
Created by combining DmgFireSmall64 Heat and DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage. Highly effective against Grineer Machinery and Fossilized Infested.
Blast Status Effect reduces enemy gun accuracy up to 75% with multiple stacks for a short duration.
—In-game Description

DmgBlastSmall64 Blast Damage is one of the six secondary elemental damage types, composed of DmgFireSmall64 Heat and DmgColdSmall64 Cold elements. The violent force of this damage is highly destructive to IconGrineerOn Grineer Machinery and brittle Fossilized Infestation w Infested creatures, but performs poorly against the Ferrite Armor worn by many Grineer units.

Status Effects[]


The status effect of DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage is Detonate. It causes a miniature explosion over a 5 meter radius.

Enemies affected by a DmgBlastSmall64 Blast proc will have their heads covered in sparks and a smoke-like cloud.


DmgBlastSmall64 Blast does not have a Railjack space counterpart and is thus not able to proc any status effect nor is it included in calculations for status proc weighting.

Type Effectiveness[]

IconGrineerOn Grineer Health Blast Modifier IconCorpusOn Corpus Health Blast Modifier Infestation w Infested Health Blast Modifier MurmurIcon The Murmur Health Blast Modifier
Cloned Flesh Flesh Infested Indifferent Facade
Ferrite Armor Shield Infested Flesh Machinery
Alloy Armor Proto Shield Fossilized Ferrite Armor
Machinery Robotic Infested Sinew

As with all damage types ineffective against armor, DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage's type modifier works in two ways: it decreases the damage dealt in the same way as a type modifier against hitpoints and increases the armor's value by a percentage of the target's armor for the damage calculation. Practically speaking, this means that DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage is reduced by -25% and damage is further reduced by 125% of a target's whole Ferrite Armor.

Blast Sources[]

Main article: Category:Blast Damage


Main article: Category:Blast Damage Weapons
Weapons with Blast damage
Name Slot Class Attack Name DmgBlastSmall64 Blast Majority
Aegrit Aegrit Secondary Thrown Detonation 797 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
AkariusPrime Akarius Prime Secondary Dual Pistols Rocket Detonation 509 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Akarius Akarius Secondary Dual Pistols Rocket Detonation 419 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Angstrum Angstrum Secondary Pistol Single Rocket Explosion 250 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Arquebex Arquebex Archgun (Atmosphere) Exalted Weapon Radial Attack 9000 75.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
CarminePenta Carmine Penta Primary Launcher Grenade Detonation 350 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
GlaivePrime Glaive Prime Melee Glaive Charged Throw Recall Explosion 1184 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Glaive Glaive Melee Glaive Charged Throw Recall Explosion 756 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Grattler Grattler (Atmosphere) Archgun (Atmosphere) Launcher Explosion 310 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Grattler Grattler Archgun Archgun Explosion 205 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
HalikarWraith Halikar Wraith Melee Glaive Charged Throw Recall Explosion 1314 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Halikar Halikar Melee Glaive Charged Throw Recall Explosion 894 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
HandGrenade Hand Grenade Unique Enemy Explosion 495 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Kestrel Kestrel Melee Glaive Charged Throw Recall Explosion 504 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
KuvaAyanga Kuva Ayanga (Atmosphere) Archgun (Atmosphere) Launcher Explosion 280 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
KuvaAyanga Kuva Ayanga Archgun Archgun Explosion 187 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
KuvaBramma Kuva Bramma Primary Bow Radial Attack 839 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
KuvaGrattler Kuva Grattler (Atmosphere) Archgun (Atmosphere) Launcher Explosion 235 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
KuvaGrattler Kuva Grattler Archgun Archgun Explosion 155 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
KuvaOgris Kuva Ogris Primary Launcher Rocket Explosion 349 50.80% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
KuvaTonkor Kuva Tonkor Primary Launcher Grenade Explosion 302 44.81% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
KuvaZarr Kuva Zarr Primary Launcher Cannon Mode Explosion 673 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Lenz Lenz Primary Bow Bubble Collapse 660 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
OrdnanceMilati Milati MK I Railjack Ordnance Ordnance Normal Attack 1620 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
OrdnanceMilati Milati MK II Railjack Ordnance Ordnance Normal Attack 2754 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
OrdnanceMilati Milati MK III Railjack Ordnance Ordnance Normal Attack 4407 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
OrdnanceMilati Milati Railjack Ordnance Ordnance Normal Attack 900 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Morgha Morgha (Atmosphere) Archgun (Atmosphere) Launcher Radial Attack 328 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Morgha Morgha Archgun Archgun Auto Burst Explosion 164 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Ogris Ogris Primary Launcher Rocket Explosion 600 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Penta Penta Primary Launcher Grenade Detonation 350 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
PrismaAngstrum Prisma Angstrum Secondary Pistol Single Rocket Explosion 250 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
PrismaLenz Prisma Lenz Primary Bow Bubble Collapse 740 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
RedeemerPrime Redeemer Prime Melee Gunblade Ranged Attack 80 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Redeemer Redeemer Melee Gunblade Ranged Attack 30 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
SecuraPenta Secura Penta Primary Launcher Grenade Detonation 300 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Talons Talons Secondary Thrown Embedded Detonation 250 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Tonkor Tonkor Primary Launcher Grenade Explosion 650 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
OrdnanceTychoSeeker Tycho Seeker MK I Railjack Ordnance Ordnance Normal Attack 14400 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
OrdnanceTychoSeeker Tycho Seeker MK II Railjack Ordnance Ordnance Normal Attack 24480 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
OrdnanceTychoSeeker Tycho Seeker MK III Railjack Ordnance Ordnance Normal Attack 39168 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
OrdnanceTychoSeeker Tycho Seeker Railjack Ordnance Ordnance Normal Attack 8000 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast
Zarr Zarr Primary Launcher Cannon Mode Explosion 175 100.00% DmgBlastSmall64 Blast




SoundQuakeModx256 SoundQuake130xWhite
Sound Quake

Channeling all of her acoustic energy into the environment, Banshee uses ultrasonic reverberations to violently shake the ground.

Introduced in Update 7.0 (2013-03-18)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:125 / 150 / 175 / 200 /s (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:12 / 15 / 18 / 20 m

Misc: Caster immobile
Stagger per hit


FusionStrikeModx256 FusionStrike130xWhite
Fusion Strike

Converge three streams of raw energy upon a single point, causing a massive reactive blast. The fallout from the blast will strip the armor and shields from all enemies that touch it.

Introduced in Update 31.0 (2021-12-15)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:2,500 / 3,000 / 4,000 / 5,000 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage per stream)
2,500 / 3,000 / 4,000 / 5,000 (explosion DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage)
20 / 25 / 35 / 50 % (armor and shield strip)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:6 / 9 / 12 / 15 s (fallout duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:15 / 20 / 25 / 30 m (stream range)
5 / 6 / 8 / 10 m (explosion and fallout radius)

Misc: 3 (number of streams)
100 % (strip cap)


ThermalSunderModx256 ThermalSunder130xWhite
Thermal Sunder

Siphon kinetic energy from the area, charging the battery and inflicting DmgColdSmall64Cold Status on nearby enemies. Hold reverses the process, draining the battery and inflicting DmgFireSmall64Heat Status on nearby enemies.

Introduced in Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)

Strength: 75 - 375 / 100 - 500 / 125 - 625 / 150 - 750 (DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage)
Duration: 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 s (area duration)
2.5 - 5 / 3 - 6 / 3.5 - 7 / 4 - 8 s (status duration)
Range: 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 m (initial radius)
3 / 4 / 5 / 6 m (final radius)
Misc:10% (battery charge)
1 (DmgColdSmall64 Cold status proc on cast)
9 (DmgColdSmall64 Cold status procs on DmgColdSmall64 Cold afflicted enemy)
10 (DmgColdSmall64 Cold status procs from Redline)
≤100% (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast enemy armor reduction from Redline)
4 (limit of areas per element)

Strength: 150 - 750 / 200 - 1000 / 250 - 1250 / 300 - 1500 DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage)
Duration: 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 s (area duration)
2.5 - 5 / 3 - 6 / 3.5 - 7 / 4 - 8 s (status duration)
Range: 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 m (initial radius)
3 / 4 / 5 / 6 m (final radius)
Misc:10% (battery drain)
1 (DmgFireSmall64 Heat status proc on cast)
100% (DmgFireSmall64 Heat ignite damage bonus)
100% DmgFireSmall64 Heat ignite chance from Redline)
≤100% (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast enemy armor reduction from Redline)
4 (limit of areas per element)

Subsumable to Helminth

MagnetizeModx256 Magnetize130xWhite

(TAP) Enclose a target in a magnetic field that ensnares nearby enemies and deals damage over time. The field pulls Polarize Shards that orbited Mag and shrapnel into the deadly mix. (HOLD) Mag surrounds herself in a magnetic field that absorbs ranged attacks and reflects damage back in a destructive cone.

Introduced in Update 18.13 (2016-05-27)

Strength: 50 / 150 / 200 / 300 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast explosion base damage)
1.25x / 1.5x / 1.75x / 2x (damage multiplier)
2x / 2.5x / 3.5x / 4x (magnetic pull)
Duration: 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 s
Range: 15 m (explosion radius)
4 m (field radius)
Misc:10% / 15% / 20% / 25% (damage absorption)
∞ (cast range)

Strength: 50 / 150 / 200 / 300 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast base damage)
10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage increase per second)
2x (absorption multiplier)
200 / 300 / 400 / 500 (polarize shard damage)
Duration: 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 s
Range: 15 m (blast range)
Misc:120° (blast angle)
4 m (absorption radius)


NullStarModx256 NullStar130xWhite
Null Star

Creates anti-matter particles that orbit Nova and seek nearby targets.

Introduced in Update 9.0 (2013-07-13)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:80 / 100 / 120 / 150 (DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:3 / 4 / 5 / 6 (particles)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:7 / 8 / 10 / 12 m (attack radius)

Misc: 1 s (attack interval)
∞ (particle duration)
5% (damage reduction per particle)
90% (damage reduction cap)

Subsumable to Helminth

MolecularPrimeModx256 MolecularPrime130xWhite
Molecular Prime

Primes all enemies in a radius with anti-matter.

Introduced in Update 9.0 (2013-07-13)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:150 / 300 / 500 / 800 (explosion DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage)
10% / 20% / 25% / 30% (slow)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:2 / 3 / 4 / 6 s (wave duration)
10 / 15 / 20 / 30 s (prime duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:6 / 7 / 8 / 10 m (explosion radius)

Misc: 5 m (starting wave radius)
5 m/s (wave speed)
2x (damage multiplier)
15 / 20 / 25 / 35 m (default wave radius)


The DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage come from mallet, after it absorbs enemy damage.

MalletModx256 Mallet130xWhite

Rhythmically beats damage into nearby enemies and draws their fire. Damage inflicted on the Mallet increases its lethality.

Introduced in Update 20.0 (2017-03-24)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:1x / 1.5x / 2x / 2.5x (damage multiplier)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:8 / 12 / 16 / 20 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:5 / 6 / 8 / 10 m

Misc: 1 (limit of mallets)


RhinoStompModx256 RhinoStomp130xWhite
Rhino Stomp

Rhino stomps with force sufficient to disrupt time, tumbling enemies around him in stasis.

Introduced in Vanilla (2012-10-25)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:150 / 300 / 500 / 800 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:3 / 4 / 5 / 8 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:15 / 18 / 22 / 25 m

Misc: 80% / 90% / 95% / 97.5% (slow)


ReapModx256 Reap130xWhite

Sevagoth’s Shadow flies outward ravaging enemies in his path. Survivors are damaged by Death’s Harvest over time. The souls of the dead fill the Death Well.

Introduced in Update 30.0 (2021-04-13)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation damage)

10 / 20 / 30 / 50 % (damage vulnerability debuff)

AbilityDurationBuff Duration:2.5 / 3 / ? / 6 s (flight duration)

5 / 7 / 8 / 10 s (debuff duration)

AbilityRangeBuff Range:2 / 3 / ? / 8 m

Misc: 10 / 15 m/s (tap-cast flight speeds)
20 / 30 m/s (hold-cast flight speeds)
1 (active Shadow limit)
1 (damage and mark instance per enemy)
25% (current enemy health done as DmgBlastSmall64 Blast)
4 m (radial damage range)
5 % (Death Well gain per enemy)


SowModx256 Sow130xWhite

Plant a death seed in nearby targets to drain their lifeforce. Reap what has been sown to detonate afflicted enemies, dealing a percentage of their health as radial damage. The souls of the dead fill the Death Well.

Introduced in Update 30.0 (2021-04-13)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (DmgTrueSmall64 True damage per second)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:5 / 8 / 11 / 10 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:10 / 12 / 14 / 16 m

Misc: 100 - 25 % (damage falloff)
25% (enemy health done as DmgBlastSmall64 Blast)
4 m (radial damage range)
5 % (Death Well gain per enemy)


AxiosJavelinModx256 AxiosJavelin130xWhite
Axios Javelin

Throw an Axios Javelin. When the javelin impales an enemy against a wall, surrounding enemies are pulled into the area and suffer a burst of damage.

Introduced in Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:500 / 750 / 1,000 / 1,250 (DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage on direct hit)
500 / 750 / 1,000 / 1,250 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage on explosion)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:8 s (Initial target pin duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:50 m (javelin range)
15 m (explosion range)

Misc: 1 (javelins per throw)
Knockdown on hit
1 m (midair hop)
1 (impaled enemy for implosion)
2 s (vortex lifetime)


FinalStandModx256 FinalStand130xWhite
Final Stand

Exude might and valor. Rise into the air and throw a barrage of Axios Javelins. The javelins deal damage to nearby enemies wherever they land. Direct hits to enemies deal greater damage.

Introduced in Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:1,000 / 1,100 / 1,300 / 1,500 (DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage on direct hit per javelin)
1,000 / 1,100 / 1,300 / 1,500 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage on explosion per javelin)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:30 (number of javelins)
2.5 s (total throw time)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:6 m (explosion range)

Misc: 3 m (height)
12 /s (javelins thrown per second)
DmgSlashSmall64 Slash status on hit


The DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage comes from projectile used to launch these abilities, not the abilities' main effects:

TeslaNervosModx256 TeslaNervos130xWhite
Tesla Nervos

Deploy a roller drone that attaches itself to enemies and delivers bursts of arcing electricity to anything in the immediate area.

Introduced in Update 26.0 (2019-10-31)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:15 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage on capsule hit)
80 / 100 / 120 / 150 (DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage per discharge)
10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage per second)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:5 / 6 / 7 / 10 (number of charges)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:4 / 4 / 5 / 6 m (shock radius)

Misc: ? % (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast status chance)
1 s (discharge interval)
50 % (DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity status chance)
4 (limit of active drones)

Subsumable to Helminth

MinelayerModx256 Minelayer130xWhite

Cycle through four deployable mines: Tether Coil, Flechette Orb, Vector Pad and Overdriver.

Introduced in Update 18.12 (2016-05-17)

Strength: 15 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage on mine hit)
100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage on latch)
Duration: 25 s
Range: 15 / 16 / 18 / 20 m (grab range)
Misc:?% (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast status chance)
1 / 1 / 2 / 2 (max targets)
4 (max coils active)

Strength: 15 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage on mine hit)
200 / 250 / 300 (DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage per nail)
Duration: 25 s
Range: N/A
Misc:?% (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast status chance)
50% (critical chance)
2.0x (critical multiplier)
100% (DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture status chance)
10 m (target radius)
4 (max orbs active)
1.0x (damage multiplier per 10 enemy levels)

Strength: 15 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage on mine hit)
25 m/s (speed boost)
Duration: 25 s
Range: N/A
Misc:?% (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast status chance)
4 (max pads active)

Strength: 15 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage on mine hit)
25% (weapon damage bonus)
Duration: 25 s
Range: 10 m (attach radius)
Misc:4 (max drivers active)


PhotonStrikeModx256 PhotonStrike130xWhite
Photon Strike

Drop a targeting beacon that calls in a devastating laser artillery strike.

Introduced in Update 26.0 (2019-10-31)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:15 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage on beacon hit)
1,000 / 1,500 / 2,000 / 2,500 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage on explosion)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:4 / 4 / 5 / 5 m (blast radius)

Misc: ?% (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast status chance)
1.5 s (strike delay)
1.0x (damage multiplier per 10 enemy levels)
0.73s (grounded cast time)
0.94s (in-air cast time)


BastilleModx256 Bastille130xWhite

Erect a containment field to capture enemies and suspended them in stasis, stripping their armor. Hold to collapse all Bastilles into a single damaging vortex.

Introduced in Update 7.11 (2013-05-17)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:15 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage on device hit)
6 / 8 / 10 / 12 (max targets lifted)
2.5 / 5 / 7.5 / 10 % (armor removal per second)
50 (DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic damage per second in vortex)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:8 / 10 / 12 / 15 s (bastille duration)
10 / 12 / 13 / 15 s (vortex duration)
10 s (armor buff duration)
3 s (auto collapse vortex duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:5 / 7 / 8 / 10 m (capture radius)

Misc: ?% (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast status chance)
∞ (armor buff duration in field)
1,000 (armor bonus cap)
?% (DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic status chance)


Bloomer game icon BloomerIcon

Fires a high-yield, remotely detonated explosive projectile capable of latching onto targets.

Introduced in Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:500 / 600 / 800 / 1000 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:120 / 160 / 200 / 240 m

ThumperAbility ThumperIcon

Creates a localized storm of punishing explosions.

Introduced in Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:200 / 300 / 400 / 500 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 s-1 (explosion frequency)
30 / 35 / 40 / 45 s (barrage duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:100 / 120 / 140 / 180 m (barrage radius)
32 / 40 / 60 / 80 m (explosion radius)

Warhead WarheadIcon

Launches a plodding missile capable of unleashing a massive explosion.

Introduced in Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:1000 / 1250 / 1500 / 1750 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:120 / 180 / 200 / 240 m

CosmicCrush CosmicCrushIcon
Cosmic Crush

Forms a miniature black hole that sucks in all nearby objects before rupturing in a massive shock wave.

Introduced in Hotfix 15.7.2 (2014-12-19)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:800 / 1000 / 1250 / 1500 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:80 / 100 / 120 / 140 m (explosion radius)
120 / 120 / 140 / 140 m (pull radius)

FighterEscort FighterEscortIcon
Fighter Escort

Deploys drones that fight alongside the Warframe, each detonating in a destructive blast when killed.

Introduced in Hotfix 15.7.2 (2014-12-19)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:2 / 4 / 6 / 8 (drones)
1000 / 1500 / 2000 / 2500 (explosion DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:15 / 20 / 25 / 30 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:60 / 100 / 120 / 160 m (explosion radius)
80 m (beam range)

SeekingFire SeekingFireIcon
Seeking Fire

Fires a large volley of homing missiles.

Introduced in Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:5 / 6 / 7 / 8 (volleys)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:240 / 340 / 360 / 480 m (tracking range)

Misc: 300 (initial DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage)
40 (area DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage)


ThanomechSword ThanomechSword
Exalted Ironbride

Summon a devastating exalted blade.

Introduced in Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:800 / 1000 / 1250 / 1500 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast & DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

NechramechOil NechramechOil

Hurl a canister of gravitation fluids to create a wide mire that will significantly slow enemies traveling across it. Alternatively, the canister can be shot in mid-air to create a fiery conflagration.

Introduced in Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:750 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:10 / 13 / 15 / 20 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:5 / 10 / 15 / 20 m (range)
15 / 20 / 22 / 25 m (explosion radius)

Misc: 50% (slow)


NechramechArtillery NechramechArtillery
Guard Mode

Take a stationary stance to deploy maximum firepower and gain increased structural integrity for a time.

Introduced in Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:150 / 250 / 350 / 500 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

Additional Effects[]

Some mods add additional effects when a DmgBlastSmall64 Blast occurs or for dealing DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage.


  • The DmgBlastSmall64 Blast property of the mixture of DmgColdSmall64 Cold and DmgFireSmall64 Heat is likely a reference to the thermite ice bomb; where thermite can burn so hot that it will melt the ice, boil the water, and ultimately decompose the vapor into hydrogen and oxygen. This in turn fuels the fire and cues the explosive property.
    • It could also be thermal shock, a fracturing that happens when cold items are rapidly heated or hot things are rapidly cooled. On the molecular level, solid objects expand when heated and contract when cooled, and if subject to a huge temperature change in a short period of time, many materials break down from the energetic motion. This phenomenon commonly occurs (violently) when rinsing a hot glass in a cold sink.


Patch History[]

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

Status Effect Reworks


Our goal with Blast is to invoke an immediate and on-death effect to emphasize explosions.

Now, instead of enemy inaccuracy, you detonate your enemies! When dealing a Blast Status Effect to an enemy, the following will happen:

Blast Changes:

  • Upon inflicting a Blast Status Effect, individual stacks will cause a mini-explosion, and a max stack count of 10 will inflict combined damage in a 5m radius
    • After 1.5 seconds, an individually incurred Blast Status Effect deals a percentage of base-inflicted damage per stack-explosion and over 100% of base-inflicted damage for a full (10 stack) explosion.
  • Status Duration will increase the delay before the Status Effect applies and depletes.
  • Removed the previous Status Effect of inaccuracy.

Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)

  • Fixed the HUD filling up with Blast icons if hit with Blast Damage while riding Merulina.

Update 30.8 (2021-10-04)

  • Made FX improvements to Blast proc explosions.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • Grants the Blast Status Effect a single target. Blast Status reduces enemy accuracy by 30% base. Subsequent Blast Status Effects add +5% inaccuracy for for 75% total at 10 stacks. Each Blast Status has a 6 second Duration.

Update 11.0 (2013-11-20)

  • Introduced.

See also[]