Devstream #55 started on June 26, 2015, @ 2 PM EST
Starting with little sound problems and 5 minute mime-show, on the couch from left to right we had:
- DE Sheldon ( Studio Manager )
- DE Geoff ( Animation Director )
- DE Rebecca ( Community Manager)
- DE Steve ( Creative Director )
- DE Scott ( Design Director )
And as a bonus a cameo from DE George ( Sound staff )
- They are getting looked at, some will get 2-3 times more damage
- For now, the idea is to make dmg fall-off to be capped at 50%
- Changing the feel - make enemies split into parts on being shot, instead of just "holding my arm, now I'm dead"
- Greedy Pull dominates power usage, used 4 times more than any other power
- Using cooldowns as a way to solve this received a "no-go" from DE Scott
- Selfish Pull / Less-Greedy Pull (Not sure where does it come from)
- Armour concept arts made into models (
- Cosmetic only? Kubrow-arcane-stuff from raids? Who knows.
- U17
- 5th type of kubrow - retriever type, not a catbrow, but with feline parts
- Catbrows are type of kubrows
Cloth Physics[]
- More cloth physics on frames *great idea
- New frames has a ridiculous amount of physics
- Also, PBR pass on frames will happen gradually, will bring material-hotness to all existing content
- Capes + cloth physics are a thing
Grineer technological advancement[]
- Grineer Turrets, mannable by Tenno, have HP, cover you from enemy fire (
- Infested turret, puke cannon on the list of goals?
- Deployable covers, inflate when activated, deflate when shot (
- Auto-deploy on AI-1.0, will become manually activated when AI gets better
Parkour 2.0
- Pretty much everything is a surface for you to jump on, from, or to latch on, even enemies (
- Hard to control at start, you have to turn off muscle memory
- You can just hang around at walls and "feel ninja"
- Less speed, but more control and fidelity
- Double jump, you can reuse it any time you make a contact with jump surface, i.e. wall → double jump → wall → another double jump
- Shiny frames, use channeling effect to indicate usage of parkour moves
- Make yourself a bullet, close the distance to group of enemies and slash them
- Bouncing/backflipping off enemies knocks them down, or outright kills lower-lvl ones
- potentially moddable aspect of Warframe
- Removing auto-pilot copter, giving players a way to go from A to B in a way that requires more involved playing
- Reminder about removing of stamina, no word about Toxin-Chroma after patch rolls out
- Air-dodge, new mechanics, increased survivability in air
J3-Golem Trial[]
- Massive infested quadrant of space (
- When he moves, you have to fly inside his intestines (?), within limited space get to his belly and from there make him vulnerable, while outside team keeps him busy (
- If you fail you get ejected
- There will be introductory fragments of raid, showing you what to do before you confront him
- No sound the first time we saw it, reason why George was crying ( *Notes: We wouldn't want to blame George because he is trying to be best as he could*
Guide of Lotus program[]
- Launched today officially
- Purple text for guides
- Recruitment open based on staff/existing guides suggestions
- 10 per month, will require you to be a bit of an expert on Warframe
Star-map 3.0[]
- Looks like celestial atlas, mapped out by Tenno (
- Uses mythology and lore of Tenno
- Regions named after Tenno clans of yore, after which cores are named
- New lore with star map fragments unlocks
Melee weapons[]
- Mios in progress, probably 17.5
- Nun-chucks *to be continued, but definitely coming
Frost rework[]
- DeRebecca shows off her hacking skills
- New skills
- Freeze now slows enemies, with chance to freeze them, creates cold patches on the ground, similar to traps Void
- Ice Wave now shoots out in a cone, will receive new visuals (
- Snow globe pushes enemies away on spawn, you can only have 4 up, but the timer is gone (
- Avalanche freezes enemies, even the airborne ones, survivors have reduced armour (
- Frozen enemies hitting ground/walls will shatter/die (
- Passive *chance for enemies to get slowed on hitting frost with melee
- If all goes well U17, or soon after
Warframe APP[]
- Arsenal (, alerts, news, kubrows (, invasions, codex, foundry accessible from the app
- You can claim/build items (
- IOS/android, windows phone an optimistic yes
- You can be logged while playing Warframe
- App is free
Other stuff[]
Bonus :
- Pistol Gambit to receive a hotfix
Platinum winners : Silverbolt122, Rizy99, Veradis619, Kergen696, Mastergamefreak2012 *congratulations.
And big thanks from Warframe Reddit and a guy who made his gifs: and Vertiago