Official wiki
For the companion, see Hound (Companion).

Lua error in Module:Enemies/infobox at line 185: No enemy data for name "Hound" found in Module:Enemies/data/*.

Hounds are robotic proxies belonging to the Sisters of Parvos, functioning akin to Kuva Thralls. They can be mercied with the Parazon to gain progress towards knowing the Sister's Requiem Mod sequence. All hounds have a 5% chance of dropping a Requiem Relic[1][2] with each relic having an equal chance to be dropped.

They have varying body parts that are randomly generated on creation of the Sister, determining their weapons and abilities. Vanquishing the Sister will reward the player their Hound as a Companion.


Compared to their Grineer Thrall counterparts, Hounds are more durable and aggressive; unlike Thralls, a Hound will also start to hunt down players as soon as it spawns, and can absorb significantly more punishment compared to fairly fragile thralls, whilst also being relatively small, agile, and hard to hit. However, they also spawn much less frequently, and will cap out at a maximum of three spawns per mission. To compensate for both their increased threat level and relative rarity, Hounds reward significantly more Murmur progress than Thralls, and as such it only requires around six to seven Hound Mercies to fully reveal a single part of the Requiem Sequence.

Hounds being Mercied also causes the Sister to build Rage much faster, increasing the likelihood of an invasion; if a Sister invades a mission, she will always be accompanied by a single Hound (even if the three-Hound limit has already been hit). This Hound should be disabled and Mercied before the Sister's first health bar is depleted, or else she will command it to self-destruct which will deny the opportunity to make Requiem Sequence progress and inflict damage on anyone standing too close to it. The Sister can summon up to 3 additional Hounds in total per health bar with a ~30 second cooldown in between.

Their shields cannot be bypassed by DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin damage or procs, and they have partial resistance to Warframe Abilities with their effects being reduced to 1/4th of their duration. For example, RhinoStomp130xWhite Rhino Stomp will still suspend them but at a significantly reduced duration.



See Also[]

Patch History[]

Hotfix 31.5.6 (2022-05-04)

  • Fixed script error while killing a Hound right before Host migration.

Hotfix 31.1.7 (2022-02-23)

  • Fixed Sister of Pavos Hounds becoming permanent allies (and blocking progression) if affected by abilities like Nyx’s Mind Control or Revenant’s Enthrall.

Hotfix 31.0.7 (2022-01-07)

  • Fixed join-in-progress players sometimes seeing Hounds with the default name and/or no body parts.
  • Fixed join-in-progress players sometimes seeing a Hound belonging to a different Sister than what everyone else sees.
  • Fixed a spot-load when the Hound of a player that joined in progress spawns.

Hotfix 30.8.1 (2021-10-06)

  • Fixed Mercy animation not properly playing when performed on Sister Hound.

Update 30.8 (2021-10-04)

  • Fixed inability to Mercy downed Hounds.

Hotfix 30.7.6 (2021-09-23)

  • Fixed game hitches / spot-loading that could occur after executing a Sister’s Hound.

Hotfix 30.6.1 (2021-08-10)

  • Improved the Hound Reflex Denial Precept to be more similar to Nyx’s Absorb and capped the Damage per burst that can be directed back at you by Enemy Hounds; preventing self-damage or friendly fire.

Update 30.5 (2021-07-06)

  • Introduced.

  1. Everett, Megan (2019, November 5). The Old Blood: Hotfix 26.0.4 + Warframe Forums. Accessed 2021-07-08. Archived from the original on 2022-07-12. "Mercying a Thrall now has a 5% chance to drop a Requiem Relic".
  2. Ford, Rebecca (2021, July 6). Update 30.5: Sisters of Parvos. Warframe Forums. Accessed 2021-07-08. Archived from the original on 2022-10-16. "In addition, Hound Mercy Kills can award you Requiem Relics!".