
AntimatterDropModx256 AntimatterDrop130xWhite
Antimatter Drop

Launches a contained particle of antimatter that will detonate upon collision.

Introduced in Update 9.0 (2013-07-13)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:140 (base damage)
10 (contact damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

Misc: 8x (absorb multiplier)
6 m (explosion range)


  • Nova creates a volatile orb of antimatter which is steered with the aiming reticle. This particle absorbs all damage (friendly and hostile) when shot at, and once the particle makes contact with a solid object it will detonate and inflict 140 base damage + 800% of all absorbed damage as DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation damage with an explosion radius of 6 meters. When the particle comes into contact with an enemy, 10 DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation damage is inflicted prior to detonation.
    • The particle does not absorb damage from other Antimatter Drop explosions.
  • The particle is guided via the HUD's targeting reticle, steering itself towards any object the reticle is placed on including environmental obstacles and enemies.
  • Looking directly at the particle will slow it down significantly.
  • Multiple particles can be active simultaneously.
  • The particle seems to have unlimited duration until it comes into contact with a solid object. However, multiple instances of particles at the same time will cause randomly timed explosions until there is only one left.
  • One particle can store up to 1,000 absorbed damage.
    • After absorbing the maximum amount of damage the particle will speed up rather significantly.
  • The coloring of the particle changes towards the caster's energy color as it absorbs damage.
  • Antimatter Drop's visuals will appear gold when cast by Nova PrimeIcon272 Nova Prime.
  • This ability is a one-handed action; as such, it will not interrupt full actions such as reloading, charging, or shooting.


Main article: Antimatter Absorb

Antimatter Absorb is a Warframe Augment Mod for NovaIcon272 Nova's AntimatterDrop130xWhite Antimatter Drop that allows it to absorb incoming enemy gunfire, adding to its total damage potential.

Rank Radius Cost
0 2m 6
1 3m 7
2 4m 8
3 5m 9
