Official wiki

Use as a devastating heavy sword or apply a Dual Melee stance and split the weapon into two ferocious blades.

The Dark Split-Sword is a melee weapon with the unique ability to change weapon type depending on the Stance mod with which it is equipped: a double-bladed greatsword when equipped with Heavy Blade stances, or wielded as two separate blades when using Dual Sword stances.


  • This weapon deals primarily DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage in dual sword form and primarily DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation damage in heavy blade form.
  • Stance slot has Zenurik Pol polarity, matches Mod TT 20px Swirling Tiger stance.
    • Zenurik Pol stance polarity is incompatible with any of the heavy blade stances.
  • Innate Madurai Pol polarity.
Heavy Blade

Advantages over other Melee weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • Above average total damage (230)
    • High attack range (2.80 m)

Disadvantages over other Melee weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • Low crit chance (15.00%)
    • Low attack speed (0.92x animation speed)

See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.

Dual Swords

Advantages over other Melee weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • Above average crit chance (25.00%)
    • High attack speed (1.17x animation speed)
    • High crit multiplier (2.50x)

Disadvantages over other Melee weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • Very low total damage (116)
    • Low status chance (15.00%)

See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.


  • DarkSplitSwordHeavyBlade Dark Split-Sword (Heavy Blade) (Normal Attack), compared to DarkSplitSwordDualSwords Dark Split-Sword (Dual Swords) (Normal Attack):


The Dark Split-Sword's blueprint can be researched from the Tenno Lab in the dojo.

Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
DualSkana Dual Skana
Forma Forma
Rubedo Rubedo
MutagenMass Mutagen Mass
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 35
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge 225 Blueprint2 Blueprints Price:Credits15,000
Tenno Lab ResearchClanAffinity643,000
Tellurium Tellurium
AlloyPlate Alloy Plate
Rubedo Rubedo
MutagenSample Mutagen Sample
Time: 2 Day(s)
Prereq: Nami Skyla
Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100


  • Without any stance equipped, the Dark Split-Sword is used as a Heavy Blade weapon by default.


  • Heavy Blade and Dual Sword stances do not share any polarities, meaning players are forced to commit to either one of the two weapon types.
    • Alternatively, players can remove the stance slot's polarity with a Forma at the cost of capacity points.
    • Moreover, players can use a Stance Forma in order to add either Heavy Blade or Dual Sword stance mods with no consequences.


  • The Dark Split-Sword is the first melee weapon capable of using two different types of Stance mods, in this case Heavy Blade and Dual Sword stances, giving it the ability to use a total of 6 individual Stance mods.
  • The Dark Split-Sword is made up of a DarkSword Dark Sword and a DarkDagger Dark Dagger. This can be seen when equipping a dual swords stance.
  • The Dark Split-Sword is the first weapon from the Tenno Lab to require Mutagen Masses to craft.
  • On the Release of Update: Lunaro (2016-06-15) on PC, PC Gamer offered a limited time promo code for the Dulus weapon skin, which is essentially a stretched out PC Gamer logo on the sword.
  • Be aware when swapping loadouts, that Weapon Skins not compatible with the Dark Split-Sword's current form will be unequipped and need to be manually reselected each time, colors are not affected.


Dark Split-Sword Skins


Patch History[]

Hotfix 33.0.11 (2023-05-24)

  • Fixed long hitch that would occur when loading into the game with the Dark Split-Sword equipped.

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)

  • Fixed being unable to equip the Dark Split-Sword with any skins.

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

  • Fixed the Dark Split Sword (Dual Blades weapon type) being able to equip holster styles from various other weapon types.

Update 30.7 (2021-09-08)

  • Fixed inability to use Stance Forma or Umbra Forma on the Dark Split-Sword.

Hotfix (2020-07-14)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur for the new Host of an Archwing mission due to prior Host migration if they had the Dark Split-Sword equipped.

Hotfix 27.3.8 (2020-04-02)

  • Fixed inability to Polarize the Dark Split-Sword with Stance Forma or Umbra Forma.

Hotfix 26.0.7 (2019-11-14)

Dark Split Sword (Heavy Blade)
  • Increased Critical Chance from 10% to 15%.
  • Increased Puncture Damage from 68 to 78.
  • Slam Attack increased from 180 to 690.
  • Slide Attack increased from 180 to 460.

Update 26.0 (2019-10-31)
Actual patch notes made a mistake on heavy blade mode follow through.

Dark Split Sword
  • Mastery Rank increased from 0 to 5.
  • Damage increased from 65 Radiation to 116 (56 Puncture, 28 Slash, and 32 Radiation).
  • Range increased from 1 to 2.4.
  • Slam Attack increased from 130 to 232.
  • Slide Attack decreased from 390 to 232.
  • Parry Angle set to 60.
  • (Undocumented) Follow Through decreased from 0.6 to 0.5.
Dark Split-Sword (Heavy Blade)
  • Damage increased from 90 Radiation to 220 (68 Puncture, 52 Slash, and 100 Radiation).
  • Range increased from 1.45 to 2.8.
  • Slam Attack increased from 180 to 660.
  • Slide Attack increased from 180 to 440.
  • Parry Angle set to 55.
  • Follow Through decreased from 0.9 to 0.6.

Hotfix 22.20.5 (2018-05-24)

  • Fixed Dark split Sword appearing as unranked for Clients at the beginning of a mission even though it's ranked.

Hotfix 21.0.8 (2017-07-13)

  • Fixed Dark Split Sword Rivens having no effect when equipped.

Update 19.0 (2016-11-11)

  • Fixed Mods equipped on the Dark Split Sword not staying on the weapon when exiting out of the Arsenal.
  • Fixed incorrect sheathing of the Dark Split-Sword when equipped with a Dual Sword Stance Mod (Crossing Snakes, Swirling Tiger, Dividing Blades).

Update: Recurring Nightmares (2016-10-27)

  • Fixed incorrect entries for the Dark Split-Sword in player profile.
  • Conclave: Reduced the damage of the Dark Split Sword in the two handed form.

Update: The Silver Grove (2016-08-19)

  • Fixed an issue where the Dark Split Sword would show a Mire when being built in the Foundry.

Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08)

  • Increased Dark Split-Swords critical chance while dual wielding by to 25% and Critical Multiplier to 2.5x.
  • Slightly increased the Dark Split Sword dual wield attack speed.
  • Slightly decreased the Dark Split Sword Heavy Blade attack speed.
  • Increased the Dark Split Sword Heavy Blade Element Damage to 90 and status chance to 25%.

Hotfix 18.14.2 (2016-06-09)

  • Visually tweaked the Dark Split-Sword’s Energy trail to fit better on the weapon.
  • Fixed the Dark Split-Sword not listed in the Melee section of the Codex.
  • Fixed ranked Stance Mods equipped on the Dark Split-Sword being un-ranked.
  • Dark Split-Sword can now be used in the Conclave.

Hotfix 18.14.1 (2016-06-08)

  • Dark Split-Sword can now be sold from Inventory.
  • Fixed the Dark Split-Sword not rewarding Affinity for Clients.

Update 18.14 (2016-06-08)

  • Introduced.

Last updated: Hotfix 26.0.7 (2019-11-14)

See Also[]
