Official wiki

Some Mastery-rewarding items can be hidden on your profile until you rank the item to at least rank 1 or other exceptions.

Total count: 103 (+ 1 for Founders)
Hidden items:

Item Mastery Acquisition
Excalibur PrimeIcon272 Excalibur Prime 6,000 Founders Program
Excalibur UmbraIcon272 Excalibur Umbra 6,000 The Sacrifice quest
Total: 12,000

Total count: 181
Hidden items:

Item Mastery Acquisition
DeraVandal Dera Vandal 3,000 Invasion
DexSybaris Dex Sybaris 3,000 WARFRAME Anniversary (around March 27th)
GorgonWraith Gorgon Wraith 3,000 Razorback
KarakWraith Karak Wraith 3,000 Invasion
LatronWraith Latron Wraith 3,000 Invasion
Nataruk Nataruk 3,000 The New War quest
OpticorVandal Opticor Vandal 3,000 Thermia Fractures and Baro Ki'Teer
PrismaGorgon Prisma Gorgon 3,000 Baro Ki'Teer
PrismaLenz Prisma Lenz 3,000 Baro Ki'Teer
QuantaVandal Quanta Vandal 3,000 Baro Ki'Teer
Snipetron Snipetron 3,000 Operation: Plague Star and Star Days
SnipetronVandal Snipetron Vandal 3,000 Invasion
StrunWraith Strun Wraith 3,000 Invasion
Total: 39,000

Total count: 141 (+ 1 for Founders)
Hidden items:

Item Mastery Acquisition
LatoPrime Lato Prime 3,000 Founders Program
MaraDetron Mara Detron 3,000 Baro Ki'Teer
TwinVipersWraith Twin Vipers Wraith 3,000 Invasion
ViperWraith Viper Wraith 3,000 Baro Ki'Teer
Grimoire Grimoire 3,000 Whispers in the Walls quest
AkmagnusPrime Akmagnus Prime 3,000 Axi M5 Relic
Total: 18,000

Total count: 215 (+ 1 for Founders)
Hidden items:

Item Mastery Acquisition
DexDakra Dex Dakra 3,000 WARFRAME Anniversary (around March 27th)
Korumm Korumm 3,000 Bounty after The New War quest
MacheteWraith Machete Wraith 3,000 Baro Ki'Teer
Nepheri Nepheri 3,000 Bounty after The New War quest
Paracesis Paracesis 4,000 Chimera Prologue quest
PrismaOhma Prisma Ohma 3,000 Baro Ki'Teer
Sheev Sheev 3,000 Invasion
Skiajati Skiajati 3,000 The Sacrifice quest
SkanaPrime Skana Prime 3,000 Founders Program
Verdilac Verdilac 3,000 Bounty after The New War quest
Xoris Xoris 3,000 The Deadlock Protocol quest
Total: 34,000

Total count: 48
Hidden items:

Item Mastery Acquisition
Akaten Akaten 3,000 Hound from defeating a Sisters of Parvos
Batoten Batoten 3,000 Hound from defeating a Sisters of Parvos
Lacerten Lacerten 3,000 Hound from defeating a Sisters of Parvos
PrismaBurstLaser Prisma Burst Laser* 3,000 Baro Ki'Teer
PrismaShade Prisma Shade 6,000 Baro Ki'Teer
Total: 18,000
* Prisma Burst Laser is included with Prisma Shade when purchased from Baro, but the items are separate when traded with other players.

Total count: 15
Hidden items:

Item Mastery Acquisition
Venari Venari* 6,000 KhoraIcon272 Khora
VenariPrime Venari Prime* 6,000 KhoraPrimeIcon272 Khora Prime
Total: 12,000
* Venari and Venari Prime do not show up in the profile even if leveled up, but still provide mastery.

Total count: 13
Hidden items:

Item Mastery Acquisition
Plexus* 6,000 The Archwing
Total: 6,000
* Plexus is hidden from the profile until The Archwing is completed.

Total count: 19
Hidden items:

Item Mastery Acquisition
Total: 0

Total count: 8
Hidden items:

Item Mastery Acquisition
PrismaVeritux Prisma Veritux 3,000 Baro Ki'Teer
Total: 3,000

Total count: 9 (some players may see an additional "amp" that counts, but does not provide mastery points)
Hidden items:

  • All amps are hidden from anyone's profile until the viewing user has acquired an Amp.
Item Mastery Acquisition
Sirocco Sirocco 3,000 The New War quest
Total: 3,000
