I have a favor to ask you.
    • Lettie: {P1} Ay, si? {P2} What is it babas?
      • > Amir's putting together a game of Fables & Frontiers. And I know it sounds silly, but before you come over here and stab me- It's really important to Amir.
        • Lettie: {P1} And?
          • > And you could use a break.
            • Lettie: {P1} And?
              • > ...And you DO kind of owe a me favor, don't you?
                • Lettie: {P1} Ssiiiiii? {P2} Fiine, Babaaass... {P3} But I better not regret this...

(Checkup - loop discussion <stub>) (R5C1)[]

  • > How's my favorite badass
  • > How are you doing today
  • > Hey Lettie, food
  • > Hey Lettie, rats
  • > You holding up?

"I suppose there is one good thing" - loop discussion2 <stub> (R5C4)[]

  • > Hello to you, too
  • > Oh, What's that?
  • BRB (ends)