Official wiki

Wield a storm. Fulmin Prime's electric rounds switch between lightning beams and short-range bursts. Wisp quickly swaps between each mode with her elemental prowess.

Fulmin Prime is the Primed counterpart of the Fulmin Fulmin rifle, with increased Magazine Size, faster Reload delay, improvements to the semi-automatic damage and Status Chance, and full-auto Critical Chance. Fulmin Prime was released alongside WispPrimeIcon272 Wisp Prime and GunsenPrime Gunsen Prime.


  • This weapon deals primarily DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage.
  • Semi-auto mode:
    • Shots have a guaranteed DmgImpactSmall64 Impact proc to enemies up to 9 meters.
    • Projectiles have a thickness of 1 meter.
  • Does not use ammo pickups; ammo regenerates over time.
    • Has a 0.7 second delay after the weapon stops firing before regenerating ammo. Then, regenerates 40 ammo per second; takes 2 seconds to regenerate a fully depleted battery excluding the delay.
    • Does not receive benefit from reload-triggered mods such as Mod TT 20px Spring-Loaded Chamber.
  • Alternate Fire mode-switching is not instantaneous and has an animation of 1 second (0.5 seconds when wielded by WispIcon272 Wisp/WispPrimeIcon272 Wisp Prime.)

Advantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Semi-auto mode:
  • Full-auto mode:
  • Mod TT 20px Heavy Caliber's accuracy penalty is minimal on this weapon.
  • Full Auto Mode (wiki attack index 1)
    • Very high crit chance (34.00%)
    • High magazine (80)
    • Above average fire rate (9.33 attacks/sec)
    • High crit multiplier (2.40x)
  • Semi-Auto Mode (wiki attack index 2)
    • Above average crit chance (30.00%)
    • Above average magazine (80)
    • High total damage (550)

Disadvantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Semi-auto mode:
    • Has linear damage falloff from 100% to 33.33% from 10m to 20m target distance (distances are affected by Projectile Speed).
    • Limited range of 20 meters (can be increased with Projectile Speed mods).
    • Consumes 10 ammo per shot.
    • Has a headshot multiplier of 1x.
    • Innate punch through does not apply to surfaces if hitting with the central portion of the projectile, requiring punch through mods.
  • Full-auto mode:
    • Shots are alarming.
  • Full Auto Mode (wiki attack index 1)
    • Low reload speed (2.70 s)
    • Low total damage (33)
    • Very low ammo max (0)
    • Very low status chance (10.00%)
    • Very low disposition (●○○○○ (0.65x))
  • Semi-Auto Mode (wiki attack index 2)
    • Below average maximum falloff distance (24.0 m)
    • Low reload speed (2.70 s)
    • Very low ammo max (0)
    • Below average status chance (22.00%)
    • Very low disposition (●○○○○ (0.65x))

See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.



Lith, Meso, Neo, and Axi refer to Void Relics  |  (V) Denotes Vaulted Void Relics  |  (B) Denotes Baro Ki'Teer Exclusive Void Relic
Fulmin Prime's Relic Drops
Receiver Barrel Stock FulminPrime Blueprint
MesoRelicIntact Meso F5 Rare
AxiRelicIntact Axi F2 Rare (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo F2 Rare (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo F3 Rare (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith G10 Common
MesoRelicIntact Meso V9 Common
NeoRelicIntact Neo G7 Common
MesoRelicIntact Meso P13 Common (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo K7 Common (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith C12 Uncommon
AxiRelicIntact Axi H7 Uncommon (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith C11 Uncommon (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith G8 Uncommon (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso H7 Uncommon
LithRelicIntact Lith H9 Uncommon (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso A5 Uncommon (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo O2 Uncommon (V)

Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
OrokinCell Orokin Cell
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 50
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge N/A Blueprint2 Blueprints Price:N/A


  • When wielded by WispIcon272 Wisp/WispPrimeIcon272 Wisp Prime, the Alternate Fire mode-switching animation is decreased to 0.5 seconds.
  • Being categorized as an assault rifle, Fulmin can't be used for "Shotgun Only" Sorties (despite having pulse-shotgun characteristics).
  • Mod TT 20px Galvanized Aptitude is multiplicative to semi-auto's base damage sources on direct shots.


Fulmin Prime Skins


Patch History[]

Update 37.0 (2024-10-02)

  • Updated the Fulmin Prime’s passive to indicate their forced Impact Status Effect on Semi mode at close range.
    • Now reads: “Alternate Fire switches between Semi and Auto firing modes. Semi mode deals an Impact Status Effect to enemies at close range. Switch speed is doubled when wielded by Wisp.”

Update 33.6 (2023-07-27)

  • Introduced.