Doom Doom130xWhite

Condemn nearby enemies to their doom. A portion of the damage Dagath deals is revisited upon them by a Wyrd Scythe. They also suffer Viral damage.

Introduced in Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:350 / 400 / 450 / 500 DmgViralSmall64 Viral damage
35% Phantom Wrath damage stored per damage instance
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:7 / 10 / 12 / 15 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:10 / 12 / 13 / 15 m cone range

Misc: 40° cone angle
RollingDroneAvatar Stagger inside cone
100% damage redirection per damage instance cap
2 s Phantom Wrath damage storage time limit
1 s recast cooldown


  • Dagath lets loose a morbid scream, expending EnergyOrb50 Energy to conjure a 40 degree cone of cursed energy spanning AbilityRangeBuff10 / 12 / 13 / 15 meters from her faceless head, inflicting AbilityStrengthBuff350 / 400 / 450 / 500 DmgViralSmall64 Viral damage and RollingDroneAvatar Stagger to all enemies within the cone and line-of-sight. Doomed foes remain cursed for AbilityDurationBuff7 / 10 / 12 / 15 seconds.
    • Doomed foes are visually death-marked by two large crosses of eerie light.
  • Inflict damage to a Doomed foe with Dagath's weapons and abilities to trigger Phantom Wrath, which summons a floating spectral sickle above that individual target and stores AbilityStrengthBuff35% of every damage instance dealt by Dagath herself within a time limit of 2 seconds. After the time limit elapses, or when the stored damage amount becomes lethal to its target, the spectral sickle strikes its victim to inflict the stored damage as DmgTrueSmall64 True damage. Phantom Wrath can be triggered again repeatedly on Doomed foes.
    • Damage redirection per damage instance is capped at 100%, achievable with 286% Ability Strength.
    • Stored damage is based on damage dealt after all sources of enemy Damage Reduction are applied.
    • Phantom Wrath is also applied on Doom's initial cast to store a percentage of the ability's DmgViralSmall64 Viral damage.
    • Each Doomed foe may only have one sickle floating above them at a time.
    • Phantom Wrath's stored damage is not shared between Doomed enemies, only to the single individual enemy.
    • Lethal damage is calculated including DmgViralSmall64 Virus status effect but not damage bonuses such as Roar130xWhite Roar, damage vulnerability debuffs such as SentientWrath130xWhite Sentient Wrath or damage reductions, despite being affected by them.
  • Ability Synergy:
    • Strike Doomed foes with WyrdScythes130xWhite Wyrd Scythes to trigger Phantom Wrath, while refreshing Doom on the targets hit and spreading the curse to other enemies within a AbilityRangeBuff10 / 12 / 13 / 15 meter radius around the Doomed foes.
    • Strike Doomed foes while GraveSpirit130xWhite Grave Spirit is active to inflict AbilityStrengthBuff70% / 80% / 90% / 100% weapon critical damage bonus and double the damage stored by Phantom Wrath.
    • Stampede Doomed foes with RakhalisCavalry130xWhite Rakhali's Cavalry to trigger Phantom Wrath, and induce AbilityStrengthBuff20% / 25% / 30% / 35% permanent Armor and Shield reduction. Defense reduction on Doomed foes occurs on every DmgViralSmall64 Viral damage instance from individual Kaithes.
      • Defenses are fully removed at 286% Ability Strength from a single hit. However, because the Cavalry deals multiple instances of damage, far less Strength is necessary, with 143% Ability Strength fully removing defenses after two hits.
  • Can be recast after a 1 second cooldown. Recast on Doomed enemies to renew duration and trigger Phantom Wrath.
    • Recast cooldown is shown on Doom's ability icon.
  • Doom can steal kills from Dagath's weapons, impeding the activation of weapon arcanes and galvanized mods.


Lethal damage calculation applies viral's multiplier to shields, resulting in very rapid triggers with toxin procs against viral afflicted targets with very low health and shields.


See Also[]
