DefyModx256 Defy130xWhite

Escape death by receiving a boost of health when killed.
Energy Drain: 5 s-1

Introduced in Update 17.12 (2015-11-25)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:N/A
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:2 / 3 / 4 / 5 s (invulnerability duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

Misc: 45% / 50% / 65% / 75% (health restoration)
50% / 40% / 30% / 25% (energy reduction)

Subsumable to Helminth


  • Upon losing all of his health, Wukong is healed up to 45% / 50% / 65% / 75% of his maximum health and gains invulnerability for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 seconds. As a consequence, Wukong loses 50% / 40% / 30% / 25% of his current energy.
    • Health restoration and energy reduction are not affected by Ability Strength.
    • The amount of health restored diminishes with each subsequent death while Defy is active. As an example, if Wukong has his health reduced to zero a total of three times while Defy is active, a rank-3 Defy will restore 0.751 = 75%, 0.752 = ~56%, and 0.753 = ~42% of his maximum health for each respective death.
      • The subsequent health reduction applies to the current uninterrupted active toggle of Defy. Toggling off the ability and then reactivating it will refresh the health restoration to its maximum percentage.
    • The energy reduction applies to Wukong's current energy at the time his health is depleted. As an example, if Wukong has 100 energy when his health reaches zero while Defy is active, a rank-3 Defy will reduce his current energy to 100 × (1 - 0.25) = 75.
      • The energy reduction does not apply to Wukong's total energy capacity. If Wukong at max rank has a total energy capacity of 300 with a maxed Mod TT 20px Flow, Defy will not alter that capacity—only Wukong's current supply of energy is affected.
    • Invulnerability duration is affected by Ability Duration.
  • Defy drains 5 energy per second while active and will remain active until Wukong's energy is depleted, or the ability is deactivated by pressing the ability key again (default 2 ).

Tips & Tricks

  • Wukong's Defy keeps him alive longer if the player has Mod TT 20px Rage equipped.
