Official wiki

Kavat's Grace is an Exilus mod that allows a Warframe to negate Hard Landings from higher fall velocities.


Rank Chance Cost
0 25% 4
1 50% 5
2 75% 6
3 100% 7

Drop Locations[]

Mission Drop Tables

Mission Type Source Rotations
Drop Table
Chance[1] Quantity[2] Avg. per roll[3] Star Chart Nodes
The Circuit Tier 4 The Circuit (Normal) A 1.49% 1 0.0149

Accessed through Duviri's The Circuit gamemode

The Circuit Tier 6 The Circuit (Normal) A 1.03% 1 0.0103

Accessed through Duviri's The Circuit gamemode

Enemy Drop Tables

Enemy Drop Table Chance[4] Item Chance[5] Chance[6] Expected Kills[7] Quantity[8] Avg. per roll attempt[9]
Amalgam Arca Heqet 4% 25% 1% 100 1 0.01
Amalgam Arca Kucumatz 4% 25% 1% 100 1 0.01
Amalgam Cinder Machinist 4% 25% 1% 100 1 0.01
Amalgam Phase MOA 4% 25% 1% 100 1 0.01
Amalgam Swarm Satyr 4% 25% 1% 100 1 0.01

Sourced from the official drop table repository. See Module:DropTables/data to edit on the wiki.



Patch History[]

Hotfix 33.0.13 (2023-05-26)

  • Fixed the Kavat’s Grace Mod description not being accurate to when it had been changed in Citrine’s Last Wish: Hotfix 32.3.2 to resist hard landings from any speed.
    • Old: “Resist Hard Landings from falling at speeds of up to 25m/s / 30m/s / 35m/s / 40m/s.”
    • New: “Resist Hard Landings from falling by 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%.”

Hotfix 32.3.2 (2023-02-16)

Previous Missed Patch Note:
  • Updated the Kavat’s Grace mod to provide full resistance to hard landings from any height at max rank.
    • This change made it into Citrine’s Last Wish Update 32.2.0, however the description of the Mod still needs to be updated. Expect that update in a future Hotfix, and enjoy the Mod updated to its full potential.

Hotfix 25.0.4 (2019-05-28)

  • Fixed Kavat's Grace, Gale Kick, Anti-Grav Array, and Odomedic not actually dropping from Amalgam enemies.

Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)

  • Introduced.
  1. Chance to roll item within drop table
  2. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  3. (Quantity × Chance)
  4. Chance to roll drop table
  5. Chance to roll item within drop table
  6. (Drop Table Chance × Item Chance)
  7. (1 / Chance), see WARFRAME Wiki:Expected & Nearly Guaranteed Numbers for more details
  8. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  9. (Quantity × Chance), average item quantity on a roll attempt (successful or not)