
Ceres is the extreme example of the Grineer's utilitarian ignorance of the natural landscape. Their expanding shipyard operations pollute and shroud the planet in smog and industrial waste as they manufacture machines of war. These foundries are scattered across the Solar System, giving them near-limitless reach with their fleets.
—Ceres Fragment

Ceres is a planet under Grineer control.

Ceres becomes accessible by defeating the Specter in the Ceres Junction on Mars after completing the required tasks.

The Assassination Targets for Ceres is Lieutenant Lech Kril and Captain Vor they can be found in the mission node Exta. They drop the component blueprints for the parts of the Trinity Warframe, and also has a higher than average chance to drop Orokin Cells.

Most missions on Ceres take place in the Grineer Shipyard tile set, which was first featured in the Tethra's Doom event and then implemented permanently in Update 13.0 (2014-04-09). Ceres was also the first planet to have Hijack missions available, introduced in the same event.

Ceres is the only planet to feature the Grineer Shipyard tile sets.

Ceres does not currently have a Tenno Relay.


Invasion Missions: The Corpus will appear as a "Sideable or Opposing" faction while the Infested will always appear as an "Opposing" faction during Invasion missions.

Spy Missions: Special enemy variants have a chance of spawning during Spy missions.

Survival Missions: The following lists below do not apply to Survival missions.

Grineer Infested




  • Kiste, Cinxia, Casta, and Draco are excellent missions to look for Orokin Cells.
  • The Seimeni and Gabii Dark Sectors are a great place to farm credits, offering Credits64 12,400 per mission provided players are in a fully-occupied Cell.
  • Particularly if you are playing alone, make sure that you have all four base elements (Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist., Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist., Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist., and Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist.) on your weapons, as Prosecutor Guardsmen enemy types are only vulnerable to one specific element.
    • Try to build towards having one base element on your primary weapon, one on your secondary weapon, another on your melee weapon, and a final base element on your sentinel weapon.
    • Combined elements (Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist., Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist., Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist. and Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist.) have no effect on Prosecutors.
    • In the event that players do not have the necessary elemental damage to attack Prosecutors, they are also vulnerable to Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist. damage, though not to the same degree as the element they are weak to.


  • Ceres is named after the Roman Goddess of the agriculture and the harvest. Missions on Ceres are named after different Roman/Greek-relations and numerous asteroids.
    • Ceres is the only known dwarf planet in the inner solar system, and may have liquid water. This may the source of the constant rainstorms that occur on the shipyards, which may be a product of the Grineer's ship-building operations.
    • Ceres is a very interesting and strategic point for the Grineer. As the dwarf planet is located in the Asteroid Belt, the Grineer can easily mine the nearby bounty of mineral and metal-rich asteroids to build their ships.
