
When a player or enemy receives damage to their health or shields, that damage may be increased by sources of damage vulnerability. In other words, players may deal more damage than the listed Arsenal value due to debuffs applied to an enemy, making them receive more damage than usual. Damage vulnerability effects multiply the damage that a target receives. In other words, they stack multiplicatively with damage bonuses and buffs, including other sources of damage vulnerability.

Note that damage vulnerability is the not same as positive damage type modifiers which vary between damage types dealt against pure health, shields, or armored health.

Sources of Damage Vulnerability[]

SonarModx256 Sonar130xWhite

Using acoustic location, Banshee's Sonar power finds and tracks enemies, and exposes critical weak spots to everyone in your squad.

Introduced in Update 7.0 (2013-03-18)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:2x / 3x / 4x / 5x
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:10 / 15 / 20 / 30 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:20 / 25 / 30 / 35 m

ContainmentWallModx256 ContainmentWall130xWhite
Containment Wall

Contain the threat. Qorvex summons walls that slam together, damaging all enemies caught between them and inflicting Radiation Status.

Introduced in Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:125 / 150 / 175 / 200 DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation damage per tick
2,000 / 2,500 / 3,000 / 3,500 DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage on smash
+25% damage type modifier
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:14 / 16 / 18 / 20 m walls length

Misc: 2 parallel walls
2 m placement distance
10 m walls gap
3m length x 1m width x 3m height segment dimensions
Light RollingDroneAvatar Stagger on segment creation
1 s assembly time
DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation status per hit
0.125 s damage interval
7 DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation damage ticks
Enemy linear displacement on smash
Large RollingDroneAvatar Stagger on smash
Melee finisher prompt
∞ damage vuln. debuff duration


PetrifyModx256 Petrify130xWhite

Atlas' hardened gaze will fossilize foes, heal Rumblers, and create Petrified Bulwarks. When shattered, petrified enemies drop healing Rubble for Atlas.

Introduced in Update 17.5 (2015-10-01)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:100% (Rumbler heal)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:5 / 10 / 15 / 20 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:10 / 11 / 12 / 14 m (cone length)

Misc: 60° (FOV)
+50% (damage type modifier)
1 (Rubble dropped per enemy)

Subsumable to Helminth

ThanomechRepulse ThanomechRepulse
Firing Line

Sweep surrounding enemies into the line of fire with a force beam.

Introduced in Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:N/A
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:5 s (Lifted b Lifted duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 m

Misc: 180 / 240 / 300/ 360 °/s (speed)
1.5 x (Lifted b Lifted Damage Vulnerability)


SentientWrathModx256 SentientWrath130xWhite
Sentient Wrath

Smash the ground sending out a radial wave of destruction. Those not killed by the initial blast are helplessly lifted into the air, where they take amplified damage for a short time.

Introduced in Update 31.0 (2021-12-15)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:500 / 1,000 / 1,500 / 2,000 (DmgTauSmall64 Tau damage)
15 / 20 / 25 / 35 % (damage vulnerability)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:4 / 6 / 8 / 10 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:10 / 14 / 18 / 22 m

Misc: 100% (DmgTauSmall64 Tau status chance)
~10 m/s (projectile speed)

Subsumable to Helminth

RestRageModx256 RestRage130xWhite
Rest & Rage

In Night Form targets are put to sleep. In Day Form targets become more vulnerable to damage.

Introduced in Update 17.0 (2015-07-31)

Strength: N/A
Duration: 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 s
Range: 1 / 3 / 3 / 5 m (area radius)
20 / 30 / 40 / 50 m (cast range)
Misc:80 / 70 / 60 / 50 % (wakeup health threshold)

Strength: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 % (damage vulnerability)
5 / 10 / 15 / 20 % (enemy speed bonus)
Duration: 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 s
Range: 1 / 3 / 3 / 5 m (area radius)
20 / 30 / 40 / 50 m (cast range)

Subsumable to Helminth

MassVitrifyModx256 MassVitrify130xWhite
Mass Vitrify

Create an expanding ring of molten glass that slowly crystallizes enemies who enter. When the expansion is complete, the ring hardens to block weapons fire. The ring draws extra strength from the health and shields of crystallized enemies. Use Shattered Lash to smash the ring and send razor-sharp glass flying outward.

Introduced in Update 22.0 (2017-10-12)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:20% / 30% / 40% / 50% (Damage Vulnerability)
500 / 750 / 1000 / 1600 (ring segment base health)
500 / 600 / 700 / 800 (segment explosion damage)
5x (armor multiplier)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:2 / 2.25 / 2.75 / 3 s (expansion time)
10 / 12 / 14 / 16 s (effect duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:2 m (ring initial radius)
3 m/s (ring expansion rate)
8 / 8.75 / 10.25 / 11 m (ring max radius)
8 / 10 / 12 / 15 m (explosion range)

Misc: 3 m (ring initial height)
12 m (ring max height)
3 s (crystallization time)
12 (ring segments)


SplinterStormModx256 SplinterStorm130xWhite
Splinter Storm

Gara's armor splinters into a maelstrom of shattered glass that slices enemies and impairs their weapons. Allies who contact the cloud are fortified against damage.

Introduced in Update 22.0 (2017-10-12)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (damage per second)
25% / 30% / 50% / 70% (damage reduction)
15% / 20% / 25% / 35% (damage vulnerability)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:10 / 14 / 18 / 22 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:15 / 20 / 25 / 30 m (cast)
1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 m (radius)

Misc: 50% (absorbed damage)


StrangledomeModx256 Strangledome130xWhite

Weave a dome of living chain that ensnares and strangles any enemy within, and any foolish enough to approach. Foes outside the trap will try to hasten their comrade's deaths by shooting them. Crack Whipclaw on the dome to further damage any trapped enemies.

Introduced in Update 22.18 (2018-04-20)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:100 / 150 / 200 / 250
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:5 / 10 / 15 / 20 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:5 m (dome radius)
5 / 5 / 6 / 10 m (grab radius)

Misc: 26 (number of vertices)
2.0x (damage multiplier, non-Whipclaw sources)
50% (Whipclaw damage distribution)
2 (limit of instances active)


MagnetizeModx256 Magnetize130xWhite

(TAP) Enclose a target in a magnetic field that ensnares nearby enemies and deals damage over time. The field pulls Polarize Shards that orbited Mag and shrapnel into the deadly mix. (HOLD) Mag surrounds herself in a magnetic field that absorbs ranged attacks and reflects damage back in a destructive cone.

Introduced in Update 18.13 (2016-05-27)

Strength: 50 / 150 / 200 / 300 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast explosion base damage)
1.25x / 1.5x / 1.75x / 2x (damage multiplier)
2x / 2.5x / 3.5x / 4x (magnetic pull)
Duration: 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 s
Range: 15 m (explosion radius)
4 m (field radius)
Misc:10% / 15% / 20% / 25% (damage absorption)
∞ (cast range)

Strength: 50 / 150 / 200 / 300 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast base damage)
10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage increase per second)
2x (absorption multiplier)
200 / 300 / 400 / 500 (polarize shard damage)
Duration: 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 s
Range: 15 m (blast range)
Misc:120° (blast angle)
4 m (absorption radius)


BlazingChakramModx256 BlazingChakram130xWhite
Blazing Chakram

Hurl a flaming ring that burns enemies and causes them to emit a healing blast on death. Reactivate to instantly travel to the ring's location.

Introduced in Update 18.1 (2015-12-16)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage)
400 / 600 / 800 / 1000 (boosted DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage)
60% / 75% / 85% / 100% (vulnerability)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:10 / 11 / 13 / 15 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

Misc: 50% / 65% / 80% / 100% (health orb chance)
20% / 25% / 30% / 35% (energy orb chance)
30 m (uncharged throw distance)
70 m (charged throw distance)


MolecularPrimeModx256 MolecularPrime130xWhite
Molecular Prime

Primes all enemies in a radius with anti-matter.

Introduced in Update 9.0 (2013-07-13)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:150 / 300 / 500 / 800 (explosion DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage)
?% / ?% / ?% / 50% (slow/speed-up)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:2 / 3 / 4 / 6 s (wave duration)
10 / 15 / 20 / 30 s (prime duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:6 / 7 / 8 / 10 m (explosion radius)

Misc: 5 m (starting wave radius)
5 m/s (wave speed)
20% (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast status chance)
100% (Damage Vulnerability)
15 / 20 / 25 / 35 m (default wave radius)


ReapModx256 Reap130xWhite

Sevagoth’s Shadow flies outward ravaging enemies in his path. Survivors are damaged by Death’s Harvest over time. The souls of the dead fill the Death Well.

Introduced in Update 30.0 (2021-04-13)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation damage)

10 / 20 / 30 / 50 % (damage vulnerability debuff)

AbilityDurationBuff Duration:2.5 / 3 / ? / 6 s (flight duration)

5 / 7 / 8 / 10 s (debuff duration)

AbilityRangeBuff Range:2 / 3 / ? / 8 m

Misc: 10 / 15 m/s (tap-cast flight speeds)
20 / 30 m/s (hold-cast flight speeds)
1 (active Shadow limit)
1 (damage and mark instance per enemy)
25% (current enemy health done as DmgBlastSmall64 Blast)
4 m (radial damage range)
5 % (Death Well gain per enemy)

DeathsHarvestModx256 DeathsHarvest130xWhite
Death's Harvest

Inflict nearby enemies with a harrowing condition.

Introduced in Update 30.0 (2021-04-13)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:10 / 20 / 30 / 50 % (damage vulnerability)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:5 / 7 / 8 / 10 s (debuff duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:5 / 8 / 10 / 12 m

Misc: 5 % (Death Well gain per enemy)


SeaSnaresModx256 SeaSnares130xWhite
Sea Snares

Form three water globules that seek out enemies and expand on contact, simultaneously damaging and immobilizing their victims.

Introduced in Update 30.5 (2021-07-06)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:100 / 150 / 200 / 250 /s (DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage per second)
+ 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 /s (DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage increase per second)
125 / 150 / 175 / 200 % (damage vulnerability)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:6 / 8 / 10 / 12 s (ensnare duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:15 / 20 / 25 / 30 m (seek range)

Misc: 5 (globules per cast)
5 m (placement distance)
12.8 m/s (globule speed)
15 (active globules cap)
20 s (globule lifetime)
10 m (globule target radius)
∞ (snared enemy count)


TheVastUntimeModx256 TheVastUntime130xWhite
The Vast Untime

Temporarily shed the outer pieces of Xaku in a destructive blast, then stalk the battlefield in a new, swifter skeletal form. Enemies damaged by the body shrapnel are rendered weaker to Void damage.

Introduced in Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:600 / 800 / 1,000 / 1,200 (DmgVoidSmall64 Void damage)
10 / 15 / 20 / 25 % (slow)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 m

Misc: +50% (DmgVoidSmall64 Void damage vulnerability)
100 % (slow cap)
75 % (Dodge chance and area damage reduction)
+20% (move speed bonus)
Ability duration paused



Patch History[]

Update 37.0 (2024-10-02)

  • The following abilities now apply their Damage Vulnerability against enemy Shields and Overguard (previously they only applied to enemy Health):
    • Xaku’s Vast Untime
    • Mag’s Magnetize
    • Titania’s Beguiling Lantern Augment
    • Bonewidow’s Firing Line
    • Gara’s Mass Vitrify
    • Gara’s Splinter Storm
    • Nezha’s Blazing Chakram
    • Nova’s Molecular Prime
