
The Brilliant Eidolon Shard is a resource needed to unbind way-bound Focus nodes. They can also be converted into 25,000 Focus for any unlocked Focus School.


Eidolon Teralyst will drop one Brilliant Shard while Eidolon Hydrolyst will drop two Brilliant Shards if they are captured with charged Eidolon Lures at the final stage of the fight.

While Eidolon Gantulyst requires Brilliant Shard(s) to summon, the Shard(s) will be reimbursed if they are successfully captured.


  • In order to unbind a way-bound node, the node must be maxed out beforehand, and players must spend 1,000,000 Focus points along with the Brilliant Eidolon Shard to unbind it.
    • Unbinding a way-bound node allows the ability to be used regardless of what Focus school is set as the Primary
  • Brilliant Eidolon Shards can be converted into 25,000 Focus in the Orbiter's Transference Room. To do so, players can go to Focus Conversion to the lower right corner of the screen when viewing an unlocked school's ability tree, then selecting how many Shards they want to redeem.
    • The Focus points provided by converting these does not affect the daily cap, allowing players to continue gaining Focus beyond the daily cap.
  • Necessary in order to summon the Eidolon Gantulyst.