FeastModx256 Feast130xWhite

Swallow an enemy whole and store it in Grendel’s gut. Hold to vomit out stored enemies covering them in toxic bile.

Introduced in Update 26.0 (2019-10-31)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:250 / 300 / 450 / 500 (DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin damage on vomit)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:25 m (swallow range)

Misc: 2% (damage per second)
1.5 s (maw open duration)
1 s (maw open extra duration per enemy)
DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin status on vomit
8 m (vomit cone range)
5 (Max enemy body count)


  • Grendel expends EnergyOrb25 energy to open his maw agape for 1.5 seconds, creating a powerful vacuum that disintegrates enemies near the aiming reticle within AbilityRangeBuff25 meters and swallowing them whole to trap them inside Grendel's stomach. For each enemy swallowed by Feast, Grendel's maw stays open for an extra 1 second. Enemies within Grendel's stomach are slowly digested at a rate 2% of their total shields and health per second. A maximum of 5 enemies can be held within Grendel's stomach.
    • Grendel can swallow multiple enemies by moving the aiming reticle to mark new targets with Feast, while his maw is still open.
    • The five eaten enemies' profile icons and their remaining hitpoints are displayed as circular gauges, aligned in a cross-shape UI indicator above Grendel's ability icons.
    • Feast also vacuums Pickups and thrown Hand Grenades near the aiming reticle for Grendel. Swallowed grenades will detonate inside Grendel's stomach and only damage nearby enemies.
    • Enemy auras such as Ancient Healer or Guardian Eximus are disabled while within Grendel's stomach.
  • Hold down the ability key (default 1 ) to violently vomit all stored enemies out for no energy cost, inflicting AbilityStrengthBuff250 / 300 / 400 / 500 DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin scaling damage with a 100% DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin status chance to vomitted enemies and other enemies within 8 meters in a cone in front of Grendel.
    • Toxin damage on vomit is affected by enemy level and amount of enemies stored.
    • Feast's Toxin damage on vomit benefits from sum of enemies levels stored using the following expression:
      Total Toxin Damage = Toxin Base Damage × ((ΣEnemy Level - 1) / 15 + 1)
      • With 5 eaten enemies at level 101, Grendel will deal 500 × ((101 × 5 - 1) / 15 + 1) = 17,300 DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin damage on vomit. Resulting damage is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
  • Grendel cannot Feast on enemies grabbed by certain Warframe abilities, including NidusIcon272 Nidus' Larva130xWhite Larva, VaubanIcon272 Vauban's Bastille130xWhite Bastille in Vortex mode and Tether Coil from Minelayer130xWhite Minelayer, KhoraIcon272 Khora's Strangledome130xWhite Strangledome, HydroidIcon272 Hydroid's TentacleSwarm130xWhite Tentacle Swarm, ZephyrIcon272 Zephyr's Tornado130xWhite Tornado and Airburst130xWhite Airburst in suck mode, GaussIcon272 Gauss' MachRush130xWhite Mach Rush with Mod TT 20px Mach Crash, XakuIcon272 Xaku's Gaze from TheLost130xWhite The Lost, GarudaIcon272 Garuda's BloodAltar130xWhite Blood Altar, TrinityIcon272 Trinity's WellOfLife130xWhite Well of Life and EnergyVampire130xWhite Energy Vampire, SevagothIcon272 Sevagoth's Embrace130xWhite Embrace by SevagothShadow-Arsenal Sevagoth's Shadow from ExaltedShadow130xWhite Exalted Shadow, TitaniaIcon272 Titania's Spellbind130xWhite Spellbind and Lantern130xWhite Lantern, NezhaIcon272 Nezha's DivineSpears130xWhite Divine Spears, CalibanIcon Caliban's SentientWrath130xWhite Sentient Wrath, enemies in-flight from GrendelIcon272 Grendel's Regurgitate130xWhite Regurgitate, and enemies held or in-flight by Bonewidow's ThanomechGrab Meathook.
  • Bosses cannot be Feasted.
  • If Grendel crosses a Nullifier or falls out of bounds, enemies in his stomach are automatically expelled.
  • Feasted enemies are considered removed from play, removing them from Exterminate waypoints and allowing Defense waves to advance, even if they are still alive.
  • Ability Synergy:
    • Grendel's passive grants him 250 armor per enemy alive in his stomach.
    • Grendel must have at least 1 enemy alive in his stomach to cast Nourish130xWhite Nourish and Regurgitate130xWhite Regurgitate.
    • Pulverize130xWhite Pulverize drains 0 energy if he has enemies in his stomach. The sphere also enlarges with engorged enemies, increasing the collision and ground slam's damage and radius.


Main article: Gourmand

Gourmand is a Warframe Augment Mod for GrendelIcon272 Grendel's Feast130xWhite Feast to consume health instead of energy and increases armor for enemies in his gut.


Tips & Tricks

  • Volatile Runners swallowed by Grendel’s Feast have a tendency to explode from within, causing Grendel to stagger.
  • Increasing the Ability Range of Grendel’s Feast increases the effective Vacuum Range, this is especially useful for survival since feast can be used to Vacuum Life Support pickups from a fair distance without having to leave the current room.


Patch History[]

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)

  • Added a new HUD indicator to show the number of enemies and their Health in Grendel’s Gut. The Armor that he gains from enemies thanks to his passive is now also visible here.
    • Removed the 1.5/s Energy drain while enemies are in Grendel’s Gut.
  • Replaced the Armor Reduction with 2% of their total Shields and Health overtime (does not scale).
    • Health and Shields are more universally applicable, making Nourish affect enemies across a wider range of types.
  • Unified Radius for all ranks (25m for all).
  • Enemy auras are now disabled while inside Grendel’s Gut.
    • For example, after clearing an Ancient Healer Eximus’ Overguard, casting Feast on it will nullify its damage reduction buff while inside Grendel’s Gut.
  • Grendel can now cast Feast on enemies that are open to a Mercy kill.
  • Sentient enemies caught in Grendel’s Gut with Feast are no longer automatically expelled after 8 seconds.
  • Grendel can now Feast a maximum of 5 enemies at a time.
    • With the above buffs to Feast, the previous 40 enemy max would understandably be far too overpowered. The new cap allows players to make the most of Feast’s more powerful state and keep them actively seeking enemies to chomp on without clearing the whole map in one go.

Hotfix 31.1.1 (2022-02-09)

  • Fixed crashes and excessive performance hitches when Grendel consumed an exorbitant amount of enemies and proceeded to vomit them out (90+ enemies). In the name of performance, we’ve added a limit of 40 enemies that can be eaten by Grendel at any given time, and spread out the vomiting of large numbers of enemies.
    • Test Cluster crash report/fix.

See Also[]
