Impact Damage is one of the three physical damage types. Deals increased damage to Grineer and Kuva Grineer enemies. Its status effect causes enemies to stagger and increase Parazon mercy threshold.
Status Effects[]
The status effect of Impact damage is Stagger. It lasts 6 seconds and stacks to a maximum of 5 times. Any stacks applied after the 5th will replace the oldest stack.
- It causes enemies to flinch and recoil backwards. Subsequent procs increase the stagger duration. However, Ospreys, Bosses and Tenno are immune to the stagger.
- Against heavy units (all humanoid Eximus, Heavy Gunner, Bombard, Scrambus and Comba, Nullifier Crewman, Ancient Disruptor, Ancient Healer, and Toxic Ancient), Impact additionally increases the health threshold at which they can be Parazon Mercy Killed by 8% per proc, allowing them to be vulnerable at up to 80% (100% on Corpus and Eximus with all their shields removed) of their total health.
Enemies killed by an Impact proc will have their corpse ragdolled and flown away, regardless of the amount of force behind the weapon.
The status effect of Impact damage against Railjack space enemies is Concuss, causing enemy crew within a gunship to have reduced aim and damage for 6 seconds, with subsequent procs refreshing the duration.
Impact Sources[]
- Main article: Category:Impact Damage
These weapons deal more than a majority of their physical damage as Impact. The damage ratio is important for physical damage status effects because the game weights the likelihood of which proc occurs according to physical damage ratio. Hence, these weapons proc Knockback more than Bleed or Weakened.
Name | Slot | Class | Attack Name | Impact | Majority |
Acceltra Prime | Primary | Rifle | Blue (2nd) Rocket Impact | 44 | 100.00% Impact |
Acceltra | Primary | Rifle | Blue (2nd) Rocket Impact | 28 | 100.00% Impact |
Ack & Brunt | Melee | Sword and Shield | Normal Attack | 14.9 | 80.00% Slash |
Aeolak | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 15 | 38.33% Puncture |
Afentis | Primary | Speargun | Semi | 20 | 60.00% Puncture |
Afuris Prime | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 3.9 | 70.00% Puncture |
Afuris | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 3 | 70.00% Puncture |
Agkuza | Archmelee | Archmelee | Normal Attack | 65.4 | 70.00% Puncture |
Akbolto Prime | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 4.4 | 85.91% Puncture |
Akbolto | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 6.4 | 90.00% Puncture |
Akbronco Prime | Secondary | Dual Shotguns | Normal Attack | 40 | 80.00% Impact |
Akbronco | Secondary | Dual Shotguns | Normal Attack | 33.6 | 80.00% Impact |
Akjagara Prime | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 3.8 | 80.00% Slash |
Akjagara | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 5.4 | 70.00% Slash |
Aklato | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 6 | 60.00% Slash |
Aklex Prime | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 15 | 80.00% Puncture |
Aklex | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 13 | 80.00% Puncture |
Akmagnus Prime | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 44.1 | 45.00% Impact |
Akmagnus | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 44.1 | 45.00% Impact |
Aksomati Prime | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Fully Spooled | 2 | 50.00% Slash |
Aksomati | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Fully Spooled | 1.8 | 50.00% Slash |
Akstiletto Prime | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 21.6 | 60.00% Impact |
Akstiletto | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 16.8 | 60.00% Impact |
Akvasto Prime | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 16.5 | 70.00% Slash |
Akvasto | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 22.5 | 50.00% Slash |
Akzani | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 1.8 | 70.00% Puncture |
Amphis | Melee | Staff | Normal Attack | 91 | 70.00% Impact |
Anku | Melee | Scythe | Normal Attack | 25.5 | 80.00% Puncture |
Ankyros Prime | Melee | Fist | Normal Attack | 89.6 | 70.00% Impact |
Ankyros | Melee | Fist | Normal Attack | 63 | 70.00% Impact |
Arca Titron | Melee | Hammer | Normal Attack | 234 | 65.00% Impact |
Argo & Vel | Melee | Sword and Shield | Normal Attack | 60 | 80.00% Slash |
Argonak | Primary | Rifle | Semi-Auto Mode | 24.51 | 46.00% Slash |
Artemis Bow Prime | Primary | Exalted Weapon | Base Charged Shot | 33.6 | 80.00% Puncture |
Artemis Bow | Primary | Exalted Weapon | Base Charged Shot | 33.6 | 80.00% Puncture |
Arum Spinosa | Melee | Warfan | Normal Attack | 35.64 | 68.00% Slash |
Astilla Prime | Primary | Shotgun | Slug Impact | 100 | 100.00% Impact |
Astilla | Primary | Shotgun | Slug Impact | 70 | 100.00% Impact |
Atterax | Melee | Whip | Normal Attack | 6.45 | 90.00% Slash |
Attica | Primary | Crossbow | Normal Attack | 4 | 75.00% Puncture |
Azima | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 2 | 65.00% Slash |
Azothane | Melee | Two-Handed Nikana | Normal Attack | 51 | 50.00% Slash |
Balla | Melee | Zaw Dagger / Staff | Balla Strike | 11.2 | 60.00% Puncture |
Ballistica Prime | Secondary | Crossbow | Charged Shot | 3.8 | 55.00% Puncture |
Ballistica | Secondary | Crossbow | Charged Shot | 10 | 80.00% Puncture |
Batoten | Hound | Unique | Normal Attack | 76 | 50.00% Impact |
Baza Prime | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 5.76 | 42.00% Puncture |
Baza | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 5.76 | 42.00% Puncture |
Bo Prime | Melee | Staff | Normal Attack | 158.4 | 90.00% Impact |
Bo | Melee | Staff | Normal Attack | 126 | 90.00% Impact |
Boar Prime | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 26 | 65.00% Impact |
Boar | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 12.1 | 55.00% Impact |
Boltace | Melee | Tonfa | Normal Attack | 17.6 | 80.00% Puncture |
Bolto | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 6.4 | 90.00% Puncture |
Boltor Prime | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 4.6 | 90.00% Puncture |
Boltor | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 2.5 | 80.00% Puncture |
Brakk | Secondary | Shotgun Sidearm | Normal Attack | 9 | 45.00% Impact |
Braton Prime | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 1.75 | 60.00% Slash |
Braton Vandal | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 12.25 | 60.00% Slash |
Braton | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 7.92 | 34.00% Slash |
Broken Scepter | Melee | Staff | Normal Attack | 125.3 | 70.00% Impact |
Broken War | Melee | Sword | Normal Attack | 18.7 | 80.00% Slash |
Bronco Prime | Secondary | Shotgun Sidearm | Normal Attack | 40 | 80.00% Impact |
Bronco | Secondary | Shotgun Sidearm | Normal Attack | 33.6 | 80.00% Impact |
Bubonico | Primary | Arm Cannon | Auto | 2 | 46.34% Slash |
Burst Laser Prime | Robotic | Pistol | Normal Attack | 1.2 | 85.00% Puncture |
Burst Laser | Robotic | Pistol | Normal Attack | 0.7 | 85.71% Puncture |
Burston Prime | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 13.8 | 40.00% Slash |
Burston | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 10 | 33.33% Impact |
Buzlok | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 30 | 50.00% Impact |
Cadus | Melee | Staff | Normal Attack | 70 | 53.85% Impact |
Cassowar | Melee | Polearm | Normal Attack | 41.36 | 44.00% Slash |
Caustacyst | Melee | Scythe | Normal Attack | 17 | 39.62% Corrosive |
Centaur | Archmelee | Archmelee | Normal Attack | 37.6 | 70.00% Slash |
Ceramic Dagger | Melee | Dagger | Normal Attack | 14 | 90.00% Puncture |
Cernos Prime | Primary | Bow | Charged Horizontal/Vertical Shot | 165.6 | 90.00% Impact |
Cernos | Primary | Bow | Charged Shot | 342 | 90.00% Impact |
Cestra | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 5.2 | 80.00% Puncture |
Ceti Lacera | Melee | Blade and Whip | Normal Attack | 12 | 46.30% Electricity |
Cobra & Crane Prime | Melee | Sword and Shield | Normal Attack | 210 | 70.00% Impact |
Cobra & Crane | Melee | Sword and Shield | Normal Attack | 207.2 | 70.00% Impact |
Convectrix | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 1.2 | 80.00% Slash |
Corinth Prime | Primary | Shotgun | Buckshot | 25.2 | 42.00% Puncture |
Corinth | Primary | Shotgun | Buckshot | 25.2 | 42.00% Puncture |
Corufell | Melee | Heavy Scythe | Normal Attack | 96 | 48.00% Impact |
Corvas (Atmosphere) | Archgun (Atmosphere) | Shotgun | Charged Shot | 128 | 80.00% Impact |
Corvas Prime (Atmosphere) | Archgun (Atmosphere) | Shotgun | Charged Shot | 430 | 55.21% Heat |
Corvas Prime | Archgun | Archgun | Charged Shot | 430 | 55.21% Heat |
Corvas | Archgun | Archgun | Charged Shot | 400 | 54.55% Heat |
Cronus | Melee | Sword | Normal Attack | 31.8 | 55.00% Slash |
Cyanex | Secondary | Pistol | Projectile Impact | 50 | 100.00% Impact |
Cyath | Melee | Zaw Machete / Polearm | Cyath Strike | 46 | 75.00% Slash |
Cyngas (Atmosphere) | Archgun (Atmosphere) | Rifle | Normal Attack | 80 | 33.33% Impact |
Cyngas | Archgun | Archgun | Normal Attack | 39.6 | 34.00% Slash |
Daikyu | Primary | Bow | Charged Shot | 210 | 40.00% Puncture |
Dakra Prime | Melee | Sword | Normal Attack | 17 | 80.00% Slash |
Dargyn | Vehicle | Unique | Normal Attack | 150 | 33.33% Impact |
Deconstructor Prime | Robotic | Glaive | First Attack | 75 | 100.00% Impact |
Deconstructor | Robotic | Glaive | First Attack | 50 | 100.00% Impact |
Dehtat | Melee | Zaw Rapier / Polearm | Dehtat Strike | 22.4 | 50.00% Puncture |
Dera Vandal | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 6.4 | 75.00% Puncture |
Dera | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 6 | 75.00% Puncture |
Desert Wind Prime | Melee | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 250 | 100.00% Impact |
Desert Wind | Melee | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 250 | 100.00% Impact |
Despair | Secondary | Thrown | Normal Attack | 2.9 | 80.00% Puncture |
Destreza Prime | Melee | Rapier | Normal Attack | 20.4 | 70.00% Puncture |
Destreza | Melee | Rapier | Normal Attack | 3.95 | 85.00% Puncture |
Deth Machine Rifle Prime | Robotic | Rifle | Normal Attack | 0.7 | 85.00% Slash |
Deth Machine Rifle | Robotic | Rifle | Normal Attack | 0.5 | 85.00% Slash |
Dex Dakra | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 14.2 | 80.00% Slash |
Dex Furis | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 2.4 | 70.00% Puncture |
Dex Nikana | Melee | Nikana | Normal Attack | 16.8 | 75.00% Slash |
Dex Pixia Prime | Secondary | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 16 | 80.00% Slash |
Dex Pixia | Secondary | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 16 | 80.00% Slash |
Dex Sybaris | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 22.5 | 45.00% Slash |
Diwata Prime | Melee | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 30 | 75.00% Puncture |
Diwata | Melee | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 30 | 75.00% Puncture |
Dokrahm | Melee | Zaw Scythe / Heavy Blade | Dokrahm Strike | 46.4 | 50.00% Slash |
Dragon Nikana | Melee | Nikana | Normal Attack | 9.4 | 85.00% Slash |
Drakgoon | Primary | Shotgun | Charged Shot | 7 | 80.00% Slash |
Dread | Primary | Bow | Charged Shot | 16.8 | 90.00% Slash |
Dual Cestra | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 5.2 | 80.00% Puncture |
Dual Cleavers | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 23.55 | 70.00% Slash |
Dual Decurion (Atmosphere) | Archgun (Atmosphere) | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 85.5 | 45.02% Impact |
Dual Decurion | Archgun | Archgun | Normal Attack | 49.5 | 45.00% Impact |
Dual Ether | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 27 | 70.00% Slash |
Dual Heat Swords | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 22.05 | 70.00% Slash |
Dual Ichor | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 19 | 38.52% Toxin |
Dual Kamas Prime | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 8 | 75.00% Slash |
Dual Kamas | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 4.8 | 85.00% Slash |
Dual Keres Prime | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 21.6 | 58.00% Slash |
Dual Keres | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 13.8 | 58.00% Slash |
Dual Raza | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 11 | 60.00% Slash |
Dual Skana | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 18 | 70.00% Slash |
Dual Toxocyst | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 7.5 | 80.00% Puncture |
Dual Zoren | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 3.5 | 90.00% Slash |
Ebisu Spear | Gear | Fishing Spear | Normal Attack | 10 | 100.00% Impact |
Edun | Melee | Polearm | Normal Attack | 44 | 50.00% Slash |
Ekhein | Melee | Hammer | Normal Attack | 340 | 100.00% Impact |
Endura | Melee | Rapier | Normal Attack | 10 | 70.00% Puncture |
Epitaph Prime | Secondary | Pistol | Charged Shot | 126 | 45.00% Slash |
Epitaph | Secondary | Pistol | Charged Shot | 120 | 45.00% Slash |
Ether Daggers | Melee | Dual Daggers | Normal Attack | 33.6 | 70.00% Slash |
Ether Reaper | Melee | Scythe | Normal Attack | 27 | 70.00% Slash |
Ether Sword | Melee | Sword | Normal Attack | 28.8 | 70.00% Slash |
Euphona Prime | Secondary | Shotgun Sidearm | Slug | 292.5 | 90.00% Impact |
Exalted Blade | Melee | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 37.5 | 70.00% Slash |
Exalted Prime Blade | Melee | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 37.5 | 70.00% Slash |
Exalted Umbra Blade | Melee | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 37.5 | 70.00% Slash |
Exergis | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 20 | 48.15% Slash |
Fang Prime | Melee | Dual Daggers | Normal Attack | 26.7 | 70.00% Puncture |
Fang | Melee | Dual Daggers | Normal Attack | 16.2 | 70.00% Puncture |
Felarx | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 38 | 44.00% Slash |
Ferrox | Primary | Speargun | Charged Shot | 35 | 70.00% Puncture |
Fluctus (Atmosphere) | Archgun (Atmosphere) | Rifle | Normal Attack | 100 | 70.00% Slash |
Fluctus | Archgun | Archgun | Normal Attack | 50 | 70.00% Slash |
Fragor Prime | Melee | Hammer | Normal Attack | 189 | 70.00% Impact |
Fragor | Melee | Hammer | Normal Attack | 140 | 70.00% Impact |
Furax Wraith | Melee | Fist | Normal Attack | 97.3 | 70.00% Impact |
Furax | Melee | Fist | Normal Attack | 94.5 | 70.00% Impact |
Furis | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 3 | 70.00% Puncture |
Galatine Prime | Melee | Heavy Blade | Normal Attack | 7 | 95.00% Slash |
Galatine | Melee | Heavy Blade | Normal Attack | 4.55 | 95.00% Slash |
Galvacord | Melee | Whip | Normal Attack | 12 | 45.71% Electricity |
Garuda Prime Talons | Melee | Claws | Normal Attack | 14 | 85.00% Slash |
Garuda Talons | Melee | Claws | Normal Attack | 19.84 | 70.00% Slash |
Gazal Machete | Melee | Machete | Normal Attack | 17.8 | 75.00% Slash |
Ghoulsaw | Melee | Assault Saw | Normal Attack | 37.43 | 58.00% Slash |
Glazio MK I | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 210 | 45.74% Cold |
Glazio MK II | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 308 | 53.19% Cold |
Glazio MK III | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 503 | 52.23% Cold |
Gorgon Wraith | Primary | Rifle | Fully Spooled | 22.95 | 85.00% Impact |
Gorgon | Primary | Rifle | Fully Spooled | 18.75 | 75.00% Impact |
Grakata | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 4.4 | 40.00% Impact |
Gram Prime | Melee | Heavy Blade | Normal Attack | 60 | 75.00% Slash |
Gram | Melee | Heavy Blade | Normal Attack | 24 | 70.00% Slash |
Grinlok | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 93.5 | 50.00% Impact |
Guandao Prime | Melee | Polearm | Normal Attack | 60 | 70.00% Slash |
Guandao | Melee | Polearm | Normal Attack | 50.5 | 70.00% Slash |
Gunsen Prime | Melee | Warfan | Normal Attack | 9 | 90.00% Slash |
Gunsen | Melee | Warfan | Normal Attack | 12.8 | 80.00% Slash |
Harpak | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 5 | 75.00% Puncture |
Hate | Melee | Scythe | Normal Attack | 34.5 | 70.00% Slash |
Heat Dagger | Melee | Dagger | Normal Attack | 14 | 36.54% Puncture |
Heat Sword | Melee | Sword | Normal Attack | 14.7 | 80.00% Slash |
Hek | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 11.25 | 65.00% Puncture |
Heliocor | Melee | Hammer | Normal Attack | 238 | 85.00% Impact |
Helstrum | Robotic | Rifle | Normal Attack | 5.1 | 56.04% Impact |
Hespar | Melee | Heavy Scythe | Normal Attack | 112 | 48.00% Slash |
Hikou Prime | Secondary | Thrown | Normal Attack | 3.6 | 85.00% Puncture |
Hikou | Secondary | Thrown | Normal Attack | 2.6 | 60.00% Puncture |
Hind | Primary | Rifle | Burst Mode | 7.5 | 50.00% Slash |
Hirudo | Melee | Sparring | Normal Attack | 19.5 | 80.00% Puncture |
Hystrix Prime | Secondary | Pistol | Poison Quill | 2.76 | 86.00% Puncture |
Hystrix | Secondary | Pistol | Poison Quill | 2.16 | 86.00% Puncture |
Imperator (Atmosphere) | Archgun (Atmosphere) | Rifle | Normal Attack | 40 | 40.00% Impact |
Imperator Vandal (Atmosphere) | Archgun (Atmosphere) | Rifle | Normal Attack | 40 | 40.00% Impact |
Imperator Vandal | Archgun | Archgun | Normal Attack | 20 | 40.00% Impact |
Imperator | Archgun | Archgun | Normal Attack | 20 | 40.00% Impact |
Innodem | Melee | Dagger | Normal Attack | 36 | 50.00% Slash |
Iron Staff Prime | Melee | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 170 | 68.00% Impact |
Iron Staff | Melee | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 170 | 68.00% Impact |
Ironbride | Archmelee | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 225 | 70.00% Slash |
Jat Kittag | Melee | Hammer | Normal Attack | 160 | 80.00% Impact |
Jat Kusar | Melee | Blade and Whip | Normal Attack | 79 | 37.16% Heat |
Jaw Sword | Melee | Sword | Normal Attack | 6 | 75.00% Slash |
Kama | Melee | Machete | Normal Attack | 13.5 | 70.00% Slash |
Karak Wraith | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 13.95 | 45.00% Impact |
Karak | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 13.05 | 45.00% Impact |
Karyst Prime | Melee | Dagger | Normal Attack | 50 | 29.65% Slash |
Karyst | Melee | Dagger | Normal Attack | 30 | 31.87% Toxin |
Kaszas | Archmelee | Archmelee | Normal Attack | 19.7 | 80.00% Puncture |
Keratinos | Melee | Claws | Normal Attack | 79 | 35.66% Slash |
Kesheg | Melee | Polearm | Normal Attack | 96.4 | 50.00% Slash |
Knell Prime | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 75.6 | 46.00% Puncture |
Knell | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 63 | 46.00% Puncture |
Knux | Archmelee | Archmelee | Normal Attack | 400.5 | 90.00% Impact |
Kogake Prime | Melee | Sparring | Normal Attack | 169.4 | 70.00% Impact |
Kogake | Melee | Sparring | Normal Attack | 84 | 70.00% Impact |
Kohm | Primary | Shotgun | Fully Spooled | 6 | 60.00% Slash |
Kohmak | Secondary | Shotgun Sidearm | Fully Spooled | 6 | 60.00% Slash |
Komorex | Primary | Sniper Rifle | 2x Zoom | 9.7 | 48.04% Slash |
Korrudo | Melee | Sparring | Normal Attack | 110.01 | 57.00% Impact |
Korumm | Melee | Polearm | Normal Attack | 52 | 40.00% Slash |
Kraken | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 36.75 | 75.00% Impact |
Kreska | Melee | Machete | Normal Attack | 30 | 52.63% Heat |
Krohkur | Melee | Sword | Normal Attack | 26 | 70.00% Slash |
Kronen Prime | Melee | Tonfa | Normal Attack | 21.2 | 80.00% Slash |
Kronen | Melee | Tonfa | Normal Attack | 13 | 80.00% Slash |
Kronsh | Melee | Zaw Machete / Polearm | Kronsh Strike | 163.8 | 70.00% Impact |
Kulstar | Secondary | Pistol | Rocket Impact | 200 | 100.00% Impact |
Kunai | Secondary | Thrown | Normal Attack | 4.6 | 75.00% Puncture |
Kuva Brakk | Secondary | Shotgun Sidearm | Normal Attack | 6.8 | 45.03% Impact |
Kuva Chakkhurr | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 260 | 100.00% Impact |
Kuva Drakgoon | Primary | Shotgun | Charged Shot | 4.6 | 80.00% Slash |
Kuva Hek | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 13.05 | 65.00% Puncture |
Kuva Hind | Primary | Rifle | Burst | 7.5 | 50.00% Slash |
Kuva Karak | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 7.1 | 42.17% Slash |
Kuva Kohm | Primary | Shotgun | Fully Spooled | 4 | 60.00% Slash |
Kuva Kraken | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 32.25 | 75.00% Impact |
Kuva Quartakk | Primary | Rifle | Burst-Fire While Aiming | 20 | 37.04% Impact |
Kuva Seer | Secondary | Pistol | Projectile Impact | 26.2 | 51.98% Puncture |
Kuva Shildeg | Melee | Hammer | Normal Attack | 75.8 | 49.02% Puncture |
Kuva Sobek | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 57.75 | 75.00% Impact |
Kuva Twin Stubbas | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 11.6 | 47.04% Slash |
Lacera | Melee | Blade and Whip | Normal Attack | 12 | 46.30% Electricity |
Lacerten | Hound | Unique | Normal Attack | 76 | 50.00% Impact |
Laetum | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 64 | 60.00% Slash |
Laith MK I | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 26 | 40.00% Slash |
Laith MK II | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 44.2 | 40.00% Slash |
Laith MK III | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 70.8 | 40.00% Slash |
Lanzo Fishing Spear | Gear | Fishing Spear | Normal Attack | 10 | 100.00% Impact |
Larkspur (Atmosphere) | Archgun (Atmosphere) | Rifle | Normal Attack | 20 | 88.89% Radiation |
Larkspur Prime (Atmosphere) | Archgun (Atmosphere) | Rifle | Normal Attack | 20 | 88.89% Radiation |
Larkspur Prime | Archgun | Archgun | Normal Attack | 10 | 88.89% Radiation |
Larkspur | Archgun | Archgun | Normal Attack | 10 | 88.89% Radiation |
Laser Rifle | Robotic | Rifle | Normal Attack | 0.8 | 80.00% Puncture |
Lato Prime | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 6 | 70.00% Slash |
Lato Vandal | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 6.9 | 60.00% Slash |
Lato | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 10 | 50.00% Slash |
Latron Prime | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 9 | 80.00% Puncture |
Latron Wraith | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 15.5 | 70.00% Puncture |
Latron | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 8.25 | 70.00% Puncture |
Lavan Glazio MK I | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 240 | 43.66% Cold |
Lavan Glazio MK II | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 350 | 51.66% Cold |
Lavan Glazio MK III | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 540 | 53.39% Cold |
Lavan Laith MK I | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 28.6 | 40.00% Slash |
Lavan Laith MK II | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 48.8 | 40.00% Slash |
Lavan Laith MK III | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 78 | 40.00% Slash |
Lesion | Melee | Polearm | Normal Attack | 47.4 | 75.00% Slash |
Lex Prime | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 18 | 80.00% Puncture |
Lex | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 13 | 80.00% Puncture |
MK1-Bo | Melee | Staff | Normal Attack | 81 | 90.00% Impact |
MK1-Braton | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 4.5 | 50.00% Slash |
MK1-Furax | Melee | Fist | Normal Attack | 63 | 70.00% Impact |
MK1-Furis | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 1.95 | 70.00% Puncture |
MK1-Kunai | Secondary | Thrown | Normal Attack | 4 | 75.00% Puncture |
MK1-Paris | Primary | Bow | Charged Shot | 11.5 | 80.00% Puncture |
MK1-Strun | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 9.9 | 55.00% Impact |
Machete Wraith | Melee | Machete | Normal Attack | 31.65 | 70.00% Slash |
Machete | Melee | Machete | Normal Attack | 18 | 70.00% Slash |
Magistar | Melee | Hammer | Normal Attack | 168 | 80.00% Impact |
Magnus Prime | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 44.1 | 45.00% Impact |
Magnus | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 44.1 | 45.00% Impact |
Mandonel (Atmosphere) | Archgun (Atmosphere) | Shotgun | Horizontal Spread | 50 | 44.44% Radiation |
Mandonel | Archgun | Archgun | Horizontal Spread | 25 | 44.44% Radiation |
Marelok | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 80 | 50.00% Impact |
Masseter Prime | Melee | Heavy Blade | Normal Attack | 145.6 | 56.00% Impact |
Masseter | Melee | Heavy Blade | Normal Attack | 134.96 | 56.00% Impact |
Mausolon (Atmosphere) | Archgun (Atmosphere) | Rifle | Auto | 35 | 41.67% Heat |
Mausolon | Archgun | Archgun | Auto | 24 | 41.67% Heat |
Mewan | Melee | Zaw Sword / Polearm | Mewan Strike | 56 | 40.00% Slash |
Mios | Melee | Blade and Whip | Normal Attack | 53.1 | 45.00% Slash |
Mire | Melee | Sword | Normal Attack | 23 | 41.14% Toxin |
Miter | Primary | Rifle | Charged Shot | 12.5 | 90.00% Slash |
Multron | Robotic | Rifle | Normal Attack | 1.25 | 75.00% Puncture |
Mutalist Cernos | Primary | Bow | Uncharged Shot | 184.5 | 90.00% Impact |
Mutalist Quanta | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 2.5 | 60.00% Puncture |
Nagantaka Prime | Primary | Crossbow | Semi-Auto | 1.7 | 90.00% Slash |
Nagantaka | Primary | Crossbow | Semi-Auto | 1.6 | 90.00% Slash |
Nami Skyla Prime | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 18 | 70.00% Slash |
Nami Skyla | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 18.75 | 70.00% Slash |
Nami Solo | Melee | Machete | Normal Attack | 25.8 | 70.00% Slash |
Nepheri | Melee | Dual Daggers | Normal Attack | 21 | 35.25% Heat |
Nikana Prime | Melee | Nikana | Normal Attack | 9.9 | 90.00% Slash |
Nikana | Melee | Nikana | Normal Attack | 7.1 | 85.00% Slash |
Ninkondi Prime | Melee | Nunchaku | Normal Attack | 66 | 38.46% Electricity |
Ninkondi | Melee | Nunchaku | Normal Attack | 90 | 52.63% Electricity |
Obex | Melee | Sparring | Normal Attack | 84 | 70.00% Impact |
Ohma | Melee | Tonfa | Normal Attack | 76 | 49.11% Electricity |
Okina Prime | Melee | Dual Daggers | Normal Attack | 9.2 | 60.00% Slash |
Okina | Melee | Dual Daggers | Normal Attack | 7 | 50.00% Slash |
Onorix | Archmelee | Archmelee | Normal Attack | 123.6 | 50.00% Slash |
Ooltha | Melee | Zaw Sword / Staff | Ooltha Strike | 22.4 | 50.00% Slash |
Opticor Vandal | Primary | Rifle | Charged Shot | 40 | 70.00% Puncture |
Opticor | Primary | Rifle | Charged Shot | 100 | 85.00% Puncture |
Orthos Prime | Melee | Polearm | Normal Attack | 35.1 | 70.00% Slash |
Orthos | Melee | Polearm | Normal Attack | 27.75 | 70.00% Slash |
Pandero Prime | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 26 | 50.00% Slash |
Pandero | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 18 | 50.00% Slash |
Pangolin Prime | Melee | Sword | Normal Attack | 12.4 | 80.00% Slash |
Pangolin Sword | Melee | Sword | Normal Attack | 7.5 | 80.00% Slash |
Panthera Prime | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 20 | 70.00% Slash |
Panthera | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 20 | 70.00% Slash |
Paracesis | Melee | Heavy Blade | Normal Attack | 48.8 | 70.00% Slash |
Paris Prime | Primary | Bow | Charged Shot | 9 | 80.00% Puncture |
Paris | Primary | Bow | Charged Shot | 16 | 80.00% Puncture |
Pennant | Melee | Two-Handed Nikana | Normal Attack | 20 | 70.00% Puncture |
Perigale | Primary | Sniper Rifle | Normal Attack | 20.6 | 56.02% Puncture |
Phaedra (Atmosphere) | Archgun (Atmosphere) | Rifle | Normal Attack | 29 | 65.00% Puncture |
Phaedra | Archgun | Archgun | Normal Attack | 14 | 65.00% Puncture |
Phantasma Prime | Primary | Shotgun | Beam | 5 | 66.67% Radiation |
Phantasma | Primary | Shotgun | Beam | 5 | 66.67% Radiation |
Plague Keewar | Melee | Zaw Scythe / Staff | Plague Keewar Strike | 88 | 29.74% Slash |
Plague Kripath | Melee | Zaw Rapier / Polearm | Plague Kripath Strike | 30 | 32.86% Puncture |
Plasma Sword | Melee | Sword | Normal Attack | 34 | 44.00% Slash |
Praedos | Melee | Tonfa | Normal Attack | 20 | 80.00% Slash |
Prime Laser Rifle | Robotic | Rifle | Normal Attack | 1.2 | 70.00% Puncture |
Prisma Burst Laser | Robotic | Pistol | Normal Attack | 1 | 85.00% Puncture |
Prisma Dual Cleavers | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 13.3 | 80.00% Slash |
Prisma Dual Decurions (Atmosphere) | Archgun (Atmosphere) | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 99 | 45.00% Impact |
Prisma Dual Decurions | Archgun | Archgun | Normal Attack | 49.5 | 45.00% Impact |
Prisma Gorgon | Primary | Rifle | Fully Spooled | 17.25 | 75.00% Impact |
Prisma Grakata | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 6 | 40.00% Impact |
Prisma Grinlok | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 74.8 | 50.00% Slash |
Prisma Machete | Melee | Machete | Normal Attack | 28.95 | 70.00% Slash |
Prisma Obex | Melee | Sparring | Normal Attack | 105 | 70.00% Impact |
Prisma Ohma | Melee | Tonfa | Normal Attack | 82 | 49.60% Electricity |
Prisma Skana | Melee | Sword | Normal Attack | 25.5 | 70.00% Slash |
Prisma Tetra | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 7.6 | 80.00% Puncture |
Prisma Twin Gremlins | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 2.97 | 47.00% Puncture |
Prisma Veritux | Archmelee | Archmelee | Normal Attack | 59.1 | 70.00% Slash |
Prova Vandal | Melee | Machete | Normal Attack | 80 | 59.60% Electricity |
Prova | Melee | Machete | Normal Attack | 52 | 59.38% Electricity |
Pugil | Nech-Melee | Unique | Normal Attack | 83.3 | 33.33% Impact |
Pulmonars | Melee | Nunchaku | Normal Attack | 193 | 66.55% Impact |
Pupacyst | Melee | Polearm | Normal Attack | 139 | 51.06% Viral |
Pyrana Prime | Secondary | Shotgun Sidearm | Normal Attack | 1.92 | 84.00% Slash |
Pyrana | Secondary | Shotgun Sidearm | Normal Attack | 2.2 | 80.00% Slash |
Quartakk | Primary | Rifle | Burst-Fire | 18.13 | 37.00% Impact |
Quassus | Melee | Warfan | Normal Attack | 27.6 | 68.00% Slash |
Quatz | Secondary | Pistol | Auto | 9 | 37.93% Electricity |
Quellor | Primary | Rifle | Auto | 8 | 37.93% Puncture |
Rabvee | Melee | Zaw Machete / Hammer | Rabvee Strike | 140.4 | 60.00% Impact |
Rakta Ballistica | Secondary | Crossbow | Burst Shot | 18.75 | 50.00% Puncture |
Rakta Cernos | Primary | Bow | Charged Shot | 423 | 90.00% Impact |
Rampart | Emplacement | Unique | Normal Attack | 66.7 | 33.35% Impact |
Rathbone | Archmelee | Archmelee | Normal Attack | 360 | 80.00% Impact |
Rattleguts (Primary) | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 0 | -nan% Impact |
Rauta | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 26 | 60.00% Slash |
Reaper Prime | Melee | Scythe | Normal Attack | 30 | 70.00% Slash |
Regulators Prime | Secondary | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 25 | 50.00% Impact |
Regulators | Secondary | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 25 | 50.00% Impact |
Ripkas | Melee | Claws | Normal Attack | 8.65 | 85.00% Slash |
Rubico Prime | Primary | Sniper Rifle | Unzoomed | 149.6 | 80.00% Impact |
Rubico | Primary | Sniper Rifle | Unzoomed | 144 | 80.00% Impact |
Rumblejack | Melee | Dagger | Normal Attack | 120 | 60.00% Electricity |
Ruvox | Melee | Fist | Normal Attack | 170 | 100.00% Impact |
Sampotes | Melee | Hammer | Normal Attack | 173.6 | 70.00% Impact |
Sancti Magistar | Melee | Hammer | Normal Attack | 192 | 80.00% Impact |
Sancti Tigris | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 21 | 80.00% Slash |
Sarofang | Melee | Heavy Blade | Normal Attack | 80 | 56.00% Slash |
Sarpa | Melee | Gunblade | Ranged Attack | 3.5 | 60.00% Slash |
Scindo Prime | Melee | Heavy Blade | Normal Attack | 25 | 80.00% Slash |
Scindo | Melee | Heavy Blade | Normal Attack | 20 | 80.00% Slash |
Scoliac | Melee | Whip | Normal Attack | 22.5 | 70.00% Slash |
Secura Dual Cestra | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 5.6 | 80.00% Puncture |
Seer | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 33.67 | 33.33% Impact |
Sepfahn | Melee | Zaw Nikana / Staff | Sepfahn Strike | 22.6 | 65.00% Slash |
Sepulcrum | Secondary | Pistol | Primary-Fire | 9.6 | 56.04% Puncture |
Shadow Claws Prime | Melee | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 75 | 50.00% Slash |
Shadow Claws | Melee | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 75 | 50.00% Slash |
Shaku | Melee | Nunchaku | Normal Attack | 180 | 100.00% Impact |
Sheev | Melee | Dagger | Normal Attack | 13.5 | 90.00% Slash |
Shockprod Fishing Spear | Gear | Fishing Spear | Normal Attack | 10 | 100.00% Impact |
Sibear | Melee | Hammer | Normal Attack | 70 | 48.15% Cold |
Sicarus Prime | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 20 | 40.00% Impact |
Sicarus | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 21 | 70.00% Impact |
Sigma & Octantis | Melee | Sword and Shield | Normal Attack | 38.28 | 62.00% Slash |
Skana Prime | Melee | Sword | Normal Attack | 31.5 | 70.00% Slash |
Skana | Melee | Sword | Normal Attack | 18 | 70.00% Slash |
Skiajati | Melee | Nikana | Normal Attack | 26.25 | 78.00% Slash |
Slaytra | Melee | Machete | Normal Attack | 73.26 | 50.00% Slash |
Snipetron Vandal | Primary | Sniper Rifle | 2.5x Zoom | 10 | 90.00% Puncture |
Snipetron | Primary | Sniper Rifle | 2.5x Zoom | 18 | 80.00% Puncture |
Soaktron | Unique | Unique | Normal Attack | 60 | 100.00% Impact |
Sobek | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 52.5 | 75.00% Impact |
Soma Prime | Primary | Rifle | Fully Spooled | 1.2 | 50.00% Slash |
Soma | Primary | Rifle | Fully Spooled | 1.2 | 50.00% Slash |
Sonicor | Secondary | Pistol | Projectile Impact | 150 | 100.00% Impact |
Spira Prime | Secondary | Thrown | Normal Attack | 6 | 80.00% Puncture |
Spira | Secondary | Thrown | Normal Attack | 8.2 | 60.00% Puncture |
Sporelacer (Primary) | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 0 | -nan% Impact |
Sporelacer (Secondary) | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 0 | -nan% Impact |
Sporothrix | Primary | Sniper Rifle | 2.7x Zoom | 100.17 | 42.00% Slash |
Stahlta | Primary | Rifle | Auto | 7.28 | 54.00% Slash |
Steflos | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 130 | 59.38% Heat |
Stradavar Prime | Primary | Rifle | Full Auto Mode | 10.5 | 35.00% Impact |
Stradavar | Primary | Rifle | Full Auto Mode | 9.8 | 35.00% Impact |
Stropha | Melee | Gunblade | Ranged Attack | 700 | 100.00% Impact |
Strun Prime | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 24.3 | 45.00% Impact |
Strun Wraith | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 26 | 65.00% Impact |
Strun | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 13.75 | 55.00% Impact |
Stubba | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 14.19 | 47.00% Slash |
Stunna Fishing Spear | Gear | Fishing Spear | Normal Attack | 10 | 100.00% Impact |
Sun & Moon | Melee | Dual Nikanas | Normal Attack | 38 | 56.00% Slash |
Supra Vandal | Primary | Rifle | Fully Spooled | 4 | 75.00% Puncture |
Supra | Primary | Rifle | Fully Spooled | 4 | 75.00% Puncture |
Sweeper Prime | Robotic | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 8.5 | 85.00% Impact |
Sweeper | Robotic | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 5.95 | 85.00% Impact |
Syam | Melee | Nikana | Normal Attack | 54 | 40.00% Slash |
Sybaris Prime | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 29.04 | 34.00% Slash |
Sybaris | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 26.4 | 34.00% Slash |
Sydon | Melee | Polearm | Normal Attack | 11.25 | 95.00% Puncture |
Synoid Heliocor | Melee | Hammer | Normal Attack | 238 | 85.00% Impact |
Tatsu Prime | Melee | Two-Handed Nikana | Normal Attack | 20 | 34.78% Radiation |
Tatsu | Melee | Two-Handed Nikana | Normal Attack | 20 | 33.64% Radiation |
Tekko Prime | Melee | Fist | Normal Attack | 39.6 | 64.00% Slash |
Tekko | Melee | Fist | Normal Attack | 32 | 70.00% Slash |
Telos Akbolto | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 7 | 90.00% Puncture |
Telos Boltace | Melee | Tonfa | Normal Attack | 21 | 85.00% Puncture |
Telos Boltor | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 3 | 90.00% Puncture |
Tenet Agendus | Melee | Sword and Shield | Normal Attack | 120 | 53.85% Electricity |
Tenet Diplos | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 11.2 | 40.00% Impact |
Tenet Exec | Melee | Heavy Blade | Normal Attack | 102.6 | 54.00% Impact |
Tenet Ferrox | Primary | Speargun | Charged Shot | 20 | 70.00% Puncture |
Tenet Grigori | Melee | Scythe | Normal Attack | 9.1 | 60.00% Slash |
Tenet Livia | Melee | Two-Handed Nikana | Normal Attack | 9.9 | 90.00% Slash |
Tenet Spirex | Secondary | Pistol | Slug Impact | 40 | 50.00% Heat |
Tenet Tetra | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 13.2 | 56.00% Puncture |
Tenora Prime | Primary | Rifle | Fully Spooled | 8.4 | 40.00% Puncture |
Tenora | Primary | Rifle | Fully Spooled | 7.2 | 40.00% Puncture |
Tetra | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 6.4 | 80.00% Puncture |
Tiberon Prime | Primary | Rifle | Burst | 14.4 | 40.00% Puncture |
Tiberon | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 11 | 50.00% Puncture |
Tigris Prime | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 19.5 | 80.00% Slash |
Tigris | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 21 | 80.00% Slash |
Tipedo Prime | Melee | Staff | Normal Attack | 17 | 80.00% Slash |
Tipedo | Melee | Staff | Normal Attack | 12.4 | 80.00% Slash |
Tombfinger (Primary) | Primary | Launcher | Normal Attack | 0 | -nan% Impact |
Tombfinger (Secondary) | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 0 | -nan% Impact |
Tonbo | Melee | Polearm | Normal Attack | 18.4 | 75.00% Slash |
Trumna | Primary | Rifle | Auto | 29 | 64.63% Heat |
Tunguska Cannon | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 5650 | 85.00% Puncture |
Twin Basolk | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 55 | 40.48% Heat |
Twin Grakatas | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 4 | 40.00% Impact |
Twin Gremlins | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 12.33 | 33.33% Impact |
Twin Kohmak | Secondary | Dual Shotguns | Fully Spooled | 6 | 60.00% Slash |
Twin Krohkur | Melee | Dual Swords | Normal Attack | 30 | 70.00% Slash |
Twin Rogga | Secondary | Dual Shotguns | Normal Attack | 18.8 | 50.00% Puncture |
Twin Vipers Wraith | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 14.4 | 80.00% Impact |
Twin Vipers | Secondary | Dual Pistols | Normal Attack | 10.2 | 60.00% Impact |
Tysis | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 9 | 46.94% Puncture |
Unarmed | Unique | Unique | Normal Attack | 24.5 | 70.00% Impact |
Valkyr Prime Talons | Melee | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 83.3 | 33.33% Impact |
Valkyr Talons | Melee | Exalted Weapon | Normal Attack | 83.3 | 33.33% Impact |
Vastilok | Melee | Gunblade | Ranged Attack | 8.97 | 72.00% Slash |
Vasto Prime | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 16.5 | 70.00% Slash |
Vasto | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 22.5 | 50.00% Slash |
Vaykor Hek | Primary | Shotgun | Normal Attack | 11.25 | 65.00% Puncture |
Vaykor Marelok | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 96 | 60.00% Impact |
Vaykor Sydon | Melee | Polearm | Normal Attack | 10.65 | 95.00% Puncture |
Vectis Prime | Primary | Sniper Rifle | 3.5x Zoom | 140 | 45.00% Puncture |
Vectis | Primary | Sniper Rifle | 3x Zoom | 90 | 40.00% Impact |
Veldt | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 23.4 | 48.00% Slash |
Velocitus (Atmosphere) | Archgun (Atmosphere) | Rifle | Charged Shot | 800 | 25.00% Impact |
Velocitus | Archgun | Archgun | Charged Shot | 400 | 25.00% Impact |
Velox Prime | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 6.48 | 48.00% Slash |
Velox | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 4.32 | 48.00% Slash |
Venato | Melee | Scythe | Normal Attack | 33 | 50.00% Puncture |
Venka Prime | Melee | Claws | Normal Attack | 9.4 | 75.00% Slash |
Venka | Melee | Claws | Normal Attack | 7 | 70.00% Slash |
Verdilac | Melee | Whip | Normal Attack | 21.3 | 50.00% Slash |
Vericres | Melee | Warfan | Normal Attack | 21.6 | 72.00% Slash |
Veritux | Archmelee | Archmelee | Normal Attack | 70.5 | 70.00% Slash |
Vermisplicer (Primary) | Primary | Rifle | Normal Attack | 0 | -nan% Impact |
Vermisplicer (Secondary) | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 0 | -nan% Impact |
Vidar Glazio MK I | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 210 | 45.74% Cold |
Vidar Glazio MK II | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 308 | 53.19% Cold |
Vidar Glazio MK III | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 503 | 52.23% Cold |
Vidar Laith MK I | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 26 | 40.00% Slash |
Vidar Laith MK II | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 44.2 | 40.00% Slash |
Vidar Laith MK III | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 70.8 | 40.00% Slash |
Viper Wraith | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 14.4 | 80.00% Impact |
Viper | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 10.2 | 60.00% Impact |
Vitrica | Melee | Heavy Blade | Normal Attack | 99.9 | 40.00% Slash |
Volnus Prime | Melee | Hammer | Normal Attack | 55 | 46.00% Slash |
Volnus | Melee | Hammer | Normal Attack | 48.4 | 46.00% Slash |
Vulkar Wraith | Primary | Sniper Rifle | 2.5x Zoom | 245.7 | 90.00% Impact |
Vulkar | Primary | Sniper Rifle | 2.5x Zoom | 180 | 80.00% Impact |
War | Melee | Heavy Blade | Normal Attack | 120 | 48.00% Impact |
Wolf Sledge | Melee | Hammer | Normal Attack | 132.1 | 51.00% Impact |
Zenistar | Melee | Heavy Blade | Normal Attack | 80 | 50.34% Heat |
Zenith | Primary | Rifle | Semi-Auto Mode | 15 | 80.00% Puncture |
Zetki Glazio MK I | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 200 | 60.28% Cold |
Zetki Glazio MK II | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 400 | 53.24% Cold |
Zetki Glazio MK III | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 600 | 56.17% Cold |
Zetki Laith MK I | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 33.8 | 40.00% Slash |
Zetki Laith MK II | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 57.4 | 40.00% Slash |
Zetki Laith MK III | Railjack Turret | Turret | Normal Attack | 92 | 40.00% Slash |
Zhuge Prime | Primary | Crossbow | Arrow Impact | 10 | 45.00% Puncture |
Zhuge | Primary | Crossbow | Normal Attack | 5 | 75.00% Puncture |
Zylok Prime | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 63 | 60.00% Slash |
Zylok | Secondary | Pistol | Normal Attack | 44.8 | 56.00% Slash |
Weapons with guaranteed Impact proc[]
These weapons are guaranteed to inflict Impact status on hit, not dependent on status chance.