
Enraged is a Warframe Augment Mod for ValkyrIcon272 Valkyr's Hysteria130xWhite Hysteria that increases its damage and critical chance but fixes its duration to 15 seconds and adds a matching cooldown. The base Energy cost is also increased to 50, while the Energy drain over time is removed.


Rank Damage & Critical Chance Bonus Hysteria Duration Hysteria Cooldown Cost
0 +125% 15s 15s 6
1 +150% 15s 15s 7
2 +175% 15s 15s 8
3 +200% 15s 15s 9



  • Cooldown starts after the duration ends.
  • Cooldown is equal to the length of time Hysteria130xWhite Hysteria was active. For example, if Hysteria was activated for 5 seconds, the cooldown will be 5 seconds.
  • Duration is affected by Ability Duration.
  • Bonus damage and critical chance are not affected by mods and stack additively with mods like Mod TT 20px Pressure Point and Mod TT 20px True Steel.
  • Cannot be equipped at the same time as Mod TT 20px Hysterical Assault.
  • Recurring bug, where critical bonus mods stack in the simulacrum but not in game.

Patch History[]

Hotfix 27.5.6 (2020-05-26)

  • Valkyr’s Enraged Hysteria Augment now has a 1 time Energy cost of 50 instead of draining Energy over time. This also allows you to gain Energy while it's active!

Hotfix 27.5.5 (2020-05-21)

  • Fixed a script error when deactivating Valkyr’s Hysteria with the Enraged Augment equipped.
  • Fixed script error that could occur when joining a mission in progress with a Valkyr using the Enraged Augment.

Hotfix 27.5.4 (2020-05-20)

  • Introduced.