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Bounce, sometimes unofficially referred to as "ricochet" by the community, is a property of Projectiles that allows them to bounce off surfaces for a limited number of types before the projectile lifespan ends.

Unlike true Ricochet, bouncing only happens with projectiles, not with hitscan weapons.


Some projectiles will continue their trajectory even after colliding with level geometry, enemies, or other objects, though they are limited by the number of times they can do so before disappearing. Bouncing projectiles will reflect off surfaces at the same angle of incidence (i.e. the angle at which a projectile moves away from a surface equals the angle at which they enter). Bouncing projectiles will also lose velocity after collisions.

Weapons With Bouncing Projectiles[]

Rifles That Shoot Projectiles That Bounce
Weapon(s) Max Bounces Notes
Latron Latron family's Incarnon Form 6 LatronIncarnonGenesis Latron Incarnon Genesis
Miter Miter Charged and Uncharged 5
MutalistQuanta Mutalist Quanta's Alt-Fire 12
Panthera Panthera Charged and Uncharged 5
PantheraPrime Panthera Prime Charged and Uncharged 3
PrismaTetra Prisma Tetra w/ Mod TT 20px Kinetic Ricochet 6
Quanta Quanta's Alt-Fire 12
QuantaVandal Quanta Vandal's Alt-Fire 12
Scourge Scourge 4294967295[1] Explodes on impact so no actual bounces
ScourgePrime Scourge Prime 4294967295 Explodes on impact so no actual bounces
Sporelacer Sporelacer (Primary) 3
TenetTetra Tenet Tetra w/ Mod TT 20px Kinetic Ricochet 6
Tetra Tetra w/ Mod TT 20px Kinetic Ricochet 6
Trumna Trumna's Alt-Fire 7
Primary Shotguns That Shoot Projectiles That Bounce
Weapon(s) Max Bounces
Drakgoon Drakgoon Uncharged 2
Drakgoon Drakgoon Charged 3
Drakgoon Drakgoon Uncharged w/ Mod TT 20px Fomorian Accelerant 6
Drakgoon Drakgoon Charged w/ Mod TT 20px Fomorian Accelerant 7
KuvaDrakgoon Kuva Drakgoon Uncharged 2
KuvaDrakgoon Kuva Drakgoon Charged 3
KuvaDrakgoon Kuva Drakgoon Uncharged w/ Mod TT 20px Fomorian Accelerant 6
KuvaDrakgoon Kuva Drakgoon Charged w/ Mod TT 20px Fomorian Accelerant 7
TenetArcaPlasmor Tenet Arca Plasmor 4
Secondaries That Shoot Projectiles That Bounce
Weapon(s) Max Bounces
Azima Azima's Alt-Fire 100
Angstrum Angstrum family's Incarnon Form 1 AngstrumIncarnonGenesis Angstrum Incarnon Genesis

Sources of Richocet[]

  1. (n.d.) . NEW BUILD: SCOURGE. Overframe. Accessed 2024-06-04. Archived from the original on 2024-06-04. "MaxBounces": 4294967295 in source HTML of Overframe.