
The developers at Digital Extreme have scheduled another installment of their Livestream Developer Q&A ([1]).

The stream is scheduled for November 15th, @ 2pm EST (7pm GMT)
On Twitch


  • Grapple Hook will be regarded as one of the abilities instead of parkour tool. It is said that it'll grapple target, and then slice it into two by pulling it.
  • Armour/Damage 2.0 will also affect the way enemies deal damage.  This includes Grineer Sawmen dealing bleed damage.
  • All enemies will be visually different.  Melee units such as Corpus melee and Grineer melee units will also be given different animations.
  • Completion of the Star Chart will now give Mastery, along with other means of attaining mastery being implemented.  "Players that do not like using Shotguns will no longer have to rely shotguns for mastery if they don't want" - DE
  • Resource drones are going to be implemented.  They can be set up on a planet that you are not on, or when you are offline, and it will farm resources from that planet.  When it is full, you can claim the resources it has mined, or risk it getting destroyed by the enemies on that planet.
  • OD Void dragon keys are now going to give a greater warning that you have it equiped.  This is so you do not enter a normal mission with a dragon key equipped with any negative effects.
  • Vor's Prize is under work.
  • Syandanas are going to recieve better physics, along with warframe mes cloth physics at a later date.

