
Empowered Quiver is a Warframe Augment Mod for Ivara that improves Quiver's Dashwire Arrow and Cloak Arrow. Dashwire Arrow grants critical damage to allies on it, while Cloak Arrow grants a chance to prevent status effects.


Rank Added Critical Damage Status Proc Resist Cost
0 75% 50% 6
1 80% 65% 7
2 90% 80% 8
3 100% 100% 9



  • The Critical Damage bonus is applied in the same way as a crit damage mod and stacks additively.  For example, combining Empowered Quiver with a maxed Mod TT 20px Vital Sense will result in +220% to your rifle's crit damage multiplier.


  • To be added


  • To be added


Maximization is a form of specialization: mods may be blended to result in values that vary between the top-end limits listed here. Click any maximized link in the collapsible menu to learn how to build it.

View Maximization List
Cloak Arrow's duration to 36.72 seconds and Sleep Arrow's duration to 30.6 seconds.

    • Reduces Cloak Arrow's bubble range to 0.85 meters, Noise Arrow's range to 6.8 meters and Sleep Arrow's range to 2.04 meters.

cost to 6.25 energy.

    • Reduces Cloak Arrow's duration to 4.8 seconds and Sleep Arrow's duration to 4 seconds.

Cloak Arrow's range to 7 meters, Noise Arrow's range to 56 meters and Sleep Arrow's range to 16.8 meters.

    • Reduces Dashwire Arrow's Critical Damage Bonus and Cloak Arrow's Status Immunity chance to 40%.
  • Maximized Ability Strength increases
Dashwire Arrow's Critical Damage Bonus to 412%.
Dashwire Arrow's Critical Damage Bonus to 337%.
    • Increases cost to 38.75 energy.

    • Reduces Cloak Arrow's duration to 8.7 seconds and Sleep Arrow's duration to 7.25 seconds.

NOTE: Italic refers to the base ability of this augment


Patch History

Hotfix 23.0.6 (2018-06-27)

  • Introduced

Last updated: Hotfix 23.0.6 (2018-06-27)