
Buff & Debuff Icons[]

Comprehensive list of all of the buff & debuff icons in the game. Please feel free to update this chart as needed. Note that some sources/conditions share the same buff/debuff icon.

Named Icons[]

Name Icon Type Target Source(s)/Conditions
Ability Strength AbilityStrengthBuff Buff User

Mod TT 20px Growing PowerMod TT 20px Power Drain

Accuracy AccuracyBuff Buff User Mod TT 20px Guided OrdnanceMod TT 20px Targeting Subsystem
Affinity Range AffinityRangeIcon Buff Squad

Fosfor gear item

Arcane Depends on Arcane Buff User

Any Arcane Enhancement equipped while meeting Arcane proc conditions

Armor ArmorBuff Buff User/Ally

Warframes affected by OberonIcon272 Oberon's Renewal130xWhite Renewal while standing on HallowedGround130xWhite Hallowed GroundMod TT 20px Mecha Pulse

Berserker Berserker w Buff User

Mod TT 20px Berserker Fury

Blast Blast w Status Debuff / Buff Target / User

DmgBlastSmall64 Blast proc / DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage resistance from Mod TT 20px Adaptation

Bleeding Key BleedingKeyIcon w Debuff User

Equipping a Bleeding Dragon Key in the Gear slot

Bullet Jump BulletJumpBuff Buff User

Mod TT 20px Proton PulseMod TT 20px Hit And Run

Cold Cold w Status Debuff / Buff Target / User

DmgColdSmall64 Cold proc / DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage resistance from Mod TT 20px Adaptation

Cooldown AbilityDurationBuff Debuff User

TelosBoltace Telos Boltace's Stormpath passive cooldown

Corrosive Corrosive w Status Debuff / Buff Target / User

DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive proc / DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive damage resistance from Mod TT 20px Adaptation/DmgTrueSmall64 True damage resistance from Mod TT 20px Adaptation

Corruption VoidTearIcon w Buff User

Obtaining 10 Reactant in a Void Fissure

Critical Hit Chance CritChanceBuff Buff User

Mod TT 20px Argon ScopeMod TT 20px Blood RushMod TT 20px Cat's EyeMod TT 20px Hydraulic CrosshairsGladiator Mod Set BonusVirtuosShadow Virtuos Shadow

Critical Damage Multiplier CriticalDamageBuff Buff User

Mod TT 20px Bladed RoundsMod TT 20px Sharpened BulletsMod TT 20px Tek CollateralVirtuosStrike Virtuos Strike • Upon getting headshots with Knell KnellTatsu Tatsu's Soul Swarm passive

Damage DamageBuff Buff User

Mod TT 20px Deadly EfficiencyMod TT 20px Proton SnapMod TT 20px Vigorous SwapVirtuosFury Virtuos FuryOctaviaIcon272 Octavia's MetronomeIcon Metronome buff (Forte)

Damage Reduction DamageReductionBuff Buff User

Proton Mod Set bonus

Decaying Key DecayingKeyIcon w Debuff User

Equipping a Decaying Dragon Key in the Gear slot

Elemental Ward ElementalWard130xDark Ability Buff User/Ally

ChromaIcon272 Chroma's ElementalWard130xWhite Elemental Ward ability

Extinguished Key ExtinguishedKeyIcon w Debuff User

Equipping an Extinguished Dragon Key in the Gear slot

Financial Stress TheIndexSigil Debuff User

Picking up Index Points in The Index

Fireball Frenzy Fireball130xDark Ability Buff Ally

EmberIcon272 Ember's Fireball Frenzy augment

Furious Javelin RadialJavelin130xWhite Ability Buff User

ExcaliburIcon272 Excalibur's Mod TT 20px Furious Javelin augment

Fury ChromaFuryBuffBlack Ability Buff User

ChromaIcon272 Chroma's VexArmor130xWhite Vex Armor ability

Gas Gas w Buff User

DmgGasSmall64 Gas damage resistance from Mod TT 20px Adaptation

Health Conversion HealthConversionBuff Buff User

Mod TT 20px Health Conversion

Heat Heat w Status Debuff / Buff Target / User

DmgFireSmall64 Heat proc / DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage resistance from Mod TT 20px Adaptation

Hobbled Key HobbledKeyIcon w Debuff User

Equipping a Hobbled Dragon Key in the Gear slot

Impact Impact w Status Debuff / Buff Target / User

DmgImpactSmall64 Impact proc / DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage resistance from Mod TT 20px Adaptation

Impair Impaired w Status Debuff Target

DmgImpairSmall64 Impair proc (Conclave only)

Inspiration EnergyRegenBuff Passive Buff User/Ally

OctaviaIcon272 Octavia's passive

Invigorated Buff User

Critical hits dealt by Hirudo Hirudo

Ironclad Charge RhinoCharge130xDark Ability Buff User

RhinoIcon272 Rhino's Ironclad Charge augment

Magnetic Magnetic w Status Debuff / Buff Target / User

DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic proc / DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic damage resistance from Mod TT 20px Adaptation

Metamorphosis Metamorphosis130xDark Ability Buff User

EquinoxIcon272 Equinox's Metamorphosis130xWhite Metamorphosis and Mod TT 20px Duality

Movement Speed Buff User

Mod TT 20px Dispatch OverdriveMagusCadence Magus Cadence

Puncture Puncture w Status Debuff / Buff Target / User

DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture proc / DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage resistance from Mod TT 20px Adaptation

Radiation Radiation w Status Debuff / Buff Target / User

DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation proc / DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation damage resistance from Mod TT 20px Adaptation

Range AbilityRangeBuff Buff User

Mod TT 20px Spring-Loaded Blade • Kills with ArcaTitron Arca Titron

Ravenous HealthRegenBuff Buff User/Ally

NidusIcon272 Nidus's Ravenous130xWhite Ravenous ability

Roar Roar130xDark Ability Buff User/Ally

RhinoIcon272 Rhino's Roar130xWhite Roar ability

Rolling Guard Debuff User

Mod TT 20px Rolling Guard cooldown

Scorn VexArmor130xDark Ability Buff User

ChromaIcon272 Chroma's VexArmor130xWhite Vex Armor ability

Shock Trooper Shock130xWhite Ability Buff Ally

VoltIcon272 Volt's Mod TT 20px Shock Trooper augment

Shield of Shadows ShadowsOfTheDead130xDark Ability Buff User

NekrosIcon272 Nekros' Mod TT 20px Shield of Shadows augment

Slash Slash w Status Debuff / Buff Target / User

DmgSlashSmall64 Slash proc / DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage resistance from Mod TT 20px Adaptation

Smoke Shadow SmokeScreen130xDark Ability Buff Ally

AshIcon272 Ash's Mod TT 20px Smoke Shadow augment

Speed Speed130xWhite Ability Buff User/Ally

VoltIcon272 Volt's Speed130xWhite Speed ability

Status Chance StatusChanceBuff Buff User

Mod TT 20px Catalyzer LinkMod TT 20px Embedded CatalyzerMod TT 20px Nano-ApplicatorMod TT 20px Proton JetMod TT 20px Weeping WoundsVirtuosGhost Virtuos Ghost • Damaging enemies with ArcaScisco Arca Scisco

Tau Tau w Buff User

DmgTauSmall64 Tau damage resistance from Mod TT 20px Adaptation

Tenno Affinity External Buff Any Warframe

Nearby squadmates

Electricity Electricity w Status Debuff / Buff Target / User

DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity proc / DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage resistance from Mod TT 20px Adaptation

Toxin Toxin w Status Debuff / Buff Target / User

DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin proc / DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin damage resistance from Mod TT 20px Adaptation

Unairu Wisp FocusUnairuWisp Buff User/Ally

FocusUnairuWisp Unairu Wisp active way

Upsurge External Buff User/Ally TitaniaIcon272 Titania's passive
Viral Viral w Status Debuff / Buff Target / User

DmgViralSmall64 Viral proc / DmgViralSmall64 Viral damage resistance from Mod TT 20px AdaptationMod TT 20px Strain Infection

Unnamed Icons[]

These icons are shared by multiple unrelated buffs and/or debuffs.

Icon Type Target Source(s)/Conditions
Buff User

Mod TT 20px Laser SightMod TT 20px Odomedic

Buff User

Mod TT 20px Energy ConversionMod TT 20px Motus SetupMod TT 20px Narrow Barrel

Buff User

DualToxocyst Dual Toxocyst and Lesion Lesion passives



External links[]
