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Explosive Legerdemain is a Warframe Augment Mod for MirageIcon272 Mirage that causes SleightOfHand130xWhite Sleight of Hand to turn all eligible Pickups into proximity mines ready to detonate.


Rank Explosion Damage Status Chance Explosion Radius Duration Cost
0 500 50% 5m 60s 6
1 600 65% 10m 60s 7
2 800 80% 15m 60s 8
3 1000 100% 20m 60s 9



  • Damage is affected by AbilityStrengthBuff Ability Strength, whereas status chance is not.
  • Pickup conversion range and explosion radius are affected by AbilityRangeBuff Ability Range.
  • Duration of 60 seconds is not affected by AbilityDurationBuff Ability Duration.
    • Duration is paused when it attracts enemies.
  • Converts Ammo Pickups (DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage), Affinity Orbs (DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin damage), Energy Orbs (DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage), and Health Orbs (DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage) into proximity mines.
  • Affected pickups are destroyed in the process and cannot be picked up by MirageIcon272 Mirage. Ally players' client-side pickups are unaffected.
  • Proximity mines will detonate when an enemy steps on the mine or when the mine's duration expires.


  • This augment mod synergizes extremely well with the Archon mod set, as each proximity trap can proc the four base elemental damage that will trigger four of the five mods' special effects.
  • This mod may be used for crowd control in missions with tight paths and corridors.


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  • The word legerdemain refers to the skillful use of one's hands in performing sleight-of-hand magic tricks.


Patch History[]

Update 33.0 (2023-04-26)

  • Made the following changes to Mirage’s Sleight of Hand with the Explosive Legerdemain Augment Mod in order to solve major performance issues that would occur when rapidly casting Sleight of Hand with the Augment Mod equipped while Hall of Mirrors was active:
    • Explosion radius is no longer affected by Mods. It is now always 15m.
    • Proximity mine triggers no longer replicate to Clients (this was a particularly brutal performance issue origin for Clients in squads where the Host was casting Sleight of Hands with Hall of Mirrors often).
    • Proximity mines now have a 20 second lifespan unless it is attracting an enemy, in which case it is paused. Only one mine can attract a particular enemy at a time.
      • The lifespan previously used to be extended if an enemy entered its trigger range, but if they never reached the explosion (e.g. something else killed them first) the lifespan could be extended indefinitely, causing strain on performance when stacking mines with multiple Sleight of Hand casts.
    • Optimized the proximity mines when cast in the dark.
    • Optimized the proximity mine triggers when there are multiple placed with Hall of Mirrors. Now there will be one trigger per group of mines, since they are close enough to one another. The trigger will swap to a new mine if the latter is destroyed.
    • Also fixed flickering on her shaders.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

  • Mirage’s Explosive Legerdemain Augment: Increased damage dealt from proximity mines created from Ammo and Orbs pickups from 500 to 1000.

Update 27.3 (2020-03-24)

  • Fixed Mirage’s Explosive Legerdemain Augment damaging everything within range, including allies or even the Defense objective, if the Mirage leaves the game session.

Update 25.6 (2019-08-08)

Explosive Legerdemain - Sleight of Hand Augment - Mirage
  • Increase damage and status chance when triggered

Hotfix 25.4.1 (2019-07-24)

  • Replaced ‘Proc Chance’ with ‘Status Chance’ where needed (Explosive Legerdemain).

Update 16.3 (2015-04-09)

  • Introduced.