
PvP Mods (or Conclave Mods) are mainly acquired from the Conclave Syndicate, where they originated from. Some of them can also be used in PvE (possibly with altered stats or effects) and can be obtained through Nightwave Cred offerings, while others are dropped by Sentients.

Conclave Syndicate Mods
Name Description Type Polarity Rarity Conclave Rank
Mod TT 20px Air Thrusters Increases sliding speed while airborne while decreasing mobility. Warframe Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Adept Surge Increases mobility while decreasing health. Warframe Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Afterburn Spectral Scream fires an elemental projectile upon deactivation. Chroma Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Agile Aim Increases movement speed while aiming. Rifle Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Air Recon Decreases zoom during aim glide. Pistol Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Anti-Flak Plating Gain resistance to DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage at the cost of decreased mobility. Warframe Vazarin Pol Uncommon Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Anticipation Immune to Impair for 4 seconds after being impaired. Immune to Knockdown for 4 seconds after being knocked down. Warframe Vazarin Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Antimatter Mine Antimatter Drop creates a fully charged stationary orb that explodes after 6 seconds or when an enemy gets within proximity. Nova Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Apex Predator Causes targets hit to be temporarily visible on the minimap. Rifle Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Argent Scourge Polearm Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Zenurik Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Armored Acrobatics Gain damage resistance during bullet jump at the cost of reduced mobility. Warframe Vazarin Pol Uncommon Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Armored Evade Gain damage resistance while dodging at the cost of reduced sliding speed. Warframe Vazarin Pol Uncommon Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Armored Recovery Gain damage resistance while knocked down at the cost of reduced sliding speed. Warframe Vazarin Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Biting Piranha Dual Daggers Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Unairu Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Bounty Hunter Causes targets hit to be temporarily visible on the minimap. Shotgun Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Broad Eye Decreases zoom during aim glide. Shotgun Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Calculated Spring Decreases mobility in return of Increased health. Warframe Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Calculated Victory Decreases shield recharge delay on kills, but decreases health gained from health orbs. Pistol Vazarin Pol Rare Hurricane
Mod TT 20px Celestial Nightfall Glaive Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Comet Rounds Converts an amount of damage to DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage. Rifle Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Counterweight Converts an amount of damage to DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage. Melee Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Crash Shot Converts an amount of damage to DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage. Shotgun Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Crashing Havoc Hammer Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Vazarin Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Crashing Timber Staves Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Cunning Aspect Rapier Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Deceptive Bond 50% of damage Loki takes is transferred to Decoy, and vice versa. Loki Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Defiled Reckoning Reckoning causes health orbs become unusable by enemies. Oberon Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Discharge Strike Soul Punch depletes 25 energy from the target. Nekros Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Dividing Blades Dual Sword Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Double-Barrel Drift Reduces in recoil and spread when firing while sliding. Shotgun Madurai Pol Rare Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Eject Magazine Reloads an amount of the clip every second while holstered. Pistol Naramon Pol Rare Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Explosive Demise Enemies explode when killed, dealing damage shortly after death. Melee Madurai Pol Rare Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Fateful Truth Nikana Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Flak Shot Converts an amount of damage to DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage. Shotgun Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Follow Through Respawn with a small amount of energy. Warframe Madurai Pol Uncommon Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Gun Glide Reduces in recoil and spread when firing while sliding. Rifle Madurai Pol Rare Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Heartseeker Automatically lock onto targets within 4 meters, but reduces the amount of damage able to be blocked. Daggers Madurai Pol Rare Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Hysterical Fixation An amount of shields are restored for every kill. Valkyr Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Ice Wave Impedance Ice Wave will leave a frozen trail that slows down enemies that come into contact with it. Frost Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Impaler Munitions Converts an amount of damage to DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage. Pistol Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Impenetrable Offense Increases damage blocking, but decreases damage done. Melee Madurai Pol Rare Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Iron Shrapnel Iron Skin does DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage and knocking down enemies upon recasting. Rhino Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Kinetic Collision Increases Speed's duration when the player makes contact with an opponent. Volt Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Lashing Coil Whip Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Zenurik Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Last Herald Sword and Shield Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Lie In Wait Decreases reticle sway while increasing recoil while scoped. Sniper Madurai Pol Rare Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Lock and Load Reloads an amount of the clip every second while holstered. Shotgun Naramon Pol Rare Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px No Current Leap Increases mobility but disables passive energy regeneration. Warframe Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Mafic Rain Nunchaku Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Vazarin Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Martial Fury Increases attack speed but decreases passive energy regeneration rate. Melee Madurai Pol Rare Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Mesa's Waltz Move slowly while Peacemaker is active. Mesa Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Meteor Munitions Converts an amount of damage to DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage. Pistol Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Momentary Pause Grants health regeneration on kills, but decreases health from health orbs. Shotgun Vazarin Pol Rare Hurricane
Mod TT 20px Night Stalker Causes targets hit to be temporarily visible on the minimap. Pistol Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Noble Cadence Heavy Blade Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Overcharged A small amount of respawn energy will converted to a large amount of Overshields. Warframe Vazarin Pol Rare Hurricane
Mod TT 20px Overcharge Detectors Exposes nearby enemies who are at their maximum energy capacity. Warframe Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Overview Decreases zoom during aim glide. Rifle Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Piercing Fury Dagger Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Power of Three Quiver fires three arrows and consumes more energy. Ivara Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Prize Kill Decreases shield recharge delay on kills, but decreases health gained from health orbs. Shotgun Vazarin Pol Rare Hurricane
Mod TT 20px Prism Guard Prism follows above Mirage for 4 seconds. Mirage Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Purging Slash Slash Dash removes allies' debuffs and restores their shields when hit by it. Excalibur Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Purifying Flames Fire Blast remove up to 4 debuffs if allies enter the fire. Ember Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Push & Pull Metamorphosis. Switching to Day-form staggers enemies within 6 meters and knocks them down when switching to Night-form. Equinox Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Quaking Hand Fists Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Unairu Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Quick Charge Decreases shield recharge delay while Reducing shield capacity. Warframe Vazarin Pol Rare Hurricane
Mod TT 20px Razor Munitions Converts an amount of damage to DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage. Pistol Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Recharge Barrier Electric Shield restores allies' shields when they pass through it. Volt Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Recover Grants health regeneration on kills, but decreases health from health orbs. Rifle Vazarin Pol Rare Hurricane
Mod TT 20px Recuperate Grants health regeneration on kills, but decreases health from health orbs. Pistol Vazarin Pol Rare Hurricane
Mod TT 20px Reflex Draw Increases the holster rate of secondary weapons. Pistol Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Relentless Assault Gain brief energy regeneration from kills. Melee Madurai Pol Rare Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Rending Wind Machete Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Zenurik Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Rime Vault Cosmetic DmgColdSmall64 Cold proc to bulletjumps. Warframe Madurai Pol Rare Hurricane
Mod TT 20px Ripper Rounds Converts an amount of damage to DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage. Rifle Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Rising Skill Increases mobility at the cost of decreased shields. Warframe Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Rising Steel Sword Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Unairu Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Rumbled Atlas becomes a Rumbler with rock armor that can absorb up to 500 damage. Atlas Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Sapping Reach Pull steals energy from the target. Mag Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Scarlet Hurricane Claws Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Searing Leap Cosmetic DmgFireSmall64 Heat proc to bulletjumps. Warframe Madurai Pol Rare Hurricane
Mod TT 20px Serrated Edges Converts an amount of damage to DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage. Melee Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Serrated Rounds Converts an amount of damage to DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage. Rifle Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Shadow Harvest Scythe Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Sharpened Blade Converts an amount of damage to DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage. Melee Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Shield Overload Polarize increases shield recharge time of the target. Mag Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Shred Shot Converts an amount of damage to DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage. Shotgun Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Signal Flare Radial Blind temporarily marks affected enemies on the minimap. Excalibur Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Singularity Absorb creates a ring every 3 seconds that drags targets in. Nyx Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Snap Shot Increases movement speed while aiming. Shotgun Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Soft Hands Increases the holster rate of shotguns. Shotgun Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Spring-Loaded Broadhead Increases damage if the target is over 15 meters away. Daikyu Madurai Pol Rare Hurricane
Mod TT 20px Spry Sights Increases movement speed while aiming. Pistol Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Stand Ground Blocking reduces damage taken from enemy abilities. Melee Vazarin Pol Rare Hurricane
Mod TT 20px Star Divide Tonfa Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Strafing Slide Reduces recoil but decreases spread while sliding. Pistol Madurai Pol Rare Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Surplus Diverters Gain energy after replenishing shields completely after they have been deactivated. Warframe Madurai Pol Rare Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Sword Alone Gain an increase in sprint speed and mobility with a melee equipped. Melee Madurai Pol Rare Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Tactical Reload Reloads an amount of the clip every second while holstered. Rifle Naramon Pol Rare Whirlwind
Mod TT 20px Tainted Hydra Blade and Whip Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Madurai Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Tear Gas Smoke Screen blinds enemies within 4 meters for 3 seconds. Ash Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest
Mod TT 20px Tempered Bound Decreases mobility while increasing shields. Warframe Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Twitch Increases the holster rate rifles. Rifle Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Vanquished Prey Decreases shield recharge delay on kills, but decreases health gained from health orbs. Rifle Vazarin Pol Rare Hurricane
Mod TT 20px Venomous Rise Cosmetic DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin proc to bulletjumps. Warframe Madurai Pol Rare Hurricane
Mod TT 20px Vicious Approach Sparring Stance: Fighting Form devised for Conclave. Melee Naramon Pol Uncommon Mistral
Mod TT 20px Voltaic Lance Cosmetic DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity proc to bulletjumps. Warframe Madurai Pol Rare Hurricane
Mod TT 20px Ward Recovery Warding Halo half of the casting cost is returned based on how much protection is left. Nezha Zenurik Pol Rare Tempest

Conclave matches will give each participating player a random reward at the end of a match.

Conclave Mission Reward Mods
Name Description Type Polarity Rarity
Mod TT 20px Adrenaline Boost Increases energy but reduces health. Warframe Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Ambush Optics Decreases zoom when aiming. Rubico Naramon Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Blind Shot Increases flight speed at the cost of decreased accuracy. Pistol Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Brain Storm Gain a brief increase in ammo efficient from headshots. Grakata Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Deft Tempo Gain increased bulletjump speed after get a headshot for a few seconds. Rifle Naramon Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Directed Convergence Increases accuracy when aiming. Supra Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Double Tap Increases damage on next hit after a successful hit has been made. Latron Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Draining Gloom Cause energy-draining explosions, but decreases magazine capacity and maximum ammo. Despair Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Emergent Aftermath Gain a brief increase in reload speed after a successful kill. Sniper Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Feathered Arrows Increases flight speed but decreases damage. Bow Madurai Pol Uncommon
Mod TT 20px Final Act Gain a brief increase in power efficiency and range when at low health. Warframe Naramon Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Final Tap Gain a brief increase in damage after 4 hits have been successfully mad. Hind Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Focused Acceleration Increases projectile speed when aiming. Tetra Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Full Capacity Increases magazine capacity but decreases reload speed. Pistol Naramon Pol Common
Mod TT 20px Gorgon Frenzy Gain a brief increase in fire rate after a successful kill. Gorgon Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Grinloked Gain a brief increase in accuracy after a successful hit. Grinlok Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Hastened Steps Increases sprint speed but decreases shield capacity. Warframe Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Heavy Warhead Increases Explosion Radius while decreasing flight speed. Pistol Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Heightened Reflexes Quicken casting speed but reduces energy efficiency. Warframe Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Hydraulic Barrel Decreases weapon recoil but decreases magazine capacity. Pistol Naramon Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Hydraulic Chamber Decreases weapon recoil but decreases magazine capacity. Shotgun Naramon Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Hydraulic Gauge Decreases weapon recoil but decreases magazine capacity. Rifle Naramon Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Kill Switch Gain a brief increase in reload speed after a successful kill. Shotgun Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Loaded Capacity Increases magazine capacity but decreases reload speed. Shotgun Naramon Pol Uncommon
Mod TT 20px Loose Chamber Decreases reload speed but increases weapon recoil. Shotgun Naramon Pol Uncommon
Mod TT 20px Loose Hatch Decreases reload speed but increases weapon recoil. Rifle Naramon Pol Common
Mod TT 20px Loose Magazine Decreases reload speed and weapon recoil. Pistol Naramon Pol Common
Mod TT 20px Lucky Shot Increases flight speed at the cost of decreased accuracy. Rifle Madurai Pol Uncommon
Mod TT 20px Maximum Capacity Increases magazine capacity at the cost of increased reload speed. Rifle Naramon Pol Common
Mod TT 20px Measured Burst Increases damage while decreasing fire rate when aiming. Tiberon Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Mortal Conduct Gain a brief increase in channeled damage reflection when at low health. Melee Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Plan B Gain a brief increase in fire rate for secondary weapons after getting a successful hit with a bow. Bow Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Precision Munition Increased accuracy and flight speed, but decreased magazine capacity. Tonkor Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Secondary Wind Gain a brief health regeneration after a kill. Pistol Vazarin Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Shrapnel Rounds Increases multishot while decreasing damage. Marelok Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Skull Shots Gain a brief increase in ammo efficiency after getting a headshot. Viper Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Soaring Strike Increases fire rate while airborne. Bow Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Static Alacrity Increases flight speed but decreases explosion radius. Staticor Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Sudden Justice Gain a brief increase in fire rate after 2 hits have been successfully made. Sybaris Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Tactical Retreat Gain a brief increase in mobility when at low health. Warframe Vazarin Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Thundermiter Charged projectiles explode but decreases magazine capacity. Miter Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Triple Tap Gain a brief increase in damage after 2 hits have been successfully made. Burston Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Vital Systems Bypass Gain health regen at the cost increased shield recharge delay. Warframe Naramon Pol Rare

All items (168)
