
Infiltrate is a Warframe Augment Mod for IvaraIcon272 Ivara that allows her to pass through Laser Barriers unharmed, and increases her Movement Speed while Prowl130xWhite Prowl is active.


Rank Movement Speed Increase Cost
0 10% 6
1 15% 7
2 20% 8
3 25% 9



  • When Prowl130xWhite Prowl is active with Infiltrate equipped, IvaraIcon272 Ivara will not be affected by Laser Barriers, Sensor Bars, Laser Plates, or Cutting Lasers. Bypassing them will not set off any connected Spy, Rescue, or Reactor Sabotage security alarms.
    • The effects of Infiltrate do not apply during the casting animation for Prowl130xWhite Prowl, but only after the animation is completed.
    • In the Earth Grineer Forest Vault with the downward tunnel and elevator ramp over water, the Motion Detector will still trigger the alarms if Ivara touches it, however it will not damage her. It cannot be destroyed and thus it is recommended to take an alternate route.
      • This is most likely a bug.
    • Lasers in Infested Ship Rescue will still trigger alarms on contact.
  • Speed bonus is affected by Ability Strength.
    • While on ziplines, including Quiver130xWhite Dashwire Arrows, Prowl's movement speed penalty doesn't apply but Infiltrate's speed bonus does, causing Ivara to run much faster on ziplines.


This calculator feature is sunsetted on the wiki. It may not see further updates, but will be present on articles for the time being since some people still find use for them. See User blog:Cephalon Scientia/Sunsetting of Maximization Calculators for more details.
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Patch History[]

Update 25.1 (2019-06-05)

  • Fixed Ivara's Infiltrate Augment Mod still triggering alarms from Laser Doors in the Gas City tileset.

Hotfix 23.1.3 (2018-07-26)

  • Fixed Ivara's companion setting off spy traps when Ivara herself has Prowl Augment activated.

Update: Lunaro (2016-06-15)

  • Fixed Ivaras Infiltrate Augment Mod not protecting you from lasers in the Orokin Moon, Grineer, and Uranus spy mission tilesets.

Update 18.14 (2016-06-08)

  • Introduced.