
Crash through your opponents like a tidal wave with this speargun skin.
—In-Game Description

The Carcinus Speargun Skin is a Deluxe Skin for Spearguns.


The Carcinus Speargun Skin is only available in the Market as part of the Hydroid Rakkam Collection, which also includes the Hydroid Rakkam Skin, Scyph Diriga Skin, Scyph Sentinel Mask, Scyph Sentinel Tail, and Scyph Sentinel Wings for Platinum64 250.


  • Carcinus is the Latin word for crab and a genus of crabs commonly known as green crabs. It is derived from the Greek word Karkinos (Καρκίνος) meaning crab.


Patch History[]

Hotfix 29.6.6 (2021-01-12)

  • Fixed inconsistent extend/collapse Speargun states when equipped with the Carcinus Speargun Skin.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Added new animations and sounds to the Carcinus Speargun Skin. We apologise for shipping this Skin without it’s intended animations, which made the Skin appear static. New animations and sounds include:
    • The Speargun will be collapsed when viewed in the Arsenal, and then expand when changing its colors to provide a more accurate depiction of what it will look like expanded.
    • The Speargun will now collapse when holstered and expand when equipping. Additionally the equip sound has changed from the default sound.
    • The gun tip of the Speargun will now animate upon equipping.
    • The circular clips on the gun tip will animate upon firing and when doing a charged shot.
    • Reloading now animates the gun tip with included FX. Additionally the reload sound has changed from the default ‘whoosh’.
    • https://giphy.com/gifs/OM4g6n5Agqqk8OyH6h

Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)

  • Introduced.
Last updated: Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)