Object is a type of health that is possessed by mostly Object-based entities. They do not register Critical Hit damage nor Status Effects and do not possess any kind of resistances and weaknesses.
Regardless of which tileset an object belongs to, it can be damaged by players and other NPCs (including enemies) alike. With the exception of Ramparts, Object health never scales with level.
List of Object Items[]
- Grineer
- Arc Trap
- Blunt
- Fomorian Shield Generator, Cover and Core Node
- Gokstad Crewship Reactor
- Lieutenant Lech Kril's Coolant Pack
- Mining Machine
- Radiator
- Rampart
- Sensor Bar
- Skold Crewship Shield Generators
- Corpus
- Nullifier Crewman's Nullifier Field
- Profit-Taker Orb's Pylons
- Exploiter Orb's Vents
- Infested
- Infested Spawn Pod
- Infested Tumor
- Tar-Mutalist MOA's Tar Field
- Orokin
- Corrupted Nullifier's Nullifier Field
- Destructible Necramite in Netracell
- Orowyrm's rings
- Tenno
- Sentient
- Miscellaneous
- Arctic Eximus' Snow Globe
- Neutral