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For the aura mod, see Corrosive Projection.
Created by combining DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin and DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage. Highly effective against Grineer Ferrite Armor and Fossilized Infested.
Corrosive Status Effect temporarily removes up to 80% of the target's armor value with multiple stacks.
—In-game Description

DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive Damage is one of the six secondary elemental damage types, composed of DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin and DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage. It is immensely useful against IconGrineerOn Grineer Ferrite Armor and Fossilized Infestation w Infested creatures, but fares poorly against the Proto Shields of some elite IconCorpusOn Corpus enemies.

Status Effects[]


The status effect of DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive damage is Corrosion. It temporarily degrades the armor of the afflicted target by 20% for 8 seconds. Each stack inflicted reduces the original armor by an additional 6%, culminating in a total armor reduction of 80% at 10 stacks, with each stack having its own duration. Any stacks applied after the 10th will replace the oldest stack.

EmeraldArchonShard Emerald Archon Shard can increase the maximum DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive status procs by +2 (+3 for TauforgedEmeraldArchonShard Tauforged). Applying 14 stacks can fully remove all armor for the duration of the status.

HydroidIcon272 Hydroid's passive causes enemies damaged by him to be permanently more vulnerable to DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive status, with the first proc degrading 50% of armor, allowing him to have 100% armor reduction at 10 stacks. This vulnerability can come from any source of DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive procs, not just from Hydroid's weapons or abilities, as long as he has damaged the enemy.

Enemies affected by a DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive proc will be covered in a faint green, electricity-like substance. Enemies killed while affected by a DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive proc will have their corpses partially corroded and dissolved.

DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive status armor reduction is multiplicative with other armor reduction sources. This can be expressed as the following:
Armor after reduction = (1 - 50%) × [1 - (20% + 6% × Number of Corrosive stacks)] × (1 - 18% × Number Corrosive Projections)

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For example, a full 4-player squad with max-rank Mod TT 20px Corrosive Projections, an active DmgFireSmall64 Heat proc, and max stacked DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive proc will result in an enemy's armor being reduced to:

(1 - 50%) × [1 - (20% + 6% × 10)] × (1 - 18% × 4) = 2.8%.

If only one player has a max-rank Mod TT 20px Corrosive Projection with the above statuses, an enemy's armor would instead be reduced to:

(1 - 50%) × [1 - (20% + 6% × 10)] × (1 - 18%) = 8.2%.

An active DmgFireSmall64 Heat proc, and max stacked DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive proc without Mod TT 20px Corrosive Projection would result in an enemy's armor being reduced to:

(1 - 50%) × [1 - (20% + 6% × 10)] = 10%.

Currently, the only non-ability method to completely remove armor is to use Mod TT 20px Shattering Impact, Mod TT 20px Sharpened Claws or a dagger in tandem with Mod TT 20px Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger.


DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive does not have a Railjack space counterpart and is thus not able to proc any status effect nor is it included in calculations for status proc weighting.

Type Effectiveness[]

IconGrineerOn Grineer Health Corrosive Modifier IconCorpusOn Corpus Health Corrosive Modifier Infestation w Infested Health Corrosive Modifier MurmurIcon The Murmur Health Corrosive Modifier
Cloned Flesh Flesh Infested Indifferent Facade
Ferrite Armor Shield Infested Flesh Machinery
Alloy Armor Proto Shield Fossilized Ferrite Armor
Machinery Robotic Infested Sinew

As with all damage types effective against armor, DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive damage's type modifier works in two ways: it ignores a percentage of the target's armor, and increases the damage dealt in the same way as a type modifier against hitpoints. Practically speaking, this means that DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive damage is only reduced by 25% of a target's whole Ferrite Armor and the base damage is increased by +75%.

Corrosive Sources[]

Main article: Category:Corrosive Damage


Main article: Category:Corrosive Damage Weapons
Weapons with Corrosive damage
Name Slot Class Attack Name DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive Majority
Catabolyst Catabolyst Secondary Pistol Primary 53 100.00% DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive
Caustacyst Caustacyst Melee Scythe Normal Attack 103 39.62% DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive
ScourgePrime Scourge Prime Primary Speargun Projectile Impact 80 100.00% DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive
Scourge Scourge Primary Speargun Projectile Impact 70 100.00% DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive
Stug Stug Secondary Pistol Blob Explosion 75 100.00% DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive
Synapse Synapse Primary Rifle Normal Attack 20 100.00% DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive


†Denotes a source of corrosive damage that does not inflict the status effect on enemies.



TempestBarrageModx256 TempestBarrage130xWhite
Tempest Barrage

Summon a tempest to rain down upon a target area.

Introduced in Update 13.0 (2014-04-09)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:150 / 175 / 225 / 300 (DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive base damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:4 / 6 / 8 / 10 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:5 m (explosion radius)

Misc: ∞ (cast range)
4/s (salvos per sec)
3 / 5 / 8 / 10 m (barrage radius)
forced DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive status effect

Subsumable to Helminth

TidalSurgeModx256 TidalSurge130xWhite
Tidal Surge

Crash through enemies in a ferocious wall of water.

Introduced in Update 13.0 (2014-04-09)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:100 / 200 / 250 / 300 DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive damage
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:3 / 4 / 5 / 6 m striking radius

Misc: Self status cleanse on cast
Invulnerable during dash
? / ? / ? / 40 m/s speed
1 s wave duration
Ragdoll b Ragdoll on contact
DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive status on initial hit and variable stacks in contact
50% recast energy discount


PlunderModx256 Plunder130xWhite

Plunder Armor from nearby enemies and increase Corrosive Damage on your Abilities and weapons. Enemies affected by Corrosion Status offer a greater increase.

Introduced in Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:20 / 25 / 30 / 40 (armor per enemy)
20 / 25 / 30 / 40 (armor per DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive status)
750 (armor cap)
5% / 6% / 7.5% / 10% (DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive bonus damage per enemy)
5% / 6% / 7.5% / 10% (DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive bonus damage per enemy per DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive status)
200% (DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive bonus damage cap)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 s (duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:25 m (range)

TentacleSwarmModx256 TentacleSwarm130xWhite
Tentacle Swarm

Summon a creature from the depths. Its watery tentacles emergy from nearby surfaces to wreak havoc.

Introduced in Update 13.0 (2014-04-09)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:50 / 100 / 150 / 200 (DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive capture damage per second)
50 / 100 / 150 / 200 (DmgTrueSmall64 True contact damage against Overguarded targets)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:10 / 13 / 18 / 20 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:15 / 15 / 15 / 15 m (spawn radius)

Misc: ∞ (cast range)
8 / 12 / 16 / 20 (tentacles)
Ragdoll b Ragdoll during capture
100% (DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive status chance)


ScarabSwarmModx256 ScarabSwarm130xWhite
Scarab Swarm

Summon a Scarab Swarm to attack enemies with guaranteed Corrosion Status. Damage scales with Inaros' Health. Enemies killed while immersed in the swarm summon a Swarm Kavat that fights alongside Inaros and guides the scarabs to other enemies.

Introduced in Update 18.5 (2016-03-04)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:N/A
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:6 / 10 / 12 / 15 s (swarm duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:20 / 22 / 25 / 30 m (cast range)
12 m (spread range)

Misc: 5% / 6.5% / 8% / 10% (health as DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive damage/sec)
DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive status per tick
? s swarm spread interval
100% (spread remaining duration)
3 (Swarm Kavat limit)
20 s (Swarm Kavat lifespan)


DanseMacabreModx256 DanseMacabre130xWhite
Danse Macabre

Erupt with a multitude of Eidolon energy beams and sweep a circle of death around Revenant. The beams will modify their Damage Type to target select defenses, while incoming damage is redirected back into the beams. Hold fire to boost Status Effects and Damage, at the cost of increased energy consumption. Thralls killed by this leave overshield pickups.

Introduced in Update 23.5 (2018-08-24)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:500 / 750 / 1,000 / 1,250 (damage / s)
1,000 / 1,500 / 2,000 / 2,500 (boosted damage / s)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:0.03 / 0.05 / 0.08 / 0.1 m (beam radius)
0.05 / 0.1 / 0.15 / 0.2 m (boosted beam radius)

Misc: 9 (number of beams)
100 m (sweep area)
1 rev/sec (rotation speed)
20% (status chance)
40% (boosted status chance)
50 (overshield points per pickup)
23.33% stored damage decay/sec

Only applies DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive damage on armored enemies.

SporesModx256 Spores130xWhite

Inflict a target with a pox of DmgCorrosiveSmall64Corrosive spores. Spread spores to nearby enemies by destroying them or killing their host. The longer the Spore spreads, its damage will increase.

Introduced in Update 7.0 (2013-03-18)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:6 / 8 / 8 / 10 (initial damage)
1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 2 (damage growth per enemy)
50% (DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive status chance)
20% (reset decay)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:10% (damage decay rate)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:30 / 40 / 50 / 60 m (cast range)
10 / 12 / 14 / 16 m (spread radius)

Misc: ∞ (duration)
7 (damage growth enemy cap)
0.5 s (damage decay interval)
2 / 2 / 3 / 3 (initial spores)
1 (transmitted spore)
3 (max spores per enemy via spread)
12 (max spores per enemy via recast)
4.0x (miasma damage multiplier)


Additional Effects[]

Some mods add additional effects when a DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive occurs or dealing DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive damage.


  • DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive damage can be combined with DmgViralSmall64 Viral damage (when applicable) to create a deadly damage combo against enemies with armor, especially the Grineer. The reduction of armor will lessen the reduction of damage, while viral procs will increase damage dealt even further.
  • DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive pairs well with weapons that do primarily DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage. This results in an excellent faction-neutral build, as Corrosive is either buffed or normal against every damage type except for Corpus Proto Shields, which the Impact makes up for, especially on a high-crit weapon.


Patch History[]

Update 33.6 (2023-07-27)

  • Fixed crash related to Corrosive procs.

Hotfix 33.5.3 (2023-06-23)

  • Fixed crash related to Corrosive procs.

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)

  • (Undocumented) Corrosive damage icon updated to match Essential Corrosive Glyph.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • The first Corrosive Status Effect strips 26% Armor. Subsequent Corrosive Status Effects strip 6% more Armor, leading up to 80% Armor removal. Each Corrosive Status Effect lasts 8 seconds.
    • Note: Corrosive was the only Status with infinite Duration and 100% Efficacy toward a defensive stat. This was necessary to some based on how Armor Scaled. We feel our rebalancing efforts need a differently behaving Corrosive to balance out all Status overall.

Update 11.0 (2013-11-20)

  • Introduced.

See Also[]
