Official wiki
For Unaffiliated Kavats, see Feral Kavat.

Kavats are terrain-restricted melee feline companions similar to Kubrows. They also have different breeds, color palettes, and patterns. There are currently 3 types of Kavats.


Kavats normally live in Infested areas and feed on the Infestation. Feral Kavats are naturally invisible and are not hostile to players unless they are scanned.

Due to their anti-Infested potential, the Grineer have domesticated Kavats for use in clearing out the Infestation from their ships. Kavat handlers, known as Hyekka Masters, are equipped with advanced sensors to detect Kavats, which can also detect invisible players, serving as an additional stealth hazard in Grineer missions.


Main article: Adarza Kavat
A vicious and deadly Kavat prized for its combat prowess, offering increased critical chance and punishing those that dare attack it.

The Adarza Kavat is a Kavat Companion that specializes in combat support. Its precepts Mod TT 20px Cat's Eye increases critical chance of nearby Tenno, while Mod TT 20px Reflect occasionally reflects and amplifies damage back to an enemy.

Main article: Smeeta Kavat
This sly feline is playful yet devious.

The Smeeta Kavat is a Kavat Companion with support abilities. Its precepts Mod TT 20px Mischief turns the Smeeta invisible while deploying a decoy that draws fire and RadialBlind130xDark Blinds enemies, while Mod TT 20px Charm has a chance to periodically provide various buffs.

Main article: Vasca Kavat
Now free of the Vasca virus, these Kavats can transfuse life to extend not only health own life but that of its master.

The Vasca Kavat is a Kavat Companion carrying the infectious Vasca Virus. Vampiric in nature, its precepts Mod TT 20px Draining Bite inflicts DmgSlashSmall64 Slash status while healing itself, and Mod TT 20px Transfusion sacrifices a portion of its health to revive their owner from Bleedout.

Main article: Khora/Abilities

Khora's ferocious Kavat, Venari, fights alongside her with steadfast zeal. Venari is an exclusive Companion for the KhoraIcon272 Khora Warframe, integrated as her signature passive ability. Venari will spawn beside Khora when the player first enters a mission, as a permanent companion that lasts until killed.

While Venari is alive, Khora passively gains a movement speed boost. If Venari is killed, she will respawn beside Khora after 45 seconds, or instantly if summoned via the third ability for an energy cost. Both passive features are tied to Khora's Venari130xWhite Venari ability allowing her to be modified.

Main article: Sly Vulpaphyla
An evasive Vulpaphyla that prefers to run away from fights. Its skills are so profound it can even impart them to their master.

The Sly Vulpaphyla is a Vulpaphyla Companion known for its evasive abilities. Its precepts Mod TT 20px Survival Instinct creates a decoy when its owner bullet jumps, while Mod TT 20px Sly Devolution regresses the Vulpaphyla into a larval state upon bleedout while causing its owner's kills to reduce enemy accuracy.

Main article: Crescent Vulpaphyla
The Crescent is the most pugnacious subspecies of Vulpaphyla, they will rush anything they perceive as a threat.

The Crescent Vulpaphyla is a Vulpaphyla Companion that charges at enemies. Its precepts Mod TT 20px Crescent Charge rushes an enemy to inflict DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture and Lifted b Lifted while launching them towards other enemies, while Mod TT 20px Crescent Devolution regresses the Vulpaphyla into a larval state upon bleedout while charging at enemies to inflict DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage.

Main article: Panzer Vulpaphyla
This hardy creature has a collagenous dermis that acts as a thick, protective armor.

The Panzer Vulpaphyla is a Vulpaphyla Companion that rapidly spreads DmgViralSmall64 Viral. Its precepts Mod TT 20px Viral Quills launches quills that inflict spores that propagate DmgViralSmall64 Viral, while Mod TT 20px Panzer Devolution regresses the Vulpaphyla into a larval state upon bleedout while attacking enemies with DmgViralSmall64 Viral quills.


To begin, all Kavats will first need a Companion Slot (which can be bought for Platinum64 12 for 2 slots) to grow and mature before being usable in missions and will permanently occupy one Companion Slot. In the event that a player wishes to permanently remove a Kavat from their possession, such as due to the lack of vacant Companion Slots, the Kavat can be consigned to the Lotus for Credits64 25,000, freeing up their Companion Slot.


The AdarzaKavat Adarza Kavat and SmeetaKavat Smeeta Kavat are acquired through Incubation. Kavats are bred using the Orbiter's Incubator obtained during the Howl of the Kubrow quest, which must first be upgraded with a Kavat Incubator Upgrade Segment whose blueprint can be obtained from the Clan Dojo's Tenno Lab research or dropped by Hyekka Masters, or purchased fully built from the Market for Platinum64 175. The blueprint assembly for the Upgrade Segment costs 10 Kavat Genetic Codes, which are obtained by scanning Feral Kavats with a Codex Scanner or Synthesis Scanner. Once installed, each breeding attempt requires 10 Kavat Genetic Codes and an built Incubator Power Core whose blueprint is available from the Market.

Once the player meets the necessary requirements to begin breeding, the incubator offers a choice between a Random incubation or the use of Genetic Code Templates.


As the name implies, a Random incubation offers no guarantees on the resulting Kavat's Variant, head, tail, sex, color, or fur pattern.

Genetic Code Template[]

An incubation utilizing Genetic Code Templates offers a much higher probability of the traits imprinted on the Template to be present in the resulting Kavat, however, this is still not guaranteed, and certain Kavat traits are not even imprinted on the Template in the first place. See the Genetic Code Template article for more information about the transferral of traits from one Kavat to another when starting this type of incubation.

Regardless of the type of incubation, once the process is started, it will require 48 hours (24 hours with an Incubator Upgrade Segment) to complete. This stage may, however, be rushed for ‍Platinum64 15.


When the incubation process completes, either naturally or by rushing, the player will be able to name their new Kavat for free, subsequent renaming is possible for Platinum64 15. The named but non-mature Kavat can be kept for as long as the player wants, and will walk around the Orbiter; however, to be usable in missions, it must be matured, which is instantaneous.

Genetic Age Regressing[]

Players can regress the age of their Kavats back to their infant forms through the incubator. In their baby forms, they cannot be brought into missions to be used for combat or utility. Installed mods, Formas, and Orokin Reactors will still be intact if the player chooses to mature their Kavats again.


Venari Venari/VenariPrime Venari Prime is KhoraIcon272 Khora/KhoraPrimeIcon272 Khora Prime's companion that functions as her passive and third ability, and will always appear next to her. Venari cannot be separated from Khora.

Vasca Kavat[]

The VascaKavat Vasca Kavat is a Kavat that have been infected by the Vasca Virus that appears at nighttime in the Plains of Eidolon. When a player brings their Kavat to the wild Vasca and is attacked by them, it will become infected, indicated by a red overlay. The player must then take their infected Kavat back to the Orbiter's Incubator and use a Genetic Code Template on them, acquiring a Vasca Imprint while also removing the virus. Two Vasca Imprints are needed to guarantee a Vasca Kavat.

Note that breeding a domesticated Vasca Kavat still requires one Incubator Power Core and ten Kavat Genetic Codes.


SlyVulpaphyla Sly Vulpaphyla, CrescentVulpaphyla Crescent Vulpaphyla, and PanzerVulpaphyla Panzer Vulpaphyla are modular companions created through a process called Revivification with Son, using Mutagens and Antigens purchased from him along with finding wild Vulpaphyla in Cambion Drift, Deimos via Conservation that have been weakened by hostile Infested.

Beast Claws[]

All Kavats have a moddable weapon, Beast Claws, which can equip Beast Claw Mods. The name is specific to the Kavat type, for example a AdarzaKavat Adarza Kavat's weapon is called Adarza Claws.

This weapon does not take up Companion slots unlike Robotic Weapons, have pre-installed Orokin Catalysts, have a "Posture Mod" slot similar to Aura and Stance Mods that affect their behavior while increasing mod capacity, do not contribute to Mastery Rank, and cannot generate an associated Riven Mod.



  • Kavats are referred to as "Catbrow" in the game files, a portmanteau of "cat" and "Kubrow."
  • The name of at least one breed of Kavat is derived from Sanskrit, which seems relevant to the breed's specialty;
  • While Incubating, when the Kavat shows up in kitten form, you can pet your Kavat by pressing your interact button when standing in front of the Incubator.
  • Despite technically being considered Kavats, Vulpaphylas have more in common appearance-wise with foxes, which in real life are part of the canidae (dog) family and not the felidae (cat) family of animals. This is furthered by their name, which is taken from the Latin word and genus "vulpes," meaning fox, and the plural form of phylum "phyla," the taxonomic rank below kingdom.

Patch History[]

Hotfix 38.0.3 (2024-12-16)

  • Fixed case where baby Beast Companions could get scaled up to the size of an adult.

Hotfix 38.0.1 (2024-12-14)

  • Fixed claiming incubated Companion causing game to become unresponsive.

Hotfix 37.0.8 (2024-10-16)

  • Fixed the Elusive Posture mod preventing Beast Companions with the Scavenge mod from unlocking lockers when enemies are nearby.

Hotfix 37.0.6 (2024-10-11)

  • Fixed the end of mission UI showing that Beast Claws gained Affinity when they are already max rank.

Hotfix 37.0.4 (2024-10-10)

  • Fixed being able to apply Stance Forma to Beast Claw weapons.
    • Beast Claw Stance Mods and Slots all use the Penjaga Polarity, so there is no need to change it with Stance Forma. If you have used a Stance Forma on a Beast Claw weapon, you can submit a ticket to support.warframe.com to have that undone.
  • Fixed Beast Claw weapons not appearing in the mission progress and end of mission screens.
    • As a reminder, Beast weapons gain Affinity and rank up, but they do not contribute towards your overall Mastery.
  • Fixed several script errors caused by Kavat’s Territorial Aggression.

Hotfix 37.0.2 (2024-10-03)

  • Fixed being able to apply an Umbra Forma to Beast Claw weapons.
    • Beast Companions cannot use Umbra Mods, so there is no need for the Umbra polarity. If you have done so and would like your Umbra Forma returned to your account, you can submit a ticket to support.warframe.com.
  • Fixed issue where Beast Weapons would appear in the Arsenal as a blank tab.
  • Fixed multiple Beast/Claw weapon mods having incorrect icons.

Hotfix 37.0.1 (2024-10-02)

Companion Changes & Fixes
  • Fixed Companions standing still and not using their abilities if any of the Bond Mods (Momentous Bond, Tenacious Bond, etc.) are equipped.
  • Fixed issues with Territorial Aggression’s spawn/despawn VFX.
  • Fixed script error with Companion Mods in UI.

Update 37.0 (2024-10-02)


Phase 2 of the Companion Rework is here! Your Companions all cheer!

Our overall goal with this update is to address Quality of Life and Balance problems that have become apparent over the last few years with Companions.

So let’s dive in!

Beast Companions Gain a Moddable Weapon
First up, we've added a separate weapon slot to all your Beast Companions (except for Hounds, who already have one).

A common complaint that we have heard is that there's not enough Mod slots for Beast Companions that don't have a separate weapon, because the same slots are used by Precept Mods, survivability mods, and damaging mods. We absolutely agree that this was a problem!

Here’s what you can expect:

  • When you login you will automatically receive a Beast-specific weapon for each of your Beast Companions. This does not take inventory space or cost you any resources.
  • Beast weapons gain Affinity and rank up, but they do not contribute towards your overall Mastery.
  • Posture Mod slot for Beast melee weapon alters overall behavior, gives extra capacity for modding.

As a result of this change, different Beast Companions now have updated unique weapon stats based on their individual type instead of being identical:

  • Kavats: Previously ALL types of Kavats: Damage 80, Status 7.5%, Critical 20%/2x
    • Adarza Kavat: Damage 90, Status 5%, Critical 30%/2.5x
    • Smeeta Kavat: Damage 80, Status 7.5%, Critical 20%/2x
    • Vasca Kavat: Damage 110, Status 25%, Critical 15%/2x
    • Vulpaphyla: Previously ALL types of Vulpaphyla: Damage 80, Status 7.5%, Critical 20%/2x
    • Crescent Vulphaphyla: Damage 100, Status 17.5%, Critical 22.5%/2x
    • Panzer Vulpaphyla: Damage 90, Status 12.5%, Critical 25%/2x
    • Sly Vulpaphyla: Damage 80, Status 20%, Critical 20%/2x

Please note that, while these weapons are now moddable, we did not add them to the Riven system nor do we have current plans to. With so many extreme changes to Companions all at the same time, we want to let the dust settle a bit before evaluating.

AI changes

  • Beast Companions would previously follow behind you while moving, which made it harder to notice them around and put them further away from enemies when combat started. They will now try to lead you instead, staying a few meters ahead while you are moving so they are ready to attack when combat starts.
  • Beast Companions would previously choose targets in a complete circle around the player. This means that when using their abilities or making attacks, they weren't even on screen so it was hard to appreciate them being useful. This has been tuned so that Beast Companions will prefer to choose targets that are near you and in your field of view.
  • When selecting a new target to attack, Beast Companions now gain a speed boost on their way to the target while off-screen (to reduce the time it takes them to engage).
  • Improved animations while following the player through bullet jumps and double jumps so that they animate more quickly and fluidly.
  • Decreased the required distance from Beast Companions to their owner to trigger a teleport and reduced the minimum time between teleports so they can more easily keep up with you if you’re bullet jumping at mach speed! They will also now disengage from enemies faster if you are moving quickly through the map.
  • Improved Beast Companion targeting logic to better match their combat behavior and prevent cases of them “stalling” when trying to decide on their next target. Also tweaked the range at which they’ll attack enemies to ensure they’ll actually hit them!

Changes to Companion Precepts

Many Companion Precept effects are currently too small or too brief to be really beneficial. We want your choice of companion to feel more meaningful and for your Companion to contribute in a more visible way, so there are a whole lot of buffs to get through.

There is one notable precept that will need some special explanation. Out of respect for our readers, let's get that out of the way first:

  • Charm (SMEETA Kavat)*: The resource pickup multiplier has been removed from Charm and promoted to being its own separate precept Mod (Loyal Retriever), equippable on all Beasts. Charm's chance to provide a buff on activation has been increased to 40%. The available buffs are:
    • 25% chance of Reinforced Shield
    • 25% chance of Instant Reload (re-rolled if your current weapon doesn't need to reload)
    • 10% chance of Bonus Critical Chance buff
    • 20% chance of Free Ability Casts
    • 10% chance of Bonus Affinity. (Affinity bonus has been increased to 3x)
    • 10% chance to receive a Rare resource of the current mission location
  • Loyal Retriever (Beast companions): Provides a passive 13% chance that each resource or credit pickup will be doubled. This effect is always active: there is no cooldown, no duration, no waiting for it to be ready.
    • If you already own a Smeeta then you will receive Loyal Retriever for free automatically. In the future, this will be purchased with conservation tags from the Earth conservation vendor.
    • We chose 13% as being the statistical average of what amount of time Charm's resource bonus would be active.
    • Loyal Retriever and its variants are NOT compatible with Khora's Venari. While we definitely understand the comments asking for this, it wouldn't be in line with our goals to diversify the meta and steer away from a single "must have" looting loadout. If we were to allow this, Khora would essentially step into Smeeta's previous domination due to her unique ability to have two pets each with their own Retriever Mod.

*We know Smeeta is very popular so it's important we explain why this change is happening. There are two reasons:

  1. In a game with so much variety, we never want a specific choice of equipment to dominate our community. For some players, collecting loot is the most important part of any mission so anything that contributes to giving you MORE loot is so important that no alternatives can compete. Our intent is that opening the resource boosting part of Charm to all Beasts will increase your freedom in Companion selection.
  2. Charm’s randomness encouraged players to “wait for buff” in a way that was counter to Warframe’s speed and fluidity. It was advantageous to allow resources to pile up in the level, deliberately NOT picking them up until Charm gives the resource buff, which could take minutes. The resource buff could even stack, creating random chances on top of random chances, slowing down the game even more. In our fast-paced game about space ninjas, we want to reward players who are mobile and actively engaging with enemies, so we have reengineered the effect to be always active.

There are many other Precepts to get through but none that need so much explanation. On with the list!

  • Crescent Charge (CRESCENT Vulpaphyla):
    • Lifts target into the air, and throws that target at another nearby enemy doing damage of 20% of its Max Health plus the Vulpaphyla's weapon damage in a 5 meter radius.
    • Removed the Vulnerability effect since it becomes much harder to capitalize on when the enemy is getting thrown around, and replaced with 5 stacks of Puncture status on affected enemies.
  • Draining Bite (VASCA Kavat):
    • Inflicts 5 stacks of Slash stats on the victims, based on 150% of your Vasca's weapon damage.
  • Mischief (SMEETA Kavat):
    • In addition to its previous effects, Mischief's decoy now Blinds enemies within 8 meters when the decoy is destroyed.
  • Sense Danger (Kavats):
    • Title changed to "Sense Weakness" because the Kavat is now the danger.
    • Kavat gains 200% bonus damage against highlighted enemies and Kavat attacks have a 30% chance to knock highlighted enemies down.
  • Survival Instinct (SLY Vulpaphyla): This precept has been completely reworked.
    • Formerly reduced enemy accuracy against your Warframe until your next attack.
    • Now, when you bullet jump it creates a decoy which draws enemy fire for 1.5 seconds. 5 second cooldown time after creating a decoy.
  • Territorial Aggression (Kavats):
    • Changed the effect from "pacifying wild creatures", to causing damage.
    • Your Kavat creates a 6 meter circle that lasts 15 seconds: enemies inside the circle have a 30% chance each second to be hit by a ghostly Kavat that does the same damage as your real Kavat.
New & Updated Companion Mods

Now that Companions have moddable weapons, they will need Mods to install in them. Some of the existing Beast Mods have been changed, and we have introduced a few new Mods to acquire.

  • Beast melee Postures! Have you ever wished to have a little more control over specifically how your pet chooses to engage with enemies? Then check out these new melee Posture Mods that shape the behavior of your Beasts:
    • Balanced Posture: This Posture causes your Beast companion to stagger nearby enemies while it is moving.
      • Every new Kubrow owner will gain this Mod by default on completing the quest "Howl of the Kubrow". If you've already completed this quest, we will add it to your account automatically. It is also available from Master Teasonai’s “Trade Tags” menu in Cetus, Earth in the case where players may accidentally sell the one they receive from the Quest.
    • Protector Posture: Your pet will prioritize attacking enemies that are within 15 meters of your warframe. Also applies 4 stacks of Puncture on hit.
      • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from The Business’ “Trade Tags” menu in Fortuna, Venus.
    • Elusive Posture: Your pet will not attack enemies unless they strike it with a melee weapon first. Useful if you value your pet's supporting features rather than its claws and teeth. Also applies 4 stacks of Puncture on hit.
      • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from Master Teasonai’s “Trade Tags” menu in Cetus, Earth.
    • Persistent Posture: Your pet will prefer to keep attacking one target until it's down. Also increases the pet's damage.
      • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from The Business’ “Trade Tags” menu in Fortuna, Venus.
    • Assassin Posture: Your pet will prefer to attack Eximus and VIP enemies. Increases damage to Overguard done by your pet by 300%.
      • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from The Business’ “Trade Tags” menu in Fortuna, Venus.
    • Frenzied Posture: Your pet will prefer to hit an enemy once and then switch targets to affect as many different enemies as possible.
      • Increases Status Duration by 80%.
      • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from Son’s “Trade Tags” menu in the Necralisk, Deimos.
  • New Damage Conversion Mods! Equipping these powerful upgrades on their Claws will give your Beast type companion a large bonus of a specific damage type, as well as converting other physical or elemental (depending on the Mod) damage on the weapon into that type. For example if you equip Frost Jaw and Venom Teeth then normally this would combine into Viral damage, but if you also equip Incendiary Inclination then it will all elemental damage be converted to Heat damage instead.
    • Chilling Claws: 300% Cold Damage, +300% Status Chance, elemental damage converted to Cold
      • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from The Business’ “Trade Tags” menu in Fortuna, Venus.
    • Burning Claws: 300% Heat Damage, +300% Status Chance, elemental damage converted to Heat.
      • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from The Business’ “Trade Tags” menu in Fortuna, Venus.
    • Sepsis Claws: 300% Toxin Damage, +300% Status Chance, elemental damage converted to Toxin.
      • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from Son’s “Trade Tags” menu in the Necralisk, Deimos.
    • Shocking Claws: 300% Electric Damage, +300% Status Chance, elemental damage converted to Electric
      • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from The Business’ “Trade Tags” menu in Fortuna, Venus.
    • Precision Conditioning: +140% Melee Damage, physical damage converted to Slash.
      • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from Master Teasonai’s “Trade Tags” menu in Cetus, Earth.
    • Brute Conditioning: +140% Melee Damage, physical damage converted to Impact.
      • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from The Business’ “Trade Tags” menu in Fortuna, Venus.
    • Disabling Conditioning: +140% Melee Damage, physical damage converted to Puncture.
    • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from The Business’ “Trade Tags” menu in Fortuna, Venus.
  • Prosperous Retriever (Beast companions): An alternative to Loyal Companion for players looking for a more focused looting experience, this variant provides a passive 18% chance that each credit pickup will be doubled. This version does not have a chance to double resources.
    • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from The Business’ “Trade Tags” menu in Fortuna, Venus.
  • Resourceful Retriever (Beast companions): Another specialized alternative, this variant provides a passive 18% chance that each resource pickup will be doubled. This version does not have a chance to double credits.
    • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from Son’s “Trade Tags” menu in the Necralisk, Deimos.
  • Immunity Resistance (Beast Claws): +50% Status Damage.
    • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from Son’s “Trade Tags” menu in the Necralisk, Deimos.
  • Magnetic Strike (Beast Claws): 100% chance to inflict an additional Magnetic status on the target when applying Impact status.
    • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from Son’s “Trade Tags” menu in the Necralisk, Deimos.
  • Bell Ringer (Beast Claws): Attacks knock down targets and apply 4 stacks of Impact.
    • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from Son’s “Trade Tags” menu in the Necralisk, Deimos.
  • Cull the Weak (Beast Claws): +60% melee damage per Status type affecting the target, and +240% damage for non-critical hits.
    • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from Master Teasonai’s “Trade Tags” menu in Cetus, Earth.
  • Bloodthirst (Beast Claws): 100 Health stolen on hit per stack of Slash status on the target.
    • Can be acquired with Conservation tags from Master Teasonai’s “Trade Tags” menu in Cetus, Earth.

These Mods have changed from being compatible with Beasts to being compatible with their weapons instead. Remember to update your builds!

  • Bite
  • Maul
  • Frost Jaw
  • Venom Teeth
  • Shock Collar
  • Flame Gland
  • Hunter Synergy
  • Swipe (Kavats only)
  • Fixed being unable to swap a Companion’s Polarity if you entered their Upgrade screen via the Star Chart UI.

General Fixes:

  • Fixed Eximus enemies being considered low-priority foes by Companions and other allied NPCs in Sanctuary Onslaught.

Hotfix 36.0.5 (2024-07-20)

  • Fixed a crash caused by Kavat Companion.

Hotfix 36.0.1 (2024-06-19)

  • Fixed being able to equip baby Kavats from the Navigation Loadout options. They are not combat ready! Cuddles only for them.
  • Fixed a crash caused by Kavat Companions.

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

  • Kavat Incubator changes:
    • You can now breed a Kavat Companion while also having one equipped at the same time!
      • How it used to work: Incubating a new Companion would unequip the one currently equipped for the entire duration of the incubation. This also meant you had no access to the other Companion options available.
      • How it works now: When you incubate a new Companion while also having one equipped, your equipped Companion will remain active in the Incubator segment in your Orbiter. Meaning you will be able to regress its genetic aging, learn more about it, consign, create Imprints and rename the equipped Companion. Once breeding has completed, the Incubator will close up with a notification to claim and name your new Companion. Once you’ve claimed your new furry friend, it will automatically be put into Stasis to access later, and the Incubator will swap back to displaying your equipped Companion.
      • If you do not have an equipped Companion at the time of claiming the new one, your furry friend will be automatically set to roam your Orbiter instead.
    • Imprint Menu Improvements:
      • You no longer need to have the Kavat that you want to create Imprints equipped to do so!
        • Previously: After creating Imprints of the equipped Companion, it would unequip them.
        • Now: It will still unequip the Companion if you create Imprints of an equipped Companion, but! You can continue to create Imprints of the Companions that aren’t equipped. This avoids having to equip a Companion via the Arsenal, go to Incubator, create Imprints, and go back to Arsenal to equip a new Companion, etc. etc.
      • Added the option to mature baby Kavats from the Imprint UI.
        • This prevents players from having to equip the baby Companion via the Arsenal to then mature it at the Incubator.
        • Once they are mature, you can continue with the Imprint creation process without ever having to leave this screen!

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)


This section covers the following topics (in order):

  • Companion Immortality
  • Companion Stat Changes
  • Companion Healing
  • Companion Mod Changes & Additions
  • And more!

Your furry, robotic, fleshy, and everything in between pals have received a rework! Read on to learn how the way you use, Mod, and interact with your Companions has changed in this first phase of the Companion system overhaul.

Our high-level objectives for this Companion rework are:

1. Make Companions more viable in high-level gameplay by making them immortal.
Companions can no longer die! This avoids frustrating scenarios where you are relying on your Companion to provide some feature or bonus only to have them get removed from play. The base stats of Companions have also been increased significantly to help them in difficult missions.

2. Introduce more interactive Mods that offer ways to play alongside your Companion instead of it being mostly autonomous like a specter.

3. Changes to many Companion Mods, mostly to support the first two goals of removing death states and improving basic survivability.
Some Mods were inconsistent in their naming or stats, and we have improved this. We have rebalanced some Mods that players felt were not good enough, or ones that we've observed are SO good that they are considered "essential."


We've all seen the memes with people giving their Companions funny names, only to see the message over and over every few minutes: "Your Companion is down!" Dying Kavats and Kubrows have been demanding attention on your HUD, and spontaneously combusting Sentinels have been robbing you of your Vacuum and Animal Instinct for years.

All that changes with this update. Going forward, Companions will still have Health and Shield values, and they can be knocked out, but they will not die if you fail to revive them. When they reach zero Health, Companions will instead become Incapacitated for a base duration of 60 seconds. All Companions will automatically revive at the end of their Incapacitate period, and there is no limit to the number of times this can happen. Upon reviving all Companions have 5 seconds of invulnerability to get back on their feet safely!

Here are the specifics to how each Companion behaves while Incapacitation:

  • Kavats will now collapse on the ground and can be, optionally, manually revived to get them back into action quicker.
  • Worth noting that Vacuum and Animal Instinct work while the Companion is Incapacitated.
  • With Incapacitation, Companions can now recover from being downed in Arbitration missions, instead of staying dead for the duration of the mission.

Several Mods have been modified or introduced that also change when or how your Companion deals with Incapacitation - see the “Companion Mod Changes & Additions” section below for specifics.


Two broad changes have been made with regard to your Companion's base stats to increase their staying power:

1. Health, Shields and Armor have been refactored across the board.
This simple numeric buff was made with the goal of increasing Companion survivability. This also means that the choice of whether to use, for example, Enhanced Vitality or Linked Vitality, will depend on your Warframe choice instead of the Linked Mod always being strictly superior.

2. Non-Sentinel Companions now gain their full Health and Shield values immediately when you acquire them.
Historically Health and Shield values would increase as your Companion ranked up, which you could see as "Rank Bonuses" in the Upgrades screen. We've removed this behavior and simply given Companions what would end up being their Rank 30 values at Rank 0. This should let you immediately take your Companions on more difficult missions after earning them!

Revised Kavat Stats:

  • Adarza Kavat: 310 Health (from 80), 270 Shield (from 70), 200 Armor (from 50)
  • Smeeta Kavat: 390 Health (from 100), 230 Shield (from 60), 200 Armor (from 50)
  • Vasca Kavat: 310 Health (from 80), 270 Shield (from 70), 200 Armor (from 50)
  • Venari: 900 Health (from 300), 350 Armor (from 350)
  • Venari Prime: 1050 Health (from 350), 450 Armor (from 450)

Previously, the Mod “Link Health” could cause your Companions to gain some of the healing that your Warframe did. This invisible feature was not indicated by the card, and it was never explained what forms of healing worked or why. Additionally, Companions were using some of the same mechanics that things like mission objectives did, which limited the effects of some healing or defensive powers. We've decided to remove both of these obscure mechanics and restrictions.

Companions will no longer gain Health when your Warframe does if using certain Health-absorbing powers together with the Mod “Link Vitality” (formerly Link Health). The restrictions of the following abilities and features, as they apply to granting Health, Shields, or Damage Resistance to Companions have been removed:

  • Nezha’s Warding Halo
  • Trinity’s Blessing
  • Ember’s Immolation
  • Garuda’s Blood Altar
  • Gara’s Splinter Storm
  • Styanax’ Intrepid Stand
  • Mirage’s Eclipse
  • Volt’s Discharge
  • Baruuk’s Desolate Hands
  • Harrow’s Penance
  • Harrow’s Thurible
  • Equinox’ Mend & Maim
  • Sancti Magistar’s Heavy Attack Heal
  • Vazarin’s Protective Sling

Changes To Existing Mods
Several Mods have been modified to interact with how your Companion deals with Incapacitation.

Stats below are shown at Max Rank.

Companion Survivability Mod Changes:

  • Link Health has been renamed to Link Vitality, and changed from max 165% of your Warframe's Health shared with Companion, to max 125% shared Health.
  • Link Shields has been renamed to Link Redirection, and changed from max 110% of your Warframe's Shield shared with Companion, to max 125% shared Shield.
  • Link Armor has been renamed to Link Fiber, and changed from max 110% of your Warframe's Armor shared with Companion, to max 125% shared Armor.
  • Medi-Pet Kit has been changed from providing your Companion with 6 Health per second and 72% Bleedout Reduction, to providing 12 Health per second and reducing Incapacitation time by 15 seconds.
  • Accelerated Deflection (+90% Shield Recharge) has been changed from being only equipped on Sentinels, to the Robotic category, which means it is now also compatible with Hounds and MOAs. Additionally, it also provides -45% Shield Recharge Delay.

Other Companion Mod Changes:

  • Pack Leader has been changed. Instead of healing your Companion by 36% of melee damage inflicted, it now restores 100 Health per melee hit. Excess healing becomes Overguard instead, with a maximum of 1200 Overguard.
  • Primed Pack Leader increases Pack Leader effect to 183 Health restored per hit, and increases Overguard cap to 2200.
    • Pack Leader's healing was so strong that, functionally, any upgraded melee weapon would fully heal your Companion in a single hit. You would hit an enemy for several thousand damage, and your Companion would proportionately receive thousands of Health. This change tries to make the healing values more sensible so that you can heal your Companion efficiently but not *instantly*. By letting you overflow into Overguard, it also provides some extra ability to tank large hits.
  • Companion Shelter Mods have been improved. The shield globe, while the player is performing a revive, has been increased from 600 Health to 1800 Health.
  • Self Destruct has been modified. Formerly this would cause Sentinels to cause 600 Blast damage in an 18-meter radius on death. Now Sentinels cause radial damage on Incapacitation instead.
  • Loyal Companion has been reworked entirely. Formerly it provided a 90% Bleedout-Link so that your Companion had a longer period of time where it could be revived. Since Companion death is no longer a factor: Loyal Companion applies 75% Damage Resistance to your Warframe for 10 seconds, and causes your Companion to become invulnerable and taunt enemies to draw fire to itself for 30 seconds, if your Warframe falls below 35% Health. There is a 60-second cooldown between activations.
  • (Parazon) Hard Reset: Changed from instantly reviving your Companion if you achieved 3 Mercy Kills within 40 seconds, to reducing your Companion's Incapacitation time by 15 seconds on each Mercy Kill.
    • We found that this was fairly difficult to achieve. Changing it to allow incremental progress makes it more reliably beneficial to use this.
New Companion Mods

Referring back to the introduction, one of our goals with the Companion rework is to add opportunities for the player to work together with the Companion. Instead of a Mod that only affects your Companion, we looked for ways that you and your Companion could amplify each other.

The following new Mods aim to do just that!

These Mods are available to acquire at the Conservation vendors in Cetus (Master Teasonai), Fortuna (The Business), and the Necralisk (Son).

*Stats below are shown at Max Rank.

Available In Master Teasonai’s Offerings (Cetus):

Tandem Bond
Companion melee hits increase your combo by 6. Heavy Attacks increase Companion melee damage by 30% of melee damage multiplied by your combo multiplier for 30s.

Covert Bond
Finisher and Mercy Kills grant your Companion 10s of stealth that attacks will not disrupt, up to 60s.

Mystic Bond
After your Companion uses Abilities with cooldowns 5 times, you may cast a Warframe Ability without expending Energy.

Restorative Bond
Health Orbs restore 60 more Health and reduce Companion Recovery by 3s.

Manifold Bond (Robotic)*

Companion Precept Mods apply Status Effects from Companion weapons. Killing enemies with 3 or more unique Status Effects reduces Companion Ability cooldowns by 3s.

*Work is still ongoing for this mod, we are aware of some Robotic Companion Precepts which do not trigger the bonus Status Effects.

Available In The Business’ Offerings (Fortuna):

Aerial Bond
Airborne kills decrease Companion Recovery timer by 3s and 9s for headshot kills. Companion creates a field of Cold that increases up to 35% Status chance and 10m radius while Warframe is airborne, lasting for 3s after returning to the ground.

Astral Bond
Damage dealt by Operator or Drifter grants 120% Void damage to your Companion’s attacks for 10s. Companion Void damage adds +30% Amp and Energy Efficiency to Operator or Drifter for 5s.

Momentous Bond
Killing Eximus enemies grants 120% bonus of a random Elemental Damage to your Companion for 30s and reduces Companion Recovery by 12s.

Reinforced Bond
If the Companion exceeds 1200 maximum shields or Overshields, then your fire rate is increased by 60%. Reloading restores 150 Overshields to your Companion.

Tenacious Bond
Headshot kills reduce Companion Recovery timer by 3s. If the Companion’s Critical Chance is over 50% then you gain +0.6x Final Critical Damage Multiplier.

Available In Son’s Offerings (Necralisk):

Duplex Bond
Companion will clone itself each time you expend 100 Energy, up to 3 Clones. Clones live for 30s and their kills have a 50% chance of dropping Energy Orbs.

Seismic Bond
While a channeled Ability is active, Companion melee attacks create a 4m shockwave for 30% of their melee damage. Damage dealt by your Companion increases your Ability Efficiency by 3% for 12 seconds. Max 10 stacks.

Vicious Bond
Companion melee attacks strip 15% of enemy armor. Melee attacks on enemies recently damaged by Abilities apply the effect in a 9m radius.

Contagious Bond
When your Companion kills an enemy afflicted with a Status Effect, 50% of the Status Effect spreads to other enemies within 9m.


A few further changes that are worth mentioning:

  • The improvement to Shield Gating where it now scales with maximum Shield strength and fully resets as long as you have any Shield charge at all, also applies to Companions.
  • Companions can now gain Overguard (behaves the same as player Overguard) and Overshield.
  • Health and Energy conversion will now enable picking up Orbs at max capacity. This applies to the Equilibrium Mod as well.
  • Added map icons for each Companion type to help identify their location.
  • Reduced the amount of Alloy Plates required to craft the Kavat Incubator Upgrade Segment from 120,000 to 60,000.
  • Improved Companion HUD information:
    • Removed notifications for when other players’ Companions are downed (Incapacitated) to reduce HUD noise. You will now only get notified for your own Companion.
    • Your Companion now has its very own icon in the HUD.
  • Updated the Imprints error message to be more accurate:
    • Was: "Cannot make imprints of pets when they have not yet matured. Wait for active pet to become an adult before creating imprint."
    • Now: "Cannot make imprints of pets when they have not yet matured. Mature to an adult before creating imprint."
  • Oberon's Passive now applies to all Companion Types.
    • Previously only Kavats, Kubrows, Predasites, and Vulpaphylas would receive +25% Health, Armor, and Shield links, plus the 1 instant revive per mission.
  • Companions are no longer able to be staggered!
    • Because staggering would often stop your pets in-place, it opened them up to being re-staggered, which then often led to their swift demise. This should fix that issue, and allow your furry and not-so-furry friends to have more impact in-mission.

Hotfix 33.6.4 (2023-08-15)

  • Fixes towards being unable to chat link several Kavat Fur Patterns.

Hotfix 31.7.2 (2022-08-17)

  • Fixed inconsistent casing (some words being proper and others being all caps) when hatching a Kavat.

Hotfix 31.5.2 (2022-04-28)

  • Fixed script error when Mod linking Kavat.

Update 31.1 (2022-02-09)

  • Fixed equipped Kavat lifting us its forelimb when swapping between Pets.

Hotfix 31.0.3 (2021-12-17)

  • Fixed broken textures on the Vasca Kavat fur.

Update 30.7 (2021-09-08)

  • Fixed a Look Linked Kavat appearing to have 2 tails.

Update 30.5 (2021-07-06)


The Companion System has received a much awaited overhaul! The Companion System has undergone many iterations: DNA Decay rate reductions, adding the option to ‘Consign’, removing the negative effects from a lack of Loyalty or Integrity, removing Stasis completely - the list goes on!

The below are our continued efforts to streamline the Companion System structure that is now almost 7 years old! With a combination of Community feedback and internal desires we’ve changed the following:

Genetic Aging Regressing

Within the Incubator you can now choose to “Regress Genetic Aging” of an existing Mature Companion back to their non-mature state (puppy, kitten, etc). Keep in mind that this unequips said Companion (if it was equipped) and it’s Armor/cosmetics are removed. At any time you can choose to Mature said Companion at which it will revert to its former Mature state with its existing Levels, stats, and Armor/cosmetics intact. There’s no limit to how many times you can Regress your Companion!

Stability & Loyalty Removal

We have removed the DNA Integrity and Loyalty groups from the Companion Management Screen, and removed DNA Stabilizers from the Market. Previously only the Nutrio Incubator Upgrade Segment could eliminate DNA degradation. No more Stability or Loyalty degrading!

Hotfix 30.3.4 (2021-06-02)

  • Fixed incorrect head and tail coloring when previewing a Kavat Skin while having an incompatible pet type equipped.

Hotfix 30.3.3 (2021-05-28)

  • Fixed inconsistent placement and type of Emblems while using Kavat Armor.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

Hotfix 28.0.6 (2020-06-24)

  • Fixed Vasca Kavat babies having broken textures when previewing in the Arsenal.

Update 28.0 (2020-06-11)

Pet Companion Stasis Removal

All Stasis slots have been converted into Companion slots. All your Kubrows and Kavats are now listed upon equipping a Companion in the Arsenal!

Due to no longer having Stasis, if you currently have a pup Companion (not yet Matured), upon equipping it in the Arsenal the UI will prompt you to either Mature or let it roam your Orbiter. The option to let it roam is only available if you don't have a proper Kubrow/Kavat equipped. When starting an Incubation your current roaming Companion will be put away.

  • The ‘Nutrio Incubator Update Segment’ now entirely disables DNA degradation!
  • The Pets Breed is now displayed beside the Pets name in the description when viewing in the Arsenal.

Hotfix 27.5.4 (2020-05-20)

  • Fixed another case of the Vasca Curative not working on Kavats.

Hotfix 27.5.2 (2020-05-13)

  • Fixed Kavats being re-infected with Vasca after being cured and then completing a mission with said Kavat.

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

  • You can now customize your Kavat’s Emissive color, which will affect their tail and eye color.
  • This option also fixes not being able to change the color of the fan-like Kavat tails due to it being based on energy color.
  • Fixed the Kavat Starter Pack only giving 1x Kavat Genetic Code instead of the intended 10x. This also fixed purchasing Kavat Genetic Codes from the Kavat Starter Pack only giving 1x, when the UI indicated 10x.
    • We removed the ability to purchase them in the bundle to prevent this issue, but they can still be purchased individually in the in-game Market outside of the bundle.

Update 27.3 (2020-03-24)

Hotfix 27.0.10 (2020-01-11)

  • Fixed Kavat Companion Emblems being equipped on the wrong side.

Update 26.0 (2019-10-31)

  • Each Kavat can now give you 3 Imprints (up from 2). This will apply to all Kavats that predate this update. If you’ve already used 2, you'll find 1 more ready to go!

Hotfix (2019-09-05)

  • When previewing Kubrow/Kavat Armor that cannot be equipped on your current Kubrow/Kavat (Hyekka, Moonless, etc) it will now display the compatible Kubrow/Kavat Skin.

Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)

  • Fixed previewing Kubrow Armor in the Market with a Kavat active resulting in the default preview Kubrow’s fur clipping through the Armor.
  • Fixed being able to collide with Kavats in the Orbiter.

Hotfix 25.2.3 (2019-06-25)

  • Fixed performance issues related to Kavat ragdolls.

Hotfix 25.1.1 (2019-06-06)

  • Fixed Kavat tails not applying the chosen Energy colors.

Hotfix 25.0.4 (2019-05-28)

  • Fixed Kavats becoming stuck in their Idle animation (most commonly seen when near the Domestik Drone). 

Hotfix 24.5.7 (2019-03-28)

Pet Incubator Changes

Pets no longer suffer negative effects from a lack of Loyalty or Integrity! Integrity and Loyalty are now strictly a bonus on top of your Pet’s base Health and Damage. This also removes the function of auto-Stasis when Loyalty and Integrity hits 0, at which your Pet will just simply not have a bonus and continue to live peacefully. The Pet Incubator has undergone many changes, and these are small steps in a larger plan to simplify this system for a more streamlined structure.

Hotfix 24.1.1 (2018-11-23)

  • Fixed Kubrow and Kavat Companions sometimes attacking/using abilities on animals.

Hotfix 24.0.9 (2018-11-21)

  • Improved Kubrow and Kavat cold shivers, and they now also shake off accumulated snow when out in the Orb Vallis!
  • Increased the speed at which MOAs/Kubrows/Kavats attempt to catch up to you from far distances.
  • Fixed Kavat Roar & Kubrow Howl Precepts not creating FX on Clients unless they were the second Precept equipped.

Hotfix 24.0.8 (2018-11-15)

  • Fixed a script error related to Khora’s Venari.

Hotfix 24.0.7 (2018-11-15)

  • Fixed the Fetch Mod not functioning for a Client Venari.

Hotfix 24.0.5 (2018-11-12)

  • Fixed the Fetch mod causing other Companion Mods to not function (specific to Kavats and Kubrows).

Hotfix 24.0.2 (2018-11-09)

  • The Hastened Deflection Mod is now a ‘BEAST’ Mod, meaning it’s also compatible with Kavats and Helminth Charger.
  • Fixed inability to catch fish with the Pulse Spear when affected by Smeeta Kavat’s Crit buff.

Update 24.0 (2018-11-08)

  • A new Mod, Fetch, for Kubrows and Kavats (Beasts) has been added - Detects and collects items within an area for its master, including Mods. Fetch operates the same as the coveted Vacuum Mod for Sentinels.
  • New Kavat mods introduced:
    • Tek Assault: Kavat has Increased chance to ignore Lethal Damage and be immune for a limited time
    • Tek Enhance: Increased Kavat Ability Duration

Update 23.10 (2018-10-12)

  • Fixed Khora’s Venari being invisible in the Cetus Arsenal when accessing it as the Operator.

Update 23.10 (2018-10-12)

  • Introduced ‘BEAST’ category for Kubrows, Kavats (instead of COMPANIONS) and the Helminth Charger, and added ‘ROBOTIC’ category for Sentinels. Remaining Mods that indicate ‘COMPANION’ are useable across all Companion types.
  • Adjusted chances for Kavats to use the Pet Bed to prevent unrealistic bed usage. Reddit has shown us that we have fake cats in Warframe.
  • Fix an issue where switching from Sentinel to Kavat/Kubrow in the Simulacrum Arsenal would lead to heavy spot-loading.

Update 23.5 (2018-08-24)

  • Kasga Kavat Armor introduced.
  • Fixed sometimes getting unintended colors on Venari when using the Randomize feature.

Update 23.2 (2018-08-02)

  • Fixed Kavats spawning inside the railing and twitching when loading into the Corpus Ship Freight Captura Scene.

Hotfix 23.1.2 (2018-07-24)

  • Kavats are now included in the description for DNA Stabilizers in the market.

Update 23.0 (2018-06-15)

  • Umbra Kavat Armor introduced.
  • While Exalted Weapons can be ranked, they do not count towards Mastery Rank (with the exception of Khora’s Venari).
  • Fixed Khora’s Venari disarming Vor after attacking him.

Hotfix 22.20.5 (2018-05-24)

  • Fixed Kavat interaction animation sometimes being incorrect immediately after retrieving the Kavat from Stasis.
  • Fixed a Venari script error in rare cases where the player's Warframe is not available (ex. War Within).

Update 22.20 (2018-05-17)

  • Khora's Kavat now teleports to a given target instead of pathing there if the target is too far away!
  • Changed Khora’s Venari animations from domestic Kavat to Feral Kavat.
  • Tweaked Venari command sounds.
  • Fixed Khora’s Venari getting locked in her Attack Mode when attempting Mastery Rank tests, which can cause failure on stealth tests (MR9 for example).
  • Fixed Venari freezing in place when entering Cetus from the Plains, and subsequently duplicating if you head back out, eventually leading to a hall of kitty statues.
  • Fixed being able to pet an invisible Venari if interacting with her immediately after exiting her upgrade screen in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed a script error with Khora’s Venari.
  • Reduced the damage of Khora's Venari in Conclave.

Update 22.19 (2018-05-02)

  • Operators can no longer be targeted for Venari to Heal. This follows precedent with other Warframe abilities not being castable on Operators.
  • Fixed Venari’s ability stats and passive speed buff UI appearing to be affected by Efficiency Mods. Ability Strength Mods are what applies to Venari’s abilities/passive.
  • Fixed Venari’s Heal being permanently active when equipping negative Duration Mods on Khora.
  • Fixed not being able to see Venari’s hold indicator when switching postures.
  • Fixed incorrect icon displaying for Venari’s Healing posture.
  • Fixed Venari script error that would occur if you're controlling the Operator when Venari respawns.
  • Fixed Venari not disappearing when playing an Archwing mission as Khora.
  • Fixed a case of Khora getting the Venari speed buff HUD icon when Venari fails to spawn.
  • Fixed Venari attacking you in the Simulacrum Arsenal when Friendly Fire is enabled.
  • Reduced the damage of Khora's Venari in Conclave.
  • More fixes towards cases of ‘Supercat’ Kavat issues.

Hotfix 22.18.8 (2018-04-28)

  • New Khora Passive: The ferocious Kavat, Venari, fights by Khora’s side and provides her with a speed boost while active. If killed, Venari will reappear after a short time.
  • Venari is now a Passive ability - Venari is simply there, no casting required. If Venari dies, she will respawn in 45 seconds or you can summon her back by using the Venari ability for an Energy cost of 50 that scales with the Respawn timer.
  • New Venari Ability Description: Command Venari to focus on a target. Hold to cycle between Attack, Protect, and Heal postures. If Venari is killed, use this ability to revive her instantly
  • Venari fights independently until she receives a command. Khora’s third ability (Venari) overrides Venari’s target, as indicated by the icon over Khora’s head.
  • Commanding Venari while in the Heal posture without a valid target will command Venari to heal Khora.
  • Companion mods like Animal Instinct have been fixed so they will work properly on Venari.
  • Venari deals Slash damage to enemies instead of Impact damage.
  • Ability Strength Mods on Khora now affect Venari abilities.

Hotfix 22.18.7 (2018-04-25)

  • Fixed Venari UI stats overlapping text when Dual Wielding.
  • Fixed Venari's loadout slot appearing in the Conclave Arsenal even if Khora is not equipped. Interacting with Venari’s loadout slot would result in a crash.

Update 22.18 (2018-04-20)

  • The warframe Khora and her Kavat companion, Venari introduced.
    • Summon a ferocious, gleaming Kavat. Use again to cycle between Attack, Protect, and Heal postures.

Hotfix 22.17.4 (2018-04-13)

  • Fixed Smeeta’s Charm cooldown being removed if you were to Revive or be Revived.

Update 22.17 (2018-03-28)

  • Fixed Kavats equipped with Mischief appearing headless after a Host migration occured.

Hotfix 22.13.3 (2018-02-21)

  • Tweaked Kavat wall attack behaviours to prevent ‘supercat’.
  • Adarza Kavat’s Cat’s Eye Critical Chance Buff no longer apply to Operators.
  • Smeeta Kavat’s Charm Critical Chance and Energy recharge Buffs no longer apply to Operators.

Update 22.12 (2018-02-09)

  • Fixed the icon for the Kavat Sentinel tail (was on upside down).

Update 22.10 (2018-01-25)

  • Fixed Kavats playing death sounds when changing Mods in the Simulacrum Arsenal.

Hotfix 22.8.2 (2018-01-04)

  • Fixed the Hunter Command Mod not allowing pets to use other scripted abilities they have equipped (such as Smeeta Charm).

Update 22.5 (2017-11-30)

  • Fixed issues with the way Kubrows and Kavats looked in dioramas.

Hotfix 22.2.4 (2017-11-06)

  • Fixed certain Kavat Skins being shown in Market previews for Kavats Armor even though those Skins are not compatible with Armor.

Update 22.0 (2017-10-12)

  • Animals - Master Teasonai's Unique Kubrow & Kavat Gene Masking Kits introduced.
  • The Sharpened Claws Kavat Mod now only applies the Armour debuff when actually dealing damage. Previously the Armour debuff would activate even if no damage was dealt.
  • Fixed being unable to preview changes done to a Kubrow or Kavat after removing them from Stasis if they are part of a Loadout.

Update 21.4 (2017-08-10)

  • Fixed an issue where various glow FXs wouldn't appear to apply to attachments in certain cases, most notably on the Kavat's head.

Update 21.2 (2017-07-26)

  • Fixes towards Smeeta Charm buffs not consistently applying to the Operator.

Hotfix 21.1.1 (2017-07-20)

  • Companion Kavats will now get knocked back and dissolve (instead of just vanishing) when they sadly die because you either left them or didn’t make it in time.

Update 21.1 (2017-07-19)

  • Improved the Smeeta Kavat Mischief buff for Operators. Relevant buffs on the Warframes will always be transferred to the Operator and vice versa.

Hotfix 21.0.9 (2017-07-17)

  • Operators are now affected by the Smeeta Kavat Mischief/Charm buffs.

Update 21.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Changed Kavat animation looping from laying on side to sitting up to growl, and then lay back down. Essentially, your classic cat behavior - unbothered.
  • You can now search for your Kubrows and Kavats by name.
  • Fixed Kavat and Kubrow bundles from the Market not awarding Incubator Power Cores.
  • Fixed petting the air animation when attempting to interact with your Kavat immediately after putting it in stasis.
  • Fixed Kavat customizations not showing up in the Stasis preview.

Hotfix 20.6.2 (2017-05-30)

  • Pet Kubrow and Kavats will now recover from ragdoll instead of dying when they are ragdolled off the level or in bad positions.

Hotfix 20.5.2 (2017-05-18)

  • Fixed the Sharpened Claws Kavat Mod giving Armor removed by 4 Corrosive Projections back to enemies. Bad kitty!

Hotfix 20.4.6 (2017-05-11)

  • Fixed not being able to use the vault doors in the Orokin Derelict if there's a Kavat/Kubrow or other player in the way.

Update 20.4 (2017-05-04)

  • Fixed unequipping Oberon not returning Kavat/Kubrow Health to its original value until you enter a mission.

Hotfix 20.2.3 (2017-04-19)

  • Changed the Kavat icons on Mission Progress, End of Mission and Last Mission results to consistently show your Kavat's face (like the Arsenal); Pablo claims this is because they have personality.

Update 20.2 (2017-04-12)

  • Fixed interacting with your Kubrow/Kavat in the Helminth Infirmary causing the door to close/remain closed on you.

Update 20.0 (2017-03-24)

  • Myrdin Kavat Armor introduced.
  • Lowered the specular lightning on the Smeeta Kavat to address ‘plastic’ looking issues.
  • Fixed issues with Kubrow / Kavats having incorrect icons in the End of Mission screen.
  • Fixed a script error when viewing the Kavat diorama in the Codex

Hotfix 19.13.1 (2017-03-10)

  • Fixed the Nexus Kavat Fur Pattern not appearing correctly when linking it in Chat.

Update 19.12 (2017-03-02)

  • Fixed Kavat interaction sounds sometimes not playing.

Hotfix 19.11.1 (2017-02-16)

  • Fixed Smeeta’s Charm precept buff giving Bows an unintended insane Fire Rate.

Hotfix 19.7.2 (2017-01-23)

  • Updated the Incubator Upgrade Segment description to read "Pets" instead of "Kubrows" so it addresses Kavats as well.

Hotfix 19.5.1 (2016-12-22)

  • Fixed undiscovered Kavats showing in the codex.

Update 19.5 (2016-12-22)

  • Fixed Missing Smeeta Kavat icon and wrong Adarza icon.

Update 19.4.2 (2016-12-20)

  • Fixed Kubrow and Kavat mini-map markers disappearing on Grineer Shipyard Defense missions.

Update 19.4 (2016-12-16)

  • Hyekka Kavat skin introduced. (Kavat armor unavailable for the Hyekka for now while we work on setting it up)

Update 19.3 (2016-12-06)

  • Fixed Kavat Genetic Codes from Alerts not being given out in intended quantities. Alerts will now grant 5 Kavat Genetic Codes.

Update 19.1 (2016-11-25)

  • 10x Kavat Genetic Codes have been added to Alerts!
  • Fixed Smeeta's Charm ‘Doubled Pickups and Affinity’ buff not working as intended and doubling a number of things that were unintended. It now properly doubles pickups: Resource, Health, Energy, Affinity, Credit and Ammo (previously it would).

Hotfix 19.0.3 (2016-11-14)

  • Fixed the whisker placement on Kavat heads.

Hotfix 19.0.1 (2016-11-11)

  • Kubrows and Kavats can now be renamed for 25 Platinum!

Update 19.0 (2016-11-11)

  • Kuva Kavat Armor introduced.
  • The ‘squished face’ Kavat has received it’s visual update! Thanks to feedback we've revised the visuals of this Kavat face. We hope you enjoy the new and improved look!
  • The Kubrow and Kavat section of the Player Profile has been renamed to Companions.

Hotfix: The Vacuum Within 3 (2016-10-13)

  • Fixed the Ki'teer Kavat Armor projectors not changing with energy colour.

Hotfix: The Silver Grove 1.2 (2016-09-02)

  • Changed Smeeta's Charm ability, specifically the Resource related Charm, to give a single Resource pickup rather than a random stack of resources that may not be the appropriate size for the chosen Resource type.
  • Fixed Kavats floating in mid-air when they are killed during their jump attack.

Update: The Silver Grove (2016-08-19)

  • Kavats no longer use their Pounce ability when trying to be stealthy and have the Pounce mod equipped.
  • Fixed the Sense Danger Kavat Mod always displaying bright pink enemies.
  • Fixed an exploit with Smeeta's Charm ability.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 1.1 (2016-07-29)

  • Tweaked Kavat behaviors to get them to attack more consistently.

Update: Specters of the Rail 1 (2016-07-28)

  • Tweaked some pet behavior logic related to cloaking and targeting. This should sort out some targeting issues for Kubrows and Kavats where they would become targetable when leaving their stealth state but were still visually cloaked by a player ability.
  • Fixed incorrect camera positioning when attempting to pet your Kavat companion.
  • Fixed enemies appearing to run in place like they are slipping on ice after your Kavat has used Pounced.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.12 (2016-07-20)

  • Replaced the unreleased Rank-5 version of Link Health for Kavats with the proper Rank 10 version that is shared with Kubrows. This mod was only obtainable through Transmutation.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.8 (2016-07-14)

  • Fixed misleading descriptions about Kavat Gene-Masking kits.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.5 (2016-07-12)

  • Fixed an issue with Kavat's appearing to get infinite Affinity in Dojos.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.4 (2016-07-11)

  • Doubled the chance to get a Kavat Genetic Signature on scanning of Feral Kavats.
  • Fixed issues with volume and radius of Kavat precept sound effects.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.1 (2016-07-08)

  • Fixed Kavats being bred with missing body parts.
  • Fixed an issue with the Landing Craft ramp closing while poor Kubrows are Kavats were still on them.
  • Fixed some missing sound effects on Kavat kitten interaction animations.

Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08)

  • Wysar Kavat Armor and Saraba Kavat Armor introduced.
  • Kavats & Companion System Improvements

With the introduction of a new species also comes some new features for the Companion system overall! All biological Companions can now roam the ship in their kitten/puppy or adult form, and it's up to you to decide to Mature them with the click of a button – no more mysterious wait times that can't be bypassed.Adorn your faithful companion in the Armor it deserves and enhance it with new Mods!

There are two Unique Breeds of Kavat, the Adarza Kavat and the Smeeta Kavat! Each Kavat breed will have a set of unique perks:

  • Adarza Kavats, lethal and sly, have learned the following:
    • Cat’s Eye - Adarza Kavat grants increased critical chance to all nearby Tenno for a short duration.
    • Reflect – Reflects damage back at attackers with increased lethality.
  • Smeeta Kavats, aloof but powerful, have learned the following:
    • Mischief - Allows Smeeta Kavat to become invisible while a decoy Kavat draws fire by running toward the enemy.
    • Charm - Smeeta Kavat bestows its owner with good fortune during the course of a mission.

Kavats can also equip other Companion Mods to help you better customize your newest (and perhaps cutest) companion yet!

  • New Kavat Mods:
    • Sense Danger - The Kavat alerts their master of nearby enemies.
    • Territorial Aggression - The Kavat marks their territory, pacifying any wild creature within it.
    • Pounce - The Kavat pounces at an enemy, stunning them for a short duration.
    • Sharpened Claws - A vicious attack that sunders armour and rends flesh.
    • Swipe - Strikes additional enemies and gains increased range. +1 enemies. +0.5m to attack range.
  • Kavats introduced.

Last updated: Hotfix 24.1.1 (2018-11-23)
