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ShatteredLashModx256 ShatteredLash130xWhite
Shattered Lash

Lash out with stream of shattered glass, or hold for an arcing strike.

Introduced in Update 22.0 (2017-10-12)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:60
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:8 m (range)

Misc: 180° (sweep arc)
1 m (blade radius)


  • Gara thrusts her glass longsword with 8 meters range toward the aiming reticle, dealing 60 DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage and knocking back all enemies within 1 meters radius from the blade. Holding the ability key instead sweeps the glass longsword from left to right in a 180° arc in front of Gara, dealing 60 DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage to all enemies within reach and DmgImpairSmall64 Impairs them.
    • Sweep is not perfectly aligned in a straight line and is similar to a wave-like pattern, allowing Shattered Lash to hit enemies on a slightly higher terrain elevation than Gara past ~90°.
  • Thrust direction is determined when quick cast is initiated. Glass longsword will generate from the initial position regardless of Gara's orientation and position during the cast.
  • Sweep occurs around Gara's character model once the hold cast is initiated. On cast, Gara is reoriented toward the aiming reticle, but the glass longsword's path is predetermined by the sweep animation and cannot be redirected upward or downward.
  • Shattered Lash's quick cast is a one-handed action that allows Gara to fire and reload weapons, as well as move and perform maneuvers during cast.
    • Hold cast is a two-handed animation that stops Gara's movement and other actions during cast.
  • Can be cast while in midair.
  • The glass longsword is visually summoned from Gara's left palm and does not possess a grip. Glass shards will constantly break away and fall from the blade as a visual effect, while the longsword fades into and out of existence for the duration of the thrust or sweep.
    • The longsword and its particle effects are affected by Gara's chosen Warframe energy color.
  • Shattered Lash can damage enemies across the Rift Plane.


Main article: Shattered Storm

Shattered Storm is a Warframe Augment Mod for GaraIcon272 Gara's ShatteredLash130xWhite Shattered Lash that, upon shattering MassVitrify130xWhite Mass Vitrify, inflicts SplinterStorm130xWhite Splinter Storm to impacted enemies equal to a percentage of modded Ability Strength.

Rank Effect Cost
0 25% 6
1 50% 7
2 75% 8
3 100% 9
