Elite Lancers are the Elite counterpart of the Grineer Lancers, and are replace the latter in higher level missions. They also have a slightly different helmet design, appearing to have a hood.
- These Elite Lancers are treated the same way with regular Lancers, but conventional attacks are slightly tolerated.
- They attack normally as their standard counterparts, which also includes the ability to throw grenades.
- They are the most likely enemies to carry a Blunt pack, a device that provides the Grineer units additional cover whenever the environment is too open to hide from attacks.
- The Blunt pack spawning is shared along with the Lancer.
- Elite Arid Lancer
- Drekar Elite Lancer
- Elite Frontier Lancer
- Kuva Elite Lancer
- Tusk Elite Lancer
- Kosma Elite Lancer
- Gyre Elite Lancer
- Exo Elite Lancer
- Elite Lancers were first introduced in Update 9.0 (2013-07-13).
- Elite Lancers originally wielded Burstons as a placeholder. This was changed to the Hind in Update 9.6 (2013-08-16) as the Burston was a Tenno weapon.
- The Drekar Elite Lancer seems to wear much less armor than the other variants, looking very similar to Drekar Butchers.
Patch History[]
Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)
- (Undocumented) Base level decreased from 15 to 1.
Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)
- Fixed the Kuva Elite Lancer using the wrong material roughness.
Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)
- (Undocumented) Kosma, Gyre, and Exo health types changed from Flesh to Cloned Flesh.
Update 9.6 (2013-08-16)
- Elite Lancers now use the Hind!
Update 9.0 (2013-07-13)
- Introduced.