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Corpus Sniper Targets are Corpus VIP units encountered during Capture missions on the Orb Vallis, Venus.
- Can shoot out three grenades at once from its underbarrel Penta.
- Deploys a Icemire Hyena when alerted.
- Resists 75% of all Cold, Blast, Magnetic, and Viral damage done to health.
- Bounties to find Assassination objective for scans include:
- Hunter-Killer (Tier 1 Bounty, rarer objective)
- Served Cold (Tier 2 Bounty)
- Scorched Earth (Tier 5 Bounty)
- Trash Their Traps (Tier 5 Bounty)
- Despite the Codex stating that the Corpus Sniper Target has 400 Shield, 800 Flesh, and 75 Ferrite Armor, it actually has 1200 Shield, 1000 Flesh, and 50 Ferrite Armor at base.
Patch History[]
Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)
- (Undocumented) Now spawns as an Eximus unit.
Update 24.0 (2018-11-08)
- Introduced.
Last updated: Update 24.0 (2018-11-08)