Hata-Satya is a Weapon Augment Mod for Soma Prime that increases Critical Chance on every hit, until Soma Prime is reloaded or holstered. The critical chance bonus is capped at 500% at all mod ranks.
Rank | Critical chance | Hits required to reach 500% critical chance | Cost |
0 | 0.2% | 2,500 | 2 |
1 | 0.4% | 1,250 | 3 |
2 | 0.6% | 834 | 4 |
3 | 0.8% | 625 | 5 |
4 | 1% | 500 | 6 |
5 | 1.2% | 417 | 7 |
Hata-Satya can be obtained by reaching Rank 4 - Friend with the Entrati and purchased for 20,000 from Father.
- Hata-Satya is additive with similar mods. For example, a max rank, max bonus Hata-Satya and Point Strike will have a 30% × (1 + 500% + 150%) = 225% critical chance.
- Additional hits from Multishot and Punch Through also count towards the bonus.
- Bonus damage instances from Toxic Lash and Xata's Whisper count as one extra hit.
- Swapping to Incarnon Form counts as reloading the Soma Prime and will therefore end the bonus.
- Using melee, Parazon mercy finishers, or activating an Exalted Weapon ability are counted as holstering the Soma Prime and will therefore end the bonus.
- Bonus ends as soon as the reload animation begins or when using Blood Forge.
- Hits against invulnerable enemies, including Blood Altar and Gaze, do count toward the bonus.
- Hits against Object-class health, barrier-like entities (Arctic Eximus snow globes and Nullifier bubbles), and enemies "converted" into allies ( Accuse, Mind Control, Enthrall, and Parasitic Link), do not count toward the bonus.
- The name of this mod might come from Sanskrit. Hata means killed, Satya means truth.[citation needed]
Patch History[]
Update 33.5 (2023-06-21)
- Soma Prime’s Incarnon Form fire now triggers the “Hata-Satya” Augment Mod’s Critical Chance buff.
Update 29.1 (2020-09-17)
- Fixed the Soma Prime's Hata-Satya Mod not respecting Multishot for Clients.
Hotfix 29.0.8 (2020-09-10)
- Fixed certain Warframe abilities (Mesa's Shattered Shield, Mag's Magnetize) that create reflecting bullets counting towards hits that increase the Hata-Satya Critical Chance buff. Only hits performed by Soma Prime should increase the Hata-Satya Critical Chance buff.
- Fixed cases where the Hata-Satya Mod HUD buff may remain on screen, and not resetting if you enter bleedout in the middle of a casting animation.
Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)
- Introduced