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Add icon for grenade marker and beeping noise

Hand Grenades are explosive devices deployed by enemies. They can force a player from hiding, momentarily stop shields from recharging, or simply cause disorientation.

Enemies equipped with grenades consist primarily of Crewmen, Lancers, and Troopers, and variants thereof, including the Corrupted.


  • After sticking onto a surface, it will explode in 2 seconds and deals 495 DmgBlastSmall64 Blast base damage within 10 meters. This damage number scales with enemy level.[1]
  • Enemies will show that they are about to throw a grenade while hiding behind cover by periodically peeking around the corner.
  • Grenades can be heard by a loud, analogue-like beeping which will rapidly grow in pace as time grows closer to the grenade's detonation. In the case of the Orokin grenades used by the Corrupted, the sound resembles a clockwork clicking instead.
    • They are also highlighted by a red waypoint whenever they are thrown.
    • Additionally, they will produce a large, transparent red dome, signifying the blast radius of the grenade.
  • If shot, either while airborne or stuck, the grenade will not deal any damage to Warframes or friendly units and instead damage enemies.
  • Grenades can be eaten by GrendelIcon272 Grendel's Feast130xWhite Feast ability. Grenades that explode inside Grendel's stomach will also not harm Warframes and allied units and only deal damage to enemies.


  • Despite the Grineer (left side of image), Corpus (middle) and Orokin/Corrupted (right) grenades having different designs, they function exactly the same.
  • Corpus grenades seem to be a close family counterpart to Penta Penta's plasma explosive.



  1. "Grenades are a weapon like any other, so it should scale normally. It uses all the same damage scaling code it start with 495 damage and it level up the same way as everything else works (which is in the wiki). The number of level above the agen base level, which various enemies to enemies. Its using the regular damage curve. Weapon type is no crit chance, 10% status proc damage type is blast. " - Summary of [DE]Glen's AMA stream on June 9, 2019

Patch History[]

Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)

  • Changed how Enemies throw grenades to ensure they don’t get embedded inside Defense targets.
  • Fixed the red circle FX showing up on grenades thrown by friendly NPCs. The red is designated for grenades thrown by enemies, not our pals.

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)

  • Fixed harmless Script error that would occur on grenade explosions.

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

  • Grenade changes:
    • Grenade AOEs are now telegraphed! Once they have made contact with a surface, their detonation radius is now indicated.
    • Grenades will no longer ignore cover, meaning it will no longer deal punchthrough damage if you are behind cover.
    • Reduced damage radius of Grenades.

Update 31.1 (2022-02-09)

  • Enemies will no longer throw grenades at adjacent walls when trying to hit an out-of-sight target.

Update 31.0 (2021-12-15)

  • Enemies are now more likely to throw grenades at a target in cover.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

Grenade Markers:

Sometimes the devious enemies of Warframe decide they’d rather stay safely behind cover and throw explosive surprises at the Tenno instead of rushing in. They do this when you are stationary for long periods of time. Some time ago we added an audio warning so that thrown grenades would chirp or tick, but experience has shown that they are still easy to miss during the chaos of fighting. A visible HUD marker and a warning glow have been added to grenades that are thrown at you to give you a better chance to react. PLUS, you can now shoot the grenade before it explodes, allowing for increased tactical revenge!

Why: More awareness on where Grenades are has been a longstanding community request to help the flow of battle. We are adding it to allow for more player tactical choice.

Hotfix 18.13.2 (2016-06-01)

Enemy Plasma Grenade Changes:
  • Before Plasma Grenades explode, they will live for 3 seconds after coming to a rest on the ground.
  • Plasma Grenades can now be shot in air or when they are on the ground.
  • When an enemy Plasma Grenade is shot and killed, it will explode and damage any enemies in range with no damage to you. A Tenno with a keen ear will be able to identify these threats and counter them with an accurate shot before it's too late.

Vanilla (2012-10-25)

  • Introduced.

See Also[]
