
Corrupted Mods are a class of rare mods that affect one stat beneficially (a bonus) and another one detrimentally (a penalty). Those available for Warframes are characterized by extremely high bonuses outweighed by major penalties. Those available for weapons provide bonuses of a similar strength to their standard mod analogues, while still also having a penalty. Corrupted mods can be obtained from the Orokin Derelict tileset on Deimos (not to be confused with the Orokin Tower tileset on the Void) using special Dragon Keys to unlock Orokin Vaults located within. They are untransmutable. Visually, they do not have any special distinguishing mark and appear as any other mod of Rare rarity (i.e. gold-colored).

  • Corrupted mods that provide a bonus to Critical Chance (e.g. Mod TT 20px Critical Delay) are a notable exception to the general pattern of nonstandard mods in that they cannot be stacked with their standard analogues.
  • There are currently 24 Corrupted Mods and each of them has an equal chance to drop (4.1667%).

Name Description Polarity Rarity
Mod TT 20px Blind Rage Increases ability strength
Reduces ability efficiency
Madurai Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Catalyzing Shields Guarantees that Shield gating duration scales from 0.33s to 1.33s based on your maximum Shield values, regardless of what they are
Reduces max shield capacity
Vazarin Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Fleeting Expertise Increases ability efficiency
Reduces ability duration
Naramon Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Narrow Minded Increases ability duration
Reduces ability range
Vazarin Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Overextended Increases ability range
Reduces ability strength
Vazarin Pol Rare
Mod TT 20px Transient Fortitude Increases ability strength
Reduces ability duration
Madurai Pol Rare

Name Description Polarity Rarity Weapon Subcategory
Mod TT 20px Critical Delay Increases Critical Hit Chance
Reduces Fire Rate
Naramon Pol Rare Rifle
Mod TT 20px Heavy Caliber Increases Damage
Reduces Accuracy
Madurai Pol Rare Rifle
Mod TT 20px Vile Precision Reduces Recoil
Reduces Fire Rate
Naramon Pol Rare Rifle
Mod TT 20px Tainted Mag Increases Magazine Capacity
Decreases Reload Speed
Naramon Pol Rare Rifle
Mod TT 20px Vile Acceleration Increases Fire Rate
Reduces Damage
Naramon Pol Rare Rifle
Mod TT 20px Depleted Reload Increases Reload Speed
Reduces Magazine Capacity
Naramon Pol Rare Sniper
Mod TT 20px Burdened Magazine Increases Magazine Capacity
Decreases Reload Speed
Naramon Pol Rare Shotgun
Mod TT 20px Vicious Spread Increases Damage
Increases Shotgun Spread
Madurai Pol Rare Shotgun
Mod TT 20px Tainted Shell Reduces Shotgun Spread
Reduces Fire Rate
Vazarin Pol Rare Shotgun
Mod TT 20px Frail Momentum Increases Fire Rate
Reduces Damage
Madurai Pol Rare Shotgun
Mod TT 20px Critical Deceleration Increases Critical Hit Chance
Reduces Fire Rate
Madurai Pol Rare Shotgun

Name Description Polarity Rarity Weapon Subcategory
Mod TT 20px Anemic Agility Increases Fire Rate
Reduces Damage
Naramon Pol Rare Any
Mod TT 20px Creeping Bullseye Increases Critical Hit Chance
Reduces Fire Rate
Naramon Pol Rare Any
Mod TT 20px Hollow Point Increases Critical Hit Damage
Reduces Damage
Naramon Pol Rare Any
Mod TT 20px Magnum Force Increases Damage
Reduces Accuracy
Madurai Pol Rare Any
Mod TT 20px Tainted Clip Increases Magazine Capacity
Reduces Reload Speed
Naramon Pol Rare Any

Name Description Polarity Rarity Weapon Subcategory
Mod TT 20px Spoiled Strike Increases Damage
Reduces Attack Speed
Madurai Pol Rare Any
Mod TT 20px Corrupt Charge Increases Intial Combo
Reduces Combo Duration
Madurai Pol Rare Any

All items (24)
