
Galvanized Shot is the Galvanized variant of Mod TT 20px Sure Shot, increasing status chance. Kills grant a buff that increases direct hit damage (not area-of-effect) for each status type affecting the target for 14 seconds and stacks up to 3 times.


Rank Status Chance Additional Damage Per Unique Proc On Kill Max Damage Bonus Per Unique Proc Cost
0 +7.3% +3.6% +10.8% 2
1 +14.5% +7.3% +21.9% 3
2 +21.8% +10.9% +32.7% 4
3 +29.1% +14.5% +43.5% 5
4 +36.4% +18.2% +54.6% 6
5 +43.6% +21.8% +65.4% 7
6 +50.9% +25.5% +76.5% 8
7 +58.2% +29.1% +87.3% 9
8 +65.5% +32.7% +98.1% 10
9 +72.7% +36.4% +109.2% 11
10 +80% +40% +120% 12


This mod can be bought from the Arbitrations vendor in the Arbiters of Hexis room in Relays for 20 VitusEssence Vitus Essence.


  • The damage increase is usually additive with other damage mods like Mod TT 20px Hornet Strike, with exceptions where it is multiplicative. See Condition Overload (Mechanic) for more details.
  • The damage increase is not applied on the hit that procs a new status effect, it is only applied on following hits.
    • For example: Galvanized Shot has 2 stacks, weapon has 100 base damage and Mod TT 20px Hornet Strike for a total of 100 * (1 + Mod TT 20px 2.2) = 320 damage. First hit procs DmgImpactSmall64 Impact and deals 320 damage. Then on the following hit the +80% damage from the 2 stacks is applied for a total of 100 * (1 + Mod TT 20px 2.2 + Mod TT 20px 0.8) = 400 damage.
    • However, Multishot instances are treated as sequential hits, allowing a weapon with multishot to benefit from the damage increase even on the first trigger pull. For example: Galvanized Shot has 2 stacks, weapon has 100 base damage, Mod TT 20px Hornet Strike, and a multishot of 3. The first multishot instance deals 100 * (1 + Mod TT 20px 2.2) = 320 damage and procs DmgImpactSmall64 Impact. The second multishot instance will then apply the +80% damage from 2 stacks, for a total of 100 * (1 + Mod TT 20px 2.2 + Mod TT 20px 0.8) = 400 damage. If the second instance procs DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture, then the third instance will apply +160% damage (80% for 2 stacks, times 2 different status effects), for a total of 100 * (1 + Mod TT 20px 2.2 + Mod TT 20px 1.6) = 480 damage. Thus, in one trigger pull the weapon will have dealt 1200 total damage, instead of the 960 that would have been dealt otherwise.
  • When the buff times out, one stack is lost and the buff duration resets.
  • Only kills from a weapon equipped with this mod will give stacks, and only the weapon equipped with this mod will benefit from the buff. If equipped on both a normal weapon and an Exalted Weapon, it will affect both weapons.
  • Kills from status procs (including from Mod TT 20px Hemorrhage) from a weapon equipped with this mod will give stacks.
  • Bonus damage from status procs may originate from any source, including primary and secondary weapons, Warframe abilities, companions, other players, or the environment.
  • DmgImpactSmall64 Impact, DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture, DmgSlashSmall64 Slash, DmgColdSmall64 Cold, DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity, DmgFireSmall64 Heat, DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin, DmgBlastSmall64 Blast, DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive, DmgGasSmall64 Gas, DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic, DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation, DmgViralSmall64 Viral, and DmgVoidSmall64 Void procs all count for the damage bonus.
    • Lifted b Lifted from Melee Heavy Attacks also counts.
    • Nukor Nukor and KuvaNukor Kuva Nukor apply a unique invisible status called Microwave to enemies touched by its beam.
      • Microwave procs have infinite duration.
    • Although knockdown does not cause any icon on the enemy, it still counts as a status.
      • Note that conditions or abilities that prevent knockdowns (e.g. Bastille130xWhite Bastille) will prevent it from increasing damage.
    • Since Lifted b Lifted and knockdown will cancel out each other, the maximum number of status effects that can be applied to an enemy is 16.

Damage Multipliers[]

Unique Status Effects 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Bonus Damage @ 1 Stack +40% +80% +120% +160% +200% +240% +280% +320% +360% +400% +440% +480% +520% +560% +600% +640%
Bonus Damage @ 2 Stacks +80% +160% +240% +320% +400% +480% +560% +640% +720% +800% +880% +960% +1,040% +1,120% +1,200% +1,280%
Bonus Damage @ 3 Stacks +120% +240% +360% +480% +600% +720% +840% +960% +1,080% +1,200% +1,320% +1,440% +1,560% +1,680% +1,800% +1,920%


Patch History[]

Hotfix 31.1.6 (2022-02-17)

  • Fixed weapons with Multishot (especially innate multishot like on shotguns or beam weapons) having a higher damage increase from Galvanized Shot per Status type as intended.

Update 31.1 (2022-02-09)

  • Fixed Galvanized Mod "bonus Damage per Status" not functioning for numerous projectile weapons.
    • A previous change had them operate relative to "base damage" but the code was incorrectly getting base damage from the impact behavior rather than the projectile. This problem was pervasive and there are hundreds of weapons in our game! Please be patient and send updated reports if something slipped through our net.

Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)

  • (Undocumented) Changed the description of Galvanized Shot to better reflect its current function (which clarifies that area of effect damage is not included)
    • ... BUT WAIT! We want to explain why because it’s very important to us that everyone understands where we are coming from with our current design mindset. AoE Weapons are the dominant ones by every usage metric. We see this day after day. Having this bonus apply to the AoE instance felt dangerously close to a myopic choice concerning powering up player Arsenals that simply do not need it. This mod never worked on AoE, and the description now explains that to avoid confusion. We understand those seeking a different outcome will disagree with this choice, but ultimately we are not willing to further bolster AoE at this time. This is due to the increasing difficulty in creating content that serves to challenge the Tenno.

Update 30.6 (2021-08-04)

  • Fixed Galvanized Mods not properly functioning with the Catchmoon’s guaranteed Impact proc.

Hotfix 30.5.5 (2021-07-29)

  • Fixed Galvanized Mods offering increased damage from Status on target not reliably working on numerous weapons.
    • One outlier to be fixed is the interaction with the Catchmoon’s guaranteed Impact proc.

Update 30.5 (2021-07-06)

  • Introduced.

See Also[]
