Official wiki
Sgt Nef AnyoIcon
“Orokin secrets cannot remain secret forever! Start talking!”
The following article/section is conjecture. Content is subjected to change/removal as the game progresses. Please do not use this article for critical in-game information.

Player inactivity levels in missions are monitored by the game in both public and solo matchmaking sessions. Being dead or inactive for more than 1 minute disqualifies the player from either the end-of-mission reward or the end-of-rotation reward depending on the mission type.[1] This event is highlighted with the message: “Not eligible due to inactivity”.


  • The penalty is triggered by the player not moving more than ~5 meters for 1 minutes, even if the player is killing enemies via abilities. This includes dying and not reviving for 1 minute. Killing enemies with weapons, however, will prevent inactivity penalty from kicking in by resetting the 1-minute timer.
    • The player is not considered inactive if they are standing in the extraction zone.
  • Any affinity sharing and energy generation are halted until player activity resumes.
  • WukongIcon272 Wukong's CelestialTwin130xWhite Celestial Twin will cease all activity and remain unmoving until player activity resumes.
  • Mod TT 20px Ghost's and Mod TT 20px Stalk's invisibility effect will be disabled if the inactivity penalty is triggered.
  • Gathered resources, credits, blueprints, etc. are not affected and kept as is.


  1. Update 15.9 (2015-01-08) patch notes

Patch History[]

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

  • The Inactivity Penalty will now cause your Warframe to drop any crucial mission items (ex: Data Mass) if you are inactive while in control of Operator.
    • This is to allow active players to continue on the mission by picking up those items from the inactive player.

Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)

  • Fixed a case of players being able to bypass the inactivity detector in the Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixed players who are inactive during the entirety of an Abyssal Zone mission still receiving End of Mission rewards.

Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)

  • Fixed certain scenarios where Acolytes would spawn in Steel Path when you’re AFK.

Update 30.3 (2021-05-25)

  • Fixed AFK detection not working on players that were using moving parts in the Corpus Ship Defense missions.

Hotfix 15.16.2 (2015-03-11)

  • AFK players will no longer receive any increase to their Warframe’s energy supply.

Update 15.10 (2015-01-15)

  • Increased AFK detection timer for reward exclusion from 1 minute to 2 minutes.

Update 15.9 (2015-01-08)

  • Players will now be disqualified from end-of-mission rewards if they've been dead or AFK for over a minute. This will not affect players that are waiting at extraction. This timer only matters relative to when the mission is completed. It isn't a 'catch all' net for 100% of the mission.
    • Pool 1) Survival, Defense, Interception, etc rewards are revealed during the mission and accumulate without penalty.
    • Pool 2) Exterminate, Sabotage, Capture, and essentially anything else that isn't endless have end-of-mission reward items (Blueprints from bosses, etc).
    • Pool 2 items are all that is affected by this change at this time.