Official wiki

Alloy pellets used in Grineer manufacturing.
—In-Game Description

Ferrite is a common resource that can be found on Mercury, Earth, Neptune, Orokin Void, and in the Zariman Ten Zero. It is usually found in quantities of 50 to 100.

Farming Locations[]

These are based on opinions and may not be 100% true. These should be viewed as advice for finding the resource until better facts are proven.

Target Planet Name Type Level Tile Set
IconOrokinB Void Teshub Exterminate 10 - 15 Orokin Tower
IconInfestedB Mercury Apollodorus Survival 6 - 11 Grineer Galleon

Drop Locations[]

Mission Drop Tables

Mission Type Source Rotations
Drop Table
Chance[1] Quantity[2] Avg. per roll[3] Star Chart Nodes
Annihilation Annihilation (Conclave) B 12.65% 400 50.6
Cephalon Capture Cephalon Capture (Conclave) B 12.65% 400 50.6
Lunaro Lunaro (Conclave) B 12.65% 400 50.6
Sabotage Earth Sabotage Resource Caches B 12.18% 300 36.54
Team Annihilation Team Annihilation (Conclave) B 12.65% 400 50.6

Enemy Drop Tables

Enemy Drop Table Chance[4] Item Chance[5] Chance[6] Expected Kills[7] Quantity[8] Avg. per roll attempt[9]

Sourced from the official drop table repository. See Module:DropTables/data to edit on the wiki.

Blueprints Requiring Ferrite[]

Click to view the Blueprints requiring Ferrite
Blueprint Type Quantity
Acrid Secondary (150)
Air Support Charges x10 Gear 1,200
Amesha Wings Component (7,250)
Amprex Primary 9,000
Ancient Healer Specter x5 Gear 2,500
Ankyros Melee 600
Ash Chassis Component 1,000
Ash Prime Systems Component 1,000
Astilla Primary 7,500
Atlas Prime Chassis Component 3,600
Atlas Systems Component 4,600
Atterax Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 350
Attica Primary 800 (500)
Axidrol Alloy x20 Resource 500
Banshee Chassis Component 900 (1,000)
Banshee Prime Systems Component 4,500
Baruuk Systems Component 2,500
Baza Primary 3,500
Bishamo Pauldrons Cosmetic 50,000
Bleeding Dragon Key Gear 250
Bo Melee 600
Bronco Secondary 700
Burston Primary 600
Burston Solstice Skin Cosmetic 350
Carcinnox Ship Turret (1,000)
Carcinnox Mk I Ship Turret (1,000)
Carcinnox Mk II Ship Turret (1,000)
Cassowar Melee (3,150)
Castanas Secondary (300)
Caustacyst Melee 15,000 (4,000)
Ceramic Dagger Melee 500
Cernos Primary 1,750
Charger Specter x5 Gear 2,500
Chroma Prime Systems Component 4,000
Chroma Signal Quest 250
Cipher x1 Gear 400
Cipher x10 Gear 3,600
Cipher x100 Gear 36,000
Clan Key Key 500
Clem Clone x5 Gear 2,500
Coprite Alloy x20 Resource 400
Corinth Solstice Skin Cosmetic 350
Corrupted Bombard Specter x5 Gear 2,500
Corrupted Lancer Specter x5 Gear 2,500
Cronus Melee 500
Cryophon Ship Turret (250)
Cryophon Mk I Ship Turret (500)
Cryophon Mk II Ship Turret (750)
Cycron Secondary 9,000
Dark Dagger Melee 500
Dark Sword Melee 800
Decaying Dragon Key Gear 250
Dera Primary 4,500
Despair Secondary 5,000
Detonite Injector Resource (200)
Dual Ether Melee 850
Dual Heat Swords Melee 1,000
Dual Skana Melee 850
Dual Zoren Melee 1,100
Dual Zoren Dagger-Axe Skin Cosmetic 650
Elytron Harness Component 1,000
Ember Chassis Component 1,000
Ember Prime Chassis Component 1,000
Endura Melee (7,500)
Equinox Day Aspect Chassis Component 1,000
Equinox Day Aspect Neuroptics Component 150
Equinox Prime Chassis Component 4,000
Ether Daggers Melee 600
Ether Reaper Melee 1,000
Ether Sword Melee 900
Excalibur Chassis Component 1,000
Excalibur Mordred Helmet Cosmetic 500
Exergis Shock-Camo Skin Cosmetic 350
Extinguished Dragon Key Gear 250
Falcor Shock-Camo Skin Cosmetic 350
Fang Melee 600
Ferrox Primary (3,500)
Flux Rifle Primary 6,000
Frost Chassis Component 1,000
Frost Prime Chassis Component 1,000
Furax Melee 600
Furis Secondary 750
Galatine Solstice Skin Cosmetic 350
Galvacord Melee 3,600
Glaive Melee 5,000
Glazio Mk I Ship Turret (1,000)
Glazio Mk II Ship Turret (1,250)
Glazio Mk III Ship Turret (1,500)
Gorgon Primary 5,000
Grendel Neuroptics Component 3,500
Grinlok Primary 5,000 (400)
Grinlok Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 350
Guandao Melee 2,500 (4,500)
Guandao Solstice Skin Cosmetic 350
Guandao Synoid Skin Cosmetic 350
Gunsen Melee (11,500)
Halikar Melee 4,800
Harrow Systems Component 25,000
Hate Melee 5,000
Heat Dagger Melee 500
Heat Sword Melee 500
Hek Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 350
Helios Sentinel 5,000 (750)
Hobbled Dragon Key Gear 250
Hydroid Prime Chassis Component 6,750
Hystrix Secondary 9,750
Ignis Primary 5,000 (400)
Ignis Solstice Skin Cosmetic 350
Ignis Wraith Primary 10,000
Imperator Arch-Gun 1,500
Inaros Prime Systems Component 4,300
Infested Catalyst x5 Gear 2,300 (21,500)
Itzal Harness Component 700 (5,500)
Itzal Wings Component 900 (6,400)
Ivara Prime Systems Component 3,200
Jat Kittag Melee (350)
Jat Kusar Melee (10,000)
Javlok Primary (4,000)
Jaw Sword Melee 500
Kama Melee 1,200
Karak Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 350
Kesheg Melee 6,000 (13,000)
Kestrel Melee 4,800
Khora Systems Component 11,500
Kogake Melee 1,200
Kohmak Secondary 5,000 (400)
Komorex Primary 6,200
Kronen Melee 1,500
Kunai Secondary 3,000
Lacera Melee (600)
Laith Mk I Ship Turret (1,000)
Laith Mk II Ship Turret (1,250)
Laith Mk III Ship Turret (1,500)
Landing Craft Foundry Segment Orbiter Segment 3,000
Lanka Primary (500)
Lecta Melee 1,000
Lenz Solstice Skin Cosmetic 350
Limbo Chassis Component 1,000
Limbo Magrite Helmet Cosmetic 600
Loki Chassis Component 1,000
Loki Prime Systems Component 1,000
Luminous Dye x10 Gear 10
Mag Chassis Component 1,000
Mag Prime Chassis Component 1,000
Magistar Melee 750
Magnus Secondary 100
Mantis Engines Component 7,500
Marelok Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 350
Mesa Prime Neuroptics Component 1,250
Milati Ship Ordnance (750)
Milati Mk I Ship Ordnance (1,000)
Milati Mk II Ship Ordnance (1,250)
Mirage Chassis Component 2,500
Mirage Prime Neuroptics Component 18,000
Mire Melee 1,000
MOA Specter x5 Gear 2,500
Mutalist Alad V Assassinate Key Key 750
Mutalist Quanta Primary (800)
Nami Skyla Melee (500)
Nami Solo Melee 1,500
Nekros Chassis Component 1,000
Nekros Prime Chassis Component 18,000
Nezha Chassis Component 3,200
Nezha Prime Systems Component 4,300
Nezha Systems Component 5,000
Ninkondi Melee 4,000
Nova Chassis Component 1,000
Nova Prime Systems Component 600
Nyx Chassis Component 1,000
Obex Melee 700
Octavia Prime Chassis Component 4,250
Odonata Harness Component 1,000
Odonata Prime Systems Component 500
Ogris Primary (500)
Ohma Melee 15,000
Opticor Primary (500)
Orthos Melee 850
Pangolin Sword Melee 750
Pennant Melee 5,300
Penta Primary 1,200
Personal Quarters Segment Orbiter Segment 3,000
Plasma Sword Melee 500
Plinx Shock-Camo Skin Cosmetic 350
Protea Systems Component 13,400
Pulsar Mk I Ship Turret (1,000)
Pulsar Mk II Ship Turret (1,250)
Pupacyst Melee (3,750)
Pyrana Synoid Skin Cosmetic 350
Railjack Engine Cowling Component 750
Railjack Tail Section Component 750
Rhino Chassis Component 1,000
Rhino Prime Chassis Component 1,000
Rhino Prime Systems Component 500
Roller Specter x5 Gear 2,500
Rubico Synoid Skin Cosmetic 350
Saryn Chassis Component 1,000
Saryn Prime Systems Component 4,000
Scimitar Engines Component 7,500
Scimitar Fuselage Component 8,000
Scindo Solstice Skin Cosmetic 350
Scorched Beacon Quest 250
Scourge Primary (7,250)
Scrubber Trophy Decoration 2,000
Shaku Melee (17,500)
Shield Osprey Specter x5 Gear 2,500
Shtung Grip Zaw 850
Sigma Plating Mk I Ship Component (1,000)
Sigma Plating Mk II Ship Component (1,500)
Sigma Plating Mk III Ship Component (2,000)
Sigma Shield Array Mk I Ship Component (300)
Sigma Shield Array Mk II Ship Component (450)
Silva & Aegis Melee 1,200 (500)
Simulor Primary 1,200
Spectra Secondary 5,000
Spira Secondary 2,500
Squad Ammo Restore (Medium) x1 Gear 600 (400)
Squad Ammo Restore (Medium) x10 Gear (400)
Squad Ammo Restore (Small) x1 Gear 200
Squad Energy Restore (Medium) x1 Gear 600
Squad Energy Restore (Small) x1 Gear 250
Squad Health Restore (Medium) x1 Gear 500
Squad Health Restore (Small) x1 Gear 300
Squad Shield Restore (Large) x10 Gear 2,500
Squad Shield Restore (Large) x100 Gear 25,000
Squad Shield Restore (Medium) x1 Gear 600
Squad Shield Restore (Small) x1 Gear 400
Staticor Secondary 9,000
Stradavar Primary 15,000
Stubba Secondary 4,485
Supra Primary (500)
Sydon Melee (16,500)
Talons Secondary 1,500 (650)
Talyn Mk I Ship Turret (1,000)
Talyn Mk II Ship Turret (1,250)
Talyn Mk III Ship Turret (1,500)
Tatsu Solstice Skin Cosmetic 350
Taxon Sentinel 500
Tetra Primary 900
Titan Extractor Extractor 300
Titania Chassis Component 3,000
Titania Prime Systems Component 4,300
Tonbo Melee 2,000 (500)
Tonkor Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 350
Trinity Chassis Component 1,000
Twin Krohkur Melee (3,250)
Twin Rogga Secondary 15,000
Tycho Seeker Mk I Ship Ordnance (500)
Tycho Seeker Mk II Ship Ordnance (750)
Valkyr Chassis Component 900
Valkyr Prime Chassis Component 18,000
Vapor Specter x10 Gear 5,000
Vasto Secondary 700
Vauban Armistice Helmet Cosmetic 500
Vauban Chassis Component 1,000
Veldt Primary 7,250
Viper Secondary 600
Volt Chassis Component 1,000 (1,000)
Vort Mk I Ship Turret (1,000)
Vort Mk II Ship Turret (1,250)
Vort Mk III Ship Turret (1,500)
Wukong Warframe (25,000)
Wukong Chassis Component 900 (1,000)
Wukong Prime Systems Component 3,800
Xaku Kintsu Helmet Cosmetic 500
Xiphos Fuselage Component 8,000
Zephyr Chassis Component (1,000)
Zephyr Prime Chassis Component 3,600
Aegrit Secondary 12,500
Afentis Primary 8,000
Baruuk Prime Chassis Component 4,250
Voruna Chassis Component 1,000
Revenant Prime Systems Component 6,250
Styanax Neuroptics Component 3,000
Gyre Neuroptics Component 6,500
Total 727,245 (+220,100)
Research Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100

Last updated: Update 29.10 (2021-03-19)


By purchasing this item you can directly exchange Platinum64 30 for 3000 Ferrite.
—In-Game Description

Beginning in Update 9.0 (2013-07-13), materials could be purchased directly from the market for PlatinumLarge Platinum.

Gathering Tips[]

These should be viewed as advice for finding the materials until better facts are proven.

Doing Steel Path for Ferrite is NOT recommended, seeing as the kills/minute are greatly diminished compared to the other missions where you can run around and focus on opening containers, which is a great benefit when it comes to farming common materials.

  • Probably one of the best ways to farm Ferrite is Apollodorus, Mercury (Level 6-10, Survival). You can easily, with a NekrosIcon272 Nekros, stay in the mission for 10 mins, go for all the containers (with a Mod TT 20px Master Thief ) and get over 4k Ferrite (20-25k per hour), and extract right after you receive the B rotation-reward (or even before then, if you so desire).
  • M Prime, Mercury (Level 7-9, Crossfire Exterminate) is a great place to farm Ferrite. It will yield around 2,5k-3k Ferrite (~18-19k per hour). Break open all the containers and open all the lockers to achieve maximum possible yield. Mod TT 20px Master Thief will be of help in achieving as much loot as possible.
  • Terminus, Mercury (Level 8-10, Crossfire Sabotage) is another great place to farm Ferrite. Open every container and locker, and you should end up with about 4k Ferrite per mission (~18k per hour).
  • Teshub, Void (Level 10-15, Exterminate) can yield 2.5k-5k Ferrite (~14k-30k per hour), when all crates and lockers are looted. However, this method bears the drawback of taking a lengthy amount of time to complete each mission, due to the big tile set (12+ minutes).
  • Ani, Void (Level 20-25, Survival) is also a good place to go to get Ferrite (~14k per hour), but still takes a lengthy time to complete.


  • Ferrite's icon is a reused graphic for Gallium Gallium, the difference being that the Ferrite icon is a dull grey while the Gallium icon is bright silver with a blueish tinge
    • As a result the Corpus letters stamped on the icon Corpus GCorpus A transcribe to Ga, the chemical symbol of Gallium, instead of actually spelling Corpus FCorpus E or Fe as for Ferrum/Iron.
  • Ferrite is a scientific name for alpha-iron or pure iron. It is used in carbon-iron alloys.
  1. Chance to roll item within drop table
  2. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  3. (Quantity × Chance)
  4. Chance to roll drop table
  5. Chance to roll item within drop table
  6. (Drop Table Chance × Item Chance)
  7. (1 / Chance), see WARFRAME Wiki:Expected & Nearly Guaranteed Numbers for more details
  8. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  9. (Quantity × Chance), average item quantity on a roll attempt (successful or not)