
Emergence Dissipate is an Arcane Enhancement for the Operator that allows Void Sling to be cancelled via the fire button (default Mouse 1 ), causing the end point to dissipate within 10 meters. Enemies hit by the dissipation spawn Energy Mote pickups.


Rank Dissipate Radius Energy Gain
0 10m 5
1 10m 6
2 10m 7
3 10m 8
4 10m 9
5 10m 10


Emergence Dissipate can be purchased from Cavalero for ReputationLarge 10,000, requiring Rank 5 - Angel with The Holdfasts. It can also be dropped by Thrax Centurion, Thrax Legatus, and Void Angels on the Zariman Ten Zero.

Item Source Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
EmergenceDissipate Thrax Centurion 0.33% ~ 299 Kills 2067 ± 689 Kills
EmergenceDissipate Thrax Legatus 0.33% ~ 299 Kills 2067 ± 689 Kills
EmergenceDissipate Void Angel 1.67% ~ 59 Kills 410 ± 136 Kills
EmergenceDissipate Ravenous Void Angel 0.67% ~ 149 Kills 1032 ± 344 Kills

All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables. See Mission Rewards#Standard Missions for definitions on reward table rotations.
For more detailed definitions and information, visit here.

Farming Tips[]


  • There is a 1.5 second delay before the same enemy can generate additional Motes.
  • Regenerates energy for Operators, Warframes, and Necramechs.
  • Regenerates energy during channeling abilities such as DanseMacabre130xWhite Danse Macabre.
  • Motes will float in the air and drift off into a random direction upon spawning. They will despawn after 10 seconds if not picked up.
  • Motes are attracted by Mod TT 20px Vacuum and Mod TT 20px Fetch.
  • Motes are not attracted by vortex abilities, such as FocusVoidSnare Void Snare.
  • Motes do not trigger ArcaneEnergize Arcane Energize or ArcaneEruption Arcane Eruption.
  • Motes are not affected by AmberArchonShard Amber Archon Shard's energy orb effectiveness.


  • While under the effects of Nourish, the amount of energy in the pickup text at the bottom of the screen is unchanged from the original amount.
    • This is purely a visual bug, and energy is correctly increased.

Patch History[]

Update 32.1 (2022-11-02)

  • Fixed Energy Motes generated by the Emergence Dissipate Arcane not providing Energy if picked up by Necramech.

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)


We’ve adjusted the values of older Arcanes with the goal of making lower rank Arcanes more viable, and more desirable while collecting as a result. In short, there are three stats that each Arcane tends to have (speaking generally) -- for example, a percentage chance, a stat buff, and the duration of the buff.

Certain Arcanes increase all of these stats per rank (making them scale exponentially), but we are changing it so that only one stat is affected by rank (making it scale linearly). The other stats will now be at the max-rank value regardless of the Arcane Rank, thereby buffing lower-rank Arcanes as a result.

For example, using Arcane Fury.

  • Previous:
    • The unranked values were as follows: “On Critical Hit: 10% chance for +30% Melee Damage to Melee Weapons for 3s”
    • The max rank values were as follows: “On Critical Hit: 60% chance for +180% Melee Damage to Melee Weapons for 18s”
  • New:
    • With these changes, the unranked values are as follows: “On Critical Hit: 60% chance for +30% Melee Damage to Melee Weapons for 18s”
    • With these changes, the max rank values remain the same as before: “On Critical Hit: 60% chance for +180% Melee Damage to Melee Weapons for 18s”

This change mostly affects older Arcanes that don’t already fit this new formula (with the exception of Arcane Barrier*), as the majority of newer Arcanes already follow this system. The Arcanes listed below are formatted to showcase which stats have been changed from scaling to constant (with the old “Unranked” value in brackets), and which stats will still increase with rank, using the # / # format. For the sake of clarity, we are only sharing unranked and max rank stat values, not the incremental value changes for ranks between them.

Emergence Dissipate
WHILE IN VOID SLING: Press the weapon firing input to dissipate the endpoint in a 10m (was 7.5m) radius. Enemies hit have a 100% (was 50%) chance to create a short lived Void Mote that replenishes 5/10 energy on pick up.

  • We have also made the following changes to Emergence Dissipate:
    • Void Motes are no longer affected by ‘vortex’ abilities like Void Snare.
    • Added a 1.5 second delay between generating Void Mote from the same enemy.
      • Emergence Dissipate was conceptualized as a weaker alternative to Zenurik’s energy gain, but ended up being even stronger than the Energy-focused school in certain cases, going against the Focus rework goals of each school having a unique niche. The above changes also seek to maintain the original goals we had with Void Sling; to encourage a more controlled behavior instead of a spam-centric loop. The slight cooldown motivates more mindful gameplay, but with the benefit of the stat buffs it has received for lower levels.
    • Now that the chance is guaranteed, the new description is “WHILE IN VOID SLING: Press [fire input] to dissipate the endpoint in a 10m radius. Enemies hit create a short lived Void Mote that replenishes 5/10 energy on pick up.

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

  • Introduced