
Updates are occasional patches and add-ons or removal of information and/or features of a game.

The following updates are for WARFRAME Version 25:

The Jovian Concord
Update 25
The Jovian Concord U25.0H25.0.1H25.0.2H25.0.2.1H25.0.3H25.0.4H25.0.5H25.0.6H25.0.7H25.0.8
Wukong Prime U25.3H25.3.1H25.3.2H25.3.2.1H25.3.3H25.3.3.1
Tenno Reinforcements U25.4H25.4.1H25.4.1.1H25.4.2H25.4.3
Wukong Deluxe U25.5H25.5.0.1H25.5.1H25.5.2H25.5.3H25.5.4
Augment Tweaks U25.6H25.6.1H25.6.2H25.6.3
Saint of Altra U25.7H25.7.1H25.7.2H25.7.2.1H25.7.3H25.7.3.1H25.7.4H25.7.4.1H25.7.5H25.7.6H25.7.7H25.7.8
Atlas Prime U25.8H25.8.0.1H25.8.1H25.8.1.1H25.8.2

Hotfix 25.8.2

October 18th, 2019 Forum Post

Nightwave Changes

The following Acts for future Nightwaves have been changed based on player feedback:

  • The ‘Polarized’ Act has changed from 3 Forma to 1 Forma.
  • The ‘Grove Guardian’ Act has changed from killing 3 Silver Grove Specters to 1.
Disruption Relic Reward Changes

Based on some great player feedback we’ve shifted Relic types around per Rotation for some Disruption nodes to better balance the reward vs length of time you’re dedicating to the mission:


  • Rotation A Rewards now drop Meso Relics, replacing Lith Relics
  • Rotation B Rewards now drop Neo Relics, replacing Meso Relics
  • Rotation C Rewards now drop Axi Relics, replacing Neo Relics


  • Rotation A Rewards now drop Meso Relics, replacing Lith Relics
  • Rotation B Rewards now drop Neo Relics, replacing Meso Relics
  • Removed Axi Relics from Rotation C Rewards, it now only has Neo Relics
  • Added Neo C1 Relic to Rotation B and Rotation C rewards


  • Rotation A Rewards now drop Neo Relics, replacing Lith Relics
  • Rotation B Rewards now drop Axi Relics, replacing Meso Relics
  • Rotation C Rewards now drop Axi Relics, replacing Neo Relics


  • Rotation A Rewards now drop Meso Relics, replacing Lith Relics
  • Rotation B Rewards now drop Neo Relics, replacing Meso Relics
  • Rotation C Rewards now drop Axi Relics only, Meso Relics have been removed


  • Removed duplicate Lith Relic from Rotation A Rewards
  • Rotation B Rewards now drop Lith Relics, replacing Meso Relics
  • Rotation C Rewards now drop Meso Relics, replacing Neo Relics
  • Minor performance improvements when killing Infested Crawlers.
  • Fixed a script error/loss of functionality if you fail to complete a trade in Maroo's Bazaar.
  • Fixed possible UI lock-up when attempting to contribute to incomplete Solar Rail Research (currently disabled).
  • Swapped a duplicate Axi P2 Relic in numerous Interception mission drop tables with the correct Axi A6 Relic.
  • Swapped duplicate Relics on Rotation A of some Interception missions and replaced with correct Relics (Neo Z3 and Neo C1).
  • Fixed sometimes being locked out of spawning your K-Drive if you fail to spawn it due to being too close to the Plains of Eidolon boundary.
  • Fixed players being left floating if they were standing on an Excavator or a Capture Case when it is destroyed.
  • Fixed Hexenon and Orokin Cell drops from Amalgams appearing as Mods.
  • Fixed red emissives on the Venus Terra Moas.
  • Fixed some UI screens not having correct icons/textures displayed after a level transition.
  • Fixed a spawn point in the Corpus Ship Onslaught tileset.
  • Fixed a level hole in the Corpus Outpost tileset.
  • Fixed wonky plant spawns in the Grineer Shipyards tileset. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/dfk69f/de_fix_when/


October 10th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Disabled some overzealous bug-reporting that could cause UI lockups on poorly-timed UI events.
  • Improved the Jotunheim’s Syandana material to fix texture issues.

Hotfix 25.8.1

October 9th, 2019 Forum Post

One (maybe) last Hotfix before the team goes full heads down for the upcoming Mainline; featuring Grendel, Ember / Vauban Rework, and more! We’ll be back if Hotfix emergencies are required!

  • Added 2 new tips regarding Gauss' Abilities.
  • Made sweeping optimizations to the script runtime:
    • Eliminated 356KB of generated code by removing redundancy and writing custom interfaces.
    • Packed runtime data to save 136KB of memory and improve cache-locality.
    • Specialized RTTI system where possible to radically reduce overhead. On an i5-5960X this eliminated 100us of script execution.
      • While these numbers may seem small, it's worth noting that many processors have only 32K of instruction cache; for systems with slower memory the performance impact is expected to be greater.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to loading into Orbiter and Dojos.
  • Improved support for touch-pad "scroll" gestures (not all laptop drivers support DirectInput).
  • Added support for analog input mousewheel input so you can scroll windows to the top or bottom quickly.
  • Fixed Warframe stealing mousewheel focus in borderless fullscreen when scrolling another window.
  • Fixed an FX hitch when casting Khora’s Strangledome.
Hyena Change (Razorback mission only)

An Orokin Cell farming exploit was brought to our attention by not only players, but also our internal flagging system when such a method is tripped for misuse. In short, players were forcing the Hyena’s to spawn infinitely by entering/exiting rooms knowing that their Orokin Cell drop rate is 100%. As a result of this misuse, the Orokin Cell drop rate for the Hyena’s in the Razorback mission will diminish the more you spawn, to still allow for multiple drop attempts but without giving away the entire cake. Please note that players who are trade banned due to triggering this exploit will be manually unbanned after this Hotfix.

Gauss Changes
  • Improved visibility during Mach Rush and reduced camera shakes during longer jogs.
  • Atlas Prime’s Rumblers will maintain their Primed appearance even if another Atlas Skin is equipped on him.
    • The only exception is if the Atlas Karst Skin is equipped, as it has Rumblers of its own.
TennoGen Changes & Fixes
  • Updated the Wisp Damas Helmet textures to better match her body.
  • Subtly tweaked the Ivara Kuvael Skin skirt texture.
  • Fixes towards reducing cloth clipping with the Wisp Damas Skin.
  • Fixed the Tusk Thumper Doma (and potentially others) sometimes jumping away and despawning.
  • Fixed Arcane Pistoleer not giving infinite Ammo at 100% efficiency for weapons that fire more than one bullet at a time.
  • Fixed Nightwave Emissary Assassinate ‘lantern’ illumination FX drastically changing when going through doorways.
  • Fixed Nightwave Emissary Assassinate ‘lantern’ illumination FX appearing different when on the ground vs being held.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Donating your last of a type of Ayatan Sculpture to the Clan Vault.
  • Fixed Ziplines kicking you off if you bump into geometry instead of just stopping you short of overlapping. Also fixed colliding with other players/enemies on Ziplines when you should be able to pass through.
  • Fixed certain cases where kills were leading to Achievements completing twice as fast.
  • Fixed Gas City Dropships potentially despawning before you ever had the chance to see it.
  • Fixes towards Condor Dropships in Vallis getting stuck in the sky and refusing to drop off their units.
  • Fixed Khora’s Strangledome beam FX appearing incorrect.
  • Fixed Executioner Harkonar missing a description in the Codex.
  • Fixed Pax Recharge sounds not playing properly.
  • Fixed a whole bunch of out of bounds decoration meshes that were poking into other tilesets as seen here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/dc0zjh/i_was_in_the_middle_of_a_syndicate_spy_mission_in/
  • Fixed unreachable loot in the Infested Corpus tileset. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/ddgo8x/worst_pain_known_to_tenno/
  • Fixed a typo in The Jordas Precept fight.
  • Fixed spelling discrepancy of ‘Armor’ in the Shepherd Aura Mod.
  • Fixed "start elevator" appearing unlocalized at the bottom of one of the elevators in the Plains of Eidolon.


October 2nd, 2019 Forum Post

  • Atlas Prime’s Tectonics rock wall now has a Primed appearance!
TennoGen Fixes
  • Fixed Gara Zamariu’s Helmet dangles not applying chosen Energy color.
  • Fixed inability to use Warframe Abilities / Transference if Atlas’ Titanic Rumbler Augment Mod is activated due to bindings.

Update 25.8

October 1st, 2019 Forum Post - Atlas Prime

Atlas Prime

Embody the herculean strength of the mountain with Atlas Prime. This titanic warrior comes with the Tekko Prime, the Dethcube Prime Sentinel and more!


Get the newest Prime gear with Atlas Prime Access and Prime Accessories here: https://www.warframe.com/prime-access

  • New Axi Relics for Atlas Prime, Tekko Prime, and Dethcube Prime now also drop in Rotation C of Galleon Disruption, Lua Disruption, and Jupiter Disruption.
  • A 3-Day Mod Drop Chance Booster has been added in the following places:
    • Baro Ki'Teer to his offerings over several visits during Atlas Prime Access
    • In place of the Sortie Credit Booster reward.
Mirage Prime, Kogake Prime, and Akbolto Prime have entered the Vault!

With this Vaulting comes the shift of the following Syndicate Sacrifice:

  • Replaced Arbiters of Hexis Syndicate Sacrifice of Mirage Prime Systems for the Equinox Prime Neuroptics.

With the addition of this new Prime Access comes the next wave of Riven Disposition changes! Please read our Dev Workshop post for all the changes: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1131603-october-2019-riven-disposition-updates/%0A

  • Added new “fast whooshing” sounds to the Pathocyst.
  • Added a subcategory on the player Profile stats screen called "MOST USED EQUIPMENT".
Warframe Looting Ability Changes

Warframe Loot Abilities will again be able to yield multiple-drops from already looted corpses. A single enemy can be looted by at most one Ability from each group - which is how it worked before, this just clarifies it. Warframe Looting Abilities have been split into separate functionality groups for clarity:

  • Loot while alive: Ivara
  • Loot petrified: Atlas
  • Loot on death: Wukong, Khora, Hydroid. An enemy can only be killed once, they can’t ‘die’ multiple times.
  • Loot corpse: Nekros, Chesa

These changes stem from a bigger conversation that was addressed yesterday regarding not providing closure on the Loot Frame changes from The Jovian Concord. All the information can be found here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1131506-the-mod-booster-and-free-to-play/

TennoGen Changes & Fixes
  • Improved tinting on the Kuvael Ivara Skin and Kuvael Jester Mirage Skin.
  • Improved volume definition in several areas of the Ivara Kuvael Skin.
  • Improvements towards the Wisp Damas Skin to remove seam line of top of her hood.
  • Tweaked Wisp Graxx Helmet cloth to be heavier.
  • Tweaked Ash Ryuga Helmet ponytail cloth as per creators request to fix deformation.
  • Updated Saryn Ion Skin textures.
  • Fixed the Jotunheim Syandana not applying chosen Energy color.
  • Atlas' Rumbler summons will now create a burst of rocks when summoned/destroyed.
  • Increased Neptune, Laomedeia Disruption Credit Cache rewards based on feedback:
    • Rotation A is now solely a 100% chance for a 2x 10,000 Credits Cache.
    • Rotation B is now solely a 100% chance for a 3x 10,000 Credits Cache.
    • Rotation C is now 95% chance for a 5x 10,000 Credits Cache.
      • Universal Medallion still remains as a 5% chance reward
    • You’ll recall when we launched this node, we mentioned that “Expect higher-than-usual Credit Rewards from this Endless mode. While it may not be a perfect competition for the Index, it’ll be a change of pace for those looking to get some Credits with a change of scenery.” We still aren’t in Index territory, but it should at least be more rewarding. Let us know what you think!
  • Veiled Sentinel weapon Riven Mods can now be equipped on any Sentinel weapon type instead of a specific type (e.g. shotgun). All Veiled *Sentinel Riven Mods are now "Companion Weapon Riven Mod".
  • Updated the terminology for Aim Glide/Latch Time to Aim Glide/Wall Latch Duration.
  • Teralyst vocals will now be ducked more when an Onkko transmission is playing.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Gara’s Mass Vitrify.
Gauss Changes & Fixes
  • Increased Shield regeneration speed buff from 80% to 120% max.
  • Increased Battery charge rate from moving by 25%. Going from 0% to 100% at full (unmodded) sprint now takes 20s vs 25s previously.
  • Battery will no longer drain during the Sanctuary Onslaught Zone teleport.
  • Gauss Spectres will start with 80% battery.
  • Fixed battery gain not taking vertical velocity into account.
Mach Rush:
  • Now grants 1% Battery charge per enemy hit during the dash.
  • Increased Battery charge rate during continuous run by 33%.
  • Can now jump from ground while running (cannot jump in air) without cancelling the dash.
  • Added small synergy with Thermal Sunder; running through a bubble will add its damage to your dash and impact burst.
  • Fixed the ability screen showing "distance per energy" and unintentionally applying both Efficiency and Duration under the hood, resulting in Energy drain not matching the UI when you had Duration Mods. Changed Energy per meter stat into Energy per second: unmodded Energy drain remains the same, and while speed Mods previously increased Energy drain (more distance covered), they now no longer do. Thus, Energy drain will be either the same or better than before, never worse.
Kinetic Plating:
  • Decreased Battery drain from damage by 33%.
  • While active, Melee weapon hits will grant a small amount of Battery charge.
Thermal Sunder:
  • Increased bubble Duration from 4/6/8/10 to 6/9/12/15.
  • Increased minimum radius from 33% max to 50% max.
  • Split damage into two stats for Cold vs Heat. Increased damage for Heat mode by 2x.
  • Removed Blast damage stat, the Blast will use the damage of the mode you are applying (Cold or Heat) + the additional damage for cancelling the Status.
  • Blast Armor removal increased from 0-50% to 0-100%.
  • Blast Armor removal will now apply before the Blast damage is dealt, causing it to be more effective.
  • Increased Redline % gain rate by 33%.
  • Increased projectile seek chance from 33% to 50%.
  • Decreased passive Battery drain by 33%.
  • Added new sounds to Gauss when his Redline is filled and when it has been exceeded!
  • Fixed aimglide applying while holding aim with sword alone during Gauss Mach Rush, allowing you to become Zephyr.
  • Fixed jumping while using Gauss Mach Rush across water giving you no height, resulting in you getting wet.
  • Fixed Slash Status Effects dealing full damage to Gauss while Kinetic Plating is active. Status damage will be determined by current damage reduction at the time the Status occurs.
  • Fixed allies losing their Tidal Impunity buff if you cast Tidal Impunity elsewhere.
  • Fixed losing scrolling functionality in Menus upon binding mouse scroll to Shawzin keys.
  • Fixed enemy health bar remaining yellow on armored enemies that have their armor reduced to 0 for Clients.
  • Fixed doing too much damage to Corrupted Vor causing him to become invincible and stuck in an animation.
  • Fixed Arch-Gun animation playing when swapping weapons in an Archwing mission.
  • Fixed Note Beacon text not appearing for Orbiter guests.
  • Fixed Corpus console being used in a Grineer tileset. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/daxl4c/i_just_realized_something_this_corpus_console_has/
  • Fixed a hole in the Corpus Outpost Defense tileset. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/dbdzqw/found_this_hole_on_corpus_defence_map/
  • Fixed AI trying to move through windows in the Grineer Sealab tileset. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/dbih0j/im_trapped_in_a_glass_case_of_emotion/
  • Fixed inability for Clients to see waypoints in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset after completing an Exterminate mission.
  • Fixed a poorly lit hallway in the Grineer Sealab tileset.
  • Fixed door clipping through walls in the Infested Corpus Ship tileset.
  • Fixed tree with missing collision in the Grineer Forest tileset.
  • Fixed Clients in Archwing not seeing the "Projectile Incoming" message.

Hotfix 25.7.8

September 27th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Fixed the game crashing if it fails to synchronize your inbox on login (i.e. due to internet connection failure).
  • Airborne resistance from Mods is now capped at 90% to prevent stacking past 100% in some cases.
Nightwave Changes & Fixes
  • Emissary boss rewards will now only be revealed at the End of Mission screen to prevent aborting the mission if you didn’t receive the part you wanted.
  • Lowered the Zealoid Prelate and Zealoid Bastion Codex scans from 30 to 3.
  • Removed Zealoid Prelate and Zealoid Bastion from the Simulacrum due to breaking functionality.
  • Fixed Zealoid Prelate walking in place if it’s killed without picking up Arlo's Lantern.
  • Fixed Arcane Blade Charger displaying the damage increase factor (2%) instead of as a percentage (200%). The Arcane still behaved correctly and applied 200%. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1130656-tennogen-nightwave-episode-5-hotfix-2577/page/5/?tab=comments#comment-11055621
  • Fixed the Norg’s Mask and Mother’s Mask having a temporary price of 1 Credit.
  • Fixed cloth physics on both the Wisp Graxx Helmet and Wisp Damas Helmet.
  • Fixed the Ash Ryuga Helmet missing its ponytail cloth.
  • Fixed the Gara Rouen Helmet stating the incorrect creator name in the description.
  • Fixed the Loki Jotunheim Skin not applying chosen Energy color.
  • Fixed the Jotunheim Oculus, Konvalyst Oculus, and Yureilyst Oculus not applying chosen Energy color.
  • Fixed email lock icon not pulsing in your chosen UI Theme colors.
  • Fixed missing localization for Aim Glide/Latch Duration in the Aerodynamic Mod.

Hotfix 25.7.7

September 26th, 2019 Forum Post

Developer Note

Tenno! We have intentionally left September as a bit of a ‘light’ month for releases. We wanted to give ourselves time internally to focus the whole team on finishing that infamous Whiteboard. However, our amazing and dedicated TennoGen community generate their success on our Updates! So you’ll find the headline of this week is dedicated to TennoGen Round 17.

Regarding our recent Arbitration reward changes: the team is viewing not only feedback, but also statistics. Currently, our statistics are looking at the effects of adding Vitus to Drones, reward balance between different mission types, and the overall reward output, comparing Arbitrations both before and after changes. Stay tuned for changes coming in the near future.

The final episode of Nightwave: Series 2 is live on all platforms!

We also have an official end date for Nightwave: Series 2! You have until October 13th to rank up and earn rewards, including the Emissary Operator Suit, Nikana Maligna Skin, Spore Ephemera and more!

A note on Episode 5:

Without spoiling too much on what Episode 5 brings, we wanted to provide a bit of information on ZEALOT CODES.

Zealot Codes are required to engage in a new encounter brought in Episode 5.

What’s a Zealot Code? If you’ve noticed this, you’ll know completing these gives you access to Zealot missions:


(1 Zealot Code is acquired from completing 3 Infested Outbreak missions on a planet under an Outbreak. 2 planets are always under an Outbreak at all times, meaning you can get 2 Zealot Codes per day.)

If you have Zealot Codes in your Inventory, you can engage that respective amount of times plus with the more Codes you can continually earn.

Fun fact: this mysterious encounter will return after Nightwave Series 2 ends on October 13th as a permanent new boss fight.

Ash Ryuga Skin by Rekkou


Baruuk Graxx Skin by Faven


Frost Hisame Skin by Malaya and AMO_017


Harrow Veles Skin by Vulbjorn, the graphical walrus.


Ivara Kuvael Huntress Skin by Erneix


Loki Jotunheim Skin by Mz-3


Mirage Kuvael Jester Skin by Erneix


Saryn Ion Skin by Yatus


  • Please note that it is the designers intention for the Saryn Ion Skin to not have an accent channel tint.
Trinity Nightingale Skin by Matzan481


Wisp Graxx Skin by Faven


Gara Rouen Alt Helmet by Hydroxate


Wisp Damas Alt Helmet by FrellingHazmot


Diva Chest Armor by lukinu_u


Fhan’Epak Chest Armor by Faven


Paxis Chest Armor by Malaya and Jadie


Jotunheim’s Spirit Oculus by Mz-3


Konvalyst Oculus by Lukinu_u


Vuoto Oculus by Oh_Shimmy


Yureilyst Oculus by Lukinu_u


Jotunheim‘s Cloak by Mz-3


Paxis Syandana by Malaya and Jadie


Insidia Sword Skin by HitsuSan and Reil


Khatuun Nikana Skin by VoidPunch


Lahnss Polearm Skin by Faven


Wuush Whip Skin by Faven



  • Made experimental optimizations to content update speed especially when anti-virus programs are enabled.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to content update and game loading.
  • Optimized engine startup slightly.
  • Made a micro-optimization to level loading and eliminated a bunch of harmless log warnings.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if a squadmate summoned a Specter and then quit the game.
  • Fixed a game hitch when picking up a Stance Mod in mission.
  • Fixed script error when cycling a Riven Mod that is not in the currently selected collection grid category.

Missed Vaporize Changes from Update 25.7.0

This was initially meant for the upcoming release of Dethcube Prime, but it squeezed through the Mainline cracks.

  • Vaporize's base Damage of 600 now multiplies with Mods equipped to your Sentinel's gun.
  • Increased Vaporize’s max Range to 30 meters from 4 meters.
  • Decreased the cooldown to 10 seconds from 30 seconds.
Additional Vaporize Changes
  • Vaporize now has Punchthrough and can hit multiple enemies at once.
  • Updated the FX of Vaporize.
  • The Norg Mask, Mother’s Mask, and Grineer Mask now have a higher chance of appearing in Nakak’s store. This also fixes an issue where they would never appear - sorry!
  • Sentinel Rivens will no longer get the ‘with an active pet’ requirement. Existing Rivens with this requirement have been changed to ‘without dying or becoming downed’.
  • Removed reflection textures from Operator heads to reduce shininess.
  • Change Nightwave Silent Eliminator Act description to clarify that the minimum enemy level must be 30+, not the maximum
    • Previous:
      • Complete an Extermination mission with level 30 or higher enemies without triggering alarms
    • New:
      • Complete an Extermination mission with only level 30 or higher enemies without triggering alarms
  • Revenant’s Reave ability is now an upper body animation only; alleviating momentum cancelling lower body animations.
  • Increased the Glaive’s radial audio so it’s bouncing can be heard.
Disruption Changes/Fixes
  • Reduced minimum range at which Demolyst markers hide when close to the player to 5 meters from 8 meters.
  • Fixed the red visual marker hint for Demolysts not appearing in Gas City.
  • Fixed remaining players being unable to complete the Mask of the Revenant specter fight after a Host migration occurs.
  • Fixed enemies standing around in Sanctuary Onslaught.
  • Fixed enemies not spawning in the first half of the final mission in the Archwing quest.
  • Fixed Warframe Look Links applying to Operators.
  • Fixed the Akarius not homing in on enemies when playing as a Client.
  • Fixed Hunter Synergy crit chance boost not actually being taken into account when rolling for crits for pet.
  • Fixed Void Dash not applying movement in The War Within or if you try to use it immediately after Transferring to the Operator.
  • Fixed Gauss Collection description having typo in ‘Credit’.
  • Fixed part of the Melee Toxin FX not taking on Energy colors as per: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/d6a5aa/toxin_on_melee_weapons_tends_to_result_in_the
  • Fixed Eidolon Hunt Bounties showing veiled rewards.
  • Fixed misleading objective marker in final Archwing quest mission.
  • Fixed Ivara Empowered Quiver stat display saying Crit Chance when it should be Crit Damage.
  • Fixed Arcane Primary Charger, Arcane Blade Charger, Arcane Pistoleer, and Arcane Bodyguard not listing “+1 Arcane Revive” at max Rank.
  • Fixed duplicate subtitles in transmission from Darvo in Vor's Prize.
  • Fixed inability to complete the Kuva Fortress Defense mission if you Nyx Mind Control a turret.
  • Fixed Vauban Prime's coat tails not being replaced by the regular non-Prime coat tails when toggling his ‘Prime Details’.
  • Fixed the random relic login reward saying 'Relic Pack' instead of 'Relic'.
  • Fixed certain snowy terrain in The War Within not playing the right footstep sound.
  • Fixed seeing a ‘Gear’ prompt when switching from the Trading screen to the Emote screen.
  • Fixed text on the Void Fissure reward screen appearing difficult to read when the chosen UI Theme is bright.

Hotfix 25.7.6

September 18th, 2019 Forum Post

Abritrations Revisited

Last week we released a Dev Workshop (link on those words: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1128051-arbitrations-revisited-part-2/) outlining our plans to improve Arbitrations, revisiting the droptables and improving reward frequency to be more consistent between modes. From new players who just completed the Star Chart, to veterans returning for new Arcanes and Aura mods, we hope these changes result in a more satisfying gameplay experience overall.

All changes are potentially subject to later changes based on feedback, so try out a few mission types and tell us your thoughts!

Reward and Rotation Changes

In the original Arbitrations, Excavation missions were the clear outlier in terms of reward output for time spent. The following changes are intended to bring all other missions to the same level as Excavation, and also iterate on other community feedback:

  • Arbitrations now use regular rotation length for their rewards, with the exception of Excavation. Excavation timers have been adjusted to compensate. Example:
    • EX: In lieu of a reward every 10 waves of Defense, you will now receive a reward every 5 waves.
  • Arbitration rotation cadence has been changed from “ABCCCCC...” to “AABBCCCCC...”, so that the same level of time investment is encouraged.
  • Reduced Endo Rewards drop percentage in the drop tables. Rare non-endo reward drop rates are unchanged - you’ll just get twice as many chances!
  • Arbiter Drones will now have a small chance to drop Vitus Essence on kill.
    • Vitus Essence dropped by destroyed Arbitration drones will have the special pickup notification.
New Arbitration Rewards

The following rewards have been added to the Arbitrations drop tables:
Stats shown at max rank*

  • New Aura Mods:
    • Aerodynamic: 6 seconds added to Aim Glide/Wall Latch time, decreases damage taken while Airborne by 24%*
    • Swift Momentum: 30% faster Charge Attack speed, 6 seconds added to Melee Combo time*
    • Shepherd: Increases Companion Armor by 180 and Companion Health by 300*
    • Combat Discipline: Allies gain 20 Health when they make a kill, but the aura bearer loses 10 Health when the bearer makes a kill.*
    • Melee Guidance: Reduces Melee Combo timer on Self by 6 seconds, increases Melee Combo timer for Allies by 12 seconds*
  • New Arcanes:
    • Arcane Primary Charger: On Melee Kill: 20% chance that Primary Weapon damage is increased by 200% for 8 seconds*
    • Arcane Blade Charger: On Primary Weapon Kill: 20% chance that Melee damage is increased by 200% for 8 seconds*
    • Arcane Pistoleer: On Pistol Headshot Kill: 30% chance to gain 100% ammo efficiency for 4 seconds*
    • Arcane Bodyguard: On Six Melee Kills Within 30 seconds: Heal companion by 600*
    • Arcane Tanker: On Heavy Weapon Summon: Gain 1200 armor for 16 seconds*
    • Per usual rules, an equipped maximum rank Arcane will also grant an extra Arcane Revive
      • Note: You may notice that the new Arcanes have default icons - we will be updating these in the near future with unique imagery.
    • Added 3 x Vitus Essence bundle to the Arbitrations drop table.
Arbitrations Changes and Fixes
  • With the increased reward cadence resulting in more than double the Vitus Essence Output as before, prices in the Arbiter’s reward manifest have increased by roughly 1.5 times. To offset this change, we have run script to increase players’ existing Vitus stockpiles by an equivalent amount. Your Vitus should be increased to the correct amount upon login!
  • Arbitration Disruption Missions:
    • Changed the extraction requirements for Disruption missions in Arbitrations from 8 completed Conduits to 4.
    • Added “extraction available” pop up when it is ready if the round is reached and 4/4 Conduits were completed.
    • Fixed round counter missing from the UI.
  • Added “Dayform” and “Nightform” icons beside the emissive color selection in Equinox’s Appearance screen. Choosing a dark or a light color for your emissive will change what form you spawn into mission as -- this just makes it easy to see which one!
  • Added “Yo” Scale to the Shawzin. ‘Sup.
  • Ghoul Purge inbox messages will no longer automatically open your inbox or play the transmissions if you have completed all of the Encrypted Journal Fragments.
  • Tweaked weather patterns in the Plains of Eidolon to prevent lengthy rainy periods.
  • Increased brightness of Ash’s Bladestorm mark slightly to improve visibility.
  • Ally NPCs will no longer attack Garuda’s Blood Atlar Victims.
  • Updated Umbral Forma’s description to properly reflect the items it can be installed on (Warframes and Melee Weapons). Removed the ability to use Umbral Forma on K-Drives and Archwing Melee.
  • Tweaks Ostron eyes to make them less glowy.
  • Limited Shawzin to 30 notes per second to prevent macros playing ridiculous amounts of notes and causing issues.
  • Enemies may now “react” (without changing their Alert state) to you by stopping and looking around if you shoot a Silent weapon within 2-3m of them several times quickly.
  • Applying a Look Link to the same item (ex: a Nova Look Link applied to a Nova) that uses default colours will now properly apply the default color. Previously, the original color would remain unchanged.
  • Made micro-optimizations to core math libraries.
  • Fixed title of ‘Thank You’ messages running off screen.
  • Fixed momentum carrying over when Bullet Jumping and immediately entering Void Mode after.
  • Fixed a crash due to corrupt data that could occur while updating.
  • Fixed chat linked Veiled Rivens not showing the unveiling challenge information.
  • Fixed incorrect Operator Hair icon.
  • Fixed hitting an enemy caught in Strangledome with your Whipclaw not transferring damage to other foes held in the Strangledome if you are a Client.
  • Fixed unintended fire rate increase for Acceltra while jumping.
  • Fixed mysterious Plains of Eidolon fragment showing up in the Codex.
  • Fixed exploit with Titania’s Razorwing and Syndicate weapons.
  • Fixed Synth Fiber not working correctly when equipped on Venari.
  • Fixed missing “Jog” callout for the Golden Maw section of The War Within Quest.
  • Fixed dropping the Datamass off the cliffs around the Extraction point on the Grineer Earth Tileset resulting in the Datamass teleporting to an unreachable location.
  • Fixed cases where enemies would be standing around idle in Sanctuary Onslaught instead of storming towards you.
  • Fixed “long clicks” (more than half a second) in the Shawzin song menu cancelling the Shawzin emote.
  • Fixed Saryn’s Spores costing no Energy when casted if the Venom Dose Augment is equipped.
  • Fixed Nightwave button appearing dark when accessing menus in Operator mode in the Orbiter.
  • Fixed Veiled Companion Weapon Rivens issues when chatlinking.
  • Fixed Saryn’s Venom Dose Augment’s effects not properly applying to allies as per: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1127477-saryns-1-with-the-augment-venom-dose-can-be-cast-on-any-ally-without-effect/
  • Fixed Khora’s Whipclaw healing enemies instead of damaging them when equipping Mods for negative Puncture damage.
  • Fixed small grammatical errors in the Training section of the Codex.
  • Fixed hole in the Harrow Hieropha Helmet.
  • Fixed K-Drive races not appearing properly on the minimap when using the default K-Drive from the Vox Solaris Quest.
  • Fixed Warframes running at a weird angle in Conclave.
  • Fixed missing audio queues in the Chains of Harrow Quest.
  • Fixed some weirdness with the Paracyst’s projectile FX.
  • Fixed Clients being unable to see theirs or the Host’s Glyph when deployed in mission.
  • Fixed “Reset All Decorations in Room” option for appearing in the Decorations UI when in an Orbiter room with no decorations placed.
  • Fixed Growing Power Aura effects not triggering when equipped on Excalibur Umbra after transferring to and from Operator.
  • Fixed Mesa being unable to use abilities or melee when using the Venka after casting Peacemaker.
  • Fixed the Norg Mask not appearing in Nakak’s Masks and Oddities rotation.
  • Fixed camera panning through the ship when accessing the Focus Tree via the Arsenal.
  • Fixed Teralysts (and other Eidolons) taking more damage to weak points than they should be.
  • Fixed Saryn’s Molt not properly cleansing her of Nox’s sludge.
  • Fixed "Complete X to unlock this Act" showing X as broken code for French.
  • Fixed unowned Baro offerings showing credit cost instead of Ducat cost in the Void Trader screen.
  • Fixed enemy Tenno minimap markers showing up as white in Conclave.
  • Fixed the “D” key resetting Shawzin songs. Now you can hit the D key all you want.
  • Fixed Mesa Immortal Skin not applying properly to Mesa Prime.
  • Fixed enemies in the Simulacrum not recovering from Stomp cast by a Rhino Specter.
  • Fixed exploit tied to Tenno Spectres.
  • Fixed issues when previewing cosmetics in the Arsenal that are part of a bundle, like the Harrow Reliquary Skin.
  • Fixed UI bug when previewing unowned skins in the Arsenal and backing out of the menu.
  • Fixed waypoint marker not updating to the closest enemy in Archwing Exterminate missions.
  • Fixed crawler pathing to help them stop getting stuck.
  • Fixed Infested units sometimes preferring to vomit projectiles they have the opportunity to melee their target instead. I will take any option that involves less vomit, thank you.
  • Fixed enemies on Dropships popping into view briefly for Clients.
  • Fixed the hostages in the “Rescue the Hostages” mission during the Vox Solaris quest not all behaving in the same cowering way. Cowards...
  • Fixed Wisp not aiming her rifle up when firing upwards.
  • Fixed in-construction Dojo decorations sometimes going invisible.

Hotfix 25.7.5

September 9th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Optimized level loading and level streaming (you'll have to optimize your cache once to use the new system).
  • Increased estimate for free-space needed to optimize download cache to avoid some people with nearly-full drives running into problems.
  • Fixed crash when changing maps in Conclave (among other rarer cases).
  • Fixed softlock when opening Chat.
  • Fixed Chat functionality in Shawzin screen.
  • Fixed a script error when "joining the hunt" from Simaris.
Shawzin Changes
  • Chat button on Controllers can no longer be rebound in the Shawzin controller bindings. If this key has already been bound due to not having this restriction previously, rebinding what's there will fix it.
  • Changed the name ‘Vibrato’ to ‘Whammy’ to more accurately reflect its function.
  • Tweaked Liset “sky” loading screen emissive/lighting.
  • Updated reflections in Captura Scenes.
  • Augur Mod Set Bonus will now continue to grant more Overshields up to the maximum amount of Overshield.
  • Toned down the brightness of Gauss’ Thermal Sunder Ability.
  • Operator Ear Accessories will now be visible when the Saturn Six mask is in the closed position.
  • Updated terminology for Damage Types in Portuguese.
  • Fixed Catchmoon Kitguns, Arca Plasmor, and a few other weapons not being able to damage the Ropalolyst Synovia.
  • Fixed Nova’s Antimatter Drop exploding prematurely when aiming with your gun, and looking down a bit. We attempted to fix this in 25.7.4 but it actually broke it more!
  • Fixed ability to equip Arcanes you do not own through Mod Link. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1126678-stumble-upon-duplicating-glitchyesnomaybe/
  • Fixed the Lua Lens appearing as the same basic Lens icon in the Arsenal/Inventory screen.
  • Fixed Mag Prime appearing super glossy.
  • Fixed Operators running on air as a Client if you use Transference just as you're falling off a level. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1126136-video-flying-bug-fall-down-and-transference-at-the-same-time-as-client/
  • Fixed a number of different Operator accessories excessively clipping with the Norg Mask and Mother's Mask when ‘Hood Opened” is selected.
  • Fixed Horrasque's not appearing in the Codex..they were shy and hiding underground.
  • Fixed Host Revive FX being replicated for Clients.
  • Fixed inability to complete the Mastery Rank 12 test if you fall off the starting platform.
  • Fixed the Etheria Armor set clipping with many Warframes/Skins.
  • Fixed duplicate color names in the Keino Kubrow Gene-Masking Kit.
  • Fixed typo in name of Deaelra Kavat Skin (switched an L to an I).
  • Fixed a text string appearing when dismantling Servofish in Fortuna.
  • Fixed elevator control panels hovering in the air in the Corpus Outpost tileset.
  • Fixed enemies spawning inside walls in the Corpus Outpost Exterminate tileset.
  • Fixed enemies not being teleported when falling into pits in the Orokin Derelict Exterminate tileset.
  • Fixed Teleporters in Featured Dojos sometimes teleporting back to your own Dojo.


September 5th, 2019 Forum Post

  • When previewing Kubrow/Kavat Armor that cannot be equipped on your current Kubrow/Kavat (Hyekka, Moonless, etc) it will now display the compatible Kubrow/Kavat Skin.

Hotfix 25.7.4

September 5th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Fixed a crash in player Inventories.
  • Fixed a Dx11 crash.
Rendering Changes

As mentioned back in 25.7.2, the team has been relentlessly working to fix issues brought up with the Rendering changes brought in Update 25.7.0. The most prominent feedback was related to ‘dull looking metal’, and you weren’t wrong!

We’ve applied a shader change to the entire game for an overall wash of the dull metal textures to reduce roughness. This should be most noticed on characters (Warframes, Operators, etc) where your Fashionframe eye is trained to spot imperfection.

Please keep in mind that even though rendering is more accurate/consistent now, some legacy materials could suffer. Let us know if you spot something funky!

Disruption Changes
  • Disruption Arbitration now requires 8 completed Conduits to extract. It was always meant to be 8, but Mainline didn’t include that change!
    • Rewards are still given every other round: 4 Conduits per Round = 2 Rounds to extract.
  • Joining a Disruption mission in progress will now lock when either 2 Conduits are completed or 1 Conduit has failed, as opposed to locking after 1 Conduit is completed/failed.
  • Changes to reduce marker clutter:
    • Markers only show for active Conduits or if a player has picked up a Conduit key for it.
    • One marker will always be shown if there are no active Conduits and no Conduit Keys picked up.
    • Conduit Keys on the ground for a matching Conduit will be removed as soon as it is activate
Shawzin Changes & Fixes
  • Added custom Shawzin keybind settings for keyboard and controller!
    • Keyboard defaults are: Fret keys have moved from mouse to arrow keys.
    • Controller defaults are: Exit is now the start button (unbindable) so it does not cause accidental Shawzin exits. Notes are defaulted to the bottom three buttons.
  • Added unique open/close sounds for the Nelumbo Shawzin (this time without causing crashes).
  • Fixed chosen Shawzin not retaining when switching to a different Shawzin.
  • Fixed a second player equipping a Shawzin with different notes resulting in your Shawzin notes being overwritten.
  • Fixed inability to reload if you play the Shawzin with less than max Ammo on your equipped weapon.
  • Fixed inability to be Gifted a different type of Shawzin then the one you already own.
  • Fixed the Shawzin no longer playing notes after playing for a prolonged time.
Gauss Changes & Fixes
  • Gauss’ battery meter now builds when Reviving a teammate!
  • Fixed firing Exergis at the right time as Gauss’ Redline is activated causing you to be able to fire it continuously without needing to reload.
  • Fixed not being able to Gauss Mach Rush across the coolant in Orb Vallis Captura Scene.
Universal Syndicate Medallion Change

As stated in Update 25.7.0, the Universal Syndicate Medallion is now useable for Ventkids and Simaris Standing! After some internal discussion and player feedback, we decided against allowing the Universal Medallion to apply to Conclave. It didn’t feel right to add a PvE path for a PvP gamemode, especially towards those you have actively played Conclave to get their Standing. Apologies for the chain yank!

Toroid Changes & Fixes
  • Increased drop rate from 1.1% to 2%.
  • Fixed Toroids not dropping from non-Raknoid enemies at Spaceport, Research Base, and Temple of Profit in Orb Vallis.
  • Further decreased the max size of Atlas’ Rumblers ever so slightly so they no longer get caught in certain doors.
  • Sniper scopes and Mining will no longer show the player if they're cloaked and zooming in (Loki’s Invisibility etc).
  • Removed Nightwave tips that were showing incorrectly for certain item previews.
  • The ‘unowned’ label in Mod Link preview will only appear now when you don't own at least one Mod.
  • Tweaked Interception HUD by moving and aligning UI.
  • Removed Railjack binding options from the Controller customization screen.
  • Removed a radar dish in Plains of Eidolon due to it blocking a turret from firing.
  • Fixed enemies in Nightmare missions spawning at different levels than advertised in the Star Chart UI.
  • Fixed Corpus Mankers not spawning in the Profit Taker fight.
  • Fixed momentum from your Warframe being carried through to your Operator if you Transferred and then Void Dashed.
  • Fixed an issue where Cloud Walker being deactivated would launch Wukong in the direction he was traveling before activating it. He now maintains the momentum that he was traveling with during Cloud Walker.
  • Fixed Nova’s Antimatter exploding prematurely when aiming with your gun, and looking down a bit.
  • Fixed Ivara's Sleep arrow sometimes causing birds to fall through the ground.
  • Fixed Nezha’s Pyroclastic Flow Augment kicked fire remaining indefinitely and damaging allies when Nezha dies and respawns.
  • Fixed Mirage’s Hall of Mirror clone kills not counting towards ‘kills’ for relevant Challenges/Acts.
  • Fixed ability to install an Umbra/Aura Forma on Archwings and Sentinels. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1122503-aura-forma-installed-on-archwing/
  • Fixed Mod drops no longer showing in the Codex.
  • Fixed Bundle dioramas for Operator cosmetics not applying your Operator attributes.
  • Fixed (for real this time) Sigils not stacking in your Inventory when obtaining multiple copies.
  • Fixed some Archwing enemies having behavioural problems when at a certain, exact distance away from the player.
  • Fixed Archwing enemies that move while facing the target having problems if directly underneath or over their target.
  • Fixed opening a Look Link while in the main menu using a controller resulting in the preview being overly dark.
  • Fixed part of Harrow’s Reliquary Thurible being visible when loading into missions.
  • Fixed missing Sanctuary Onslaught Portal FX.
  • Fixed Melee Elemental FX not always showing up when you swing the weapon. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1126060-elemental-fx-on-melee-weapons-arent-showing-up-in-game/
  • Fixed Solo players still moving in the direction the elevator was moving when the game is paused.
  • Fixed Trinity Link's beam flickering (and likely some others. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1125006-photosensitive-epilepsy-migraine-warning-saint-of-altra-made-trinitys-link-flash-and-blink-dangerously/
  • Fixed the Operator Dual Oculus Lenses being too opaque after recent changes. It's now closer to what it was before. As reported here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cxpuaz/so_the_dual_oculus_went_from_being_glasses_to/
  • Fixed Akarius ammo parts not hiding with invisible frames (Loki, Ivara, etc).
  • Fixed Volatile Orokin Containers having a blue light instead of the intended red.
  • Fixed Secondary and Bonus Bounty objectives pertaining the Host language for Clients.
  • Fixed ‘PICK UP KUVA CATALYST’ being incorrecting translated in Japanese.
  • Fixed filepath showing instead of "INSERT SHARD" text in Teralyst Bounty.
  • Fixed picking up Heavy Weapon Ammo showing "


September 3rd, 2019 Forum Post

  • Fixed Arsenal UI crash if you had a Moa, Kavat or Kubrow but never used a Sentinel.
  • Fixed UI breaking when attempting to search for square bracket text in Shawzin Songs.
  • Fixed not gaining any Affinity from an installed Lua Lens if the Blueprint was Rushed. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1125101-lua-lens-bug-gain-zero-or-unasigned-affinity/
    • A script is in the works to refund Blueprint Rushing costs to those affected.Script is complete!
  • Fixed Gauss Kinetic Plating not giving the minimum damage protection when his meter is completely empty.
  • Fixed the Handspring Mod not functioning for Clients.
  • Fixed Look Link of anything equipped appearing as massive text strings when viewing the linked items screen.
  • Fixed holes in the Grineer Galleon tileset that could cause AI to get stuck.

Hotfix 25.7.3

September 3rd, 2019 Forum Post

H25.7.3 Prime Vault

Valkyr and Saryn Prime have emerged from the Prime Vault with their signature Prime Weapons, Accessories, and more!

Find their Relics in the Void or in Bounty rewards today!
Get your Prime Vault now: https://www.warframe.com/prime-vault

Nyx and Rhino Prime, as well as their signature Prime Weapons, Accessories, has entered the Prime Vault and have been removed from the drop tables.

*If you already wield the power of these Primes or have their Relics in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting.

Shawzin Changes
  • You can now record Shawzin songs with up to 1000 notes, but can only Chat linked if they're 100 notes or less.
    • I wrote this change wrong! The true change is: You can now load 1000 note songs that you have recorded, but the Chat link limit of 100 notes still applies.
  • Fixed Shawzin 'Autoplay’ always showing a score of 0 the whole time, instead it now shows "Autoplay".
  • Fixed a crash if an enemy attempted to spawn out of world bounds.
  • Fixed a functionality loss when choosing not to purchase an item from Look Link.
  • Fixed a UI lockup when Mod Link is open during a mission transition.
  • Fixed a UI lockup when selecting a Chat linked Shazin song or Mod Link.
  • Fixed an issue where "Completed Ayatan Sculpture" based Challenges couldn't be completed.
  • Fixed certain Amps no longer applying multiple instances of damage to Eidolons. This resulted in the Shwaak Prism feeling like it lacked punchthrough, when in fact it was the Eidolon who was not registering hits.
  • Fixed Gorgaricus Spores not exploding when they impact the ground.
  • Fixed sorting equipment in Arsenal by Usage for Moas, Kubrows and Kitguns.
  • Fixed an issue where some projectiles wouldn't come to a complete stop and would slowly float away (noticed on some bouncing Penta grenades).
  • Fixed Sigils not stacking in your Inventory when obtaining multiple copies.
  • Fixed teleport volume in the Corpus Ship tileset that was poking into other tiles causing players to get teleported in rare instances. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cy3v5i/youre_playing_too_fast_enjoy_the_mission_for/
  • Fixed missing pillar tops in the Lua tileset. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cyalz5/not_really_even_a_map_hole_but_the_gold_on_this/


August 30th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Reverted the addition of unique open/close sounds for the Nelumbo Shawzin due to it causing crashes and breaking squadmates UI.
  • Improved handling of corrupt shader caches to fix some crashes.
  • Fixed between-Wave rewards not popping up when playing Disruption on Mars - Olympus.
  • Fixed your input swapping to Chat if you started a mission with the Appearance preview screen active.

Known issue:

  • Currently enemies in the Codex are missing their full drop reward information - we'll get it fixed!

Hotfix 25.7.2

August 30th, 2019 Forum Post

General Additions
  • Companion Weapon Rivens have been added back to Simaris’ Offerings! This time they will unveil for the proper weapon.
  • Added unique open/close sounds for the Nelumbo Shawzin.
  • Fixed a crash when in the Dojo.
  • Fixed a crash if you lost connection to the server and tried to access your Profile at the same time.
  • Fixed a rare crash when transitioning between Zones in Sanctuary Onslaught.
  • Potential fix for UI lockup when leaving squads setting up for the Index.
  • Fixed spamming Look Links too quickly to Chat locking up your UI (serves you right!)
  • Fixed edge cases of a UI lockup when accessing the Leverian from a place outside of the Market or Codex.
  • Fixed Zealot Heralds Torid FX perpetually lingering, thus affecting performance.
  • Fixed Akarius FX particles perpetually lingering, thus also affecting performance.
  • Fixed a script error that could result if you left a mission while an Infested Runner was charging at you.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Gauss’ Kinetic Plating ability.
General Changes
  • Acceltra can now equip Rifle Ammo Mutation Mod.
Disruption Fixes
  • Fixed progression stopper after Round 10 of Disruption, where the Demolisher Thrasher wouldn't spawn above level 80.
  • Fixed more potential cases of Demolyst enemies not spawning in missions which are lower level than their equivalent Star Chart mission.
Rendering Changes & Fixes

Below are just a few tweaks before the long weekend in an attempt to alleviate some graphical over sights from the rendering changes brought in Update 25.7.0. More fixes are definitely coming once the team has regrouped next week. Apologies for the premature changes - the excitement got the better of us!

  • Improvements towards metallic chunk textures looking too soft on Warframes.
  • Fixes towards emissive colors on Warframes not working. This affected certain materials and were made exponentially worse if using a darker Emissive or Energy color.
  • Fixed weapon emissive colors to be crushed to near black if the weapon had PBR upgrades.
  • Fixes towards bad zoning reflections by tweaking lights, probs, glowing meshes, and redundant cubemaps. This fixes many cases of overly saturated areas such as the Jordas Golem exterior boss arena.
  • Fixed Aura Mods not functioning.
  • Fixed some players having their Mastery Rank recalculated slightly lower than before as a result of moving nodes around in the Star Chart for the Disruption expansion.
  • Fixed your camera flipping upside down when achieving ludicrous Gauss Mach Rush speed with maxed Field of View.
  • Fixed Euphona Prime having incorrect aimed accuracy when using the slug fire mode. As reported here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cxkb1o/euphona_prime_worse/
  • Fixed inability to play Shawzins that you have placed in your Orbiter.
  • Fixed Disruption Nox sometimes not attempting to shoot at players.
  • Fixed enemies become alerted when using a Scanner.
  • Fixed see-through Decorations when building in the Dojo.
  • Fixed appearing as a mini-Warframe when entering/leaving the Leverian as the Operator.
  • Fixed inability to Transfer out of the Operator when entering/leaving the Leverian as the Operator.
  • Fixed the Prime Details toggle not behaving properly for TennoGen Skins on Volt Prime.
  • Fixed Tyl Regor and Kela De Thaym turning into a puddle if Oberon’s Smite was used during the fight.
  • Fixed Volt’s electricity FX and Umbra’s Howl FX appearing as lines instead of lightning beams.
  • Fixed Clients losing loot into teleport pits.
  • Fixed broken animal Conservation notes in Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed attempting to change a Dojo Room description not saving and instead displaying 'undefined'.

Hotfix 25.7.1

August 30th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Tweaked lighting/exposure in the Orbiter to alleviate reports of overly bright metal. The Orbiter will now appear close to what it was pre-Update 25.7.0.
  • Temporarily removed Companion Weapon Rivens from Simaris’ Offerings due to being unveiled for the incorrect weapon type. They will be added back once we make a permanent fix.
    • We’re working on a script to refund the Simaris Standing to those who were able to purchase the Rivens. Script has completed! Please relog if you don't see the refunded Simaris Standing.
  • Reverted change that allowed for you to use the Shawzin Decoration for Skins while placed as a Decoration in your Orbiter due to it causing a crash.
    • While we attempt to fix this, if you want to change how your Shawzin looks while playing, refrain from placing the decoration in your Orbiter
  • Removed unintentional Railjack bindings in the Control options.
  • Fixes towards crashing when attempting to play the Profit Taker fight.
  • Fixed a directx10 startup crash.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred in the Grineer Settlement.
  • Fixed Simaris’ Inbox messages missing an icon.
  • Fixed a black textured Corpus door.
Known Issue fixed in next Hotfix
  • Spamming Look Links too quickly in Chat locks up your UI.

Update 25.7

August 29th, 2019 Forum Post - Saint of Altra

U25.7 Gauss

Warframe Profile - Gauss-2


Moving Gauss increases the speed gauge, which in turn increases his shield recharge rate.


Burst into a hyper-sprint bowling over enemies and charging the battery. Crashing into solid objects generates a powerful shockwave. Hold to rush continuously.


Generate armor plating that converts a portion of absorbed Kinetic Damage into Energy. Also protects Gauss from being staggered or knocked down. Damage Resistance is relative to battery level.


Siphon kinetic energy from the area, charging the battery and inflicting Cold Status on nearby enemies. Hold reverses the process, draining the battery and inflicting Heat Status on nearby enemies.


Push Gauss’ battery beyond the redline, supercharging his Abilities and setting Fire Rate, Attack Speed, Reload Speed, and Holster Rate into overdrive. When past the redline, bolts of arcing electricity dance periodically from Gauss, exploding en masse when the ability is deactivated.


Using a barrage of rapid-fire plasma rockets, Gauss’ signature weapon lays down a path of destruction. Reloads are faster while sprinting, even more so in Gauss’ hands. For safety, rockets arm after traveling safe distance.

U25.7 Acceltra

Bombard legions of enemies with target seeking rockets. These dual launchers reload faster while sprinting, even more so in Gauss’ hands. Rockets arm after reaching a safe distance..

U25.7 Akarius

A uniquely-styled alternate helmet for Gauss.


Sleek and streamlined, Gauss' signature Syandana is sure to turn heads as you speed by!

U25.7 Gauss Mag Alt Helmet

Accelerate past the redline with Gauss. This collection includes the Gauss Warframe, Gauss Mag Helmet, Acceltra rapid-fire rocket launcher, and Akarius secondary rocket launchers.

U25.7 Harrow Reliquary Collection

Bound by void and will, Harrow's twilight heart pulses within the sacred casket of a body reinvented. Wield malicious spirits and arcane power with the Harrow Reliquary Collection, and renounce heresy with the Etheria Armor Set and Renuntio Spear!


A shattered being bound by Void and will. Includes the Harrow Reliquary Skin, Renuntio Speargun Skin and Etheria Armor Set.

U25.7 Disruption Expansion


NOTE: New Nodes have been added which means to be eligible for Arbitrations, you must complete them!

Originally making its debut in The Jovian Concord, the Disruption game-mode was immediately a hit - fast paced with high stakes, your skills were put to the test. Alad V has sold his Conduit technology for a quick Credit, and Disruption has spread.

We now bring you 6 more locations of varying difficulty throughout the Origin System to play this game mode - with new rewards throughout! Each will feature new Debuffs appropriate for their setting, from Moonquakes to Ghoul Graves!

Grineer Settlement - Mars, Olympus
Will you be able to stop Grineer Ghouls before it’s too late? This will be a new player’s first encounter with Disruption, and it’s balanced accordingly.

  • Moved Olympus mobile defense from Mars Olympus to Tharsis to replace ice planet Hijack.

Corpus Outpost - Neptune, Laomedeia
Expect higher-than-usual Credit Rewards from this Endless mode. While it may not be a perfect competition for the Index, it’ll be a change of pace for those looking to get some Credits with a change of scenery.

The new ‘Universal Syndicate Medallion’ can also be found in Disruption here!

  • Moved Spy mission on Neptune Laomedeia to Nereid on the main path.
  • Replaced Spy mission on Laomedeia with Disruption since it’s off the main path (ice planet hijack gets removed in the process as it has Jupiter in its skybox).

Grineer Galleon - Sedna, Kelpie (Grineer)
If you’re looking for how to earn Gauss, he can be earned here on Sedna’s Disruption mode!

The new ‘Universal Syndicate Medallion’ can also be found in Disruption here!

  • Moved Sabotage from Kelpie to Rusalka to replace Capture

Grineer Galleon - Uranus, Ur (Infested)
Take on the endless swarms of Infested in Disruption, including a sneak peak at a new enemy! Here you’ll find Gauss’s Signature Weapon Blueprints for the ACCELTRA and AKARIUS on Infested Demolyst Agents!

The new ‘Universal Syndicate Medallion’ can also be found in Disruption here!

Grineer Kuva Fortress - Kuva Fortress, Tamu
The Kuva Fortress has a new endless mode! Here you’ll be able to earn Kuva in a new way! First - the mission reward tables themselves. This is of course the obvious choice, but as we developed these tables we know the fact that Boosters don’t work on them is an issue. So we’ve also added Kuva to the Grineer Demolysts that aim to destroy the Conduits of Kuva Disruption! The new ‘Universal Syndicate Medallion’ can also be found in Disruption here!

  • Moved defense from Fortress Tamu to Nabuk to replace Capture

Lua - Lua, Apollo (Corpus)
A new node has been added on Lua featuring Disruption revisit your past for a chance to earn Somatic Fibres, a necessary component in Lua Lens construction!

The new ‘Universal Syndicate Medallion’ can also be found in Disruption here!

Disruption has also been added as a possible mission type for Void Fissures, Sorties, Syndicate missions, and more!



A new Focus Lens found only on Lua Disruption which allows you even greater Focus conversion!


Universal Syndicate Medallion!

This mysterious item is accepted by all eligible Syndicates to give you 1,000 Standing. If you’re lucky enough to find one in Disruption, you’ll be able to gain favour with any of the core 6 Syndicates (Steel Meridian, Arbiters of Hexis, Cephalon Suda, New Loka, Red Veil, Perrin Sequence)! You will also be able to use it with Quills, Vox Solaris, Ostron, and Solaris United.

We are planning on making ‘Universal’ mean a bit more here and in a future Hotfix this will be usable in Conclave, Simaris, and Vent Kids as well.

We are starting small with this item as it has potential for a large impact on various economy elements that we want to carefully measure, but expect iteration and larger versions of these for rewards! Anything from special Alerts featuring multiple, future drop tables, and more!

NEW MARKET ITEM - Aura Forma !

Making its debut as a Blueprint in Arbitrations, we have added AURA FORMA to the Market for Platinum. You can buy 1 (80 Platinum) or a bundle of 3 at a discounted Platinum Price (150 Platinum).

Riven Additions and Changes
  • Your total max Riven Slots is now 120 (up from 90)! Should you wish to purchase more Slots, you may now do so (up to 120)!
  • Companion Weapon Rivens are available from Simaris’ Offerings for Standing (The War Within completion required), and yes, this includes the Artax!
    • If you recall back in Update 24.0 we removed Sentinel Weapon Rivens from the pool due to being lackluster in comparison to more applicable weapons. Adding Companion Weapon Rivens to Simaris’ Offerings allows players to freely choose these Rivens if they desire, and leaving it out of the general Riven Mod generation pool for those who don’t want them.
    • The follow Riven challenges now count towards Sentinel kills:
      • Kill X enemies
      • Kill X enemies that are on a dropship
      • Kill X enemies in a row while wall dashing/clinging without touching the ground

Plains of Eidolon - Bounty Additions

With the launch of Orb Vallis, we added Bounty Bonuses as a way to reward players who went above and beyond to complete their missions. It’s about time that new system was extended to Plains Bounties as well!

All normal Plains of Eidolon Bounties have Bonus Objectives, meaning you will receive extra rewards for performing well:

  • Assassinate: Draw out the target within X minutes.
  • Caches: Complete within X minutes.
  • Capture: Complete without killing an enemy.
  • Defend the Area: Keep the control level above X%.
  • Exterminate: Complete within X minutes.
  • Hijack Drone: Keep drone health above X%.
  • Rescue: Keep rescue target health above X%.
  • Sabotage: Kill X enemies.
  • Armored Vault: Keep the Vault health above X%.

Friend Limit Cap

We PSA’d back in July this year that a Friends List Cap was in the works, and the unlimited friends bottle has officially been corked. If you have more than 1000 friends, they will all stay on your list, you simply won’t be able to add any more.

For those of you with sizeable friends lists, we have added a few management tools to help whittle down the numbers, if you so wish:

  • Added batch remove option for friends who have been inactive for one, three, six, or twelve months. You will have to type in “Batch remove” as additional confirmation, so you don’t accidentally Thanos snap your friends list.
  • Added “Exclude Clan Members” toggle to the batch removal screen.
  • Added manual “Skip These Friends” text box to the batch removal screen.

We have added 2 new features that allow you to instantly share 2 major parts of the Warframe experience:

Share the way you Mod: Mod Link Share the way you Look: Look Link

Read on for details on how to instantly share your builds and customizations:


Instantly share the way you play in Chat with MOD LINK! By clicking the handy ‘Link’ icon in your Modding screen, your active Chat window will be instantly populated with your build. Just hit enter to share - whether in a Private Message, with your Clan, or in Region chat! Note that we put a 15 second cool-down to reduce spam!

U25.7 Modlink

Instantly share the way you look in Chat with LOOK LINK!

By clicking the handy ‘Link’ icon in your Arsenal>Appearance screen, your active Chat window will be instantly populated with your build. Just hit enter to share - whether in a Private Message, with your Clan, or in Region chat! Note that we put a 15 second cool-down to reduce spam!

  • We also moved the Captura button on the Appearance screen to the upper right-hand corner and updated the icon to better match the Look Link style
U25.7 Looklink


Back in Update 25.4.0 we added the Shawzin to the Market for 40 Platinum - a placeable Decoration to remind you of The Sacrifice. Immediately the comments rolled in of ‘I wish we could play it’! And today that day has come:

All Shawzin purchases now come with a free ‘Shawzin’ Emote that you can equip to play your signature instrument! Those who have already purchased the Shawzin will retroactively have the Emote. With over half a dozen Scales, 3 frets and 3 strings, your song opportunities are endless. We cannot WAIT to see what you all come up with!

We have added 3 new Shawzin Decorations to the market with a different flair:

MIMICA SHAWZIN - custom colour Shawzin! This Shawzin features an adaptive enamel that senses and mimics the coloring of any musician playing it.

DAWN SHAWZIN - Like the morning’s first light, this Shawzin will wake the spirit within.

And NELUMBO Shawzin - with it’s own sound-pack, it’s completely unique!

SHAWZIN has been renamed to DAX SHAWZIN for clarity.

Simply change your Shawzin while using the Emote using the menu provided!

Some nifty features to explore with your Shawzin:

  • Numerous different musical scales to choose from
  • Play single notes and chords
  • Play along with Mandachord rhythm section
  • Practice songs included (and a "slow playback" feature also available)
    • "This Is What You Are", "We All Lift Together", and "Smiles From Juran" songs included!
  • Add vibrato and whammy bar effects
  • Record your Shawzin songs and share with friends by linking in Chat once you’ve achieved at least 4 Clems (points) by playing your track back
    • Shawzin can auto playback songs or you can play along
    • Metronome mode option (120bpm with quantization feature)

Shawzin music can be heard in Squads and aboard landing crafts. Relays do allow you to play, but you will only hear your music and not your peers.

U25.7 Shawzin


MOAs, Cetus, and Companions are receiving a touch more player flare. New content designed or inspired by players has been added to Warframe!

The MOAnimation Contest’s winning emote by Zeaban works on all MOAs with an Emotion Module installed! Direct a Boast emote at your companion MOA to check out the new reaction.

The winning Venetian Carnival Contest designs are now part of Nakak’s shop rotation! Keep an eye out at Nakak’s shop to obtain the majestic Norg Mask designed by Roimonstre and the beautiful Mother’s Mask designed by HUMERONYMUS.

U25.7 Venetian Carnival Contest

You can purchase the Prized Companion Skin Pack in the in-game Marketplace! The pack includes both winning skins from the Tenno’s Best Friend contest: the Heino Kubrow Skin based on Skvirl’s dog and the Deaelra Kavat Skin based on DeaeIra’s cat!

U25.7 Tennos's Best Friend
New Infested Dojo Decorations!

Does your love for Infested Aesthetic spread through your being like a festering disease? Start crafting today and get your hands -- or hand-like appendages -- on Infested Dojo pieces that would make Lephantis wriggle with pride.

U25.7 Infested Dojo Decorations

General Additions
  • Added 26 new Warframe Ability Tips in the Ability screen based on community submissions from the official Play Warframe’s #tenno-brainstorm Discord channel! Thank you to all those who participated and shared their knowledge.
    • Also edited several existing Warframe Ability Tips and replaced some of the tips on Augment Mods with new ones that focus on core ability features.
  • Added tips to the following screens! Simply hover over the tooltip icon to learn more about:
    • Nightwave
    • Loadouts
    • Syndicates
    • Relic Manager
    • Inventory
  • In Hotfix 25.4.1, we released the Essential Glyphs Bundle inspired by the Random Mod Packs’ iconography. Well, since then you’ve been telling us you want more! So here we are with the “Essential Glyph Bundle 2” to complete this series of Elemental Damage Glyphs. It includes the following six designs that you can purchase from the in-game Market:
U25.7 Essential Glyph Bundle 2
    • Essential Blast Glyph
    • Essential Corrosive Glyph
    • Essential Gas Glyph
    • Essential Magnetic Glyph
    • Essential Radiation Glyph
    • Essential Viral Glyph
  • Added the ability to replay the following Quests:
    • Natah
    • Saya’s Vigil
    • The Jordas Precept
    • Patient Zero
    • The Silver Grove
    • The Archwing
    • Howl of the Kubrow
  • Added Clan Room and Decoration XP to the Research tab on Clan Statistics Page. This will help you identify missing affinity if you are close to your next Rank!
  • Added minimap markers to important NPCs in Iron Wake.
  • Added a Vintage Corpus Locker Decoration to the Market.
  • Eidolon Lenses have been added to the Market!
  • A new ‘Dark Lotus’ UI Theme and Background has been added! You can find it under Interface > UI Customization.
U25.7 Dark Lotus UI Theme
  • Orokin Grineer now have a unique looking grenade!
  • Added a ‘Recovered Artifacts’ section to Simaris’ Offerings.
  • Added Arsenal Ability videos for Chroma, Equinox, and Nezha!
Rendering Upgrades

As part of the new rendering tech we showcased during TennoLive, we’ve implemented a few upgrades that are ready for your viewing pleasure! Metallic surfaces, such as gold and steel (etc), are improved across the whole game to respond better to lights and reflections. This boasts the detail and depth that were always there but hard to see. If you notice any areas or objects that are brighter than expected please let us know!

  • You may notice slight performance improvements in the Relays. We are upgrading to new tech as time allows - so look forward to more improvements in the future!
  • Made micro-optimizations to core math libraries.
  • Optimized texture decompression.
  • Made some optimizations for systems with fewer cores (eg: Dual-core laptops with SMT).
  • Made experimental optimizations to multi-core support.
  • Made minor quality improvement to indirect lighting on characters.
  • Made visibility system performance optimizations.
  • Optimized several geometry culling functions.
  • Optimized VOIP automatic gain control.
  • Optimized particle system color randomization.
  • Fixed a crash in Sanctuary Onslaught.
  • Fixed one-frame loading screen drop out.
Bow Stat Changes

When tracking down a bug why Paris Bows were doing less Damage than their Arsenal stats indicated, internal stats were reporting all Bows doing more damage than they actually were. Below is a review of all Bows (with the exception of the Lenz) and increased stats where appropriate:

General Changes:

  • Normalized quick shots to have the same critical chance/damage and status chance as charged shots.
  • While reviewing Bow stats the team has also refreshed all their FX (including the Lenz)!

Specific Changes:


  • Quick Shot increased from 110 to 190
  • Charged Shot increased from 220 to 380
  • Flight Speed increased from 85 to 90
  • Aim Zoom decreased from 2.23x to 2x

Mutalist Cernos

  • Quick Shot increased from 120 to 205
  • Charged Shot increased from 225 to 410
  • Aim Zoom decreased from 2.23x to 2x

Cernos Prime

  • Quick Shot increased from 60 to 92
  • Charged Shot increased from 120 to 184
  • Flight Speed increased from 85 to 95
  • Tightened the spread of the vertical fire mode and made the top arrow land on the reticle instead of the middle

Rakta Cernos

  • Quick Shot increased from 150 to 235
  • Charged Shot increased from 250 to 470


  • Status Chance decreased from 50% to 46%
  • Critical Chance increased from 20% to 34%
  • Charged Shot increased from 460 to 700
  • Flight Speed increased from 135 to 140


  • Quick Shot increased from 130 to 168
  • Charged Shot increased from 200 to 336


  • Quick Shot increased from 120 to 160
  • Charged Shot increased from 180 to 320


  • Quick Shot increased from 100 to 115
  • Charged Shot increased from 120 to 230

Paris Prime

  • Quick Shot increased from 130 to 180
  • Charged Shot increased from 260 to 360
  • Flight Speed increased from 85 to 95

The New Strange UI Changes
  • Added Objective text, “Return to the Derelict” to the mission.
  • Added Objective text, “Visit Cephalon Simaris” to match the existing marker when the player arrives in the Relay and enhanced the distance display on the marker.
  • Added Object text, “Return to Orbiter” after talking to Simaris.
  • Added a marker after talking to Simaris that guides players to their docked Liset in the hangar.
  • Updated wording for the Arid Lancer Synthesis stage.
  • Added a marker to all nodes on Mars where Arid Lancer targets can be found instead of just one.
  • Changed the “Return to Orbiter” marker to an Extraction marker.
  • Added “Return to Orbiter” and “Return to Simaris” Objectives to the fifth quest stage.
  • Added two new markers and hint text that presents the option to run the Synthesis tutorial and obtain Synthesis Scanners and Traps.

Lua Spy Mission Changes
  • Added shiny overlay to destroyable loot crates and made the surrounding glass more transparent.
  • Updated door materials to be consistent with other updated doors.
  • Slowed the music memory puzzle to reduce difficulty.

Nightwave Changes & Fixes
  • In order to avoid spoilers, Nightwave Acts that require completing content tied to Quests will now be locked unless you have completed the related Quest. Locked Acts will point you to the Quest required to complete in order to unlock it. The following Acts will see this change:
    • “Don’t Fear The Reaper”, complete Kuva Siphon Missions, will now require The War Within Quest be completed.
    • “Ascendant”, complete Halls of Ascension on Lua, will now require The Second Dream Quest be completed.
    • “Grove Guardian”, kill Silver Grove Specters, will now require The Silver Grove Quest be completed.
  • Catch-up Acts will now appear once you have less than 3 current-weekly Acts left to complete, as opposed to only appearing once you’ve completed the whole current week.
  • Changed Nightwave Act progress / requirement number format (1500 to 1,500).
  • Fixed overlapping Nightwave UI after viewing an item diorama.
  • Fixed flickering issues with the orange screens in Episode 3 of Nightwave: The Emissary.
  • Fixed broken Nightwave UI when skipping through multiple Episode cinematics.
  • Fixed the Trinity Aura Helmet Blueprint appearing twice in the Nightwave Cred Offerings.
  • Fixed Nora Night’s Transmissions appearing when loading between Nightwave episodes.

General Changes
  • Improvements towards AI pathfinding in the Grineer Sealab tileset across all missions.
  • Improvements towards AI maneuvering in the Grineer Forest Defense tileset.
  • Improvements towards AI orientation in the Gas City tileset to fix enemies facing the wrong direction.
  • Improvements towards Defection AI maneuvering in the Infested Corpus Sip tileset. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/ctgjnj/i_hate_defection/
  • Tweaked the Redeemer and Redeemer Primes equipped position so it sits more in Warframes' hand.
  • Reduced Status Effect light FX intensity further to compensate for stacking procs (Gas multiprocs, etc.)
  • If you freeze enemies with things like Frost, Atlas, or Gara’s abilities, you can now immediately apply other Status Effects! Before these powers would prevent Status Effects from being added. Read more on that here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1119134-cold-status-effects-how-they-block-new-status-effects-coming-changes/
  • Removed the retired Deception gamemode from the Codex ‘Missions’ setting.
  • Captura Scenes can now be linked in Chat!
  • Revenant now holds the Tatsu instead of the Galatine in his in-game Market diorama.
  • We’ve updated the Interception HUD style to provide clearer information when a Tower is being captured by you or by enemies.
    • U25.7 Interception HUD style
  • Updated the following Warframe Ability Descriptions to better explain the Ability. Below are the latest edits:
    • Equinox’s Mend and Maim: “In Night-Form, allies’ Shields are replenished with each nearby enemy killed. In Day-Form, enemies are inflicted with the Bleed Status Effect. Deactivate to cast a wave of slashing force, or restore Health and Shields to Equinox and allies in Night Form.”
    • Ivara’s Navigator: “Assume control of any projectile launched by Ivara and guide it to the target."
    • Nidus’ Parasitic Link: “Bind to a target with parasitic link. When cast on an ally, both the host and Nidus have their Ability Strength increased. Linked enemies take some of the damage inflicted on Nidus.”
  • Adjusted some of the PBR materials on Mars, Jupiter, and Venus in the Navigation skybox.
  • Converted materials on some of the Grineer Forest trees to PBR.
  • The Platinum cost of unowned items now displays in the item grid when browsing unowned Color Palettes in the Arsenal, UI Customizations, and more!
  • Minor Disruption UI Polish / size changes.
  • Polished UI and Marker flow for Venus Ambush Bounties - namely markers match in-world and made text consistent with proper fictional names (Coildrive). *Slightly adjusted console materials and placement for polish.
  • Zephyr's Tail Wind will now terminate early if you fly into a wall or similar (similar to Rhino Charge).
  • Defense and Excavation used to use the base node for enemy count scaling, now difficulty properly scales alongside current enemy level - meaning that the higher the enemy level, the more simultaneous enemies you’ll have to face!
  • Updated and fixed animations related to the Quatz clip when reloading and firing.
  • Adjusted color channels on the Galvanik Armor Set, Amphor Syandana, Kavat Amphix Armor, and Kubrow Amphatz Armor. As reported here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cf1bbe/why_does_de_keep_doing_this/eu7we7i/
  • Re-arranged color channel layout of the Provvok Shoulder Guard to match other armor pieces (metals in the accents channel, etc.).
  • Reduced brightness of Incubator light source to better represent the lighting of your furry friends in-mission.
  • Improved lava textures in the Grineer Asteroid tilesets.
  • Standardized Titania’s Tribute buffs to have a base range of 35m and duration of 120s, which acts as a buff in most cases.
    • U25.7 Titania’s Tribute buffs
  • Updated the icon for miscellaneous Syndicates in the Syndicate screen to match other miscellaneous categories.
  • Reduced Foundry rush cost from 25 to 5 for Detonite Injector, Fieldron, and Mutagen Mass as per https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1112632-tenno-reinforcements-update-2540/?do=findComment&comment=10898364
  • Converted materials to PBR on the following weapons:
    • Grakata
    • Drakgoon
    • Ignis
    • Miter
    • Sobek
    • Vulkar
    • Karak
    • Grinlock
    • Furax
    • Hind
  • Converted materials to PBR on the following Sentinels (and Skins):
    • Wyrm
    • Para Carrier Skin
    • Shade
    • Shade Sprite Skin
    • Djinn
    • Dethcube
    • Dethcube Forest-Camo Skin
    • Dethcube Carabus Skin
  • Converted materials to PBR on the following Attachments / Items:
    • Capsule Sentinel Tail
    • Dome Sentinel Wings
    • Diamond Sentinel Wings
    • Hunhow Sentinel Mask
    • Mandible Sentinel Mask
    • Thorax Sentinel Tail
    • Chrysalis Sentinel Wings
    • Jet Sentinel Wings
    • Kubrow Sentinel Wings
    • Lotus Sentinel Mask
    • Mech Head Sentinel Mask
    • Para Sentinel Mask, Tail, and Wings
    • Caggro Sugatra
    • Braton Forest-Camo Skin
    • Dragon Nikana Sheath
    • Solaris Datamass
    • Animo Nav Beacon
  • Reduced particle FX on Fluctus’ projectiles.
  • Adjusted appearance of Volt’s Transistor Shield to make it clearer that squadmates can pick it up.
  • Removed the Loadout Options button from the Arsenal. Simply click on the Loadout name to open up the Loadout screen!
  • Updated Relay door materials to be consistent with other updated doors.
  • New players can now join Defense missions until the second Wave instead of the fourth Wave to guarantee enough time to collect Reactant during Void Fissure missions.
  • Derelict Survival Missions no longer have electrified water to prevent enemies from slowing down to jump over it
  • Previewing an Operator cosmetic in the Market will now show the item as it would appear on the player’s Operator.
  • Updated Loki Incubus Skin and Helmet default accent colours from gold to blue.
  • Better optimized pathing for the Plague Star Drone for next Operation re-run.
  • Improved collision on Jupiter tilesets, making traversal smoother.
  • Removed invisible walls from around the stairs on the Saturn Rescue tileset.
  • Players and allies have invulnerability until the loading screen goes away to prevent players from dying while in the loading screen due to poor connection.
  • Reduced the light intensity of the Arca Plasmor.
  • Changed the Dargyn Bow Riven challenge description to specific that it must be Dargyns in flight, not ones parked on the ground.
  • Mod descriptions are now included when searching in the Mod Trading screen (ie searching Toxin will display Fever Strike, etc).
  • Tweaked an unattractive light in the Relays' Steel Meridian Syndicate room.
  • Increased the range of the Infested Impedance Mod from 8m to 16m.
  • Reduced bloom in certain Orb Vallis caves that impeded successful fishing.
  • Kyta Raknoid and Coolant Raknoids are now resistant to Abilities rather than immune (still have immunity to Limbo Stasis and Mag Pull). Slash Bleed and Toxin *Poison Status Effect will bypass Shields on the Kyta Raknoid.
  • Hyena Corpus proxies on Orb Vallis are now fully affected by Status Effects.
  • Enemies that are pinned to a projectile are now released if that projectile punctures through an object. This fixes ragdolls flying off uncontrollably instead of pinning to the wall.
  • To keep in-line with existing limitations, the first Ghoul Bounty is restricted to Mastery Rank 1, and the other Ghoul Bounty is restricted to Mastery Rank 3.

Controller Fixes
  • Fixed a loss of functionality when using a controller and spamming Y as the round timer runs out in endless missions (Interception or Defense).
  • Fixed issue with being unable to scroll through a Bundle’s items in the in-game Market after selecting an item to view it and returning to the Bundle when using a controller.
  • Fixed Energy color for Secondary Weapons only appearing after they have been selected vs. showing up in preview when using a controller.
  • Fixed viewing a Syndicate in the Syndicate panel on the Orbiter while using a controller only having partial functionality for the right stick.
  • Fixed missing button callouts for toggling the Somachords ‘autoplay’ when using a controller.
  • Fixed inability to deploy your Arch-Gun during the Profit Taker fight you used all of your Arch-Gun Ammo and then attempt to use your Arch-Gun again after the recharge timer has expired. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1091159-fix-the-damn-profit-taker-mission/
  • Fixed loss of functionality when the disabling animation for Exalted Abilities is interrupted (knock downs, bullet jumping, etc.).
  • Fixed friendly Mine Osprey Drones from Nekros’ Shadows of the Dead causing a progression stopper in Gas City ‘kill all remaining enemies’ missions due to the Drone not timing out, and not taking allied damage. This also Fixes the same progression stopper in Gas City Defense missions due to an inability to end the Wave.
  • Fixed Wisp’s Mote buff having an infinite duration for Clients if they Transfer to the Operator, leaving the Warframe in range of the Motes, and then Transfer back.
  • Fixed a long-standing bug-turned-exploit with Ivara’s Noise Arrow that we’d like to explain in detail so you can understand why we have chosen to fix it now. The old bug is as follows: Enemies who are attracted to Ivara’s Noise Arrow never regain intelligence if Ivara is invisible. The fix allows them to ‘finish’ their investigation of the noise and thus regain some form of intelligence. This was exploitable in conjunction with the way that Interception missions work, and has been in the game for quite a long time on our end.
  • Fixed a long-standing issue where Clans were unable to destroy their Orokin Labs if it was created for a Solar Rail back in the day. Destroying the room now will cancel any pending Research tied to it and refund any Resources contributed to the Vault. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1098991-armistice-is-preventing-me-from-moving-my-orokin-lab/
  • Fixed the K-Drive disappearing if riding it from the Plains into the Cetus doorway. Also *Fixes sometimes being left without the use of Abilities.
  • Fixed Kitguns having a placeholder text when attempting to pick it up after being disarmed by a Drahk Master.
  • Fixed Larkspur beams lagging behind when flying in Archwing.
  • Fixed the FX on the edge of the War fading out very quickly if the Mara Detron is equipped.
  • Fixed a Host migration in any Rescue mission before the players locate/free the Hostage resulting in the remaining players having a broken UI.
  • Fixed some flat lighting when talking to Nakak in Cetus.
  • Fixed numerous Syandanas clipping through Wisp’s cape.
  • Fixed the Archgun Deployer Ammo pickup UI appearing in whatever language the Host is playing in.
  • Fixed sheathed weapons not taking elemental colors when default Energy color are used (Nikana, Silva/Aegis, etc).
  • Fixed incoming fire interrupting Gunblade charge attacks.
  • Fixed the Blind Justice custom idle not playing when equipped.
  • Fixed Lua Spy vault markers sometimes displaying differently between Host and Clients.
  • Fixed small ceiling hole in the Gas City Tileset.
  • Fixed lingering explosion FX on failed Coildrive Ambush Bounty in the Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed being unable to hit specific body parts with Wisp’s Sol Gate. Now you can Sol Gate a Nox’s helmet to pieces, and more!
  • Fixed broken water effects and reflections in the Void Tileset.
  • Fixed Domus Syandana not connecting properly to Khora’s back.
  • Fixed small map hole under the elevator to Fortuna on the Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed various older Prime Accessories cosmetics not being linkable in chat.
  • Fixed an additional stream of bullet FX shooting from the Quatz’ grip when a pistol skin is equipped.
  • Fixed Nezha’s Blazing Chakram ability counting towards Fire Accuracy stats.
  • Fixed Liset doors sometimes disappearing when viewed at certain camera angles.
  • Fixed being able to jump into Junction ceilings during the Spectre fights as per https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1116166-climbing-through-sedna-junctions-ceiling/
  • Fixed switching Warframes in the Arsenal and then previewing unpurchased cosmetics via the Arsenal resulting in the Market preview showing the original Warframe you had equipped, not the current one.
  • Fixed Mesa using her primary weapon in bleedout if it was the last weapon equipped before being downed with Peacemaker active.
  • Fixed previewing Kubrow Armor in the Market with a Kavat active resulting in the default preview Kubrow’s fur clipping through the Armor.
  • Fixed Ayatan Treasure UI and animations not updating in real time as Stars are installed in the Ayatan Treasures menu.
  • Fixed Devotee model disappearing after viewing his Codex entry for a few minutes.
  • Fixed Amphatz Kubrow armor clipping into bulkier Kubrows.
  • Fixed textures on the leg plates of the Amphatz Kubrow Armor stretching during idle animations.
  • Fixed Fulmin mode swap animation not playing when used in Archwing over the Plains or the Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed Garuda’s Talons not using the proper textures for Clients with the Garuda Successor Skin equipped as per: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1077278-garuda-successor-talon-texture-defaulting-to-original-textures-as-client/
  • Fixed Gift of the Lotus Alerts not showing the mission’s level range.
  • Fixed braid on the back of the Valkyr Leonessa Helmet clipping through her head.
  • Fixed Titania being spawned inside the ground sometimes when scoring in The Index while in Razorwing.
  • Fixed offscreen flickering for Khora’s Spikes Syandana.
  • Fixed Quatz clip disappearing if you interrupted reload at just the right time.
  • Fixed Warframe Ability Tips not appearing in the Ability screen for those playing in Korean and Russian.
  • Fixed Operator expressions not working when playing in Russian and Korean. Facial expressions were based on matching English words, but English is stripped from these regions so the neutral expression would always be used.
  • Fixed performance issues when opening the Inventory on an account that has a lot of items.
  • Fixed players watching two Warframes attempt a handshake in Relays, Cetus, and Fortuna not actually seeing it happen. Truly the most secret of handshakes!
  • Fixed loss of functionality when canceling reload and changing fire modes with Rifles.
  • Fixed incorrect prompt text in Vor’s Prize when attempting to hack console.
  • Fixed missing translations for some of the Dog Days rewards and items from Nakak’s offerings during the event.
  • Fixed no mining deposits appearing after returning from Deck 12 even though the mining tool is beeping and showing that there are deposits nearby.
  • Fixed the Huntress Bundle diorama in the Market displaying Nova instead of Ivara.
  • Fixed Wukong holding the wrong staff in the Market dioramas for the Wukong Samadhi Collection and Wukong Samadhi Skin.
  • Fixed the Subhuti Syandana clipping through some Warframes’ legs.
  • Fixed Captain Vor not reacting when taking damage from a silent weapon.
  • Fixed the Narvarr Prime shoulder armor clipping through Mirage Prime’s shoulder plates.
  • Fixed shotgun shells floating if Corinth’s reload was interrupted.
  • Fixed the “Watch All” option in The Wolf of Saturn Six only playing the first three dioramas.
  • Fixed the Orthos (Prime) changing sizes randomly when cycling through skin options for it, predominantly the Forest-Camo and Tekelu skins.
  • Fixed Ghouls, Ratel, and Wolf of Saturn Six targeting your Sentinel when it and you are both invisible (eg: Ivara's Prowl, Loki’s Invisibility, etc.).
  • Fixed issue with being unable to swap back to Primary Weapon if the “Auto-Swap on Empty” option is enabled and the weapon runs out of ammo.
  • Fixed the Meteor Whip Skin only listing the Lecta as a compatible whip.
  • Fixed Iron Staff’s Energy drain not occuring when cast with Defy after emptying ammo from the only weapon equipped.
  • Fixed being able to clip through a certain wall in the Corpus Outpost tileset. You know the one…
  • Fixed issue with Lunar Pitchers not spawning in certain areas in the Orokin Moon tileset.
  • Fixed being able to spawn and “capture” Plains Conservation animals into the Simulacrum.
  • Fixed scanning Plains Conservation animals not always counting towards their Codex entry.
  • Fixed light ray meshes being too opaque and appearing blocky in the Corpus Outpost tileset.
  • Fixed an issue with Pistol hip fire aim poses that made the gun arm travel left and right a lot more than intended.
  • Fixed many Syandanas, including the Repala Syandana, reverting back to their default colors after dying.
  • Fixed the Wukong Samadhi Skin’s Shoulder Armor not appearing when previewing in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed some ugly texture stretching on the Wukong Samadhi Iron Staff Skin in the in-game Market.
  • Fixed being able to stack the Sniper zoom bonus beyond its intended multiplier by Meleeing while zooming and then transferring to Operator repeatedly.
  • Fixed a destroyed Galleon appearing in Saturn’s skybox when it should be whole.
  • Fixed the Narvarr Prime Shoulder Armor clipping through Excalibur Umbra.
  • Fixed extremely shiny texture on the Extraction point Orbiter docks.
  • Fixed several areas (Foundry, Relic Refinement console, Arsenal, and the Infested Chair) around the Orbiter not having any collision for the Roller Floofs from Dog Days Tactical Alert, causing them to clip through.
  • Fixed selecting Sugatras you do not own in the Arsenal defaulting the Melee weapon to its default Skin if you have a Skin equipped.
  • Fixed missing Map boundary ring during Orb Vallis Excavation Bounty allowing the player to fail the mission without even realizing it until it's too late.
  • Fixed the Glaxion Festive Skin missing its jolly green glowy lights when equipped on the Glaxion Vandal.
  • Fixed missing explosion from the cannons of a Grineer Galleon in the Koro, Kuva Fortress Assault mission.
  • Fixed the Magnolia Tree Decoration base disappearing if playing on low quality settings and walking too far away from it.
  • Fixed being able to collide with Kubrows and Kavats in the Orbiter.
  • Fixed certain NPCs in the Relays popping out of existence at certain camera angles.
  • Fixed NPC head tracking in the Relays going bananas when standing behind them. As reported here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/9turea/high_quality_cybernetics/
  • Fixed broken lighting on several doors in Corpus tilesets and made updates to reflections.
  • Fixed Coildrive sometimes not arriving to drop off Reinforcements in Orb Vallis Bounties.
  • Fixed grid icons sometimes being offset and leaving a small gap at the bottom in various menu screens.
  • Fixed issues with Melee Infested units being unable to step up/step down in certain areas in the Grineer Galleon tileset to engage players.
  • Fixed issues with Nova escaping certain maps for easy-mode Defense.
  • Fixed a graphics issue with some water textures on Uranus Tilesets.
  • Fixed polish and flow issues with The Jordas Precept Quest on the 'use Pherliac Pods' stage.
  • Fixed the Pataga Sugatra being unaffected by colour channels when equipped on the Ninkondi or Ninkondi Prime.
  • Fixed issues with Vents in the Corpus Ship Spy vaults always being closed.
  • Fixed an issue where some Market Blueprint cost requirements would show the wrong number of available weapons for building.
  • Fixed a level hole in the Plains of Eidolon. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/c2m3l2/void_in_poe
  • Fixed issues with Ayla, Misa Prime and Pyra Syandana offsets on Banshee Prime.
  • Fixed the Jat Kusar default holster position clipping inside Trinity Strega skin.
  • Fixed collision issues with Kuva Extractors in Kuva Survival.
  • Fixed the Atavist Prime Right Shoulder Plate clipping on the Ash Koga skin.
  • Fixed holster issues with the Kronen Prime on numerous Warframes.
  • Fixed the Sarva Harness Syandana clipping on Saryn.
  • Fixed the quiver of the Daikyu clipping inside Nezha.
  • Fixed Emblems being improperly offset on the Rhino Blade of The Lotus Skin.
  • Fixed a flickering issue with the Sarpa Day of the Dead Skin.

Partial *Fixes toward Leg Armor clipping with Frost.

  • Fixed missing icons for certain Melee Holster pictures.
  • Fixed Kubrow Amphatz Armor not lighting properly in-mission.
  • Fixed certain Relays showing the incorrect planet in their skyboxes.
  • Fixed Companions being hurt by electrified water in Orb Vallis caves.
  • Fixed Warframes floating with flat feet with the Wisp Agile animation equipped as per: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1112277-minor-issue-with-wisps-agile-animation-set
  • Fixed Glaive weapons bouncing off of enemies not counting towards its bounce limit.
  • Fixed Warframe legs moving incredibly fast with multiple movement speed buffs applied. You will still move as quickly, but your run animation will look better!
  • Fixed Baruuk taking much longer to deploy Spectres.
  • Fixed wonky transition to Archwing from the Kuva Fortress during the War Within Quest.
  • Fixed being able to use Itzal’s Blink in Submersible levels to swim or fall outside of the map.

Reduced clipping of Silva & Aegis’s blade with the Danaus Sword & Shield Skin equipped.

  • Fixed Rescue mission UI sometimes being stuck at “Locate Rescue Target” regardless of actual Rescue progress in-mission.
  • Fixed landing incorrectly on tiles in the final stage of Octavia’s Anthem sometimes resulting in the music note FX appearing faint and hard to see.
  • Fixed mid-Wave Host migrations in Sanctuary Onslaught resulting in pixelated Warframes and enemies until you enter a new portal.
  • Fixed enemies not properly targeting Gara’s Mass Vitrify wall.
  • Fixed Operator legs clipping through the Smelter Apparel.
  • Fixed a box appearing around the Operator when the Infested Spore Ephemera is equipped during the Chimera quest.
  • Fixed Submersible enemies spawning outside of the water in the Grineer Sealab tileset.
  • Fixed weapon explosion FX not taking secondary Energy colors.
  • Fixed Status FX not applying to ragdolled enemies.
  • Fixed Cyanex’s Alt Fire not being affected by Fire Rate Mods.
  • Fixed inability to equip the Terminal Velocity Mod on the Komorex.
  • Fixed Mirage’s Hall of Mirror clones sometimes using their Primary Fire instead of Alt Fire for the Corinth and Euphona Prime.
  • Fixed ships in Archwing Pursuit missions flying in all directions except the one it’s supposed to be.
  • Fixed a level hole in the Grineer Settlement tileset as per: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/ctkb8t/was_this_bugged_the_whole_time/
  • Fixed issue where all Custom Obstacle Course decorations appeared at the centre of the room when a player entered the instance to run the course.
  • Fixed floating, detached fans on the Jupiter tileset.
  • Fixed foggy-looking floor reflection in Metis, Jupiter’s Spy Vault.
  • Fixed Arbitration Statue not being linkable in Chat.
  • Fixes to prevent art overlapping between Jupiter tilesets and to improve AI navigation.
  • Fixed wonky cloth appearance on some Warframes, like Equinox Prime.
  • Fixed water volumes appearing in incorrect tilesets.
  • Fixed Lex Prime not using its proper reload animation.
  • Fixed Mag’s Magnetize sometimes not disarming even with over 100% Magnetize Status Effect on burst. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1123392-augmentui-mags-magnetized-discharge-disarm-indicates-it-scales-with-str-doesnt/
  • Fixed Darygn Pilots getting trapped in a mounting animation due to attempting to pilot an already taken Darygn.
  • Fixed auto-dropping the Excavation Power Cell when picking up Primary Ammo with only a Primary weapon equipped.
  • Fixed ability to join another player in a Junction if you previously disconnected from their squad.
  • Fixed an Ayatan Sculpture spawning under the floor in the Infested Corpus Rescue tileset. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cw3q6n/an_ayatan_sculpture_spawned_under_the_floor_with/
  • Fixed abusing Host migrations to get multiple Beacon assassin spawns. Beacons will be ineligible to place after a Host migration if someone had already summoned an assassin previously.
  • Fixes towards the Arbitration Shield Drone sometimes spawning in unvisited rooms, making it feel as if the Drone doesn’t spawn at all.
  • Fixed Ash’s Rising Storm combo building much faster than intended due to an interaction with Relentless Combo and a Gunblade weapon.
  • Fixed the email field lock tooltip appearing even if the email field is unlocked.
  • Fixed Flash Accelerant having incorrect stat text (Extra Damage not Armor Reduction).
  • Fixed the Quanta and Quanta Vandal alt fire cube explosion sound no longer playing.
  • Fixed Cernos Prime equipped with Heavy Caliber causing Vertical Spread mode to function as a Horizontal Spread.
  • Fixed AI clipping through rocks thus entering the Upside Down in the Orokin Moon tileset. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cvs36x/wait_what/
  • Fixed numerous Glyphs not appearing in the Market when searching for relevant tags.
  • Fixed the Spore Ephemera rendering overtop of the Operator chair. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1123164-the-effect-of-the-ephemera-equipped-by-the-operator-can-be-seen-through/
  • Fixed for certain Beam weapons playing the wrong weapon hit FX when hitting enemies in the head.
  • Fixed Baruuk’s Meroe helmet tassel sometimes disappearing when viewing his diorama at certain angles.
  • Fixed missing swing trail FX on the Nikana Tekelu Skin.
  • Fixed the Codex not including Refined Relics towards the number ‘owned’.
  • Fixed Infested Impedance not affecting some Infested enemy types. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1121929-infested-impedance-aura-doesnt-work/
  • Fixed incorrect button callouts in The War Within quest when playing with a controller.
  • Fixed reload circle filling instantly for weapons that reload individually (Zarr and Corinth), instead of filling up individually for each round loaded.
  • Fixed your Arch-Gun unequipping when casting Harrow’s Thurible ability twice.
  • Fixed your Arch-Gun constantly replaying it’s equip animation after casting Chroma’s Spectral Scream ability twice.
  • Fixed Wisp not angling Primary weapons when hip-firing.
  • Fixed your gun appearing to twitch when transitioning from hip-fire to aiming.
  • Fixed sometimes not switching to your Secondary weapon upon being downed.
  • Fixed a collapsing texture on Loki Prime’s Helmet. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1118949-loki-prime-collapsing-spot-on-the-helmet-missing-tennobet/
  • Fixed the Tatsu ground slam often failing to connect.
  • Fixed the Ludoplex diorama appearing to be zoomed in very close.
  • Fixed Octavia’s Mallet causing Resonator to stop moving.
  • Fixed only 2 Nightmare modifiers being chosen at a time across the Star Chart.
  • Fixed another case where the water splash FX would get stuck on your screen in the Grineer Sealab tileset (when Transferring to/from Operator while it's active).
  • Fixed the camera just spinning wildly when attempting to move when downed.
  • Fixed browsing Warframe Helmets, if the active one is a Prime Helmet, the preview for the selected ones will overlap the Prime, instead of switching to a different one.
  • Fixed a loss of functionality when exiting the cutscene that plays inside the Codex when first inspecting the Shatterbox in Saya’s Vigil quest.
  • Fixed Clients getting overlapping UI in The Index.
  • Fixed Foundry timers being unreliable for Blueprints when playing with a high frame rate.
  • Fixed having a negative capacity if you cycle a Riven Mod then Fuse it with Endo while it is equipped.
  • Fixed the Corpus Background having an incorrect icon.
  • Fixed Wukong’s Celestial Twin kills not counting towards Sanctuary Onslaught efficiency.
  • Fixed an edge case where player A invites player B to their Orbiter, B joins and then returns to their own Orbiter, then B goes to player C's orbiter. If C's Orbiter has no Decorations, B will see the Decorations of player A's Orbiter!
  • Fixed Grineer Butchers appearing to be unarmed for Clients.
  • Fixed Orb Vallis teleport Reinforcement FX not appearing for Clients.
  • Fixed towards enemies pursuing the cold, dead corpses of players in Excavation missions.
  • Fixed Client players in the Hydroid Relay Captura Scene seeing one female NPC without proper head textures.
  • Fixed Decorations with physics (Roller Floof, etc) sometimes falling out of the Orbiter into the dark, cold, vastness of space.
  • Fixed sometimes seeing duplicate corpses if the enemy died from a Slash Status Effect.
  • Fixed Nox and Lephantis targeting invisible Sentinels.
  • Fixed Tyl Regor sometimes endlessly stuck teleporting during his boss fight.
  • Fixed not receiving Focus Affinity after installing a Gravimag.
  • Fixed your Liset being parked sideways in the Relay after completing a practice Mastery Test.
  • Fixed the Citadella Prime Syandana spinning ring being slightly offset. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1122937-citadella-prime-syandana-bug/
  • Fixed ability to create two Mass Vitrify walls if a section of the first wall is broken.
  • Fixed inability to complete the Mastery Rank 12 test if you fall off the starting platform.
  • Fixed Shield Lancers potentially getting themselves stuck forever before or after attempting to climb ledges.
  • Fixed the Terra Shockwave MOA doing more damage if playing with a high FPS. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1118654-terra-shockwave-moa-does-10-times-more-damage-at-300-fps-or-no-limit-compared-to-30-fps/
  • Fixed inability to use the Helminth Infirmary chair if your Domestik Drone opened the door for you.
  • Fixed a Conservation call point spawning outside of the Orb Vallis boundaries. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1123404-orb-vallis-animal-crap-spawns-out-of-bounds/
  • Fixed your Kubrow’s head twisting into ungodly positions upon petting it.
  • Fixed Amalgam Heqet clones causing screen flickering when used on Mirage.
  • Fixed ability to use disabled Emotes for Operators if the Emote wheel is opened during Transference.
  • Fixed Atlas’ Titanic Rumbler Augment making his Rumblers too big to fit through the doors. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1122613-atlas-titanic-rumbler-augment-makes-rumbler-too-large-to-go-through-doorway/
  • Fixed the Cyanex canceling heavy throw animations if your magazine is empty. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1123316-cyanex-glaives/
  • Fixed Tyl Regor and his Grineer Manics not going invisible when jumping around the boss arena.
  • Fixed Raknoid hologram flickering in the Fortuna back room.
  • Fixed inability to Chat link some K-Drive Mods.

Hotfix 25.6.3

August 14th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Added Arsenal Ability videos for Atlas.
Loadout Screen Change
  • Default sort is now by Name, previous default has been renamed to ‘Date Added’.
  • Reduced the size of floating chunks of ice in Orb Vallis and tweaked the FX for an overall performance improvements when loading in.
  • Improved robustness and accuracy of script runtime.
  • Made a micro-optimization to the core math libraries.
  • Fixed a crash when re-casting Atlas’ Rumblers.
  • Fixed a script error when changing the Warframe Articula’s loadout.
Wukong Samadhi Skin Changes
  • Made some texture/material changes to the Wukong Samadhi Skin to reduce the amount of ‘sparkling’.
  • Improved the tintable area of the Wukong Samadhi Skin tail, as it appeared as a more grey tone instead of a fuller dark black tone as intended.
Nightwave Changes & Fixes
  • Changed Zealots to be allied to the level's Faction to prevent them clearing objectives.
  • Fixed Zealots not being allied with Infested.
  • Fixed Zealots not storming players on spawn.
Creator Mode Change
  • When Creator Mode is enabled, the email field will now be soft locked to prevent accidentally typing your ‘ValkyrIsB3stG1rl’ password into your email field. You now must click the new lock icon to turn off the lock. If you attempt to click the email field while it’s locked, the lock icon will pulse to remind you to unlock it first.
H25.6.3 Creator Mode Change
General Changes
  • Tweaked Banshee Soprana’s skirt and cloth attributes to reduce clipping with her derriere.
  • Fixed issues with the Teralysts as well as some other enemies not having properly sized collision.
  • Fixed having all Energy drained when casting Frost’s Freeze ability with the Freeze Frost Augment equipped on a Snow Globe.
  • Fixed Excalibur’s Furious Javelin not always removing the previous buff if you recast before it expires.
  • Fixed being affected by two or more Octavia Metronomes and leaving the radius of one of them causing Vivace and Forte buffs to become impossible to obtain until you become affected by a new Metronome cast.
  • Fixed the second “kick” of Nezha’s Pyroclastic Flow Augment not having any FX, making it appear to not function correctly.
  • Fixed Nyx’s Absorb consuming more than its base of 4 Energy per second even when not being attacked.
  • Fixed Warframe invulnerability (if applicable) being removed when Transferring back to Operator. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1119184-switching-to-operator-removes-any-invulnerability/
  • Fixed HUD buff indicator discrepancies between Host/Client when receiving a damage buff from Augments like Freeze Force, Shock Trooper etc.
  • Fixed the Klamora and Lega Prism’s continuous fire being affected by framerate. As reported here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cn5jsv/certain_operator_amps_have_energy_consumption/
  • Fixed the Spore Ephemera not rendering over certain Warframe parts.
  • Fixed the Imperator Vandal not rendering properly as an Arch Gun when using certain Skins or no Skin.
  • Fixed the Tatsu missing its forward momentum when changing directions.
  • Fixing Gas City Dropship spawns being rarer in non-Assassination missions.
  • Fixed text overlap in some languages when viewing restored Nightwave Acts.
  • Fixed a vertical line is showing up when you click to Rank up in the Solaris or Ostron Syndicates screen.
  • Fixed a hole in the floor of the Larunda Relay due to missing pillar collison. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1117724-larunda-relay-fall-through-the-map/

Hotfix 25.6.2

August 9th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Searching for combined elements (Radiation, Magnetic, etc.) in your Upgrade and Mod menus will now pull up the base element mods that can be combined to make that element!
Loadout Screen Changes / Fixes
  • Added outline and backer to the "Add Glyph" icon on the loadout screen.
  • Fixed possibility of the squad overlay remaining on the screen when quickly clicking the copy loadout button right after starting to close the screen.
  • Fixed naming issues when trying to rename a loadout with an icon.
  • Fixed broken icons for loadouts saved using a sold Warframe.
  • Fixed display and script errors in the Loadout screen that can occur if using a “Favourite” loadout.
  • Fixed various hitbox issues, including those in the Lua Cunning Test, Lua spy vault, and the windmill in the Plains of Eidolon. This fixed progression stoppers in the Second Dream.
  • Fixed low-resolution textures on the Two-Handed Nikana Maligna Skin.

Hotfix 25.6.1

August 8th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Fixed an issue in the Corpus Outpost with missing collision on rocks.
  • Fixed missing collision on barrels in a few Grineer Forest tiles.
  • Fixed an issue on K-drives where Polarity slots cannot be swapped if player overwrites starting polarity.
  • Fixed an issue with Medium graphics settings leading to Wukong Deluxe looking extra sparkly.
  • Fixed an issue with Somachord tracks not properly skipping: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1076110-somachord-doesnt-properly-skip-non-mandachord-song/
  • Fixed a script error / game hang with colour pickers and Loadouts.
  • Fixed a script error / game hang when deleting and managing Loadouts.
  • Fixed a script error / game hang when renaming a Loadout without Companions.
  • Fixed the Dog Days Captura scene beach balls not having collision.
  • Fixed Mastery Requirement showing up in Loadout tooltips.
  • Fixed camera issues in Captura.
  • Fixed Gara’s Splinter Storm not shattering Glass on Gara’s Helmet.
  • Fixed numerous missing localization lines.

Update 25.6

August 8th, 2019 Forum Post - Augment Tweaks

U25.6 Augment LoadoutUpdate
  • Themed Loadout Screens are here! This Arsenal screen has been completely redone to give you as much information about each loadout as possible on a single screen, while also providing new features like custom icons using any Glyph you own! We’ve gone from a single list with information only on hover to a complete presentation of all your Loadouts with the ability to favourite and more!
Augment Changes and Fixes
  • Added numerous Warframe Ability Augment stats to the Ability Screen. We debuted this with Wukong’s rework, and you will now be able to directly see the Stat changes associated with Augments on the Abilities!

Reworked the following Augments
If you checked out the linked Dev Workshop – you’ll know a bit of the method behind these small tweaks. We’re just pushing a bunch of Augments into a stronger direction. Please be aware this isn’t reflective of the entire thought process behind Augments overall (i.e some lesser use ones haven’t been buffed). While many responses to this have been to ‘simply add an Augment slot’, that is a way bigger conversation and choice beyond the micro-changes here.

Hysterical Assault - Hysteria Augment - Valkyr
  • Let invulnerability linger for half a second when aiming to prevent getting downed immediately in high-damage areas
  • Increased Range
Rising Storm - Blade Storm Augment - Ash
  • Attacks by clones will raise the combo counter
  • Include a passive benefit to extend the combo counter by a duration
Titanic Rumbler - Rumblers Augment - Atlas
  • Increase to damage and speed
  • Re-triggering the power will activate the taunt, as well as cause a knockdown effect
Hallowed Eruption - Hallowed Ground Augment - Oberon
  • Additional passive ability that adds 100% to Hallowed Ground duration
  • Always applies radiation status on detonation
Furious Javelin - Radial Javelin Augment - Excalibur
  • Increase duration and damage on the buff
Tidal Impunity - Tidal Surge - Hydroid
  • Increase the duration of the immunity buff
Magnetized Discharge - Magnetize Augment - Mag
  • Include a passive benefit that increases power range for this Ability only
Muzzle Flash - Shooting Gallery Augment - Mesa
  • For kills made by a player (self or ally) with Shooting Gallery activated, generate a blinding AoE when threshold is met
Explosive Legerdemain - Sleight of Hand Augment - Mirage
  • Increase damage and status chance when triggered
Total Eclipse - Eclipse Augment - Mirage
  • Increase range on the buff to other players
Piercing Roar - Roar Augment - Rhino
  • Allow Roar to be recast when equipped
  • Increase debuff duration based on equipped Mods
  • Generate a stagger effect on enemies when the Roar hits
Contagion Cloud - Toxic Lash Augment - Saryn
  • Allow buff to activate when enemy is killed by damage over time effects
  • General increase on range and damage
Transistor Shield - Electric Shield Augment - Volt
  • No additional energy drain when a shield is picked up by another player
  • Increase damage conversion %
Target Fixation - Tail Wind Augment - Zephyr
  • Remove buff after 2 seconds of being on the ground, instead of immediately
  • Damage increase per target hit
Fireball Frenzy - Fireball Augment - Ember
Freeze Force - Freeze Augment - Frost
Smite Infusion - Smite Augment - Oberon
Venom Dose - Spores Augment - Saryn
Shock Trooper - Shock Augment - Volt
  • Holding the casting button will send out a wave (much like similar, expanding Warframe Abilities) giving the elemental buff to every player it touches, *including the caster
Sonic Fracture - Sonic Boom Augment - Banshee
  • Armor Reduction is applied even if Ragdoll fails.
Smoke Shadow - Smoke Screen Augment - Ash
  • Increased Range.
Piercing Navigator - Navigator Augment - Ivara
  • Added 3m Punch Through to Projectile.
Micro Optimizations
  • Optimized numerous scripts across the game.
  • Fixed being unable to sprint in Archwing if the player is mid Slide and then launches the Archwing while still holding Slide.
  • Fixed collision issues with Nyx’s Hecaton Shotgun skin.
  • Fixed issues with Ephemeras not disappearing when the wearer is gone (i.e in and out of Operator).
  • Fixed an FX leak on the Spore Ephemera.
  • Fixed issues on Grineer Shipyards Defense where Ancients could get stuck.
  • Fixed Lega and Klamora Prisms pointlessly showing Ammo. Test build bug.
  • Fixed Captura camera continuing to play even when not in free-cam mode, causing weird blur issues.
  • Fixed missing sound effect when Hallowed Eruption is detonated

Hotfix 25.5.4

August 6th, 2019 Forum Post

Dog Days Tactical Alert Changes
  • Performance now can yield better results for the final Dog Days mission! Mission 4 now yields 1 Nakak Pearl per kill in addition to the 50 given at end of mission. More kills, more Pearls!
  • As an added note, we will have more feedback implemented when DOG DAYS returns, including fixes for AI and more. Thanks everyone for the feedback and fun during this Tactical Alert!
  • Fixed Virtuous Shadow not being an option for a rank up reward with the Quills.

Hotfix 25.5.3

August 6th, 2019 Forum Post

Dog Days Tactical Alert Fixes
  • Fixed an exploit where the mission timer would continue to run when paused in Solo mode which awarded players victory & rewards for the score.
  • Fixed a progstop that would occur if viewing mission progress right when extraction is enabled. This impacted missions beyond Dog Days as well!
  • Fixed an issue with the Abysso Skin among other rewards not appearing in Chat link (Captura Scenes overall still not linkable).
  • Improved handling of certain crashes.
  • Fixed for crash related to certain icons.
  • Fixed missing subtitles after first login due to a Daily Tribute bug.
  • Fixed an issue with a foliage/vegetation shaders not looking properly lit compared to the terrain below it.

Hotfix 25.5.2

August 2nd, 2019 Forum Post

Dog Days Tactical Alert Fixes
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after a Host migration in the Dog Days Tactical Alert.
  • Fixed Clients able to cast Warframe Abilities that require no Energy (Garuda’s Bloodletting) after dying/respawning in the Dog Days Tactical Alert.
  • Fixed inability to install any Arcane in the second slot on your Warframe, as it would be auto removed after backing out of the screen.
  • Fixed the Warframe Ability screen breaking if a given Warframe didn't have any Ability hints.
  • Fixed Kubrow’s being a little more shy towards Roller Floofs compared to Kavats.
  • Fixed the width of the Passive button textbox on the Warframe selection screen being too small for some languages, resulting in text wrapping awkwardly.
  • Fixed invalid colour options being shown for Mesa Prime Pistols, Wukong Prime Staff, and Wukong Samadhi Staff Skin.

Hotfix 25.5.1

August 2nd, 2019 Forum Post

Dog Days Tactical Alert is now live!


  • Added Ability videos in the Arsenal for Trinity.
  • Added defenses against obsolete Raptr overlay injecting into Warframe and crashing.
  • Fixed a deadlock that could occur when de-streaming sections of the world with a player in it.
  • Removed high pitched ringing from the Denial Bursa’s flash bang ability and replaced with something less susceptible to fatigue.
  • Possible item drops / rank stats are now directly indicated on Relic and Arcane description text.
  • Streamlined purchase process for items that take different currencies (i.e Debt Tokens, etc), as well as disabled the gifting options for them.
Amp Alignment Fixes
  • More fixes towards the Klamora Prism appearing to be rotated in the Operator Amp building diorama.
  • Fixed the Ropalolyst boss fight never starting if a Host migration occurred during the elevator cinematic.
  • Fixed inability to Aim with a controller due to Channel bindings.
  • Fixed the camera becoming locked in place after exiting the Cyst removal chair in the Orbiter.
  • Fixed an issue where you could install duplicate Mods in loadouts using an exploit.
  • Fixed the Operator appearing in the background during The Sacrifice quest when the spotlight should be on Umbra.
  • Fixed the Subhuti Syandana clipping through Equinox’s Day Form.
  • Fixed Fortuna Brace parts appearing to be rotated 180 degrees.
  • Fixed missing Warframe Ability Tips section when playing Warframe in Korean and Russian.
  • Fixed unreachable loot in the Grineer Forest tileset. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/ckm1k1/my_day_is_ruined/
  • Fixed another unreachable loot spot in the Lua tileset.
  • Fixed incorrect UI Marker borders when stacked.
  • Fixed Equinox having an incorrect Ability tip in her Abilities Arsenal screen.


July 31st, 2019 Forum Post

  • Fixed a game freeze when dragging a Favorite Color in the Arsenal.

Update 25.5

July 31st, 2019 Forum Post - Wukong Deluxe

U25.5 Wukong Deluxe

Reborn in flame, Wukong finds enlightenment in the Wukong Samadhi Collection!


From the cauldron's flame emerges the immortal Wukong Samadhi.


Wukong Samadhi's signature Helmet.


Wukong Samadhi's signature Whip Skin.


Wukong Samadhi's signature Syandana.


A collection of immortal Wukong items, including Wukong Samadhi Skin, Meteor Whip Skin, and the Subhuti Syandana.

*The Wukong Samadhi Collection also includes the Wukong Samadhi Iron Staff Skin that can only be applied to Wukong’s Iron Staff!

Wield Wukong’s awe-inspiring power on your own journey today!

U25.5 Wukong Samadhi Collection
General Additions
  • New Wukong Samadhi Glyph and Wukong Samadhi In Action Glyphs are available under the Profile > Glyph section for Platinum!
  • Added Rhino’s Ability videos to his Arsenal diorama.
  • Added the ability to view a list of items you own that a Riven fits into. This way you can know which stats you want, without having to flip-flop between the Arsenal to check: https://twitter.com/PabloPoon/status/1156317295037337602?s=20
  • Improved handling of corrupt shader caches.
  • Fixed a crash when processing a HUD buff icon.
Colour Picker Changes
U25.5 Colour Picker Changes

We have released substantial improvements to the Colour Customization of Warframe!

  1. You can now view your Palettes in a redesigned screen that allows for more convenient browsing of your options. The old single-column design took a long time to scroll, and the new two-column cleaner design is much more streamlined.
  2. Random colour now chooses across multiple palettes!
  3. Any Legacy colours cannot be saved as favourite - this is to fix a bug that would prevent any and all customization saving.
  4. +5 new ‘Favourite’ Colour slots!
  5. Added new ‘drag’ functionality to the Favourites grid so you can move colour around!
  6. Added focus sound to swatch grid, and select sound when toggling favorites!
Revenant Fixes
  • Fixed Armored enemies affected by Revenant's Danse Macabre continuing to take Corrosive Damage after the Armor has gone, resulting in less damage because Flesh is stronger to Corrosive than Armor is.
  • Fixed Revenant’s Danse Macabre doing Corrosive Damage to Infested.
  • Fixed not being able to perform finishers on blinded enemies from Revenant’s Enthrall that are temporary allies (mind control, etc).
Nightwave Fix
  • Fixed previous Acts being visually marked as ‘Complete’ if the same Act was complete in Series 1. These Acts were also counting towards the 3 Recovered Acts, which prevented other eligible Recovered Acts if you had 3 of these affected Recovered Acts.
General Changes
  • You can now Transfer to the Operator while Fishing / Conservation.
  • Upgrading a Relic while in a Void Fissure endless mission will now ask you if you wish to equip the upgraded Relic.
  • Any summoned allied Specters in a Nightmare mission will now have a reddish distorted glow to indicate that they have turned against you and you’ve made a huge mistake in trusting them.
  • Your chosen UI Theme is now applied to the Riven reroll screen!
  • Adjusted the holster position of Warfans, Polearms, Scythes and Staffs on Zephyr Prime.
  • Adjusted the Holster position of Sword and Shields on multiple Warframes so it is attached and rotated correctly.
  • Adjusted the default holster position of the Lenz Quiver so it sits closer to Warframe's backs.
  • Adjusted the Emblem offset on the Helminth Charger, Drahk Pattern, and Underbrush Pattern Kubrows to fix them disappearing completely.
  • Fixed a functionality loss when attempting to purchase Riven capacity via the Riven Slot purchase pop up prompt.
  • Fixed inability to redeploy your Arch-Gun after mounting / dismounting your K-Drive.
  • Fixed broken functionality if the Ferrox is the only weapon equipped and you pick up Ammo while it’s been thrown.
  • Fixed new Clan members able to Research the Ignis Wraith in a Clan that does not have access to that specific Research.
  • Fixed the Ropalolyst firing lasers immediately after it’s ‘bug zapper ground flop’ cinematic ends. As reported here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cj6h3g/the_ropalolyst_has_an_unavoidable_instakill/
  • Fixed using the Itzal’s Fighter Escort ability while in Submersible water resulting in immediate drone destruction and the infamous ‘Abilities In Use’ issue.
  • Fixed the Zenith sometimes getting stuck only firing one semi-auto shot before reverting to auto.
  • Fixed misaligned hitboxes on the Hyena Pack enemies.
  • Fixed Allied Shield Ospreys no longer providing Shield Buffs
  • Fixed Shield Osprey Eximus Specters not shooting at anything.
  • Fixes toward Drahk enemies performing Melee attacks but not actually able to hit their target.
  • Fixed Infested Crawlers freezing in place instead of attempting to attack when being rushed at.
  • Fixed Flameblade enemy variants often missing their first attack even against a stationary player.
  • Fixed enemies being overly reluctant to shooting at Frost’s Snow Globe from a longer distance.
  • Fixed Melee Channeling toggling off when swapping to a Primary / Secondary.
  • Fixed certain charged weapons not working correctly with certain NPCs such as Executioner Harkonar and Spectres.
  • Fixed missing prompt when equipping an Echo-Lure that ‘This item will be automatically available from the Gear Menu while using the Tranq Rifle’.
  • Fixed missing wipe-out animation when crashing into an obstacle while on your K-Drive.
  • Fixed Garuda’s Arsenal Ability UI displaying Health Drain is modified by Power Efficiency.
  • Fixed missing sorting Tabs in the Mod Manager screen when a filter clears all equipped Mods.
  • Fixed inconsistent text for the Capacitance Mod on Volt when looking at the Mod and in the stats page when the Mod is at Rank 0 and 2.
  • Fixed the Itzal’s Penumbra Ability resulting in a ‘ugly insta stop’ animation.
  • Fixed Prime Toggle appearing always off to other players in a Relay, Dojo, or Town.
  • Fixed missing Codex entries for the MK-1 weapons, Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal.
  • Fixed metallic looking eye textures, predominantly seen in Cetus at night.
  • Fixed the Sonicor and Opticor having an overly bright FX.
  • Fixed misaligned Certus Brace and Propa Scaffold when building an Amp.
  • Fixed the Narvarr Prime Leg Armor clipping through Nyx’s Pasithea Skin skirt.
  • Fixed the Cryona Syandana clipping through Khora.
  • Fixed misaligned Vetala Ankle Plate when equipped on Limbo Prime.
  • Fixed rocks that were suspended in mid air by sitting them down (literally) and telling them about physics and gravity.
  • Fixed Grineer Sealab water appearing in other tilesets.
  • Fixes towards Assassinate intro boss name not being visible for Clients.
  • Fixed an NPC in the Larunda Relay losing their head entirely when approached.
  • Fixed wingless Drones in Orb Vallis. Reported from: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/ck4a5a/where_can_i_get_a_hoveraddon_for_my_giant_space/
  • Fixed missing collision in the Grineer Shipyard tileset.

Hotfix 25.4.3

July 26th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Made a micro optimization to Ignis effect scripts.
  • Further fixes towards crashes that could occur when typing invalid characters in text boxes.
  • Fixed inability to confirm numerous text box situations even though the correct words were entered in non-English clients, such as:
    • Can MOTD
    • Dojo Room Messages
    • Friend Notes
    • Contributing Dojo Decorations
      • And possible some other scenarios
  • Fixed Client's inability to progress the "Find X Syndicate Medallions" Riven requirement.
  • Fixes towards cases of mismatched Host / Client Dojo.
  • Fixed clipping doors in the Lua Sabotage tileset.

Hotfix 25.4.2

July 25th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Increased the drop rate of the Bloodshed Sigil from 1% to 3% from the Profit-Taker.
  • Changed the Nightwave ‘Silent Exterminator’ Act to clarify its requirement. It now reads:
  • Complete an Extermination mission with level 30 or higher enemies without triggering alarms.
  • Improved navigation markers in the Infested Corpus ship to help players navigate between floors.
  • Removed hack doors from the Razorback boss tileset.
  • Optimized bindings - saving 16KB of data.
  • Optimized the Squad panel UI.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to some scripts.
  • Fixed a performance bug with Warframe’s with an Ability selector function (Ivara’s Quiver, etc.)
  • Fixed a crash when typing an invalid character in the ‘Add a Friend’ screen.
  • Fixed a UI lockup that could occur when using the Incubator.
  • Fixed a UI lockup that could occur in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed an Orb Vallis progression stopper in the ‘Investigate The Bodies’ Bounty stage due to Solaris corpses not spawning.
  • Fixes towards ability to kill flying Capture Targets (Gas City), resulting in a mission failure. As reported here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/caqx5w/flying_gas_city_capture_target_can_be_killed/ towards
  • Fixed a case of an inability to Rank up within a Syndicate that you’ve already Ranked up in (but made them mad so you got demoted).
  • Fixed a case of receiving an error prompt when attempting to increase a Focus pool.
  • Fixed an issue in the Focus Manager where increasing the Pool Capacity and backing out to the Operator screen, then back into the Focus manager causing all Focus Schools to show the cost of the Capacity upgrade being applied to every School instead of just the current one.
  • Fixed the description for Rhino Vanguard and Thrak Helmets spelling Rhino wrong.
  • Fixed script error in Sanctuary Researcher Nightwave Act script.
  • Fixed teleport script trigger and a blocking volume sticking through an elevator ceiling.


July 24th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Fixed the ‘Toggle’ for Excalibur Umbra’s details to hide / show his details on Skins not actually being visible.
  • Fixed the Tekelu Nikana Skin not being available for all Nikana variants.
  • Fixed incorrect Energy color being applied to the Synoid Heliocor’s handle.
  • Fixed several ragdolls not having limbs positioned correctly.

Hotfix 25.4.1

July 24th, 2019 Forum Post


Tekelu. Weaponsmiths of the highest caliber. This school of master craftsmen delivered a single coveted collection more than three years ago.

This time, they’ve brought two.

Two New Tekelu Collections

Visit the in-game Market to pick up two bundles of intricate Weapon Skins crafted by some of the finest hands in the Origin System.

H25.4.1 Tekelu Collection 2

Tekelu Collection II:

  • Akstiletto Tekelu Skin
  • Glaive Tekelu Skin
  • Nikana Tekelu Skin
  • Panthera Tekelu Skin
  • Redeemer Tekelu Skin
H25.4.1 Tekelu Collection 3

Tekelu Collection III:

  • Magnus and Akmagnus Tekelu Skins
  • Vasto and Akvasto Tekelu Skins
  • Baza Tekelu Skin
  • Gunsen Tekelu Skin
  • Stradavar Tekelu Skin
Essential Glyphs Bundle

A few months ago, we replaced the Random Mod Packs with Tenno-friendly Essential Mod Bundles designed to make these purchases clear and fair. Each Bundle came with an amazing design, and our lovely Tenno wanted these designs as in-game Glyphs. We agree! Now you can purchase the Essential Glyphs Bundle and equip these six powerful designs:

H25.4.1 Essential Glyphs Bundle
  • Essential Cold Glyph
  • Essential Critical Glyph
  • Essential Damage Glyph
  • Essential Electricity Glyph
  • Essential Heat Glyph
  • Essential Toxin Glyph
  • *We missed an important check-in that this feature requires, which we're currently building for a quick Hotfix to truly put this feature live. Sorry for the confusion! Added a highly requested ‘Toggle’ for Excalibur Umbra’s details to hide / show his details on Skins! This predominantly hides / shows Umbra’s scarf to allow Skins to truly shine! (Twitter Post)
  • Added Loki and Ash’s Ability videos to their Arsenal diorama.
  • Increased Atmo Systems drop by 1 quantity (from 4 to 5) across the board for the Profit-Taker Heists rewards to slightly reduce friction in ranking up in Fortuna.
  • Matchmaking for The Sacrifice quest is now disabled once the helmet has been interacted with, to avoid having matchmaking permanently disabled if leaving the quest on the first stage.
  • Reduced chances of patrolling AI staring at a wall after reaching a dead end.
  • Replaced ‘Proc Chance’ with ‘Status Chance’ where needed (Explosive Legerdemain).
  • Updated Chroma’s Vex Armor ability description to include nearby Allies:
    • When Shields are hit, Chroma and nearby allies' Armor grows stronger, when Health takes a hit, Weapon Damage increases.
  • Eliminated 20MB of RAM used by the User Interface.
  • Eliminated 5MB of unused UI textures loaded in many missions.
  • Eliminated 1.5MB of generated bytecode used by the script engine.
  • Optimized common script bindings to reduce script time by 13%.
  • Performed automatic optimizations to hundreds of gameplay scripts.
  • Optimized threaded rendering of the mini-map.
  • Optimized GPU particle effects.
Index Fixes
  • Fixed scoring 30+ Index points at once resulting in a huge damage boost. Dying / Reviving would remove the damage boost.
  • Fixed Rathuum/Index not tracking kills done by Umbra or spawned allies (Equinox Duality, etc) when the player is in Operator mode.
  • Fixed being stuck in Spectator Mode after dying at the end of the Round as a Client and then becoming the Host.
  • Fixed Revenant's Enthralled enemies not counting towards kills in Rathuum/Index.
  • Fixed a second vote triggering is there are multiple players left after a Host migration.
  • Fixed being in a broken state as a Client if the Host crashes after completing an Index wager.
Nightwave Fix
  • Fixes towards Nightwave Act progress sometimes resetting / tracking incorrectly when completing a mission.
  • Fixed a crash when typing invalid text the Dojo MOTD, Room Messages, Friend Notes and Loc Pins.
  • Fixed experiencing a functionality loss in the form of one or more weapons/Abilities not working after falling into a teleport volume while having an active Exalted weapon (Excalibur / Wukong).
  • Fixed Clients becoming stuck in the loading screen if the Host simultaneously aborts.
  • Fixed a massive hitch when equipping the Mining Laser.
  • Fixed ability to skip Operator Amp firing cooldown with Vazarin Guardian Shell.
  • Fixed a case of Kuva Clouds spawning right beside the Kuva Siphon in the Gas City tileset, resulting in the mission being difficult to complete as the Kuva Cloud gets almost immediately sucked up.
  • Fixed the Knell forcing a reload when empty even if you got a headshot.
  • Fixed Amalgam Argonak not applying to Dagger-type Zaws.
  • Fixed inability to move properly when Titania is in Razorwing in Sanctuary Onslaught.
  • Fixed Bullet Jump animation no longer playing in the direction of the jump after wiping out with the K-Drive.
  • Fixed Mining nodes refreshing outside the Deck 12 entrance when entering / leaving the cave in succession, allowing for Mining exploitation.
  • Fixed inability to Mine inside Deck 12.
  • Fixed Oberon’s Hallowed Eruption Augment causing a mid-air hovering casting animation.
  • Fixed placing a Domestik Drone Decoration in the air blocking the camera and causing weird collisions.
  • Fixed placing Domestik Drone decorations in the air causing them to fall through the floor.
  • Fixes toward the Amphatz Kubrow Armor clipping on more bulky Kubrows.
  • Fixes toward the Sloughi Kubrow Armor clipping on bulky Kubrows
  • Fixed the Quatz’ reload ejected clip flipping orientation when released.
  • Fixed the Quatz’ Electric Discharge sound playing twice for Clients.
  • Fixed the Quatz’ special reload damage and VFX not displaying when a Skin is equipped.
  • Fixed Mirage’s Hall Of Mirrors ability causing the Quatz’ Electric Discharge sound to unintentionally play duplicate instances.
  • Fixed a Crate clipping into the wall on the Lua Spy tileset.
  • Fixed an unreachable Crate in the Grineer Shipyard tileset.
  • Fixed broken textures in the Grineer Shipyards tileset which lead to everything appearing shiny and gold.
  • Fixed an overly stiff moustache on the Karkinos Hydroid Helmet.
  • Fixed placement issue when "duplicating" a few Decorations including the Circuits Decoration where new copy would stay red and could not be placed.
  • Fixed placing an Eidolon Teralyst Articula in just the right location in a doorway causing it to expand to its full massive size.
  • Fixed inability to color K-Drive Jets. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1074134-k-drive-color-bug/
  • Fixed a missing water teleport volume in the Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixed flying Drones in Vallis missing their wings.
  • Fixed Captura's 'look at character' feature not working.
  • Fixed issue with Proton Snap showing "|TIME|" instead of duration value in non-English localizations.

Update 25.4

July 18th, 2019 Forum Post - Tenno Reinforcements


The only thing Grineer hate more than seeing Tenno cut through waves of Lancers, is seeing them use Grineer Weapons to do it. Wield the power of the Grineer’s vast empire with the latest Tenno Reinforcements on PC: the Quatz Collection!

The Quatz Collection includes:


A compact four-barreled design packing a self-charging capacitor that discharges upon every reload from empty. Features auto hip-fire and aimed fire looses a four-shot instant burst.

*Quatz Pro Tip: start firing from the hip and aim while keeping the trigger held down to stay in auto mode!


This traditional staff weapon is making a triumphant return! Fashioned with Grineer materials and balanced for marine infantry use, the Amphis Staff has received a monstrous makeover that enables shock damage on jump attacks.


Repurposed paramilitary dress, for a fast response to any situation.


A Syandana assembled from the scavenged internals of some unidentified mechanism, it is still dusty from the desert where it was found.


A sleek, molded bodyglove, enhanced with piezo-electric detailing.


A sleek, molded bodyglove, enhanced with piezo-electric detailing.

Pick up the Quatz Collection or any of the individual items by visiting the in-game Market today, and put Grineer technology to use helping the Origin System instead of conquering it!


Add one of five new Domestik Drone variants to your Orbiter for a little variety, or pick them all up for maximum Domestik diversity! Keep the Orbiter in spotless condition with the latest in Corpus sanitation technology.


This antique Orokin string instrument once belonged to a great Dax. The ancient ballad, “Smiles from Juran,” is one of the few known examples of music composed for this instrument.

General Additions
  • Added Arch-gun Ammo to the Simulacrum pickup area.
  • Combat markers for enemies in Archwing / Submersible have been visually updated and now update their awareness color/fill depending on their state!
  • Improved teleporting volumes spaces in the Corpus Outpost and Grineer Shipyard tilesets to catch overzealous Loki / Novas when attempting to escape the level.
Nightwave Changes & Fix
  • Eligibility for the Get Clem & Maroo Ayatan Treasure Hunt missions now resets at 00:00 Monday each week (same as Nightwave) instead of an arbitrary 7-day cooldown from whenever you last completed them. This ensures you have a chance to complete the missions within the weekly refresh of Nightwave.
    • Anyone who ran within the last 7 days will have their cooldown reset 7 days from when they ran it, and future resets will be Monday 00:00.
  • In Tuesday’s Hotfix we released a fix for a Nightwave bug that prevented proper tracking of Acts. This is Part 2 of that fix. Today’s fix retroactively provides missing Nightwave Standing to players affected by the issue we fixed Tuesday.
  • Fixed Sortie roll-over + UI refresh not occurring exactly at 12 noon since the dawn of time.
  • Fixed Revenant specter not spawning reliably during the Mask of the Revenant quest if Host does not have the quest active.
  • Fixed Clients not seeing proper Trade offerings if the Host player swaps a Mod for Platinum. The confirmation screen does show the Platinum being offered, but players may be mislead / not paying attention and accept the Trade.
  • Fixed the Bullet Jump buff from Proton Pulse sometimes lasting perpetually.
  • Fixed Umbra’s Radial Howl sometimes leaving enemies frozen in mid-air.
  • Fixed Eximus Codex entries displaying the same as their non-Eximus version.
  • Fixed rail damage triggers in the Grineer Shipyard Defense tileset resulting in many deceased Pets, as it should only affect Warframes.
  • Fixed an unreachable Crate spawn in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed an unreachable Crate spawn in the Grineer Forest tileset.
  • Fixed some missing geometry collision in the Grineer Forest tileset.
  • Fixed a square box appearing in the minimap of the Ambulas boss area in the Corpus Outpost tileset.
  • Fixed not being able to toggle camera mode during Melee Finishers in Captura.
  • Fixed the Grain slider not functioning in Captura.


July 16th, 2019 Forum Post


Hotfix 25.3.3

July 16th, 2019 Forum Post - Prime Vault

H25.3.3 Vault

Nyx Prime and Rhino Prime are here!

The Prime Vault has opened once more and Orokin treasures are yours for the taking Tenno! Get instant access to the previously unavailable Prime Warframes Nyx Prime and Rhino Prime, as well as their signature Prime Weapons, Accessories, and more!

Find their Relics in the Void or in Bounty rewards today!

Get your Prime Vault now: https://www.warframe.com/prime-vault

The Prime Vault closes on September 17 for PC!

  • Added polish and improvements to Relays, including increased elevator speed, markers for Syndicate rooms, and more.
  • Optimized performance of Friends list behaviour under-the-hood.
  • We now only show the 'Gift' button in the Market for Platinum purchases.
Nightwave Fixes

A bug existed in the progress tracking and completion status of 'Recovered' Acts. If a repeat Act appeared, this would cause it to be already-completed immediately when they appear in the UI and prevent players from earning their associated standing reward. We have more fixes coming on this - stay tuned!

  • Fixed an issue serverside with accounts being unable to incubate Kubrows.
  • Fixed an issue with a game freeze that would occur if you left the relay before accepting the Silver Grove quest.
  • Fixed Smeeta's instant reload buff not applying to battery weapons, it will now instantly recharge beam weapons.
  • Fixed Grineer Latchers on the Kuva Fortress being 'friendly' to Tenno.
  • Fixed Assassinate boss card titles not visible on Clients.
  • Fixed a script error / game issue on the Ambulas boss fight.
  • Fixed an issue with recasting Nidus's Ravenous on same location not refreshing the ability duration timer.
  • Fixed incorrect camera rotations in Captura.
  • Fixed an issue with Wukong's Celestial Stomp becoming unreliable if you use it too quickly after joining in progress.
  • Fixed an issue with Revenant's facing direction after using Reave during Danse Macabre.
  • Fixed an issue with Cernos Prime arrows fired by Mirage's Hall of Mirrors clones always hitting the floor.
  • Fixed an issue with Prime Sugatras looking stretched.
  • Fixed an issue with Wisp Specters being unable to cast any abilities - Sol Gate is still unusable for now.
  • Fixed issues with the fast travel option not working in old original Dojo tilesets.
  • Fixing a level hole found in the Grineer Sealabs.
  • Fixing a level hole as found here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cce8q4/old_map_hole_still_alive/
  • Fixed a rogue teleport volume as reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cd6uhf/im_sorry_warframe_but_what/
  • Fixing level holes in Europa.
  • Fixed a level hole as found here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cdrmpf/map_hole_on_lith_earth/
  • Fixed Ephemera energy colour preview not updating when choosing new or random colours.


July 12th, 2019 Forum Post

Login issues that affected a select few have been fixed serverside!

  • Fixed Operator Focus Abilities being broken if a tree is semi-complete. This also fixes Operator Void Mode being broken.
  • Fixed UI lockup that could occur when viewing Nightwave Rewards and then an Act.
  • Fixed the camera snapping to an odd orientation when performing actions that lock its orientation (namely, rotating/pulling/pushing Decorations in the Orbiter).
  • Fixed extra beam Range (Ruinous Extension) negatively affecting the secondary beam lock Range of the Ocucor.
  • Fixed a level hole in the Orokin Derelict.
  • Fixed a level hole in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset.

Hotfix 25.3.2

July 12th, 2019 Forum Post

General Additions
  • Added a new Plains Assassinate Bounty Bonus Objective of ‘Draw out the target within one minute for bonus’. More bonuses to come after further testing.
Clan XP Changes

If you're not an active participant in the Clan / Dojo system, a lot of this will go over your head. But if you've noticed a discrepancy in your Clan's Dojo XP since the release of Update 25, we have found the issue and have a full breakdown here.

The issue:
Upon researching the Update 25 Clan weapons, some Clans / Dojos had a loss of Clan XP. On the surface this seems like a pretty straight forward problem, but it has turned out to be a bit more complicated. Your "Clan Profile' page showed research and Pigment XP gains, but there was a whole bunch of invisible XP messing with values especially if you deleted a decoration or room, and finished weapon research (namely, from Operation Trophies)!

The solution:

  • All trophies are now exempt from Clan XP and will not reward it.
  • The Trading Post and Treasury will supply their intended XP.

Next steps:
As we release eligible content, you can re-rank your Clan over time. We have record keeping of your rank, so you won't re-trigger the rank up rewards.

Further information:
We have a list of rooms and objects that grant you XP, but only if they exist within the Dojo (i.e cannot be built then destroyed). This now works properly + and we are working to highlight this fact more (as we work to expose in UI):

  • Trading Post: 10000 XP
  • Treasury: 10000 XP
  • Obstacle Course: 15000 XP
  • (NEW) Obstacle Course Architect: 15000 XP
  • Dueling Room: 15000 XP
  • Oracle: 10000 XP
  • Energy Lab: 10000 XP
  • Chem Lab: 10000 XP
  • Bio Lab: 10000 XP
  • Orokin Lab: 10000 XP
  • Tenno Lab: 10000 XP
  • Temple of Honor: 15000 XP
Nightwave Changes & Fixes
  • Right clicking on Nightwave rewards will now display its preview diorama.
  • Fixed inability to mark Mods dropped from containers in the Void for the "Mark a Resource or Mod" Nightwave Act.
  • Fixed the Glaive Prime Blueprint help text saying it's obtainable from Nightwave Cred Offerings.
Wukong Changes & Fixes

Wukong’s Celestial Twin no longer utilizes Quick Thinking to fix the Twin living indefinitely. Fixed ability to replicate Wukong’s Celestial Twin multiple times by abusing Emotes. Fixed Wukong’s Cloudwalk and Defy abilities turning off sprint toggle when used. Fixed Wukong’s Immortality Passive triggering while in Archwing in Vallis / Plains which results in getting stuck in Archwing instead of being knocked out. Further fixes to floating Armor on Wukong / Wukong Prime.

Survival Spawn Change

Historically the number of concurrent enemies in Survival was related to where the mission was in the Star Chart; early missions tended to have less enemies and later missions tended to have more and this number did not change even when you stayed in a mission longer to face higher-level enemies. As an experiment we have changed the scaling mechanic so that staying in a low-level mission longer will also increase the enemy count as it increases the enemy level until it hits the same cap it would have for high-level missions.

Sabotage Changes & Fixes

These Changes & Fixes relate directly to if the Reactor Sabotage ‘magnetic’ situation is triggered:

  • Increased visibility of the panic button placed at the Reactor console.
  • Reduced hack time for enemies at the Reactor panic button to 1.5 seconds.
  • Increased 'Defend' time to 60 seconds from 40 seconds.
  • Fixed no enemies spawning to trigger lockdown at the Reactor console.
  • Fixed enemies unable to reach the Reactor console.
Zanuka Harvest Changes & Fixes
  • Objective UI markers now flash red to match red X attack markers.
  • Corrupted Vor is now marked with a red X marker if killing him is required to progress past the 'kill enemies' stage in Interception.
  • Changed Spy panic buttons in the entrance hallways of Spy Vaults to stop enemies using them and setting off the alarm when outside the vault in Gas City, Grineer Fortress, and Sealab tilesets.
  • Kuva Cell pickups now take priority over Life Support Tower activation actions to alleviate accidental Life Support activation in Kuva Survival.
  • Increased brightness of the grey ABC markers in Lua Spy missions.
  • Improved an extraction area in the Gas City tileset to be a little more generous.
  • Changed the Venus Assassinate area marker so it matches the UI objective.
  • Removed ability to spawn Arlo Devoted Healers in the Simulacrum.
  • Removed Wisp footstep sounds when wall running.
  • Removed outstanding old Corpus Lockers and replaced them with the new Locker meshes.
  • Improvements to the Gear Spiral controller sensitivity.
  • Made Teleport Pits willing to send loot to a nearby spot as a last resort instead of letting it fall out of the world.
  • Made hundreds of micro-optimizations to numerous game and UI scripts.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to screenshots taken with F6 (particularly for 4K displays).
  • Optimized game startup time slightly.
  • Fixed inability to complete the Sands of Inaros quest due to Denial Bursas not spawning as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1104043-sands-of-inaros-quest-now-broken/
  • Fixed progression stopper during the 'Kill the 5 Mimics' stage of the 4th mission of The Sacrifice as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1105961-umbra-mission-kill-5-mimics/
  • Fixed progression stopper in the Orokin Derelict Mobile Defense tileset due to missing context action on the Defense console.
  • Fixed the Ropalolyst fight breaking if the player flies it into the underside of the center platform. You will now be forcibly dismounted off the bucking bronco.
  • Fixed Growing Power buff not removing itself properly when casting Limbo’s Cataclysm, resulting in an indefinite stacking of Strength.
  • Fixed enemies not spawning after a Host Migration in the Grineer Shipyard Defense tileset.
  • Fixed Life Support Towers not spawning after a Host migration in Sortie Survival missions.
  • Fixed a Host migration causing Garuda’s Talons to lose their Stance upgrade, and instead use the default attacks if it’s the only Melee weapon equipped.
  • Fixed the first mission of Saya's Vigil not failing properly if the player leaves the final objective area.
  • Fixed seeing "Failed Bounty" when reaching extraction too soon during the final mission of Saya’s Vigil.
  • Fixed a performance regression that was impacting certain types of cloth; performance in open world areas, towns and relays may be improved.
  • Fixed becoming one with Saya when speaking with her in Cetus.
  • Fixed Grineer Capture Targets have a Shield that does not regenerate instead of Armor.
  • Fixed Sentient Troopers not spawning in Lua Exterminate missions.
  • Fixed Sentients spawning in the wrong location during Octavia's Anthem.
  • Fixed ability to use Emotes while casting Revenant's Danse Macabre to prevent your Abilities getting stuck.
  • Fixed an incorrect cinematic during a phase of The War Within quest.
  • Fixed wrong Relic Rarity text when hovering over the Rarity bar on the Reward selection screen after playing a public Void Fissure mission.
  • Fixed Wisp’s Wil-O-Wisp ability setting off laser beam alarms in the Gas City Spy Vaults.
  • Fixed missing portal FX for Clients in the Lua Rescue tileset.
  • Fixed players turning invisible when standing in certain locations in the Grineer Settlement tileset and Grineer Forest tileset.
  • Fixed hacked Plains Drones becoming non-responsive after being pushed by an Arson Eximus.
  • Fixed invisible marker on the Vallis Defense Drone after the encounter starts.
  • Fixed Cryopod alignment in the Gas City Defense tileset.
  • Fixed numerous level holes in the Grineer Settlement tileset.
  • Fixed level holes in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset as reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/c9biyc/ingame_visual_bug_on_europa_and_mission_display / https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cas9yb/does_this_count_as_a_map_hole/.
  • Fixed Void Crate waypoint sunken into the ground leading to unpickable goodies, as reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cbmc51/i_feel_like_de_is_mocking_me_couldnt_pick_it_up/
  • Fixed unwallrunnable walls in the Void tileset as reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cbrb9d/the_void_end_tile_has_walls_that_have_large_areas/.
  • Fixed overly shiny floors in the Grineer Ship tileset as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1108989-grineer-ship-tileset-needs-a-mop/
  • Fixed ability to escape the level in the Grineer Forest tileset.
  • Fixed the Tang Prime Fur Pattern accent color not resetting to default.
  • Fixed Arlo Devoted Healers showing up in Mastery Rank tests and minigames (Happy Zephyr).
  • Fixed missing Stubba reload sound when using the Nusku Pistol Skin.
  • Fixed incorrect quest requirement for the Silver Grove when reading it in Russian.
  • Fixed some script abuse when Inaros' Desiccation continued to tick after Inaros was killed.
  • Fixed enemies armed with the Tetra rifle having an ugly reload animation.
  • Fixed having a broken UI after ‘Replay Mission’ is selected when the daily reset happens while the player is in a mission.
  • Fixed Assassinate intro boss name not being visible for Clients.
  • Fixed a script error when looking at The New Strange quest diorama.
  • Fixed an issue with The New Strange where it wouldn’t count Arid Lancers correctly
  • Fixed Captura not using the correct camera rotations when switching between cameras.
  • Fixed Chroma’s Passive / Spectral Scream descriptions not stating that the Elemental effects are now dictated by the emissives colours, not the energy colours as given in the Ability / Mod descriptions.

Hotfix 25.3.1

July 8th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Updated the Nightwave Act "Transmute 3/3 Mods" to read "Complete 3/3 Transmutations".

Update 25.3

July 6th, 2019 Forum Post - Wukong Prime

Wukong prime

Become the ultimate trickster-warrior with Wukong Prime, Zhuge Prime and Ninkondi Prime by earning in-game through Relics!
Check out the official public drop tables here.

Wukong prime weapons

Get the newest Prime gear with Wukong Prime Access and Prime Accessories here: https://www.warframe.com/prime-access

Wukong prime accessories

Hydroid Prime, Ballistica Prime, and Nami Skyla Prime have entered the Vault! With this Vaulting comes the shift of the following Syndicate Sacrifices:

  • Replaced New Loka’s Sacrifice of Hydroid Prime Systems to Mesa Prime Systems
  • Replaced Perrin Sequence’s Sacrifice of Hydroid Prime Neuroptics to Zephyr Prime Chassis and Nami Skyla Prime Blade to Gram Prime Handle
  • Replaced Red Veil’s Sacrifice of Hydroid Prime Systems to Chroma Prime Neuroptics

With this new Prime Access comes changes to Riven Dispositions. See here for full changes: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1107775-july-2019-riven-disposition-updates/

If you already wield the power of these Primes or have their Relics in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting.


Nora Night’s next broadcast follows the remarkable tale of Arlo. As the story unfolds, you’ll learn more about Arlo and his mission to soothe our deepest wounds.

Wf nightwaves2 theemissary keyart logo 1080

Earn New Rewards -- An Infested Display of Power

Wf nightwaves2 theemissary rewards

Series 2 brings a brand-new set of Infested-themed rewards to earn! Rise through all 30 Tiers to unlock these limited-time rewards before the Series is over.

Earn unique rewards like:

  • Spore Ephemera (Tier 19): Leave a trail of filth with every footstep.
  • Umbra Forma (Tier 26): Apply the Umbra polarity to any Warframe or Weapon.
  • Protosomid Shoulder Guard (Tier 28): Loathsome tendrils squirm from these hefty
  • Chitoid Sentinel Bundle (Tier 29): Give any Sentinel a flair of Infestation with this pack.
  • Emissary Operator Collection (Tier 30): Become like Arlo's devoted with this Operator cosmetics collection.
  • And so much more!
Cred Offerings

Earn Emissary Creds throughout Series 2 to spend on Nora's Offerings. After you reach Tier 30, prestige back through the Series to earn even more Creds to spend at her shop!

Visit the Nightwave Cred Offerings to acquire the Rewards you want the most, including Nitain Extract, Weapon and Helmet Blueprints, Catalysts, Reactors and rare Aura Mods. Missed out on hunting the Wolf in Series 1? Purchase a Wolf Beacon from Nora with your Emissary Creds! Emissary Creds must be redeemed before the Series is over or sold for Credits, so use them before the frequency is lost.

Nightwave Series 2 Changes

Based on your feedback, Nightwave Series 2 introduces a suite of changes to reduce the time and tension of earning rewards. Some of these went live with Nightwave: Intermission, but let’s refresh our minds:

  • Playing Catch-Up! - We added a way for you to replay missed Acts from previous weeks, in case you have missed them!
  • De-grindification! - Less Weekly and Elite Weekly acts, but still giving the same amount of Standing as you would get from Series 1! In addition, we are looking to front-load Emissary Creds as an earlier reward for participating in the Series!
  • Act Changes! - We have lowered the Time and Wave requirements for some Endless Mission Acts, as well as lowering the cost of Ayatan Statues (this was implemented during Series 1). In addition, we have also removed the ‘with friends’ requirements from all of our Nightwave Acts!
  • New Acts! - Including the most important one... petting your Kubrow or Kavat! We also included some Acts for Kuva missions, Transmuting Mods, K-Drive Races and more!

If you haven't yet, check out our full Dev Workshop on Series 2 Changes: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1092003-dev-workshop-nightwave-changes-for-series-2/%0A

  • Fixed crashes caused by malformed input as per: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/c8xb0r/cool_way_to_name_your_loadouts_how_to_do_it_in/esstfw6/?context=8&depth=9
  • Fixed Perfect animal Captures not always giving credit for Nightwave Acts when it should.
  • Fixed Nightwave Act progression in the Orbiter causing UI to additionally count all the previously completed Acts in the ship and adding it to the displayed Standing.
  • Fixed game hang that could occur if you accessed your Arsenal in the Lunaro Arena Scene and then loaded a different Scene.
  • Fixed ‘Auto Installing’ Mods on Garuda's Talons with no Stance Mods resulting in 15 error popups.
  • Fixed progression stopper caused by players being able to pick up more than one Telemetry Key, except they stack and the newly picked up key goes missing as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1106027-kuva-assault-mission-disappearing-telemetry-keys/
  • Fixed AI traffic jams in the Grineer Asteroid Defection tileset as reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/c65bh7/why_i_hate_defection/
  • Fixes towards AI ramp traversing struggles in the Grineer Galleon tileset.
  • Fixed exterior lights bleeding through walls in the Corpus Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed an odd red light reflection in the Corpus Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed random floating objects outside the Corpus Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed missing wall collision in the Corpus Gas City tileset as reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/c7wv7p/a_force_to_rival_regors_toobmen_wallman/
  • Fixed broken terrain in the Grineer Asteroid tileset as reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/c89p2z/since_de_are_fixing_annoying_terrain_in_levels/
  • Fixed an inaccessible gap in the Grineer Shipyards tileset as reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/c8l6o8/can_we_make_it_so_you_can_pass_through_this_gap/
  • Fixed invisible walls in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset as reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/c8l6o8/can_we_make_it_so_you_can_pass_through_this_gap/esobawz/
  • Fixed ability to clip into the wall in the Corpus Outpost tileset.
  • Fixed laser-door scanners appearing in strange places outside of door frame, in the Corpus Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed incorrectly spawned Submersible water volumes in the Sealab tileset.
  • Fixed numerous Kitgun Loaders appearing incorrect when "Preview Gilded" is on and off.
  • Fixed the Khora Mithra Skin not applying properly to Khora's Spikes Syandana.
  • Fixed Khora Mithra skin not applying to the skirt spikes after switching them.
  • Fixed previewing Khora Skins in Arsenal not always properly updating the spikes.
  • Fixed changing the spike mode in Arsenal, then switching Skins causing the spikes to be removed.
  • Fixed a script error when trying to go to the Appearance tab for Venari.
  • Fixed Wukong’s Tennogen Skins not updating some parts of his outfit.
  • Fixed Trinity Prime’s belt disappearing when equipping the Immortal Skin.
  • Fixed all endless missions have a Void Fissure title in the extract/ battle menu.
  • Fixed pressing X on controller while in the Relic station displaying the message "Refine |Name| to Intact?".
  • Fixed Clients pressing X on a controller to accept a Void Fissure mission vote, resulting in an immediate warning message telling them that they are about to enter the mission without a Relic.
  • Fixed missing Codex entry for the Repair Kit Mod.
  • Fixed inability to trade Synth Fiber or Synth Deconstruct when you only have a single copy of the Mods.

Hotfix 25.2.4

June 27th, 2019 Forum Post

A chunk of this Hotfix brings Baro’s TennoCon 2019 Relay to life behind-the-scenes. Don’t miss out on his everything-he’s-ever-sold visit with the TennoCon 2019 Digital Ticket!

  • Fixed 2 Kuria collectibles damaged by neuro-carnivorous memes in the Gas City tileset. Cat hunters rejoice.
  • Fixed Wukong's new Passive Ability not resetting for Clients after going back and forth from Cetus/Fortuna to Plains of Eidolon/Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed Madurai Rising Blast no longer allowing uncharged Void Blast to be used.
  • Fixed the Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger enemy highlighting not functioning if you aim at Gara's Mass Vitrify wall.
  • Fixed casting Ash’s Teleport during Bladestorm resulting in a loss of proper functionality as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1087292-ash-blade-storm-bug/.
  • Fixed Fulmin's firing mode / appearance can become desynced if transition is interrupted by Wisp’s Wil-O-Wisp ability.
  • Fixed performing a ground slam on a Cryopod while Wukong's Primal Staff is equipped resulting in the Warframe’s animation to get stuck in the air.
  • Fixed Wukong's Celestial Twin kills not counting towards the Power Trip Nightwave Act.
  • Fixed ability to cast Abilities and sprint upon dying while in Archwing during The War Within quest.
  • Fixed a spot in the Gas City tileset where players could become Tubemen, sliding down inside extremely narrow tubular machinery.
  • Fixed hearing another player’s Wukong Specter casting Defy.

Hotfix 25.2.3

June 25th, 2019 Forum Post

New warframe starter bundle
New Warframe Starter Bundle!

The Origin System can be a hostile place, especially when you’re a recently awakened Tenno just starting out! Luckily we’ve compiled a bundle of great items you can put to good use. The new Warframe Starter Bundle is full of gameplay boosters as well as some unique Cosmetics you can apply to your Warframe and set yourself apart.

The Warframe Starter Bundle is limited to one purchase per account and includes
  • 300 Platinum - Warframe’s In-Game Currency!
  • 7 Day Affinity Booster - Level Up twice as fast!
  • 7 Day Credit Booster - Earn 2x the Credits!
  • 1 Essential Base Damage Mod Bundle - Apply these mods to your Weapons for an instant Damage boost!
  • 1 Orokin Reactor - Upgrade the Mod Capacity of your Warframes!
  • 1 Orokin Catalyst - Upgrade the Mod Capacity of your Weapons!
  • 1 Warframe Slot - Add New Warframes to your collection with more Warframe Slots!
  • 2 Weapon Slots - More Inventory Space for Weapons in your Arsenal
  • 1 Pyra Syandana - During the Orokin Era, only most fierce warriors were permitted to wear this flaming Syandana.
  • Kumuda Glyph (Starter Pack Exclusive) - Show your Warframe Pride with this exclusive Glyph you can display in your Profile!
  • Kumuda Sigil (Starter Pack Exclusive) - Pay respect to the Lotus with this elegant Sigil you can apply to your Warframes!

We’ve updated our Starter Bundle to offer you more items, and improve existing goodies so you get even more value! Now for the price of a 370 Platinum pack you can get so much more to kickstart your Warframe journey!

For more information on the items or how the Starter Pack can help you, check this out!

  • Wisp's Sol Gate will now interrupt weapon reload like other full body animation Abilities do.
  • Changed Wukong’s Monkey Loot passive to not generate extra drops from ability immune or VIP enemies to follow cadence with others.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to XP notifications.
  • Made a micro-optimization to rendering.
  • Tweaked material layer coverage for the Ignis Towsun Skin clip.
  • Wukong's Passive will now refresh when he enters a Relay / Town.
  • Fixes towards a case of ‘failed Host Migration’.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if someone in the same Relay, Town or Dojo had a corrupt Mandachord track.
  • Fixed performance issues related to Kavat ragdolls.
  • Fixed Client Saryn’s unable to apply a Status Effect if Toxic Lash is active as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1101258-saryns-toxic-lash-bug-prevents-weapon-status-procs-as-client-besides-toxin/
  • Fixed Baruuk’s Desolate Hands charge indicator not updating for Clients after Transferring to the Operator.
  • Fixed Aura Mods stacking twice while using Operator mode with Umbra.
  • Fixes towards the Jordas Golem’s wonky flight animations and cases where it would face the wrong way.
  • Fixed Corpus Gas City enemies able to shoot through Gara’s Mass Vitrify.
  • Fixed Vigorous Swap sometimes ceasing to function if Gear tools are used.
  • Fixed Wukong's staff getting stuck extra girthy if you interrupt the melee attack with something (Ability cast, etc).
  • Fixed Energy color not applying to the Jattuk Mantle flames.
  • Fixed Energy color not applying to the Zephyr Graxx Helmet.
  • Fixed overly aggressive optimizations that could lead to graphical popping of certain meshes in the Void Defense tileset.
  • Fixed Rare Container spawn point that was behind a blocking volume potentially leading to unpickable pickups in the Infested Corpus Ship Tileset! As seen here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/c47u1j/was_unable_to_pick_up_a_simple_insignia_because
  • Fixed missing ledge collision in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed some cables that were deemed unsafe by the Corpus Workplace Safety Board.
  • Fixed a [PH] tag in Excalibur’s Slash Dash tooltip.
  • Fixed a script error for Clients when using the Hecaton Shotgun Skin in the Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixed Energy color not applying to the Glaxion Vandal’s Festive Skin.
  • Fixed Chroma’s Passive / Spectral Scream descriptions not stating that the Elemental effects are now dictated by the emissives colours, not the energy colours as given in the Ability / Mod descriptions.

Hotfix 25.2.2

June 21st, 2019 Forum Post

You may have noticed a questionable Gift of the Lotus alert go live and then swiftly shoot up into the sky, never to be seen again... It hath returned in the form of a Summer Solstice celebration! Unthaw that frigid heart of yours and dip your toe into this limited Alert to receive a brand new Ignis Towsun Skin - going live shortly after this Hotfix.

Wukong Changes & Fixes
  • Wukong’s Celestial Twin now behaves with Nullifiers by:
    • If Wukong enters the bubble with Celestial Twin active, nothing happens.
    • If Wukong’s Celestial Twin enter the bubble, his Health will drain down.
  • Performance improvements towards Wukong’s Celestial Twin and Cloud Walker.
  • Removed Wukong from Frame Fighter until balance can be restored with his newly revisited abilities.
  • Fixed cancelling Wukong’s Primal Fury with Celestial Twin resulting in an aggressive forward momentum. No Wukoptering with scissors!
  • Fixed Client Celestial Twin not choosing to use your Secondary weapon.
  • Fixed Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired not applying lifesteal to Zaw Nikanas.
  • Fixed receiving an error when attempting to purchase the Vectis Silferer Skin.
  • Fixed misalignment and clipping of Domestik Drones to the Orbiter ramp.

Hotfix 25.2.1

June 20th, 2019 Forum Post

Wukong Changes & Fixes
  • Wukong Celestial Twin can now be cancelled by the Stalker.
  • Cancelled Warframe's live adaptation of Planet of the Apes due to "too much monkeying around" by fixing the ability to spawn infinite Celestial Twins.
  • Fixed Wukong’s Celestial Twin swapping from Secondary to Primary weapon on his own.
  • Fixed Wukong Cloud Walker invulnerability duration at Ranks 1 and 2 to always be a base 2 (s).
  • Fixed Wukong not being able to Melee slam out of Cloud Walker.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Wukong’s Celestial Twin.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Wukong’s Defy.
  • Adjusted Gunblade holster position on Wisp for the Sarpa.
  • Removed the "+" from Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger Mod in "Reduces Armor by +X."
  • Fixed Titania’s Diwata not functioning when attempting to Melee in Razorwing.
  • Fixed the Inbox for Wukong Revisited not being localized.

Update 25.2

June 19th, 2019 Forum Post - Wukong revisited

Wukong Revisited Promo


To celebrate the changes, all players who currently own Wukong will receive 3 Forma (per Wukong owned)!

General Wukong Changes:

  • Health increased from 100 to 150 (at max rank increased from 300 to 450).
  • Shield decreased from 125 to 100 (at max rank decreased from 375 to 300).
  • Why? Since Wukong’s new kit now involves an Armour buff, relying more on his Health will enable a better synergy.
  • Energy increased from 100 to 120 (at max rank 150 to 180).
  • Sprint increased from .95 to 1.0.
  • Improved his Primary/Secondary Energy blend on his Helmet tails.
  • Updated Wukong’s Arsenal Ability videos to reflect his Revisited abilities.
  • Replaced existing Wukong tips with tips based on his revisited abilities.


5 Levels of Immortality: Wukong has learned 5 techniques to avoid death whenever he takes fatal damage. Wukong will be randomly allowed 3 of these techniques per mission to avoid death 3 times. Each technique will make Wukong invulnerable for 2 seconds, restore 50% health, and provide a unique buff.

  • Primal Forces: Triple elemental damage for 60 seconds
  • Heavenly Cloak: Invisibility for 30 seconds
  • Cosmic Armour: Invulnerable for 30 seconds
  • Monkey Luck: Extra loot drops for 60 seconds
  • Sly Alchemy: Orbs 4x more effective for 60 seconds

Celestial Twin

  • Replacing Iron Jab, Celestial Twin will allow for Wukong to shed a part of himself to call a supporting clone into action. The clone will attack from range while Wukong uses melee, or will use melee while Wukong uses range.
  • Press ability again to command Wukong’s clone to attack a specific target with increased damage.
  • Wukong’s clone will remain until it runs out of life.

Cloud Walker

  • Wukong evaporates into a fast-moving cloud of mist that will temporarily daze and paralyze enemies in his path. While in his cloud of mist, Cloud Walker has the additional mechanic of healing Wukong and his clone.
  • His movement can be interrupted by attacking at any time.
  • Cloud Walker has a much faster cast time which will no longer hold Wukong in place.
  • Wukong will no longer trigger laser traps or doors while using Cloud Walker.
  • Energy cost for Cloud Walker has been lowered.


  • Defy will now taunt enemies while Wukong and his clone gain temporary invulnerability with reduced movement speed. All damage is captured, stored, and dealt back in a single furious long range staff spin attack.
  • Based on the amount of damage prevented by Defy, Wukong and his clone will receive a temporary armour buff.
  • Press ability again to trigger spin early.

Primal Fury

  • Primal Fury will feature a new specialized and streamlined combo for Wukong’s legendary Iron Staff. As a preview of the upcoming Melee 3.0 system, Wukong’s Primal Fury uses new combo routes with simplified inputs providing a safe, limited space to try out coming releases.
  • Damage for Wukong and his clone is redistributed for a more powerful feel, with a much higher status chance, larger base range, and some slash.
  • Casting no longer holds Wukong in place. With new energy requirements, the cast cost of Primal Fury was lowered but cast drain was increased to be turned off and on as desired.
  • Animation has been trimmed.
  • The range of Wukong’s Iron Staff is always long, comparable to top range Zaws, and no longer needs to build combo to scale range.

Wukong Augment Changes:

  • Celestial Twin Augment: Replacing Iron Vault, Wukong will command his clone to perform a wide radius slam, suspending enemies.
  • Primal Rage: Increased cap from 100 to 150%, increased bonus per kill from 10% to 15%. Drain now scales with duration, so the higher Wukong’s duration, the slower it drains, and when Wukong gets a kill the drain stops for 5 seconds.

Please visit our Dev Workshop post to read more about the reasons for these changes.


UI Change:

  • Warframe Ability Augment stats are now displayed in the Ability screen for Excalibur, Mag, Volt and Wukong! More to come in the near future.

General Changes:

  • Made micro-optimizations to dozens of UI scripts.
  • Made micro-optimization when handling loot that falls into teleport pits.
  • Improved handling of corrupt cache and malfunctioning graphics drivers.
  • Improved error handling for failures to teleport people out of pits.
  • Improved handling of corrupt download caches.
  • Improved handling of crashing graphics drivers.
  • Refactored runaway loop detection for improved performance.
  • Fixed ability to choose any Relic type on any Void Fissure mission by queueing with squad.
  • Fixed Kela De Thaym not coming back down after completing the puzzle step which resulted in an infinite loop of firing missiles and Kela throwing insults at you.
  • Fixed ability to gain Set Mod bonus by using multiple copies of the same Mod if you have a Sentinel or Moa. Set Mod bonuses require different Mods from the Set to gain the bonus.
  • Fixed ‘Everything Old is New Again’ and ‘Loyalty’ Nightwave Acts not awarding Standing.
  • Fixed the ‘Silent Eliminator’ Nightwave Act not failing when an enemy detects you, regardless of alarms. Step your stealth game up!
  • Fixed Harrow’s Last Covenant Augment bonus time from headshots only appearing in the UI buff section (top right), not the Ability bar, where Ability would simply become "in use".
  • Fixed Mirage Sleight of Hand not working with Gas City objects.
  • Fixed Archwing enemy markers not showing more than 5 at once.
  • Fixed having 6 unranked Mods in the Trade slots appearing as fully rank after "the slots are full" message prompted, and accepting the Trade results in giving 1 max-ranked same Mod away instead of 6 unranked Mods, even when you didn't swap it.
  • Fixed Domestik Drones not spawning when returning from the Simulacrum.
  • Fixed a level hole in the Plains of Eidolon as reported here.
  • Fixed a level hole in the Orb Vallis tileset.
  • Fixed Equinox’s Duality Augment clone running off ledges so frequently.
  • Fixed 'Loot corpse' context action was not disappearing for Clients in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed cases where the Capture target will not make attempts to escape in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed Gas Traps not replicating SFX / VFX for Clients in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed the bright white FX projector on Electrical Melee FX.
  • Fixed the Bow Dryad Skin having misaligned strings when equipped on the Lenz.
  • Fixed missing Melee front-finisher sounds for the Tatsu.
  • Fixed zipline slide sound looping forever open dismount.

Hotfix 25.1.3

June 14th, 2019 Forum Post

More back-end fixes for Plague Star included in this Hotfix.
  • Improved tolerance of third-party software injecting itself into Warframe.
  • Improved crash-reporting in the Launcher.
  • Enabled dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 connections to the chat servers by default (you can opt out in the Settings).
  • Optimized Chat-Window initialization.
  • Optimized Invite panel initialization.
  • Removed Wisp footstep sounds when crouching / dashing.
  • Fixed a loss of controller functionality when pressing the start button during the Second Dream intro cinematic.
  • Fixed UI lockups that could occur if you had an outrageous number of Friends.
  • Fixed Client Host migrations issues coming up with partially destroyed objectives in the Gas City Sabotage tileset.
  • Fixed Clients not seeing the Sabotage countdown stopping once hacked in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed Garuda’s Dread Mirror duration not refreshing after re-casting.
  • Fixed Hildryn’s Shield Pillage Shield pillage not being nullified on contact, only delayed.
  • Fixed Hydroid becoming stuck in his Tentacle Swarm cast animation after respawning from a teleport volume.
  • Fixed Beam weapons and Gunblades not affecting Bursting Mass damage on detonate.
  • Fixed Nora Night not showing up in the Nightwave screen.
  • Fixed the TennoCon 2019 Emote not having any sound to the local player.
  • Fixed a bunch of Containers stuck in ice that were unreachable for players on the Corpus Ice Planet tileset.
  • Fixed Nidus Nighthunter Skin appearing fully Mutated in Navigation, Relays, Cetus or Fortuna.
  • Fixed body slam dash allowing you to travel much further than intended in Lunaro.


June 12th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Fixed a crash when selecting the Essential Toxic Mod Pack in the Market.
  • Fixed Ivara’s Prowl FX pointing towards the ceiling and not the player.

Hotfix 25.1.2

June 12th, 2019 Forum Post

Relic UI Changes & Fixes
  • The team has put together another chunk of UI changes to address your common suggestions. More to come as we continue to read your feedback!
  • Tweaked the alpha of the Unowned Relic grid to 40% from 25% to increase differentiation between owned / unowned.
  • Upon selecting an unowned Relic, the Refinement button will now read ‘You Do Not Own This Relic’ to alleviate Refinement possibility confusion.
  • Your alias in the Relic Reward screen is now displayed in a different color respective to your chosen UI Theme to help differentiate between yourself and squadmate.
  • Fixed numerous Relic icons appearing stretched.
  • Integrated about 1000 micro-optimizations across hundreds of scripts.
  • Made a few dozen micro-optimizations to various UI and gameplay scripts.
  • Mesa Prime can now be used in Conclave.
  • Increased the Frost Ion Skin emissive brightness to be on par with others.
  • Hovering over Debt Bonds in Ticker’s purchase screen now displays the amount you’re getting, as opposed to just how many you already own.
  • Operator Hoods will now appear open when previewing Operator Earpiece dioramas.
  • Airborne Capture Targets in the Gas City tileset will now keep flying when critically injured, with his jetpack set on fire. Upon landing he will continue his escape, but the powerful explosion of his own jetpack will knock him down. He is yours now to capture, Tenno!
  • Made alt-tab to Borderless Warframe re-acquire the mouse immediately (like Fullscreen).
  • Fixed ‘Providing’ items (Hok, Rude Zuud, etc) not awarding the amount of Standing it says will be awarded.
  • Fixed Client Operators entering "invisible" state that drains no Energy in high lag situations.
  • Fixed Revenant Thrall death pillars not causing damage on contact, only with projectiles for Clients.
  • Fixed Revenant Thralls created by pillar projectiles not showing its effect and cannot be damaged for Clients.
  • Fixed Strain Consume maggots auto-Reviving players if they are downed.
  • Fixed ability to briefly stand up / move around after being captured by Zanuka.
  • Fixed accessing the pause menu while casting Wisp's Sol Gate ability causing the animation to break.
  • Fixed breaking your body and soul after Transferring to the Operator during Simaris’ Synthesis Tutorial.
  • Fixed enemies from previous Zones randomly mingling in with the ones in the new Zone that you just entered.
  • Fixed casting Hildryn’s Balefire, then falling off a ledge as Operator causes the Primary weapon to break and the Secondary weapon to become dual.
  • Fixed the Javlok Amalgam Mod and Reflection Mod stacking in an unexpected multiplicative way.
  • Fixed the Synth Deconstruct Mod effect ceasing to function if your only Set Mod is equipped on your on Sentinel and you respawn.
  • Fixed the new Essential Mod Bundles not being where they used to and being buried in with other miscellaneous bundles which may cause some confusion.
  • Fixed the Hydroid Karkinos dangly front tentacles being too stiff.
  • Fixed the Titania Lympharis Skin Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Nyx Aures Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed Nyx’s armband Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed Nyx Prime / Nyx Immortal Skins forearm Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed undiscovered Gas City Fragments showing as Plains of Eidolon Fragments in the Codex.
  • Fixed the Primed Cryo Rounds Mod not appearing in the Codex when owned.
  • Fixed a duplicate Demolyst entry in the Codex.
  • Fixed inability to Chat link Noggles.
  • Fixed a level hole in the Grineer Forest tileset as reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/byx7uv/forgot_where_to_post_map_holes_so_heres_one_for/
  • Fixed Vector Shields visually disappearing when viewing it through a scoped weapon.
  • Fixed Grineer walking around in circles in Vor’s Prize ‘Find the Comms Segment’.
  • Fixed casting a headless Loki Decoy if the Loki Erebus Helmet equipped.
  • Fixed the Harpak chain sticking around for long periods.

Hotfix 25.1.1

June 6th, 2019 Forum Post

General Additions
  • Deactivated Gas City Corpus Laser Doors during Invasions to prevent them mis-firing when you're supporting the Corpus.
Relic UI Changes

The team has put together another chunk of UI changes to address your common suggestions. More to come as we continue to read your feedback!

  • Added the "owned" label back - but instead of it reading as ‘x5’ it is now ‘5 Owned’. This will allow you to quickly see how many of a given Relic item you have at the selection screen at a glance (like before).
  • Added Alias’ (both yours and squadmates) to the Reward selection screen so that it’s clear who is picking which Reward (yourself included) and where the bonus Void Traces are going.
  • Moved the Reward rarity bars below the items in both the Reward screen and Relic Refinement screen to better emphasize the relationship between the item and its rarity in hierarchy.
  • Moved the Void Traces information to be directly below the Refinement options for better visibility in the Refinement screen.
  • Moved selected Relic display as far up as it can comfortably be, as to not overlap the items with the tooltip.
  • Centered item info popup on Reward items and squad Relics instead of being aligned to the left.
  • Wolf Creds still in your inventory can now be sold for 5K Credits.
  • Hordes of enemies no longer attack players who are trying to extract individually in the Disruption gamemode. This prevents potential Amalgams from running away from the players who are choosing to stick around and fight.
  • Made numerous performance optimizations to the Disruption gamemode.
Ropalolyst Fixes
  • Fixed a Host migration during the ground stage causing the weak links to be indestructible when fight the Ropalolyst.
  • Fixed Host/Clients becoming stuck with a black screen after falling off of level during the Ropalolyst fight.
Limbo Rift Fix
  • Fixed most Auras not reacting to changes in Rift-Status:
    • Banishing an Eximus enemy will remove its Aura from enemies out of the Rift, eg: if you Banish a Venomous Eximus and stay out of the Rift it won't be able to hit you with its Toxin Aura, or if you Banish an Ancient Healer it won't be able to protect its allies left behind.
      • Note this does not apply to the Corrosive Projection, Shield Disruption and EMP Auras.
  • Fixed the Hydrolyst and Gantulyst being affected by abilities that the Teralyst is immune to (e.g. Magus Anomaly).
  • Fixed a soft-lock when viewing Simaris’ Offerings.
  • Fixed edge-case crash where the Client managed to abort mission after his session was destroyed.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur when entering Orbiter Decoration mode from pause menu.
  • Fixed a script error that could happen if you joined a mission just as a Syndicate Standing reward was given.
  • Fixed issues that occurred when items had accumulated more than 4 billion XP.
    • *You will now see an XP clamp of 999,999,999.
  • Fixed Corpus Gas City Laser Gate randomization (it was never randomizing at all before in procedural levels).
  • Fixed missing collision on a ledge in the Gas City Defense tileset.
  • Fixed dark lighting sections in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed the Kasha Kavat Armor not using emissive colors.
  • Fixed Kavat tails not applying the chosen Energy colors.
  • Fixed the Nyx Graxx Helmet Energy color not applying.
  • Fixed Pax Seeker bolts appearing default Energy colour for Clients.
  • Fixed Energy colors on Nikana sheathes not being applied in mission.
  • Fixed the Thanatos Sugatra not sitting correctly on most weapons.
  • Fixed Khora Mithra Skin having material inconsistencies when switching her Attack, Protect, and Heal postures.
  • Fixed the Hydroid Karkinos dangly tentacles being disjointed from the Helmet.
  • Fixed the medallion dangle on the Valkyr Leonessa Helmet.
  • Fixed viewing certain Chat linked Skins not displaying the chosen UI Themed background or a diorama.

Update 25.1

June 5th, 2019 Forum Post - TennoGen Round 16

TennoGen Round 16!

This new TennoGen collection includes 17 new items including Operator, Warframe and Weapon Customizations created by our talented Tenno. Thanks to our TennoGen community for creating these magnificent Customizations!

Warframe Skins
Frost Ion Skin by Yatus


Khora Mithra Skin by lukinu_u


Nyx Aures Skin by lukinu_u and HariPear


Nyx Technopsyche Skin by Master Noob


Valkyr Leonessa Skin by Hitsu San


Valkyr Mithra Skin by lukinu_u


Wukong Mithra Skin by lukinu_u


Warframe Alt Helmets
Frost Manta-Z Helmet by jocz


Hydroid Karkinos Helmet by Crackle2012 and Vulbjorn, the graphical walrus.


Khora Laveau Helmet by Volkovyi and led2012


Operator Accessories
Aures Ear Accessory by HariPear and Lukinu_u


Garasu Facial Accessory by lukinu_u and Ixe


Garasu Ear Accessory by lukinu_u and Ixe


Diablillo Syandana by Volkovyi and SabtheRobot


Senvictis Syandana by Lubox


Weapon Skins
Nikana Ungulata Skin by Vulbjorn, the graphical walrus.


Polearm Skopos Skin by Girtan


  • A Noggle has been added to the Market that has us very excited now.
Wisp Changes & Fixes
  • Wisp’s Breach Surge now guarantees a surge spark when you land the killing blow.
  • Increased base range of Wisp’s Breach Surge from 15m to 18m.
  • Wisp’s Blueprint can now be sold for 2500 Credits.
  • Fixed Wisp’s Sol Gate ability being able to damage Nullifier bubbles (and then killing the Nullifier). This follows precedent with other Warframe abilities that were fixed (Revenant).
  • Demolysts can no longer be disarmed by the Halikar, as they stop attacking the Conduit. This follows precedent with Demolysts already being immune to the effects of Loki's and Mesa's disarm abilities.
  • Changed TennoGen creator items by ‘Malayu’ to now read ‘Malaya’.
  • Upon selecting to craft a Clan Key, the Foundry will automatically now show the ‘Clan Key’ crafting screen instead of making you search for it.
  • Trading Post permissions have been disbled for people visiting the Dojo IF the Dojo is current in the ‘Featured Dojo’ Star Chat spot (unless you’re a Clan member) to prevent Trading pop-up spam.
  • Diriga has learned to shoot the new Laser Doors and Shock Turrets in the Gas City tileset.
  • Monitors now show 'Stand By' and glitchy screen transmissions upon Alad V's death in the Gas City tileset.
  • Made some adjustments to a few arm Armour pieces on the Nyx Paristhea Skin.
  • Made a micro-optimization to Chroma's Vex Armor ability.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to a number of gamemodes.
  • Made micro-optimizations to a number of gameplay scripts.
  • Made a micro-optimization to Amalgam Arca Kucumatz's beam attack.
  • Made some micro-optimization to the HUD.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to in-game Transmissions.
  • Made a micro-optimization to the Aim-Gliding FX.
Relic UI Changes & Fixes

Since the selective UI Screen rework brought in Update 25, we’ve gathered much of your feedback to how its functionality, clarity, and visibility can be improved on. Below are just a few of those proposed changes/fixes with more to come later.

  • Added shimmer material to Relic rarity bars to draw attention to them, more specifically, for the Reward choice screen during endless *Void Fissure missions but will appear in all places with the rarity bars (info popup, Reward choice, Relic Manager, etc).
  • Increased the scale of the Relic rarity bar icons in the Relic Reward choice screen to 125%.
  • Hovering over the Rarity bars in the Relic Reward choice screen will now show a tooltip indicating the Rarity (Common/Uncommon/Rare).
  • Moved the item info popup below the Relic reward items in the Reward choice screen so that hovering over a reward does not cover other rewards.
  • The UI message indicating that you have attempted to equip an unowned Relic for a Void Fissure mission no longer shows a 'cancel' option, since it’s redundant with the other option of ‘ok’.
  • Changed the Relic Manager menu "sort by Rank" to "sort by Refinement".
  • Fixed the Relic tab reverting back to ‘All’ after Refining a Relic in a different tab (Meso, Axi, etc).
  • Fixed color indication not appearing when selecting a Relic Reward in a non-endless Void Fissure mission.
  • Fixed Relic Reward grid items being vertically too close together, causing the rarity bars to overlap or just be closer to the above items than the item they are representing
Ropalolyst Fixes
  • Fixes towards cases of the Ropalolyst not firing its beam.
  • Fixed Transferring to the Operator immediately after returning to the Orbiter from a mission resulting in a stuck state, requiring you to reboot Warframe to fix.
  • Fixed cases of the Teralyst not spawning when initiating the Bounty from Konzu.
  • Fixed enemies spawning being uneffected by Corrosive Projection, Shield Disruption and EMP Auras worn by players in the Rift at the time.
  • Fixed Zanuka being unable to capture Hildryn, Wisp, Revenant, Chroma, Frost, Excalibur, Inaros, Nova, Vauban, Volt, Wukong, Ash, Hydroid, Mag, Trinity, Titania and Valkyr.
  • Fixed Ivara’s Infiltrate Augment Mod still triggering alarms from Laser Doors in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed seeing Spy Vault lasers from outside the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed Warframe Rank Bonus UI not resetting when Polarized with a Forma.
  • Fixed Platinum prices appearing for TennoGen items in the Market. Purchasing would take you to the normal Steam Wallet screen.
  • Fixed the Repair Kit Mod showing up as "unidentified item" and not being revealed until End-of-Mission.
  • Fixed seeing a large beam of light FX when firing the Ferrox with Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors active as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1099441-ferrox-and-mirrage-visual-bug/
  • Fixed one of theGas City doors with security scanners detecting players even if they were in Limbo’s Rift.
  • Fixed placeholder screen textures in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed some decorations in the Gas City tileset missing collision.
  • Fixed missing Cypher code clues FX in The Sacrifice quest.
  • Fixed the Acrid Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Aures Diadem and Lumis Earpiece Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed Strain Mod Maggots Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Tonfa Ba’geth Skin Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Oberon Ferosh Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Kazeru Prime Sugatra Energy color not applying to the electricity.
  • Fixed missing emissives on the Prisma Grinlok.
  • Fixed Kavat Armor taking the incorrect emissive colors.
  • Fixed engine emissives not being part of the Cydonia Liset Skins.
  • Fixed the Liset Sydonia Skin having incorrect vent FX.
  • Fixed blocky looking emissives on the Frost Zastruga Helmet as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1099545-frost-zastruga-visual-bug/
  • Fixed Tesla Coil Traps effects/sounds not disappearing for Clients when destroyed in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed Drone and Orokin Enemies having overly zoomed Codex dioramas.
  • Fixed title for the ‘Customize Landing Craft’ screen appearing as ‘Orbiter Appearance’.
  • Fixed missing Ankyros Icon in the Inventory UI.
  • Fixed typo in Garuda’s Dread Mirror Arsenal stats.
  • Fixed some text boxes not having enough room for Polish UI translations.
  • Fixed another instance of red ice on the Corpus Ice Planet tileset.
  • Fixed Lunaro Practice VO and Practice cinematics overlapping the regular VO.

Hotfix 25.0.8

May 31st, 2019 Forum Post

  • Boosted Drop Chance of Hexenon from Amalgams to ~7.7%, and increased Hexanon rewards from the Disruption gamemode by 25%.
  • Reduced the run speed of Melee Nullifiers and shrunk their Nullifying bubbles down to 66% of the previous size in the Gas City tileset - thanks for your feedback, Tenno!
  • ‘Copy Main Colors’ in the Arsenal will now update Energy FX as well (like Randomize does).
  • Optimized leaderboard UI display.
Ropalolyst Fixes
  • Fixed the Ropalolyst walking around in circles after landing due to being affected by Magus Lockdown! HUGE appreciation to all the Tenno who provided detailed repro steps, and shoutout to hix3r for a top tier post + many Partners for attempting to reproduce!
  • Fixed cases of Operator falling into a teleport volume twice before being placed safely in the middle platform during the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed the Ropalolyst turning itself upside down for no advantageable reason at all.
  • Fixed tower collision volumes not being disabled for Clients in the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if the download cache was corrupted.
  • Fixed Ivara’s Cloak arrow functioning on Defense objectives, leaving enemies unable to find it.
  • Fixed the Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger Mod not removing Armor with Dagger attacks.
  • Fixed inability to add a Precept Polarity to Venari using Forma.
  • Fixed missing various UI elements or getting a black screen after entering the vent simultaneously at the start of Profit-Taker Bounty* 3.
  • Fixed an issue with Vapos Ranger enemies spawning infinitely in one spot in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed Arcanes awarded through Bounties showing as Mods in the UI.
  • Fixed Ambient Occlusion setting being disabled.
  • Fixed issues in a Gas City Spy Vault including stuck spots, teleports and possible performance concerns.
  • Fixed a bug in one of the Gas City Spy Vaults (with fire, ice, and core lasers), where the core lasers were not turning off for Clients.
  • Fixed Revenant's default Energy color being too green.
  • Fixed Maggots from Strain Mods/Nidus not using the proper emissive colors.
  • Fixed the Lecta Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Simulor Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Ignis Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Edo Prime Armor not applying Energy colors in the Dojo.
  • Fixed the Komorex light FX being too intense.
  • Fixed the Lenz jets still appearing when you apply the Dryad Bow Skin.
  • Fixed seeing red fog in Void tilesets.

Hotfix 25.0.7

May 30th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Syndicates in the Syndicate screen are now ordered by the respective Rank you have with them. The ones which don’t especially like or respect you are now greyed out to indicate that.
  • Improvements to the Confirm Quantity input field to make entering new values easier.
  • Eximus enemies are now capped at Level 9999 like regular enemies.
Ropalolyst Fixes
  • Fixes towards the Ropalolyst walking around in circles after landing.
  • Fixed the Ropalolyst going invisible if it nullifies while holding an Operator.
  • Fixed the ‘friendly through wall’ FX being applied to the Ropalolyst, making it difficult to see when attempting to shoot at it.
  • Fixed a Health scaling bug that resulted in enemies past a certain level only having 10 Health.
  • Fixed Health and Shield bar display for enemies with more than 2 billion points of Health and Shields combined.
  • Fixed a residual issue that affected exactly 29 accounts as a result of the Kogake Riven fix in Hotfix 25.0.2.
  • Fixed a soft lock after opening the pause menu while viewing the Syndicate screen.
  • Fixed Hildryn’s Melee Channeled blocking not remapping from Energy to Shield.
  • Fixed the Gale Kick Mod not affecting jump kick Damage.
  • Fixed a sneaky spot in the Gas City tileset where players could hide inside a wall, effectively cosplaying as the man in the wall.
  • Fixed AI pathfinding in the Gas City hangar area.
  • Fixed size of destruction area of effect on vulnerable wall pipes in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed a Fluxor Bot occasionally missing the its target and shooting welding beam through the windows of Gas City.
  • Fixed outline of a equipped Heavy Weapon being visible on Wisp when Aim Gliding after using Wil-O-Wisp.
  • Fixed the Prisma Rostam Kubrow Armor not displaying its Prisma cloud FX.
  • Fixed the Ballistica (Prime/Rakta), Cernos (Prime), Daikyu, Dread, and Paris Prime Energy color persisting as default on the strings.
  • Fixed clipping cloth physics with Oberon Feyarch’s skirt.
  • Fixed a Chat linked Mod missing indication if you own 0 or 1 of that Mod.
  • Fixed the map node for Saturn > Telesto displaying a Forma instead of an enemy.
  • Fixed all Codex > Universe > Art Galleries missing their dioramas.

Hotfix 25.0.6

May 29th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Reduced Melee FX light intensity.
Disruption Changes & Fixes
  • The Health Drain effect from Conduits now only drains when your Health is higher than 20. This fixes the Health Drain killing you which is not consistent with other gamemode debuffs.
  • Fixed Loki being able to Switch Teleport enemy Demolysts/VIPs into pits and kill them instantly. VIPs are now teleported to safety if placed into a pit.
    • This issue specifically was wrongly overused in Operation: Hostile Mergers to gain a Leaderboard advantage. We’ll have more information soon that will speak to our action plans regarding the Leaderboards. Information on our action plans regarding Leaderboards can now be found here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1098437-operation-hostile-mergers-leaderboard-information/
    • Fixed Disruption score not updating for the Conduits which were active when Host migration occurred.
Ropalolyst Fixes
  • Further fixes towards the Ropalolyst getting stuck in its blocking animation.
  • Fixed Clients being left behind in the Ropalolyst fighting area as everyone else is teleported to the extraction tile after defeating the Ropalolyst.
  • Fixes towards the Ropalolyst walking around in circles after landing.
  • Fixed Tatsu’s Soul Swarm mechanic not stacking for Clients.
  • Fixed Little Duck still being ‘hidden’ in the Syndicate screen at max Vox Solaris rank.
  • Fixed seeing Eudico’s unhidden transmissions with Creator Mode on.
  • Fixed Impact Status and ragdolling breaking enemies out of Nyx’s Pacify effect before its Duration is up.
  • Fixed Wisp’s Wil-O-Wisp spawning through geometry.
  • Fixed Garuda having negative Mod capacity by replacing a Stance Mod with high drain with a Stance Mod of low drain.
  • Fixed numerous level holes in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed minor AI issues with Dropships in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed Vapos Bioengineers missing from the Codex.
  • Fixed Blueprint Inventory icons appearing smaller than normal.
  • Fixed Attachment Energy colour preview persisting, whereas the default color should replace it once you move away from it.
  • Fixed the Respa Prime Mask, Erlang Prime Oculus, Kiteer Oculus, and Lumis Oculus Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed clicking on a Chat link while in the Navigation screen overlapping the nodes UI with the Market screen.
  • Fixed Wisp’s materials not appearing wet when in the Plains of Eidolon when it’s raining.
  • Fixed the Venus Vignette having a filepath instead of a name when viewed in the Market.

Hotfix 25.0.5

May 28th, 2019 Forum Post

  • Operation: Hostile Mergers Endurance score stat is now displayed in the Player/Clan Profile > Stats.
Ropalolyst Fixes
  • Further fixes towards your Warframe teleporting to last Operator position when falling out of the map during the Ropalolyst fight which resulted in a constant fade-in/fade-out black screen. We are working on an additional fix that we aim to ship tomorrow.
  • Fixed inability to Donate Hexenon to the Clan Vault.
  • Fixed the Komorex’s Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Unity Planter not displaying properly in its Market diorama.
  • Fixed missing collision on the Terra Auto Turrets in Orb Vallis.

Hotfix 25.0.4

May 28th, 2019 Forum Post

Live Fixed:

Sunday night we live fixed the Invasion gamemode being broken which resulted in having to reboot Warframe. We have fixed this issue to prevent it breaking again in the future!

Disruption Gamemode Changes & Fixes

Thanks to your continued feedback, we are able to make a handful of much requested tweaks to the gamemode. Keep it coming!

  • Demolyst marker changes:
    • Increased initial range of the attack marker from 25m to 30m.
    • The attack marker increases in range from 30m to 100m when the Demolyst is looked at by a nearby player, so that squadmates can see it without it being manually marked.
  • Added new flashing FX for the four marker colors to replace the default yellow flash FX.
  • Moved the extraction timer UI offset below everything else to make it more visible and not so easily confused with other mission timers.
  • Removed [PH] from 'mission timeout started' text, made the popup message red and last for 5 seconds instead of 3 to improve visibility.
  • Fixed in-world markers for active Conduits not showing up outside the tile they spawned in.
  • Fixed Aero Agility being in Disruption Rotation A when it should be in Rotation C with the other Rare Mods.
  • Fixed Aero Periphery being in Disruption Rotation C when it should be in Rotation A with the other Common Mods.

Ropalolyst Changes & Fixes
  • You can now access Chat while being held by the Ropalolyst. Whether you want to say 'IT GOT ME, IT GOT ME' is up to you.
  • Further fixes towards infinite falling in the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed inability to fight the Ropalolyst if you Operator Void Dashed right after initiating the elevator, which placed you back in the elevator with the Rolalolyst outside flapping around in its lonesome.
  • Fixed being stuck in a fade-in/fade-out black screen when Transferring to Operator when your Warframe enters a teleport volume (falling off the edge) in the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed getting grabbed by the Ropalolyst while in Operator mode or if the Ropalolyst dies while holding you resulting in a forced stand still state.
  • Fixed Inaros’ Devour FX persisting on the Ropalolyst if cast by a Spectrolyst.
  • Fixed Ropalolyst being shy and hidden sometimes, as players travelled towards the final showdown room.
Wisp Changes & Fixes
  • Wisp Sol Gate changes:
    • Increased base Damage from 1000 to 1500.
    • Increased Ability cast to be 30% faster.
    • Restored Sol Gate’s true destructive power to go through enemies, as opposed to only hitting the first enemy and not the ones also behind it.
  • Wisp will now apply the stronger Reservoir value if another Wisp casts the same Reservoir but stronger (with the corresponding Duration).
  • Wisp’s Breach Surge teleport to a Reservoir will teleport to the position you were at when you spawned the Reservoir instead of inside the Reservoir itself. Fixes being able to teleport outside of geometry.
  • Tweaked the FX flare of Wisp’s Sol Gate ability to not occlude your view as much.
  • Multiple tweaks to Wisp’s cloth physics to fix Syandana deformation and reduce cloth wildness.
  • Updated ingame description for Wisp's Sol Gate ability to provide greater clarity on enemy weakness versus continuous attack.
  • Fixed Wisp becoming unable to move if casting Wil-O-Wisp in the Simulacrum and accessing Arsenal before it ends.
  • Fixed inability to damage Eximus enemies with Wisp’s Sol Gate in Sanctuary Onslaught.
  • Fixed Wisp’s Wil-O-Wisp ability causing a hitch if she is wearing her Gaoth Helmet.
  • Fixed missing Wisp Bullet Jump FX trail.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Wisp’s Sol Gate ability.
  • Added Mandachord to Simaris' Lost & Found for 25k Standing. You can now re-craft Octavia with this final piece.
  • A ‘Fast Travel’ option has been added to the Dojo main menu to allow easy access to all Labs once completed.
  • Reduced Rare Resource drop chance from 50% to 7% from Amalgam as seen here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1095272-neural-sensors/?do=findComment&comment=10783018
  • Reduced Rare Resource drop rate for Lab Amalgams from 50% to 7% as seen here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1095272-neural-sensors/?do=findComment&comment=10783018
  • Removed the Amalgam Alkonosts Armor and gave it a slight Health boost.
  • Terminal Velocity can now be used with the Fulmin.
  • Removed self damage from the Cyanex.
  • Returned the Ferrox Primary Fire Damage to it’s previous value of 350.
  • Changed the initial Gas City Defense starting tile to improve enemy spawn flow.
  • Removed Titania’s Blueprint from the Market as it is now found in Simaris’ Lost & Found Offerings or The Silver Grove quest.
  • Vapos Aquila (Gas City Dropship) is now excluded from the Simulacrum because it is unable to function properly there.
  • Improvements towards AI pathfinding and spawning in the Gas City Defense tileset.
  • Significantly reduced the radial blur from Mesa’s Peacemaker.
  • Aligned Fulmin's auto fire mode FX to better align with muzzle.
  • Updated "Landing Craft" to "Orbiter" in Menu > Equipment, and “Interior” to “Orbiter Appearance”.
  • Removed sound from when the Motus Setup Mod buff is activated.
  • Fixed a crash when transitioning from Vallis/Plains to Fortuna/Cetus.
  • Fixed Rivens that are capable of hitting negative Damage via Critical Multiplier resulting in insta-killing enemies that have innate Damage resistance (Amalgam Alkonost). They will now properly take 0 Damage from a negative Critical Multiplier weapon, the same way regular enemies do.
  • Fixed Kavat's Grace, Gale Kick, Anti-Grav Array, and Odomedic not actually dropping from Amalgam enemies.
  • Fixed the Torid and Pox not dealing radial Damage over time when its projectile lands on the ground or otherwise not on an enemy.
  • Fixed Nekros’ Shadows of Amalgam Machinists creating Ospreys that are friendly and break progression in Gas City Defense missions. The Ospreys spawned by Machinist Shadows will now be tracked properly as Shadows.
  • Fixed join-in-progress spawn times being very long if the in-mission player is riding a Domestik Drone.
  • Fixed issue with Fulmin silencer not properly attaching to player's hand when exiting Submersible Archwing if the weapon was previously in Alt-Fire mode.
  • Fixed zoom multiplier issues with the Fulmin as reported here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/btea7g/the_fulmin_doesnt_respond_well_to_being_unequipped/
  • Fixes towards the Domestik Drone not moving to another location if it becomes stuck.
  • Fixed Kavats becoming stuck in their Idle animation (most commonly seen when near the Domestik Drone).
  • Fix for Mods that come from Syndicate Offerings not showing the Syndicate as a drop source in the Codex.
  • Fixed door alignment in one of the Amalgam Labs in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed collision on some walls where players could get stuck on door frames and other annoying trims in the Gast City tileset.
  • Fixed some spots where AI would deploy Vapos Shields in unhelpful locations in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed the minimap displaying a square outline in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed Detron and Mara Detron projectile firing incorrectly when in Glaive+Gun mode.
  • Fixed Mag Helmets Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed emissives on the Titania Mab Helmet.
  • Fixed the Second Dream Stalker weapon having blue Energy.
  • Fixed emissive colors on the Drimper Moa Bracket.
  • Fixed some Syandanas getting Energy colors mixed into their emissives.
  • Fixed camera not getting reset when backing out of the Controller Bindings screen.
  • Fixed controller callout for visiting Syndicates not working.
  • Fixed Hildryn and Wisp Ability names being all caps in Ability HUD bar.
  • Fixed buff HUD indicators that should be on the second row overlapping the first when Transferring between Warframe/Operator.
  • Fixed Arcanes displaying that they can be traded for 100 Ducats.
  • Fixed clicking a Chat linked item resulting in multiple screens overlapping.
  • Fixed the [PH] tag in the Disruption Event Trophy description.
  • Fixed dirt mounds in the Plains of Eidolon not appearing wet when it’s raining.

Hotfix 25.0.3

May 24th, 2019 Forum Post

Disruption Gamemode Changes & Fixes

Thanks to your awesome feedback, we are able to make a handful of much requested tweaks to the gamemode. Keep it coming!

  • Increased Amalgam spawn rate! This will be more noticeable the more players you have in the squad.
  • Disruption Marker UI visibility changes:
    • Increased Conduit and key marker color lightness to make them more visible (in-world, minimap and objective UI)
    • Increased the in-world display range of key pickup markers
    • Lowered the minimum radius of Conduit markers and increased their attachment height
  • Demolysts no longer spawn at the same point for each Conduit, instead they will spawn randomly within a set range from the Conduit.
  • Reduced the force applied to pickups spawned by the Conduit Resupply buff and raised their spawn height further above the Conduit.
  • Made a micro-optimization to the Disruption game mode.
  • Fixes towards Nullifier effects from Demolysts lingering permanently for Clients in Disruption.
  • Fixed a progression stopping issue where the Disruption Conduits would not spawn if you killed a Demolyst at the exact last second of their combustion.
  • Fixed numerous Host migration fixes for Disruption Conduits:
    • Fixed references to Demolysts being lost (fixes Health bar UI issue)
    • Fixed Demolysts not attacking the Conduits
    • Fixed Demolysts not exploding next to Conduits
  • Fixed Demolysts not appearing in the Codex.
Ropalolyst Fixes
  • Fixed players getting stuck in an infinite falling loop during the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed cases of the Ropalolyst being unable to fly.
  • Fixed the Ropalolyst continuing to navigate towards towers it has already been...deceived by.
  • Fixed random foot popping animations on the Ropalolyst.
  • Fixed ability to infinitely spawn Amalgams during the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed digital Lotus transmissions playing for Clients in the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed some FX lingering for Clients, and others not being visible.
  • Fixed Ropalolyst whooshing sounds not playing when ‘riding the bull’.
  • Fixed a script error when falling off a platform in the Ropalolyst fight.
  • The following items have been added to Simaris’ Offerings:
    • Imperator Blueprint
    • Veritux Blueprint
    • Revenant Blueprint
    • Garuda Blueprint
  • Removed Amalgams spawning on Jupiter > Themisto due to narrative/lore confusion.
  • Made a micro-optimization to the Gas City fire hazards.
  • Slight tweaks to Wisp’s skirt cloth to reduce clipping in the thigh region and in various other Idle Animations.
  • Hovering over the Ganymede node and Ropalolyst node now display requirements to unlock if you can’t access it.
  • Nidus Virulence’s tips on ground effect will now use your Secondary Energy colors.
  • Removed work-in-progress fancy Melee finishers that slipped through the Mainline cracks!
  • Improved Octavia’s emissive detail visibility.
  • Fixed a progression stopper in the Sands of Inaros Quest where the Tomb Guardians were invincible.
  • Fixed a rare crash when going from Vallis/Plains to Fortuna/Cetus after leaving the squad.
  • Fixed crashes when going to the Arcane selection screen for a Kitgun while playing in Japanese.
  • Fixed newly-migrated Endless mission Host not receiving a reward at the end of the next interval.
  • Fixed an issue that made Arca Plasmor, Fulmin and Catchmoon projectiles deal damage twice on the hit when the projectile is destroyed. This was not a case of ‘always worked this way’ as it was accidentally introduced by the Jovian Concord.
  • Fixed the Repair Kit Mod having no Polarity and costs more to equip on a Polarized slot.
  • Fixed inability to pick up Energy Orbs in the Gas City Index tileset as reported here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/bsd0qv/new_gas_city_index_maps_energy_orbs_cant_be/
  • Fixed ‘Mastered’ indication not being displayed when focusing on the Purchase/About button in the Market.
  • Fixed ‘Mastered’ indication not being displayed when viewing Dojo Research Recipes.
  • Fixed Refined Relics not displaying their Drop sources.
  • Fixed the Tecton Sparring Skin not appearing in its diorama.
  • Potential fix for Nidus gaining back 3/4 of his Energy when casting abilities in Frame Fighter.
  • Fixed the Phage reload sound playing constantly if the Hectagon Skin is equipped.
  • Fixed filter opacity not working in Captura.
  • Fixed clicking Chat linked Mods not showing how many you own.
  • Fixed Ducat prices not being displayed for some items that can be sold for Ducats.
  • Fixed not seeing Polychrome color preview or being able to apply it in the Dojo. If a Polychrome is failing to apply, simply remove and try again!
  • Fixed not seeing Energy color FX when customizing Weapons/Attachments.
  • Fixed Rhino’s Rubedo Skin missing its emissives.
  • Fixed Chroma’s Graxx Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed Valkyr’s Gersemi Skin Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed Falcor’s Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Styx Syandana Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Vaykor Syandana Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Naviga Prime Sugatra Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Mithra Greatsword Skin Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed Broken War Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed Nikana Gemini Sheath Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Mesa Graxx Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Spitfire Graxx Syandana Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed parts of Nyx’s Absorb ability that weren’t applying Energy colors.
  • Fixes towards Kavat eye color not being applied.
  • Fixed Rescue prison tower sounds not sounding right in two terminal rooms in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed some dark lit rooms/hallways in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed some cargo trams pushing players out of the Gas City tieset.
  • Fixed a placeholder name for one of the Drop Ship variants in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed a script error when closing the a Lore Fragment entry before it is loaded.
  • Fixed a script error when Sacrificing items to Rank up a Syndicate.
  • Fixed a softlock after buying an item from Simaris’ Offerings.


May 23rd, 2019 Forum Post

  • Fixed a crash related to the Domestik Drone.
  • Fixed Nyx’s Absorb being affected by teammate damage when using the Assimilate Augment Mod.
  • Fixed the Aero Agility Mod appearing as ‘Beyond Legendary’. It now displays the correct 11.54% drop chance in the public drop tables.
  • Fixed a level hole in the Gas City tileset.

Hotfix 25.0.2

May 23rd, 2019 Forum Post

  • Simaris has added the Odonata Blueprint to his Offerings!
    • Imperator and Veritux are in the works to also be added
Disruption Changes & Fixes
  • Doubled the amount of Hexenon reward drop from Disruption.
  • Removed the Disruption 'Conduit Shields' buff as it doesn't do anything to protect the conduits after the design change which added Demolysts.
  • Disruption Conduit Nullifier bubbles now grow over 6 seconds when they spawn, instead of immediately spawning in at full size when the Conduit is activated.
  • Fixes towards not receiving Disruption rewards after a Host migration.
  • Fixed individual extraction not being available for the first 3 Disruption Operation: Hostile Mergers missions.
  • Fixed see unlocalized text/wrong node name when looking at "online status" or receiving game invitation from friends who are playing the Disruption Operation: Hostile Mergers missions that you haven't unlocked yet.
  • Nezha’s Warding Halo projector uses Secondary Energy colors now.
  • Upgraded Domestik Drone logic to prevent attempting to go through clearly locked doors in the Orbiter and provided extra encouragement to explore more.
  • Made adjustments to the ziplines and platforms in the end area of the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed various problems caused by Windows High-DPI scaling; for gory details please see https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1095607-high-dpi-issues/
    • Added Window Scaling Mode option to Display Settings to allow you to bypass Windows High-DPI scaling (NOTE: on some computers, particularly laptops with 4K displays, this may cause severe performance problems!)
    • Fixed issues with the mouse cursor going missing after a full-screen toggle.
    • May have fixed issues when toggling to full-screen and issues where the mouse won't go across the full window when full-screen.
    • Made graphics suggested settings default to native window resolution if Windows App Scaling is 130% or less.
  • Fixed the Kogake Weapon missing from progression for a lot of Tenno. Mastery has been restored and peace brought back to the universe!
  • Fixed Kogake Rivens appearing as ‘Croniton’.
  • Fixed Wisp’s Will-o-Wisp ability stacking invulnerability duration instead of restarting it.
  • Fixed Beam type weapons unable to destroy Isolator Bursa mines.
  • Fixed numerous unintentional work-arounds to get secret gains in the new Gas City tileset. I hope that was vague enough for you.
  • Fixed wonky Pistol firing animations for Wisp.
  • Fixed the Zenith sometimes Alt Firing/Reloading at the same time.
  • Fixed some weapons (Cyanex, Nagantaka) Fire Rates on their Burst mode showing as 0.
  • Fixed Alad V’s Portrait from pre-Infested to post-Infested for audio Lore Fragments in Gas City.
  • Fixed missing spawn/teleport volumes in some Gas City Captura Scenes.
  • Fixed Hexenon missing from the Codex.
  • Fixed the Energy color persisting as default on the Nekros Irkalla Skin.
  • Fixed the Vetala Shoulder Plates Energy color persisting as their default color.
  • Fixed the Pakal Armor Energy color persisting as their default color.
  • Fixed Octavia's Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed Trinity’s Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed Nekros’ Charon Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Jat Kusar Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed Nova Stinger and Nova Visage Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the emissive colors on the Helminth Charger Metus Skin appearing all blue.
  • Fixed the Tethra Quantum Badge Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Scapulis Syandana Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Sidereal Syandana Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed Frost’s Snowglobe FX range not scaling properly.
  • Fixed Frost’s Snowglobe clipping through camera angles.
  • Fixed Liset Energy color not applying to the Skin.
  • Fixed Liset emissive color options appearing before you’ve gone into the Customization screen.
  • Fixed the ‘This Is What You Are’ soundtrack playing in the Orbiter if your Domestik Drone went into the back room.
  • Fixed a crash if you Wall Latched or Wall Hopped in the Orbiter after equipping a Mod from the Proton Set.
  • Fixed a rare crash when transition from a Vallis/Plains to Fortuna/Cetus.
  • Fixed a script error when getting an Ayatan Sculpture as a defense reward.
  • Fixed several script error when accessing the Syndicate screen.
  • Fixed a script error when transitioning between Zones in Sanctuary Onslaught.
  • Fixed some ice appearing red on Europa tilesets.
  • Fixed the Extract/Battle screen not properly displaying player names that are longer than average.
  • Fixed overlapping FX when backing out of a Relay vendor (Syndicate) diorama.
  • Fixed repeating ‘tank breaking’ sound in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed missing audio for a Alad V transmission in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed a script error when attempting to Contribute to Dojo Research.

Hotfix 25.0.1

May 23rd, 2019 Forum Post

Known issues:
  • We’re working on a fix for the resolution issues some people are experiencing with High-DPI displays.
  • The Kogake Weapon has vanished from progression for a lot of Tenno. We are aware and working on a fix. Rest assured it will be restored.
  • Rivens appearing as ‘Croniton’ are broken Kogake Rivens.
Ropalolyst Changes & Fixes
  • Ropalolyst will now attempt to kick you off if you choose to ‘ride the bull’ for more than 30 seconds.
  • Fixed inability to proceed in the Ropalolyst boss fight if the Client player has died.
  • Fixed capacitor tower replication issues for Clients in the Ropalolyst boss right room.
  • Fixes towards Ropalolyst getting stuck in the top of the capacitor towers.
  • Fixed certain Transmissions playing back to back instead of spaced out when playing the Ropalolyst Boss node when a Client joined a mission.
  • Removed the Wisp Blueprint from the Market, as it’s intended to be a Ropalolyst drop.
  • Fixed inability to proceed in the Sacrifice quest when attempting to trigger a console.
  • Fixed the Disruption ‘Energy Drain’ modification applying to the Operator's Energy which prohibited ability to Transfer back.
  • Fixed the Adaptation Mod not actually providing any resistance value after Reviving.
  • Fixed the Odomedic Buff timer continually getting reset instead of stacking charges.
  • Fixed a soft-lock when viewing Darvo’s Deals in the Relay if you had Discord running.
  • Fixed spawning a free, but temporary, Domestik Drone just by simply previewing it in the Market.
  • Fixed the Domestik Drone appearing as a Blueprint in the Market Preview diorama.
  • Fixed Magus Lockdown not function properly with Tyl Regor.
  • Fixed the Repair Kit Mod not being displayed as a Drop/in the Codex. This resulted in some players becoming Trade banned, which will be fixed upon relog.
  • Fixed incorrect Energy colors on the Mag Ferro Helmet.
  • Fixed Hildryn and Garuda Specters never using Abilities.
  • Fixed a script error when Replicating a Warframe Blueprint in the Dojo.
  • Fixed a script error when completing a Round in The Index Endurance.
  • Fixed a script error when purchasing Debt-Bonds from Ticker.

Update 25.0

May 22nd, 2019 Forum Post - The Jovian Concord

The Jovian Concord
Something sinister is stirring in the Gas City.

Rumors are circulating of an alliance between Alad V and our most feared enemy -- the Sentients. Infiltrate the remastered Corpus Gas City on Jupiter, drive your blade through Amalgam horrors, unlock the power of the Wisp Warframe, and shine a light on this sinister Corpus plot.


Put your parkour skills to the test in the the vast and viscous aura of the Remastered Jupiter Gas City tileset, featuring completely remastered graphics, tilesets and audio design in each tile.

During your missions, storm your way past gas harvesters and massive reactors to expose the inner workings of a corporation overruled by the greedy obsessor, Alad V. New Vapos Corpus variants stalk the many corridors alongside those instructed to maintain the integrity of the Gas City from....intruders. Tread carefully, as some Vapos Corpus have been equipped with all new Vector Shields.

But don’t stare too long into the colossal golden sky surrounding this floating empire. You might see something you wish you hadn’t.


Hexenon - A reagent commonly used to produce highly combustible fuel.

Acquire this new Resource throughout the reworked Jupiter Gas City for crafting related items such as Wisp, Komorex, and more.


Deep within the walls of the Gas City, the Corpus are making full use of Sentient technology. You’ll stand toe-to-toe against the Amalgams -- nightmarish Corpus and Sentient hybrid beings. Is this a partnership or a parasitic conjuration?


As we've done in the past, this new Game Mode is being debuted in an Operation! More information on Operation: HOSTILE MERGERS can be found here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1094869-operation-hostile-mergers-pc-ends-june-3rd/

Travel to Ganymede, Jupiter and survive the all-new endless Disruption mode. Collect keys from fallen Amalgams to activate corresponding conduits, then protect the conduits from the Demolysts that will seek to destroy them. Each conduit will trigger a random player boon, environmental hazard or enemy buff. Test your strength against the Amalgams to earn new Weapons and new Mods.

Note: We will be introducing this mode with a Clan Operation! The Node itself can only be played if you've completed the Natah Quest.

1) Minibosses lead the way - beware the DEMOLYSTs. Defeating a miniboss is the key to progress - or failure. You have 4 terminals to defend each round. If a miniboss gets to the terminal and detonates, you lose that terminal. Pressure is on. Minibosses make themselves known.

2) Rewards - most endless (minus Arbitrations) have 'AABC' rotation, repeated endlessly. This mode gives you the flexibility to earn your reward tier based on performance. Perfectly defend all Terminals in the first round? Good stuff. This is a table of how it'll look:



Colloquially known as the 'fly-dolon' in Devstreams, the flying Eidolon is here. Prepare for a bossfight that combines the strategies of the Teralyst, the hero moments of the Exploiter Orb, and Warframe's awesome Parkour into one showdown.

The Ropalolyst boss fight can be found on its own Assassination Node on Jupiter once you have completed the Chimera Prologue. Completion of the Ganymede Node will allow you to progress.

Facing off against this airborne new Eidolon type will reward you with Wisp parts and Amalgam Mods! Prepare, Tenno. You won't know what to expect as you enter the arena of the Ropalolyst.



Float through the halls of the Gas City as the unseen helping hand. Her light-based Abilities provide support to allies, while her unique Passive makes her invisible in the air. Defeat the Ropalolyst to earn our 40th Warframe.


Flowing between dimensions Wisp becomes invisible to enemies while in the air.


Choose and summon a Reservoir filled with Motes that attach to and aid Wisp and her allies. Haste Mote grants increased movement and attack speed. Vitality Mote increases maximum health and heals over time. Shock Mote stuns nearby enemies.


Cast forward a spectral image of Wisp to confuse and distract enemies. Reactivate to travel to its position. Hold to have the image travel faster and teleport to its position on release.


Open a dimensional breach to overwhelm nearby enemies and cause them to release aggressive Surge sparks when damaged.


Open a portal to the sun to irradiate enemies with a devastating beam of pure solar plasma.


Strike with silent lightning or the pummeling drum of thunder with Wisp’s signature Primary Weapon. Alternate between stealthy short-range electrical discharge and automatic lightning gun. Faster mode-switch when used by Wisp.


A flowing alternate helmet for Wisp.


Fluid and aerodynamic, the signature Kavat armor of Wisp.


Corpus ingenuity leveraging Tau-tech to create a high-capacity bi-modal sniper weapon of terrifying capability. Zoom in to reduce recoil and add Punch Through. Zoom again to fire a bursting viral round, but with a lower rate of fire. Komorex features built-in ammo conversion.


Sentient tech merges with Corpus design to deliver this lethal sidearm. Fully automatic, it fires ricocheting, homing projectiles that release small clouds of Gas on impact. Alt-fire to release the entire clip without homing as a single burst.



Take control with this decadent collection of deluxe Nyx gear. Featuring the Nyx Pasithea Skin, Enthra Syandana, and the Hecaton Shotgun Skin.



Give your Warframe, Weapons and more a boost with new Mods and Mod Sets. A Set Bonus is applied if equipped with Mods from the same set. These Mods are available as potential rewards from killing Amalgams and completing new content in the remastered Gas City. (All stats shown are at Max Rank and are subject to change.)


Set Bonus: Damage enemies while Aim Gliding and put up to 5 of them to Sleep for 9s on landing.

  • Aero Vantage - Warframe: +100% Reduced Gravity during Aim Glide
  • Aero Agility - Sniper Rifle: +100% Reload Speed during Aim Glide
  • Aero Periphery - Primary: -50% Zoom during Aim Glide

(All stats shown are at Max Rank and are subject to change.)


Set Bonus: +100% chance to become immune to Knockdown effects while airborne.

  • Motus Signal - Warframe: Increase Double Jump strength by +200%
  • Motus Setup - Shotgun: +100% Critical and Status Chance for 4 secs after landing from a Double or Bullet Jump
  • Motus Impact - Melee: Increase range of aerial melee attacks by +2m

(All stats shown are at Max Rank and are subject to change.)


Set Bonus: During a Wall Latch gain +50% Damage Reduction.

  • Proton Pulse - Warframe: Wall Dashing grants + 100% Bullet Jump Speed
  • Proton Jet - Rifle: During a Wall Latch gain +120% Status Chance and Critical Chance
  • Proton Snap - Melee: Hold a Wall Latch for 2s to gain +100% Toxic Damage and +50% Status Chance for 20s.

(All stats shown are at Max Rank and are subject to change.)

  • Kavat's Grace - Warframe: Resist Hard Landings from falling at speeds of up to 40m/s
  • Gale Kick - Warframe: +100% of Melee Damage converted to Impact Damage on Jump Kick, knocking down nearby enemies on kill.
  • Anti-Grav Array - Robotic: Increase height of owner’s jump by +40%
  • Odomedic - Robotic: Every 3m traversed by Wall Running regenerates +40 Health over 4s. This effect can stack up to 3x.
  • Repair Kit - Sentinel: +6 Heal Rate/s

(All stats shown are at Max Rank and are subject to change.)

  • Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp - +45% Magazine Capacity. Parrying with a Shield reflects +6000% Damage. +90% Channeling Efficiency while Parrying.
  • Amalgam Ripkas True Steel - +75% Critical Chance. +20% Reload Speed on Shotguns. +100% Gore Chance.
  • Amalgam Furax Body Count - +15s Combo Durations. +20% Blast Radius on Specialized Launchers. Melee kills knockdown enemies within 15m.
  • Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger - +3% Punch Through. Damage from Daggers reduces Armor by +6. Enemies are revealed by Punch Through.
  • Amalgam Daiku Target Acquired - +75% to Headshot Multiplier. +3% Life Steal on Nikanas. 60% chance to pick up used arrows.

These Amalgam Mods are dropped by the new ROPALOLYST.


We have replaced the random Mod Packs (Dragon, Eagle, Falcon, Hawk, and Phoenix) with 6 new themed Essential Mod Bundles!

These Bundles were put together to offer what their predecessors were lacking. We’ve completely removed the dice roll and replaced it with a clear list of contents so that you know exactly what you are getting in the bundle. They are intended to help get you started and familiar with modding in Warframe, and all of the items in the Bundles can be earned from mission rewards, enemy drops, and more!

They each feature an unranked Rifle Mod, Shotgun Mod, Pistol Mod, Melee Mod, 1,000 Endo, and 50,000 Credits. Check them out in the in-game Market!

Essential Base Damage Mod Bundle
  • Serration
  • Point Blank
  • Hornet Strike
  • Pressure Point
  • 1,000 Endo
  • 50,000 Credits
Essential Critical Chance Mod Bundle
  • Point Strike
  • Blunderbuss
  • Pistol Gambit
  • Organ Shatter
  • 1,000 Endo
  • 50,000 Credits
Essential Cold Damage Mod Bundle
  • Cryo Rounds
  • Chilling Grasp
  • Deep Freeze
  • North Wind
  • 1,000 Endo
  • 50,000 Credits
Essential Heat Damage Mod Bundle
  • Hellfire
  • Incendiary Coat
  • Heated Charge
  • Molten Impact
  • 1,000 Endo
  • 50,000 Credits
Essential Toxin Damage Mod Bundle
  • Infected Clip
  • Contagious Spread
  • Pathogen Rounds
  • Fever Strike
  • 1,000 Endo
  • 50,000 Credits
Essential Electricity Damage Mod Bundle
  • Stormbringer
  • Charged Shell
  • Convulsion
  • Shocking Touch
  • 1,000 Endo
  • 50,000 Credits


Enable 2FA today and get the exclusive Fae Step Ephemera!

Follow these steps to enable 2FA
  1. Log into your PC account on the Warframe website and go to the Account Management page.
  2. You will see the option to “Enable Two-Factor Authentication” there.
  3. You’ll receive an email with a link to confirm. Click the link, and you’re all set!

PLEASE NOTE: Before enabling 2FA, be sure that you have access to the email associated with your Warframe PC account. If you no longer have access to the email associated with your Warframe PC account, submit a ticket to support.warframe.com and request an email change. Support will also enable 2FA on your behalf once the email update is complete.

If you already have 2FA enabled, you can log in now to receive the inbox message from Ordis containing the Fae Step Ephemera.

2FA and Trading

You are now required to have 2FA enabled to trade with fellow Tenno. It is required to protect both parties from participating in account invasion-related situations. When both players have 2FA enabled, it helps to ensure that the persons trading are the legitimate account holders trading their own items.

Learn more about 2FA here: https://www.warframe.com/2fa-faq


The following screens UI screens have received a brand new look and functionality with a mix of player-requested mechanics!

  • More information is directly exposed that removes the requirement to click-through tabs and scroll to find the information you want, such as related Bundles and the quantity of Blueprints owned (ex Forma).
  • Alongside the original 6 primary Syndicates, you can now view your Cetus, Fortuna, and Miscellaneous (Conclave, Simaris) Standing! However, the original primary Syndicates will appear hidden if you have never met them in the Relay, and will reappear after talking to them once.
  • You can now directly visit ALL Syndicates from their UI screens!
  • Daily Standing information is now clearly exposed. This value is the amount still earnable.
  • Neutral Rank now shows up for Syndicates with no negative Ranks.
Void Relics/Refinement
  • Overall more information displayed/available.
  • Hovering over the possible Rewards in the selected Relic now displays how many you own, the crafting requirements, and the respective Ducat value.
  • You can continue to Refine already Refined Relics in both the Void Relic Refinement station and in Navigation when selecting a Relic for a Void Fissure mission.
  • Relics you do not own are displayed at the bottom of the grid, which you can select to view the Rewards.
  • The in-mission Void Fissure Reward screen has also been reworked to reflect these aesthetic changes with the added Refinement functionality in the Relic selection screen for endless Void Fissure missions.
  • One of our oldest screens to date, the Extract or Battle screen, has been given a visual facelift!

Warframes, Sentinels, Weapons, Attachments (Armor, Ephemera, etc), Regalia, Syandanas, K-Drives, and Archwings now all have a double Emissive color option (no Forma required), and a double Energy color option (Forma required).

  • Operators and Gilded Amps now have a Secondary Energy option!
  • Primary Energy color will reflect the core (brightest) area of the FX. This allows for a Cold Damage Chroma to have a pink FX, Heat Damage Chroma to have a green FX, etc.
  • Ephemera now uses your Attachments color.
  • Prove your Prodman respect with new Corpus UI Theme, Background, and Sound under Options > Interface > UI Customization!
  • The winning entry dream Dojo Decoration, Flower Decanter, created by PhaZone at TennoCon 2018 has been added to the Market!
  • A new ‘Wisp Motes Glyph’ can be purchased under Profile > Glyph.
  • Simaris has added his own Decorations to his Syndicate Offering store!
  • Added “Save the Hostage” message in Rescue missions if the Hostage is downed.
  • Added “Cannot replicate research in another Clans Dojo” message to players who are not in a Clan but are attempting to access Research in any of the Featured Dojos.
  • Added Ability videos in the Ability UI for Inaros, Ivara, Nidus, Titania, and Wukong!
  • Added a new "Venus Vignette"! Check it out in the Market.
General Weapon Changes
  • Zenith Alt Fire Ammo cost reduced from 5 to 3.
  • Zenith’s Alt Fire radar deployable is now Ammo based instead of duration.
  • Tysis Corrosive Damage-over-time will now be apply a single tick to targets the projectile punches through.
  • The Gaze Kitgun Chamber now chains to up to two targets within 5m.
Gun Spear Weapon Changes
  • 33% of clip reloaded every second when Spear is deployed. This allows for a more fluid use of all the Gun Spear mechanics.
  • Increased flight speed of all Gun Spears.
  • Reduced zoom FOV.
  • Adjusted Impact and radial Damage split from 230 Impact and 50 area-of-effect to 160 Impact and 120 area-of-effect.
  • Increased area-of-effect radius from 1.6m to 2m.
  • Increased projectile speed from 70 to 130.
  • Removed self damage from Primary fire.
  • Removed damage fall off from Primary fire area-of-effect.
  • Auto recall timer reduced from 20 to 6 secs.
  • Added 100 Impact damage with 3m area-of-effect at end point of Primary fire.
  • Increased Alt Fire's tether range from 6m to 10m.
  • Increased tether's Status Chance from 33% to 50%.
  • Increased tether's Damage pulse from every 5 secs to every 2 secs.
  • Quick throw auto recall timer reduced from 20 to 10 secs.
  • Charged throw auto recall timer increased from 20 to 30 secs.
  • Increased Ammo pool from 100 to 200.
  • Increased Alt Fire's bullet attractor radius from 1.8m to 2m.
  • Increased Magazine size from 20 to 40.
  • Increased Primary fire area-of-effect damage from 30 to 55.
  • Primary Fire recoil reduced.

Post Processing Changes in Orbiter

We have changed the post-processing effects in your Orbiter for a simple reason: it now matches the rest of the game! It will look less blown out and slightly more saturated. A before and after can be found here: https://twitter.com/sj_sinclair/status/1130830588859092992/photo/1

Exploiter Orb Changes
  • Increased Ephemera drop rate on Exploiter Orb from 6% category drop to 10% category drop.
  • The Exploiter Orb now properly drops the Deck 12 Scene.
  • Konzu’s Eidolon Hunt now grants Ostron Standing!
    • 1000 Ostron Standing per Eidolon Hunt: Teralyst
    • 5000 Ostron Standing per Eidolon Hunt: Teralyst, Gantulyst, and Hydrolyst
  • Slightly increased the drop rate of the Seeding Step Ephemera and Aura Forma Blueprint in Arbitrations.
  • Revenant and allies can now perform Finishers on enemies blinded by Revenant’s Reave with the Blinding Reave Augment equipped.
  • Heavy Ammo now drops from Bombards, Heavy Gunners, Napalms, Corpus Tech, Fusion Moas, Oxium Ospreys, Ancients, Corrupted Ancients, and Corrupted Bombards.
  • Non-Endless Survival/Excavation/etc missions (i.e. Alerts, Sorties, Syndicate dailies, etc) now disable individual extraction as it leads to unnecessary Host migrations.
  • Cephalon Simaris now sells Blueprints given during quests in his Offerings! This allows you to purchase these items in the event that you’ve accidentally sold them.
  • Increased the base amount of Void Traces granted when your Relic is chosen from 1 to 5.
  • Reduced Platinum costs of Endo and Credit bundles by 50% and removed lowest Endo Bundle due to nonexistent value.
  • Improved the visibility of Nova’s Antimatter Drop to fix the ball being invisible until you shoot it.
  • Sanctuary Onslaught now has a chance to roll the Vay Hek Trial tileset.
  • Removed the Mesa Immortal Skin accidentally being in the Market. If you bought it you can keep it, otherwise it will remain a Baro exclusive.
  • Optimized accessing the Foundries with a large number of Blueprints and components (about 50% faster).
  • Hildryn will now use her Shields when Melee Channel Blocking.
  • Viewing Nightwave Challenges while in Solo will now pause the game.
  • Clan Research items now show if they’ve already been crafted and how many have been crafted.
  • Reduced the radial blur when picking up Convergence Orbs.
  • Removed keybinding to access the Dojo map legend, it is now there by default when you open the map.
  • Dimmed overbright lights in the Grineer Settlement tileset.
  • Changed Grineer Arc-Traps to prevent them from targeting Sentinels.
  • Adjusted offset position for the Due Volpi Syandana on most Warframes so it is positioned lower and closer to Warframe's back.
  • Adjusted offset for the Surator Syandana to avoid clipping on certain Warframes and Skins.
  • Optimized the transition from Fullscreen to Windowed for where the game was initially started in Fullscreen.
  • Adjusted holster position of Dual Secondaries on Saryn Prime.
  • Adjusted holster position for Dual Secondaries on Banshee Prime so they sit a little higher.
  • Adjusted some Melee holster positions on Mesa Prime to avoid clipping/floating.
  • Updated description of the 'Savior of Eris' Challenge.
  • Tweaked the brightness of Volt Prime’s electricity to fix dimness.
  • Fixed Taxon attacking Conservation animals if equipped with Molecular Conversion and Retarget.
  • Fixed ability to use the Aura Forma on Sentinels and Companions.
  • Fixed Chesa Retrieve double dipping with Nekros’ Desecrate.
  • Fixed Chesa/Desecrate double dipping with Hydroid/Khora.
    • **Added info: When we added the Nightwave challenge for the Silver Grove, we encouraged a return to content that normally would have been fine. A small handful of players found an exploit and as we looked into things, we thought we fixed the issue with the new Chesa behavior that could lead to problems. We didn't. We decided to cut a bit deeper. Ivara's looting ability is now the only one that stacks with other looting because it works while alive. If a target is dead, a successful loot now happens once, no matter the source. However, multiple can attempt to loot the same body. Yes... this is different from how it previously behaved, but this is the new intended behavior.
  • Fixed the Deimos Claw Skin's long claw not unfolding upon player switching Melee mode.
  • Fixed ‘Cryogenic Leak’ conditions not applying its respective Status Effect.
  • Fixed doors leading to the Plains of Eidolon from Cetus losing its textures when jumping on it.
  • Fixed Mesa's Shatter Shield not being cancelled by Nullifier bubbles.
  • Fixed Tatsu missing the “Holster Style” option in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed Stalker falling off the edge in the final stage of The Second Dream.
  • Fixed level holes in the Grineer Galleon defense tileset as seen here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/bar4sx/out_of_bounds_on_helene_saturn/
  • Fixed Coildrive teleporting inside the building in the “Retrieve Data” phase of the Vox Solaris quest.
  • Fixed Hildryn’s Haven remaining active without consuming shields while riding a Daygyn. Haven will now be disabled once Hildryn boards a Darygn since it has no Shields to fuel it.
  • Fixed missing alarm sound in Corpus Survival missions when the first console is hacked.
  • Fixed black screen with limited UI for Clients when Host selects repeat mission after returning to the Orbiter from one.
  • Fixed Ghouls not spawning around the Defense objective in the last stage of one of the Ghoul Purge Bounties.
  • Fixed Host migration restarting the second stage of the Profit-Taker Bounty and being unable to continue with the mission if the Host grabbed the datamass.
  • Fixed several animation and FX issues when Baruuk has Serene Storm active and is dual-wielding a Pistol and throwing Melee.
  • Fixed Hildryn having an Energy bar when entering the Plains of Eidolon from Cetus.
  • Fixed being unable to do anything with Mesa when Peacemaker is cast at the exact moment a ledge grab is attempted.
  • Fixed Tipedo Prime’s ground slam not knocking flying enemies (Oxium Ospreys, Corrupted Drone, etc.) out of the air.
  • Fixed killing enemies with a stolen Dargyn triggering the “Rank Up!” UI notification.
  • Fixed the Thermia Fracture Nullifier Burp affecting players even if they are outside of the Nullifier volume.
  • Fixed some players having extra “Kitgun” entries in their Profiles that are blank.
  • Fixed countdown timer infinitely looping when Host accepts and cancels a Bounty selected by a Client from a tent in the Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixed Clients seeing incorrect Corpus Hack panel FX.
  • Fixed an issue with the Mining Cutter/Drill being unequipped when aiming after Quick Melee.
  • Fixed issue with destroying a Tusk Thumper’s armor plates too quickly causing it to continue to hop around as a terrifying immortal slap chop.
  • Fixed several clipping and floating issues with the Narvarr Prime Armor on multiple Warframes.
  • Fixed a laser trap in the floor not disarming after pulling out a Coolant Cell in Corpus Sabotage missions and creating an unintended wave point.
  • Fixed black flickering and other VFX issues occuring after a Thermia Fracture burp.
  • Fixed incorrect growth size and duration of Vazarin’s Void Aegis as per: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1082886-vazarins-void-aegis-grows-twice-as-large-as-description-states/
  • Fixed flashlight remaining on and blaringly bright after destroying reactor Sabotage missions in the Griner Settlement and Shipyard tilesets.
  • Fixed blinded enemies standing still and not doing anything after the animation finishes while still blinded.
  • Fixed Iradite formations and pickups appearing yellow instead of dark red.
  • Fixed Baruuk’s Elude FX appearing opaque and bright green no matter the chosen Energy color.
  • Fixed Corrupted enemies in the Void appearing very yellow.
  • Fixed Odonata's Energy Shell appearing 2x smaller than it should be in the Plains of Eidolon and Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed Maroo standing in a T-pose in her Bazaar.
  • Fixed mesh issues in Grineer Galleon Spy mission tilesets.
  • Fixed zoning issues in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset that was causing meshes to disappear.
  • Fixed the Cestra and Dual Cestra barrel being rotated incorrectly in Fortuna and Cetus.
  • Fixed K-Drives not gaining Affinity and only Focus points after installing a Lens on it.
  • Fixed being unable to interact/capture with downed Plains of Eidolon Bounty targets.
  • Fixed being able to walk on top of water volumes in certain areas in the Grineer Forest tileset.
  • Fixed three entries of each Kuaka variant appearing in the Codex.
  • Fixed certain Quest dioramas showing your equipped and custom Warframe instead of the rewarded Warframe.
  • Fixed Extractor UI disappearing from Star Chart after reclaiming a completed one.
  • Fixed Varazin’s Protective Dash not affecting Companions after mounting a K-Drive or Archwing as per: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1080049-vehicles-still-break-vazarins-protective-dash/
  • Fixed being unable to change Clan size during the following non-Clan related Events:
    • Balor Fomorian
    • Razorback Armada
  • Fixed a script error when trying to buy an item from Nightwave offerings.
  • Fixed Oberon, Khora, and Harrow getting stuck on certain kinds of geometry if they try to cast their Abilities mid-air and come down because of it.
  • Fixed enemies amed with the Tetra having incorrect reload animations.
  • Fixed Mirage’s Hall of Mirror clones not reflecting the default colours of either the Winter Skin or Sigyn Skin.
  • Fixed the Telos Boltace and Kronen Prime not appearing when searching ‘Tonfa’ in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed Baruuk’s Desert Wind fists not properly applying the chosen Energy colour as Client.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when talking to Maroo about Ayatan missions in Maroo's Bazaar.
  • Fixed wonky water textures when looking through the water with your weapon scope.
  • Fixed the Bloodshed Sigil and Bleeding Body Ephemera still appearing visible when your Warframe is hidden (talking to Bounty givers in Orb Vallis).
  • Fixed enemies affected by Nyx’s Psychic Bolts not applying the chosen Energy colour.
  • Fixed the Vistapa Prime Syandana clipping through numerous Warframes.
  • Fixed the Halikar not actually stealing the Wolfs Sledge Hammer.
  • Fixed cases of the Inventory screen causing overlap at multiple areas on the Orbiter.
  • Fixed getting stuck in the Grineer Forest Defense level ceiling as reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/bpjqgh/o_great_killerkarpfen_please_let_me_back_in_the/
  • Fixed light brightness on the Opticor Vandal to match base Opticor.
  • Fixed Valkyr’s Hysteria FX appearing to flicker when ‘Color Correction’ is enabled.
  • Fixed Emblems and Badges not hiding when aiming with the Atlas Karst Skin.
  • Fixed Altas Karst Skin chest cloth clipping through some weapons.
  • Fixed Tonfa weapons (Ohma, Kronen, etc) not having holster positions set up for Equinox Primes Night Form.
  • Fixed Baruuk’s Serene Storm ability interfering with the way your Dual-Wielded Pistol and Glaive is presented.
  • Fixed an issue with getting stuck in the ground when exiting a Grineer Sea Lab vault.
  • Fixed an issue with Nidus' Symbiotic Link FX on Titania.
  • Fixed ceiling issues as seen here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/bpjqgh/o_great_killerkarpfen_please_let_me_back_in_the/ - also slightly reduced ceiling damage and prevent them from outright killing player.
  • Fixed an issue with missing reload sounds when using Glaives with Kitguns.
  • Fixed an issue with players going out of bounds on the Ceres Shipyards as seen here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/bq6dty/since_when_did_de_add_skydiving_into_warframe/
  • Fixed an issue with Melee Weapon Trails not respecting swing speed Mods which would make them invisible.
  • Fixed old Corpus lockers in Maroo's Bazaar https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/bqn930/relics_of_old_found_in_maroos_bazaar/
  • Fixed an issue where depleting all ammunition for a single gun then picking up more doesn't re-enable use of the weapon.
  • Fixed missing FX for the “music notes” in the final mission of the Octavia’s Anthem quest.
  • Fixed Dropships not actually picking a clear landing zone and flying through trees in the Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixed Titania able to fly out of the level in the The Second Dream.
  • Fixed an incorrect teleport placement in the Vor’s Prize quest.
  • Fixed Dargyn patrols sometimes picking unreachable destinations underground and getting stuck in the Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixed some Ephemera’s not appearing in Relays or missions after a cinematic is triggered.