
These used to be museum fodder, ceremonial and all that golden piss talk. But now, real weapons. Void-touched, not fashion accessories, not conversation pieces. They are for killing. We good?

The Incarnon system is an upgrade mechanic for weapons that attunes them to the Void, augmenting them with increased lethality via alternate forms and evolutionary upgrades. Some of these weapons were ceremonial Zariman paraphernalia transformed by the Void jump, while others were a result of Albrecht Entrati's experiments.

Additionally, a variety of weapons throughout the Origin System can receive an Incarnon Genesis, an adapter that can provide otherwise ordinary weapons access to Incarnon forms and upgrades. All weapon types (MK1, Prime, Vandal, etc.) are eligible to receive a Genesis. Dual and Akimbo versions of weapons are considered different weapons under the Incarnon system, as is the same under the Riven system.

Access to Incarnon system requires completion of the Angels of the Zariman. Unlocking Albrecht's Incarnon weapons requires completion of Whispers in the Walls and The Deadlock Protocol, while Incarnon Geneses require The Duviri Paradox and having unlocked The Steel Path.

Incarnon Weapons[]


Sanctum Anatomica[]

Incarnon Genesis Primary[]

Incarnon Genesis Secondary[]

Incarnon Genesis Melee[]


Zariman Incarnons can be purchased from Cavalero in the Chrysalith with The Holdfasts standing after completion of Angels of the Zariman. All 5 of the current weapon blueprints require Mastery Rank 14 to purchase and are tradeable.

Albrecht's Incarnons blueprints are a Rotation reward from Disruption Armatus on Deimos, requiring completion of The Deadlock Protocol and Whispers in the Walls to access. Alternatively they can be purchased from Loid in Sanctum Anatomica for VesselCapillaries Vessel Capillaries dropped by Disruption Armatus Demolishers in quantities of 2-3 (5-7 on The Steel Path).

Incarnon Genesis Adapters are obtained from Duviri's The Circuit on The Steel Path, requiring completion of The Duviri Paradox to access. Cavalero assists with the installation process, additionally requiring 20 PathosClamp Pathos Clamp and two other types of Duviri resources.

Alternatively, the BoarIncarnonGenesis Boar, GammacorIncarnonGenesis Gammacor, AnkuIncarnonGenesis Anku, GorgonIncarnonGenesis Gorgon, and AngstrumIncarnonGenesis Angstrum Incarnon Genesis Adapters can be purchased from Cavalero's "Incarnon Market" for Platinum64 120. Purchasing the adapters this way also comes with the resources used to install them. Each adapter can only be bought once.

Cavalero can also remove the Incarnon upgrade to return the Genesis Adapter, but the Duviri resources used for the installation are not refunded.

Reward Rotation[]

Players can select two of the following per week: five Incarnon Genesis Adapters that cycle weekly. If the player has Drifter Opportunity Intrinsics at Rank 9, they can choose from Rifle, Pistol, or Melee Riven Mods, or Kuva 20,000 Kuva to be their Tier 5 and Tier 10 rewards.

The Steel Path Incarnon Genesis Reward Rotation
Week # (Rotation) Possible Incarnon Genesis
Week 1 (A)
Week 2 (B)
Week 3 (C)
Week 4 (D)
Week 5 (E)
Week 6 (F)
Week 7 (G)
Week 8+ Schedule repeats, cycling rewards from Week 1 to Week 7 (ABCDEFGABCDEFG...)

Click here to purge the cache, you have to do this every day at the weekly reset otherwise the reward won't cycle.

The Steel Path Circuit Tier Rewards
Tiers Possible Rewards Required
Circuit Progress
Cumulative Required
Circuit Progress
#Continuous Required
Tier 1 285 285 3
Tier 2 315 600 5
Tier 3 345 945 7
Tier 4 390 1,335 10 (9 with daily bonus)
Tier 5
  • First Incarnon Genesis Selected
450 1,785 12
Tier 6 525 2,310 15
Tier 7 615 2,925 19
Tier 8 720 3,645 23
Tier 9 840 4,485 28
Tier 10
  • Second Incarnon Genesis Selected
975 5,460 34 (33 with daily bonus)
Tier 11+ 1400 6,860 + 8-9 per lvl



UI indicator for Incarnon Transmutation

By completing a number of challenges based on the weapon, Incarnon weapons can receive evolutions from Cavalero. Like other challenges (Riven mods, Nightwave, etc.), progress is tracked independently from mission progress. Each weapon has a total of 5 evolutions.

The first evolution unlocks the weapon's Incarnon Form, granting them an Alternate Fire mode or increasing their stats while changing their appearances. Activating the Incarnon Form requires certain conditions be met in missions, the method of which differs depending on the weapon.

For primary and secondaries (e.g. Laetum Laetum, Phenmor Phenmor, Felarx Felarx), the Incarnon Transmutation gauge that appears under the reticle must be charged to activate by achieving headshots. AngstrumIncarnonGenesis Angstrum Incarnon Genesis and ToridIncarnonGenesis Torid Incarnon Genesis are instead charged through direct hits. While active, the Incarnon Form uses its own secondary ammunition via the amount in the Transmutation gauge. Activating the Incarnon Form only requires at least one unit of charge, but manually deactivating the mode will deplete the entire gauge.

For melees (e.g. Praedos Praedos, Innodem Innodem), the Incarnon Form is activated by reaching a 5x Melee Combo (6x for Ruvox Ruvox and Genesis) and then executing a Heavy Attack, which lasts for 90 seconds (180 seconds for Genesis) and is non-refreshable.

The remaining evolutions provide 3 different selectable perks that further enhance the weapon's stats. Only one perk can be selected, which can be changed freely with Cavalero or in the Arsenal.


Below are the challenges required to unlock the evolutions of each Incarnon weapon currently available. The first, fourth, and fifth challenges are identical between Incarnon weapons, but the second and third evolutions differ between each weapon.

Progress for all challenges is maintained between runs, so the player does not have to complete them in a single mission.

  • Evolution I: Kill 100 enemies with the weapon
  • Evolution II:
    • Laetum/Phenmor/Felarx/Onos/Ruvox: Kill 8 Eximus with the weapon's Incarnon Form
    • Praedos/Innodem: Activate Incarnon Form 6 times in a mission
  • Evolution III:
    • Laetum/Phenmor/Felarx: Land 8/20/20 headshots on Void Angels with Primary fire without reloading
    • Praedos/Innodem: Complete 3 Heavy Attacks on Thrax Centurions or Legates
    • Onos: Get 5 headshots on Scathing and Mocking Whispers in Albrecht's Laboratories with Primary fire without reloading.
    • Ruvox: Inflict 3 Heavy Attacks on Scathing and Mocking Whispers in Albrecht's Laboratories
  • Evolution IV:
    • Zariman Ten Zero: Close 12 Ruptures in Void Flood
      • Player must have contributed to closing the rupture via depositing Vitoplast.
    • Albrecht's Laboratories: Open 20 Conduits in Disruption on Armatus, Deimos.
  • Evolution V: Complete a Solo mission with an Incarnon Weapon equipped in every slot
    • Any mission will suffice for this challenge.
    • Incarnon Genesis weapons are considered for the purposes of this challenge.


Heard you been grubbing around in the Zariman's backyard. That little tinpot 'kingdom'.

Well, in my extensive downtime, I've been having thoughts about weapons. How I could upgrade 'em. Give 'em a sprinkle of Void magic. And guess what? The Void did what the Void does. Took my ideas and made them real. How about that. So if you've picked up a... let's call it an Incarnon Genesis, why not? An Incarnon Genesis, bring it to me and I'll get it installed for ya.

Similarly to the Zariman weapons, the Genesis weapons have their own challenges, but only have 4 evolutions in total. Slotting in the Genesis Adapter is considered the first challenge. Challenges only need to be cleared once per weapon type, for example clearing Braton Braton's challenges will automatically unlock perks for Braton MK1-Braton, BratonPrime Braton Prime, and BratonVandal Braton Vandal when acquiring their Incarnon forms. The remaining challenges are as follows:

  • Evolution II: Complete a solo mission with the weapon
  • Evolution III:
    • Primary/Secondary: Kill 100 enemies with the weapon's Incarnon Form
    • Melee: Activate Incarnon Form 6 times in a mission
  • Evolution IV: Varies by weapon

Movement Bonuses[]

Every incarnon genesis melee weapon offers a bonus to sprint speed and bullet jump upon transforming into incarnon mode. All non-genesis melee weapons, as well as a few genesis weapons and the Laetum, also offer some bonuses for selection as an evolution perk upgrade:

Incarnon Weapon Movement Bonuses
Weapon Evolution Perk Activation Condition Type Amount
Ack&Brunt Ack & Brunt 1: Default Incarnon mode Bullet jump +20%
Ack&Brunt Ack & Brunt 1: Default Incarnon mode Sprint speed +20%
Anku Anku 1: Default Incarnon mode Bullet jump +20%
Anku Anku 1: Default Incarnon mode Sprint speed +20%
Anku Anku 3: Swordsman's Celerity Melee weapon equipped Movement speed +20%
Bo Bo 1: Default Incarnon mode Bullet jump +20%
Bo Bo 1: Default Incarnon mode Sprint speed +20%
Bo Bo 3: Swordsman's Celerity Melee weapon equipped Movement speed +20%
CeramicDagger Ceramic Dagger 1: Default Incarnon mode Bullet jump +25%
CeramicDagger Ceramic Dagger 1: Default Incarnon mode Sprint speed +25%
DualIchor Dual Ichor 1: Default Incarnon mode Bullet jump +20%
DualIchor Dual Ichor 1: Default Incarnon mode Sprint speed +20%
Furax Furax 1: Default Incarnon mode Bullet jump +25%
Furax Furax 1: Default Incarnon mode Sprint speed +25%
Hate Hate 1: Default Incarnon mode Bullet jump +20%
Hate Hate 1: Default Incarnon mode Sprint speed +20%
Innodem Innodem 2: Striking Swiftness Always active Sprint speed +30%
Laetum Laetum 2: Raptor's Chase Aim down sights Movement speed +50%
Magistar Magistar 1: Default Incarnon mode Bullet jump +10%
Magistar Magistar 1: Default Incarnon mode Sprint speed +10%
NamiSolo Nami Solo 1: Default Incarnon mode Bullet jump +20%
NamiSolo Nami Solo 1: Default Incarnon mode Sprint speed +20%
Praedos Praedos 2: Drifting Grace Always active Sprint speed +20%
Praedos Praedos 2: Drifting Grace Always active Slide +20%
Praedos Praedos 4: Evolved Ascension Always active Parkour velocity +30%
Praedos Praedos 4: Vaulting Leap Always active Midair jump height +100%
Ruvox Ruvox 2: Gathering Momentum Melee combo: 2x or more Movement speed +5% × (combo - 1)
Ruvox Ruvox 4: Ternary Vault Always active Midair jump count +1
Sibear Sibear 1: Default Incarnon mode Bullet jump +10%
Sibear Sibear 1: Default Incarnon mode Sprint speed +10%
Skana Skana 1: Default Incarnon mode Bullet jump +20%
Skana Skana 1: Default Incarnon mode Sprint speed +20%


  • Incarnon is based on the word incarnate, which means to embody something, like a deity or spirit, in the flesh.


Patch History[]

Hotfix 36.0.8 (2024-07-25)

  • Fixed Melee Incarnons not displaying Incarnon charging UI for Clients with Melee Retaliation equipped.

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

  • Fixed certain Incarnon Weapon stats showing as “0” and the UI showing a comparison state as if Mods had been equipped, when in fact they had not yet.
  • Fixed repeatedly hovering over Praedos’ “Drifting Grace” Incarnon Evolution incorrectly increasing a Warframe’s Sprint Speed stat in the Arsenal UI.
  • Fixed the Critical Multiplier from Braton Incarnon’s “Prelude of Might” perk not being indicated in the Arsenal stats (this was strictly a UI issue, the stats increase was applying).
  • Fixed Ruvox Incarnon’s Damage stat not updating from Impact to Puncture when transformed to Incarnon Mode in the Arsenal stats.
  • We’ve updated Incarnon Evolution descriptions across all Incarnon Weapons and Incarnon Genesis to improve overall clarity and be more consistent with Mods, Arcanes, and each other. For reassurance, the upgrades themselves have not changed, only their descriptions.
    • For example, Incarnons which previously contained the phrase “Increase Critical Chance by

See Also[]