Hok's dialogue.
- "Bladed weapons; master-crafted from the hilt up, designed to suit your particular need, surah!" (download, history)
- "You have dreamed of your perfect blade! Well, dream no longer! It resides in the space between yourself and HOK, master craftsman, waiting to be born!" (download, history)
- "Ai yo! What a day! Hok has been busier than a one-armed mime with a skin rash. What may I provide?" (download, history)
- "Oof, that last customer? Nice guy, but couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat. What do you need?" (download, history)
- "Ah, swazdo-lah. Both the world and his wife are on Hok's back this accursed day. How may he improve yours?" (download, history)
Rank 3 - Trusted[]
- "AI-YO! Cetus's favorite Tenno! Welcome, welcome!" (download, history)
- "Ah, surah! A joy as always!" (download, history)
- "SWAZDO-LAH, TENNO! Your presence makes joy fountain from Hok's eyeballs!" (download, history)
Speaking to Pedlek[]
- "NO EXCUSES, PEDLEK! Last time there was a dead squirrel floating in it! (Sigh) I am a bright star surrounded by an accretion disk of cretins and ding-dongs. (Sigh) How may I serve?" (download, history)
- "(Chuckles) I do not like your chances, Pedlek, for you're barely symmetrical! Oh, swazdo-lah! How may Hok serve?" (download, history)
- "PEDLEK! DID YOUR MOTHER JUMP AROUND WHILST PREGNANT?! THOSE AREN'T PETS, THEY'RE CARNIVOROUS AS FFF---far as I know. Hello there! How may Hok serve?" (download, history)
- "No, Pedlek, I will not be attending your poetry recital. Hok would rather get a plate in his head and collect magnets. How may I serve?" (download, history)
- "I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS BEHAVIOR, PEDLEK! You look like a jerk and have a crappy face! Swazdo-lah, what do you need?" (download, history)
- "That money in your SOCK, Pedlek, is for BAIL! (Sigh) Swazdo-lah, what do you need?" (download, history)
- "KNOCK IT OFF, PEDLEK! You laugh like an electrocuted hamster! Oh, swazdo-lah! How may Hok serve?" (download, history)
- "By the Unum, Pedlek, it would be wiser to simply fire you and use your face to make squid biscuits! Oh, swazdo-lah. How may Hok serve?" (download, history)
Viewing Wares[]
- If have no Zaw blueprints/components
- "Ah-ha! You desire the Zaw weapons Hok is so famous for! Allow Hok - I am Hok - to sell you blueprints for weapon parts, forge them in your foundry, and then return here, so that Hok may construct a fine weapon for you." (download, history)
Leaving the Store[]
- "Really? Step into the winners' circle occasionally, friend. We'd love to have you." (download, history)
- "So you've just wasted my time, is what your face is telling me." (download, history)
- "Are your eyes in your pockets?! You'll not find the equal of Hok's merchandise elsewhere." (download, history)
After Purchasing an Item[]
- "Walk like there's a knife in your boot, eh?" (download, history)
- "Keep swingin' until they're more red than, well, anything else." (download, history)
- "Getting old isn't for the weak. Be well, surah." (download, history)
- "Sho-lah!" (download, history)
- "Sho-lah, surah!" (download, history)
- "Come back soon!" (download, history)
- "Remember, Hok has new specials, every day!" (download, history)
- "Dah-dap, surah!" (download, history)
Zaw Forging[]
If the Player has no Zaw Components[]
- "Hok would love to help. Perhaps if you return with some weapon parts, he could assemble a fine blade for you." (download, history)
- "Supply the parts, and I shall create the weapon." (download, history)
- "Without the proper components, alas, I am helpless to assist." (download, history)
If the Player Waits[]
- "There is no rush; Hok has... all day." (download, history)
- "It is important to make the right choice, of course." (download, history)
- "Pedlek! Fetch me my lunch while this customer... browses." (download, history)
Selecting a Zaw Component[]
- "Very good, very good." (download, history)
- "They shall work wonderfully together." (download, history)
- "A most astute choice, surah." (download, history)
If the Player Waits[]
- "Perhaps the most important part of the weapon. Choose wisely." (download, history)
- "Take your time, take your time." (download, history)
- "Grip and link must, of course, be chosen with utmost care." (download, history)
Creating a Zaw[]
- "Hok does marvelous work, does he not? Marvelous-Utz." (download, history)
- "Not too shabby. Pedlek helped with some of the smaller touches, so my apologies if it falls apart in your hands." (download, history)
- "PEDLEK! FETCH THIS CUSTOMER THEIR- oh, there it is." (download, history)
Other Services[]
Gilding a Zaw[]
- "Such beautiful lines. She requires only... a name." (download, history)
- "It is ready, waiting to come to life with your touch. Will you name her?" (download, history)
- "Your blade, Tenno. Name her, and bring her to life." (download, history)
Confirming the Name of a Zaw[]
- "A name to strike fear into the hearts of the wicked." (download, history)
- "You are quite the poet, Tenno. Beautiful." (download, history)
- "Perfection." (download, history)
Skipping the Naming of a Zaw[]
- "You see her for what she is. Truly, you share bond." (download, history)
- "Her nature is her own. As you say." (download, history)
- "Of course, surah. She is yours." (download, history)
If the Zaw is not Rank 30[]
- "Test your blades in battle. Return to me once their worth is known. Only then will Hok gild." (download, history)
- "If your weapon is tested, then Hok shall gild, but not before." (download, history)
- "Untested metal is unfit for gilding. Return to Hok once the worth of that blade has been proven, surah." (download, history)
Donating a Zaw[]
- "Dah-dup, surah! Your contribution to our defense is gratefully accepted!" (download, history)
- "Ai yo! Dah-dup, surah! The militia thanks you!" (download, history)
- "You are too kind, surah! Dah-dup, dah-dup-utz!" (download, history)
If the Zaw is not Rank 30[]
- "The militia will only accept battle-hardened Zaws, Tenno." (download, history)
- "If the steel is tested, the militia will gratefully accept. Otherwise, not so much." (download, history)
- "We cannot arm recruits with anything less than battle-hardened weapons, surah." (download, history)