Name Description Polarity Rarity Subcategory
Mod TT 20px Accelerated Blast Increases rate of fire
Increases base DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage
Madurai Pol Rare Nightmare
Mod TT 20px Amalgam Shotgun Barrage Increases rate of fire
Increases revive speed
Madurai Pol Amalgam Amalgam
Mod TT 20px Ammo Stock Increases magazine capacity Naramon Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Blaze Increases base damage
Adds DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare Nightmare
Mod TT 20px Blunderbuss Increases Critical Hit chance Madurai Pol Common None
Mod TT 20px Bounty Hunter Adds temporary Target-Tracking to the map on hit
Exclusive to PvP
Naramon Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Breach Loader Increases base DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage Naramon Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Broad Eye Reduces zoom while Aim Gliding Naramon Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Burdened Magazine Increases magazine capacity
Decreases reload speed
Naramon Pol Rare Corrupted
Mod TT 20px Charged Shell Adds DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage to the weapon Naramon Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Chilling Grasp Adds DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage to the weapon Vazarin Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Chilling Reload Adds DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage to the weapon
Reduces reload time
Madurai Pol Rare Nightmare
Mod TT 20px Cleanse Corpus Increases damage dealt to all IconCorpusOn Corpus units Madurai Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Cleanse Orokin Increases damage dealt to all IconOrokinOn Orokin units Madurai Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Cleanse Grineer Increases damage dealt to all IconGrineerOn Grineer units Madurai Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Cleanse Infested Increases damage dealt to all Infestation w Infested units Madurai Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Contagious Spread Adds DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin damage to the weapon Naramon Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Crash Shot Converts a percentage of the weapon's damage into DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Critical Deceleration Increases Critical Hit chance
Decreases Fire Rate
Madurai Pol Rare Corrupted
Mod TT 20px Disruptor Increases base DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage Naramon Pol Common None
Mod TT 20px Double-Barrel Drift Reduces recoil and spread while sliding Madurai Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Fatal Acceleration Increases flight speed of shotgun rounds Madurai Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Flak Shot Converts a percentage of the weapon's damage into DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Flechette Increases base DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage Naramon Pol Common None
Mod TT 20px Frail Momentum Increases rate of fire
Decreases damage
Madurai Pol Rare Corrupted
Mod TT 20px Frigid Blast Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Full Contact Increases base DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage Naramon Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Hell's Chamber Increases number of projectiles Madurai Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Hydraulic Chamber Reduces recoil generated while firing
Decreases magazine capacity
Exclusive to PvP
Naramon Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Incendiary Coat Adds DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage to the weapon Naramon Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Kill Switch Reduces reload time for 3 seconds on Kill
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Laser Sight Increases Critical Hit chance while aiming for a brief time upon a headshot Madurai Pol Uncommon Acolyte
Mod TT 20px Lingering Torment Increases status duration Madurai Pol Common None
Mod TT 20px Loaded Capacity Increases magazine capacity
Increases reload time
Exclusive to PvP
Naramon Pol Common None
Mod TT 20px Lock and Load Adds passive reload over time while holstered Naramon Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Loose Chamber Reduces reload time
Increases recoil generated while firing
Exclusive to PvP
Naramon Pol Common None
Mod TT 20px Momentary Pause Adds Chance to Restore Health on Kill
Exclusive to PvP
Vazarin Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Motus Setup Increases critical chance and status chance after landing from a Double Jump or Bullet Jump Madurai Pol Rare Set Mod
Mod TT 20px Nano-Applicator Increases chance of causing status effects while aiming for a brief time after casting an ability Madurai Pol Rare Acolyte
Mod TT 20px Narrow Barrel Increases accuracy while aiming for a brief time upon hitting an enemy Madurai Pol Rare Acolyte
Mod TT 20px Point Blank Increases base damage Madurai Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Primed Ammo Stock Increases magazine capacity Naramon Pol Legendary None
Mod TT 20px Primed Charged Shell Adds DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage to the weapon Naramon Pol Legendary None
Mod TT 20px Primed Chilling Grasp Adds DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage to the weapon Vazarin Pol Legendary None
Mod TT 20px Primed Cleanse Corpus Increases damage dealt to all IconCorpusOn Corpus units Madurai Pol Legendary None
Mod TT 20px Primed Cleanse Orokin Increases damage dealt to all IconOrokinOn Orokin units Madurai Pol Legendary None
Mod TT 20px Primed Cleanse Grineer Increases damage dealt to all IconGrineerOn Grineer units Madurai Pol Legendary None
Mod TT 20px Primed Cleanse Infested Increases damage dealt to all Infestation w Infested units Madurai Pol Legendary None
Mod TT 20px Primed Ravage Increases Critical Hit damage Madurai Pol Legendary None
Mod TT 20px Primed Point Blank Increases base damage Madurai Pol Legendary None
Mod TT 20px Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation Converts any unused ammo types collected into Shotgun Ammo Naramon Pol Legendary None
Mod TT 20px Primed Tactical Pump Reduces reload time Naramon Pol Legendary None
Mod TT 20px Prize Kill Adds Chance to Restore Shield on Kill
Exclusive to PvP
Vazarin Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Ravage Increases Critical Hit damage Madurai Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Repeater Clip Increases rate of fire while aiming for a brief time upon reloading Madurai Pol Uncommon Acolyte
Mod TT 20px Scattering Inferno Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Seeking Force Adds punch through to projectiles Naramon Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Seeking Fury Adds punch through to projectiles
Reduces reload time
Madurai Pol Rare Nightmare
Mod TT 20px Shell Compression Increases maximum ammunition capacity Naramon Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Shell Shock Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Shotgun Ammo Mutation Converts any unused ammo types collected into Shotgun Ammo Naramon Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Shotgun Savvy Increases chance of causing status effects Vazarin Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Shotgun Barrage Increases rate of fire Madurai Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Shrapnel Shot Increases Critical Hit damage while aiming for a brief time upon a kill Madurai Pol Common Acolyte
Mod TT 20px Shred Shot Converts a percentage of the weapon's damage into DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Shredder Increases base DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage Naramon Pol Common None
Mod TT 20px Silent Battery Reduces noise generated by firing Naramon Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Snap Shot Increases movement speed while aiming Madurai Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Soft Hands Increases the holster rate Naramon Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Sweeping Serration Increases base DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage Naramon Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Tactical Pump Reduces reload time Naramon Pol Uncommon None
Mod TT 20px Tainted Shell Reduces spread of shotgun fire
Reduces rate of fire
Vazarin Pol Rare Corrupted
Mod TT 20px Toxic Barrage Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare None
Mod TT 20px Vicious Spread Increases base damage
Increases spread of shotgun fire
Madurai Pol Rare Corrupted

All items (90)
