
It is not impossible to mine a star. Rich with liquid metallic resources, the gas-giant Jupiter challenges harvesters with increased gravity, intense magnetic fields, and extreme temperatures. Only the most tenacious profiteers would dare operate here. Prevailing science of Corpus industry thrives in the clouds of Jupiter's outer atmosphere.
—Jupiter Fragment

Jupiter is a planet where the Corpus are the controlling faction.

Jupiter becomes accessible by defeating the Specter in the Jupiter Junction on Ceres after completing the required tasks.

The Assassination Target for Jupiter is Alad V, who is located in the mission node Themisto. Alad V drops the component blueprints for the Valkyr Warframe. He also has a higher than average chance to drop Neural Sensors, a resource otherwise only found on the Kuva Fortress.

This is also the only planet to feature the Corpus Gas City Tileset.

Jupiter does not currently have a Tenno Relay.


Invasion Missions: The Grineer will appear as a "Sideable or Opposing" faction while the Infested will always appear as an "Opposing" faction during Invasion missions.

Spy Missions: Special enemy variants have a chance of spawning during Spy missions.

Survival Missions: The following lists below do not apply to Survival missions.

Corpus Grineer Infested





  • Jupiter is named after the Roman god of Lightning and King of the gods.
  • The names of the mission nodes mostly reference Greek/Roman mythology involving Zeus and/or Jupiter's moons.
    • Adreastea was a nymph who was charged by Rhea with nurturing the infant Zeus in secret.
    • Amalthea is the most-frequently mentioned foster-mother of Zeus.
    • Ananke is a personification of inevitability, compulsion and necessity in Greek mythology.
    • Callisto was one of the followers of Diana who attracted Jupiter.
      • Callisto is Jupiter's second largest moon.
    • Cameria could be named after Chameria, a coastal region in southern Albania and northwestern Greece.
    • Carme was a female Cretan spirit who assisted the grain harvest of Demeter's Cretan predecessor.
    • Carpo is a natural satellite of Jupiter.
    • Elara was a mortal princess, the daughter of King Orchomenus and mother of the giant Tityos by Zeus.
      • Elara is a prograde irregular satellite of Jupiter.
    • Galilea could be named after Galilee, a region in northern Israel.
    • Metis was a mythological character belonging to the second generation of Titans.
    • Io was one of Zeus' mortal lovers.
      • Io is one of Jupiter's moons.
    • Sinai could be named after the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.
    • Themisto was the third and last wife of Athamas.
      • Themisto is a small prograde irregular satellite of Jupiter.
    • Thebe is a name shared by multiple female characters in Greek mythology.
      • Thebe is one of Jupiter's moons.
  • Prior to Update 11.0 (2013-11-20) the boss of Jupiter was J3-Golem, the tileset was the Corpus Ship and the Infested were the dominant faction, with the description being "Intel's limited on this area. The system may have been overrun by the Technocyte Plague."
    • Small amounts of Infested mass can be found in certain rooms of the Gas Planet tileset.
  • The Hunt For Alad V event was introduced here, re-introducing the Invasion game mode as players fought with the Corpus to rid Jupiter of the remaining Infested to reveal the Gas Planet tileset.
  • Jupiter's missions are named after Jupiter's moons.
  • Prior to Update 15.13 (2015-02-05), Metis was a capture mission. It has since then been replaced by a rescue mission.
  • Prior to the player completing The War Within quest, Jupiter is the only planet where Neural Sensors are available as a resource.

Patch History
