
For the gamemode, see The Circuit.
Various electronic components.
—In-Game Description

Circuits are an uncommon component that can be found on Venus, Ceres, and the Kuva Fortress. It is usually found in quantities between 20 and 50.

Farming Locations[]

These are based on opinions and may not be 100% true. These should be viewed as advice for finding the resource until better facts are proven.

Target Planet Name Type Level Tile Set
IconInfestedB Ceres Seimeni Defense (Dark Sector) 15 - 25 Grineer Shipyard
IconCorpusB Venus Tessera Defense 3 - 8 Corpus Outpost
IconInfestedB Ceres Gabii Survival (Dark Sector) 15 - 25 Grineer Galleon
IconInfestedB Venus Romula Defense (Dark Sector) 8 - 18 Corpus Outpost
IconInfestedB Venus Malva Survival (Dark Sector) 8 - 18 Corpus Ship

Drop Locations[]

Mission Drop Tables

Mission Type Source Rotations
Drop Table
Chance[1] Quantity[2] Avg. per roll[3] Star Chart Nodes
Annihilation Annihilation (Conclave) B 7.37% 100 7.37
Cephalon Capture Cephalon Capture (Conclave) B 7.37% 100 7.37
Cetus Bounty Cetus Bounty Lvl 10-30 Stage 1 C 25% 300 75
Cetus Bounty Cetus Bounty Lvl 10-30 Stage 2 C 15.97% 300 47.91
Exterminate Kuva Fortress Exterminate Resource Caches B 12.65% 400 50.6
Fortuna Bounty Fortuna Bounty Lvl 20-40 Stages 2 & 3 A 15% 300 45
Fortuna Bounty Fortuna Bounty Lvl 20-40 Stage 1 A 25% 300 75
Lunaro Lunaro (Conclave) B 7.37% 100 7.37
Sabotage Tier 1 Reactor Sabotage B 12.65% 750 94.875
Sabotage Tier 3 Reactor Sabotage B 12.65% 400 50.6
Sabotage Tier 2 Void Sabotage Resource Caches B 12.65% 400 50.6
Sabotage Tier 4 Void Sabotage Resource Caches B 15.18% 400 60.72
Team Annihilation Team Annihilation (Conclave) B 7.37% 100 7.37

Enemy Drop Tables

Enemy Drop Table Chance[4] Item Chance[5] Chance[6] Expected Kills[7] Quantity[8] Avg. per roll attempt[9]

Sourced from the official drop table repository. See Module:DropTables/data to edit on the wiki.

Blueprints Requiring Circuits[]

Click to view the Blueprints requiring Circuits
Blueprint Type Quantity
Amesha Harness Component 900
Amesha Systems Component 2,800
Amphis Amphis Melee 600
Angstrum Angstrum Secondary 400
Anku Anku Melee 200 (50)
Apoc Mk I Ship Turret (150)
Apoc Mk II Ship Turret (150)
ArcaPlasmor Arca Plasmor Primary (3,750)
ArcaTitron Arca Titron Melee 2,150
Archwing Launcher Gear 600
Argonak Argonak Primary (525)
Ash PrimeIcon272 Ash Prime Systems Component 500
AtlasIcon272 Atlas Neuroptics Component 800
Azima Azima Secondary 450
BansheeIcon272 Banshee Neuroptics Component 150
Banshee PrimeIcon272 Banshee Prime Neuroptics Component 1,500
Bashrack Loader Kitgun 1,000
Buzlok Buzlok Primary 600 (150)
Cadus Cadus Melee 1,600
Carrier Sentinel 400
Castanas Castanas Secondary 200 (50)
Chroma Mark Quest 100
Chroma PrimeIcon272 Chroma Prime Neuroptics Component 1,750
Clotra Stim Gear 500
Convectrix Convectrix Primary (450)
Cosmic Specter x1 Gear 500
Cycron Cycron Secondary 1,500 (500)
Dera Dera Primary 600 (200)
Dethcube Sentinel 400
Djinn Sentinel 3,500 (800)
Drakgoon Drakgoon Primary 1,100
Dread Dread Primary 900
DualCestra Dual Cestra Secondary (150)
DualIchor Dual Ichor Melee 1,200 (400)
DualToxocyst Dual Toxocyst Secondary (200)
Dual Zoren Dagger-Axe Skin Cosmetic 750
Embolist Embolist Secondary 1,200 (400)
EquinoxPrimeIcon Equinox Prime Neuroptics Component 1,000
Exergis Shock-Camo Skin Cosmetic 100
Eye-Eye Trophy Decoration 1,000
Falcor Falcor Melee 1,650 (325)
Falcor Shock-Camo Skin Cosmetic 100
Ferrox Ferrox Primary (550)
FluxRifle Flux Rifle Primary 900 (350)
Force Specter x3 Gear 1,000
Galvacord Galvacord Melee 1,000
Gammacor Gammacor Secondary 400
GaraIcon272 Gara Neuroptics Component 700
GaraIcon272 Gara Systems Component 850
Genetic Code Template Component 300
Glaxion Glaxion Primary 550 (100)
Glazio Mk I Ship Turret (150)
Glazio Mk II Ship Turret (300)
Glazio Mk III Ship Turret (450)
Gorgon Gorgon Primary 1,000
GrendelIcon272 Grendel Systems Component 1,125
Harpen Gyro MOA 1,000
HarrowIcon272 Harrow Systems Component 2,500
HeatDagger Heat Dagger Melee 150
HeatSword Heat Sword Melee 300
Hek Hek Primary 900
Hema Hema Primary 5,000
HildrynIcon272 Hildryn Neuroptics Component 1,600
Hind Hind Primary 700
Hydroid PrimeIcon272 Hydroid Prime Systems Component 1,300
Imperator Imperator Arch-Gun 300
InarosPrimeIcon272 Inaros Prime Systems Component 1,450
InarosIcon272 Inaros Systems Component 500
Ivara PrimeIcon272 Ivara Prime Neuroptics Component 750
Kama Kama Melee 900
KhoraIcon272 Khora Systems Component 2,600
Kroostra Grip Zaw 500
Laith Mk I Ship Turret (150)
Laith Mk II Ship Turret (300)
Laith Mk III Ship Turret (450)
Landing Craft Foundry Segment Orbiter Segment (1,600)
LavosIcon272 Lavos Systems Component 3,000
Limbo PrimeIcon272 Limbo Prime Chassis Component 550
Loc-Pin Gear 200
Loki PrimeIcon272 Loki Prime Systems Component 500
Mantis Fuselage Component 4,500
MesaPrimeIcon272 Mesa Prime Systems Component 275
MesaIcon272 Mesa Systems Component 500
MirageIcon272 Mirage Systems Component 250
Munit Gyro MOA 1,000
MutagenMass Mutagen Mass Resource (150)
MutalistQuanta Mutalist Quanta Primary 1,200 (400)
NezhaIcon272 Nezha Chassis Component (500)
NezhaPrimeIcon272 Nezha Prime Systems Component 1,450
NidusIcon272 Nidus Systems Component 3,500
Nova PrimeIcon272 Nova Prime Chassis Component 300
Nova PrimeIcon272 Nova Prime Systems Component 200
Nyx PrimeIcon272 Nyx Prime Systems Component 500
OberonIcon272 Oberon Neuroptics Component 500
Oberon PrimeIcon272 Oberon Prime Neuroptics Component 1,500
Obex Obex Melee 650
OctaviaPrimeIcon64 Octavia Prime Systems Component 875
OctaviaIcon272 Octavia Systems Component 3,000
Odonata Archwing 300
Odonata Systems Component 300
Pandero Pandero Secondary 4,500
PangolinSword Pangolin Sword Melee 300
Paracyst Paracyst Primary 1,200 (400)
Penta Penta Primary 1,000
Phage Phage Primary 1,500
Plinx Shock-Camo Skin Cosmetic 100
Pulsar Mk I Ship Turret (150)
Pulsar Mk II Ship Turret (300)
Quanta Quanta Primary 1,000 (250)
Quellor Quellor Primary 3,600
Railjack Port Nacelle Component 400
Railjack Starboard Nacelle Component 400
Rathbone Rathbone Arch-Melee 300
Recaster Trophy Decoration 1,000
Refract Stim Gear 500
SarynIcon272 Saryn Neuroptics Component 150
Saryn PrimeIcon272 Saryn Prime Systems Component 500
Scimitar Fuselage Component 5,000
Scindo Scindo Melee 300
Scindo Dagger-Axe Skin Cosmetic 350
Scourge Scourge Primary 2,500
Serro Serro Melee 400 (100)
Shade Sentinel 400
Shocking Step Ephemera Cosmetic 100,000
Sigma&Octantis Sigma & Octantis Melee 450
Sigma Engines Mk I Ship Component (500)
Sigma Engines Mk II Ship Component (750)
Sobek Sobek Primary 500
Spectra Spectra Secondary 700 (350)
Squad Health Restore (Large) x10 Gear 600
Squad Health Restore (Large) x100 Gear 6,000
Squad Health Restore (Medium) x1 Gear (200)
Squad Health Restore (Medium) x10 Gear (200)
Sydon Sydon Melee 1,100
Synapse Synapse Primary 3,500 (800)
Talyn Mk I Ship Turret (150)
Talyn Mk II Ship Turret (300)
Talyn Mk III Ship Turret (450)
Tigris Tigris Primary 900
TitaniaIcon272 Titania Neuroptics Component 700
TitaniaPrimeIcon272 Titania Prime Systems Component 1,450
Tombfinger Chamber Kitgun 900
Torid Torid Primary 600 (200)
Trinity PrimeIcon272 Trinity Prime Chassis Component 1,200
Trinity PrimeIcon272 Trinity Prime Systems Component 1,350
TwinGremlins Twin Gremlins Secondary 900
ValkyrIcon272 Valkyr Neuroptics Component 150
Valkyr PrimeIcon272 Valkyr Prime Neuroptics Component 12,000
Vauban PrimeIcon272 Vauban Prime Systems Component 5,000
Veritux Veritux Arch-Melee 500
Volt PrimeIcon272 Volt Prime Neuroptics Component 750
Volt PrimeIcon272 Volt Prime Systems Component 500
Vort Mk I Ship Turret (150)
Vort Mk II Ship Turret (300)
Vort Mk III Ship Turret (450)
Vulkar Vulkar Primary 800
WukongIcon272 Wukong Neuroptics Component 1,400
Wukong PrimeIcon272 Wukong Prime Chassis Component 825
Wyrm Sentinel 400
Xiphos Fuselage Component 5,000
Zenistar Zenistar Melee 450
Zenith Zenith Primary 450
ZephyrIcon272 Zephyr Neuroptics Component 150
HildrynPrimeIcon272 Hildryn Prime Neuroptics Component 1,100
CitrineIcon272 Citrine Systems Component 1,500
BaruukPrimeIcon272 Baruuk Prime Chassis Component 1,200
RevenantPrimeIcon272 Revenant Prime Systems Component 1,175
KhoraPrimeIcon272 Khora Prime Neuroptics Component 1,100
GarudaPrimeIcon Garuda Prime Neuroptics Component 1,100
HarrowPrimeIcon Harrow Prime Neuroptics Component 1,100
NidusPrimeIcon272 Nidus Prime Neuroptics Component 1,100
YareliIcon272 Yareli Chassis Component 350
YareliIcon272 Yareli Systems Component (500)
Total 270,375 (+20,200)
Research Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100

WARFRAME China Build only.

Last updated: Update 29.10 (2021-03-19)


By purchasing this item you can directly exchange Platinum64 30 for 1500 Circuits.
—In-Game Description

Beginning in Update 9.0 (2013-07-13) materials could be purchased directly from the market for PlatinumLarge Platinum.

Gathering Tips[]

These are based on opinions and may not be 100% true. These should be viewed as advice for finding the materials until better facts are proven.


  • The Corpus letters on the front of the container spell Corpus KCorpus ECorpus Y   Corpus CCorpus ICorpus RCorpus CCorpus UCorpus ICorpus TCorpus RCorpus Y   Corpus PCorpus ACorpus RCorpus TCorpus S which transcribes to KEY CIRCUITRY PARTS.


  • If a player uses all of their Argon Crystals in a recipe, Circuits will display the remaining time till decay. This is a visual bug and will not affect a player's remaining Circuits.
  1. Chance to roll item within drop table
  2. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  3. (Quantity × Chance)
  4. Chance to roll drop table
  5. Chance to roll item within drop table
  6. (Drop Table Chance × Item Chance)
  7. (1 / Chance), see WARFRAME Wiki:Expected & Nearly Guaranteed Numbers for more details
  8. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  9. (Quantity × Chance), average item quantity on a roll attempt (successful or not)