The Dex Nikana is a Dex unique nikana released in celebration of WARFRAME's 11th Anniversary. Gains Melee Combo every 11 hits, but max multiplier is reduced to 11x.
- This weapon deals primarily Slash damage.
- Gains 1x Melee Combo every 11 hits (down from 20), but max multiplier is reduced to 11x (down from 12x).
Advantages over other Melee weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
- Above average crit chance (24.00%)
- High crit multiplier (2.60x)
Disadvantages over other Melee weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
- Low total damage (168)
- Low status chance (18.00%)
- Very low disposition (●●○○○ (0.70x))
See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.
- Dex Nikana (Normal Attack), compared to Nikana (Normal Attack):
- Higher base damage (168.00 vs. 142.00)
- Higher total damage (168 vs. 142)
- Higher base critical chance (24.00% vs. 16.00%)
- Higher base critical multiplier (2.60x vs. 2.00x)
- Higher base status chance (18.00% vs. 16.00%)
- Higher attack speed (1.00x animation speed vs. 0.92x animation speed)
- Different polarities ( vs. )
- Higher Mastery Rank required (8 vs. 4)
- Lower disposition (●●○○○ (0.70x) vs. ●●●○○ (0.95x))
- Dex Nikana (Normal Attack), compared to Dragon Nikana (Normal Attack):
- Lower base damage (168.00 vs. 188.00)
- Lower total damage (168 vs. 188)
- Higher base critical chance (24.00% vs. 22.00%)
- Higher base critical multiplier (2.60x vs. 2.00x)
- Lower base status chance (18.00% vs. 22.00%)
- Different polarities ( vs. )
- Lower disposition (●●○○○ (0.70x) vs. ●●●●○ (1.15x))
- Dex Nikana (Normal Attack), compared to Nikana Prime (Normal Attack):
- Lower base damage (168.00 vs. 198.00)
- Lower total damage (168 vs. 198)
- Lower base critical chance (24.00% vs. 28.00%)
- Higher base critical multiplier (2.60x vs. 2.40x)
- Lower base status chance (18.00% vs. 28.00%)
- Lower attack speed (1.00x animation speed vs. 1.08x animation speed)
- Different polarities ( vs. )
- Lower Mastery Rank required (8 vs. 12)
- Higher disposition (●●○○○ (0.70x) vs. ●○○○○ (0.60x))
The Dex Nikana was released in commemoration of WARFRAME's 11th Year Anniversary. It is obtainable by logging in between March 27 to December 31, 2024, complete with a free weapon slot and a pre-installed Orokin Catalyst.
Dex Nikana Skins
Patch History[]
Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)
- Introduced.
See Also[]
- Dex
- Dex Furis, the first Dex weapon.
- Dex Dakra, the second Dex weapon.
- Dex Sybaris, the third Dex weapon.