
Charm allows the Smeeta Kavat to grant a random buff to its owner, indicated by a special icon next to its owner's health and shields.


Rank Chance Cooldown Cost
0 7% 30s 0
1 14% 29s 1
2 21% 28s 2
3 28% 27s 3

List of Possible Buffs

The duration of the buffs below are for a fully-ranked Charm. When the player receives a buff (apart from Rare Resource), a charm icon will appear to the top right corner of the HUD, it will also display for a brief time what kind of buff it is. You can also determine which buff is currently active is by looking at said buff's duration.

Buff Effect Duration
Critical Chance Bonus Sets critical hit chance to 200%, making all attacks orange critical hits. Also affects some Warframe powers. 30s
Energy Refund Warframe power costs are refunded on cast. (Channelled abilities refund the initial cast, the effect also refunds any channel cost during those 10 seconds.) This effect also applies to melee channel attacks. 10s
Doubled Pickups and Affinity Any pickups collected or affinity earned are doubled. 120s
Instant Reload Reload instantly once. Until reload
Reinforced Shields Negates damage received from the next incoming hit. Additionally, awards 150 overshields. Until hit
Rare Resource The Smeeta creates 1 instance of the current planet's rare resources for its owner. N/A

Average Time for a Buff Occurrence

The average time, , for one buff, , to occur within a given range of buffs, , where is the interval between the chance of a buff to occur, is calculated with this formula:

If we enter the values for a Rank 3 Charm we get:

For one specific buff to occur the average time to wait is therefore a bit longer than 9 and a half minutes.

Alternatively, given that there is a 4.667% for a given buff to occur at an interval, any given buff has a 51.17% chance of occurring at least once by 15 intervals, or 6 minutes and 40 seconds.


  • The Orange critical hit chance buff sets critical chance to 200%, and on melee, it applies before Mod TT 20px Blood Rush. This means that using Blood Rush will cause the 200% critical hit chance to be multiplied with the combo counter, allowing the critical hit chance to scale up very quickly.
  • The Rare Resource buff can spawn Argon Crystal drops.
  • The Double Pickups and Affinity buff can proc and be followed by a Rare Resource buff, doubling the amount of resources that are generated by the Smeeta Kavat.
  • Buffs are stackable, they do not overwrite the first buff. 2 times or more Doubled Pickup/Affinity is possible, and the buff is multiplicative (2x>4x>8x>16x>etc.).
  • With Doubled Pickup/Affinity, Affinity Pickups are 4x multiplied (Because both multipiers affect them). Double affinity only applies once (think of it as the final multiplier that is applied at the very end).
    • The Doubled Pickups bonuses can also increase the amount of Kuva or Void Traces rewarded, but only before the player receives them.


  • Sometimes, Warframe powers are unaffected by the critical chance buff.
  • While using Ivara and the Reload buff activates, the player can fire the Artemis Bow as if it had no draw time.
  • At random times the mod will stop working for the rest of the mission.
  • If your Smeeta dies while a buff is active, it is possible to have it permanently for the mission. (Infinite Insta Reload)

Patch History

Hotfix 22.17.4 (2018-04-13)

  • (unlisted) Charm will now briefly display in the HUD the type of buff obtained.
  • Fixed Smeeta’s Charm cooldown being removed if you were to Revive or be Revived.

Hotfix 22.13.3 (2018-02-21)

  • Smeeta Kavat’s Charm Critical Chance and Energy recharge Buffs no longer apply to Operators.

Update 21.2 (2017-07-26)

  • Fixes towards Smeeta Charm buffs not consistently applying to the Operator.

Hotfix 21.0.9 (2017-07-17)

  • Operators are now affected by the Smeeta Kavat Mischief/Charm buffs.

Hotfix 19.11.1 (2017-02-16)

  • Fixed Smeeta’s Charm precept buff giving Bows an unintended insane Fire Rate.

Update 19.1 (2016-11-25)

  • Fixed Smeeta's Charm ‘Doubled Pickups and Affinity’ buff not working as intended and doubling a number of things that were unintended. It now properly doubles pickups: Resource, Health, Energy, Affinity, Credit and Ammo (previously it would).

Hotfix: The Silver Grove 1.2 (2016-09-02)

  • Changed Smeeta's Charm ability, specifically the Resource related Charm, to give a single Resource pickup rather than a random stack of resources that may not be the appropriate size for the chosen Resource type.

Update: The Silver Grove (2016-08-19)

  • Fixed an exploit with Smeeta's Charm ability.

Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08)

  • Introduced.

Last update: Hotfix 23.3.1 (2018-08-09)