
Seek out the Warframe Mirage
—Quest Description

Hidden Messages is an optional lore Quest introduced in Update 14.0 (2014-07-18) revolving around the lost warframe design, MirageIcon272 Mirage, as players attempt to decipher the meaning behind a series of cryptic poems discovered from an ancient Orokin artifact. Completing this quest will provide the parts necessary to construct the MirageIcon272 Mirage Warframe. The Quest can be obtained through the Sedna Junction from Pluto.


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“You're not supposed to be in here! You're going to ruin the surprise!”
The following article/section contains spoilers. Please finish the quest before proceeding.

Hidden Messages

In order to unlock this quest, the player must complete the Pluto/Sedna Junction. Upon completion, the player will be awarded with the Hidden Messages Quest.

Go to the Quest section of the Codex, select the quest, then click "Begin Quest" to start.

Riddle One: Olympus, Mars

Upon starting the quest, Ordis finds out that there are hidden transcriptions in the item you have just crafted. He will begin to recite the transcribed riddle along with his opinion on it. The riddle can be viewed again in the inbox.


Unfortunately the nature of the Orokin Artifact you just crafted is a mystery to me. I simply cannot fathom its use. All I can tell you was that it was inscribed with the following nonsense:

Three parts, three acts, three riddles for thee –
to revive the one wielding fantasy
Ancient gods so cruel, once ruled from on high
Can you name their peak where the land meets the sky?

Nothing in my database that sheds light on its meaning. You'd think the Orokin would have something better to do than scribble nursery rhymes on things. Oh well, I suppose not everything you craft can be of use.

Ordis, Ship's Cephalon

The answer to this riddle is Mount Olympus, which is known better in-game as Olympus, Mars. In Greek mythology, Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece, was considered as the only place where the land scrapes the sky – At the same time, Mount Olympus is known as the home of the twelve Olympian gods of the ancient Greek world. Olympus Mons, which is located on Mars in real life, is also the tallest mountain in the solar system.


Olympus is an Extermination mission using the Infested Ship tileset, with Infested enemies around level 30. Completing this mission will award MirageIcon272 Mirage Neuroptics blueprint, which the player must craft in order to continue the quest.

During the mission, the Lotus will send cryptic transmissions to the Tenno, which uncover clues to the War of the Sentients. The first transmission is received at the start of the mission

There's a strange energy in the area. A void imprint, an old one. I'm getting faint visuals – memories.

Continue the mission while I investigate.

A little farther into the Extermination mission, once at a quarter of the enemies have been taken down, the Lotus will follow up with a second transmission

The Void imprint... it's old. I see... Worm ships coming out of punch! A Warframe fighting Sentients... shields are failing...

Sorry, Tenno, I'm not sure what that was.

It is apparent that the Lotus is seeing flashbacks from the War of the Sentients, an event first mentioned in the Excalibur/Excalibur Prime codex entries.

Finally, once all Infested have been exterminated and the Tenno make their way to extraction, the Lotus will leave the Tenno with this message.

I see the Sentients crashing down on her, dying in overwhelming numbers. Now she's out of energy, I'm telling her to go but she's laughing, tearing their heads off as they swarm.

I have recovered something from the memory... a blueprint.

This transmission tells the Tenno that, whomever fought the Sentients at the time, went against the Lotus' warnings and continued combating the threat. It seems that, despite her disadvantageous situation, she put up a very valiant effort.

With this, the Tenno will be awarded the Mirage Neuroptics Blueprint.

Riddle Two: Calypso, Saturn

Upon completing the MirageIcon272 Mirage Neuroptics, Ordis finds out that there is another hidden transcription on the helmet. He will begin to recite the transcribed riddle again, along with his opinion on it. The riddle can be viewed again in the inbox.


To think, Ordis thought that mess of words was nothing but the scrawling of some long dead hack. You saw more. Now you have the Neuroptics for a whole new class of Warframe. Very impressive Operator.

Exciting news. Ordis found more writing on the inside of Mirage's Neuroptics:

To build the one you think witty,
seek the nymph who sang oh so pretty.
She lured him in with her song and grin,
his wife must've thought it a pity.

I have no idea what that means, though if I had to describe its literary merit I might use another word that rhymes with 'witty'.

Ordis, Ship's Cephalon

The answer to this riddle is Calypso, Saturn. In Greek Mythology, Calypso was a nymph who is popularly remembered for her role in Homer's epic poem, Odyssey. It is said that Calypso enchanted her singing to trap the fabled Greek hero Odysseus in her island and make him her immortal husband – Forcing Odysseus to be separated from his wife, Penelope.


Calypso is a 15-minute Survival mission set in an Infested Ship with their level ranging from 25-35. Completing this mission will award the MirageIcon272 Mirage systems blueprint, which the player must craft in order to continue the quest. During the mission, The Lotus recovers more of Mirage's void imprint, further describing Mirage's slow death.

I'm sensing another void imprint. It's dark. I see the glow of restraints around the Warframe. I'm trying to surge the revive system but I can't, I'm too far away. A great, faceted eye watches her.

I tell her I won't lose her. That I have another ship on its way. She is smiling because she knows I am lying... Tenno... the second blueprint has been recovered.

Riddle Three: Charybdis, Sedna

As expected, upon crafting the MirageIcon272 Mirage systems, there is another hidden transcription on the systems. Ordis recites the transcribed riddle again, along with his comment on it. The riddle can be viewed again in the inbox.


It is as if the person writing these messages wanted Mirage to be found. Within the newly crafted Mirage Systems, Ordis found this:

One more act before your prize is caught.
An ancient sea creature, take a whirl or not?
Look for the monster that swallowed sailors of yore.
Make a mistake and you're sunk. Nothing more.

That's the worst one yet! Though, Ordis must admit, they are clearly referencing something. Operator, you appear to be good at this sort of thing, can you find the final blueprint?

Ordis, Ship's Cephalon

Charybdis, Sedna is the answer. In Greek mythology, Charybdis was a sea monster, later rationalized as a whirlpool and considered a shipping hazard in Strait of Messina. It is said that three times a day, Charybdis swallowed a huge amount of water, before belching it back out again, creating large whirlpools capable of dragging a ship or even a galleon underwater.


The Tenno deploys back to Charybdis, Sedna to do a Hive Sabotage mission set in an Infested Ship, levels ranging from 30-40 while the Lotus continues to recover more imprints. As the Tenno destroys the first hive, the Lotus received more of Mirage's imprints from the ship, only to find out that she is dying from her valiant effort.

I see the eyes open and the heat blinds me. I hear her comforting me, telling me not to despair as the Warframe disintegrates and I lose her, forever.

Upon destroying the hives, the Lotus had managed to recover the very last blueprint of the now-extinct Warframe.

Tenno, the last piece of her... of MirageIcon272 Mirage... has been recovered.

Upon completing the mission and returning to your ship, you will be rewarded the Mirage chassis blueprint. The Lotus will immediately order you to forge the Mirage Warframe.

Tenno, that was the last of the imprints. Forge this Warframe in honor of these memories.


Upon crafting the final piece of MirageIcon272 Mirage, Ordis reads out the last transcription on Mirage's chassis.


You have done it! Mirage's Chassis is complete. You have all three parts, the only thing you have left is to acquire the Warframe blueprint.

Predictably I found something else inscribed on the Chassis:

Three acts complete, the end draws near,
soon Mirage will cause fear.
Memory lost, to be reborn,
a new warrior rises, duty sworn.

My theory, whoever wrote these wielded Mirage so deftly that nobody dared criticize her poetry.

Ordis, Ship's Cephalon

After the chassis is built, you can obtain the Mirage Blueprint from the Market, while at the same time completing the quest.


  • Remember, however, that you can only do this quest once! If you sell your Mirage Warframe after completion of this quest, the only ways to reacquire her is with Platinum through the Market, by acquiring her Prime variant, or buying her component blueprints for ReputationLarge 50,000 Standing each from Cephalon Simaris.


  • If the blueprints are rushed using Platinum, the game may not recognize the components as completed, and will not proceed to the next mission. Relogging can solve this – if you have another quest switch to it and then switch back and it will update the quest.
  • If the quest blueprint was acquired before Update 21, the blueprint has to be crafted to be able to start the quest.
    • With Update 22 the quest blueprint and its requirement have been entirely removed. Any player who was required to craft it can now simply start it from the codex.
  • If the quest was finished before the update "Specters of the Rail" , the player can choose to go to Sedna Junction and acquire the Blueprint again. After being crafted again, the player can start the mission and play the first part of it. After the player finishes the mission, they will not be awarded the Mirage Neuroptics Blueprint, thus rendering the quest impossible to be finished.


Patch History

Update 22.0 (2017-10-12)

  • Players who have the blueprints for The Limbo Theorem, Hidden Messages, or Patient Zero will now automatically receive the quest itself upon logging in. The blueprints will be removed and if they were under construction, the resources and credits will be refunded (except for the argon crystals for The Limbo Theorem, sorry!).

Update 14.0 (2014-07-18)

  • Introduced.
  1. Prelude to War is compilation of miniquests and cutscenes leading up to The New War.
  2. While not part of the main story quest, The Duviri Paradox has very interlinked story context to several critical characters in The New War. It is recommended to play The Duviri Paradox after The New War.